A HIGH AND HEAVENLY ECCHO. Explanatory Verſes, conteining, as the occaſion of, ſo cautions for the underſtanding the following Scripture-Ecchoes.
NIgh to ones houſe an anſwering Eccho is;
Many have heard it, and they ſay it is
A None-ſuch Eccho, the like not having found,
With ſome content hearing the ſame re-ſound,
Once, and again, mean while 'twas well remember'd
What had long ſince been out of Pulpit heard;
Another Eccho, That God commanded
Seeke ye my face, It was returned,
Lord we will ſeeke thy face: not properly,
This then was call'd an Eccho, certainly:
Eccho the ſelf-ſame words, as ſpoken, doth re-ſound,
The words which now are here, now there are found:
On this occaſion muſing, 'twas thought
A Scripture-Eccho, ſure might be found out.
Great is (indeed) Gods bleſſed condeſcenſion,
Who teacheth man by man, to the ſame paſſion
Subject, And in the ſelf-ſame condemnation,
That men might learn, being taught with much compaſſion
Not only thus; but God to help mans faith,
Teacheth things heavenly by the things on earth.
The print on Wax anſwers the Seal that made it;
So doth Gods grace in man unto the God who gave it.
Or as a face doth anſwer unto face in Glaſſe,
So doth mans heart to God, where there is grace.
Men ſpeaking to an Eccho, Eccho doth anſwer them,
Even ſo Gods grace in man doth anſwer unto him.
Great familiarity 'twill ſeeme there is
'Twixt God and ſuch men as are neerly his.
That you miſtake not then the following Ecchoings,
Obſerve well firſt ſome premis'd cautions:
What of the Lord is ſaid, with reverence is ſaid,
Not God debaſing, but let him be ador'd:
God being infinite, the diſtance then,
Is infinite betwixt our God and men.
What's ſaid by him, he not depending on them,
'Tis ſaid, but what's by them's depending on him.
He from himſelf is what he is to them,
Saints from their God are what they are to him.
God what he is, 'tis without bounds to them;
What meaſure men receive, they are to him.
They not beginning thus, and thus with him.
But he beginning thus, and thus with them,
What's done by God, is done with great perfection,
What's done by Saints on earth hath its pollution.
Reſerving thus to God what's due to him as God,
To Gods diſhonour dreading to pen a word;
Reading what follows to be read, therefrom
Improvement make (with care) firſt to inform.
The Lord is not to them a portion, no:
Whoſe hearts anſwer not him, Ecchoing ſo;
But in whoſe hearts the Lord his Law hath put,
They happy are; examine we our ſtate.
As print to Seal, as face to face, and Eccho anſwereth;
Doth ſo thy heart to God? if there be grace in truth
It will; if yet it do not, do not thou
Conclude it never will; no, do not ſo.
The Lord may ſeize upon thy heart, and make
Thy heart to him, as follows, Eccho back.
But as for ſuch as Eccho to the Lord,
Anſwering him according to his Word;
They may not boaſt: for all the good they have,
Was firſt in Chriſt, from him they did receive.
Such thanks ſhould give to Chriſt, as from a Spring,
From him they have this bleſſed Ecchoing.
Comfort moſt ſafe as well as ſweet may ſuch ſuck out from this,
Who Ecchoing truly unto God, there God they know he is.
Theſe cautions taken as an Antidote,
More uſes may be made then here are wrote.
Twelve Syllables at once that Eccho well repeateth,
Twelve Syllables in this [Reader] each line rehearſeth,
God ſpeaketh.
I Chuſing did chuſe thee, Thou chuſing did'ſt chuſe me.
Thouſands I paſſed by, I pitch'd my love on thee.
Thouſands thou paſſedſt by, And ſett'ſt thy love on me.
Thouſands I might have lov'd, And might have paſt by thee.
Thouſands thou might'ſt have lov'd, And might'ſt have paſt by me.
Precious I do think thee, Precious thou do'ſt think me.
Alone I let not thee, Alone thou lett'ſt not me.
I have took hold on thee, Thou haſt took hold on me.
Seized on thee have I, Seized on me haſt thou.
I ioyn my ſelfe to thee, Thou ioyn'ſt thy ſelf to me.
Poſſeſſion thou art mine, Poſſeſſion I am thine.
I dwell alwayes in thee, Thou dwell'ſt alwayes in me.
I walk alwayes in thee, Thou walk'ſt alwayes in me.
I gave my ſelfe to thee, Thou gav'ſt thy ſelf to me.
I ſet my heart on thee, Thou ſett'ſt thy heart on me.
Portion I am to thee, Treaſure thou art to me.
Thou art, beloved, mine; I am, beloved, thine.
Contented I'le not be with thine, but with thy ſelf.
Contented thoul't not be with mine, but with my ſelf.
All that I am it's thine, All that thou art it's mine.
I do abide in thee, Thou do'ſt abide in me.
Mine eye is ſtill on thee, Thine eye is ſtill on me.
I reſt my love on thee, Thou reſt'ſt thy love on me.
I do delight in thee, Thou do'ſt delight in me.
I am a friend to thee, Thou art a friend to me.
Kindneſſe to them ſhew I, which kindneſſe ſhew to thee.
Kindneſſe to them ſhew'ſt thou, which kindneſſe ſhew to me.
Foes who are ſo to me, Thou counteſt foes to thee.
I never will have peace with ſuch as war with thee.
Thou never wilt have peace with ſuch as war with me.
I take part ſtill with thee againſt thy foes that be.
Thou tak'ſt part ſtill with me againſt my foes that be.
I am ſomewhat like thee, thou art ſomewhat like me.
Both juſt and true am I, Both juſt and true art thou.
Juſt in dealings am I, Juſt in dealiings art thou.
True of my words am I, True of thy words art thou.
Bent to mercie am I, Bent to mercie art thou.
Such as ſerve me in love, Although they do not well,
I accept of their wils; Thus likewiſe doeſt thou.
For evill good do I, For evill good do'ſt thou.
Holy likewiſe am I, Holy likewiſe art thou.
Patient alſo am I, Patient alſo art thou.
Such as do anger me, Such long forbear do I:
Such as do anger thee, ſuch long forbeareſt thou.
Such Angels and ſuch men, as good and holy are:
Such are prized by me, Such are prized by thee.
What hated is by me, That hated is by thee.
Sins of all kindes hate I, Sins of all kindes hat'ſt thou.
Such doings and ſuch words, as hated are by me,
Such doings and ſuch words are hatefull unto thee.
What is belov'd by me, That is belov'd by thee.
Thoſe Angels and thoſe men, which holy are and good,
Beloved are by me, Such are belov'd by thee.
That which well pleaſeth me, That alſo pleaſeth thee.
Such Angels and ſuch men obeying do pleaſe me:
Such Angels and ſuch men obeying do pleaſe thee.
The Believer Eccho's.
I Chuſing did chuſe thee, Thou chuſing did'ſt chuſe me.
Thouſands I paſſed by, I pitch'd my love on thee.
Thouſands thou paſſedſt by, And ſett'ſt thy love on me.
Thouſands I might have lov'd, And might have paſt by thee.
Thouſands thou might'ſt have lov'd, And might'ſt have paſt by me.
Precious I do think thee, Precious thou do'ſt think me.
Alone I let not thee, Alone thou lett'ſt not me.
I have took hold on thee, Thou haſt took hold on me.
Seized on thee have I, Seized on me haſt thou.
I ioyn my ſelfe to thee, Thou ioyn'ſt thy ſelf to me.
Poſſeſſion thou art mine, Poſſeſſion I am thine.
I dwell alwayes in thee, Thou dwell'ſt alwayes in me.
I walk alwayes in thee, Thou walk'ſt alwayes in me.
I gave my ſelfe to thee, Thou gav'ſt thy ſelf to me.
I ſet my heart on thee, Thou ſett'ſt thy heart on me.
Portion I am to thee, Treaſure thou art to me.
Thou art, beloved, mine; I am, beloved, thine.
Contented I'le not be with thine, but with thy ſelf.
Contented thoul't not be with mine, but with my ſelf.
All that I am it's thine, All that thou art it's mine.
I do abide in thee, Thou do'ſt abide in me.
Mine eye is ſtill on thee, Thine eye is ſtill on me.
I reſt my love on thee, Thou reſt'ſt thy love on me.
I do delight in thee, Thou do'ſt delight in me.
I am a friend to thee, Thou art a friend to me.
Kindneſſe to them ſhew I, which kindneſſe ſhew to thee.
Kindneſſe to them ſhew'ſt thou, which kindneſſe ſhew to me.
Foes who are ſo to me, Thou counteſt foes to thee.
I never will have peace with ſuch as war with thee.
Thou never wilt have peace with ſuch as war with me.
I take part ſtill with thee againſt thy foes that be.
Thou tak'ſt part ſtill with me againſt my foes that be.
I am ſomewhat like thee, thou art ſomewhat like me.
Both juſt and true am I, Both juſt and true art thou.
Juſt in dealings am I, Juſt in dealiings art thou.
True of my words am I, True of thy words art thou.
Bent to mercie am I, Bent to mercie art thou.
Such as ſerve me in love, Although they do not well,
I accept of their wils; Thus likewiſe doeſt thou.
For evill good do I, For evill good do'ſt thou.
Holy likewiſe am I, Holy likewiſe art thou.
Patient alſo am I, Patient alſo art thou.
Such as do anger me, Such long forbear do I:
Such as do anger thee, ſuch long forbeareſt thou.
Such Angels and ſuch men, as good and holy are:
Such are prized by me, Such are prized by thee.
What hated is by me, That hated is by thee.
Sins of all kindes hate I, Sins of all kindes hat'ſt thou.
Such doings and ſuch words, as hated are by me,
Such doings and ſuch words are hatefull unto thee.
What is belov'd by me, That is belov'd by thee.
Thoſe Angels and thoſe men, which holy are and good,
Beloved are by me, Such are belov'd by thee.
That which well pleaſeth me, That alſo pleaſeth thee.
Such Angels and ſuch men obeying do pleaſe me:
Such Angels and ſuch men obeying do pleaſe thee.
God ſpeaketh.
Good doings and good words of ſuch as holy be,
They pleaſing are to me, They pleaſing are to thee.
What doeth anger me, That doeth anger thee.
Ill doings and ill words of ſuch as wicked are:
'Tis ſuch that anger me, 'Tis ſuch that anger thee.
What grievous is to me, That grievous is to thee.
Diviſions of the good, They grievous are to me:
Diviſions of the good, They grievous are to thee.
Afflictions of the Saints are grievous unto me:
Afflictions of the Saints are grievous unto thee.
Acquaintance I am thine, Acquaintance thou art mine.
Suitableneſſe (it ſeems) is between me and thee:
Reconciled am I to thee, and thou to me
Art reconciled ſo, that peace ſhall ever be.
Becauſe I am agreed with thee, and thou with me:
Therefore I walk with thee, Therefore thou walk'ſt with me.
Much aſſurance have I given that I am thine,
And ever ſhall remain, The ſame thing haſt thou done.
I give my word I'me thine, Thou giv'ſt thy word thou'rt mine:
Mine Oath thou haſt I'me thine, Thy Oath I have thou'rt mine.
I ſeal to aſſure thee, Thou ſeal'ſt to aſſure me.
I witneſſe have thou'rt mine, Thou witneſs haſt I'me thine.
I earneſt give to thee, Thou earneſt giv'ſt to me.
I will never leave thee, nor will I thee forſake:
Thou wilt never leave me, nor wilt thou me forſake.
I will not loſe what I have done ere now for thee:
Thou wilt not loſe what thou haſt done ere now for me.
That commerce which have I with thee ſhall more increaſe,
Be full, and never end: Thus likewiſe 'tis with thee.
If I ſhould now leave thee, Then all I 've done is loſt:
If thou ſhould'ſt now leave me, Then all thou'ſt done is loſt.
I'le ne're have done with thee, Till that thou be with me:
Thou'lt nere have done with me, Till that I be with thee.
When I get thee to me, And thou gett'ſt me to thee:
I'le never part from thee, Thou'lt never part from me.
The Believer Eccho's.
Good doings and good words of ſuch as holy be,
They pleaſing are to me, They pleaſing are to thee.
What doeth anger me, That doeth anger thee.
Ill doings and ill words of ſuch as wicked are:
'Tis ſuch that anger me, 'Tis ſuch that anger thee.
What grievous is to me, That grievous is to thee.
Diviſions of the good, They grievous are to me:
Diviſions of the good, They grievous are to thee.
Afflictions of the Saints are grievous unto me:
Afflictions of the Saints are grievous unto thee.
Acquaintance I am thine, Acquaintance thou art mine.
Suitableneſſe (it ſeems) is between me and thee:
Reconciled am I to thee, and thou to me
Art reconciled ſo, that peace ſhall ever be.
Becauſe I am agreed with thee, and thou with me:
Therefore I walk with thee, Therefore thou walk'ſt with me.
Much aſſurance have I given that I am thine,
And ever ſhall remain, The ſame thing haſt thou done.
I give my word I'me thine, Thou giv'ſt thy word thou'rt mine:
Mine Oath thou haſt I'me thine, Thy Oath I have thou'rt mine.
I ſeal to aſſure thee, Thou ſeal'ſt to aſſure me.
I witneſſe have thou'rt mine, Thou witneſs haſt I'me thine.
I earneſt give to thee, Thou earneſt giv'ſt to me.
I will never leave thee, nor will I thee forſake:
Thou wilt never leave me, nor wilt thou me forſake.
I will not loſe what I have done ere now for thee:
Thou wilt not loſe what thou haſt done ere now for me.
That commerce which have I with thee ſhall more increaſe,
Be full, and never end: Thus likewiſe 'tis with thee.
If I ſhould now leave thee, Then all I 've done is loſt:
If thou ſhould'ſt now leave me, Then all thou'ſt done is loſt.
I'le ne're have done with thee, Till that thou be with me:
Thou'lt nere have done with me, Till that I be with thee.
When I get thee to me, And thou gett'ſt me to thee:
I'le never part from thee, Thou'lt never part from me.
&c. here is put to what is above ſaid,
To what invented is 'tis eaſie for to add.
Say ſo it is will holy hearts unto theſe Ecchoings;
But graceleſſe hearts perhaps will think they are very ſtrange things.
As if ſix Bels were rung juſt at the Vale
Where th' Eccho is, Eccho would anſwer all:
So here, this Eccho [Reader] may be ſung
Unto the Tune, as when ſix Bels are rung.
By a faithful Miniſter of the Goſpel.