1Nauticum Astrologicum. OR, THE Aſtrological Sea-Man, &c.
AMong all the parts of Aſtrology, (ſince the Noble and moſt Uſeful Art of Navigation hath been ſo Eminently improved) there is none to be found more particularly neceſſary and profitable, for the adventurous Merchants and Seamen, (whom I aim in this Diſcourſe principally to aſſiſt and ſerve) than that of Elections.
In great Undertakings, (and what of Mundane Affairs, ſetting Government aſide, ſo great as Merchandize?) great Care and Caution is to be uſed. Sober and Steady Men, and ſuch as can pretend any fair Claim or Title to Reaſon, ſhould not (methinks) ſuppoſe, that the wiſeſt of Mortals, was either miſtaken, or in a Rhetorical Dream or Delirium, when he aſſerted, (and beſides too, it is a part of Sacred Writ.) There is a time for all Things. Nor ought we to think, that all the Sages of antient times ſtood in need of Hellebore, when they tranſmitted, as Truth to Poſterity, and fit for them to mind, That, Beginnings are deemed Ominous. And, ad limen offendere, or In portu impingere: For a Man to trip at the Threſhold, when going out of door, or, a Ship to ſtrike on the Bar, or run on Ground, when ſetting to Sea, have ever been look'd on as bad Signs. And,
2Rarus principii eſt exitus bonus mali.
A bad Beginning ſeldom comes to a good End. And, as an Axiom in the Canon-Law, it is obſerved — Principio quae ſunt-inchoata malo, vix eſt ut bono peragantur exitu, (1.) Thoſe things that are ill begun, ſcarce ever end well. Nay, the Great Philoſopher poſſitively avers (〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, &c.) It to be impoſſible, but that which is faulty at the firſt, ſhould prove ill at the laſt. And the Grave and Incomparable Seneca therefore, from Bio the antient Greek, determines the point — Let every Man ſet it down for a Rule, and know it for an undoubted truth, which Bio ſometimes ſaid, Omnia hominum negotia ſimilia initiis eſſe; That all the Affairs of Men, will prove either good or bad, according to their Beginnings.
Neither, yet, ſhould the true born Chriſtian, or worthy Philoſopher, think lightly or meanly of our bleſſed Lord and Saviours — Nonne duodecim ſunt hora diei? in anſwer to the timorous doubts of fome of his Diſciples: it being impoſſible for him, who was the Lord of all Truth, to breath any thing but Truth to the then unbelieving World. Let me be then excuſed, or not cenſured at leaſt, that I aſſume herefrom — If a time be to be obſerved in, or for all things, it muſt be ſo obſerved, either to humane Advantage, or Loſs. If the former, it is naturally neceſſary to be known, that it may be the more happily improved and made uſe of. If the latter, 'tis alſo convenient to be underſtood, that it may the better be ſhunned and avoided, or at the leaſt mitigated.
Our ignorance of Times and Seaſons, may, (and often doth) plunge us into manifold, and ſometimes Fatal Errors and Dangers, in the Management of our greateſt Affairs or Concerns; whereas a right Underſtanding or Knowledge of them, is profitable, and may prevent the3 greateſt Damage or Prejudice, that our Neſcience can any way expoſe us unto; And, (favente Deo) may make Engliſh-men as Honourable and Fortunate as the Men of Iſſachar, of whom Divine Writ gives this Grave and True Teſtimony — That they had Ʋnderſtanding of the Times, to know what Iſrael ought to do. 1 Chron. c. 12. v. 32.
But paſſing all prefatory Arguments or Apologies, as being no way deſirous to entertain my Reader only with words or Rhetorical Flouriſhes, but, on the contrary, to befriend him with ſomething of Experimental Aſtrology, which is not novel, in reſpect of Caeleſtial Order and Energy, although it may probably appear at firſt ſomewhat New and Uncouth unto him, — I will forbear all further Preamble, and propound unto him the Method I intend to purſue in this Treatiſe, which I have adventured (for what Reaſons, will appear in the Sequel hereof) to Entitle The ASTROLOGICAL SEA-MAN. And it ſhall be thus.
1. A Brief System to the Introductory part of Astrology; the better to invite my Reader to the right underſtanding of the following (or any other Aſtrological) Diſcourſe. For all Arts are as well buried, as preſerved, in their own Terms; and no Man can underſtand any Science, that is ignorant in the Terms thereof.
2. I ſhall briefly Treat of the Nature and Uſe of Elections in an Aſtrological Sence: and of the difference between an Election, Nativity, or Queſtion. Such Diſtinctions being neceſſary to be known, but ſcarce at all underſtood by our vulgar Engliſh Aſtrologers, who practice certainly, at a very ſtrange rate for Truth, by reaſon of their ignorance herein.
3. The Third part ſhall conſiſt of Rules or Aphoriſms, proper for the right underſtanding of the Succeſs or Miſfortune of any Ship at Sea, relating to the beginning of its Voyage; Time of its firſt Launching; or, upon an Horary Queſtion of ſuch Ship or Veſſel, the beginning4 of whoſe Voyage is not known; ſo far (I mean) as is [yet] diſcernable by the power of ſecond Cauſes. For ſurely, there is a Plus ultra in all Arts and Sciences, and, in reſpect of Men, (I need not pretend to Prophecy, but be bold to aſſert) there ever will be, even till Time ſhall be no more.
4. The truth of this Doctrine Illuſtrated, and made good by ſundry famous Instances and Examples; together, with the Nativities of many of his Majeſties Ships-Royal; the times of whoſe Launching, &c. were taken with curious Care and Exactneſs; ſome of them by Perſons of Honour and of great Skill in theſe Matters: Others of them, by Perſons of Ingenuity only; and ſo kindly Communicated to me, by the Original Obſervers. And this Method purſued as here propounded, will bring me to the Concluſion of my preſent purpoſed deſign; where I intend (unleſs by ſome occaſional accident prevented) until the perfect Birth of my long expected, and often promiſed, BODY of ASTROLOGY, to take leave of my Courteous Reader.
5CHAP. I. Containing a Brief Syſtem to the Introductory Part of ASTROLOGY, aſſiſting my Reader in the better Ʋnderstanding of the following Diſcourſe, &c.
The Definition of ASTROLOGY.
ASTROLOGY is an Art which teacheth us to underſtand the Motions, Natures, and Influences of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, as well Fixed as Erratick, and how we ſhould apply the ſignifications of ſuch Inſluences unto all humane perſons and actions, that are (favente Deo) by God's permiſſion Governed, brought forth, or begun under them, as Secondary Cauſes of ſuch Gubernation, Production, or Original. And, as it teacheth theſe differences, in, of, and over Perſons, Things, or Actions, ſo it hath the Sun, Moon, Stars and Heavens for its Subjects or Principles; and theſe viſible to be ſeen by any induſtrious, willing, or knowing Eye. I cannot here ſtand to tell you how they come to expreſs their Natures or Influences in, or upon, Perſons or Actions, &c. 'tis too large a Diſcourſe to enter upon in this place. Nor is it the deſign of this Treatiſe to explain ſuch Arcana of Nature; it will better befit our intended BODY of ASTROLOGY, than a ſhort or brief Syſtem thereof, which is only to inſtruct our ASTROLOGICAL SEA-MAN. To proceed then,
The Stars (the Subjects or Principles of this Art) are divided into Fixed and Erratique. The Fixed Stars are thoſe which be placed in the Eighth Sphere; and yet; are not void of Motion, but are termed Fixed,**Fixed Stars. why ſo called? in reſpect of the ſlowneſs of their Motion, which is not much above a Degree in an hundred6 years; as alſo, in regard of the ſwift and Anomalous Motions of the Erratique Stars. They are commonly known to Aſtrologers, to be 1022 in number; of their Natures, Magnitude, Places in the Heavens, &c. you may be very fully informed in a Book of them, Entiled, Hartgils Tables reduced to this our Age.
The Erratique Stars.
The Erratique or Wandering Stars are the Seven Planets; and are ſo called, by reaſon of their being found to move differently in, and about the Zodiacal Circle, according as their Latitudes are found to be, more, or leſs, North or South, of the ſame. And they, together with the North and South Nodes of the Moon, are thus called and character'd.
The Planets Names.
- ☉. The Sun.
- ♄. Saturn.
- ♃. Jupiter.
- ♂. Mars.
- ♀. Venus.
- ☿. Mercury.
- ☽. Luna.
- ☊. Dragons Head.
- ☋. Dragons Tail.
- ⊕. Part of Fortune.
The Natures and Influences of the Planets are thus known and distinguiſhed, according to Antient Obſervation of Aſtrologers, in Conjunction with our quotidian Experience of them.
The Planets Natures, &c.
♄. Saturn, is cold and dry, Melancholly, Diurnal, Unfortunate.
♃. Jupiter, is hot and moiſt, Sanguine, Diurnal, Fortunate.
♂. Mars, is hot and dry, Chollerick, Diurnal, Unfortunate.
7☉. The Sun, is hot and dry, Temperate, Diurnal, Fortunate.
♀. Venus, is cold and moiſt, Phlegmatique, Nocturnal, Fortunate.
☿. Mercury, is convertible in Nature, and either Fortunate, or Unfortunate as he is configurated with either good or bad Stars.
☽. Luna, is cold and moiſt, Phlegmatique, Nocturnal, Fortunate, per ſe, and always, unleſs oppreſſed of ♄. or ♂. or void of Courſe, or Combuſt.
☊. Dragons Head, is always reputed Fortunate, like Jupiter or Venus.
☋. Dragons Tail, is ever held Unfortunate, like Saturn or Mars.
The Diviſion of Heaven in Twelve Parts, or Signs.
The Heavens are by Aſtrologers (for their better accommodation in their Obſervations of thoſe Glorious Creatures the Stars) divided into Twelve equal parts or portions, which for diſtinctions ſake, and for the better imprinting them in their Memories, they have called Signs, (and not improperly, as their Enemies unequally ſuggeſt, becauſe they do truly and really Signifie, which is the Nature and Purport of a Sign ſo to do; as I ſhall, I hope, elſewhere diſcourſe more at large) and aſſimilated them to ſeveral Creatures here on Earth, whoſe Natures (poſſibly) as well as Names. they are known to bear. And they are Called and Charactered thus.
The Signs of the Zodiack.
- Northern Signs.
- ♈. Aries.
- ♉. Taurus.
- ♊. Gemini.
- ♋. Cancer.
- ♌. Leo.
- ♍. Virgo.
- Southern Signs.
- ♎. Libra.
- ♏. Scorpio.
- ♐. Sagitary.
- ♑. Capricorn.
- ♒. Aquarius.
- ♓. Piſces.
8Now, the beforeſaid ſeaven Planets or wandering Stars, are, not only obſerved to be conſtantly moving in this Zodiacal Circle, but are alſo found to be there either well or ill poſited or ſcituated, according to ſome certain known Dignities or Debilities they happen to receive therein; or, as they ſhall fortune to be in Conjunction, or in good or bad aſpects of one another. The Order of Nature excludes Chance, and proves a DeityFor we are not to believe that the Beams of Light or Influence are directed by Chance, but by a ſupream Reaſon deſigned in ſuch a Line Mathematical, to ſuch and ſuch particular purpoſes; as is moſt happily demonſtrated by Sir Ch. Heydon. Otherwiſe, we ſhould not only accuſe Nature for want of skill in Proportions, but open a direct Gap to the Atheiſt, who is already too much apt to believe too cheaply of a Deity; and would, no doubt, be glad to imbibe ſuch a Principle (as beſt pleaſing to his Appetite) That all things come by Chance, and that there is neither Method nor Order in the Influences of Heaven: but that they are a ſort of confuſed Contingencies, that thereon depend, brought to paſs by the Energy of a meer Huddle of Attoms: and conſequently, that the Planets which Aſtrologers term good, may inſtil bad Influences, and the Planets they call bad, good ones; and that Trines and Sextiles may as well ſhower down Injuries as Kindneſſes, &c. and produce Miſchievous Natures, as well as Mild ones, in the World; all which to aſſure you, is, as well againſt the Sovereignty of a Deity, as againſt the Truth of Aſtrology: I will here but only tell you, that the very daily Motion and Alteration of the Weather doth manifeſt it to be falſe; and ſurely then much more doth the divers Natures and Diſpoſitions of Men, moſt conſtantly refute ſo great an Error. Differences of men, and why?Let but any Antagoniſt to Aſtrology ſhew me a Perſon that hath a Square, Conjunction, or Oppoſition of Saturn, Mars, or Mercury in the Angles9 of his Geneſis, and I will ſhew him a Lyar, and an unquiet Perſon, by his natural inclination, unleſs good Education help to prevent. On the contrary, let him produce me a Perſon born under a Trine of Jupiter, Venus, Sol, Mercury, &c. from good parts of Heaven, and I'll acquaint him with a Perſon fit to be confided in, and one that is naturally of juſt Principles. But I digreſs.
Of the Five Aſpects.
Of Aſpects, there be five in number, which are by Astrologers principally obſerved for the conveying Coeleſtial or Planetary Influences unto each Phyſical body in the Ʋniverſe, by which they are (as Experience conſtantly teſtifies) either happily affected, or unhappily afflicted; and this is even viſible and manifeſt in inanimate Bodies, as well as animate. Their Characters and Names are thus.
1. ☌. Conjunction, though improperly called an Aſpect, is when two Planets are found in one and the ſame Sign, Degree, &c.
2. ⚹. Sextile, is when Planets are two Signs diſtant, which is ſixty Degrees, or the ſixth part of the Zodiack, and therefore ſo called.
3. □. Quadrate, is when Planets are three Signs diſtant, which is ninety Degrees, or the fourth part of the Zodiack, and from that ſo called.
4. △. Trine, is when Planets are four Signs diſtant, or one hundred and twenty Degrees, which is the third part of the Zodiack, and therefore ſo termed.
5. ☍. Oppoſition, is when Planets are diſtant ſix Signs, or one hundred and eighty Degrees, which is one half of the Zodiack, the whole Cirle conſiſting of three hundred and ſixty Degrees.
The Nature of the Aſpects.
The Natures of theſe Aſpects or Beams, are Eminently found to differ in tranſmitting the Planetary Influxes to all things on this Terreſtial Globe; and to be brief, becauſe10 I intend no large introduction here, they are thus by Aſtrologers noted and underſtood.
A Conjunction, is either good or bad, according to the Nature of the Planets conjoyn'd. If it be of Jupiter or Venus, which are good Planets, it is good. As unition of Roſes, begets the greater Redolence. Et contra.
A Sextile, is an Aſpect of Friendſhip, but imperfectly ſuch, as being but half a Trine; and is found experimentally to enforce the Influences of the good Planets, and abate the vigor of the Malefiques.
A Quadrate, is a Ray of imperfect Enmity, being half the Oppoſition; and irritates the Influences of bad Planets, and retards the Energy of the good Ones; unleſs other aſſiſtances appear, which very frequently do.
A Trine, is a moſt perfect Beam of Happineſs, and denotes true Concord, Amity, and Friendſhip. It is a Ray ſo powerful, that not only the good Stars diffuſe their Influences moſt forcibly upon Perſons or things, &c. but even the bad ones diſtil good Atoms thereby: as a Miſer, by the Tongue of a powerful Orator, is compelled to Club towards a general Charity.
An Oppoſition, is the very worſt of Aſpects, and declares abſolute Enmity and Diſcord, and ſeldom is any good performed by this Beam, unleſs conſequentially, as Peace is ſaid to be the Effect of War.
Signs Movable, Common, Fixed.
Some Signs are obſerved to be Movable, others Common or double bodied, and others Fixed. and they are thus termed for ſeveral reaſons; ſome of which I will here ſet down. When the Sun or Planets are in Movable Signs, the Air is ever obſerved to be more apt to Change and Vary, than in other Signs. When in thoſe called Common Signs, the Weather is neither very fixed, nor yet much ſubject to Mutation, but partakes of a middle quality between both. When in a fixed Sign, the11 Weather is generally fixed, and, unleſs ſome Apertio Portarum happen, tis rare to find an alteration therein.
And, hence it is, the Sun in Leo, generally brings along with it, parching hot Air; and in Aries, dry, but lofty Winds; in Piſces, much moiſture, &c. they are thus known and obſerved of Aſtrologers.
- ♈. ♋. ♎. ♑. are Movable, Cardinal Signs.
- ♉. ♌. ♏. ♒. are Fixed, Conſtant Signs.
- ♊. ♍. ♐. ♓. are Common or By-corporeal Signs.
Triplicities of the Planets and Signs.
Then are theſe Signs obſerved to make up four Triplicities or Trigons agreeable to the four Ariſtotelean Elements; which are not ſo ſoon baniſhed the Schools, as talked againſt; ſyth even ſome Eminently Learned in Chymiſtry, begin to think as worthily of them, as of the Chymiſts three Principles. And poſſibly, this Ages baiting of Ariſtotles, and the Peripatetical Doctrine, will prove, in the room of an Erradication, an Eſtabliſhment thereof: and thoſe Antient Truths he firſt diſcovered, may come to be embraced again. Nay, what if it ſhould appear at length, that every thing that hath been ſaid againſt him, that looks like a Truth, is no more, or other, than what himſelf hath long ſince avowed; ſaving that it may have been expreſs'd in other words? But I am not here to enter upon Controverſies, therefore to my Purpoſe.
- ♈. ♌. ♐. are Signs of the Fiery, Triplicity.
- ♉. ♍. ♑. are Signs of the Earthy, Triplicity.
- ♊. ♎. ♒. are Signs of the Airy, Triplicity.
- ♋. ♏. ♓. are Signs of the Watery, Triplicity.
And theſe Triplicities have ſeveral Planetary Governours, or Rulers; as the Sun and Jupiter Rule the Fiery. Venus and Luna, the Earthy. Saturn and Mercury, the12 Airy. Mars, the Watery Trigon. In my intended Body of Aſtrology, I ſhall give you a Reaſon hereof.
Some Signs are again termed Maſculine, Diurnal, &c. others Feminine and Nocturnal, by Aſtrologers. — as,
- ♈. ♊. ♌. ♎. ♐. ♒. are Signs Maſculine, Diurnal.
- ♉. ♋. ♍. ♏. ♑. ♓. are Signs Feminine, Nocturnal.
And tell me honeſt Reader, have you not ſeen, not only different Sexes in the World; but even in the ſame Sex, at ſome times, a Vigour, or Weakneſs, remarkable viz. An Effeminate Man, and a Maſculine Woman, a Virago, &c. Beſides theſe, and fundry other Diviſions, and ſub-Diviſions of the Signs (too many for me here to enumerate, and therefore I ſhall refer my, Reader for them to my Doctrine of Nativities already abroad in the World; or, unto my Body of Aſtrology, when it comes into the World,Dignities and Debilities of the Planets. wherein I have treated of them at large.) I may not here omit to acquaint you, that the Planets are found to receive Dignities and Debilities, to ſuffer, and raign in ſome particular parts of the Zodiack, more than in others. — So ♄. receives the Dignity of Houſe in ♑. and ♒. and his Exaltation in ♎. the meaning whereof is this, Aſtrologically, viz. If ♄. be Significator of the Weather, and in ♑. ♒. or ♎. he makes it more Cold and Piercing, &c. than when in any other Sign. If he be ſignificator of a Perſon in a Nativity, and ſo poſited, he declares him to be more Saturnine, viz. more Prudent,'Tis of the Nature of Sacurn to be Scrious, Suſpicious. &c. Grave, Envious, Timorous, Suſpicious, Jealous, Reſerved, Thoughtful, Plotting, &c. and ſo of all the reſt.
But becauſe the Table of Dignities, &c. according to Ptolemy, doth more readily expreſs them to the Eye, I ſhall here inſert the ſame, for the uſe and conveniency of every Reader.
A Table of the Eſſential Dignities of the PLANETS, according to Ptolemy. Signes. | Houſes of the Planers. | Exaltation. | Triplicity of the Plan. | The Terms of the Planers. | The Faces of the Planets. | Detriment. Fall. |
Di. | No. |
♈ | ♂ | D | ☉ | 19 | ☉ | ♃ | ♃ | 6 | ♀ | 14 | ☿ | 21 | ♂ | 26 | ♄ | 30 | ♂ | 10 | ☉ | 20 | ♀ | 30 | ♀ | ♄ |
♉ | ♀ | N | ☽ | 3 | ♀ | ☽ | ♀ | 8 | ♀ | 15 | ♃ | 22 | ♄ | 26 | ♂ | 30 | ♀ | 10 | ☽ | 20 | ♄ | 30 | ♂ | |
♊ | ☿ | D | ☊ | 3 | ♄ | ♀ | ♀ | 7 | ♃ | 14 | ♀ | 21 | ♄ | 25 | ♂ | 30 | ♃ | 10 | ♂ | 20 | ☉ | 30 | ♃ | |
♋ | ☽ | N D | ♃ | 15 | ♂ | ♂ | ♂ | 6 | ♃ | 13 | ☿ | 20 | ♀ | 27 | ♄ | 30 | ♀ | 10 | ☿ | 20 | ☽ | 30 | ♄ | ♂ |
♌ | ☉ | N D | | | ☉ | ♃ | ♄ | 6 | ☿ | 13 | ♀ | 19 | ♃ | 25 | ♂ | 30 | ♄ | 10 | ♃ | 20 | ♂ | 30 | ♄ | |
♍ | ☿ | N | ☿ | 15 | ♀ | ☽ | ♀ | 7 | ♀ | 13 | ♃ | 18 | ♄ | 24 | ♂ | 30 | ☉ | 10 | ♀ | 20 | ☿ | 30 | ♃ | ♀ |
♎ | ♀ | D | ♄ | 21 | ♄ | ☿ | ♄ | 6 | ♀ | 11 | ♃ | 19 | ☿ | 24 | ♂ | 30 | ☽ | 10 | ♄ | 20 | ♃ | 30 | ♂ | ☉ |
♏ | ♂ | N | | | ♂ | ♂ | ♂ | 6 | ♃ | 14 | ♀ | 21 | ☿ | 27 | ♄ | 30 | ♂ | 10 | ☉ | 20 | ☿ | 30 | ♀ | ☽ |
♐ | ♃ | D | ☋ | 3 | ☉ | ♃ | ♃ | 8 | ♀ | 14 | ☿ | 19 | ♄ | 25 | ♂ | 30 | ♀ | 10 | ☽ | 20 | ♄ | 30 | ♀ | |
♑ | ♄ | N | ♂ | 28 | ♀ | ☽ | ♀ | 6 | ☿ | 12 | ♃ | 19 | ♂ | 25 | ♄ | 30 | ♃ | 10 | ♂ | 20 | ☉ | 30 | ☽ | ♃ |
♒ | ♄ | D | | | ♄ | • | ♄ | 6 | ☿ | 12 | ♀ | 20 | ♃ | 25 | ♂ | 30 | ♀ | 10 | ☿ | 20 | ☽ | 30 | ☉ | |
♓ | ♃ | N | ♀ | 27 | ♂ | ♂ | ♀ | 8 | ♃ | 14 | ☿ | 20 | ♂ | 26 | ♄ | 30 | ♄ | 10 | ♃ | 20 | ♂ | 30 | ☿ | ♀ |
| 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | | 5 | 4 |
This Table is very eaſily underſtood, being explained even by the Title over each Collum thereof; but leaſt it ſhould to any prove difficult, I will briefly unfold it. Under the Signs in the firſt Collum, you find ♈. and under the Houſes of the Planets, in the ſecond Collum, you find ♂. D and under Exaltation, in the third Collum, you find ☉. 19 and under Triplicities in the fourth Coll. you find ☉. ♃. all which tell you, that ♈. is the Day.14 houſe of ♂. and Exaltation of the ☉. and Triplicity of the ☉. and ♃. ∽ Then under the Terms of the Planets, againſt ♈. you find ♃. 6 ♀. 14 ☿. 21, &c. which tells you, that ♃. governs the firſt 6 Degrees of ♈. by his term, ♀. hath her term from 6 to 14. ☿ hath his term from 14 to 21 Degrees, and ſo of the reſt. And under the Faces of the Planets, againſt ♈. ſtill, you will find ♂. 10 ☉. 20 ♀. 30. which acquaints you that ♂. hath his Face or Decanate in the firſt 10 Degrees of ♈. the ☉. hath his Face in the ſecond 10 Degrees of ♈. and ♀. hath her Face in the laſt 10 Degrees of ♈. do ſo in all the reſt.
Under the Titles Detriment and Fall, you have the Detriments and Falls of the Planets expreſſed; as againſt ♈.Detriment oppoſite to houſe, and fall oppoſite to Exaltation. under Detriment, you find ♀. and under Fall, ♄. which tells you, that ♀. hath her Detriment in ♈. and ♄. there receives his Fall, where Note, that a Planets Detriment is always oppoſite to his Houſe; and his Fall oppoſite to his Exaltation.
And whereas you will find Figures at the Foot of the Table, under their reſpective Collums, it is to explain the Number of Dignities they receive by being in ſuch parts of the Heavens, and the Debilities they ſuffer, by being in Oppoſition to ſome of them. — As a Planet being in his own Houſe, receives five Dignities; by being in his Exaltation, four Dignities; by being in his Triplicity, three Dignities; by being in his Term, two Dignities; by being in his Face, one Dignity. So, by being in his Detriment, he ſuffers five Debilities; by being in his Fall, he ſuffers four Debilities. This Table needeth no further, or other Explanation.
I ſhould now have proceeded here, and ſhewn you how to ſet a Figure of Heaven, and annexed thereunto all the principal terms of Art; but not deſigning any exact Introduction to the Science of the Stars in this place, as before I informed you, I ſhall here omit that, and refer15 you to my Doctrine of Nativities, where I have treated threof at large. Only remember further here, if you pleaſe, that as the Zodiacal Circle is divided into twelve equal Parts or Signs; ſo the whole Heavens are divided into twelve equal Angles or Houſes. All things relating to humane Life, referred to the heavens.And, unto theſe twelve Angles, are referred by Aſtrologers, all matters or things relating to Humane Life; as is aptly expreſſed in this Dyſtichon.
Vita, | Lucrum, | Fratres, | Genitor, | Nati, | Valetudo, | Ʋxor, | Mors, | Pietas, | Regnum, | Benefactaque | Carcer. |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 12. |
Which I have elſewhere thus Engliſhed.
Firſt Houſe notes Life. The Second, Wealth doth give.
The Third, how Brethren. Fourth, how Parents live.
Iſſue, the Fifth. The Sixth, Diſeaſes bring.
The Seventh, Wedlock. And the Eighth, Death's ſting.
The Ninth, Religion. The Tenth, Honour ſhews.
Friendſhip, the Eleventh. And the Twelfth, our Woes.
Of theſe Angles or Houſes, ſome are termed Angular, others ſuccedent, and cadent; all which together with their ſeveral ſignifications, is readily expreſſed in the following Figure.
[NOMINA ET SIGNIFICATA DOMORUM. See Morine's Demonſtration of this Coeleſtial Diviſion into 12 parts, in Aſtrol. Gallica; or as he is excellently Tranſlated into English, by the Learned Capt. George Wharton: astrological chart
And, having brought my Reader thus far, by way of Introduction, to acquaint him with the firſt Rudiments of Aſtrology, that he may be the better enabled (by this Chapter) to underſtand what follows. I ſhall (by Divine permiſſion) proceed unto. —
17CHAP. II. Which Treats of the Nature and Ʋſe of Elections, in an Aſtrological Sence; and, of the difference between an Election, Nativity, and Queſtion.
Of an Election and its uſe Aſtrologically.
PAſſing by the nice Grammatical conſtruction, and various uſes of the words, Electio, and〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉; with the many curious Definitions, and Derivations, that the Ingenious Critiques in both Tongues afford us thereon: It ſhall ſuffice me here to inform you, — That an Election, in an Aſtrological Sence, is the ſerious and exact Choiſe of a Genuine and Proper time, wherein we may (by God's aſſiſtance) according to the Energy and Influence of ſecond Cauſes, begin, or attempt, any matter or buſineſs of eminent weight and conſideration, proſperouſly and to good effect. Or, more conciſely, it is the chuſing of a good and favourable Poſition of Heaven, and the ſhunning of a bad one, in our commencement of any eminent or weighty Affair, relating to humane Life.
And this Election, or Choice, may be made three manner of ways, according to the Opinions of Aſtrologers, for the favouring of any undertaking. But, becauſe I reſolve not to tranſgreſs my Original intention, which is, not to treat of Elections at large, but only of that part thereof, in this place, which relates to the benefit of the Worthy and Adventurous Merchant and Sea-man; (although I muſt tell you, that an ingenious Reader may, by varying what he reads, make this Diſcourſe ſerviceable and uſeful unto him, in all manner of Elections whatſoever.) I ſhall here propound theſe three ſeveral ways,18 by which an auſpicious Election (ſub Deo) may be made, and an inauſpicious one avoided.
First way of making an Election.
The firſt (and indeed the chief) way, of making or framing an Election, is, from the Geneſis or Nativity of the Perſon or thing, for whom it is deſigned to be ſeviceable, in caſe that can be but truly known and obtained. And this is the beſt and moſt rational way of making or framing an Election, and ſo approved of by the beſt and learned of Aſtrological Writers; becauſe here is a ſecure ground or foundation for the Artiſt to build on: It being a moſt certain, ſplendid, and ruled truth — That all Progreſſes and Ends of Things, are Analogous or ſuitable to their beginnings. And there can be no beginning ſo abſolute and perfect, and, in all reſpects, ſo fit to be rely'd on, in theſe matters, as a Radix or Nativity truly known and proved.
To illuſtrate this way of making an Election, it is convenient, that I deſcend to a practical Inſtance.
Know then, that if thou wouldeſt Elect a time favourable from the Nativity or Birth of any thing, for thy purpoſe, thou muſt then make the Figure of Heaven, for thy Election, agreeable thereunto, by framing it in Sextile or Triue unto that; or by making the places of the Fortunate Stars, viz. ♃. ♀. ☉. or ☽. or their Trine and Sextile, places therein, the Aſcendant or Mid-Heaven, or the Sun, or Moons, or Part of Fortune's places, in thy Election, ever being careful to avoid the places of Saturn, Mars, or the Dragons Tail in the Radix, or their Oppoſite or Quadrantal places, as dangerous for either your Horoſcope, Medium Coeli, Sun, or Moon, &c. in your Election, and then leave the Iſſue to providence.
And, here by the way, let not the ingenious Reader miſtake me, or think that I aſſert a Reminiſcency in the Stars, as in Animate or Reaſonable Creatures; or that19 I believe the Planets to wear Socks,Dr. Henry More, in his Myſtery of Godlineſs. either perfum'd or of an ill ſcent, as a late Learned Author is pleaſed, in the room of better matter, to caſt ſcoffingly upon Aſtrologers. I only aſſert a Harmony and Similitude in the Sphears of Heaven, and in the Motions of the Planets; together with an Energy by their Motion, to ſtimulate Influences, kind, or unkind, in reſpect of us poor Mortals. And although the Stars ſhould have no knowledge of the places they were in at a Nativity, that they ſhould be preſumed to remember what they did there, or what Influences they irritated and emitted the laſt time they paſſed their Radical places; yet, certainly, the God of Stars knew well enough, that he had Created them, and appointed them alſo, to act and do his pleaſure (as we muſt acknowledge they are always performing) when they come there: And that is by aſſuring us, they have in themſelves a known and unalterable Influence in one and the ſame part of Heaven always; and this as certain as in a Clocks ſtriking, when the hours it directs to, are accompliſhed.
Thus the Sun when he comes to riſe Coſmically with the Stars of the Eagle, always produceth Rain and Winds. So alſo,Tranſits very Powerful in every reſpect. with Vergiliae, or Seven Stars. And, the like alſo, when he comes to their oppoſite places. After this manner, when he riſeth with the Dog-Star (although ſome think that Canis non Mordet in Anglia) have we a hot and parching Air, and an intemperate Seaſon. Cum multis aliis, &c. And, thus alſo ♄. or ♂. paſſing the Aſcendant ☉. or ☽. in any ones Nativity, (chiefly, if they oppreſſed them, or any of them in the Radix thereof) irritates Choller, or increaſeth Melancholly; whereas, ♃. ☉. and ♀. paſſing the ſame places, exite a Generous, Pleaſant, Free and Cheerful humour. And of the truth hereof, can I produce abundant Teſtimonies. Nay any Man, that hath20 but his Nativity by him, may eaſily prove the truth hereof in himſelf, and that frequently.
Let but the Antagoniſt be ſo ingenious as to obſerve a little theſe matters, and then Character me for an Impoſtor, and a broacher of Fables to delude the World with, in the room of Truth to inform it, if he do not find theſe things true. But to our Election again.
I ſhall give an Example in the Nativity of a Ship, and an Election from it to confirm the Method or Rule foregoing.
[A SHIP firſt Launched after Her being Built.: astrological chart
IN an Astrological ſence, the firſt Launching of a Ship to try its ability in the Water, in which Element it is to live, and ſhew its Force and Activity, and to undergo its Fortune, is its true Nativity, Radix, or Birthhour, &c.
21Howbeit, although its General Fate, be written in the particular Poſition of Heaven; yet, we find that is apt to be either augmented or diminiſhed, by a careful heeding, or a non-obſervance, of ſuch Times, wherein it is to be Re-launched, or, when it ſhall weigh Anchor, in order to ſome particular Service or Action for the future. Now, we know a Ship can be Launched but once, in regard of its Nativity, and in relation to its General Fate: but, it may be Re-launched forty times, in reſpect of its Particular Fate; which is terminated in every Voyage or Action, for which ſhe happens to be thus particularly fitted.
Therefore, to Elect a time favourable for this Ship to begin any Eminent Action, from its Nativity, is to obſerve the ſame, and the places of the good Planets therein; (as before you were taught) and let the Figure of the Election, as near as you can, be under either ♐. ♈. ♊. ♎. Horoſcopical: they being the Trine and Sextile places of the Figure. Or elſe, let it be the ſame with the Nativity it ſelf. But, if neither of theſe can be obtained, (as ſometimes it may ſo fall out) then take the places of the Fortunate Stars, or of the Sun or Moon, for the Horoſcope; ever obſerving, to poſite the Moon well, and in good Configuration with the principal Significators; which always are, the Lords of the Aſcendant and Ninth Houſes, and the diſpoſiters of the Moon and Part of Fortune. Now, in this Nativity foregoing, ♃. ♀. ☉ ☽ are in ♓ ♈ ♉ take therefore thoſe Signs, or the Signs of their Triangles, for the Horoſcope, or Moons place, and (faventae Deo) your Election will be ſucceſsful and happy. But you muſt always have a care of that part of ♉. which ♄ 's. or ♂. his ☍. hurts, leaſt thereby you deſtroy the hopes of a good Election.
[A Figure of an Election from the foregoing Nativity: astrological chart
IN this Election you ſee ♊. to aſcend the Horoſcope, which was the Eleventh Houſe of the Nativity, and therefore it muſt be Friendly. The Lord of the Aſcendant here, is on the place of the ☽. there, and ♃. here in ⚹. to his Radical place, in △. of ☉. and ♄. the ☽. herein on the Aſcendant of the Radix; otherwiſe the ☽. in ♌. is not good in Sea-Affairs. Thus all things (you ſee) conſpire to make it a good and fortunate Election. And, in any the like caſe, you need not be affraid to truſt23 unto our Method of Practice. And ſo you have the firſt way of Electing, (which is from the Radix) explained.
The ſecond way of making an Election.
2. The Second way of making or framing an Election, or finding out a Friendly time for the Launching or ſetting Sail of a Ship, is from an Horary Question, (of the Maſter or Captain thereof, or of any other Perſon eminently concerned therein) ſeriouſly, and, intento animo propounded. (i. e. ) when his or their minds ſhall be earneſtly ſolicitous and thoughtful about either the ſafety or hazzard of a Veſſel, or, of their own profit or loſs ariſing therefrom. — For, the mind in theſe matters is principally buſied or affected, as it firſt of all is informed either with hope or fear of the matter in queſtion, by the Pulſe of the Primum Mobile, or Soul of the World; (Call it whether of the two you pleaſe) and thence comes it to paſs, that our hopes and fears, are, not only impermanent, but very ſuddenly tranſient, and ſlide from one thing to another in moments; even as the Univerſal Spirit of the World moves either with, or againſt our particular Spirits; advancing to our Expectancy's, or contradicting our deſires, according to the Nature and Diſpoſition of the Mundane Figure, at that time when ſuch fears or deſires are prevalent.
And this is the true reaſon and ground of an Horary Queſtion; and plainly demonſtrable from the Coeleſtial Mathematicks, even in all the Actions and Paſſions of every perſon in this inferiour world.
Neither can any Man (let him ſuppoſe himſelf a Socrates) by all his policy and ſubtilty, wholly exempt himſelf from this Energy; Syth we cannot aſſure our ſelves of ever having the ſame thoughts (I mean in all reſpects exactly and fully, for I know we often have the like, and very nearly the ſame) which once we have enjoyed;24 or, which have rather paſſed through us. It being as impoſſible that it ſhould be ſo, as for the ſame Poſition of Heaven ever to return again. Which cannot be, unleſs we ſhould ſuppoſe (with the Learned**His Learned Notes on the Scriptures. Gregory) that the world ſhould out-laſt all reaſonable ſuppoſition: nor indeed then neither.
But ſince we are not upon the ſubject of Horary Queſtions at large, we will paſs all further diſcourſe of this Nature here, as Anomalous to our preſent deſign; and return to the Matter in hand.
To make an Election then from an Horary Queſtion, for a Ship, Voyage, &c. you muſt frame the Figure of your Election agreeable to that of the Queſtion, in caſe the Figure were Fortunate. Otherwiſe you muſt alter the Scheam of the Election from that of the Queſtion, by fortunating the parts thereof, that were Unfortunate therein. For a bad Fate Aſtrologically, may be embettered, and a good one improved; or elſe were all Knowledge uſeleſs. And that is the meaning of Ptolemy in the 8th. Aphoriſm of his Centiloquium. **Sapiens anima confert Coeleſti operationi, quemadmodum optimus Agricola arando expurgando quae confert Naturae, Ptol.
To explain this fully (for I am unwilling to be guilty of Riddles, or to leave any thing in obſcurity, whereby to torment my Readers) I will produce you an Eminent. Inſtance.
A perſon having a Ship to put to Sea (and having ſeveral doubts in his mind concerning her) enquires of me, whether he may ſafely, and with ſucceſs, adventure upon the preſent intended Voyage. The Heavens were in the following poſture at the time of his Interrogation.
[If the intended Voyage be Profitable?: astrological chart
IN the Figure of this Horary Queſtion, are many Arguments of diſcouragement to the Querent about the Interrogated undertaking. As (1.) ♂ in the Aſcendant. (2.) the Lord of the Aſcendant in the Eighth Houſe, and (tho' in his Exaltation) Combuſt there. (3.) the Moon in ☌ ☋. in the Ninth Houſe, the Angle that naturally ſignifies Sea Voyages. (4.) ♄ in ☌ ♁. in the Second Houſe. (5.) The Lady of the Tenth on the Seventh, in ☍. to the Aſcendant, and ♂ there. (6.) Mercury, which ſignified the Veſſel, as Lord of the 7th. Angle, is alſo Lord of the 9th. and in the 8th. Combuſt and Retrograde. (7.) ♄ Lord of the Hour.
All which were Arguments of great infelicity to the intended Voyage, and of Dammage both to the Owner, and Ship likewiſe. Sickneſs, if not Impriſonment, is26 threatned to the Querent; Contradictory weather, and a fear of Pyrates, &c. to be brief, the Teſtimonies of ill were ſo many, and ſo little of good in the Figure to ballance them, (nay none at all, but the Poſition of ♀. on the 7th. Angle in △. of ☽. who happily transferred the Light of ☿. to her.) That I poſitively adviſed the Querent to a pretermitting of that intended Undertaking, acquainting him with the ſeveral Menaces of the Heavens towards him; bidding him be careful how he tempted Providence, leſt it proved worſe than I feared, which indeed was bad enough.
But, notwithſtanding the unhappy Menaces of the Figure, and my Advice given, he tells me, he is engag'd with, and to, ſeveral Owners, who have agreed with him upon the Voyage; and it is not now in his power to avoid the undertaking thereof, without great diſparagement unto him, together with the ill opinion of his Owners and Friends. Yet confeſſeth he is ſuſpicious of the improſperouſneſs of the Voyage; (as indeed, who is not, that hath Mars in the Aſcendant of ſuch an Enquiry?) and therefore propounds he the Queſtion.
What is now to be done? 'Tis dangerous to go: yet go he muſt. No hopes, neither of embettering theſe rugged and ſevere Menaces by an auſpicious Election, as can be gathered from the Queſtion; unleſs the Moon in Trine of Venus, Lady of the 5th. and 10th. Houſes can afford us any. And, to go at all adventures, what is it but to hazzard both Ship, Men, and Goods.
The Nativity of the Ship under Queſtion is unknown; I therefore (ſyth there is no remedy for the Querent, but going) muſt endeavour to frame an Election for the Voyage, from the Figure of the Queſtion, by oppoſing therein, the unhappy threats it intimates.
To aſſiſt me herein, I demanded of the Querent, in what time, ſince he muſt go, he was (God permitting) to begin his intended Voyage? about three weeks hence he tells me, (i. e. ) from the time of the Question) or any27 time after that, to Bartholomew-Tide; which was five or ſix weeks from the time of the Queſtion. To be ſhort, the time I pitched upon, was Auguſt the 10th. 9h. 55′. A. M. or ten of the Clock at the fartheſt, for him to ſet Sail, or firſt of all to weigh Anchor for his Voyage. And the Figure of Heaven was as followeth: —
[Figura Electionis: astrological chart
The Figure of the Queſtion being ſo pernicious in all reſpects, required the greater care and induſtry of an Artiſt, in framing an Election that might conveniently Meliorate it: And a bettet I could not poſſibly meet with, in that limitation of time, the Tide, and all other matters and circumſtances conſidered.
28Herein the Aſcendant and Moon are made the Mid-Heaven of the Figura Queſtionis. The Angles of the Scheam and Moon, all in Movable Cardinal Signs. The Lady of the Aſcendant in the Ninth Houſe, in great reception of the Moon. The Lord of the Ninth and Eleventh Angles both, one Planet, and he in Conjunction of Jupiter in the Medium Coeli, in Domo Solis. The Moon Lady of the Tenth in the Horoſcope with Noble Fixed Stars. The Lady of the Aſcendant in △. to ♁. in the Second Houſe. The Moon transfers the Light of the Lady of the Aſcendant to the Sun and Mars by a Sextile Aſpect, and they, in noble Trine of each other; one of them being partly Lord of the Mid-Heaven, and the other wholly Lord of the Seventh and Second Houſes. And laſtly, which is not the leaſt to be conſidered, there are Eminent Fixed Stars on all the Angles of the Figure.
All which Arguments (if nothing were to be minded but this Election) pronounce it to be a moſt happy and Heaven-favouring Election of Time in earneſt, for ſuch a purpoſe: and declares the Voyage, not only to be happy, and profitable, but Eminently Reputable alſo. As indeed, with reſpect had to the Original hereof, which was the Figure of the Queſtion, it was. But, we muſt always conſider, that God and Nature do nothing in vain; for, had not this Querent been irritated to an Interrogation, this auſpicious Election could never have been liable to an abatement of its good ſignifications: but, as it hath a dependance upon that for its Radix, we cannot expect it ſhould have the full Effects of ſo many Illuſtrious Significations. For we muſt know, and ſhall ever be ſure to find it true, That an Election (be it never ſo good or bad in it ſelf) can never totally alter the Promiſes or Menaces of an Original Queſtion, which is its Nativity, but only augment to the Good, or mitigate the Evil of them. For therein are the Seeds of the Happineſs or Misfortune of ſuch Voyage or Veſſel incloſed; as Fruit is originally in its Root; or as Scent and Colours of Vegitables are vertually in their Seeds.
29Nor need any trouble themſelves with objecting, that, not a Question, but a Nativity, is the Radix properly of an Election. Sith the Queſtion, if with a ſerious and ſolicitous mind propounded, is ever the ſame, (or very like unto it) in ſignification with the Radix; and may therefore be reaſonably preſumed equal with the proper Root thereof; eſpecially when the true Nativity is not known, or not by any means to be found. As a Step-Father, in the room of the natural Sire, performing all the Offices of a Father, is, by a Child to be looked upon and owned in the ſame Capacity, and Relation to him, as was his real Father, when alive. And if experience will ſerve to vouch this verity further, (if there be at leaſt any need thereof) I can produce ſufficient. — But to the Effect.
The Ship did weigh Anchor at the time Elected; and within ſix days did receive Dammage by a Storm, wherein it had like to have been Wrecked. In twenty days after, it had neerly been caſt away again, by running into the Quick-ſands; but, with greater danger than loſs, in little time got very well off again.
Afterwards, this Veſſel made its Port both proſperouſly and ſpeedily; ſo alſo, it did make a happy return home again, and this without any material or remarkable prejudice or dammage; excepting that they were diſtreſſed ſomewhat in their return, for Proviſion, and freſh water, ſome of theirs proving ill; by reaſon whereof, (as might be reaſonably ſuppos'd) both the Maſter and Marriners were a little unhealthful. — There happen'd alſo a ſmall Mutiny in the Ship, (like ♂ in the Horoſcope of the Queſtion) occaſion'd by an unlucky impudent fellow, a Carpenter belonging to the Ship; this was ſtill as they were returning home,
To conclude, the profit of the Voyage was much leſs than was either expected, or at firſt propounded by the Owners; or, (as I have heard the Maſter of the Veſſel ſay) than was ever known before.
30Thus have you a brief, but true Hiſtory of the whole matter. And, in every reſpect, moſt ſuitable to the ſignifications of the bad portended in the Scheam of the Question, and likewiſe of the ſafety denoted by the Figure of the Election.
By which we may obſerve, — That an ill Queſtion may be bettered by a fortunate Election of Time. And, that a good Election is really ſerviceable and profitable. But then, we may alſo obſerve, That tho' the Election be never ſo good in it ſelf, its auſpicious ſignifications cannot totally avert the unhappy Menaces of that Figure, or Radix, from whence you make or frame the Election. And, ſo you have the ſecond way of framing an Election explained.
The Third way of making an Election.
The Third way of making an Election, Aſtrologically, is, when neither the Nativity of the Ship or Veſſel is known, nor yet an Horary Queſtion propounded concerning it. And, thus I can aſſure you, it often falls out. For there is ſcarce one Man of ten, that knows his time of Birth; and, I preſume, there is ſcarce one Ship of an hundred, whoſe Geneſis, or time of firſt Launching, was ever taken notice of. The greater part of the World either thinking to over-look all Starry Influences, or elſe are readily willing to neglect them; as believing ſuch knowledge, (though both excellent and veritable in it ſelf) to be only the Apocriphal part of Philoſophy, and therefore in no wiſe fit to be minded by any that Hunger and Thirſt after true Wiſdom.
☞ But this Obiter. — If the Birth-hour be not known nor yet a Queſtion concerning your matter propounded, the Artiſt muſt then endeavour to find a Poſition of Heaven, wherein the Moon, and Lord of the Horoſcope, &c. ſhall be in good and fortunate places of the Figure, and in Signs Superiour and Commanding, free from affliction and impediment of any kind.
31I would not, now, here, have any over Curious or Critital Perſon (and yet I know Aſtrology hath its Hereliques, as well as Divinity) from Opinion and Humour only, object to me. — That Elections are not to be made, but from ſome known Radix. For, if by an unknown Radix (which is the reverſe of the known) they mean the Nativity of a Perſon or Veſſel not to be found, or of a Queſtion unpropounded, &c. Then to ſome perſons, Veſſels, &c. the Heavens muſt as to humane Science be wholly uſeleſs; becauſe it is impoſſible to Derive, or Elect, from that which is not, or is not, at leaſt to our knowledge. But this were a groſs abſurdity, as well as a great untruth to ſuppoſe, — Syth the〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, or aetherial matter, is in every place conſtantly operating to ſome particular end. And, although the Lines by which this ſubtile Influence is directed, ſerve not me, or is not forcible enough to move me, to doubt, it may, be yet ſtrong enough to direct me to Act; and, ſo I may happily make choiſe of a good time to commence my Affairs in, although I know not the Nativities of the Perſons or things, which are Inſtruments or Mediums by which my purpoſed Affairs are brought to paſs. For, God and Nature, as they are never idle, ſo they do nothing, but to ſome ſignal effect or purpoſe.
Heaven hath its various Seaſons in it ſelf, as well as to us: and Beginnings, whether to Men known or unknown, have proportionate progreſſes and ends. And, (if Seneca may be believed) it is not in humane power to contradict an Original Deſtinated Intention: ſo, that if thy Election be good, thou needeſt not doubt, but the Radix belonging to the Veſſel thou frameſt thy Election for, is good alſo.
If therefore by an unknown Radix, they mean a time involved in the general Rowl of the Heavens, which are the firſt movers, augmentors and decayers of all things; we muſt freely acknowledge that ſuch Time, by reaſon of an infinite Coeleſtial variety, is too hard for Mortality32 to diſcover, without the advantage of Divine Inſpiration. Yet is this no injury to our way of Election, but rather ſeems to conclude our Queſtion. For, it is in this ſence that I aſſert Elections, profitable and truly to be made and known, tho' the Nativity be Ignote, or that there be never any Queſtion propounded: Sith the Election is ever the Image of the Radix; and what is Ignote to us, is not ſo in it ſelf, but hath a place in the Univerſal Regiſter of Nature. And all things derive from the Heavens.
But yet, if any ſhall further object, that, ſhould we allow of ſuch kind of Elections, they are as probable to prove Bad as Good. As Morine and ſome others, among us, very idly from him have ſuggeſted; urging that the Eighth or Twelve Houſes, &c. as well as the Eleventh, Fifth, or Tenth, &c. of a Radix, may aſcend the Eaſtern Finitor in an Election. Or, that the places of Saturn and Mars, or their Oppoſitions or Quadrantal places, may in a Figure of Election, happen to be Horoſcopical, as well as the places of Jupiter or Venus, or their Sextile, or Trigonal Beams: And ſo come to render that Pernitious and Deſtructive, which our Election pronounceth good, happy, and hopeful. And, on the contrary, may denote that to be Fortunate and Succeſsful, which we may not only fear, but find to be attended with abſolute Ruine and Deſtruction. To this I anſwer.
If the thing were poſſible which is urged by this Objection, the Inference, would indeed, prove too ſtrong to be ſhaken or invalidated by any Man. But it is not poſſible that there can be any Contradiction to the Operations of Nature, where a Mans Will is at liberty, and only to be Exerciſed, as himſelf pleaſeth, as it is in the framing of an Election of Time, when a Radix is wholly unknown.
Beſides, Nature would be found guilty of offering Violence to its own Decrees, if it ſhould deſtroy its general intention for the ſake, or advantage of any one particular, as in this Caſe. As is the River, ſo is the Stream,33 for either Goodneſs or Badneſs. And if the Tree be good, the Fruit thence iſſuing cannot be improſperous. Know therefore, that if thy Radix be kind; (let it be known or unknown) thy Election cannot be cruel. Can any one accuſe Nature for want of skill in Geometry? if not, why may we not (by God's Bleſſing) thereby, be directed to a favourable Election, although we do not know our Radix or Nativity?
But, methinks, the matter is moſt plain, and put beyond all doubt, in the verity of Horary Queſtions, (of which we mention'd ſomewhat before.) Inaſmuch, that either the ſame Horoſcope, with that of the Nativity, or a Sign of the ſame Trigon, (which is ever ſemblable unto it) hath ever been found to poſſeſs the Eaſt Angle at the time of the ſerious propounding any Horary Queſtion. And this I have more than an hundred times proved true, by an after knowledge of the true Geneſis or Nativity of ſundry Querents.
A Conſpicuous Truth thereof it is, that the Heavens, in reſpect of the ſame Subject, move to the ſame effect, by a ſimilitude of Figure. And conſequently, an Election may be profitably made, although the Radix be not known.
Some, may alſo yet further object. If neither a Radix be known, or a Queſtion ſeriouſly propounded by a Querent concern'd, and it be true that the Progreſſes and Ends of Things anſwer to their Beginnings; what need then have we to make Elections? — I Anſwer, —
Although the Radix be unknown, and the Perſon concerned cannot be ſerious or ſolicitous enough in his mind to propoſe a Queſtion; yet is an Election uſeful. [Tho' I ſay not ſo much unto ſuch a Perſon, as to one more ſeriouſly and Philoſophically affected with the Matter or Thing the Election relates unto.] And that for theſe Reaſons.
1. It diſcovers Truth in Coeleſtial Influences, and prevents our admiration at the Events of Things, which34 our ignorance often expoſes us unto; and convinceth us, that Nature hath a particular deſign in all her Operations, which is certainly not only a happineſs but a honour to underſtand. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, is an Axiome, a Man need not be aſhamed of.
2. By an Election we may probably embetter time, (as before I mentioned) and make it more kind to our purpoſe. It teaching us the true difference between〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, and〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, between the opportunity of time to favour us; and Time in general, which may be either proſperous or impropitious unto us. Thus alſo is Reaſon known from Chance, or hap-hazzard, and preſcience diſtinguiſheth a Man from a Brute. Thus it is, that we are preſerv'd by Wiſdom, while Fools go on and are puniſhed.
3. And laſtly, an Election declares the Fatum Navis, the ſucceſs of the Ship or Veſſel, &c. which cannot but be a ſatisfaction (at leaſt) unto ſuch Men that are the moſt indifferent in theſe Matters. I ſay, it cannot but be a ſatisfaction unto them, to know this, although they cannot command their Minds or Tongues to an enquiry after it. The Knowledge and Obſervance of an Election, (be the Radix known or unknown) muſt therefore be effectual and advantageous.
But, leaving theſe, perhaps too curious diſquiſitions, as not very proper, or uſeful to my honeſt and wellmeaning Sea-Man, or for our vulgar Engliſh Readers; for thoſe I foreſee will be the cheif Inſpectors of this diſcourſe. (And indeed I do not Calculate it for the Meridian of any Taller Underſtanding.) I will now (and it is but time to) come to an Example, the better to Illuſtrate this third way of making an Election.
[Schema Electionis: astrological chart
IN this Figure you ſee the Lord of the Aſcendant and Moon (and pray think not that I do omit minding the Moon to have Cancer for her Houſe, and that Jupiter doth there receive Exaltation) are admirably well poſited, and in the prime Angles of Heaven. The Moon alſo is above the Earth, (which Haly ſays, is very profitable in ſuch matters) Very ſwift in motion, and in Trine and Reception of Jupiter (an Eminent advantage in all Naval Expeditions) and happily transferrs the Light of Sol and Marsby an amicable Beam unto him, promiſing all imaginable Felicity to the Voyage, or Undertaking, deſigned by this Election.
'Tis true, the Sun and Jupiter are in Oppoſition from the Aſcendant and ſeventh Angles: but that is not of force ſufficient to deſtroy, or yet to much prejudice the Deſign,36 by reaſon of the aforeſaid Noble Configurations, and the happy transferrency of Influence mentioned.
Indeed, Saturn in the Ninth, ſhould, not only make the Voyage ſomewhat more ſlow, than might be expected, but a little improſperous alſo, had he not been Lord of the Ninth Houſe, and his Languid Plumbeous Nature and Influence, ſo happily vivify'd by the preſence of Venus, and by the Sextile Ray of Mercury caſt unto him, à dignitatibus Jovis.
To acquaint you with matter of Fact, (for this is no aſſumed, but a real Inſtance.) This Veſſel did then firſt of all weigh Anchor for its Voyage deſigned; but could not then go very far, becauſe it was againſt the Tide. Howbeit, it having ſo fortunate a beginning, its progreſs both backward and forward was proſperous; and its return alſo was moderately ſpeedy, non obſtante Saturn his Poſition in the Ninth Houſe, and in a Fixed Sign.
Whence it is Obvious, that the Moon is to be preferred before the Lord of the Ninth Angle,The Moon Governeſs of the Seas. in an Election for a Sea-Voyage. She is indeed, the Lady of the Seas, and it is by her Magnetique Virtue and Influence, that they both Ebb and Flow, and in all things they are obedient to her Motion.
And thus you have all the three ſeveral ways of Framing an Election taught you, and that I conceive very plainly; which was the deſign of this particular Chapter to do.
To conclude this,A Nativity more Noble than a Queſtion. A Queſtion than an Election. It will not be amiſs to mind you here, that a Nativity in theſe matters, is more Noble than an Horary Queſtion, as the Root is more Excellent than the Branch. And an Horary Queſtion is more worthy than an Election, ſingly and alone conſidered; as preventative Phyſick is preferrible before Curative.
37CHAP. III. Conſiſting of Aſtrological Rules and Aphoriſms, proper for the right understanding the Succeſs or Misfortune of any Ship at Sea, relating to the beginning of its Voyage; or its Original Launching: or to an Horary Queſtion of ſuch Ship or Veſſel, the beginning of whoſe Voyage is not known, or the Nativity thereof to be had; or to Elections, &c. thereunto belonging, ſo far as is diſcernable by the Power of ſecond Cauſes.
THe Great and Manifold Hazzards that Princes and Merchants do daily run at Sea, either by Enemies, ill Weather, Rocks and Sands, &c. ſhould (methinks) invite them to a ſerious minding of the Poſition of Heaven and Stars, under which they begin ſuch Eminent Undertakings.
And, that I may be the more ſerviceable unto Perſons, of all Conditions, in ſo Eminent and Weighty an Affair, and thereby yield ſome probable encouragement at leaſt, unto ſo Noble and Uſeful an Art as Navigation; I will (God permitting) in this Chapter, produce unto you, ſome, of the many Aphoriſms left us by the Antient Sages in this Science, relating to the Safety or Danger of all Maritime Affairs. And for Methods ſake, I ſhall divide this Chapter into the ſeveral Parts or Sections following.
- 1. Of the Diviſion of the Ship, and how the parts thereof are Aſtrologically referred to the parts of the Zodiack, according to the Arabian Haly.
- 2. Of the proper Significators of a Ship or Veſſel, both in reſpect of a Queſtion, Election, &c.
- 3. Of the ſeveral Arguments that promiſe ſafety or ſecurity to a Ship rither at, or going to Sea.
- 4. Of the Testimonies of Hazzard and Danger, that Aſtrologically, attends all Maritime Affairs.
38SECT. I. Of the Diviſion of the Ship, and how the parts thereof, are referred to the parts of the Zodiack.
THe Learned Haly,De judici is Aſtre. p. 3. cap. 14. fol. 115. from Peolemy, refers the parts of a Ship to the ſeveral parts of the Zodiack, thus, — Da Signum ♈. Pectoribus Navis, ♉. ei quod eſt ſub pectoribus modicum verſus aquam, ♊. gubernaculo Navis, ♋. fundo Navis, ♌. ſummitati Navis quae ſtat ſuper aquam, ♍. Ventri Navis, ♎. ei quod ſublevatur & deprimit de pectoribus Navis in aqua, ♏. loco ubi morant Nauta, ♐. ipſi Nautae, ♑. finibus exiſtentibus in Nave, ♒. Magiſtro Navis, ♓. Remis, (i. e.) Give (ſaith he) the Sign ♈. to fignifie the Breaſt of the Ship, and ſo of the reſt of the parts, as in the following Scheam.
- ♈. The Breaſt of the Ship.
- ♉. That part under the Breaſt towards the Water.
- ♊. The Rudder or Stern.
- ♋. The Bottom or Floor.
- ♌. The Top above Water.
- ♍. The Belly.
- ♎. The part above the Breaſt of the Ship in the Water.
- ♏. The place for the Marriners.
- ♐. The Marriners themſelves.
- ♑. The Ends of the Ship.
- ♒. The Maſter or Captain.
- ♓. The Oares.
This Diviſion of Haly's, or Ptolemy's rather, was not wholly followed by Alkindus. For he, in theſe matters, gave the Aſcendant to ſignifie the Breaſt of the Ship, and the ſeventh Angle to repreſent the hinder part of the Ship, the Mid-Heaven to denote the upper part of the Veſſel,Haly, pars. 3. cap. 14. fol. 115. and the fourth-Houſe to denote the Bottom of the Ship, or that part of her which is under Water. Then, the four intermediate39 Houſes between the Mid-Heaven, Aſcendant and fourth Houſe, to ſignifie the right ſide of the Ship, viz. the 11th. 12th. 2d. and 3d. and the four ſuccedent and cadent Houſes between the fourth Houſe, the Occident, and Mid-Heaven, to ſignifie the left ſide of the Ship, &c. — Now, I am ſo far from ſiding with one of theſe Learned Authors againſt the other, that I know no reaſon but I may embrace both their Opinions as to this matter. Neither do they thwart, but ſtrengthen each other, and the Truth alſo. For, the firſt Opinion, makes a Diviſion in regard of the Signs of the Zodiack; the ſecond, in reſpect of the Houſes of Heaven. Nor is the one perfect, or fit to be relied on, without the aſſiſtance of the other. For the Houſes have their perfect and unalterable ſignifications, (as both theſe Authors largely teach) as well as the parts of the Zodiack. And, when Morinus pretended to Demonſtrate this as Truth unto the World, (which I muſt needs commend, with the Learned Oughthred, for an Excellent piece of ſervice done, not only to this Science, but to all the Sons of Art. Yet) he had been more ingenious, I muſt needs ſay, and more Eminently to have been extolled, had he related what others had hinted at (in that matter, although not all out ſo happily) before him. Nor do I find, that, that Great Philoſopher and Phyſician hath made any remarkable Diſcoveries in, or Additions to Aſtrology, beyond what the Ingenious Cardan, and (before him) Ptolemy, and ſundry Greek and Arabian Authors had done. Only, he hath had the happineſs to live in an Age, wherein the Latine Tongue, and perhaps Logique and Philoſophy too, have been more Eminently encouraged, and made uſe of, than in ſome of their more Cloudy Days; and ſo he hath been enabled to ſpeak the ſame things as they did, in more Curious, Apt and Quaint terms. I wiſh he had not let ſlip, (not to ſay Exploded, many of the Excellent Practical Truths that thoſe Worthy Fathers of this Art took great pains to Advance and Promote. Morine was a Man fitted40 more for Oratory, than Aſtrology, as by his Elevated Mercury is ſufficiently Demonſtrable. And, his Nativity in a great many things, better beſpeaks his Parts and Abilities, than his Book; although the one had but a ſmall portion of time ſpent in its Erection, and the other Thirty years in its Compiling. Not that I envy the Induſtry and Pains of this Worthy Philoſopher, (for I am willing to pay him the Tribute of thanks for lending me in many things his Eyes) but wiſh only, that he had ſpent as much time among Practical, as Theorical Authors, in this Science, or had been as happy as Cardan, or Gocleine, &c. in the general Practice thereof.
SECT. II. Of the proper Significators of a Ship or Veſſel, as well in an Election, as Queſtion, &c.
SOme Aſtrologers are of Opinion, that the Aſcendant ſhall in all reſpects, ſignifie a Ship or Veſſel, be it either in Queſtion, Nativity or Election. Others urge, that the Moon and Aſcendant generally are Significators of the State of the whole Ship and its Voyage. So Haly. Theſe are his words — Luna & Aſcendens generaliter ſunt ſignificatores totius Navis, & ſuorum ſtatuum, &c. (i. e.) The Aſcendant and the Moon are generally the ſignificators of the whole Ship, and of its ſucceſs, and the Lord of the Aſcendant ſhall ſignifie the Perſons Sailing therein. — Bonatus tells us, that we ought principally to have regard to the Moon. For, ſaith he, — Ipſa habet participationem & ſignificationem in omni Principio, in omni Itinere, in omni Loco, in omni Tempore, in omni Re, atquein omni Hora, (i.e.) The Moon hath participation and ſignification in every Beginning, in every41 Journey, in every Place, in every Time, in every Thing, and in every Hour. So great is the Influence of the Moon, ſhe being the Conveyer of all the other Planets Influxes to us, that ſhe is, by us, to be excluded nothing, that hath relation to Humane Buſineſs or Action. And it is no way to be doubted, but that the Aſcendant and the Moon both, have a very great power and ſignification of the good or bad ſucceſs that attends not only Ships, &c. but all things under the Sun; as they ſhall happen to be either afflicted or aſſiſted in your Figure. But, of this more anon, when I come to the Third Section.
But then, by the leave of the Learned Haly, &c. I muſt tell you, that it is thus to be underſtood only in Elections, or in the Radix, or time of the firſt Launching of a Ship. For in Queſtions concerning Veſſels or Voyages, &c. Not the Aſcendant, but ſeventh Houſe ſhall poſitively ſignifie the Veſſel; That being the Grand Angle of Matters or Buſineſs queſited, as caſting an oppoſite Ray to the Horoſcope, which ever muſt ſignifie the Perſon Enquiring, or thing begun, &c. unleſs (to contradict the reaſon hereof) we ſhould ſuppoſe the Ship of a capacity to ſpeak, and ſo able to propound its own Queſtion; Then indeed, the Aſcendant were proper to ſignifie the Veſſel. But ſince all things inanimate, as wanting the Organs of Speech, cannot therefore be thought to deſire, much leſs to diſcourſe their Neceſſities; we will therefore reſt ſatisfy'd, that there is an abſolute inability in them, either to Enquire, or Require, &c. Therefore the Aſcendant in matters of Queſtions, ſhall only ſignifie the Perſon Enquiring; and the ſeventh Angle ſhall ever repreſent the Ship or Veſſel enquired after.
And, this is the difference between a Queſtion, and a Radix or Election, in an Aſtrological ſence. In the Queſtion, there is a Perſon Interrogating, which the Aſcendant (you have heard for what reaſon) muſt ever ſignifie. In a Radix or Election, there is no Perſon Enquiring,42 any more than in the Figure of the Birth of a Man or Woman: and therefore the Aſcendant therein (with our Learned Arabian) ſhall repreſent the Veſſel or Ship. That being the prime Angle, (or Point rather) upon, or toward which the Coeleſtial Atoms make their Impreſſion principally, to be diſtinguiſhed in time, by Effects of Good or Bad Fortune, upon the Perſon or Thing born or begun under it; as is to be known by obſerving the true panctum temporis thereof. The Aſtrologer therefore, muſt vary his Rules or Aphoriſms in matters of Questions, from thoſe of Elections and Radixes, by remembring (as he is here taught) ever to take the ſeventh Angle in the place, or ſtead of the Horoſcope; and the Lord of the ſeventh, in the room of the Lord of the Aſcendant, and therewith conſider, and apply thereto, the Moons Configurations, together with her Applications and Separations, &c. and you ſhall rarely fail (except through inadvertency) in your Judgments. Further proof hereof, I ſhall produce in its proper place.
Thus are you informed of the proper ſignifications of a Ship or Veſſel; and how they are to be varied in relation to a Queſtion, Radix or Election, which was the buſineſs of this Section.
SECT. III. Aſtrological Aphoriſms, or Rules, of the ſafety of a Ship, either at, or going to Sea; or at the time of its firſt Launching.
THe Artiſt having well weighed the nature of the Queſtion, and conſidered and compared it with all its Circumſtances, muſt firſt erect his Scheam of Heaven, with reſpect to the time it is propounded in, and43 Latitude of the place it is propounded under; and then, either mentally, or otherwiſe, he muſt ſum up all the Arguments of Happineſs and Misfortune he ſhall find therein; and, according to the Major, or great number of Teſtimonies, let him give his Judgment, either of ſucceſs or prejudice. And to aſſiſt him the better herein, let him well ponder the ſence and meaning of the following Rules.
1. When in your Figure you find the Principal Significators of a Ship or Veſſel, (you were acquainted which they were before) and of the Men failing therein, to be ſtrong and well poſited, and every way free from Affliction, you may then Judge ſafety and ſucceſs to the Ship, and to the Mariners alſo.
2. If the Aſcendant of the Figure ſhall be Fortunate, and the Lord of the Aſcendant Unfortunate, and in abject places of the Heavens; you may then Judge that the Ship or Veſſel ſhall do well, and arrive happily to its intended Port, or Haven; but that there will happen Dammage and Misfortune to the Men ſailing therein.
3. And, if you find in the Figure, the Moon, and the Fortunate Stars Angular, and well affected, and the Infortunes Cadent, and otherwiſe dejected and oppreſſed; you may then conclude, that the Ship and her Lading will go very ſafe to her Harbour, or intended Port; and this without any interruption. So happy is it, when you find the Arguments of Miſchief under Hatches, and thoſe of good ſucceſs, exalted.
4. If at any time you chance to find in your Figure, the Arguments of ſafety, and the Teſtimonies of danger to be equal; and that your Significations of ſafety hap to be derived from the more Noble parts of the Figure, then ſhall the Veſſel in queſtion be wholly freed from the dangers menaced, although it fortune to be never ſo ſeverely and ſmartly beſieged or encountered by them.
5. When you find that the principal ſignificators of the Ship or Veſſel are ſwift in motion, and happily aſſiſted44 of the Fortunate Stars; and that thoſe Stars fortune to be in good places of the Figure above the Earth, the Ship ſhall then make both a ſpeedy and ſucceſsful Voyage. Such an one, as ſhall be profitable to the Owners, and reputable to the Maſter thereof, &c. and this ſhall be the more Eminent and Conſiderable, if together herewith, the Lord of the Second, and of the part of Fortune ſhall aſſiſt.
6. Royal Fixed Stars upon the Angles of the Figure, at the time when any Ship or Veſſel is firſt Launched; or at the beginning of a Voyage, or its firſt weighing Anchor, &c. always denotes ſuch Ship or Voyage to be more than ordinary famous for, and in Action and Buſineſs; and to be capable of doing and enterprizing ſomething, beyond what other Ships do commonly promiſe, or are known to perform.
7. In Sea-Voyages, or in matters of Maritime concern, it is moſt natural and proper for Signs of the Watry Trigon to aſcend the Horoſcope; (chiefly Cancer: that being, not only the Manſion-houſe of the Moon, but the Exaltation of Jupiter, as by the foregoing Syſtem is taught.) And if the Moon be above the Earth, in good Aſpect, viz. Sextile or Trine thereunto, and free from all Oppreſſions of the Ʋnfortunate Stars; there is then no fear or doubt, but happineſs will attend ſuch Voyage.
8. When the Degrees of the Horoſcope, Mid-Heaven, Sun and Moon, the Lord of the Horoſcope and Diſpoſiter of the Moon, are found to be ſuch, as Aſtrologers term, Light, Maſculine, and Encreaſing Fortune, (for there are ſuch particular affections to parts of the Signs, as well as to the whole Sign, as I ſhall elſewhere prove.) A Ship then ſetting ſail, weighing Anchor, or being then Launched, will (in its Life, or Voyage) meet with ſplendid Honour and Succeſs, other Arguments of good Fortune herewith concurring.
9. Moveable Cardinal Signs poſeſſing the Horoſcope of your Figure, (if other Teſtimonies but moderately concur)45 do declare a Happy, Proſperous, and Swift Voyage to a Ship then ſetting ſail. The ſame occurring at the Launching of a Ship, denotes it to be excellently happy for ſervice and ſailing.
10. The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, &c. in your Aſcendant, or Mid-Heaven, or, the Lord of the Aſcendant in the Tenth, or Lord of the Tenth in the Aſcendant ever declares Fortunate Veſſels at their firſt Launching; and, if it thus happen at the beginning of Sea Voyages, it portends not only good ſucceſs to the Ship or Veſſel, &c. but Preſages great Honour to the Commander thereof, and advantage to the Labourious and Induſtrious Mariners.
11. Many Fortunate Stars in the Eleventh Houſe, well beholding the Part of Fortune, the ſecond Houſe or their Lords, always declares the Ship or Veſſel to be ſuccesful in Merchandizing, and that the Owners of ſuch Ship ſhall grow Rich apace by her. Such Poſitions in a Man of War, ſhews her Victorious, and to be Maſter of many Prizes, and over many Enemies.
12. The Moon in Sextile, Quadrate, or Trine of the Sun, Jupiter or Venus, increaſing in Light and Motion, denotes admirable ſailers; and makes alſo, very auſpicious and ſpeedy Voyages. And, if ſhe happen not to be in her Detriment, or, in via Combuſta; but on the contrary, free from all manner of Affliction, and Poſited in a good part of Heaven, the ſucceſs and ſwiftneſs thereof, will be the more remarkable.
13. The Moon with Mercury in the ſecond Houſe, or in good Aſpect unto it, or to the Lord thereof; or, their being in Conjunction in the Tenth Houſe, in amicable Poſition of the ſecond, or of his Lord, declares Fortunate and Proſperous Voyages; and likewiſe portends ſuch Veſſels to be thriving and ſucceſsful, that are ſo Launched.
14. When you find the Moon in good Aſpect of Mars ſupra Terram, and in an Airy or Fiery Sign, it declares a Veſſel ſo Launched, or then ſetting Sail for a Voyage,46 to have, not only ſucceſs againſt, or freedom from Enemies, but a Victory over them: and it alſo adds Courage and Confidence to the Commander and Sea-man thereof.
15. The Fortunate Planets in the Oriental Quarter of Heaven, or above the Earth, and the Infortunes in the Occidental, or under the Earth, declares ſucceſs to a Veſſel ſo Launched, or ſetting Sail, &c. at the beginning, or in the firſt part of its Voyage, or Life; but, toward the latter part of either, an Eclipſe thereof.
☞ Note here, good Reader, that it is in Astrology, as in Grammar. There is no General Rule but admits of an Exception. And therefore the Artiſt muſt be ſure in his Judgment upon things of this Nature, not to pronounce Happineſs raſhly, or, upon one ſingle Teſtimony, to a Ship, or Voyage, but conſider the Arguments or Exceptions againſt his Rule for ſucceſs, as well as that alone; and ſo doing, he may (by Gods aſſiſtance) proceed to give his Opinion or Judgment thereon determinately, and for the Honour of Truth.
SECT. IV. Shewing the ſeveral Arguments of Danger, which Aſtrologically attend any Ship or Veſſel from the time of its firſt Launching, Weighing Anchor, &c.
HAving already acquainted you with the ſeveral Arguments of good ſucceſs, that impends over Veſſels, at the time of their firſt Launching, &c. (and I need not Apologize that I began with them, ſince happineſs ought to have the precedency of Misfortune, at leaſt in the eſteem of Men, let them be never ſo ſevere in the Study and Practice of Philoſophy; Good being ever preferrible to Evil.) I come now to preſent you with47 the moſt Eminent Teſtimonies of Danger that naturally attends ſuch Eminent Actions; hoping thereby to aſſiſt Mankind how to prevent many of the Misfortunes they are conſtantly ſubject unto, by a non-obſervance of the Principiums of ſuch great Affairs. And beginning with the 55 Aphoriſm of Ptolemy's Centiloquium for the Eaſe and Benefit of the Artiſts Memory, I ſhall give you them Aphoriſtically, as I did the other.
1. The Malignant Influence of Mars againſt Ships is diminiſhed, when he is placed neither in the Mid-Heaven, or Eleventh Angle; In thoſe places if he be poſited, the Veſſel will be deſtroy'd by Pirates: But if the Horoſcope be afflicted by any Martial Fixed Stars, the Ship will then be burned.
2. When you find the ſignificators of a Ship or Veſſel, weak and infortunated of the Malefiques, (for there is a great difference between a Negative and a Poſitive weakneſs of a Planet) and in ill places of the Heavens alſo; much danger then attends, not only the Veſſel or Ship that is then Launched, or ſo ſetting ſail, or weighing Anchor, &c. but of all things or perſons in her, or belonging to her; if not a total or abſolute loſs of both them and her too.
3. If in your Figure you find, a Malevolent Planet having Dignities in the Eighth Houſe, to be poſited in the Aſcendant; or, that the Lord of the Aſcendant ſhall be poſited in the Eighth; or in evil Aſpect of the Lord of the Eighth, Twelfth, Sixth, or Fourth Houſes; all theſe declare the Loſs or Ruine of the Veſſel, and of all things in her, or at leaſt a very great hazzard thereof. Nor can ſuch Ship be ſucceſsful either to Commander or Sea-men.
4. When in the Figure you find the Moon to be under the Suns Beams, applying to Combuſtion, or in that part of Heaven called the Combuſt-way; or otherwiſe afflicted under the Earth, you may then be bold to pronounce great Danger and Misfortune, to attend ſuch Ship or Veſſel, that is ſo Launched, or that under ſuch a poſition either weigheth Anchor, or ſets ſail.
485. If at any time you happen to find the Aſcendant and Moon unfortunate in the Figure, and the Lord of the Aſcendant to be ſtrong and well poſited; The Ship is then likely to be in a bad condition, and to encounter many misfortunes; but her Lading, and the Men in her, will do well, and come off without much prejudice.
6. When the Infortunes ſhall be in Angles or ſuccedent parts of the Figure, and the Fortunes happen to be Cadent, &c. the Veſſel that is then Launched, will be ſubject to many Eminent misfortunes; or, the Ship that is then weighing Anchor for a Voyage, will receive very ſignal and remarkable prejudice therein. And (let the induſtrious Artiſt be but careful to obſerve it, and he ſhall find) the misfortune will happen upon that part of the Veſſel, ſignified by the Sign where the Infortune is poſited.
7. If the Infortune threatning Danger, be Saturn; In a Radix, or the Launching of a Ship, he menaceth it with a troubleſome, but a ſhort Life, and that it ſhall be ſplit or ſunk, before it have done or performed any Eminent or Conſiderable Service. In a Veſſel ſetting ſail for a Voyage, he declares it to be improſperous, and in great danger of ſinking, running into Sands, or ſplitting, &c. and that the Men ſhall either be drowned, or elſe ſubject to very much ſorrow and hardſhip: unleſs their own particular Fates are contradictory to the general Fate of the Ship; then (indeed) they may eſcape with the leſs hazzard or miſchief.
8. But when the Infortune threatning danger, ſhall be Mars, and he in any of his Eſſential Dignities, or aſpecting a place where he hath power, or elſe poſited in an Earthly Sign, he then portends the ſame prejudices that Saturn did, but with much greater violence: and, before the Cataſtrophe of the Veſſel, he declares many remarkable and various troubles to happen unto it ..
9. If Mars ſhall be found to afflict the Lords of the Chief Angles of the Figure, and the Diſpoſiter of the49 Moon alſo, the Men that ſail in the Ship, ſhall be in very great dread of their Enemies, and that in ſuch a manner, vehementur trepidabunt, that they ſhall exceedingly tremble by reaſon of them.
10. If, together with this affliction of Mars, there happen other Arguments of Evil in the aforeſaid Parts or Signs, there will then be Quarrelling, Controverſies, Wounds, and ſeveral Thefts committed, among the Men of the Ship, and thereby they will give advantage to their Enemies: they will (under ſuch Poſitions) be always putting Frauds upon, and Cozening of one another. But this chiefly, when Mars ſhall be placed in Signs repreſenting the upper part of the Ship.
11. But if it fortune that Saturn do afflict after the ſame manner, as before we have ſaid of Mars, there will then alſo happen many Thefts and Knavery's in the Ship, and ſundry of the forementioned Miſchiefs, but not ſo violent, and together therewith, tedious and troubleſome Voyages; but yet there will be no bloodſhed in the Veſſel.
12. When the Signs Infortunated happen to be in the Mid-Heaven and Aſcendant, and Mars prove the afflicting Planet, the Veſſel will then be burnt, either by accident within it ſelf, or elſe will be extreamly torn and ſhatter'd, nay poſſibly deſtroyed by the force of her Enemies, and the Captain or Prime Officer thereof, ſlain; (except, as formerly I noted, his particular Fate ſhall contend againſt the general Fate of the Ship, to preſerve him; yet then ſhall he not eſcape without great danger) to diſtinguiſh herein, you muſt conſult Mars his Relation in the Figure, viz. whether he have better Dignities in the Eleventh, than in the Seventh Houſe. But if Saturn be the oppreſſing Planet, then extremity of Weather, or ſome Leak ſpringing, or accidental running on the Rocks, &c. will either greatly diſtreſs, or deſtroy the Veſſel; or elſe a tedious Captivity will attend her; chiefly, if the Lord of the Twelfth concur in ſignification.
5013. If Mars be in a Humane Sign, the Ship ſhall then be burnt by the Power and Fury of her Enemies in Fight, (if Mars in your Figure be Lord of the Seventh Houſe) or by accident from ſome of the Men within her: And the danger ſhall begin in that part of her, ſignified by the Place, or Sign, that Mars is poſſeſſed of in the Heavens at the time of Launching, &c.
14. But if Saturn ſhall be the threatning Planet, in the ſtead of Mars, and he poſited in the Mid-Heaven, the Ship will then be either ſunk, or very much dammaged by violent Winds and Weather, by bad Sayls, &c. and the Impediment or