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A GLASSE FOR Weak ey'd Citizens:

OR A Vindication of the Pious, Prudent and Peaceable PETITION (To the Honorable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons in Common-Councel aſſembled) now in agitation, From the falſe Aſperſions and Calumniations of a Seditious Pamphlet, Intituled, A Dialogue, &c.

By one that hath taken, and deſires to keep his Covenant.

Very uſeful for all that have Subſcribed the Petition.

Publiſhed according to Order.

London, Printed for Tho: Underhil, at the Bible in Woodſtreet. June 19. 1646.


IS not the very reading of this Petition more then ſufficient to vindicate it from the Aſperſions and Calnmniations of this Pamphleter I have to deal with? I prethee tell me, I am in earneſt, Is it not a fair, ſober, moderate, plain, and peaceable Pe­tition? Can envy it ſelf quarrel with it? Can malice pick any thing that is ill out of it? If not, let this man bear his own doom, I think in my conſcience ſome men will finde fault with any thing. But let us hear what the man ſaith of it in his uſeleſſe Dialogue, it is a very dangerous Peti­tion, and there is more miſchief couch'd in it then you are aware of: A dangerous Petition, Reader, peruſe it again, it is worth thy reading twice over: In the Preface it commends the Honorable Court of Common-Councel for promoting the cauſe of God, gives them hearty thanks for what they have done for the Publike good, promiſing to adhere to them in all their juſt and legal proceedings, mark that, Reader, this is according to our Covenant, thanking them for endeavoring to remove the heavy preſſing grievances that lie upon us, in that free and neceſſary, yet humble and dutiful Remonſtrance: There is no danger in all this, unleſſe the man thinks it is dangerous to keep our Covenant, and all the danger is if we break our Covenant. Let's hear what the Petitionary part is, ſure the dangerouſneſſe of it lies there, and the miſchief is couch'd in that part; ſure they Petition for perſecution of the Saints, and for rigid and harſh uſage of peaceable well minded men; not ſo, or elſe to deſert the Parliament, and make a breach between them and the City, which God forbid: Not ſo neither. What is it then, where is the danger? Thus, they pray that Ho­norable Court to perſevere and go on; what, in any rude and pro­poſtrous or violent courſes? No, but in all pious and prudent means, to ſetle Religion, the Peace of the Kingdom, the Union of both Nations; In a word, the keeping of the Covenant, in which we are engaged unto God, the Righteous iudge of all the world. All this is in the Letter of our Covenant, and pray them ſtill to go on in their humble Addreſſes to the Parliament for a gracious Anſwer to their Remonſtrance, and for all other things that may put a happy period to our miſerable Diſtractions; and that them­ſelves would put in Execution what the Laws of the Kingdom en­abled3 them to do for the ſafety of the City. Where the danger and miſchief is, I profeſſe Reader, I cannot tell: But lets hear what the man can ſay againſt this harmleſſe Petition, and againſt the Subſcribers of it: He confeſſeth, though honeſt and underſtand­ing men Subſcribe it, and that with mature deliberation, yet he can­not, becauſe he lacks reaſon to rule him in this action; and he is ſo Bruiſh to tell us, Honeſt men do Knaves Work, when they move regularly and honeſtly, and according to their Covenant, which bindes them heartily, ſincerely, and conſtantly to endeavor the Reformation of Religion, the total of this Petition. Knaves work, he means the honeſt man that wrote theſe Obſervations, whileſt he was writing them, and buſie in this work, was buſie in Knaves work, dixit, out of his own mouth he is condemned: He then talks of cunning ſtrains of deſperate Malignancy, and here he would have ſpoken ſenſe if his wit would have done it; but where is the Malignancy? Reader, it lies here, that whereas he was formerly a Ma­lignant that would not take the Covenant, now time hath had ſuch a turn, that to take the ſolemn League and Covenant, and to make con­ſcience in keeping of it, is Malignancy either in the Root or Branches. The next charge of this innocent Petition, is Sedition in the abſtract; But why Sedition? Let's hear his reaſon for it; for he ſaith of himſelf, he is reputed an underſtanding man, not raſh, but rational.

Firſt, It may prove an utter breach betwixt the City and Par­liament: But Reader, this may be doth no make it Sedition; it may be, yea, it is like to be the means to unite and ſement the Par­liament and City together; and this is the end of the honeſt heart­ed Petitioners, and curſed be ſuch Deſigns that endeavor to divide them.

Secondly, it is Sedition, becauſe the City hath Petitioned and Remonſtrated to the Houſe, the Houſe ſhewed no teſtimony of their acceptance, but rather diſliked it: What means the man by the Houſe? This Houſe he calls the Parliament afterwards: Now if the Parliament doth diſlike the Petition, it muſt be the Houſes of Lords and Commons; but if neither of theſe have given teſtimony of diſlike, then the man ſpeaks falſly. The man cannot be igno­rant of the kinde acceptance and gracious Anſwer the Remon­ſtrance had from the Houſe of Peers; but by this mans Obſerva­tion they be not the Houſe, nor no part of the Parliament: See, here is Sedition indeed, to divide betwixt the Houſe of Lords and Commons, ſure this man is one of Mr. Lilburns Diſciples; and as4 for the Houſe of Commons, they have not declared their diſlike to i: An did not this a high breach of their Priviledge, to anticipate their ſenſe, their weighty occaſions permit them noleaſure to con­ſider of it, they ſay they will in due time, andhe City hopes to have a grcious and real Anſwer from them alſo: For though this man can ſpeak of nothing elſe but Malignancy in the Root, and Se­dition, the Ciy is noconſcious to it ſelf, but that in making the Remonſtrance thediſcharged their duies, and mrited blood for the Parliamnt: And thus this Famous City will do again, whileſt Se­ctaries deſert them, and endeavor to aler the Foundation and con­ſtiutin of the Government of this Kingdom, and no longer will cry up Parliaments, then they judge them ſavoring of them; and when they appear otherwiſe, then they can talk and write of cal­linghe Parliament to an Accompt, and they that gave them the Power can take it from them: is not this Sedition, Friend? But the man would know, Why the Names of thoſe that Subſcribe not the Petition muſt be taken, and from what Authority? If any did do ſo, it was not Authority that commanded it, but it was their own diſcretion that put them on it, for theſe Reaſons:

1. That we might know who they were that Subſcribed the laſt Independent Petition, becauſe we would fain know their Names, and can prove forgery, pro confeſſo, out of their own mouthes, that mens Names were to it, that never ſaw, nor at that time heard of their Petition.

2. That we might make it appear that the Sectaries are not ſo numerous, ſo formicable as they would be eſteemed, they are very inconſiderable comparatively; and for all your witleſſe Obſerva­tions upon this Petition, in many Pariſhes the reſuſers are ſo few, that we can write their Number with one Figure, without the help of a cypher: Nay, the more hands will be got to it, becauſe they ſee Envy it ſelf cannot charge the Petition with any crime; but let the man make up a probable Tale if he can: He tells us, Malig­nant Miniſters come in and compound, and theſe may joyn with the Remonſtrants; ſo he meaneth, and theſe with the Scots may make a party, &c. The man talks of Sedition, but no ſuch Sedition as this, to divide betwixt the City and the City, the City and the Parlia­ment, England with Scotland, one Houſe of Parliament with the other, and joyn theſe with Malignant Miniſters and Popiſh Prieſts: But take this Obſervation by the way, though all the Sects in the5 Kingdom ſhelter themſelves under the wings of Independents, yet the plain hearted Petitioners ſeek not Malignants to make up their number; but though the Diſſenting party will not joyn with them in Petitioning what their own principles lead them to, yet we ſhall be willing to joyn with them for the removing of theſe or any other Grievances, which our Covenant obligeth us to. Then the man findes fault with our godly Miniſters that Exerciſe every morn­ing, Some out of conſcience, others byaſed with baſe ends have done, What? ſtirring up the Magiſtrate in their popular Sermons at Weſtminiſter and Pauls, (to what man) to keep their Covenant, to be zealous for God and for the Publike good? Let all that love God and the Peace of the Kingdoms, ſay, Gods bleſſing to their hearts. But in your next take this Obſervation, That there are no Miniſters in the City pray more hearaily for the Parliament and the Armies then they do, (and that all our Victories ſince our New Model hath been, and then begun when this Lecture was ſet up) I thought good to give him this hint, leſt his impudence leads him at laſt to blaſpheme an Ordinance of God, which God hath honored with incredible ſucceſſe. (To ſpeak a word to the particular charge) hearken Reader, the great charge that is laid upon this honeſt Pe­tition, what is it? they Petition for ſetlement of Religion, the letter of the Covenant; well, if this be Malignancy and Sedition, we will account it our honor to be ſo, and till we can be diſingaged from our Covenant, we will Petition, and Petition, and Petition again for the ſetling of Religion: This doubtleſſe is our duty, and cannot be any breach of Priviledge. Reader, take notice, no Word in the Petition can be excepted againſt but Religion, but this he faith is meant Pres­byterial Government; but who told him ſo? how came he to know the ſenſe of our Petition? we did not make any Malignants or Se­ctaries of our counſel (the man in ſtead of aſperſing hath vindicated the Petition) Religion is the worſt word in it: well then, to conclude, they that would have Religion (a word in our Covenant) ſetled and reformed they that would have a happy period put to all our preſ­ſing grievances, Ireland (poor bleeding dying Ireland) that lately hath received a mortal blow (if God prevent not) relieved, reco­vered; that would have Peace ſetled upon the Foundation of truth, and a firm Union betwixt us and our aſperſed Brethren of Scotland, & an end of this uncivil Civil wars, come and ſubſcribe to this pious, prudent and peaceable Petition, and eccho back, We will all ſubſcribe.

OBSERVATIONS Upon the uſeful Dialogue, &c.
  • 1. SEe the wicked policy of Sectaries, becauſe they fall from their own principles, and to ſhew their oppoſition to them that endeavor so keep the Covenant, they charge the Presbyterian party with Sedi­tion and compliancy with Malignants and Cavaliers, when as the truth of the charge lies at their own doors; guilty perſons accuſe firſt.
  • 2. Look upon their impudence, condemning that as ſeditious, dan­gerous, deſtructive to the Parliament, &c. which is the declared judge­ment (upon ſerious and mature conſideration) of a godly, grave, wiſe and ſober Court, the Repreſentative of this Famous Cty, without giving any pretence or ſhew of Reaſon for their graceleſſe, groundleſſe cenſures.
  • 3. Obſerve their Sedition, in hatching jealouſies betwixt the Par­liament and Kingdom, preſenting this City (whoſe fame for their zeal to the Cauſe of God is gone through the Chriſtian world) as Sedi­tous, as joyning with Malignants, as deſerting the Parliament, and preſenting the Parliament as not regarding the City, nor minding their grievances, nor their own Engagements, in leaving takens of ho­nor upon this faithful City. The Lord rebuke this lying Spirit.
  • 4. Behold them condemning the courſe of Petitioning, the way themſelves take, the only way left to the Subject to have their grie­vances removed; and that which is the indubitable right of the meaneſt Subject muſt be denied to the Common-Councel of London, humbly to Petition: Aſtoniſhing impudence, unparallel'd Malignancy, pre­found ignorance.
  • 5. Reader, ſee ſonce again, for there is no end of baſeneſſe) they pretend love, Chriſtian ſweetneſſe, charitable opinions one towards another (take heed plain-hearted Chriſtians, here is a ſnare for you) when they talk and write of nothing that the Presbyterians do, but what is dangerous, miſchievons, ſeditious, increaſing the fire whileſt they call for water: I muſt leave them, they be too ſubtile for any plain-hearted man to deal with.

To the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, The Right Worſhipful the Alder­men and Commons of the City of London in Common-Councel aſſembled.The Humble PETITION of divers well­affected Citizens and Free-men of London, under the Juriſdiction of the Lord MAYOR.


THat the great care and unceſſant pains of this Honor­able Court, for promoting the Cauſe of God is ſo eminently known, that your Petitioners conceive they ſhall be too much wanting to their own duty and ſafety, if they ſhould be backward in the thankful acknowledge­ment thereof; Wherefore, as they give you many hum­ble and hearty thanks for what you have already done in reference to the Publike good, ſo being deſirous, what in them lies, yet farther to ſtrengthen your hands to ſo glorious a work, they cannot but let you know their Re­ſolutions to adhere unto you in all your juſt and legal proceedings: Not doubting but the ſame good hand of God that hath hitherto been with you, will ſtill be upon you for good, while you endeavor in your places the eſta­bliſhment of Truth and Peace, and the removal of thoſe preſſing Grievances that lie upon us, as you have lately done in that free and neceſſary, yet Humble and Dutiful Re­monſtrance and Petition to the Honorable Houſes of Par­liament. And however there want not thoſe for the pre­ſent, who out of ſelf-reſpects calumniate your good In­tentions therein, yet being perſwaded that in very faith­fulneſſe8 to the Publike you have done it, your Petitioners not only approve of it, but rejoyce in it, the rather, ſince they know no other orderly way for obtaining re­medy for their common Grievances, then by your Ad­dreſſes to the Parliament in their behalf.

Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray, That this Ho­norable Court will be pleaſed ſtill to perſevere, and coura­giouſly to go on in and by all pious and prudent means, en­deavoring the ſpeedy ſettlement of Religion, the Peace of the Kingdom, the Union of both Nations, the ſafety and welfare of this City, and in a word, the performance of that Covenant wherein we are ſolmnly ingaged to God the Righteous Judge of all the wold. In reference to all which good ends, your Petitioners further pray, That you would ſtill continue your humble Addreſſes to the Parlia­ment, not only for a gracious Anſwer to your ſaid late Re­monſtrance, but for all ſuch other things as ſhall neceſſarily conduce to putting a happy period to our preſent miſerable diſtractions; And that in the mean time you would put in execution, among your ſelves, ſo many bran­ches thereof as the Power wherewith (by the Laws of this Kingdom) you are already inveſted, will extend unto.

And your Petitioners ſhall ever Pray, &c.

About this transcription

TextA glasse for vveak ey'd citizens: or a vindication of the pious, prudent and peaceable petition (to the Honorable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and commons in Common-Councel assembled) now in agitation, from the false aspersions and calumniations of a seditious pamphlet, intituled, A dialogue, &c. By one that hath taken, and desires to keep his covenant. Very usefull for all that have subscribed the petition. Published according to order.
AuthorOne That Hath Taken, and Desires to Keep His Covenant..
Extent Approx. 17 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA glasse for vveak ey'd citizens: or a vindication of the pious, prudent and peaceable petition (to the Honorable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and commons in Common-Councel assembled) now in agitation, from the false aspersions and calumniations of a seditious pamphlet, intituled, A dialogue, &c. By one that hath taken, and desires to keep his covenant. Very usefull for all that have subscribed the petition. Published according to order. One That Hath Taken, and Desires to Keep His Covenant.. 8 p. Printed for Tho: Underhil, at the Bible in Woodstreet.,London, :Iune 19. 1646.. (A reply to "A new petition" (Wing N697), which is by "A cordiall wel-willer to the peace of this famous city".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Cordiall Wel-Willer to the Peace of This Famous City. -- New petition.
  • Church of England -- Government -- Early works to 1800.
  • Church polity -- Early works to 1800.
  • Independent churches -- England.
  • Congregationalism -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
  • Dissenters, Religious -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Christian sects -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- Church history -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.

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