A BLACK-SMITH And no Jeſuite; Or, The Smith of MARLEBOROƲGH.
THE twenty eight of July 1659. Cornet Joyce, Cornet Smale, Quartermaſter Tynne, Mr. Waldron, and Corporal Carter, came to Marleborough with about2 twenty Souldiers, which Souldiers quartered at the George at the towns end; but Cornet Joyce and the reſt of his Confederates, went into the Town; Joyce quartering at the White-hart, and the reſt at the Angel; having thus diſperſed themſelves, I was ſent for to ſhooe Cornet Smale's horſe, which I did; being called into the Chamber to receive my due, I went, not ſuſpecting any deſigne; but after payment, Tynne, Waldron, Smale, and Carter, were exceeding inquiſitive concerning news; I told them I could not inform them of any, being from home till laſt night at Sarum Aſſiſes: What news there? I made anſwer, great complaints of bad trading, and great Taxes, and the poor ready to famiſh.
Is it ſo? ſaid Tynne; now thou ſhalt ſee honeſt Smith that in a ſhort time things will alter, for thou ſhalt ſee the Rump turned out.
Say you ſo ſir? truly I am3 very glad of that, for then I ſhall have ſome work, and likewiſe all other tradeſmen.
Truly honeſt Smith, I ſee thou art right, for I have loſt all that I had for being for the King.
Sir, be of good comfort, for a good Conſcience goes beyond riches, and no doubt but God will raiſe you up again.
Then they asked me what friends the King had thereabouts; I ſaid there are many that would be glad to ſee better times.
But honeſt Smith, doſt thou know of any who have ſent any thing to carry on our Kings Intereſt? thou needs not be a fraid, (ſaid he) for we are as faithfull true ſubjects to the King as any perſons can be: then they all ſaid, we have loſt our eſtates, we have ventured our lives, and therefore thou needeſt not doubt or fear us.
No, for my part I have no cauſe: then they call'd for Beer,4 and did drink the Kings health, and I pledged them: then they ſaid the Rump was Cheaters; and my anſwer was, they ſaid true enough, for they had not only cheated the King of his right, but many thouſands more.
It is very true indeed, for theſe Members which ſit now at Weſtminſter have Cheated me of a brave eſtate.
And ſo alſo have they of mine, and I would not for fourty pounds but that I had known thee, for thou mayeſt do us a great deal of good, to help on our Intereſt.
My anſwer was, that any good which I could do, I would do with all my heart.
Well honeſt Smith, tell what perſons be here abouts as will do us any good, for our deſire is not to be Governed by this Rump all the daies of our lives.
You ſpeak well ſir, for they did pretend the Biſhops was lazey,5 and would preach but once a year, and Hazelrig and the reſt have gained their eſtates, and they will not preach at all; and added alſo, that ſelf-intereſt had been the cauſe of all diviſions, for there is no more Religion: then one of them went our of the room, and called Tynne out after him, and left only Cornet Smale with me.
Honeſt Smith, what do you think of Captain Burges, and Mr. Thomas Baly?
They are very honeſt Gentlemen, and would be glad to ſee better times: But ſir, did you never hear the Letter as came from Hell to this Parliament, otherwiſe called the Rump?
No, pray tell us what it was; ſo I did.
It was directed, To our Right and Truſty, Welbeloved Members now ſitting at our Houſe at Weſtminſter; or in their abſence, To our6 good promoters of our Good Old Cauſe.
The Contents followeth.
Whereas you according to the Truſt that we have repoſed in you, have gone on with the work of Reformation, and deſolation of all our good people of England, we returne you thanks; hoping you will perſevere ſo to the end; And our deſire is, that you wll ſend as few to Heaven of thoſe you Murther as you can; for we muſt give you a hint of your former miſtakes in Charles, Love, and Hewit, cum multis aliis, (here you muſt underſtand the Divel miſtakes, in ſpeaking Latin to thoſe as cannot understand Engliſh) And we would not have you cloy us with ſo many ſtinking Lobſters, I mean your Red-Coates; for if we ſhall think it convenient to continue you any longer on Earth, we ſhall come and keep our Court amongſt you at White-Hall; therefore we would not have you ſell it, nor yet Somerſet-Houſe; it may be thought meet7 if you ſit long, to make it one of our•eens Palaces.
This I told them, and many other things which made them very merry; and all this time they called for Beer; and when one had drunk unto me, then another did begin; ſo they kept me drinking til Ten a clock that night, and they did endeavour to keep all out of the Room, Tapſter and Chamberlain, becauſe they ſhould not hear what they did ſay unto me. Then one of them went to Cornet Joyce at the White-Hart, and told him that they had got a Black-Smith at their Inne, who would do them a great deal of good, and wiſhed him to deal warily with me; for they could do no good upon me, if he would but trie me they knew it would be worth their labour in coming; ſo he promiſed them in8 the morning he would attempt what they deſired: All this was done unknown to me, (and all this I was told by the Chamberlain afterwards.) Having proceeded thus far, & it being late, they began to prepare for bed, ſo away came I home, and told my Mother and a neighbour what had paſſed. The next morning Cornet Joyce did ſend for me, to come and ſhooe his Horſe, and I went; but it was as a Bird to the ſnare, by the cunning of the Fowler. As ſoon as I came to the Hart, he was ſtanding at the ſtable doore, and was clothed like a Farmer, and ſo I thought him to be; and he deſired me to naile his Horſe, which I did, and he gave me ſix pence for my labour: ſir, this is too much, no, it is not ſaid he, for thou doſt deſerve it, for I perceive that thou art a good workman.
Welcome honeſt Smith, go up into my Chamber, and I will make thee drink into the bargain.
I being come into the9 Chamber, Joyce called for a pint of White-wine and ſugar, and ſome Tobacco and Pipes, and cauſed me to ſit down with him, and drank unto me.
Come honeſt Smith, here's a health unto the King; and threw his Hat under the board.
Seeing that, I plucked off my hat alſo, and ſaid, with all my heart; and pledged him.
Come honeſt heart? as a comfort unto thee, Ile tell thee news, if thou doſt not know of it already.
What is that ſir, I pray?
I will tell thee, there is to be this day ſeventhnight a Rendezvouze of about ten thouſand men at the Forreſt of Dean for the King, did'ſt not hear of it?
No indeed Sir, not I; I never heard of any ſuch thing.
It is very true; for a friend of mine at London hath ſent down 50000. l. into the Weſt, and ten thouſand Caſe10 of Piſtols to carry on my Maſters intereſt; how thinkſt thou of that, honeſt Smith?
Very well; God proſper you. I am glad to hear ſuch news; for God knows, Sir, I ſhould be willing to venture my life for the King, ſo I might do him any ſervice.
It is a ſad thing for a man to be baniſhed from his right, and for ſeeking after it to be proclaim'd a traytor by thoſe that are Traitors themſelves, and murderers too.
Then he ſhewed me the Kings Commiſſion, telling me that the King had given him power to raiſe Forces for him, and I did read his Commiſſion, and there was the Broad Seal on it, ſigned Charles Rex. Having laid this as a foundation to the miſchief intended, he proceeds to ask of me many queſtions; firſt about Captain Burges.
Doſt thou think that Captain Burges is right for us?
Pray Sir do not queſtion that, for he is a very honeſt godly man; and I am ſure he is willing to have a Government ſetled, and not be governed by the Fagg-end of the Nation, as we are now (the more is the pity.)
I believe he is honeſt, becauſe he hath not raiſed his Troop all this while; but doſt hear honeſt heart? doſt know of any that hath given any money or Horſes to carry on our Maſters intereſt?
No indeed ſir? I do not know of any that have.
But doſt know of any that will?
Yes, there are as honeſt men hereabouts as any in the Land.
What doſt think of the Lord Seamour?
He is a gallant, noble, and worthy perſon.
But doſt hear honeſt heart? doſt know of any intereſt which he12 hath carried on for my Maſter?
No indeed ſir; I do not know of any intereſt wherein he hath engaged himſelf in reference to the King.
But doſt think if we ſhould make trial of him to aid and aſſiſt my Maſter, that he would be willing? for, if we ſhould take away horſes by force, we ſhall loſe the good will of the Countrey; therefore if we can gain ſuch men as he whereby to carry on our deſign without oppreſſion, we ſhall be in a more likely way to proſper.
Truly ſir, you may make trial and ſee, but he lives very privately, for they have been pulled and baited up and down, ſo that I think they will have but ſmall ſtomack to meddle any more, unleſs they ſee an opportunity.
Well Smith, what, doſt thou know my Lord Marqueſſe? what doſt thou conceive of him?
Truly, a noble Lord.
Doſt thou know of any intereſt he hath carried on for my Maſter?
No indeed ſir, I do not know of any.
Doſt think that Captain Burges doth carry on any deſign for him?
No indeed ſir, I do not know any of them that carry on any deſign for him; but I conceive they are all his good friends.
Doſt think that the Lord Marqueſs will do my Maſter any good, to let me have any money, or horſes; for that as we do, it muſt be done before the Militia be raiſed, or elſe we ſhall be diſappointed.
You may go and try ſir; for if you go to him, I believe he will do what may be done with the ſafety of his life and Eſtate.
But honeſt Smith, if thou wilt go and carry theſe Letters to theſe men, thou ſhalt be well paid; which14 Letters are in number four; one for the Lord Marqueſſe, another for the Lord Seamour, one to the High Sheriff, and the other to Mr. Webb of Ogbourn a Miniſter.
I cannot go, to morrow being Saturday, and our Market day, which requires my being at home; therefore I pray go your ſelf.
Honeſt Smith, what thinkſt thou of Mr. Byfield, Mr. Proffit, Dr. Chambers.
Truly they are honeſt true hearts, and would be glad to ſee better times.
Doſt think we may truſt theſe Presbyterians? for thou know'ſt they have been falſe to my Maſters Father.
Pray ſir, do not queſtion them; there were ſome indeed who were not right; but they that were ſo, have ſuffered deeply for it: For Quakers, and Anabaptiſts, and others of the Phanatick ſort have been ſo violent15 againſt them, as to pull them out of the Pulpits, and caſt dirt in their faces; as that now they will prize a good King when it is Gods will to ſend him.
But doſt hear Smith? where is your meeting place?
At Mr. Thomas Baylies.
What is Mr. Baylie?
An honeſt Royal heart.
But if we ſhould ſpeak with him, he having no horſes, will be uſeleſs in this matter.
But ſir, Mr. Byfield of Collingbourn hath two, he may have one of them.
Well honeſt Smith, what horſe was that which the Duke of Buckingham bought here?
A very good horſe indeed ſir.
Doſt hear he is going to carry on my Maſters Deſign?
No indeed ſir, I do not hear ſo; but he bought one or two horſes16 by the way, and one there; and ſaid be would buy ſome more if he could light upon them worth money, and therefore it may be like enough.
Well honeſt Smith, the Lord Fairfax is to be General of all theſe Forces as are raiſing now.
I am very glad of that indeed ſir, for he is very well beloved in the Army; if he could have had his will, our King had never been beheaded.
Thou ſayeſt right honeſt Smith; but doſt hear no reports of it whether it is ſo or no?
No verilie ſir; I did never hear of it untill now.
But doſt hear Smith; doſt know of any who are to carry on my Maſters deſign? if thou doſt know; do ſo much as tell me, for I ſhall be as true as thine own heart.
There are many true Royal hearts that are gone down towards Bathe.
Who in particular, honeſt Smith?
One of them is one of London, one Mr. Maskell.
And how can'ſt tell honeſt Smith?
Why, he had ſome diſcourſe with me?
What diſcourſe was it you had?
He ſaid ſir, that there was an intereſt carrying on, and he did hope I would fight for my Countrey as well as the reſt.
O! I do know him, for he is an honeſt blade! a good number of ſuch men would do well, do'ſt know of any more?
No indeed ſir.
What company had he with him here?
Why ſir? he had two or three with him.
What were they?
One of them was one that18 was a priſoner; and Thurlo that wicked fellow would not ſuffer him to have the uſe of Pen, Ink, or Paper; but he ſaid he ſhould be even with him: he is as honeſt a Gentleman as you ever came near ſir.
There is no doubt of that; for there is none but honeſt men do carry on my Maſters intereſt; and there is no doubt, that if ever my Maſter King Charles ſhall come, he is ſo Royal a Maſter, that he will reward all thoſe that are true and faithful unto him: For my part honeſt Smith I have loſt all for being faithful for my Maſter; for truly, if I had known of any intereſt carried on, I ſhould have told them of it: But do'ſt know Mr. Bond of Ogbourn?
Yes very well ſir?
When did he come out of France from my Maſter?
I cannot tell ſir, whether he was ever with the King or no; or whether he be at home; but I am certain he is as honeſt a true heart for the King, as any in theſe parts.
Do you know Maſter Parrom?
Sir, I know him very well, for he hath ſuffered very much for the King, poor Gentleman!
Thou ſayeſt verie right honeſt Smith; but when did'ſt ſee him?
Indeed ſir I have not ſeen him a great while.
If I could but ſee him, I ſhould make known our Deſigne unto him, for he would be very joyfull to hear of it.
You ſay right ſir; I, for you need not doubt but that he would be glad to hear (as well as many others) of the bringing the right Heir to his Eſtate again, from which20 Oliver Cromwel that Grand Traitor, and the reſt of his bloody Crew hath baniſhed him, murdering his Father before his own Palace Gate, the like whereof hath not been known in former Ages; for I have read of all the Reigns of the Kings and Emperours, and cannot find the like caſe.
Thou ſai'ſt right honeſt Smith; for it was the Horridſt thing that ever was committed; but God will find them out, I will warrant thee, for God will not let innocent blood go unrevenged.
Upon theſe ſpeeches the tears did ſtand in mine eyes, which he perceiving, did take notice of it; and told Bradſhaw of it when I was brought to London, as you ſhall hear in the following diſcourſe: ſir ſaid I, Oliver Cromwell did pretend that the King was a Traitor,21 and that he did violate the Laws of the Nations; but pray ſir conſider what he hath done; for he was the greateſt Traitor that ever Hell hatcht, for firſt he puts his Sovereigne Lord King Charles to death: and when that was counted a High Breach in the King to demand Five Members, he moſt Traiterouſly turned them All out; for juſt as Richard the Third did, ſo did he; and likewiſe he brought, like the Divil, as he can, Religion for all his bloody Actions; as if God had ordered him to Murther his King, which God and man knew was innocent, and whom he ought to have obeyed, and not to have ſlaine: But what is't that a Tyrant will not do?
Thou ſayeſt right honeſt Smith, for he was the greareſt Tyrant as ever was read of, which I did finde unto my ſorrow; and theſe his Imps which now ſit be as bad as he, for they22 ſeek after other mens revenues as he did, for they are bloody-minded men all of them.
You ſay right ſir, for if Hell had been picked there could not a more wickeder pack been found out, for they all ſeek after blood, and other mens eſtates; and there they ſit and Vote eſtates one for another, and lay great Taxes upon the Nations, but never looketh after a Trade for the Nation whereby they might be able to pay them; and fetcheth Martin and others out of Goal as are in for debt to ſit in the Houſe, becauſe they lack Members to ſtand for the Good Old Cauſe; as if there were not men enough in the Nation, as will ſtand for the Good Old Cauſe as well as they; but this cauſe as they name, is not the Cauſe as tender-hearted Chriſtians would have; for theſe ſeek after other mens eſtates, for Martin to make him rich; and the23 reſt will not be in debt as long as there is money in the Nation.
Thou ſayeſt right honeſt Smith, for my eſtate and other mens muſt pay their debts.
But ſir, did you never read Mr. Prin's Books? he diſcovereth what their Good Old Cauſe is: That man hath done as much good as any one man in the Nation; and there is no doubt but the King will reward him for it.
Indeed honeſt Smith I have ſeen many of his Books, and have read many of his paſſages, but cannot hear of any thing as he doth Act, and thou knoweſt that my Muſter cannot be brought in with Books, but with Armes.
You are right ſir for that, but there is a time for all things, and I believe when he can ſee an opportunity, he will not be wanting.
But when didſt ſee him.
I ſaw him about a week a24 go at the ſigne of the Bear in Marle-borough.
And whither was he going?
Down towards the Bath, I think.
And hadſt thou any diſcourſe with him?
I was with him there, and did ſpeak with him by the means of a Londoner that was there.
But what diſcourſe had you with him?
Truly very little, for I went in only to ſee him, and I only ſaid I was glad to ſee him, for I had heard good report of him, for I had read many of his Books; and he returned me thanks, and made me drink; ſo I went from him, and did never before nor ſince ſee him.
But did he not ſpeak about a riſing there?
No indeed ſir.
That is a wonder they do25 not tell him of it, for he would be a good friend to my Maſter; had I but ſpoken with him, I would have given twenty pounds if I had been there.
You might have been there for half the money ſir.
But do'ſt hear honeſt Smith, Doſt know the Lord Herbert?
Yes ſir, very well.
Do'ſt think he will do us any good, for he hath been right for my Maſter formerly?
You need not queſtion that ſir, he is ſo ſtill; for I aſſure you that he is as honeſt a Noble Lord, as any is in the Weſtern parts.
Do'ſt know of any Intereſt he hath carried?
No ſir, there is none that I know of, but he will not be backward when opportunity may ſerve.
Thou do'ſt know a great many Travailers as come up and down, doſt not?
Yes ſir, I know a great many.
I wonder thou waſt not Trappan'd amongſt them.
No, thanks be to God he hath preſerved me hitherto; but in Old Nolls time I was very fearfull, becauſe he ſet many ſuch perſons awork.
How didſt carry thy ſelf being alwayes amongſt them.
I have read the 13. of the Romans, and there I finde that we muſt be ſubject to the higher Powers, for there is no Power but is of God; and except that power do command any one to do that which is not according to his Word, then we muſt ſuffer and not reſiſt; for there is Scripture for it: Whether it is lawful to obey God or man judge you?
So honeſt Smith, thou art in the right; for we all ought to do ſo.
I muſt now take my leave,27 for I am in much haſte, for all my work lieth to be done, and to Morrow is our Market-day; and ſo I give you many thanks for all your loving kindneſs and favours you have ſhewed me.
Nay, pray honeſt Smith ſtay a little longer.
I cannot indeed ſir; and ſo I departed from him, and when I came down the ſtairs, I went for my ſhooing basket into the ſtable, and as I came back again, I ſaw Cornet Ioyce go forth towards the Angel unto the reſt of his Crew; but God knows I could not believe any otherwiſe, but that they had been as honeſt as any men in England, for their pretences made me believe no otherwiſe of them: I ſeeing him going forth to the Angel, I went to the Chamberlaines who heard moſt part of this diſcourſe, and deſired them to ſay nothing of what diſcourſe had paſſed between Joyce and me, and them; becauſe if they did, we ſhould be called to queſtion about it,28 and theſe honeſt Gentlemen might be ruined.
We will not ſpeak a word to any Chriſtian.
Pray do not; for God proſper him and all others that be in Arms, to get him to have his own, whoſe right it is.
We will all keep ſecret.
So I went home to my ſhop, but all this time I did not know what their names were, nor what they were, but when I came to my ſhop, I was ſent for to ſhooing unto the Kings Arms, and being there, after I had ſhooed the Gentlemans Horſe, he made me drink: and then I deſired Mr. Sadler the Inne-keeper to go into the Court, for I had ſome news to tell him: ſo I told him what Ioyce had told me.
I am very Joyful of it, but is it true?
It's very true, for I have ſeen the Kings Commiſſion Signed29 Charles Rex. Then my Brother came for me, and told me there was a Gentleman ſtayed at the ſhop to ſpeak with me: ſo I went to my ſhop, and when I came, it was one of them that was at the Angel the night before, as I have related already, whoſe name was Corporal Carter.
Smith, prethee go along with me to ſhooe a Horſe.
Where is your Horſe ſir?
At the ſigne of the George at the Towns end.
I cannot go ſir, for I ſhall loſe more the while, than I ſhall take of you.
Pray go, you ſhall be pay'd over and above for your going down; for you ſhooed the Gentlemans Horſe ſo well at the Hart, that I would deſire you to ſhooe mine too.
Well Sir, any good as I can do you, Il'e do with all my heart: ſo I went along with him, and as I was going along with him, my Mother called me.
William, whither are you going?
To the George to ſhooing: Mother. To the George to ſhooing; to the George to undoing, I am afraid.
Why Mother; what need I be afraid to go? for I know of no hurt I have done to any one; ſo along I went with him, and as I looked behind me, I ſee Ioyce, and Tynne, and Smale and VValdron coming after whiſpering, and ſtill I did think they were friends to the King; ſo when I came to the George, the horſe did not want a ſhooe, but I was to take one off, and ſet a better on; and as I was a ſhooing of him, theſe four blood-ſuckers as I have named, came by me, but ſaid never a word, but went up into the Chamber; and when I had ſhooed the horſe, the Souldiers called me in to take my money; ſo I went in and received ſix pence, and they made me drink ſo long, as it coſt me the ſix pence as I received for my work; then31 the Corporal as had me down, ſaid he would give me a Flagon of Beer; which had, and there was one Ia. Brown with them, who was for the King formerly, and ſeeing him, I took them to be very honeſt men: and told them their horſes were very poor and unable to do them any ſervice.
We have better horſes when occaſion ſerves.
So you had need Sirs, for the Rump's ſouldiers have very good horſes, if they ſhould take you, you will be utterly ruined; God preſerve you; if I could gain a good horſe, I would not be long behind you to Act for ſuch a Cauſe, as God owns, as he doth this.
Time may come, you may have a horſe honeſt Smith, to your hearts deſire.
Then Joyce and the reſt ſent down an Order to the ſouldiers, to provide for a March, and it was then time for me to march too; ſo I took32 my ſhooing basket, and as was going, Iames Brown called me back.
Honeſt VVilliam, do me a Courteſie:
What is it honeſt Iames?
It is but to go to the end of the Village along with me, to be a Witneſs to the receiving of ſome Money.
Any good as I can do you, Il'e do it with all my heart; ſo I went along with him, and being about the middle of the Village, I looked back, and ſaw a led horſe coming after with five or ſix a horſe-back, and four or five a foot, which made me wonder what it meant; But I thought the led horſe had been for Iames Brown; ſo I went a little further, and being near the houſe, which I was to go unto, they ſaid,
Come Smith, get up and ride.
Why ſo, we are hard by the houſe.
You muſt get up, and ride.
How Gentlemen, is it ſo? is this the money, the receiving of which I was to be a witneſs to•…; Gentlemen, pray tell me what you a•e, and whither you will carry me, and Il'e go with you with all my heart, but before Il'e go with you, knowing not whom you are, nor whither you will carry me; upon which I took a caſe of knifes out of my pocket and drew one, they being afraid, leſt I would do them ſome hurt or my ſelf, fell all upon me and took away my knives; Iames Brown broke one of them on his knee, carried the other to Ioyce: ſo they ſearched my pockets, took from me one ſhilling, the Picture of Oliver Cromwell with an Owl on his head, and the Letter as the Devil ſent to the Rump (as it was ſaid) having ſo done, they ſet me on horſeback with main ſtrength, and tied my legs under the Horſes belly with34 a great cord, Iohn. Forty of Hunger ford, was ambitious of that imployment: then they had me away to a place called Shabourn out of the rode by Woods and Lanes for fear I ſhould be taken away from them. (Chriſtian Reader) little doſt thou think what a Condition I was in, not knowing that they were, nor whither they would carry me! fearing alſo leſt they would they have murdered me in the Woods; from Shabourn, their Order was to carry me out of VVilt-ſhire into Berk-ſhire, and ſo they did: there I ſtayed at an old mans houſe with a cord about me, till nine a Clock at night, at which time there was an Order brought from Ioyce, to carry me away to Reading, but they would not tell me ſo, until I came to Newbury, ſo they ſet me a horſe-back again, and the ſame man tied me as before: the horſe as I rid on, was a pitiful ſtumbling creature, he fell with me twice upon his knees, if35 he had fain on his ſide, it had broken my legs ſhort of; at break off day, we came to Newbury, where they with much intreaty untied my legs.
We have a very ſtrict charge given us, our lives are at ſtake, if you ſhould get away; you are not to be loſt for twenty thouſand pounds.
If I did offer to run, then you might do what you would with me.
At nine a Clock in the morning, we came to Reading, where I was conveyed down to Major Evelling, to whom they delivered a Letter they had from Joyce, when he had read the Letter, he called me up ſtairs to him.
How now honeſt friend, this will be a brave voyage for you; if I could ſpeak ſo much for the good of the Nation as you can, I would give twenty thouſand pounds; come honeſt friend, you muſt go to London36 preſenrly for the Council of State, do expect your deing there this night; there is a Packet gone up to them about you already.
Sir, is this your Love to me to be brought all night with my legs tied, and have me now to London? no Sir, you ſhall draw me at the horſes tail, before I will, until Munday; for if I am worth twenty thouſand pounds to you, you may well keep me till Munday: then it was ordered, I ſhould ſtay till Munday the firſt day of Auguſt, then I was to go towards London: I asked Major Evelling what I ſhould do for meat while I was there, for I had no money.
You ſhall have ſome meat.
Then I was had to the Red Lion, where we had meat and drink, which came to two ſhillings; thence I was carried unto the Sign of the Angel, where I ſupped and lay all night: the next day being Sabbat-hday, when I37 roſe in the morning, the ſouldiers upon my entreating, were willing to go to Church along with me.
If you go to Church, you muſt pluck off your Apron.
I will Gentlemen.
As I was going to Church, there comes a Corporal from Major Evelling to have me unto the ſhip, unto three priſoners more.
Why friend, ſaid I, we are going to Church, pray come again after dinner.
No, you muſt go along with me; for a Church belongs not to you, nor any of your Crew.
What Crew is that you ſpeak of.
Your bloody Presbyterians.
They are not ſo bloody as you are, Sir.
Well, you muſt go along with me.
Well, Il'e go along with38 you; and when I came to the place aſſigned for me, they put me in a Room with two more priſoners: a porter that was taken a carrying Letters to the Lady Howard, and a poor ſea-man, which ſea-man did cry out for Beer moſt miſerably, but could have none, ſo that he was forced to drink his own water; the Porter gave him a Flint that he uſed to ſtrike fire with, to put in his mouth to quench his thirſt, he fell aſleep with it in his mouth, and had lik'd to have choaked him: ſeeing this bad uſage, I was amazed, in thinking what I ſhould do, having no money: then I called for ſome Beer, and made the Tapſter believe I had money, by ſpeaking theſe words, that it was a good turn as I had ſome money, or elſe I ſhould be but in a ſad condition: by which words, I had ſome Beer and Tobacco, I made the ſea man and the Porter drink: then the ſea-man ſpoke to me.
The people of the houſe39 deſired me to come off the Bed, and ſaid I muſt lie on the Boards.
Do not, lie ſtill where you are; It being Sabbath, I deſired them to lend me a Bible, but their anſwer was, that a Bible did not belong to me, nor none of my Crew; I asked what Crew, and they anſwered, the bloody Presbyterians: Well then, ſhall I have any dinner? then they had me down in the Kitchin to dine with the ſervants; but there was but little meat; God keep all good people from the Ship at Reading. After dinner, I was had up into the Chamber again; and at night we were all removed into another Chamber, where we lay the next day, being Munday, we were ordered to provide our ſelves ready for to go to London, ſo we came to Coates's Coach, where there was great conteſt whether they ſhould tie my legs, or no, as I did ſit in the Coach, but at laſt, it was carried in the Negative, by the means that one of40 the ſouldiers was one of my acquaintance, then we went into the Coach, being four of us; that was, one Mr. tradling a Gentleman of Wales; the Sea-man, Porter, and my ſelf, and we went by the way of Sunning, being two miles beyond Reading, and there they did take up in the Coach three Paſſengers more, a Gentlewoman and her ſon, and an Anabaptiſt, the Anabaptiſt fell in diſcourſe with me.
Upon what Account are you carried priſoner.
Becauſe I would not bring innocent blood on the Nation.
I lament your condition, becauſe of your hard uſage.
But when I had turned my back, he Ioab like, ſpeaks to the ſouldiers to tie my legs, and ſaid I was the ſhrewdeſt fellow as ever he did diſcourſe with, but they did not hearken to him. So when we came to Cole-brook, we had a good dinner: and the Gentlewoman pitying of me, paid four41 ſhillings ſix pence towards the dinner: ſo along we came towards London, but by that time we came ſome four miles, I had an occaſion to diſ-burthen my ſelf of Natures due.
Pray let me come forth out of the Coach.
No, you ſhall not, it is only a pretence to get away from us, you may do it in the Coach if you will.
with all my heart, I do not care; pray make room for me, hold up your legs, ſo I untied my point.
Pray Gentlemen, let him out of the Coach, for there will be a ſtink to poyſon us all.
Wee'l let him forth: Come Smith, go to the middle of the Village.
Il'e go to yonder end of the Village with all my heart: or if you will not let me, Il'e do it in the Coach.
We, wee'l go along with you.
So I went to the ditch, and they with me with their piſtols in their hands: now Gentlemen, I think, you will make me do it for fear, if you watch me ſo narrowly.
We do not care for that, we can do no leſs; for our lives lie at ſtake, if you eſcape.
So I went into the Coach again, and about ſeven a Clock, we came to London, being the firſt day of Auguſt, the Coach carried us down to White-hall, where many people did reſort to ſee what priſoners was there, ſo I came out with my Lether Apron before me.
What have you brought here?
A Black-ſmith.
Why, what hath he done?
I do not know ſiir, without it be for a preſent ſupply to fill up the Houſe, for I hear they want Members.
How now, what do you jear at White-hall gate? come along with us?
So we were had in, and all other people kept back, becauſe we ſhould be ſeen from the reſt: we went through ſeveral Rooms untill we came to the Council Chamber-door where Serjeant Dandy came forth to take their names as came up with me, after he had taken them, he enquired farther.
Is there not one Mr. Holbrook here?
There is one Mr. Holbrook a Black-ſmith here; upon that he looked upon me, and ſeeing my habit, he went into the Counſel and told them what I was, upon that, out came the Lord Sidenham and looked very eagerlie on me.
Are you a Black-ſmith?
Yes my Lord; and I have heard very good reports of this Honourable Court of their merciful dealings, and I hope I ſhall find it ſo now.
You are ſome Jeſuite Ile warrant you? for you are no Black-ſmith.
Why my Lord? have you ſuch thoughts of a poor Black-ſmith.
Becauſe you give ſuch anſwers.
Why my Lord? If you have read the Hiſtory of K. Henry the 8th, you ſhall find there was a Black-ſmiths ſon whoſe name was Thomas Cromwel that was Vicegerent unto the Kings perſon, and one of his Privy Counſellors. And if you read the Hiſtory of Scanderbag of the Turks, my Lord, you ſhall find there was a Black-ſmith that commanded all the Armies when all the Officers fled, and gained victory. And if you have read the Lives of the Emperours, you may find one of them was a Black-ſmiths. And if you read the Hiſtory of Queen Mary, you ſhall find ſix Black-ſmiths that ſuffered for a good Conſcience. And if you read the Heraldry of Arms, you ſhall find that the higheſt45 Coat of Arms in the three Nations belongs to the Black-ſmiths.
What, do you come with your Peddegree my merry blade? come Serjeant Dandy look to this fellow, for he is ſome Jeſuite, and hath transformed himſelf into a Blackſmith habit, becauſe we ſhould not know him.
What, ſhall I ſet you down a Black-ſmith, or a Farrier?
I am a Smith, I am no Farrier.
Ile ſet you down a Farrier.
You will not ſet down a lye ſir, for I am a Black-ſmith.
Then Ile ſet you down Black-ſmith.
Then he called for a File of Muſquetiers to guard us unto the Iriſh Guard in cotland-yard, where we lay on the boards with ſome other priſoners; the next day I was ſent for to the Council, where was the Lord Bradſhaw, the Lord Disborough, and Sir Henry Vane,
What a woful fellow haſt thou been for to endeavour to bring theſe Nations in blood, in carrying on the intereſt of ſuch a bloodſucker and**O Villain. ☞ Traitour as Charles Stuart is? But come my merry blade; if you will be ingenious, and reveal the enemies of the Common-wealth, you ſhall ſee what we will do for you; you ought to be encouraged, & not diſcouraged; and to be rewarded, and not puniſhed; remember thou haſt a ſoul, thou muſt ſeek to ſave it, and a Conſcience; do not ſtretch it, neither muſt you lye.
(My Lord) if I ſhould not reveal the enemies of the Common-wealth, as ſhould ſeek to act againſt ſuch godly people as you are, I am worſe than accurſed.
You ſpeak well my merry blade: I wiſh we may find it ſo.
William Lenthal the Speaker came and told them that the Parliament would deſire their company to47 carry on the work of the day in prayer.
My merry blade, go into the Council-Chamber, and be Royal, and you ſhall not loſe by it, for we muſt go.
(Ha thought I) when the Fox preaches, beware the Geeſe. Then General Lambert was going out againſt Sir George Booth; all went but Diſborough, and he had more mind to examine me than go to prayr; and whil'ſt they were at prayer, he was at his prey; ſo they had me in the Room, and Disborough came in after ſmoaking.
Come honeſt Smith, doſt thou know me?
No indeed my Lord, I do not know your honour.
My name is Disborough.
Is it ſo, my Lord; you was one of the Major-Generals then, my Lord.
But doſt hear honeſt Smith;48 do'ſt know Captain Burges of Marleborough?
Yes, very well my Lord.
Why is he made Ranger of the Lord Marqueſſe Forreſt.
Trulie my Lord I cannot tell; but as nigh as I can Ile tell you; he being a man of power, and the Common lying open, and many offenders living thereabout, he is put in for a ſtrict terrour unto the offendor.
Is that all do'ſt think?
Yes my Lord, that is all as I know of?
Did'ſt never hear of any deſign as he carried on with the Lord Marqueſſe of Hertfod?
No indeed, my Lord.
But thou know'ſt honeſt Smith, that one good turn asketh another?
That is true, my Lord; for if you would let me have my libertie, I ſhould pray for you?
Thou need'ſt not doubt49 of that, if thou wilt be royal, and reveal the enemies of the Common-wealth: But doſt know of no deſign as is carried between them?
No, my Lord.
Well honeſt Smith, what doſt think of theſe bloody Preſbyterians?
Truelie you give ſtrange titles. It is true, ſome may be bad, but you may put more confidence in them, then in a great many you do put in truſt.
How ſo Smith?
Why my Lord, they that engage to be true for all Governments, will never be true to you.
Say you ſo, my merry blade!
Yes my Lord; and I can bring a Hiſtory of Conſtantine to make it appear.
Come, let's here that.
Well, you ſhall my Lord: This Conſtantine was born here in50 England, and was the firſt Chriſtian Emperour that ever was; Hellena was his Mother; and Conſtantinus was his Father; he was buried at York, and this Conſtantine built Conſtantinople the chiefeſt Citie now in Turkey, and there he lieth buried; this Conſtantine made a Proclamation, that all thoſe perſons that were his ſervants, that would not bow and worſhip unto an unknown god, ſhould not be ſuffered to be in his Pallace, to try their pulſes; and of three hundred and odd ſervants, there was not above fourty but did forſake him; they choſe rather to go to hell with their riches and honour, than to be with God, and ſuffer afflictions. The Emperour ſeeing ſo few, wept bitterly; well ſaid he; them that be true unto God, will be true unto their Prince; and them that are falſe unto God, will be falſe unto their Prince; ſo he turned them out that forſook God for their honour; I hope this will be your Rule, my Lord.
What, doſt come as a Counſellor unto me?
No my Lord; I come as a poor Black-ſmith.
It is an unhappy one then.
Then he went to examine me about many other perſons, and I ſeeing many writers behind, I thought I had need to have as many eyes as Argus had to be amongſt theſe men; well though I, Ile ſet you to work; ſo I went on upon Hiſtories as followeth.
May it pleaſe your honour, my Lord, to call to mind the Ancient Hiſtories, you ſhall find that William the Conqueror was begotten of a Skinners daughter, his Fathers name was Duke Robert, and his Mother was dancing under a May-pole when Duke Robert firſt fell in love with her (and was Crowned three times a year) and he reigned twenty years, and eleven moneths, and odd dayes, and could ſcarce have his length52 and breadth in the earth, for all he was a Conqueror: And then William Rufus his ſon reigned in his ſtead, and he pulled his brothers eyes out, he loved honour ſo well, and he was killed in the New Forreſt in Hampſhire by the glancing of an arrow ſhot by one Tirell, a juſt judgement of God upon him for his Fathers deſtroying ſo many Churches; therefore two more of his loynes was killed there too. And after him reigned Henry the firſt, which was the firſt inventor of Yards and Ells, and his eyes and braines was buried at Roan in Normandy, and his body was wrapped up in Oxe hides, and ſalted, and buried at Reading, which hath been a mighty place for Tanners ever ſince. Disborough at laſt looked back on the Clerks that write.
What do you write there?
What your diſcourſe is, my Lord?
Strike it out, ſtrik't out, here is ſtuffe indeed; we ſhall have Speeds Chronicle by and by.
Now my Lord is going to ſeek unto God by Prayer; but I believe it was done before he came: Then Serjeant Dandy had me down into the Cellar at White-hall, where ſeveral men had the Cellars to ſell drink, and bread; and I ſeeing this, thought to my ſelf that Cardinal Woolſey did never build it for that uſe; ſo when I had dined, I was had up again; but as yet they were not come from their faſting, ſo I was had to the Iriſh Guard in Scotland yard, and did not go again untill the next day. That night I had a kind of a blind Certificate came from Marleborough, which was procured by my Mothers weeping and making great moan, to acquaint the Council that I was a Black-ſmith, and kept a great charge from the Pariſh, ſo that if I ſhould be debarred of my libertie, the charge would lie on the Pariſh; ſo you ſee what a weak Certificate they ſent in my behalf; if it had not been for my charge, they had not car'd if I54 had been ruined: the next day I was fetcht again, where was Bradſhaw, and the Lord Whitlock who was Preſident.
Come my merrie blade? you came yeſterday and promiſed us to be nigenious, and did only tell us a few merrie tales; come, wee'l ſend you to a place that ſhall make you reveal our enemies; are you ſo harden'd in your wickedneſs; come, you muſt prepare your ſelf for Newgate.
Newgate, what, the Metropolitan Goale of the Nation? no meaner a place, my Lord: Now Chriſtian Reader, my ſorrow comes; they ſent for two Meſſengers, and gave them Order to convey me in ſafetie unto Newgate; Whitlock ſigned the Warrant; then ſeeing all would not do, I ſhowed my blind Certificate to the Lord Bradſhaw, as ſome of them whoſe heart the Divel had hardned, had ſent me, to do me no good; I wiſh that their hearts had been no worſe55 towards me, and their Conſcience ſo good as mine was towards them: for he that is the ſearcher of all hearts knows how I was put to it, to bring them into trouble by the means of Joyce that bloody fellow Bradſhaw received the Certificate from me, and did read it.
A Black-ſmith! you may be a Black-ſmith, and carrie on the intereſt of Charles Stuart: a charge, what do we care for your charge? the Pariſh is bound to keep them.
My Lord, they will be but poorly kept then.
Then you muſt complain to the next Juſtice of Peace my merrie blade!
My Lord, I had as good complain upon a Senator of Venice, as to do anie good upon ſome of them.
Go my merrie blade along with them.
So they had me up to Newgate, and the Keepers were called, the59 doors being ſhut; ſo they came and read the Warrant, and put me into the Dungeon where it was verie dark.
Pray let me have ſome light.
You muſt buy ſome Candles if you will have anie, for you muſt have none without money.
I have no money; ſo that I was fain to lie all that night, and the next day in the dark; then I ſent to a friend in Town and borrowed five ſhillings; in the mean time the Keeper came into the Dungeon.
You muſt give me fourtie ſhillings, or elſe Ile put Irons on your leggs.
I have no money.
You muſt give ſix pence a night for lying on the Mat.
I have no money.
Then you muſt lie on the floor, for Ile take away the Mat.
Well, I will pay you ſ•x pence a night then; the which I was57 forced to promiſe, there being almoſt nothing but dirt and piſs which was thrown down from the common ſide; and there was a houſe of Office at one end, which made ſuch a ſtink that I was readie to be poiſoned: Nay, had been, if God had not raiſed up a friend for me, in particular Mr. Samuel Proffit which brought me Cordial waters and Syrrups, which was the ſaving of my life under God; the next day there was an Order from the Council of State of bring me down.
If you have anie money, you may hire a Coach and go down to the Council; it may be for your deliverance.
What will a Coach coſt?
A ſhilling.
Then I came to the door, and there was a Coach, ſo I gave a ſhilling for the two keepers; the Meſſenger that came did ride in the Coach with me; and when we came, there was only Bradſhaw a•d Cornet Joyce,58 which was newly come out of the Countrey, becauſe he could go no farther in his enterprize, untill they made me Knight of the Poſt, to ſwear that all that he did write was truth: when I ſaw him there, my heart riſed exceedinglie at him**Smith to Joyce.; Are you come ſir, it is well if you have brought a good Conſcience with you; ſo Joyce did deliver a ſheet of paper written on both ſides.
Come my merrie blade; you have told us merrie tales all along, but now here is ſomething of conſequence come againſt you; come hear your charge; did you not ſay there was a number of honeſt men in your Countie?
Yes my Lord.
And that theſe men carried on the intereſt of Charles Stuart.
No, my Lord.
Come my winding-blade, did you ſay this or not?
My Lord, ſome I did ſay, and ſome I did not ſay.
Anſwer Negative or Affirmative.
Why ſhould I ſay there be no honeſt men, when there be my Lord?
Come my merry Blade; we do not ſpeak of that; don't play with the halter.
Why then my Lord, ſet down, No:
If there be honeſt men, come to the next my merry blade; did you not ſay there was a number of good horſes in the County?
Yes my Lord.
And that thoſe horſes were kept for the intereſt of Charles Stuart?
No my Lord, do you not know upon what intereſt men keep horſes for? ſome for hawking, ſome for hunting and ſome to ride to Markets and Fayres.
Come hearken to your charge; you ſhall have play time enough with the halter.
Shall I ſay there be no good horſes when there is, my Lord?
Sirrah, we do not talke of good horſes, but what perſons do keepe them for Charles Stuart.
Truely I do not know my Lord, ſo you may ſet downe.
Come to the next; you ſaid you had received divers Letters from Mr Prynne, and had delivered them to many perſons in Wiltſhire to carry on Charles Stuart intereſt; to the Lord Marqueſs one and the Lord Seamor another: Mr Byfield, Mr Profit and Mr Sheriff, each of them one, Mr Webb of Ogbourne and Mr Thomas Bayly, Doctor Chambers and Colonel Popham, with many others, had meetings at Mr Thomas Bayly's to carry on this deſign; how ſay you to this my merry blade!
Truly my Lord, without this Joyce had bin with the Devil for61 Advice, I cannot ſee how a man could invent ſuch forgeries.
How my merry blade, will you be hang'd, drawn & quartered come, you ſhall have fair play; muſt all this be concealed? you ſhall ſmart for it ſoundly; is there not meetings at Baylie's?
Yes my Lord.
What do their meetings tend to?
To ſeek unto God for a bleſſing on your endeavours, if you act for God, my Lord.
Come, you are a winding Blade; what horſe was that that the Duke of Buckingham bought at your Town?
It was a very good-prized horſe, indeed my Lord.
Why did he go to ſuch a high price?
Becauſe they belong to Dukes and Earls, I think.
Was it not to carry on62 the intereſt of Charls Stuart, that he hath bought that horſe?
I do not know indeed my Lord; Then he ſhaked his head.
Do you not know whether M. Woodbride of Newbury, and M. Fowler of Reading, do carrie on any intereſt for Charls Stuart?
I know of none my Lord.
What did you make at Bath?
I went to receive ſome monie that was there due to me.
You carried Letters to Mr. Pierce and Mr. Harrington, to carry on the intereſt of Charls Stuart.
It is no ſuch thing my Lord; it is as falſe, as God is true.
Come, what Alderman of London was that you had diſcourſe with.
I do not remember my Lord.
Do you not? we'le make you.
Yes, my Lord, we have other Witneſs as will prove that he had diſcourſe with him; if you pleaſe to read along my Lord, you ſhall finde one Thomas Goddard's hand to it.
There Joyce ſet down names that I never ſpoke to him of, and all to ſee what I would ſay; ſo knowing what diſcourſe Joyce and I had, I told them that he ſaid there was an intereſt carrying on for the King, and he hoped, I would fight for my Country as well as the reſt: ſo they ſent for that honeſt Gentleman down to White-hall, and kept me there, and would not have me away untill I had confirmed what Joyce had ſet down. And when he was there, they made me come in.
Come, Is this true as is writ in this paper which I have here in my hand?
He holds a paper in his hand, and would not let me ſee it, nor read it; and I muſt ſay that that was64 true, or elſe I muſt be hanged: I anſwered, My Lord, what I ſaid to Joyce, is true; but if he hath writ anie more then I ſaid to him, it is falſe: ſo the Gentleman by great providence was releaſed: then they come to the Examination of me again.
Cornet Joyce, will you ſwear this is true as is written in this paper?
Yes, my Lord, I dare ſwear it is true.
Ha my Lord, he will ſwear as much againſt you, if there were but a change of Government.
Come my merry blade, it will not be a time for you to dallie; therefore be ingenuous.
Pray my Lord, let me ſpeak a few words for my ſelf.
You ſpeak! away, away.
Why my Lord, pray let me have as much priviledge as Paul amongſt the Heathens had, that is, to ſpeak for my ſelf, my Lord.
Why, you do not count us Heathens; do you?
No not I my Lord; but as Paul had that priviledge amongſt the Heathens, I hope I ſhall have the ſame amongſt you thar are godly Chriſtians.
Come my winding Blade, what have you to ſay?
Why my Lord, Joyce did tell me at the Hart, that he was an Agent of Charles Stuari, and that a friend of his at London, had ſent down into the VVeſt, fifty thouſand li. and ten thouſand Caſe of Piſtols; he drunk the Kings health, and ſhewed me the Kings Commiſſion.
**VilOh my merrie Blade, we do allow him that, to try you and ſuch as you are.
Hark, he can remember what I ſaid, but he cannot remember what he ſaid!
But my Lord, that which he laieth to my charge, is falſe: and66 my Lord I have witneſs to ſwear what he ſaid.
But what he ſaith of me, there is none will ſwear but himſelf.
Well, we do allow him in it.
Do you ſo my Lord? why, you told me my Lord, when I came firſt before you, that I ſhould remember I had a ſoul that I ſhould ſeek to ſave, and a Conſcience I ſhould not ſtretch, and I muſt not lye, and may he lye my Lord? hath he a conſcience, and may he ſtretch it? hath he a ſoul, and may he damn it my Lord?
What my merrie blade, do you come with your Application? wel'e ſhew you fair play my merrie Blade: come, call the Keepers of Newgate in.
The Keepers are come.
You muſt look after this fellow verie narrowlie, for he can peach above fourtie men, and he will not; but we will make him, ere we have done with him.
So away they had me, and when I came to VVhite-hall Gate, they called for a Coach.
You muſt pay for the Coach.
No, I will never pay for a Coach to carrie my ſelf to Goal.
You had as good pay for it, for you ſhall before you come out of priſon.
So they had me away to New-gate, and as ſoon as I came; they put two great chains on my legs, and put me into the Dungeon again, and pulled my coat from my back for fees; then I bought ſome candles, and when they were lighted, I was in a worſe condition than before; for the Rats did ſo run about me, that I was driven to keep a ſtick in my hand to keep them from me, yet I lay there ſeven or eight days and nights, being in a ſad condition ▪ for the chain was ſo little for my legs, and their beating of them made them ſwell very much, ſo68 that they entred into my fleſh; at laſt, the Keeper ſeeing me in that condition, ſaid,
If you will give me a ſhilling, I'e take off one of your chains.
I will. The Keeper fearing I would not live, let me out into the Maſters Priſon; there I ſtayed a week before I was had down to the Council; then I went, where was Diſborough, Bradſhaw, Vane, Colonel Berry.
Come my merrie Blade, what are you convinced of your bloodie actions yet?
Trulie my Lord, you lay that to my charge which I know nothing of.
Come my merrie blade, what Arms did the Lord Herbert carry down in his Coach?
None my Lord, that I know of.
Did he carrie none to carry on the Intereſt of Charles Stuart.
Indeed I did ſee none my Lord.
Well there is one at Marleborough, as will juſtifie, that you do know of it.
What is he ſir?
It is one Thomas Goddard, and he will juſtifie more than this too.
Then you may fetch him, for I know nothing.
Now this Ioyce when he was at Marleborough, did provide a Writing, and did deſire Mr. Goddard to put his hand to it, for it was a thing of no value, becauſe he could not write, neither did he underſtand what was writ, put a mark, which had like to have undone my ſelf and all the reſt: ſo I ſent down unto Mr. Goddard, and he ſent me word he knew nothing, upon vvhich I eſcaped their ſnare. But to go on vvhere vve left.
Come my merrie Blade, vvhat deſign is that vvhich Mr. VVilliam Pryn is going to carry on?
None that I know of, my my Lord.
Do you not know? wel'e make you know before we have done with you.
My Lord, let me keep a good conſcience according to your own deſire.
No, my merrie Blade, it is not my deſire, you ſhould conceal the enemies of the Nation, ſo as to wrong your conſcience, as you do: Come my merry Blade, did you ſee any of his Books?
Yes my Lord.
And what doth he write.
He writes, that this Parliament that ſits now, is a Rump: the Clerks writ this down.
Did not there come Mr. Clark to this Prin at Marleborough?
Yes my Lord, there was one Mr. Clark as vvas vvith him there?
And vvhat did he do there?
Trulie my Lord, I do not know.
Do'ſt think he did carrie on any intereſt with him againſt us?
None, my Lord, that I know of
Well, my merry blade, you ſhall have fair play, but do not play with the halter.
Fair play, my Lord, is to be tryed by the Common Law; and then my evidience may be tried as well as yours; and then my Lord, I ſhall have the priviledge of twelve men, and that is the priviledge of every Engliſh man, for everie Emperour to be tryed by twelve Emperours, and everie King by twelve Kings; and I by twelve perſons according to my degree; that is the Common Law, my Lord.
Do you know Law ſo well? we will ſhow you Law; for the Parliament have given Order that there ſhall be a high Court of Juſtice to trie all plotters.
You may do what you pleaſe my Lord, for I am but a poor Black-ſmith; but yet I have read the Common Law, and cannot find of anie Court higher than a Court of Parliament.
Come my merrie blade, you ſhall find a court higher.
Nay my Lord, if you pleaſe, I will ſend to Marleborough and have their Letters to vindicate me.
There is but three honeſt men in Maleborough.
Who are they, my Lord?
Mr. Hews a Miniſter, Mr. Keynes, and Mr. Bliſſet; but I fear Mr. Bliſſet is poyſoned in drinking too deep in the Presbyterian cup.
I will ſend down to them, my Lord, and gain their Letters: I ſent to them, and Mr. Hews did for me as it I had been a Child of his own, and ſo did Mr. Blaſſet, in making known unto them how I was betray'd, and Trapand, and that it would be a diſgrace unto their Government. 71Then ſome of the Council ſent down to Mr Hews the Miniſter, to know whether I was a Black-ſmith or no; and he did acquaint them that I was a Black-ſmith; and if they did know what I was, as he did, they would not have kept me ſo long a priſoner; all which they did, notwithſtanding there were ſome bloody-minded men perſwaded them to the contrarie, but I am the more engaged ever to pray for them.
Can you write, or no?
Yes, I can my Lord.
Keeper of Newgate, look after this fellow, and keep him from Pen, Ink, and Paper; for he hath received Letters, and Papers from thoſe in the County to conceal them.
There is no need of that, my Lord, for I know nothing of them, but honeſt men.
Mr. Carter of Marleborough hath left off his pleading, to act againſt us, and you know it well enough my merrie blade.
No my Lord; truely I know of no ſuch thing. Then they had me away again to Newgate by the Order of Disborough, Vane, and Bradſhaw; where three Gentlemen came and gave one ſhilling ſix pence to have me over to the Celler to drink with them, whom I did not know.
Pray ſit down with us; what is the reaſon that you are uſed ſo cruelly?
Becauſe I would not ſwear that all the forgeries as Joyce, and Smale, and Tynne, and others had invented, was truth, to bring innocent blood on the Nation, when there hath been ſo much ſpilt alreadie.
But you need not lie in this condition if you would but ſpeak truth; for thou knoweſt that theſe Presbyterians are bloodie, and thou can'ſt not wrong them, ſay what thou wilt; for ſurelie they are in the plot, and therefore thou needeſt not ſcruple ſwearing.
Trulie, for my part I know nothing but honeſtie by them, and therefore they ſhall rack me before I will wrong my Conſcience to bring innocent blood on the Nation.
We thought to have ſpoken for you, and got you out; but ſeeing you are hardned in your wickedneſs, you may lie by it for us.
Then I was had to priſon again, and the next week I was had down to the Council; and when I came there.
Well ſaid Bradſhaw, will you ſet your hand to this writing?
Let me hear what it is firſt, my Lord. For I remember the Hiſtory of Q. Mary, that ſhe provided had a writing to put her ſiſter to death; but King Philip reading it over did ſave her life, and himſelf out of the ſnare; therefore Ile read it before I will ſet my hand unto it, my Lord.
He read it.
So he read it, and it was74 ſuch lyes, that it made my hair ſtand an end, and my heart trembled, for the whole ſcope of it was to bring the number of fourtie men to ruine, which I would not.
Come my merrie blade; ſeeing you will caſt away your ſelf, and will no reveal the enemies of the Common-wealth; prepare your ſelf for death, carry him away to Newgate.
So they had me away to Newgate again, and as I was going out of the Chamber, I did meet with one Mr. John Dove of alisbury, Pray ſir commiſerate my condition.
What art?
A poor Black-ſmith of Marleborough that was betrayed by Cornet Joyce which carried the King priſoner from Holmby; and he will cauſe my life to be taken away, if I will not ſwear that all that he ſaies is true.
Thou ſhalt be hanged for me**O Villain! right or wrong, if you will not reveal theſe Traitors as Joyce hath named.
So away they had me to priſon, at which time the Seſſions was in the Old Baily, where they had me, and made me give three ſhillings ten pence for Bail-dock monie; then was I call'd to the Bar, where the Order was read which the Council of State had ſent up with me, which was as followeth; viz. William Houlbrook committed for high Treaſon for holding correſpondence with the enemies of this Common-wealth, by Bulſtrode Whitlock Preſident. To which there was no anſwer demanded of me, as I hoped there would, that I might have been tryed by the Common Law, that my Evidence might have been heard as well as his; for I much feared the High Court of Juſtice (as it was called) but having nothing ſaid to me, I was carried to Newgate again; after which, I was had again before the Council where Bradſhaw was.
Be honeſt, and remember there is a God, and do not conceal78 the enemies of the Common-wealth as you do?
If I did know of anie as did act againſt ſuch godlie Chriſtians as you are, if I did not reveal them, I was worſe than accurſed.
You are a hollow-hearted blade, you can pleaſe all Governments.
Then my Lord, I am the fitter to live in the Common-wealth, for my work lies ſo amongſt them, that I muſt do it alwaies, provided with a good Conſcience.
But do'ſt hear my merrie blade; why di'ſt thou weep when thou waſt with Cornet Joyce at Marlborough?
Why my Lord, it was becauſe I did underſtand he was a going on a deſign againſt ſuch godlie perſons as you are.
No my merrie blade; you wept, becauſe that**O Villain. Tyrant Charles Stuart did non enjoy his own again, as you termed it.
No my Lord, it was not ſo; for vvhat I ſaid to him, vvas onlie to trie him.
O my merrie blade! if he had not medled vvith you, you vvould never have medled vvith him.
You ſay right, my Lord; for it did not belong to me, becauſe you had put him in truſt to do•t.
Why, my merrie blade, do you meddle ſo much with State matters as you do? cannot you follovv your Trade, and let them alone.
Truelie my Lord, the peace and vvelfare of this Nation doth as much concern me to look after, as it doth your Lordſhip.
Come, what is Rachley of Marlborough? doth not he carrie on the intereſt of Charles Stuart?
Not that I know of, my Lord.
Doth not he entertain ſome of Charles Stuarts friends in his houſe?
Why my Lord? if any comes to his houſe, he muſt not turn them out of doors, becauſe his houſe is a houſe of entertainment, and there is no reaſon for it, ſo long as they do not act againſt you, my Lord.
Come, he is a notable youth, he was one of my Lord Cottingtons Stewards.
What if he was my Lord? ſo long as he acts nothing againſt you, it matters not.
Come my merrie blade; ſeeing you are ſo hardened in your wickedneſs, provide for death; we thought to have beſtowed riches, and honour upon you, but now there will be no hopes.
I beſeech you, my Lord to ſhow mercy unto me, and let me not be ſent unto Newgate again; for the allowance of the Priſon is but bread and water.
It is no matter, it is too much for you.
Then he raged like a Lion, and would not let anie one ask me a anie queſtion but himſelf. Then came in the Lord Disborough; my Lord, pray come to dinner, you will do your hononour much wrong by keeping your ſelf faſting, and ſo long in examinations
Pray my Lord, hold your peace; if you will not look after the welfare and peace of the Nation, I will; and I have lighted on a croſs-graind fellow, that I cannot get one word out of him.
Why my Lord? You gave me Order that I ſhould keep a good Conſcience, and ſo I will; for I can bring two or three witneſſes, and they will juſtifie that I ſaid no ſuch words unto Joyce as he layeth unto my charge.
You bring witneſſes! you ſhall find that one witneſs vvill be enough for a Commou-vvealth againſt yours.
Then he called the Keepers of Newgate in.
Carrie this fellovv avvay, and bring him again next Thurſday, then he ſhall have his revvard.
So they had me away again to priſon, then I ſent to my Mother to deſire her if ſhe could do me any good, that ſhe would do it, for on Thurſday I did expect death; ſo ſhe went unto Mr Hews the Miniſter and Mr Bliſſet, two of the three as before mentioned, who writ letters to the Council on my behalfe. I alſo ſent to Captaine Butler, and his brother Major Butler, they being men that I had been acquainted with at Marllborough who ſpoke for me, and told Col. Berry that was their Colonel, what I was, that I never acted any thing for any Government; that I kept a great charge from the Pariſh; and well read in hiſtories; and deſired, him to ſpeak for me, which he did and did me much good; then I ſent to the Lord Strickland who proved my83 very good freind; for in ſpeaking for me, he indangered himſelf: There was alſo one Mr Booth in Iremonger Lane London, who marryed Maſter Proffets daughter of Malberough, who was very kind and loving unto mee, in viſiting and relieving of me when I was in the Dungeon with Chains on my Leggs, by going downe to my Lord Sidenham and others on my behalf; But Sidenham reply'd I was a dangerous fellow, and Committed for high treaſon; and therefore wiſhed him to be careful for fear of bringing himſelf into trouble: But he anſwered, my Lord, I doe not juſtifie him; if he hath deſerved to be hanged, let him be hanged; but pray my Lord, let him be fairly tryed: and let him be removed out or that naſty Dungeon wherein he lyeth, and there ſhall be good ſecurity given for his forth-coming, or to let him be removed into a more aiery priſon for his health; but yet I could never hear of any thing that Sidenham did for me;84 for he (good man) was perſwaded I was a Jeſuite. When Mr. Booth gave me this Relation, I thought I ſhould have loſt my life, and the rather, becauſe my friends met with Joyce in Cheapſide, and deſired him to have mercy on me; he did ſay that I was a Rogue to go to make him a lyar; but before he had done with me, he would have me hanged, drawn, and quartered; which friends of mine did come and acquaint me of it. So I made a Petition and ſent it down to the Lord Fleetwood, and when he read it, he did much deteſt againſt the bloody actions of Joyce, and his crew; ſo he went unto the Council and told them it would be a diſgrace to their Government to hearken to ſuch a bloodie fellow as Joyce and the reſt of his crew were; ſo they gave him a favourable anſwer; the next night there came Major Goff of Marlborough that knew Joyces actions, and what bloodie deſigns he went upon, ſo that he went down to the Lord Fleetwood,85 and told him it was a ſcandal to Religion to uphold ſuch a bloodie perſon as Ioyce was; for he knew that I never acted anie thing againſt them. The next day being Thurſday, I was had down again, where was Bradſhaw, and Col. Morley, and one more.
Have you lighted upon any trappanners in Newgate?
Upon which words I was at a ſtand, fearing ſome had informed againſt me; for there were many ſuch in that place.
Why do you not anſwer?
My Lord, Newgate is prepared for ſuch perſons; and I wonder my Lord, Joyce hath not been ſent thither all this time, at which ſome of them ſmiled, which made me rejoyce.
Come, we are willing to ſhew you mercie.
Are you ſo my Lord? then bleſſed are the merciful, for they ſhall obtain mercy, it is Chriſts own Sermon my Lord.
Well, we ſee you are but86 ill beloved in the Countrie where you live; for there's but few few friends as ſpeak for you in this your time of adverſitie.
I am as ill beloved in the Countrie as you are, my Lord.
Upon the ſame account as I am!
I do not know that my Lord; it is for being faithful to the Common-wealth. At which the Council fell a laughing.
I believe that I am beloved ill enough, thou ſaiſt right in that; come, what ſecurity haſt? for thou muſt be bound in a Bond of two hundred pound.
No leſs my Lord! I was never worth ſo much in my life.
What ſecuritie haſt thou?
If you will have two ſubſtantial men, there is the Lord Strickland, and another Lord.
What, no meaner perſons!87 it ſeems you are beloved my merrie blade; two meaner perſons ſhall ſerve.
Then there is a Major and a Captain, my Lord.
Meaner perſons than they will ſerve.
Then here is a Cook and a Coachman my Lord. Then he ſpoke to the Clerk who proved my good frind.
What is this Cook?
A verie honeſt man my Lord, he lives but at Chairing-croſs.
Let him be one then; what's the name of the other?
I ſhall deſire to ſpeak with him firſt, my Lord.
Take the Cook now while he is here, and let him go on his Paroll till he bring the other.
Yes my Lord.
Pray my Lord, as you ſay you are merciful to me, I deſire it may extend a little farther.
What is that you would have?
I would have my fees abated, my Lord, for I am but a poor Black-ſmith, and have nothing but what I earn by the ſweat of my brows, and I have paid much monie alreadie.
☞ If you will not pay your fees that are due to the Keepers, you muſt lie there and rot for me; you may thank God we give you your libertie.
If it muſt be ſo my Lord, I cannot help it. So when the Cook had ſigned the Bond, who was my verie good friend in my extremitie, whom I am ever bound to pray for,
Come Smith, you muſt come in.
Yes, I am a coming.
Come, you muſt take the Engagement.
What is that my Lord? I never took ame.
If you mean to have your libertie, you muſt take one now.
Pray let me hear what it is my L••d, firſt, becauſe I ſhall make conſcience of what I take.
You ſhall. The Clerk read the Engagement: You ſhall be true and faithful unto the Common-wealth of England, as it is now eſtabliſhed, without King, ſingle Perſon or Houſe of Lords; And you ſhall be ready upon all Summons that ſhall be ſent from the Parliament or Council of State, to make you perſonal appearance before them: And you ſhall not Act nor encourage any one to Act againſt this Government.
What ſay you to this, Smith?
I conceive my Lord, that the Contents of the words, is, that I muſt be true and faithful to you as long as you are our Governours; and ſo I do not act againſt you, it matters not who do: I ſhall be very faithfull, my Lord.
I wiſh you be.
My Lord, you may know the tree by his fruits, and me by my actions. Then the keepers had me away again to Newgate, until I had payed90 my fees: ſo I ſent to ſome freinds, and borrowed the money, ſo I paid them their due as they ſaid, which was one ſhilling for the coach to White-hall, and one ſhilling: the keeper for going with me one ſhilling up again; and three ſhillings 6 d. a week for my lodging, with many other ſuch like unreaſonable prizes, that it coſt me eleven pound in all, although I had great relief from my freinds in City and Country. Then I went to the Coachman for him alſo to engage for me, whoſe name was Edmund Poynes, who went along with me and ſigned the bond; and as we were coming from the Council we met with Cornet Smale.
What are you at Libertie? if you are at Liberty, and will not bring theſe perſons in, as you have peached, it will make all the faithful friends of the Parliament forſake them.
It is you that have peached them ſir, not I; it would be happie for the Parliament, if they were freed91 from ſuch ſervants as you are. Away I went from them. Now Chriſtian Reader, thou maiſt finde what perſons theſe have been by this true Relation from firſt to laſt: Then I went home in Eſquire Riches Coach of Sunning, who was my verie good friend; and when I came home, there I heard what Joyce and his Crew had done when I was in priſon; Firſt they went to the high Sheriffe, and ſaid,
Why do you not raiſe your troop?
becauſe I had no order.
I have then. And ſhewed his order (but his Commiſſion was out ſeven or eight daies before he came there) ſo that the Sheriff eſcaped the ſnare: then Smale went to the Sheriff, and told him that I had peacht him of great crimes, and wiſhed him to ſend for Joyce; for he was very ſorry he ſhould be brought into trouble, Joah like, pretending love, yet meaning to murder him. Then Joyce plaid upon Mr. 92Raſhly, and deſired him to drink the Kings health, for he had loſt all for being for the King; but his wife knowing him, by that means he eſcaped the ſnare; then they went to Mr. Web Miniſter of Ogbourn, and ſaid, if he would do any good for the King, this was his time, for they were his Agents; but by Gods providence, that good man eſcaped the ſnare; then they went to Mr. Hunt of VVick by Marleborough, and ſaid they were Farmers, knowing him to be for the King, and ſuffering much for him; they plaid upon him, but he eſcaped the ſnare: Then Tynne came from the Angel to the Hart, & pretended himſelf to be for the Parliament, and I think he was for the Devil: Ioyce pretended to be for the King, ſo Tynne took Ioyce priſoner, and Ioyce cried out he was undone, for the Round-heads had taken him priſoner; and deſired the ſervants to reſcue him from them, but the ſervants by Gods providence did not: but the Chamberlain told Tynne,93 if he would lie with Ioyce, he would make a bed for them together; but Tynne ſaid, Ioyce look'd like an honeſt man; therefore he would cruſt him to lie by himſelf; for he did believe he would be forth coming: But to reveal all the Actions that were done, it would be too long: ſo after I came from London, down came that bloody Villain Smale, who laboured ſo hard to have me murtherd, becauſe I would not bring theſe Noble men into trouble; he came to the White Hart, and told Mr. Raſhly, that I had peach't him and Capt. Burgeſs of great crimes at the Council, but the Clerk being a friend of his, he cauſed him to ſtrike their names out, when he did all he could to bring them into trouble, and threatned me I ſhould be hang'd, if I did not bring them in, and yet all this did he, becauſe they ſhould not miſtruſt him that he had any hand in the bringing of them in, and Iudas like, pretending to love them, yet endeavoured to betray them, in ſetting94 down what they pleaſed, and bringing me to ſwear that all was true, to carrie on a fair ſhew amongſt men, as if they were innocent and bore them no ill; and when they came to London, they muſt be believed, and not; I if I had twenty witneſſes, it muſt go againſt me: And if this be the good old Cauſe, (as the Rump have cried out ſo for) to bring ſo much innocent blood on the Nation, when there hath been ſo much ſpilt already, I muſt ſay with the Letany good Lord, deliver us from ſuch men. Thus I have made known according to my weak abilitie, what miſery I have gone through, and what ado I had to keep a good conſcience amongſt them that did long for blood. If God had not been with me, I had never been able to eſcape with life: for Ioyce would have ſworn through an inch-board (as the Proverb is) but he would have brought theſe Noble men to Ruin, and then we ſhould have had a Thankſ-giving day throughout the95 Nation for joy, as if God was the Author of their bloodie and traiterous actions, and Ioyce might damn his ſoul by lying, becauſe he was for a Common-wealth: but I muſt not, which was my happineſs. Let all the world judge what they were.
Now (Chriſtian Reader (as God hath been pleaſed in much mercy to look down upon theſe three poor Nations, to bring us under that ancient form of Government, of King, Lords and Commons, let us ſeek unto God by prayer, for a bleſſing on our gracious Soveraign Lord King Charls the ſecond, to ſubmit and obey him, which is our dutie, and then we ſhall have hopes of being ſetled in peace after ſo manie years diſtraction.
And now Chriſtian Reader, I have ſhewed thee how Ioyce and the reſt endeavoured to ruine verie many of the Nobilitie and Gentrie in this Nation, as afore-mentioned, by their falſe informations, to gain their Eſtates; and96 how they appeared like Angels, when indeed no better then Devils; and I have made known to thee what perſons they were, and how theſe Villains worked upon me at firſt, and their Actions to the laſt; yet by the providence of God, I was delivered from them, and kept a good conſcience, which is my comfort. Therefore from ſuch bloody men, God keep all good people; which is and ſhall be the daily prayer of him,
To God be all the Glory, Amen.