HEADS of AGREEMENT Aſſented to by the United Miniſters, &c.
The following Heads of Agreement have been Reſolved upon, by the United Miniſters in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational; not as a Meaſure for any National Conſtitution, but for the Preſervation of Order in our Congregations, that cannot come up to the Common Rule by Law Eſtabliſhed.
I. Of Churches and Church-Members.
1. WE Acknowledge our Lord Jeſus Chriſt to have one Catholick Church, or Kingdom, comprehending all that are united to him, whether in Heaven or Earth. And do conceive the whole multitude of viſible Believers, and their Infant-Seed (commonly called the Catholick Church) to belong to Chriſt's Spiritual Kingdom in this world: But for the notion of a Catholick Viſible Church here, as it ſignifies its having been collected into any formed Society, under a viſible humane Head on Earth, whether one Perſon ſingly, or many collectively, We, with the reſt of the Proteſtants, unanimouſly diſclaim it.
2. We agree, That particular Societies of viſible Saints, who under Chriſt their Head, are ſtatedly joyned together for ordinary Communion with one another, in all the Ordinances of Chriſt, are particular Churches, and are to be owned by each other, as Inſtituted Churches of Chriſt, tho differing in apprehenſions and practice in ſome leſſer things.
3. That none ſhall be admitted as Members, in order to Communion in all the ſpecial Ordinances of the Goſpel, but ſuch perſons as are knowing and ſound in the fundamental Doctrines of the Chriſtian Religion, without Scandal in their Lives; and to a Judgment regulated by the VVord of God, are perſons of2 viſible Godlineſs and Honeſty; crediby profeſſing cordial ſubjection to Jeſus Chriſt.
4. A competent Number of ſuch viſible Saints (as before deſcribed) do become the capable Subjects of ſtated Communion in all the ſpecial Ordinances of Chriſt upon their mutual declared conſent and agreement, to walk together therein according to Goſpel-Rule. In which declaration, differerent degrees of Expliciteneſs, ſhall no no way hinder ſuch Churches from owning each other, as Instituted Churches.
5. Tho Parochial Bounds be not of Divine Right, yet for common Edification, the Members of a particular Church ought (as much as conveniently may be) to live near one another.
6. That each particular Church hath Right to chuſe their own Officers; and being furniſhed with ſuch as are duly qualified and ordained according to the Goſpel-Rule, hath Authority from Chriſt for exerciſing Government, and of enjoying all the Ordinances of Worſhip within it ſelf.
7. In the Adminiſtration of Church Power, it belongs to the Pastors and other Elders of every particular Church (if ſuch there be) to Rule & Govern: and to the Brotherhood to Conſent, according to the Rule of the Goſpel.
8. That all Profeſſors as before deſcribed, are bound in duty, as they have opportunity, to join themſelves as fixed Members of ſome particular Church; their thus joining, being part of their profeſſed ſubjection to the Goſpel of Chriſt, and an inſtituted means of their Eſtabliſhment and Edification; whereby they are under the Pastoral Care, and in caſe of ſcandalous or offenſive walking, may be Authoritatively Admoniſhed or Cenſured for their recovery, and for vindication of the Truth, and the Church profeſſing it.
9. That a viſible Profeſſor thus joined to a particular Church, ought to continue ſtedfaſtly with the ſaid Church; and not forſake the Miniſtry and Ordinances there diſpenſed, without an orderly ſeeking a recommendation unto another Church;3 Which ought to be given, when the caſe of the perſon apparently requires it.
II. Of the Miniſtry.
1. WE agree, That the Miniſterial Office is inſtituted by Jeſus Chriſt, for the Gathering, Guiding, Edifying, and Governing of his Church; and to continue to the end of the World.
2. They who are called to this Office, ought to be endued with competent Learning, and Miniſterial Gifts, as alſo with the Grace of God, ſound in Judgment, not Novices in the Faith and Knowledge of the Goſpel; without ſcandal, of holy Converſation, and ſuch as devote themſelves to the Work and Service thereof.
3. That ordinarly none ſhall be Ordained to the Work of this Miniſtry, but ſuch as are called and choſen thereunto by a particular Church.
4. That in ſo great and weighty a matter, as the calling and chuſing a Pastor, we judge it ordinarly requiſit, That every ſuch Church conſult and adviſe with the Paſtors of Neighbouring Congregations.
5. That after ſuch Advice, the Perſon conſulted about, being choſen by the Brotherhood of that particular Church, over which he is to be ſet, and he accepting, be duly ordained, and ſet apart to his Office over them; wherein 'tis ordinarly requifite, That the Paſtors of Neighbouring Congregations concur with the Preaching-Elder, or Elders, if ſuch there be.
6. That whereas ſuch Ordination is only intended for ſuch as never before had been ordained to the Ministerial Office; If any judge, that in the caſe alſo of the removal of one formerly Ordained to a new Station, or Paſtoral Charge, there ought to be a like Solemn recomending him and his Labours to the Grace and Bleſſing of God; no different Sentiments or Practice herein, ſhall be any occaſion of Contention or Breach of Communion among us.
47. It is expedient, that they who enter on the work of Preaching the Goſpel, be not only qualified for Communion of Saints; but alſo that, except in caſes extraordinary, they give proof of their Gifts and fitneſs for the ſaid work, unto the Paſtors of Churches of known abilities, to diſcern and judge of their qualifications; That they may be ſent forth with Solemn Approbation and Prayer; which we judge needful, that no doubt may remain concerning their being Called to the work; and for preventing (as much as in us lieth) Ignorant and raſh Intruders.
III. Of Cenſures.
1. AS it cannot be avoided, but that in the purest Churches on Earth, there will ſometimes Offences and Scandals ariſe, by reaſon of Hypocriſie and prevailing corruption; ſo Chriſt hath made it the Duty of every Church, to reform it ſelf by Spiritual Remedies, appointed by him to be applied in all ſuch caſes; viz. Admonition, and Excommunication.
2. Admonition, being the rebuking of an Offending Member, in order to conviction, is in caſe of private offences to be performed, according to the Rule in Mat. 18 v. 15, 16, 17. And in caſe of Publick offences, openly before the Church, as the Honour of the Goſpel, and nature of the Scandal ſhall require: And if either of the Admonitions take place for the recovery of the fallen Perſon, all further proceedings in a way of cenſure, are thereon to ceaſe, and ſatisfaction to be declared accordingly.
3. When all due means are uſed, according to the Order of the Goſpel, for the reſtoring an offending and ſcandalous Brother; and he notwithſtanding remains Impenitent, the Cenſure of Excommunication is to be proceeded unto; Wherein the Paſtor and other Elders (if there be ſuch) are to lead, and go before the Church; and the Brother-hood to give their conſent, in a way of obedience unto Chriſt, and unto the Elders, as over them in the Lord.
54. It may ſometimes come to paſs, that a Church-Member, not otherwiſe Scandalous, may ſinfully withdraw, and divide himſelf from the Communion of the Church, to which he belongeth: In which caſe, when all due means for the reducing him, prove ineffectual, he having hereby cut himſelf off from that Church Communion; the Church may juſtly eſteem, and declare it ſelf diſcharged of any further inſpection over him.
IV. Of Communion of Churches.
WE Agree, that Particular Churches ought not to walk ſo diſtinct and ſeparate from each other, as not to have care and tenderneſs towards one another. But their Paſtors ought to have frequent meetings together, that by mutual Advice, Support, Encouragement, and Brotherly intercourſe, they may ſtrengthen the hearts and hands of each other, in the ways of the Lord.
2. That none of our particular Churches ſhall be ſubordinat to one another; each being endued with equality of Power from Jeſus Chriſt. And that none of the ſaid particular Churches, their Officer, or Officers, ſhall exerciſe any Power, or have any Superiority over any other Church, or their Officers.
3. That known Members of particular Churches, conſtituted as aforeſaid, may have occaſional Communion with one another in the Ordinances of the Goſpel, viz. the Word, Prayer, Sacraments, Singing Pſalms, diſpenſed according to the mind of Chriſt: Unleſs that Church, with which they deſire Communion, hath any juſt exception againſt them.
4. That we ought not to admit any one to be a Member of our reſpective Congregations, that hath joyned himſelf to another, without endeavours of mutual Satisfaction of the Congregations concerned.
5. That one Church ought not to blame the Proceedings of another, until it hath heard what that Church charged its Elders, or Meſſengers, can ſay in vindication of themſelves, from any charge of Irregular or Injurious Proceedings.
66. That we are moſt willing and ready to give an account of our Church Proceedings to each other, when deſired; for preventing or removing any offences that may ariſe among us. Likewiſe we ſhall be ready to give the right hand of fellowſhip, and walk together according to the Goſpel-Rules of Communion of Churches.
V. Of Deacons and Ruling Elders.
WE agree, The Office of a Deacon is of Divine Appointment, and that it belongs to their Office to receive, lay out, and diſtribute the Churches Stock to its proper uſes, by the direction of the Paſtor, and the Brethren, if need be. And whereas divers are of opinion, That there is alſo the Office of Ruling Elders, who labour not in Word and Doctrine; and others think otherwiſe; We agree, That this difference make no breach among us.
VI. Of Occaſional Meetings of Ministers, &c.
1. WE agree, That in order to concord, and in any other weighty and difficult caſes, it is needful, and according to the mind of Chriſt, that the Miniſters of ſeveral Churches be conſulted and adviſed with about ſuch Matters.
2. That ſuch Meetings may conſiſt of ſmaller or greater Numbers, as the Matter ſhall require.
3. That particular Churches, their reſpective Elders, and Members, ought to have a reverential regard to their judgement ſo given, and not diſſent therefrom, without apparent grounds from the word of God.
VII. Of our Demeanour towards the Civil Magiſtrat.
1. WE do reckon our ſelves obliged, continually to pray for God's Protection, Guidance, and Bleſſing upon the Rulers ſet over us.
72. That we ought to yield unto them, not only ſubjection in the Lord, but ſupport, according to our ſtation and abilities.
3. That if at any time it ſhall be their pleaſunt to call together any Number of us, or require any accoun of our Affairs, and the ſtate of our Congregations, we ſhall moſt readily expreſs all dutiful regard to them herein.
VIII. Of a Confeſſion of Faith.
AS to what appertains to ſoundneſs of Judgment in matters of Faith, we eſteem it ſufficient, That a Church acknowledge the Scriptures to be the word of God, the perfect, and only Rule of Faith and Practice; and owne either the Doctrinal part of thoſe, commonly called the Articles of the Church of England, or the Confeſſion, or Catechiſms, Shorter or Larger, compiled by the Aſſembly at Weſtminſter, or the Confeſſion agreed on at the Savoy, to be agreeable to the ſaid Rule.
IX. Of our Duty and Deportment towards them, that are not in Communion with us.
1. WE judge it our duty to bear a Chriſtian Reſpect to all Chriſtians, according to their ſeveral Ranks and Stations, that are not of our Perſwaſion or Communion.
2. As for ſuch as may be ignorant of the Principles of the Chriſtian Religion, or of vicious converſation, we ſhall in our reſpective Places, as they give us opportunity, endeavour to explain to them, the Doctrine of Life and Salvation, and to our uttermoſt perſwade them to be reconciled to God.
3. That ſuch who appear to have the Eſſential Requiſites to Church-Communion, we ſhall willingly receive them in the Lord, not troubling them with Diſputes about leſſer matters.
As we Aſſent to the forementioned Heads of Agreement; So we Ʋnanimouſly Reſolve as the Lord ſhall enable us, to Practiſe, according to them.