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THE WARR IN NEW-ENGLAND VISIBLY ENDED. King PHILIP that barbarous Indian now Be­headed, and moſt of his Bloudy Adherents ſubmitted to Mercy, the Reſt fled far up into the Countrey, which hath given the Inhabitants Encouragement to prepare for their Settlement.

Being a True and Perfect Account brought in by Caleb More Maſter of a Veſſel newly Arrived from Rhode-Iſland. And Publiſhed for general Satisfaction.


Roger L'Eſtrange.

LONDON, Printed by J. B. for Francis Smith at the Elephant and Caſtle in Cornhill, 1677.




IN my laſt, which I hope you received, I muſt acknowledge what I writ (though truth) yet I had not that comfortable ſa­tisfaction in my ſpirit, to give me hopes, that our publique Ca­lamities were ſo near an end as now I have, which God in Mer­cy ſanctifie to us, that we may ſee the Rod, and wherefore it is come.

We have been, and ſtill are ready to put different Reflections upon the Murders and Spoils that have been made upon us by this Deſtructive War: Various are mens thoughts why God hath ſuf­fered it, all acknowledge it was for ſin; many wiſh there hath not been ſome leaven of that ſpirit in the provocation for which we left Old England: I am in great pain while I write, to remem­ber how ſevere ſome of us have been to Deſſenters, making Spoil without pity, but God is teaching us Moderation.

That black cloud (God be thanked) begins to waſte almoſt to no­thing, which may not only give us an hopefull opportunity of re­pairing the Spoils made by our Barbarous Neighbours, but alſo de­liberating upon the true cauſes of theſe great diſtractions: for now we have no viſible appearance of an Enemy: Terrour is fallen up­on very many, who come in dayly with ſubmiſſion, and the reſt withdraw into places remote, hiding their weapons of War, and flying from Juſtice in ſmall Numbers.

King Philip, who hath been a peſtilent Ringleader, that had once three hundred men (Barbarouſly inclined) as I told you in my laſt, was reduced to ten, but now is killed, in this manner. He being hid in a Swamp on Mount Hope-neck, with his little Party, one of his Indians being diſcontented with him, made an eſcape from him, and came to Rhode-Iſland, and informed Captain Church a Plimouth-Captain of a Company that was in ſearch after this ſaid King Phi­lip, (the Captain being at this time on the ſaid Iſland, refreſhing his men with Neceſſary Proviſions) but underſtanding where King Philip was, and that he intended very ſpeedily to remove far off, to provide his Winter-quarters, retaining ſtill the ſame Barbarous ſpirit and purpoſes, without the leaſt appearance of reluctancy or offers of Mediation, towards his ſurrender to Mercy; whereupon2 the ſaid Captain and his company with ſome Rhode-Iſland men went in purſuit and ſearch after him, taking an Indian Guide with them, and beſet a Swamp where they heard he was, which was very mi­ry, and the ground ſo looſe, that our men ſunk to the middle in their attempts, to come at this ſculking Company, but all in vain, the paſſage was to difficult.

While we were thus beſet with difficulties in this attempt, the Providence of God wonderfully appeared; for by chance the Indian Guide and the Plimouth man, being together, the Guide eſpied an Indian, and bids the Plimouth-man ſhoot, whoſe gun went not off, only flaſhed in the pan; with that the Indian look'd about, and was going to ſhoot, but the Plimouth-man prevented him, and ſhot the Enemy through the body, dead, with a brace of Bullets; and ap­proaching the place where he lay, upon ſearch, it appeared to be King Philip, to their no ſmall amazement and great joy: This ſea­ſonable Prey was ſoon divided, they cut off his head, and hands, and conveyed them to Rhode-Iſland, and quartered his body, and hung it upon four Trees: One Indian more of King Philips Com­pany they then killed, and ſome of the reſt they wounded, but the Swamp being ſo thick and miry, they made their Eſcape.

This is the ſubſtance of this Enterprize, and the ſmall remnant we left as inconſiderable, who muſt either fly up into the Coun­trey or periſh in the place.

There is one Potuck, a miſcheivous Engine, and a Counſellour, taken formerly, ſaid to be in Goal at Rhode-Iſland, is now ſent to Boſton, and there ſhot to death. One Quonepin a young luſty Sa­chem, and a very Rogue is now in Goal at Rhode-Iſland, who was there ſome years ago for his Miſdemeanours, but broke Goal, and run away, and could never till now be laid hold on.

God be thanked, many Indians come in daily, and ſubmit them­ſelves with much dejection, crying out againſt King Phillip, and o­ther ill Counſellors, as the cauſes of their Misfortunes.

The Engliſh go many of them now to their Old Habitations, and Mow down their Ground, and make hay, and do other occaſions neceſſary for their re-ſetling: All which gives us comfortable hope, that God will graciouſly repair our breaches, and cauſe this Bloody War to End in a laſting Peace, So prays,

Your faithfull friend, R. H.

About this transcription

TextThe warr in New-England visibly ended King Philip that barbarous Indian now beheaded, and most of his bloudy adherents submitted to mercy, the rest far up into the countrey which hath given the inhabitants encouragement to prepare for their settlement : being a true and perfect account brought in by Caleb More master of a vessel newly arrived from Rhode Island : and published for general satisfaction.
AuthorHutchinson, Richard..
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 3 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A86940)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 151179)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2248:8)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe warr in New-England visibly ended King Philip that barbarous Indian now beheaded, and most of his bloudy adherents submitted to mercy, the rest far up into the countrey which hath given the inhabitants encouragement to prepare for their settlement : being a true and perfect account brought in by Caleb More master of a vessel newly arrived from Rhode Island : and published for general satisfaction. Hutchinson, Richard., More, Caleb.. [2], 2 p. Printed by J.B. for Francis Smith ...,London :1677.. (Signed at end: R.H.) (Attributed to Hutchinson by Wing and NUC pre-1956 imprints.) (Imperfect: print show-through.) (Reproduction of original in the Newberry Library.)
  • King Philip's War, 1675-1676.
  • Indians of North America -- Wars -- 1600-1750.

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  • DLPS A86940
  • STC Wing H3835
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  • EEBO-CITATION 42475054
  • OCLC ocm 42475054
  • VID 151179

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