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HE HUMBLE PETITION OF THE Common Council Of the City of LONDON; Preſented to the High Court of PARLIAMENT On Saturday the 24 of September, 1659.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Clark, at Mercers Chappel in Cheap-ſide. 1659.

To the Supreme AUTHORITY Of the NATION, The PARLIAMENT Of the Commonwealth of ENGLAND. The humble Petition of the Com­mon Council of the City of London


THat this City hath taken notice of a Vote of your Honours of the ſecond of this In­ſtant September, Importing your plea­ſures; that Iohn Ireton the preſent Lord Mayor of this City, do continue and execute the office4 of Lord Major of London for the year enſuing, re­commending it to the City of London, to ſee the ſame done accordingly; Touching which your Petitioners doe not at this time apply to your Honours out of any exception to the Honorable perſon therein mentioned, but in tenderneſſe to our Ancient Charters, Cuſtomes and Priviledges, (a breach up­on which would exceedingly hazard, if not to­tally deſtroy the peace, good order and happineſſe of the moſt antient and well-govern'd City (we had almoſt ſaid) in the world: but ſurely (we may ſay) in this Nation, when as the Multitude of In­habitants in and about it is Conſidered.

Our Government ſtands upon two ſtrong ſup­ports, The laudable Cuſtomes of it (time out of mind) and ſeverall very ancient Charters which have been Confirmed by ſundry Acts of Parliament; and in them theſe are Eſſentiall; That the Mayors of the City aforeſaid, be Choſen by the Citizens of the ſame City; That the Mayor of the ſaid City remain not in his office above one year together: And that the Su­preme power of the Nation may be fully ſatisfied in our Choice, we are to preſent him there for ap­probation, which we chearfully ſubmit to, and aſſure our ſelves that amongſt thoſe ſeverall very worthy perſons whom God in his good provi­dence hath given us in ſucceſſion, there may be Choſen ſuch a fit perſon for the year enſuing, as will be ſerviceable to the peace and ſafety of the City and Nation, and acceptable to your Honours.


In the Conſideration whereof, we make this our petition, perſwading our ſelves, that no Alteration willbe made by your Honours, in our ſo Antient good and peaceable Cuſtomes and Charters: Eſpe­cially, when we call to mind the long peace and Hap­pineſſe this great and populous City hath enjoyed under this Government; And that the diſturbance of it though but in the minds of men, may prove dangerous thereunto; As alſo the great love and correſpondence that this Election hath maintained in all times between the Mayor and Citizens.

But when we look into the records of Parliament, & our own Courts, What acknowledgements, promiſes, & Engagements this City hath received from your Ho­nours, we might well abhorre our own disingenuity, if we ſhould fear a breach of our Charters, or Cuſtoms, or any Mark of hardſhip or diſpleaſure from your Ho­nours: for we find the 13. of Ianuary 1643. Both Houſes dſtinctly make great acknowledgments to the City, with aſsurance never to deſert it, but to make it their greateſt Care to watch all opportunities to advance the honour and happineſſe of the City, which under God hath been the principall meanes of preſerving the Parliament. The 6. of May 1644. A Committee from both Houſes ſignifie their ſenſe of the Cities readineſse to aſsist the Parliament upon all occaſions, and that therefore the Parliament is likewiſe ready to expreſſe their gratitude to the City, in the moſt Eſsential manner & way they can find out. And therefore being about to make Propoſitions to the6 King in behalfe of both Kingdomes, they offer it to the Common Council to think of ſome Propoſitions to be prepared in behalf of the City, for the honour ſafe­ty and good of it, and that the Parliament will pre­ſent them to his Majeſty.

Accordingly the City prepared Propoſitions, of which one was for Confirmation of all the Charters granted to this City; and of all Liberties, Cuſtomes, and Priviledges; notwithſtanding Non-uſer, Miſ­uſer or Abuſer: That they ſhall not be drawn out of the Liberties to warre without their own conſent.

The 18. of May 1644. The Commons acknow­ledge it an eſpeciall Bleſsing of Almighty God, that their Endeavours have been ſo well underſtood, and accepted by this famous City; without whoſe Con­ſtant affections and aſsiſtance they could not have brought their great work to the hopefull Condition, wherein by the mercy of God it then ſtood.

That the City have demonſtrated their adherence to the Houſe of Commons by Action in times of greateſt difficulty, and have therein ſpent their deareſt bloud, and vast ſummes of Treaſure; omit­ting no poſsible ſupplyes of purſe or perſon.

That they (the Commons) will never forget the great encouragement they then received (by a Pe­tition) from the City.

And in return for their great affections, the Houſe of Commons do declare, They will in a moſt peculiar manner be mindfull of the merit of the City, which upon all occaſions they ſhall acknowledge, and will endeavour for to requite.


The fruits of all which, we do perſwade our ſelves, Can never be wanting to this City whiles your Honours that made them, have power in your hands to make them good. And we hope the Common Enemy both to you and us, ſhall ne­ver haue Cauſe to rejoyce in this, that our City ſhould want the benefits of your Engagements to us in the dayes of your and our Streights, Much leſſe, looſe any of our former Priviledges by your hands in the days of Peace.

And therefore in a deep ſenſe of the Cityes Concernment therein, and the duty In­cumbent on us, and all Freemen of this City by virtue of our Oaths, we do moſt humbly pray, that your Honours would lay no reſtraint upon the peoples free Election of our Mayor; And that our ancient Charters, Cuſtomes, Rights, and Priviledges in this and all other things may be Continued to us.

And we ſhall ever pray, &c.

About this transcription

TextThe humble petition of the Common Council of the City of London; presented to the high court of Parliament on Saturday the 24 of September, 1659.
AuthorCity of London (England). Court of Common Council..
Extent Approx. 7 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A86789)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 151575)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English Books, 1641-1700 ; 2265:15)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe humble petition of the Common Council of the City of London; presented to the high court of Parliament on Saturday the 24 of September, 1659. City of London (England). Court of Common Council.. 7 p. Printed for John Clark, at Mercers Chappel in Cheap-side,London :1659.. (Reproduction of original in: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles, California.)
  • Mayors -- England -- London -- Election -- Early works to 1800.
  • London (England) -- Officials and employees -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A86789
  • STC Wing H3492A
  • STC ESTC R178291
  • EEBO-CITATION 43077511
  • OCLC ocm 43077511
  • VID 151575

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