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The Levites Lamentation.

IF ever Perſecution merited a remembrancer, Proteſtant bloud a condoler, or cruell Rebellion a reprover, this Iriſh cruelty, and Engliſh calamity (both which exceed the beliefe of any but the Actors and Sufferers) might juſtly awake the pens of Euſebius, Fox, or the moſt famous Martirologers to record, Jeremy to bewaile, or the ſharpeſt Satyriſt to re­prove.

Even now my heart bleeds for the bloud I ſaw, and my inke ſeems not blacke, but ſanguine; the horrid cries afreſh awake, affright, aſtoniſh, whilſt I ſee the purple robe and hat wreaking in the bloud of the Lambe offered, but Chriſt crucified; to ſee the Popes Bull goring, and men borne blinde, cruelly maſſacre the ſonnes of illumination; the big-bond ſinewy, and griſly tyrant trampling on the feeble woman, and unborne Embrio. It drew tears from holy Eliſha, to ſee cruelty character'd in the face of Hazael, 2 Kings 8.12. which makes him breake out, Becauſe I know the evill that thou ſhalt doe unto the chil­dren of Iſrael, for their ſtrong Cities ſhalt thou ſet on fire, and their young men ſhalt thou ſlay with the ſword and ſhalt daſh their infants againſt the ſtones, and rent in pieces their women with childe. This day by the Romiſh Aramite was this Propheſie fulfilled. Now is the greateſt murderer held the moſt valiant, as if valour conſiſted in a bel­•…ine horridneſſe, and fortitude were the eldeſt ſon of fury.

Me thinks Nero (the depraver of the Ceſarian Monarchy) at ſight of this bloudy banquet ſhould appeal to all Hiſtorians no more to liſt him for the Monſter of men, nay the bloudieſt of Monſters: for indeed the ſight of other crimes, maketh us of­ten to leſſen, but not leave our owne. The common ſtature exults at the ſight of a Dwarfe, as a Dwarfe would doe at Pigmies. Satan having infuſed this poyſonous a•…our into the ſoules of men, that our ills are extenuated by the ills of others This I call phariſaicall frenſie. You ſhall ſee the Popes doctrine as dangerous as the Divells. Religion muſt now be the Iriſh mantle for Rebellion. A pretended plot of ours for their converſion or correction, is by this counterplot of theirs made both our ſubverſion and deſtruction. This was the curſed pretende of thoſe more accurſed pretenders, to ſtick the Ravens plumes in the wings of the Dove. To make the mournings of that harmleſſe olive-bringer, the croaking omens of the2 Arke-deſerting-Raven. For ſuch is the deformity of ſin that none deſires to be the ill he ſeems. Saul at the threſhold of his accurſedneſſe begins with a bleſſing, 1 Sam. 15.13. by a Jſuiticall policy doe they wear piety like a perriwig trimly curld and combd on the deformed head of Rebellion, and murder. Tis true that once Jacob deſired to ſeem Eſau, but ever ſince ſin like Rebecca hath taught the Eſaus to ſeem Jacobs. Judas learnt this not from ſo many, as he hath taught it. Our Saviour tels that under a pretence of long prayers we ſwallow widows houſes. O God, ſince I cannot be what I would, give me grace not to varniſh my ills, or cheat my ſalva­tion with a ſeeming ſanctity. How hardly is my pen drawne to this inundation of bloud? I finde in my eyes the ſame ſtoppage that Baſil the Great did, who after he had read his text could not proceed for weeping, my minde would gladly deviate from my intentions, and they digreſſe from a more peaceable ſubject. 1643. The Climatericall yeare of the Engliſh Nation in Ireland, ſome well affected Chriſtians ſent divers abroad with Petitions for ſubſcriptions to ſupplicate from the honou­rable Houſes of Parliament (which are the refiners of Religion and Laws) a gene­rall Reformation, which was an Apoſtolicall act. This net was not caſt out by any, ſave thoſe that were truly Piſcatores hominum. Satan and Antichriſt his firſt-borne as malitiouſly ſuggeſt that this arrow was ſhot not only at their ſpirituall good, but temporall goods. The man of ſin imploying his Sodomiticall Seminaries, Papiſti­call Prelates, and Jeſuiticall Incendiaries to ſow theſe tares, firebrands in the wombe of their Hecuba, borne for the deſtruction or diſquiet of their naturall pa­rents, and native Country. Men borne in antipathy to Prometheus, for as he was fained to have ſtolne fire from heaven to reſtore life into dead bodies, they fetch fire from hell to bring death to the living, not only by murdering the Religious, but Religion; as if the death of the ſpirituall life, as well as the temporall were in one ballance or line with them that obſerve neither weight nor meaſure. The Ro­miſh Salamander lives not but in fire, nor can leſſe flames then a Kingdome keep him ſurviving. Now was it that God for our ſinnes determined the Engliſh proſ­perity, ſhould be like Joſhua's Sunne be a day permanent, but retrograde like Heze­chiahs, it being the miraculous expreſſion of his juſtice in ruining either the for­getters, or contemners of his bleſſings. Then began the deſpiſed blaſts of Iriſh Ramſ-hornes to demoliſh the walls of Brittiſh Jericho's, when by a judgement as terrible as their cruelty; armed forts were ſurpriſed by unarmed men; then ranne the Lion from the Hare; the ſhaking leafe and trembling Partridge now terrifie the Oake, and hawke the thiſtle, and beards the cedar; the baſe Lackey not running by, but away with his miſtris, whilſt innocencie and chaſtity become the reprovers of that life they would loſe but cannot. Judge of that great conteſtation between ho­nour and life, beauty and deformity, and reſolve me in this blanke liſt_____for thy opinion if God ever ſhew'd, or Nation ever ſuffered a greater judgement.


Acteon ruined, and ravined by his pack of pleaſures, for indeed we had too much〈…〉Diana of Epheſus (not the piety but the pomp of a church) the ſilver ſhrines had too many Advocates moſt men exclayming, but few beſides profitable reſpects either deſired a reformation, or knew what a one to deſire. Thus was the golden Calfe prefferred to Moſes, Barrabas to Chriſt, Garlicke to Manna. Nature a prompt maſter having taught us to advance politick ends, before pious. As a period to our civill diſtractions fell theſe publicke, and whilſt many were diſtaſting the preſent government, God tooke away all: the rejection of Samuel that made his publicke vindication cannot prejudice the election of Saul whom God deſerted. Thus God makes our curioſity our ſcourge. Midas his wiſh ſhall be his famine. Phaetondeſire his death, and Jupiters diety the conſumer of his concubine. Them that would not quietly enjoy what they had, ſhall unquietly diſpoſe of what they had, or would enjoy. Civill diſſentions, and diſlikes being terminated by a mar­tiall (or ſhall I ſay an impartiall ſword.)

The Church like Dianah is raviſht by luſtfull Shechem as a puniſhment of her ro­ving, had ſhe kept the tents of Jacob, ſhe had been free from his rage, had we not like her erred from our paternall protection, we had not endured their rapines. Tis juſt with God to expoſe them to all malediction, that out of wandring fancie leave the ranges of the ſanctuary. Athaliah was there ſlaine for deſtroying the ſeedoyall, which I ſpiritually conceive to be the integrity of a Church, born and continued without the milke, or meat of Canaanitiſh, and adulterous traditions, which being ſpurious ſlips cannot flouriſh, nor have a longer proſperity then the gourd of Jonahs, or the infortunate, and earthy wombe that gave them conce­ption.

Sin ripened like the pride of Gath, defies the Hoſt of the Lord of Hoſts, bathing the monſtrous ſpearhead of his rage, in the bloud of the choſen: how feeble hath the fall of Adam made his hapleſſe poſterity? the glorious Engliſh long clad in the victorious ſpoyles of that barbarous people, become the rebaters of their skeins, but not of their rage; finding now how dearly the Iſraelites paid for their cruell mer­cy in not extirpating the Idolatrous Canaanites, thoſe that policy left, for hewers of wood, and drawers of water, hew the fleſh, and draw the bloud of their maſters: thus humane policy is puniſht by inhumane impiety, teaching us that all the purpo­ſes of fleſh and bloud, having not godlineſſe for their baſis, have ſandy foundations, and that policy without piety is a damnable diſcretion. The Dove and the Ser­pent ſhould like thoſe two kine of Bethſhemeſh at once be yoked to draw the Arke of God, from the poſſeſſion of the heathens to the people of God; or like Cleobis and Biton to draw their mother to the Temple: where obſerve the kine, and bre­thren were rewarded by death; the kine ſacrificed to the true God, the brethren to the falſe. O God, ſo bleſſe my pilgrimage that at my termination my laſt act may be beſt, that ſo I may like Manoahs ſacrifice aſcend up unto thee by an Ange­licall convoy.


Thoſe that ſacrificed up the calves of their lips, are now like beaſts ſacrificed. The rude reed runnes through the hand that ſuſtained it, whilſt the hoofes of unta­med and untaught monſters trample on thoſe heads that ſhod them; all alliance turning rebell either to civill, or legall contracts. Thoſe Nationall tyes held ſacred, and Gordian, of goſſip, or foſterer are denied by the brutiſh, to the Brittiſh Ha­zael and Zimri murthering their Maſters, the act not diſavowed, but countenanced, pardoned, and applauded by depicted Jezabel that Romiſh harlot. Solomons great ſacrifice at the Temples dedication was here outvied in number, but not nature, the Beaſt was not offered, but preſerved; for here the Miniſter was the chiefe ſacri­fice, the Beaſt the ſacrificer. The Ram was not offered for Iſaac, but he for the Ram, as if the gold had been more holy then the Temple, or ſacrifice then Altar. Eliahs once ſlew the prieſts of Baal, but now Baals prieſts ſlaughter the ſonnes of the Prophets; nor place, nor perſon is regarded, but the Proteſtants are murdered in the very Churches, as if Proteſtant bloud were only the hallowed water to ſan­ctifie thoſe places for their Idolatrous, prophane, damned, and accurſed Maſſes. Certainly it may be feared that we did ſomething that diſpleaſed God, which juſtly called for his exploding.

Now are the fountaines of living waters, the balme of Gilead, the holy ſeales of the Covenant, the ſacred columnes of Gods word made the deriſion of the ungod­ly, whilſt they are rent in pieces and daſht about the heads of the owners, till they drew bloud on their heads and faces; with theſe, and the like opprobrious and im­pious ſpeeches, here you Engliſh dogs and hereticks, you ſhall have Bibles enough: Surely had not thoſe holy legacies or the bleſſed Spirit, been firſt by our ſelves un­dervalued, it had not been in the power of thoſe reprobates, thus to have propha­ned the holy food, or the feeders thereon.

Their firſt expreſſions began in the ruine of our eſtates, having firſt publiſht all correſpondence with the Scottiſh our brethren, whether out of an intent not to awaken their diſlikes of theſe new inſolencies, or perchance conceiving they had not forgot our hoſtil preparations againſt them the foregoing years, and therefore might hope to make them Newters: at all which conceits I admire had they but conceived the irreconciliable diſtance between their Religions; yet their diveliſh pretence and diſguiſed affection, too much wrought in thoſe diſmall dayes (in which every head was perplext, if not darkened with diſtractions) on that valia•…Nation; inſomuch, that one Barhome by title, but by name John Mac. Culloh, Cap­taine of a foot company, with others, adviſed me (when I had kept my houſe ſe­ven weeks after the Rebellion began) to fly for my life, adding they were reaſon­ably well ſecured by a Proclamation publiſht by the Rebells by direction of their chiefe, for the Scottiſh protection, in returne of a favour done him in his infancy by a Scottiſh Gentlewoman, who either ſaved his life, or liberty in his ſwathing bands. And but that God determined they ſhould mingle with us in that great con­fuſion.5 and effuſion of eſtates, and bloud: I admire ſo wiſe a people, and perſpicu­ous in the darkeſt aenigmas, ſhould be ſo deluded: but where God intends an infa­tuation all humane wiſdome is emerged. The deepeſt reaches of earthly know­ledge, have had as deep precipices; none had a fearfuller fall then him the Scripture ſtiles as an oracle of God, we the defeats of thoſe great projects of Pharaoh and Herod, that neither of their deſignes, or wiſe intendments could ſuffocate the type or ſubſtance, the penner of the law, or publiſher of the Goſpel the Scribe of the ſacrifices, or him ſacrificed by the Scribes. But this Romiſh Machiavilian plot tooke effect, ſo the prevention of bloudy and helborne projects are ſeldome pre­vented, nay nor ſuſpected by thoſe of a holy & an upright converſation. Tis for the ſonnes of darkneſſe to bring thoſe things to light. But our brethren paid dearly for the cruell mercy of the Iriſh, for they ſtaying after the Engliſh, of which ſome were ſlain, ſome ſtript, and ſent away, were moſt of them, man, woman, and child cruelly maſſacred.

The Engliſh are now left, as God left his, when they had firſt left him; ſome flying when none purſued, ſin addes to the ſtature of our feares, for nothing makes men terrible even to themſelves but their tranſgreſſions, whilſt the greedy purſu­ers ſeem like Mercury with winged feet to fly with a devouring ſword to kill them already near death, with the expectation of death, whilſt the enemies ſwords are as drunke with our bloud, as they with our drink, of both which they ſeem inſatiable: the thirſty earth not more greedily receives the early, and latter raine then they of both liquors, inſomuch that one_____O Mallon was heard to boaſt in­humanely that he with his owne hands had murdered ſixe and twenty Engliſh and Scotch in two dayes, whereof there were twenty five Scottiſh: O unheard of cru­elty, it is a wonder to me that this man ſhould be borne by the common courſe of generation, for certainly his ſire or dam muſt needs be an Iriſh wolfe, in whoſe boſome was harboured, ſo little humanity.

Now doe theſe like thoſe Philiſtims, inflamed with rage, and drinke, their ſoules intoxicated more then their bodies with the cuppe of the Whores Forni­cations, Revelat. 17.2. drawe out the poore Captives to death, as if the beſt banquet were the bloudieſt. The ſonne of Hagar now abuſes the heire of the Promiſe, now is diſoculated Sampſon that grindes his abuſed ſoule more then their meale brought forth to make paſtime to the Philiſtims.

I knew one Bel of Muckamore near Antrim, whoſe eyes they ſtubbed out to make him confeſſe his money, then abuſed him, and laſtly murdered him, that death which is terrible to our ſelves, afford us delight if inflicted on others. With what delight and pleaſure can wee reade thoſe cruell perſecutions of Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Adrian, Marcus Aurelius, Severus, and the reſt: nay, the bloudieſt of our murthering Mary, who drew the bloud in ſtead6 of milke from the paps of her Nurſe, having ſuch a Catholicke Spaniſh heat in her veines, that the bloud of many Engliſh Martyrs could not allay.

The cruelties exerciſed at Merindol, and Cabriers, wher the craggy mountains expreſt more mercy to the hunted martyrs, then the flinty ſoules of their perſecu­ters.

That damned maſſacre of Charles the ninth anno 1572. whoſe bloud iſſuing from ſeverall parts of his body (at his death) fully expreſt his belluine diſpoſition. Not King themſelves profuſely waſting, or unmercifull exhauſting the bloud of their Subjects, ſhall finde exemption at that great and juſt Audit kept by Jehovah. The higheſt deputations have the heavieſt cares. How ſoon is Saul loſt in his new Mo­narchy? Theſe I ſay could we peruſe with patience, and pleaſure.

The Spaniſh cruelty more heatheniſh then thoſe on whom it was exerciſed in the Indies, which were till now the grand patterns of abuſed hoſtility, invaſion, and victory are ſo far unfit to parallell with the Iriſh inhumanity, as they have loſt our wonder.

The horſe-leeches of Rome bloudily conceiving that Proteſtant bloud is the marle of their Religion, and that nothing produces ſo rathe a ſpring to the Catho­licke cauſe as the carcaſſes of purer profeſſors: when as it is the generall aſſent that the bloud of martyrs is the ſeed of the Church. Sacks of wool are held the beſt foundations for bridges in the ſtrongeſt currents, as on thoſe were built up­on the martyred carcaſſes of our predeceſſors (the Proteſtant Religion ſo ſurely) that all thoſe great inundations from the Apoſtolicall, or rather diabolicall ſea, could never overwhelme, yet then was our profeſſion but like to Mephiboſheth who though he was of the ſeed royall, had Sauls poſſeſſions, and eat bread at the Kings table, yet was he lame in his feet, 2 Sam. 9.3. and I ſuppoſe his cure would have been more needfull, and acceptable to him (could it have been effected) then either his poſſeſſions or honour.

God alwayes preſerved his Church, of which the Arke was a type which ſhall float over the world-drowned-ſhores to preſerve a holy remnant; and the earth ſwallow up thoſe ſtreams of poyſonous malice, vomited by the ſerpent againſt his love, his dove, his fair one; all theſe perſecutions could not ſo much as ſtartle the Engliſh lethargy; the evils that we expect are leſſened, if not prevented, when as ſudden alarms not only awake, but aſtoniſh.

The great battells of Canna, Marathon, and thoſe two daughtes of Epaminondas, Mantinea, and Leuctra, with thoſe more famous where the Starres fought in their order, and Kiſhon like a beſome ſwept them away: (even ſo let thine enemies periſh, O Lord) thoſe great defeats given and received by the Turke, and Chriſti­an, the ſword, fire, famine, peſtilence, and deſolation of the Jews, with what other horrors have eradicated the Roman and Gretian Empires; were by us peruſed with pleaſure, and yet now that a deſtructive inſurrecton, drawes his daggar at our7 throats death walking over our owne threſholds, famine having entred to cling up our bowels, fire to diſſolve our beings, and unkinde exile to ſhoulder us from our abodes, poverty ruſhing like an armed man, meager and pin'd viſages meeting us at every pace, wounded and mangled carcaſſes peeping out of buſhes like ghoſts from the grave, Chriſtians expos'd naked to unmercifull cold, and moun­tainous wayes, with not a fig leafe to hide their nakedneſſe, poore women with childe brought a bed, and dead in woods, and caves, in that unchriſtian manner that my pen dares not expreſſe: but leaves their miſerable condition to the conſi­deration and commiſeration of thoſe that expect a happy deliverance: heaps of ſlaughtered Chriſtians, to part of which the dogs had given ſepulchre, many han­ged upon trees and boughes, part of which we could perceive had been burnt be­fore: at theſe ſights, and many more horrid, how are our reſolves amated? our courages qued? our reſolutions daunted? now doth poore Germany, and our ſlight neglect of their calamities deeply poſſeſſe us, the afflictions of Joſeph are a­freſh bemoaned, and the martyrdomes of the Apoſtles are now lamented, and what is more the poverty of our Meſſias, his teares, pilgrimages, ſripes, ſpittings, con­tempt revilings, agony, and bloudy paſſion, which before was read over as an ordi­nary ſtory of Scripture, and if read, not remembred, if remembred, not lamented, if lamented, twas but a qualme of ſorrow, now are we ſufferers in his ſufferings: Oh bitter miſerie, how ſweet are thy lectures? teaching ſorrows are cordiall griefes, and tis a bleſſed maim that heals the ſoule; give me thoſe wounds, O God, through which as a glorious mirror, I may behold the mirror of glory.

Now began the famine of ſome to conclude that the violenteſt death was the beſt, and the lengthned life the only miſerable, that the ſhorteſt way to the grave was the ſweeteſt, and that the laſt gaſpe was moſt comfortable, many ſearching for the pangs of death as the only Elixar to cure all diſeaſes, the feared winding ſheet, and inſatiable grave proving now deſired, which was before horrid.

That heaven the ſeat of God under which we regardleſſely walked is all the canopy is left the Engliſh, the humble earth the footſtoole of God, and mother of us all, on which we proudly trampled, lets her wofull children lie on her boſome, that fain would lye within it; the woods and bogs becomming either out ſhelter or ſepulchre, the contemned food of the Iriſh, ſorrell, watergraſſe, three leaved graſſe, weeds, and water is now made our delicates. The tender and loving wife repines at the nouriſhment eaten by the husband of her boſome, whilſt the infants complaints begets freſh throws in that breaſt which uſed, but could not nouriſh it, the mothers tears ſhewing a compaſſion, but not a redreſſe, happy were the infant could it have been cheriſhed with tears, as before with milke, for the eye was wet to ſee the breaſt ſo drie: fruitfulneſſe is now held a greater curſe to the for­lorne Engliſh, then ſterility was to the Jews. Jeremy thou mourning turtle of Sions ſorrows, I wiſh not a double portion of thy ſpirit, but thy ſorrow, that I might be8 that ſilver trumpet that ſhould publiſh to all poſterity the calamities of thoſe our brethren, that did, and do want thoſe ſuccours our luxury devours. She is no Nio­be that cannot finde one teare to caſt into our Ocean of brine, and lend a ſigh to thoſe broken hearts that ſorrow hath rather made ſtatues, then men. Suffer not the afflicted of the Lord to tread the winepreſſe alone, leſt when thy aloes are given thee to drinke thou findeſt none of Eliſhas ſalt to cure the brackiſhneſſe. Partner­ſhip in ſorrow hath the power of mitigation, and thou ſhalt have the praiſe if not to have relieved, to have eaſed our pangs.

But whither am I tranſported? Summons to griefe finde but deafe cares, and a dead welcome: every man deſiring rather to go to a theater, then a tribunall, mirth having as many aſſiſtants too many, as tribulation too few. Solomon is as little fol­lowed in theſe two Proverbs, as in any, better is the houſe of mourning then the houſe of mirth, and the day of death then the day of ones birth; but when be comes with an inviting exultation Eccleſ. 11.9. Rejoyce O young man, in thy youth, and let thine heart cheare thee in the dayes of thy youth, and walke in the wayes of thine heart, and in the ſight of thine eies, he ſhall have more followers then Darius or Xerxes: this gripe of pleaſure hath gotten Rome ſo many Proſelites, when Religion complies with Nature, our corruptions are wooed, and wedded to a glowe wormy hap­pineſſe.

The great Belſhazzers in their greateſt elevations, finde their knees knocking, and diſcerne the hand writing of death on their walls, and thoſe Nebuchadnezzars that prided themſelves in their ſpacious ſtructures (as many there were that built with marble which contemned the corner ſtone) are now ſent amongſt the beaſts of the field, not only for their abode, but ſuſtenance. Thoſe holy duties before neglected are now with a compulſive trepidation obſerved. Tis a miſerable thing for a ſoule inur'd to ſinne, to be hurried into his devotions, death at the heeles and hell in the eyes, ſeldome produce any but diſtracted ſupplications: when as he that dies dayly hath wreſted the iron ſcepters out of the power of death and hell; having an in­fallible intereſt in him, that not only got the conqueſt, but ſung the comfortable ſoule-cheering inſultation over both theſe, till then indomitable tyrants. Oh death, where is thy ſting? Oh grave where is thy victory? Therefore, Quid retribuam? but thankes be unto God, which hath given us victory through our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, 1. Cor. 15.55.57.

Now would thoſe that had conſumed a patrimony, rejoyce to finde thoſe husks that none ſhall give them. How gladly would the gripple hand receive that almes it hath detayned? finding a ſad returne of his uncharitable repulſes. That Dives that would not give a crumme demanded, ſhall find a drop denied. O God ſo in­large my heart, that I may give what I can, and ſo enlarge thy mercies, I may re­ceive what I would.


It was no ſingle arrow God ſhot in that Nation, or us poore Engliſh; for as if the ſword had beene too blunt a ſithe, or ſickle, to mow both the wheat and darnell, and a ſingle puniſhment too favourable a ſcourge, God ſent the fire, and leſt that ſhould be too ſparing in conſuming our ſinnes that made us ſo combuſtible, and not fully refine the oare from the droſſe: God ſent the famine to devour thoſe that had nothing to eat; and leſt that ſhould leave any gleanings in this Iriſh Aceldama, the Lord ſent a peſtilent Feaver, that ſwept away innumerable people: inſomuch that in Colerane there died in fowre moneths by computation ſix thou­ſand, in Carickfergus two thouſand and five hundred, in Belfaſt and Me­lone above two thouſand, in Liſygarvi eight hundred, and in Antrym and other places a proportionable number. So that heer the chariot of Gods juſtice was drawne by thoſe fowre horſes Rev. 6. a white, a red, a blacke, and a pale horſe; this diſeaſe augmented our miſeries, the Fea­vers being ſo contagious, that the living durſt not ſee them ſicke, nor bu­ry them dead; that I have ſeene the husband carry his dead wife to the Church-yard, and borrowing a ſpade, digge a grave for her that living was his life: and the ſame man have I ſeene the next day die in the ſame Church-yard: the like affection have I ſeene the wife expreſſe toward her departed husband, the ſonne to the father, father to the ſon, and the like. Heere were the words of our Saviour, not onely metaphorically, but verbally true: for the dead did not only bury the dead, but the dying buried the dead alſo. Not any that eſcaped this Feaver but loſt all their hayre: I had it in the Newry ſeven weekes, where not only without, but contrary to meanes, my God preſerved mee, to whom on my bended knees I give all poſſible thankes. This ſickneſſe beyond the power of perſwaſive Divinity, ſhewed me God thwarting Nature, preſerving in the grave, quenching the flames of my ſickneſſe, even with what Phyſi­tians ſay it is inflamed; my cordialls and julips, were running water, in ſtead of barly, and ſometimes a little milke, ſalt beefe, or porke, oaten bread and cheeſe, the allayes to my heat and hunger. Thus from the jawes of death and brims of the grave hath God delivered me, to lament and publiſh the death of thoſe of my owne Tribe. For on them fell the brunt of this martyrdome: they were thoſe appointed to ſlaughter at the birth of this deſigne: they could expect no quarter; others might ran­ſome their lives with their hidden goods: but this profeſſion was ſure to cope with death in the horridſt ſhape, as if Iaacobs curſe were renova­ted, for they met with a wrath more fierce, a rage more cruell then they uſed to Shechem, and found a diviſion in Iaacob, and a ſcattering in Iſ­rael,10 Gen. 49.7.

Which I the rather undertake, becauſe ſome ill affected to the con­dolements of the Iriſh Clergy heere diſtreſſed, and by ſome harſh tongues depraved, have lightly run over the miſeries of that deſpiſed, and diſper­ſed Miniſtry, to whom I owe that little I have left, as being of the ſame meſſe with thoſe ſonnes of the Prophets, that find More in olla.

I ſhall but in two paſſages digreſſe from the Martyrology of the Mi­niſtry in the Province of Ulſter, and the one is my engagement that I ought to Mr. Morgan Aubry Eſquire, my honoured friend, and his Man, to this I am drawne by my love, the other is the unmanly and un­chriſtian aſage ſhewed to Mrs. Smithſon, a Miniſters wife, and her mayd, that lived within fowre miles of Dublin, to this I am drawne by my won­der, and theſe two I ſhall transfer to the laſt.

The firſt on whom their unſanctified hands were faſtned, was Maſter Madder, of Donnamoore, Rector, who in a moſt cruell and bloudy ma­ner, they cut in pieces, and left unburied.

Secondly, Mr. Blith, Miniſter of Dungannon, whom they hanged, whoſe wife with 3 ſmall children, after 8 months miſerable captivity, I ſaw in the Newry, great with child, ſtripped naked, and ready to per­iſh for want of reliefe.

Then Mr. Fullerton of Loughgall, Rector, to whom Sir Phelsmy ô Neale, owed at leaſt ſix hundred pounds, upon mortgages, who though he and Mr. Aubry aboveſaid, had his Paſſe and Convoy for their ſafe conduct, was payd that debt, by his paying his debt to Nature: for he at a bogges ſide was ſtript, murthered, and left unburied. With this coyne hath that flaming firebrand payd his debts, ſuch cancelling of bonds muſt they all expect that traffique with the progeny of the Babiloniſh whore.

Mrs. Fullerton with two children, and great with child, came to the Newry after eight months impriſonment, with ſevenſcore women and children in her company, her ſelfe having not to hide her nakedneſſe, nor no thing to keepe her feet from the ground, but two pieces of a raw cow hide tied upon her feet with pieces of packthred, and what was more miſerable, ſhe was conſtrayned to leave two of her children upon the mountaines, to the mercy of their Fathers murtherers: judge now, you that tie your lives upon the proſperity of your infants, of the agonies of this diſtreſſed Gentlewoman, which made me call to mind that mination of God, Deut. 28, 56.57. The tender and delicate wo­man amongſt you, which never would venter to ſet the ſole of her foot11 on the ground (for the ſoftneſſe and tenderneſſe) ſhall be grieved at her husband, that lieth in her boſome, and at her ſonne, and at her daughter, and at her after birth (that ſhall come out between her feet) and at her children which ſhe ſhall beare: for when all things lacke, ſhe ſhall eat them ſecretly, during the ſiege and ſtraitnes where with thine enemies ſhall beſiege thee in thy ſtrong Cities.

Mr. Matchett Miniſter of Maharafelt, was after long impriſonment and extream hard uſage, the Lord having given him the bread of teares, and aſhes to drinke, he being an aged and reverend Gentleman, was moſt cruelly murthered at Lievetenant Thurſhies in the County of London-Derry, the Lievetenant and his wife being both Recuſants, could not by any meanes or intreaties, eyther ſave or reſpite him from death, ſuch fa­vour found the Engliſh Papiſts amongſt the Iriſh, and ſuch finde the En­gliſh revolters with the Spaniard, between whom is as great correſpon­dence, as between the Scotch and French Nations.

Mr. Hudſon, Miniſter or Deſert Martin, after many troubles, and cala­mities, was taken from betweene two fetherbeds, out of Mr. Chappels houſe, where that vertuous Gentle woman had long fed, and concealed him, but at length the Rebels gave a date to her charity to him, and to his life, for the Rebels in a moſt cruell and moſt barbarous maner murthe­red him.

Mr. Campion of Kilowen, being at the battell of Ballemony, which the Engliſh in regard of the fatability of the day, call Blacke-Friday, ha­ving received a great overthrow, which in all poſſibility had beene the loſſe of Colerane, and a diſmall day to all the poore Proteſtants within it, had not God infatuated eyther the wiſedome, or daunted the courage of thoſe Rebels, under the command of Colkittoes ſonnes, there did this Gentleman ſeale his love to the Goſpel with his bloud, like Zuinglius in the head of his Company, honourably expiring amongſt his ſlaughtered Brethren.

In the ſame cauſe and maner was ſlaine a Scottiſh Miniſter, (whoſe name I cannot remember, though I was then in the ſame County) who tooke his leave, and ſhewed his love to the cauſe, (in which to their ho­nours, that Nation is forwardly zealous) under the command of Colo­nel Archibald Steward, late Agent to the Earle of Antrym.

Mr. Tudge Miniſter of the Newry, after long impriſonment, and many perfidious promiſes from the Lord Magenis, Sir Con Magenis, Governour of the Newry, and the reſt, was with thirteene more, under a pretence to be exchanged for other priſoners at Downe-Patricke cruelly put to12 death, of which none but one Greene a Tapſter to Mr. Butterfield of the Newry eſcaped, ranſoming his life for forty ſhillings: this Greene brought me this Relation in May 1642. and as they were leading to their ſlaugh­ter, the poore Gentleman called upon Sir Con Magenis for mercy, and performance of his promiſe; but the perfidious tyrant ſtopped his eares, to his and their complaints; upon which Mr. Tudge, in the bitternes of his ſoul deſired God to require his bloud at their hands, with theſe words of the Pſalmiſt; (Judge and revenge my cauſe, O Lord) then he with his fellow Martyrs, taking the Communion in a little running water, in ſtead of the bloud, and a piece of an oaten ſtrowen, in ſtead of the body of their Saviour, commending themſelves, and their vile bodies into his hands that was able to tranſlate them into glory, yeelded their lives to the ſtroke of the bloudy executioners, by whom he was hanged: but Lievtenant Trever and his wife with ſome of the reſt, which were divers were cut to pieces.

Soone after, as all the Engliſh Inhabitants of that place often affirm­ed, Sir Con Magenis was by the ſtrange judgement of God, ſtrucken with a ſtrong frenzy, running home to his owne houſe on foot, the Lord taught him by the way, as Gideon taught the men of Succoth and Penu­el, his clothes and skin being juſtly torne by the buſhes and briers, in thoſe uncouth wayes his madneſſe made choyce of, raving on his death bed, Take away Tudge, take away Tudge, doe you not ſee how hee pur­ſues me for his bloud? in which deſperate condition he died.

Thus God made this Rebell and mercileſſe beaſt, by the laſh of his Di­vine Juſtice, acknowledge his tranſgreſſion in taking away the lives of the innocent. The ſame Sir Con having beſides innumerable other mur­thers, at one time betweene Greene Caſtle, and Carlingford, drowned ſixty and eight Proteſtants, to which he had promiſed quarter, affirmed by Mr. Holland, who with ſome others, in a boat miraculouſly eſcaped to Dublin at that time, by which meanes he and the reſt eſcaped from taſt­ing Sir Cons holy water.

Mr. Haſtings Miniſter, endowed into a living of Mr. Fairfax being Schoolmaſter in Balliſegart a houſe belonging to my honoured friend the virtuous Mrs. Clotworthy, for which deliverance after a grievous thral­dome, my heart rejoyceth. Him they cauſed to ſwim in the Lough till he was drowned.

  • Mr. Dorrah, my Lord Canlfields Chaplaine killed.
  • Mr. Fleming Miniſter of Clanfeckle, murdered.
  • Mr. Mercerinſter of Mulifr•…k, murdered.
  • Mr. Burns Curate of Loughgilly, murdered.

Mr. Bradlyes Curate of Artray, Mr. New killed.

Mr. Wilkingſon of Clovins, killed at the Cavan, he comming to the Croſſe-keyes Inne, deſired a lodging, to whom an Iriſh mantendred him­ſelfe, telling if he walked into the garden, he would provide him one, the innocent Gentleman was no ſooner in the garden, but the Serpent be­trayed him, asking him doe you want a lodging? yes, replied he, I have ſaies Judas provided you one, and with that drew his Skeane, and ſtroke him ſo violently on the head that his braines fell out: this lodging was intended for the whole Clergy, had not God miraculouſly defeated the purpoſes of theſe bloudy hel-bounds; children whoſe mothers have ſore breaſts, doe ſometimes draw bloud as well as milke, which makes me be­leeve that the breaſts of the Church of Rome, are ſore, and full of cor­ruption, that her children draw ſo much bloud amongſt their milke (if any) that they generally during their whole time thirſt after it.

Mr. Thomas Traford killed by the Rebells after quarter was promiſed.

Mr. Mongommery hanged by the Rebells, he was of Dunamain Pa­rish.

Mr. Paulmaſter that once lived at Carickfergus Miniſter there, (was as his wife informed me) hanged at his Church doore.

Mr. Flack of Fermannah, a Miniſter of ſpeciall note, was with two of his ſons taken out of Caſtle Creveniſh, and alſo offered up to God as a ſacrifice.

Mr. Michart Berket of Salters Towne flying for ſafety with his wife, and ſeven ſmall children to Carickfergus, where his wife, and all his poor children died moſt miſerably for want of ordinary nouriſhment, himſelfe being famiſhed to the point of death, finding the pangs ſtrong upon him, got leave to goe into the Church of Carickfergus, where he had not long ſtayed, fitting himſelfe for the reward promiſed to them that made their long robes white in the bloud of the Lambe, to that land of Goſhen, where they ſhall hunger no more, neither thirſt any more, neither ſhall the ſun light on them, nor any heat, Rev. 7.16. did there depart this life.

  • Mr. Griffin, All of Ardmah, and murdered by thoſe bloud ſuc­kers on the ſixt of May.
  • Mr. Bartly All of Ardmah, and murdered by thoſe bloud ſuc­kers on the ſixt of May.
  • Mr. Starkey Curat, All of Ardmah, and murdered by thoſe bloud ſuc­kers on the ſixt of May.

For about the fourth of May, as I take it, we put neare forty of them to death upon the bridge of the Newry, amongſt which, were two of the Popes Pedlers, two Seminary Prieſts, in returne of which, they ſlaugh­tered many priſoners in their cuſtody, where of theſe three were part,

  • 14
  • Mr. Bevrge a of Killa•…an, Miniſters of the ſame County, were ſuf­ferers in this maſſacre.
  • Mr. Robinſon of Kilmoore, Miniſters of the ſame County, were ſuf­feres in this maſſacre.

Mr. Lutfoot oof Caſtle Blany, taſted of the ſame mercy, being cruelly murdered.

Romulus the firſt founder of that City, is faind to be foſterd by a Wolfe, and was the murderer of his brother Rhemus, a preſage of the cru­elties ſhould proceed from that foundation, certainly there was ſome bloud (which is a great cementer) mingled in the morter, for I am aſſu­red both the Empire, and Hierarchy, the temporall and anti-ſpirituall dig­nity, have been ſupported by cruell maſſacres, or bloudy machinations, no act of hoſtility, conſpiracie, treachery, murder, ſymony, or what e­ver is accounted deteſtable amongſt meer moraliſts, but hath beene co­lumns to uphold that grand bawdy-houſe, wherein not only corporall whoredomes, but ſpirituall are tollerated, from thence was fined, and on the grindſtone of Rome was this ſacrificing knife ground that cruelly cut off theſe Martyrs. Thus have I ſhewd the unhappineſſe of the Iriſh, who perchance are yet living, the happineſſe of them that are ſlaine, but yet alive. Well did the Jewes call the grave domus viventia, from thence did ariſe that life that aſſures us of the reſurrecton to life, whereas the wicked man is accurſed in his grave, Eſay 14.19.

Theſe are but a remnant of them that could not eſcape the Rebells tyranny or my intelligence: many more muſt needs ſuffer that never came my care, for the Inland Countries of whoſe paſſages I am not informed ſo credibly, I dare report it, muſt needs afford great ſlaughters being re­mote from thoſe gariſon Townes upon the coaſt, where many (God be praiſed) ſpared their lives.

Beſides theſe that were thus maſſacred, there dyed of the peſtilent fea­ver, who chiefly miſcaried through poverty, famine, and ſuccors in their ſickneſſe.

The reverend, learned and famous Martyr Bedle Biſhop of Kilmore, who ſuppported many diſtreſſed Engliſh, and was kept in reſtraint at Clowater, and died at Mr. Srednies houſe after ſome five monthes im­priſonment, where like Paul, he ſpent his time in converting his jailors, making his priſon his pulpit; wicked tyrants may barre Gods people from the congregation of the righteous, but not God from the habitations of his people.

  • M. Peirce Miniſter of the Lurgan at Carickfargus.
  • Mr. Simon Chicheſter Miniſter of Belfaſt.
  • Mr. Ducket Curate of Liſnigarvy.
  • 15
    • Mr. Redſhaw Miniſter of Colerane.
    • Mr. Collins Miniſter of Kilrae
    • And three Miniſters more, whoſe names I cannot learne, but was informed of their deaths by Anne Jackſon, Francis Barnaby, and Went­worth Moulſworth that came from thence, and are now all in this City.
    • Mr. Tailor of Carlingford.
    All theſe dyed in Cole­rane.
  • Mr. Cheſman of Moninmoore Miniſter. All theſe dyed in Cole­rane.
  • Mr. Winter of Aſtra Miniſter.
  • Mr. Luke Aſtrie Miniſter of Ballekelly.
  • Mr. Farwood Deane of Drummoore.
  • Mr. Edward Stanhop Archdeacon.
  • Mr. Backſter of Kildallon dyed in Caſtle Crag.
  • Mr. Edward Liveſly.
  • Mr. Erskin of Fermanah who tooke his ſickneſſe in Derry, but dyed in Scotland at Antrim.

Captaine John Kilner of Jaughen-vale, having a Commiſſion from His Majeſties Commiſſioners for a foot Company, iſſued out in Decem. 1641. as alſo a Commiſſion from the Lords Juſtices, to be Provoſt Marſhall of the City and County of London-Derry, in both which, his ſonne being a Miniſter, became his Lieutenant and Deputy, being a preaching Soul­dier, and a military Miniſter, who preacht to his Souldiers when they were not in fight, and fought when he could not preach, ſhewing at once his love to Chriſt, and hate to Anti-Chriſt, who having done exceeding good ſervice, he being a forward and well qualified Gentleman, but ſtri­ving above nature to ſhew his zeale in that holy war, by many heats, colds, and other ſufferings contracted that ſickneſſe wich ended his daies, having time to apply that Swan-like ſong of Paul, the ſecond of Timo­thy, the 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. verſes, which a legacie to his brethren, and cordiall to himſelfe, was his laſt antheme, But watch thou in all things: ſuffer adverſity: doe the worke of an Evangeliſt: make thy Miniſtery fully knowne. For now I am ready to be offered, and the time of my departing is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finiſhed my courſe, I have kept the faith. For henceforth is laid up for me the Crown of righteouſneſſe, which the Lord the righteous Judge ſhall give me at that day, and not to me only, but to all them that love his appearing. I have ſeen a large certificate of his fathers unparalled ſervices, in which he ought to be a partner, as being an aſſiſtant, all wich is ſubſcribed un­der the hands of Sir John Vaughan, Knight, governour of the City of16 London-Derry, and one of the Privy Councell of that Kingdom, Robert Thornton Major of that City, Henry Vaughan, Simon Pits, Henry Finch, Henry Osborne Aldermen.

Mr. Newcomen Miniſter of Fawne, at Fawne.

Mr. Richard Walker Miniſter of Lifford, at Lifford.

Now you have ſeen Steven ſton'd, you ſhall ſee Peter and John, Paul and Silas in interiorem carcerem, you ſhall ſee Jeremiah in the ſtocks, Jer. 20.2. You ſhall behold Paſhur putting him downe into the dungeon with cords, where the poore Prophet is not only faſt in priſon, but in mire, Jer. 38.6. for as they held the Miniſters the baſeſt of men, ſo they provided for them the baſeſt of priſons: ſhould we returne their cru­elties, we ſhould put their Prieſts and Jeſuits into our common ſhoares. 'Dignum pattella operculum, thoſe not marked with the letter (T) for deſtru­ction, or on the lintells of whoſe doors the Angel had ſprinkled the marks of deliverance, found the protraction of life a death; the taskmaſters of Ireland, being more cruell then thoſe of Egypt, and enjoyning more cruell conditions; for what can be more horrid then for an Apoſtle, to be urged to be an Apoſtate, to be conſtrained to leave the way, the truth, and the life, to walke in the labyrinths of falſhood, and death? I ſhall ſhew you ſome of the Lords captives in that Province.

Mr. Archdeacon Price of Drumlane, Mr. Adam Watſon of Kilſhanar both of the County of Cavan, beſieged in Caſtle Crag eight months, get­ting off by quarter.

Mr. Creighton of Virginia kept in miſery eleven months.

Mr. Fitzgarret Miniſter, in hard and cruell reſtraint till the ſixt of May 1642. who though a native, and next to the Primate of Armagh, a man of the greateſt ſplendor for Urim and Thummim of that Nation.

Mr. Boyle of Carickmaharoſſe Miniſter, in bondage five months.

Mr. Gil Miniſter of Killally of the County of Monahan impriſoned five months.

Mr. Edward How Curate of Dartrie in bonds ſix weeks.

Mr. Ferchar Parſon of C•…niſh County Fermanah two months.

Mr. Francis Sympſon of Kilmore, County Monahan impriſoned eight months.

Mr. James Fethie Miniſter, kept in reſtraint eight months, having been preſerved from famine by M. Fitzgarrets goodneſſe, who for his County take found a little more cruell favour then other of his brethren.

Mr. Bradly Miniſter of Artra, impriſoned eight months, being often brought out to be hanged, but next unto God preſerved by the unmatch­able17 goodneſſe of Mrs. Chappel now in the City finding ſave from one friend raiſed up for her by Almighty God, a ſmall returne of that talent of charity, which ſhe in thoſe dayes of bloud and famine extended to many, eſpecially the Miniſtery, which ſometimes brought her owne life in ha­zard.

Mr. Archdeacon Maxfield of Glaſlough, or if you will Buchamon ju­nior for his elegant, and ſmooth expreſſions in divine poſies, kept in re­ſtraint by the Ovendens, halfe bothers to Nero junior. Sir Philomy ô Neal nine months.

A Scotch Miniſter, that after long impriſonment made a miraculous eſcape, with Lievtenant Smith, Lievtenant to Captaine George Blunt of Montjoy, and ſome others in a ſmall boat and oares, hackled out with their knives, over Lough Neaugh to Antrym, it being above twenty miles by water, in the Winter ſeaſon, a dengerous paſſage: whoſe name I have forgotten, yet I heard him preach in Belfaſt, upon this portion of Scripture, Jer. 4.4. Thus we ſee as Antichriſt ſtrives to drownd, kill, and famiſh the elect, even ſo Chriſt by a Divine providence, ſowes up the mouths of theſe ravening elements, and preſerves his owne Paul in ſpite of the whiſtling Euroclydon, and angry Adriaticke, hee ſhall have his Angell aboord, to bring him bleſt tidings of his life and his companions, Act. 27.23. That paſſage of Eſay 43.2. Feare not: for I have redee­med thee: I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine, when thou paſ­ſeſt thorow the waters. I will be with thee, and thorow the flouds, that they doe not overflow thee, was fulfilled on theſe diſtreſſed eſcapers.

Mr. George Cottingham Rector of Monahan was put into a cloſe dun­geon, where his frankiſcenſe was the excrements of men in heaps, it be­ing the dungeon belonging to the goale, where five dayes he was de­tained, obſcured, living himſelfe unrelieved with any kinde of nouriſh­ment having his wife and foure children in the ſame miſery.

Mr. Beale priſoner at Clowater, and in reſtraint nine months.

Mr. Dennis Serreduie an Iriſh man, but a miniſter, ſtill in reſtraint.

Mr. Henry Steel miniſter of Clautubeit was the ſpace of nine weekes ſometimes in the dungeon, and ſometimes in the gaole, having a young childe to keep, not above a quarter old, which he cheriſht ſometimes with milke, and ſometimes with water out of a ſucking bottle, that now thoſe that wanted tongues or language to call for gengeance on theſe homicides, make their bloud louder orators to implore juſtice, he was at laſt deprived of his childe, himſelfe being ſtripped, eſcaped to Dublin, where, and here he hath indured by the flux, and other ſickneſſe extream miſery.


Mr. Denniſon miniſter of Tedawnet, was ſtript naked, and beaten worſe the a Turkiſh gallyſlave, lying naked in a ditch all night, and brought from thence to Monahan Caſtle, where he lay long halfe dead, and benumed. Thus is poore Joſeph becauſe he will not lye with Poti­phars wife unjuſtly condemned to a miſerable bondage, becauſe we were betrothed to the Spouſe of Chriſt, and would not mingle our ſelves with the harlot of Rome, therefore is the lap of our garment (our profeſſion) made our deſtruction. But theſe reſolved martyrs though tempted with the beauty of that Romiſh Thais, upon a holy conſideration, ponder Jo­ſephs conſultation, and with that armed themſelves againſt their tempta­tions, and their owne perſecutions, ſaying with him, Gen. 39.89. Be­hold my maſter knoweth not what he hath in the houſe with me, but hath committed that he hath to mine hand, there is no man greater in this houſe then I: neither hath he kept any thing from me, but only thee, becauſe thou art his wife, how then can I doe this great wickedneſſe, and ſo ſin againſt God? miſtake me not, I intend not to have that appli­cation hold in all the particulars, for I dare not derogate from Gods preſence, ſo will I not arrogate to our Miniſtery giving them any thing that may more honour them, then that which will be onerous to them (the weightineſſe of their charge) ſo great, that he is like unto Iſſacar, or ſo made. Thus far of the ſlaughters, deaths by the feaver, and cruell thraldomes of the Miniſtery. I come now to render an account of ſuch as I left in Carickfergus, Belfaſt, Newry, Liſnygarvy, and the neighbou­ring parts, in ſo unfathomed a miſery as my plum and line is to light and ſhort to expreſſe their indigencies.

  • Mr. Cloggir of Dean Pariſh, Co. Cavan.
  • Mr. Doctor Tate of Ballihaire, In Cavan.
  • Mr. White of Kilmore. In Cavan.
  • Mr. Moſſe of Newtowene in Fermanah.
  • Mr. Commin of Clankee in the Co. of Cavan.
  • Mr. Jenton ſenior Cou. Down.
  • Mr. Jenton junior Coun. Antrim.
  • Mr. Slack of Callee hill Cou. Cavan.
  • Mr. Hudſon of Belturbutt Co. Cavan.

Mr. Henry Fethy, mr. James Fethy, mr. Lutefoot of Strangford, mr. Pa­trick Gar, thee thre Watſons the father, ſon and nephew, mr. Maſſy, mr. Jones, mr. Jues, and mr. Paul Read of Blackſtaffe, both which were com­pelled to lead a horſe and a carre, with either hay or wood, for a groat or ſix pence a day to keep themſelves from famiſhing, mr. Wilſon of Enver,19 mr. John Dunbar, mr. George Leſly, mr. Andrew Law, mr. Craford, mr. Ogleby, mr. Laurence Tompſon, mr. Durry of Ballimenah, mr. James Tracy, mr. Hardir, mr. Walter Lamont, mr. Jorreſt of Dumagur, mr. Robert mc. Neal, mr. mc. Neale, mr. Dr. O Neale, mr. Veazy, mr. Major, mr. Back­ſter, mr. Charles Vaughan; mr. Cade, mr. Hollana, mr. Dean Rhodes, mr. James Stewart of Garvahir, mr. David Roven of Redbay, mr. Nichols Todd, mr. John Michel of Ana Clowen, mr. Hugh mc. Lecinan late of Leakin-larke, mr. James Creighton, mr. James Melvin of Down-Patrick, mr. Johnſon, mr. Fullerton, for diſtinction ſake called red Fullerton, mr. Monopeny, mr. James Portus, mr. Downes, mr. James Downham, mr. Lam­bert, mr. Brooks, mr. Patrick Doncan, mr. Dr. Blare, mr. Joſter, mr. Hamil­ton, mr. Travis mr. Thomas Stewart, mr. Bel, mr. Wallet, mr. Woodridge. Theſe with ſome others that eſcaped like Jobs meſſengers to bring ſad tydings of their brethrens deaths, but not intermits, and are now on the dunghills of calamity with holy Job, finding as ill comfort as comforters, and ſtill hangs at the bloudy and dry paps of the Church in Ireland, whence they can draw nothing but winde, and that may be heard from their full ſoules (though empty bellies) in their ſighes and groanes, the ſilent interpreters ſpeaking ſorrows, ſo that there needs no winde but that to overthrow their houſes of clay.

Now if you pleaſe ſurvey with a commiſerating eye thoſe whoſe wea­ried ſteps, fainting bodies, and wounded ſoules, have repaired to the Be­theſda of England for cure of their heart-rending ſorrowes, where in all acknowledgements of gratefull humility, ſome of them have found the Angel ſtirring the ſovereigne balme water of your charities to their re­liefe, which many of the feebler ſort, either through weakneſſe of friends, abilities of expreſſions, or a ſelfe-killing modeſty lye at the brinke unre­mied to them, divine Charity open the doores of thy Phyſicke, and Chy­rurgery, and into their bleeding wounds poure thy oyle and thy wine, Samaritan-like eye the robbed and bleeding Levite, pay thy penny for his preſent harbour, and promiſe for a ſlender remainder theſe underta­kings, Angelicall vertue ſhall make thee be tranſlated with Enoch or E­liahs in a fiery chariot, thy owne immortality will guide thee to the pre­ſervation of us mortall men.

Mr. Mors of Fermanah, and Pariſh of Rammullie after he had beene robbed, and ſtripped, was conſtrained being ſtarke naked to carry his two children twelve miles upon his backe, by which time ſhe grew ſourbated that his uxoriouſneſſe prevailed beyond his paternall love to his children, ſo in that a great agony of ſpirit, he was forced to leave the20 fruit to the mercy of the enemies, and to preſerve the tree carried his wife above eight miles upon his back, they being both naked, Eneas could not out patern this affection to aged Anchiſes.

From that Province are here under thy wings, as chickings fearing famine that predatory Kite, Mr. Richard Burowes, Mr. Baker, Mr. George Walker, Mr. Bedle, Mr. Dr. Bayly of the Cou. Cavan, the two Sings of A­haderick, the other of Dundalke; mr. John Freeman, mr. Hammond, mr. Bunburie, and as I heare his brother, mr. Boyle. mr. Cottingham, mr. Na­thaniel Draiton, mr. William Green, mr. Francis Sympſon, mr. Gabreath, mr. Cohun, mr. Henry Steel, mr. Edward Carter, mr. Clearke, mr. Sempil, mr. Anthony, mr. Harrocks mr. Philip Tandy, mr. Tinly, mr. Richard Head, mr. Kean, mr. Bradley, my unworthy ſelfe, mr. James Reynolds, mr. Steere, mr. Leigh, mr. Diggery Holman, mr. Waterhouſe. Theſe ſtars ſhew in the lower orbe, of the higher, is that famous, learned, and ſtudious in­groſſer of learning, the late Lord Primate or Ardamgh Ʋſher, the fluent and elegant Seneca of Rapho, the ſolid and grave Buchworth of Deum­moore, quicke and Eagle eyed Singe of Cloyne. The learned, prompt, politick, and engine headed Bramhal of Derry. Laſtly, one Clergy man more I finde whoſe names ſake promiſes a ſudden termination of all our ſorrowes (without ſpeedy ſuccors) and that is Mr. Death, Miniſter of Seapatrick. Thus you finde amongſt the diſtreſſed Clergy, an Ʋſher and a Voyder, but no meat on their tables; theſe with their charges are fit objects for Dorcas to cloath, the Sarepthan widow, or good Obadiahs to feed, and the Shunnamite to lodge, the prayers of which will revive thy dying or dead hopes, encreaſe thy decaying ſtore, being raine to thine inheritance, and reſtore thy hurt, mained or dead iſſue. Laſtly, as thou haſt opened thy bowells of compaſſion, they ſhall open to thee the gate called beautifull, that leads into our elder Brothers Fathers, where are many manſions, for the poore for Chriſt, and of Chriſts are janitores Coeli. And now I come to the two digreſſions ſpecified before.

The firſt digreſſion is from the ſubject. With Mr. Fullerton was mur­dered Mr. Morgan Aubrey Eſquire, and his man (who though no Mini­ſter) I have thought good to mention in regard of thoſe many deare tyes of love and friendſhip between us, to whoſe diſaſtrous death I dedicate this tragick remembrance as a monument of his ſufferings, and my ſor­row, a Gentleman of an active, brave, and Roman ſpirit, whoſe breaſt was not only filled with pleaſing flames of learned Poetry, but the more heroick fire of reſolution, ſweetly allayed with a modelt and wel tempe­red diſpoſition; a man that had merited as much from that laethe drinker21 Sir Phelomy O Neal, as a Gentleman could, having effectually negotiated for him in many particulars of conſequence with the late Lord Strafford, to whoſe Counteſſe he had been Gentleman uſher, yet was he all ingage­ments waved, betraied by letters of ſafe conduct to a cruell and merci­leſſe but chery, firſt ſtripping him, then killing him at a bogs ſide. But en his ſervant Henry Lawrence (whom I have heard to be of a mighty ſtature and valour) a Warwickſhire man, who by ſurpriſing one of the Rebels ſwords, having ſlaine foure or five before he was ſeiſed on, was ſhewed that cruelty which was forborne to ravilliac the parricide of Henry the fourth, that Caelar of the the Flower du liz and was only exer­ciſed by Cambiſes upon one of his unjuſt judges whoſe skinne he flaied off, and nailed it to the tribunall, as a terrour to his ſonne that ſucceeded him, had but ſome of ours been made ſo exemplar, unjuſt votes had not laden our Kingdome with theſe bloudy conteſtations. The Judges of Iſrael rid on their white Aſſes, to ſhew I thinke as well their purity and innocency, as their patient undergoing the inſupportable weight of their callings; but it is feared ſome of them have not only caſt off that integri­ty, but purity and conſtancy alſo, this Laurence after many wounds re­ceived, they flead ſome part of him, and ſo left him cruelly murdered.

The ſecond digreſſion is from the Province, but ſomething adhering to the Subject. But above all barbarous, inhumane, hetheniſh, and un­heard of murders, was that of Mrs. Smithſon a miniſters wife living at the Kilne of the Grange within foure miles of Dublin, who being perſwa­ded to returne to her houſe, in hope to have the Communion cup, and a barrell of wheat given her, all which was promiſed by her ſatanicall ſe­ducer, her poverty having made her too credulous, ſhe went along with her maid ſervant, no ſooner had they gotten this unfortunate Gentlewo­man in their power, but they ſtript her of her apparrell, ſetting her na­ked a ſtride upon a leane jade, tying heavy weights at her heeles, then with ſtripes forced they the horſe to runne through waters, and leap o­ver ditches, and to travell in the moſt uneaſie paſſages till they brougt her into their army, that ſo they might not ſeeke for any other then Pa­piſticall evidence of this their beſtiality; this uſage ſhe had untill her bo­dy was torne in a unheard of manner, feeding her with bread and water, which was rather affoarded to protract the miſeries they intended her then to preſerve or reprive a life, and when that her body could not any more be made a ſpectacle of their ſhame, ſhe was reſtrained, where firſt23 they cut off one eare, boyld it, and rubbed it about her mouth, then the other, after that her noſe, uſing them in the ſame manner, had Zopieus beene here to have ſeene this picture in her face, he would have declined his notable reſolution; at laſt they put out her eyes, and when they ſaw nature willing to eaſe her torments by diſſolution, and that mercifull death would ſet a period to their butcheries, they hanged her and her maid upon one bough, Her husband as before ſhe went having uſed all poſſible perſwaſions to keep her from going, ſo uſed all manner of dili­gence to procure her returne, after he perceived ſhee had outſtaied her intentions, bomplained to the State that ſhe was gone to Juſtice Wol­verſtons, whoſe brother was then in Dublin (being both obſtinate Pa­piſts) who being ſent for to the State, and admoniſhed of their jealou­ſies of the womans miſcarriage, prevailed to be ſent thither for her deli­very and reſtoration, but finding her paſt recover, deſerted Dublin, his eſtate which was great, and obedience which was little, and turned Re­bell, which was no marvell; thus theſe cruell Benjamites for doubtleſſe they were ſo in that other act of unſeemlineſſe, did not abuſe the Concu­bine, but the virtuous wife of a Levite, the ſtory of whoſe mangled and macerated carkaſſe I transfer to the eleven Tribes of our Engliſh Iſrael, knowing they will conclude, having ſeen this ſad and diſmall ſpectacle, as they did, Judges 19.30. And all that ſaw it, ſaid, there was no ſuch thing done nor ſeen ſince the time that the children of Iſrael came up from the land of Egypt unto this day.

Conſider the matter, and conſult and give ſentence, then ſhall we all domeſtick inteſtines laid apart, joyne with Iſrael, to puniſh this damna­ble, and other facts of unpattern'd cruelty like them in the 20. of Judges 48. then ye men of Iſrael returned unto the children of Benjamin, and ſmote them with the edge of the ſword, from the men of the City unto the beaſts and all that came to hand: alſo they ſet on fire all the Cities that they could come by, moreover the men of Iſrael ſware in Mipeh, ſaying, none of us ſhall give his daughter to the Benjamite, to wife: thus fare have I floated in the blood and brine, of the tribe of Levie, a ſubject ſo terrible that I could not but mingle my incke with teares for whom I cloſe up to the tragicall diſcourſe with that lamentation of holy David for his friend Ionathan, 2 Sam. 1.25.26. How were the mighty ſlaine in the midſt of the battell? O Ionathan thou waſt ſlaine in thine high places. Woe is me for thee my brother Ionathan: very kinde haſt thou been unto me; thy love to me was wonderfull, paſſing the love of women: how are the mighty men over-throwne, and the weapons of war deſtroyed.


This martirologer of part of that Miniſtery, I was the rather induced to publiſh, in regard ſome calumnious tongues have charged the Iriſh Engliſh Clergy to adhere to the Romiſh faction and fictions, which had they done they had ſaved their lives and eſtates, with the loſſe of their ſoules, but they with holy Philpot have ſealed their zeal to the Goſpel, by the effuſion of their blouds, confuſion of eſtates, taking a miſerable exile with Iohn to Pathmos, where I hope God will reveale himſelfe to them in their ſtraightneſſe to their comfort, and his glory, to whom be aſcribed all honour, and glory, now and for evermore, Amen.


About this transcription

TextA new remonstrance from Ireland, containing an exact declaration of the cruelties, insolencies, outrages, and murders exercised by the bloudthirsty, Popish rebells in that kingdome upon many hundred Protestants in the province of Vlster, and especially of the ministers there, since the beginning of this base, horrid, unnaturall and unparralelled rebellion October 23. 1641 in which is also particularly expressed the names of such ministers and others who have been murthered, imprisoned, famished, and otherwayes cruelly used by those barbarous, and inhumane rebells, by Daniel Harcourt one of the commissioners for the examination of the Protestants Grievances in that Province. As also a true copie of the commission granted to him by the Kings Najesty [sic].
AuthorHarcourt, Daniel..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 11:E61[17]; 11:E61[18])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA new remonstrance from Ireland, containing an exact declaration of the cruelties, insolencies, outrages, and murders exercised by the bloudthirsty, Popish rebells in that kingdome upon many hundred Protestants in the province of Vlster, and especially of the ministers there, since the beginning of this base, horrid, unnaturall and unparralelled rebellion October 23. 1641 in which is also particularly expressed the names of such ministers and others who have been murthered, imprisoned, famished, and otherwayes cruelly used by those barbarous, and inhumane rebells, by Daniel Harcourt one of the commissioners for the examination of the Protestants Grievances in that Province. As also a true copie of the commission granted to him by the Kings Najesty [sic]. Harcourt, Daniel.. [2], 6, 15 [i.e. 23], [1] p. Printed for Henry Shephard, and are to be sold within Ludgate,London :[1643]. (Date of publication from Wing.) (Pages 22 and 23 are misnumbered 23, 15 respectively.) ("The Levites lamentation" (Thomason E.61[18], Wing L1827) has caption title and separate pagination; register is continuous.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "July. 24 1643".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.

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