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A GREAT CONSPIRACY OF THE PAPISTS, Againſt the worthy Members of both Houſes of PARLIAMENT.

And alſo againſt the City of London, and generally the whole Kingdome.

Diſcovered by divers wicked and bloody Let­ters, which by Gods providence came to light, and was read in the Houſe of COMMONS the 10. and 11. of January, 1641.

With the Names of thoſe Honourable and Worthy Members in PARLIAMENT.

Whoſe lives they conſpire againſt, and ſeeke to take away.

London, Printed for Iohn Thomas, 1641.

A Letter directed to Mr. Bridg­man, the fourth of Ian. and a Letter in­cloſed in it, to one Maſter Anderton, were this day read, and orde­red to be entred.

To the Worſhipfull, and my much ho­noured friend Orlando Bridgeman Eſquire, and a Bugeſſe of the Parliament, at his Chamber, at the Inner Temple, theſe preſent.


WE are your friends, Theſe are to adviſe you to looke to your ſelfe, and to adviſe others of my Lord of Straffords friends to take heed, leſt they be involved in the com­mon Calamity, our adviſe is, to bee gone, to pretend buſineſſe till the great Hubbub be paſſed, Withdraw, leſt you ſuffer among the Puritans, We intreat you to ſend away this incloſed Letter to Mr. Anderton incloſed,o ſome truſty friend, that it may be car­ried ſafely without ſuſpition, for it concernes the Common ſafety So deſire your friends in Coven Garden, Ian. 4.

To the Worſhipfull, and my much ho­noured friend Mr. Anderton, Theſe preſent.


ALthough many deſigns have bin defeated, yet that of Ireland holds well. And now our laſt Plot workes as hopefully as that of Jreland, we muſt beare with ſomething in the Man, his will is ſtrong enough, as long as he is fed with hopes, the Woman is true to us, and reall, Her Councell about her is very good: J doubt not but to ſend you by the next very joyfull newes, for the preſent, our rich Enemies, Pym, Hampden, Strode, Hollis, and Haſterigg, are blemiſht, chal­lenged for no leſſe then Treaſon: before J write next, we doubt not but to have them in the Tower or their heads from their ſhoulders.

The Solicitor, and Fines, and Earle we muſt ſerve with the ſame ſauce: and in the Houſe of the Lords, Mandevill is touched, but Eſſex, Warwick,ay, Brook, and Paget, muſt follow, or elſe we ſhall not be quiet. Faulkland and Culpepper, are friends to our ſide, at leaſtwiſe they will doe us no hurt. The Proteſtants and Puritans are ſo di­vided, that we need not fear them; the Proteſtants in a greater part, will joyn with us, or••and Neu­ters, while the Puritan is ſuppreſſed, if we can bring them under; the Proteſtant will either fall in with us generally, or elſe, if they do not, they are ſo indifferent, that either by fair, or foul means we ſhall be able to command them.

The miſchievous Londoners, and Apprentices, may doe us ſome hurt for preſent, but we need not much fear them, they do nothing orderly but tu­multuouſly: Therefore we doubt not but to have them under command after one brunt, for our Par­ty is ſtrong in the City, eſpecially Holborne, the new Buildings, and Weſtminſter, we are afraid of nothing, but the Scots appearing againe, but we have made a party there, at the Kings laſt being there, which will hold their hands behind them, while we Act our Parts at home; Let us acquite our ſelves like men, for our Religion & Country, now or never, The Kings heart is Proteſtant, but our friends can perſwade Him, and make him be­leeve any thing, he hates the Puritane party, and is made Irreconcileable to that ſide; ſo that the Sun, the Moon, and Starres, are for us: there are no leſſe then twenty thouſand Miniſters in England, the greater half will in their places, be our friends to avenge the Biſhops diſhonour, Let our friends be incouraged, the worke is more then halfe done.

Your Servant! R. E.

Another Letter ſent to a Papiſt of London.

THe Grand Committee of the Parliament ſitting at Grocers Hall London, about the waighty affaire of the State of the King­dome; There was notice brought vnto them of a Letter directed out of Jreland to a great perſonage of this City a Papiſt, which Letter by accident comming into the hands of a woman, and the houſekeeper of this Papiſt, vpon great ſuſpition of ſome evill Accidents that might thereby happen, cauſed the ſaid Letter to be opened, where­by by the great Providence of God, the ſecrets thereof was diſcloſed. The contents thereof was to this effect.

Worthy Sir,

OUt of the care of your welfare, I make bold to advertiſe you for your good, that you would be pleaſed ſpeedily to convey your ſelfe and Family out of the City, & that you repaire as farre Northward as conveniently you may, for there is a terrible and ſuddaine blow expected to be given ſhortly againſt the City of London, for though I am of opinion the Kings Majeſty be a good Proteſtant in his heart, yet Jam perſwaded that by the perſwa­ſions of the Queens Majeſty, and the advice of the Catholique Lords and other Gentlemen, the wiſhed deſigne may take full effect. The truth of which premiſſes was delivered to the Court of Aldermen and Common Councell of the City of London, from the Committee.

The Copy of a Letter ſent by Mr. Hearne, one of the laſt convicted and condemned Jeſuites, vnto one Mr. Napper a Catholick, and now an Inhabitant in Hollowell in Oxford, Ian. 7. 1641.


LEt not our preſent danger deterre or affright you from the conſtancy in your profeſſion, let the goodneſſe and Juſtice of your cauſe encourage you, and prevaile over the preſent danger, we think it but our duty to ſuffer for the Law and dignity of our Religion, & it is our credit that we are thought worthy to be ſubjects of this preſent perſecution, The benefit J could not performe to the Church of Rome in my life-time, I ſhall be glad to finiſh with the Seale of my blood, I am provided for the preſent hazard, and expect nothing but preſent de­ſtruction, let not your Prayers be wanting for our eternall welfare, interceed for us, that we may ob­taine the merited reward of our labours, bee you conſtant in the faith, and not diſmay with the pre­ſent troubles of the times, for you ſhall ſhortly ſee an iſſue oall theſe things, and we hope ſhort­ly that the diſtractions and diſtempers of the King and Parliament, with the feares and inſurrections of the City of London, and generally over all the Kingdome will worke for our good, and bringPeriod to the cruell Tyrannies which the Here­tiques of this Kingdome inflict upon us, and the Sunne which now ſeemes ſet, will ariſe againe, that we ſhall ſee glorious dayes, your conſtancy and perſeverance cannot want its reward, J muſt be ſhort, and take my leave, for J have much to doe, Farewell.

Your conſtant friend and welwiſher. J. Hearne.

About this transcription

TextA great conspiracy of the papists, against the worthy members of both Houses of Parliament. And also against the City of London, and generally the whole kingdome. Discovered by divers wicked and bloody letters, which by Gods providence came to light, and was read in the House of Commons the 10. and 11. of January, 1641. With the names of those honourable and worthy members in Parliament. Whose lives they conspire against, and seeke to take away.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85586)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156333)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 23:E131[14])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA great conspiracy of the papists, against the worthy members of both Houses of Parliament. And also against the City of London, and generally the whole kingdome. Discovered by divers wicked and bloody letters, which by Gods providence came to light, and was read in the House of Commons the 10. and 11. of January, 1641. With the names of those honourable and worthy members in Parliament. Whose lives they conspire against, and seeke to take away. [8] p. Printed for Iohn Thomas,London :1641. [i.e. 1642]. (Thomason copy is bound with items from 1642.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Conspiracies -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • London (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2013-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A85586
  • STC Wing G1681
  • STC Thomason E131_14
  • STC ESTC R22945
  • EEBO-CITATION 99871869
  • PROQUEST 99871869
  • VID 156333

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