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THE HUMBLE PETITION OF THE Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common-Councell aſſembled: To the Right Honourable THE LORDS & COMMONS IN Parliament Aſſembled.

TOGETHER, With the Anſwers of both Houſes to the ſaid PETITION.

Printed by RICHARD COTES Printer to the Honorable City of LONDON, 1648


TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE The Commons IN THE High Court of Parliament aſſembled: The humble Petition of the Lord Major, Alder­men, and Commons of the City of London, in Common-councell aſſembled.


THat as your Petitioners in all humility doe thank­fully acknowledge the many former favours of this honourable Houſe manifeſted to this City; ſo in particular2 in granting their deſires, expreſſed in their late Petition, concerning the Tower and the Militia of London: And in communicating unto the Petitioners ſeverall Votes of both Houſes of Par­liament, wherein to your Petitioners great joy and comfort are expreſſed, your Reſolutions that you will not alter the Fundamentall Government of the Kingdome, by King, Lords, and Commons: That you will preſerve inviolably the Solemn League and Co­venant, and the Treaties between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland; and that you will be ready to joyn with the Kingdom of Scotland, in the Propo­ſitions agreed upon by both Kingdoms for the ſpeedy ſettlement of the Peace of both Kingdoms; and the preſerva­tion of the union according to the Co­venant and Treaties.


And your Petitioners doe further humbly preſent to this honourable Houſe, That the Inhabitants of the City are much grieved; in that their Magiſtrates and fellow-Citizens have for a long time been under reſtraint, and the City thereby deprived of their Ser­vice. And humbly pray,

That in proſecution of your ſaid Votes, you will be pleaſed to improve all good op­portunity in perfecting ſo deſirable a good as is therein expreſſed, for the ſpee­dy ſettlement of the Peace of both Kingdomes, and preſervation of the Ʋnion according to the Covenant and Treaties, and preventing a new and bloody Warre.

That the Aldermen now in the Tower, the Recorder, and the reſt of their fel­low Citizens, reſtrained upon the ſame4 occaſion may be diſcharged and reſtored, whereby the City may bee the better united, their hands ſtrengthened, and they made more ſerviceable to the Par­liament and City for their preſervation and ſafety, which they ſhall endeavour to the uttermoſt of their power and abi­lities.

And the Petitioners ſhall humbly pray, &c.


Die Martis, 23. Maii, 1648.

THe Lords have commanded me to let you know, That they receive the acknowledgments of gratitude, and the great expreſſions of fidelity and good affections from the City of London, with ſuch a ſatisfaction, as that they return you their hearty Thanks: They have commanded me to aſſure you, that they will improve all good opportunities for the attaining that deſired end of theſe unhappy troubles, the ſpeedy ſettlement of a ſafe peace in both Kingdomes, and the preſervation of the Union according to the Covenant and Treaties. They will endeavour to the utmoſt of their Power, to prevent any new and bloody Warre. As to the particulars mentioned concerning the Aldermen now in the Tower, the Recorder, and the reſt of the Citizens reſtrained: They have commanded me to declare to you, That they having had an Impeachment brought up from the Houſe of Commons againſt thoſe Aldermen, have proceeded no otherwiſe then by the uſuall courſe of Parliament they ought to have done. As to the Recorder, there hath been no Commit­ment or proceedings againſt him by this Houſe. As to the reſt of the Citizens againſt whom there is no Impeachment, but onely a Commitment by a Committee of both Houſes; their Lordſhips will proceed to endevour their ſpeedy releaſe. And they deſire that the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-Councell, and that the whole City may reſt confident, That their Lordſhips will uſe their endevours for their ſatisfaction: And as it hath alwayes been the ſtudy and labour of this Houſe to expreſs their Care for advantage and union of the City of London; ſo, much more now will they endevour a Com­pliance with thoſe deſires of the City, which may firmly unite them one to another; and faſten their Hearts, and ſtrengthen their Hands in a ſerviceableneſs to the Parliament, in order to theſe ends, The eſtabliſhment of Religion, The peace and ſafety of the Kingdom, according to our ſolemn League and Covenant.

Ioh. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum.

Die Martis, 23. Maii, 1648.

THe Houſe being informed, That the Sheriffs, Aldermen, and other Citizens were at the door, they were called in, and Mr. Sheriff Bide, after ſome preamble by way of Introduction, acquainted the Houſe, That he was commanded by the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons in Common-councell aſſem­bled, humbly to preſent to this Houſe, An humble Petition: The which the Petitioners being withdrawn, was read, and was Entituled,

The humble Petition of the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common-Councell aſſembled: In which they deſire the diſcharge of the Aldermen now in the Tower, the Recorder, and other their fellow-Citizens under reſtraint upon the ſame occaſion.

The Sheriffs, Aldermen, and other Citizens the Petitioners, were again called in, and Mr. Speaker by the Command of the Houſe, acquainted them that the Houſe had conſidered their Petition, that in it are many deſires, which in the Petition are expreſſed, to tend very much to the union of the City in it ſelf, which how much this Houſe deſires, will appear by the Votes this Houſe hath paſſed upon their Petition. And then Mr. Spea­ker acquainted them with the Votes concerning the Recorder, Colonell Bromfield, and other Citizens: As to the buſineſſe con­cerning the Aldermen in the Tower; he informed them, that it is a buſineſſe of very ſerious and important conſideration: they have therefore reſolved to reſume the debate of it on this day ſeven night.

H. Elſynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

About this transcription

TextThe humble petition of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of the city of London in Common-Councell assembled: to the Right Honourable the Lords & Commons in Parliament assembled. Together, with the answers of both Houses to the said petition.
AuthorCity of London (England). Court of Common Council..
Extent Approx. 7 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A86823)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 125153)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 70:E443[35])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe humble petition of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of the city of London in Common-Councell assembled: to the Right Honourable the Lords & Commons in Parliament assembled. Together, with the answers of both Houses to the said petition. City of London (England). Court of Common Council., England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 6 p. Printed by Richard Cotes Printer to the Honorable City of London,[London] :1648.. (The replies are dated 23. Maii, 1648.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "May 23".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • London (England) -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A86823
  • STC Wing H3547
  • STC Thomason E443_35
  • STC ESTC R4604
  • EEBO-CITATION 99872707
  • PROQUEST 99872707
  • VID 125153

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