THE RIGHT WAY TO PEACE: ſhewing the Art of Over-coming one another by LOVE: In a Dialogue between a Friend and his Neighbour.
Humbly preſented to the Right Honourable THE LORDS and COMMONS IN PARLIAMENT: AND To the whole Nation; by their old and faithfull Servant in the Publick, THEODORE JENNINGS.
London, Printed for Giles Calvert. 1647
WELL, overtaken neighbour, whither away.
I am going to beare Gods Word preached by a very••lous, and powerfull Preacher.
I pray you ſhew me wherein his zeale and powerfull preaching conſiſteth.
He deales very ſharply againſt thoſe that diſſent from him, telling us that ſuch blaſphemous Hereticks, will corrupt as who are ignorant, and ſaith, that like an ill weed, they have over-run all the Land, but eſpecially the Army.
Is this all his zeale, and powerfull preaching: and wherein doth he ſay thoſe Hereticks do blaſpheme?
No, he is learned, jealous, and powerfull in elegant expreſſions, ſhewing how Chriſt died for us upon the Croſſe, and hath juſtified us from our ſins, and that if we will beleeve, we ſhall be ſaved and accepted by his Mediation and Interceſſion for us unto God the Father: Wherein he ſheweth us, how the blaſphemous Hereticks ſay, moreover, that they are led by the ſpirit, and that all men that ſhall be ſaved, muſt have the Spirit of God, and an inward principle of new•ight, and they4 ſay, they are carried out no further to do, or act, any thing to God in Jeſus Chriſt, then from what they Receive into them by the Spirit, and ſay they have the mind of Chriſt, and do therby know and underſtand the things of God, which othe••••ith••do,〈…〉know; and he〈…〉were but zealous, and faithfull to God, and their owne〈◊〉, they would ſuppreſſe theſe blaſphemous Hereticks
There are many now adayes that can ſtory out the Goſpell with very elegant expreſſions, to catch the ignorant, with the•nticing words of mans wiſdom, yet theſe do perſecute Gods faithfull one, with〈◊〉of ſpirit: ſtirring up others to joyne with them, and are not affraid to bring r••ling accuſations againſt them, which the Arch-angell〈◊〉not do againſt the Devill;Jude 6. and by this manner of teaching they rob God of his honour, and the Goſpell of its power. And unto ſuch the Apoſtle Paul ſaith, My ſpeech, and my preaching was not with the enticing (or perſw•ſible) 〈…〉, but in demonſtration of the ſpirit, and power:〈◊〉your faith ſhould not ſtand in the Wiſdom of men〈◊〉the power of God. And therefore Neighbour, I pity you for your ignorance, in calling his bitterneſſe zeale, and his elegant expreſſion, powerfull preaching; and I pray ſuch as he is, for〈…〉, ſubtilty, and cruelty, in perſecuting the Saints, and leave〈◊〉to God the righteous Judge of all〈…〉will〈…〉or rebuke them.
I thank you for your plain〈…〉me, becauſe of my ignorance, I would〈…〉the truth. I pray you〈◊〉me the error of〈◊〉
The〈◊〉is in giving Gods〈…〉and not Goſpell names, as Believers,〈…〉and Brethren, all names ſhewing forth Gods〈…〉in Jeſus Chriſt, and their〈◊〉towards one another,〈…〉
A ſecond〈◊〉is,〈…〉5they are led by the ſpirit, and that all men that ſhall be ſaved, muſt have the Spirit of God, and an inward principle of new light. Whereas the Apoſtle Paul, Rom. 8.14. ſaith, As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the ſons of God. And verſ 9 ▪ If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Again, All Gods people muſt have an inward principle of new light, 2 Cor. 5.17. If any man be in Chriſt, he is a new creature: old things are past away, behold all things are become new. And if all things are become new, Gods people muſt have an inward principle of new light. Know therefore, that what we receive from the firſt Adam by generation, is old; and old things are past away. Only what we enjoy in the ſecond Adam by••generation is become new: So that there is no truth〈◊〉from Gods Word, then this: that all Gods people are to have an inward principle of new light; New in Chriſt: If〈…〉Christ, he is a new creature: And not become new in ſome things, but in all things; Behold, all things are become new: behold it with admiration, and pry into it believingly, Thou art wholly become new, thy light is become〈…〉all that is in thee is new: Thou art born again,John 3.36. 1 Pet. 2.2. Epheſ 4.23. 2 Sam. 16.23. Thou art born of the Spirit, Thou art new born, Thou art renewed in the ſpirit of thy mind: And if not; That light which is in thee is〈◊〉: and then how great accompliſhments ſoever thou〈◊〉, of humane learning, and wiſdom, though thou ſpeakeſt as an〈◊〉, yet with A••itophel, thou art but miſerable: And then as our Saviour ſaith,Mat 6.23, &c. If therefore that light that is in thee be darkneſſe, how great is that darkneſſe.
A third errour is, in his taxing ſuch of Hereſie, as ſay they are no〈◊〉out to believe, or act any thing to God in Chriſt Jeſus, then from what they receive into them by the Spirit, and that they have the mind of Chriſt, and do thereby know and underſtand the things of God; which others neither do, nor〈◊〉know: Whereas this truth alſo hath appeared in the〈◊〉in all ages, and is aſſerted by the Apoſt•e Paul, where he ſaith, We leaving the ſame ſpirit of faith,2 Cor. 4.13. according as it is〈◊〉, I〈◊〉believed, and therefore I have ſpoken; we alſo6 believe, and therefore ſpeak,Rom. 8.15. and again,〈…〉received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,〈◊〉Father It is the〈◊〉priviledg of the Apoſtle and all the Saints with him, we••ven we are no further carried out to beleeve, or act any〈◊〉to God in Chriſt Jeſus, then from what we receive into〈…〉the Spirit. 1 Cor. 6.19, 20Again he ſaith, What know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost in you, which ye〈◊〉of God and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with〈◊〉therefore glorifie God in your body, and in your ſpirit, which are God.
Again, They that are joyned unto the Lord, are one Spirit and therefore they have the mind of Chriſt, and do〈◊〉know and underſtand the thiings of God, which〈◊〉wether do nor can know: this moſt bleſſed〈…〉truth wil clearly appear in the Saints Union with〈…〉He that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit, and he〈◊〉Spirit hath the ſame mind; and therefore hath〈◊〉Chriſt•t is an impreſſion of the ſame Spirit that malt••••••••neſs, in the Spirit of the Beleever, with Jeſus Chriſt:〈…〉what the Lambs mind is, in giving glory to God, the〈◊〉, and hath been the mind of the Saints in all ages,〈…〉ſuffering days of the victorious Saints: For the Scripture〈◊〉, they that had gotton the victory over the beaſt,Rov. 15.2, 3. and〈◊〉image, and over his mark, and over the number of his〈◊〉, ſtood on the ſea of glaſs, having the hurps of God: And they ſing the ſong of Moſes the ſervants of God, and of the〈◊〉So that you plainly ſee, that the Saints, and Moſes, and the Lamb are al of one mind: they ſing the ſame ſong with the lamb in all ages. And although none know the mind of the Lord, that he may inſtruct him: yet many, even all the Saints, know the mind of the Lord and are inſtructed by him: for they〈◊〉receive the things of the Spirit of God, and know and underſtand the things of God, and have the mind of Chriſt; which others, even all others, who receive the Spirit of the w••ld, and are called the naturall man, have not; neither do not〈◊〉know or receive the things of the Spirit, becauſe they are Spiritually diſcerned: as it is writen: Eye hath not ſeen,1 Cor. 2.9, &c. nor as7 heard, neither have entred into the heart of man, (to wit,〈◊〉man, who is here oppoſed to the ſpiritual) the things which God hath prepared for them that have him: But God〈◊〉revealed them〈…〉by his Spirit: for the Spirit ſearcheth all things,〈◊〉the deep things of God. Now we have received,〈…〉ſpirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to〈◊〉of God, But the〈◊〉man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are fooliſhneſs unto him: neither can be know them, becauſe they are ſpiritually diſcerned: But he that is ſpiritual judgeth (or diſce••••h) all things, yet be himſelf it judged (〈◊〉of〈◊〉man. For who hath〈◊〉the mind of the Lord that he may (or ſhall) inſtruct him? But we〈◊〉the〈◊〉of Chriſt. His laſt Error is his teaching his〈◊〉that if they were but zealous and faithful to God and their own〈◊〉they would ſuppreſs theſe〈◊〉this〈…〉firſt to judg thoſe breathren for whom Chirſt dyed; not in an ordinary way, but with the higheſt〈◊〉and〈◊〉of ſpirit: for he knoweth that thoſe, whom he〈…〉will with the Apoſtle〈…〉, That after the way which they call Here•••〈…〉the God of our father beleeving all things which are〈…〉and the Prophets;Acts 24.14, 15 16. And have hope towards God, which the〈◊〉alſo allow, that there〈…〉of the〈…〉: And〈…〉have always〈…〉god and towards men. Rom. 14.3, 4. 11, 12, 23.For whether〈…〉the Lord: or whether〈◊〉dye, we dye〈◊〉Lord; whether we have therefore or dye, we are the〈◊〉. I〈◊〉, with the Apoſtle Paul, ſay〈◊〉all ſuch,〈…〉his own master he ſtandeth or falleth:〈…〉ſhall confeſs to God;〈…〉8bling block, or an occaſion to fall in his brother; way: which ſuch Miniſters do in•notable manner, by calling Gods〈◊〉ones blaſphemous Hereticks. And
Secondly, by ſtirring up their hearers unto ſolition; under pretence of zeal and faithfulneſs unto God and their own〈◊〉to ſuppreſs them but tel me by what means you〈…〉would have them ſuppreſſe.
I ſhal tel you what I heard reported of one of theſe Miniſters, that week when the Parliament and their Speakers were driven away by that Riotous inſolency of thoſe〈◊〉, from Weſtminiſter to the Army: How he was ſeen to go from houſe to houſe, unto thoſe members that were〈◊〉in that Junto during the Parliaments abſence. And the Lords day following, being the firſt of Auguſt, one that was in his Congregation the proceedings of the Londoners, the Apprentions and that Junto: for the prayed God to turn the hearts of the〈◊〉, and that they, and thoſe that were fled unto them, would take example by the Parliament (for ſo he was pleaſed to call them) and by the Citizens of London, to live in godlineſs, unity and peace: and prayed alſo that the Country might come in to the timely•yd and relief of the City: whereby I ſuppoſe that theſe zealous would have their hearers to uſe all poſſible means by the dint of the ſword to oppoſe and ſuppreſs ſuch whom they aſperſe with Blaſphemy and Hereſie, as an acceptable ſervice, thereby to procure peace from God unto the Land: as it is written, The time cometh, that whoſoever killeth you, will think that he doth God ſervice: and therefore ſhew me by what rule you pitty ſuch, who are bent againſt you with ſuch error and rancor, that if it were poſſible they would〈◊〉your name, not ſparing any coſt or deſign〈◊〉by the ſword or any ways to do it.
I ſhal ſatisfie you one of the Old and New〈◊〉, both by precept and example that we are to pitty to pray for, and to do good, to our〈◊〉.
〈…〉and love〈…〉and9 put the gainſayers to ſilence: I pray therefore proceed.
In the Law, Levit. 19.18. it ſaith, Thou ſhalt not avenge nor bear any grudg againſt the children of thy people, but thou ſhalt love thy neighbour as thy ſelf; I the Lord. Here we have the duty of love in the extent of it, doing our enemies no evil; loving them as our ſelves: and we have the command and example from Jehovah, the Lord; I am the Lord; & therfore, my comand & example are unqueſtionably to be obeyd.
Secondly, Our Lord Jeſus Chriſt makes out this truth in the Goſpel moſt clearly, ſaying, But I ſay unto you,Mat. 5.44, &c. Love your enemies, bleſs them that curſe you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which diſpitefully uſe you and perſecute you: That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: And he giveth the reaſon why we ſhould follow Gods example, from other convincing Arguments; although that were enough, That he is our Father which is in heaven. Ye we are to obſerve him in his gracious workings towards all men upon the earth: For he maketh his Sun to riſe on the evil and on the good, and ſendeth rain on the just and on the unjuſt. Again, he appealeth unto the teſtimony of our conſciences from the entireneſs of our faith and love, in ſingleneſs of heart doing what we do unto the Lord and not unto men: looking for our reward from God only: For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not the Publicanes the ſame? And if ye ſalute your brethren only, what do you〈◊〉? Do not even the Publicanes do ſo? And then we have the higheſt rule and cleareſt demonſtration of a Chriſtians love in our Fathers perfection, Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father, which is in heaven, is perfect.
Again, We have the example of Eliſha, in the Old Teſtament, bidding the King of Iſrael ſet bread and water before his enemies,2 King. 6.22, 23. the Syrians that they may eat, and drink, and go to their maſter. And the King prepared great proviſions for them, and when they had eaten, and drunk, he ſent them away.
And alſo we Gentiles, who at that time were without Chriſt, being aliens from the Common-wealth of Iſrael,Eph. 2.12. and ſtrangers from the Covenants of promiſe, having no hope, and without God in the world. Yet then, even then, the Church of the Jews pitied us, and did remember us at the throne of grace, ſaying, We have a little ſister,Cant. 8.8, 9. and ſhe hath no breaſts; what10 ſhal we do for our ſiſter, in the day when ſhe ſhal be ſpoken for? If ſhe be a wall, we wil build upon her a palace of ſilver; and if ſhe be a door, we wil encloſe her with boards of Cedar.
And in the new Teſtament we have the example of Ieſus Chriſt, and his ſervant Steven, pittying, and praying for their enemies. Our Lord Ieſus Chriſt being perſecuted in his own perſon, and in his members; pitty them often, and moſt tenderly, ſaying,Mat. 23.37. O Jeruſalem, Jeruſalem, thou that killeſt the Prophets, and ſtoneſt them which were ſent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not? And when they were come unto Calvary, there they crucified him:Lu. 23.33.34. Then ſaid Jeſus, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
And when thoſe, that were eſteemed the learned men of thoſe times,Acts. 6.9.10. &c. diſputing with Steven, were not able to reſiſt the wiſdom, and the ſpirit by which he ſpake: They ſuborned men, and ſtirred up the people, and the Elders, and the Scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the Counſel, and ſet up falſe witneſſes, which (accuſing him of blaſphemy) ſaid, this man ceaſeth not to ſpeak blaſphemous words againſt this holy place, and the Law. For we have he••d him ſay, that this Jeſus of Nazareth ſhal deſtroy this place, and ſhal change the cuſtoms which Moſes delivered us. And then Steven anſwered and ſpake unto them, not with the enticing words of mans wiſdom, but in demonſtration of the ſpirit, and of power. Acts 7.59.60.Yet they ſtoned Steven, calling upon God and ſaying, Lord Jeſus receive my ſpirit, and he kneeled down, and cryed with a loud voice, Lord lay not this ſin to their charge. So that here we ſee Steven, though not in degree, yet in truth is perfect in love, even as our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and our father in heaven is perfect. So that although he is ſtoned to death, and by the Teſtimony of falſe witneſſes, yet he pittieth them, and prayeth for them, that God may do them good in the higheſt degree, even by pardoning this, even this their great ſin, and thus in his life and death, he is made conformable to our Lord Ieſus Chriſt. And when Steven had thus prayed, he fell aſleep, his ſpirit repoſed in reſt and peace. And our Lord Ieſus Chriſt, and bleſſed Steven obtained their requeſts. For11 Saul, who conſented unto the death of Steven, at wheſe ſeet they that ſtoned him layd down their Cloaths, though now a perſecuter, is, after this, by our Lord Ieſus Chriſt called unto grace, and made Paul a faithful Apoſtle, even a preacher of the Goſpel of our bleſſed Lord and Saviour Ieſus Chriſt, And many of them that crucified our Lord Ieſus Chriſt, even about 3000, were added unto the Church at one Sermon. O therefore, let us live in love even towards our enemies, praying for pittying, and doing good to them that hate us and diſpitefully uſe us. By this we ſhal bring glory to God, and have peace in our ſelves here with reſt, and ſweet repoſe to our ſpirits at our death, and declare our ſelves to be the children of our heavenly father, by being perfect in love, and not only ſo, but in truth and acceptance alſo, we are perfect, even as our Father which is in heaven is perfact.
O bleſſed truth. I heartily deſire the father, and our Lord Ieſus Chriſt, by the ſpirit of grace to form me, and all his, into this bleſſed frame of love. I pray you, ſhew me how we may become inſtrumental, to reclaim and reduce our enemies from the Error of their evil way.
As God ſhal enable me by the word of truth, and his ſpirit of truth forming me into the truth, I ſhal dedare it unto you; and in this reſpect, let us be careful in our Converſations to follow Righteouſneſs, faith, charity, peace,2 Tim. 2.20. with all that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Look how others have been inſtrumental in following Righteouſneſs, faith, charity and peace, praying and calling upon the Lord for their enemies out of a pure heart; and be you the like in calling upon God for your enemies, and as you have the practiſe of our bleſſed Saviour, and of his ſervant Steven. So be ſure that you pray without wrath, for the wrath of man worketh not the righteouſneſs of God. Jam. 1.20.And in this you wil ſhew forth your righteouſneſs, faith, charity, and peace towards your enemies, in the ſight of God, when you call upon the Lord for them, out of a pure heart. But be ſure to follow this manner, of calling upon the Lord for them:**Tim. 2.8. Every where lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.
Secondly, In order to our enemies themſelves, when they ſhew much hatred and cruelty againſt us, take heed that we12 ſhew much love, patience and kindneſs unto them; when they curſe let us bleſs; follow the Commandment, purſue it, obey it in the Lord, for this is right: Thus let us follow righteouſneſs and peace towards our enemies, and in nothing be provoked either by their unrighteous words or deeds; but exerciſe faith, in beleeving that God, who out of the riches of his freegrace, when thou waſt an enemy and ungodly, did then call thee out of thy natural and ſinful condition unto the grace wherein thou ſtandeſt, the ſame God may call him alſo unto the ſame grace together with thee. Again, in the exerciſe of thy charity and peace towards thine enemy, be exceeding tender unto him or her in the day of diſtreſs; this may work high thoughts in them of Gods goodneſs, who hath kindled ſome ſparks of his goodneſs in thee, and diſcovered it by thy converſation unto them: If thine enemy hunger, give him meat; if he thirst,Prov. 25.21. Rom. 12.20, 21 give him drink: this wil extract goodneſs out of him towards thee; and by this means, thou heapeſt coals of fire upon his head, not to conſume him, but to ſave and to refine him from that droſs that is in him, even as the refiner tries the gold from the droſs, by heaping coals of fire upon the head of it, in the refiners veſſel: go thou and do good in like manner, but be ſure thou be drawn forth in thy ſpirit with much love to thine enemy, in ſhewing him what great things God hath done for thee: breaking and breathing forth unto him in high expreſſions of Gods love in Jeſus Chriſt, towards wretched ſinners: Do as the Lord did with the woman of Samaria at the Wel, and draw Waters of Salvation out of that Wel, to quench thine enemies thirſt after ſin: And as thou doſt feed him when he is an hungry, and give him drink when he is a thirſt; ſo cloth him with the like affection when he is naked: and thus ſupply thine enemy in every diſtreſs, according to the kind of it: this may work much good in thine enemy, for it is Gods way thus to refine his heart from its corruption: if thine enemy be in priſon go unto him, if he be ſick viſit him: but ſtil, what ever it be thou doſt unto him, or for him, or her, be ſure to carry the tender bowels of Chriſt Jeſus with thee in thine heart: and ſtil drop out the ſweetneſs of wiſdom and love unto him, or her, in the free love of God and grace of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt unto ſinners, it is poſſible that God may diſcover13 himſelf unto them, by the work of his Spirit in them, and ſo what thou haſt done ſhal be laid up with the Lord Jeſus Chriſt and imputed unto thee, as it had been done unto himſelf, although thou knoweſt it not.
Many now adayes oppoſe the wayes of God, with fooliſh and unlearned queſtions, which ſavour nothing of Gods ſpirit at all, but do only gender ſtrife, what are we to do in this caſe?
We are to conſider we are Gods ſervants, and are to act only according to his Commands, which in this caſe is, That the ſervant of the Lord must not ſtrive: but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,2 'Tim. 2.24. &c. In meekneſſe inſtructing thoſe that oppoſe themſelves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themſelves out of the ſnare of the devill, who are taken captive by him at his will.
There are many that oppoſe that ſweet and ſpirituall converſation, and affirme that they only are in the truth, and onght zealouſly to contend, and to hate ſuch as oppoſe them with a perfect hatred; and they make it their work to ſow ſedition amongſt brethren; and make contention amongſt the loving Saints, they themſelves profeſſing godlineſſe. What are we to do in this caſe?
We are ſtill to have recourſe unto the holy Scriptures,2. Tim. 3.15. which are ſufficient to make us wiſe to ſalvation, through faith in Chriſt Jeſus. And if any man lack wiſdom, let him ask it of God, who gives liberally to al men, and upbraideth not: and it ſhall be given him. But in no caſe decline Gods counſel, but heare and do. And to this purpoſe the Scripture ſaith;Jam. 3.13, 13, &c. Who is a wiſe man, and enduod with knowledge amongst you, let him ſhew out of a good converſation his works, with meekneſſe of wiſdome. But if ye have bitter envying and ſtrife in your hearts, glory not, and lye not againſt the truth. This wiſdom deſcendeth not from above, but is earthly, ſenſuall, (naturall) anddevilliſh. For where envying and ſtrife is, there is confuſion, (tumult, unquictneſſe) and every evill work. But the wiſdom which deſcendeth from above, a firſt pure, then peaceable, gentle and eaſie to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality (or wrangling) and without hypocriſie. And14 the fruit of righteouſneſſe is ſown in peace, of them that make peace. Rom 12.18.We are to follow the rule, and that is: If it be poſſible, as much as lyeth in you, live peaceably with all men. Sow the fruit of righteouſneſſe in peace, while others ſow the fruit of unrighteouſneſſe, in raiſing ſedition and contention. Be meek and wiſe towards them that oppoſe and contend, but give them no advantage in any thing. Be wiſe as Serpenes, yet innocent as Doves. Thus Paul took the Corinthians in a wile, while he transfers their errour, who were miſled by the inticing words of mans wiſdom, not unto their unfaithfull teachers, but in a figure unto himſelf and Apollos,1 Cor. 4.6. that the Corinthians might lean in them, not to think of men above what is written: and that no one of them be puffed up for one againſt another. And thus the Apoſtle takes down the ſpirit of envying, and ſtrife, and the diviſions that were among them: that they might learn, not to exalt one for his humane eloquence, nor deſpiſe another, becauſe he taught them plainly, but in demonſtration of the ſpirit, and of power.
Secondly, ſow Peace among theſe envious and contentious ones, by making them to underſtand that thou haſt ſo much charity as to beleeve they are Chriſtians, though as yet but babes in Chriſt, and ſuch as are not ſpirituall, but very carnall in compariſon of grown and ſtrong Chriſtians, and that they are to be fed with milk, and not with meat: And the Apoſtle gives the reaſon, ſaying, I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hither to ye were not able,1 Cor. 3.2, 3. neither yet are ye able. For ye are yet carnall, for while there is envying and ſtrife, and diviſions (or factions) are ye not carnall, and walk as men? Let us therefore receive them as brethren and babes in Chriſt, while they are yet men in corruption; and have not overcome that wicked one, as thoſe young men, and ſtrong, and Fathers that are experienced in the exerciſe of faith and love, have done; who do not live after the fleſh, as theſe babes do in ſtrife and debate. but after the ſpirit, and our Lord Jeſus, in all wiſdom, meekneſſe, love, and forbearance towards them, becauſe their ſins are forgiven them; condeſcending unto their weakneſſes and infirmities, as much as may be: but let us by no means deſpiſe them, although they do judge us, Rom. 14.3, 4.
You know that many in their raſh zeale have been as15 earneſtly bent againſt this army, as Saul was to root out the Gibe onites from among Iſrael. I pray you ſhew me what God hath done by, for, and in this army.
From the beginning God hath appeared much by, for, and in this Army, in carying them on in his own way: when they were firſt modelized, the godlineſſe of their Officers and Commanders many of them, and the inexperience of the common ſoldier was derided of many that were eſteemed Some body in the firſt army; who threw up their Commiſſions, and with the rude multitude ſentenced all, both Parliament and Armie, to be in a loſt condition: But who art thou that deſpiſeſt the day of ſmall things, for not by might, nor by power, but by his owne ſtrength and wiſdom hath God done all. O therefore, give him the whole glory in all thoſe great things which at firſt he did in this Army, in making them as holy and faithfull as ever were any, who by faith ſubdued Kingdomes,Heb. 11. and wrought righteouſneſſe.
Secondly, God hath done as much, by, and for this Army, as might convince all the gain-ſayers, if their eyes were not wholly blinded, that God is with them of a truth: they obtained a moſt glorious victory and deliverance at Naſby field, the firſt fruits and earneſt of Gods preſent goodneſſe and future•••ſence of love, unto them; in ſo much, that many of them that beleeved, were then effectually eſtabliſhed and grew conſident, that the ſame God that had been with them, would ſtill be with them, and deliver them by his own aſſiſtance of them, unto the end; and the Lord their God did ſo; yea, they took his counſed, and ſought him in all things, even him alone, in whom they alwayes bouſted, ſaying, God is our refuge and ſtrength, a very preſent help in trouble, therefore wil not we fear. And when they obtained any victory or de•••ance, they not only themſelves, gave God the glory, but alſo ſtrirredup others to do it, ſaying, Come behold the works of the Lord,Pſal. 46.1, 2.8, 9. behold what deſolations he hath make in the earth, he maketh wars to ceaſe unto the ends of the earth.
O ſing unto the Lord a new ſong,Pſal. 89 1. for he hath done marnellaus things: his right hand and his boly arme hath getten him the victory. Yen, when God had put all, that did openly reſict, to•lence by them: Yet ſtill they ſaw an enemy, and weiced upon16 the Lord for his ſalvation and deliverance, not only unto themſelves, but even unto the whole Kingdom, for whoſe ſakes they firſt engaged, and in whoſe cauſe they had ſpent, and were ready to ſpend their deareſt blood, to ſetile a firme and wellgrounded peace: Beleeving that although they were but as the worm Jacob in compariſon of their politick & potent enemies, who ſwarmed in al•pares and places, even in the chiefeſt Chamber of ſtrength and Judicature; that God would by them inſtrumentally recover and preſerve this languiſhing, ſick, and periſhing Kingdom, and that they ſhould become uſefull in reviving the dying hopes of the Liberties, Rights, and Intereſts of this wretched Nation: Whereunto the politique Enemy had inter-woven themſelves, and like the moth, not only almoſt eaten them into pieces, but alſo, with them, out free Parliament, who have been the ſtrongeſt, richeſt, and preciouſeſt covering and clothing that ever God gave unto this Kingdom, even then when they were in their weakeſt, pooreſt, and nakedeſt condition that ever they were in: Yea, alſo the power of the Enemie was prepared as a Lion ready-to rend and teare in pieces, and to take all away; ſaying, None ſhall be able to reſcae, ſave, or deliver the prey out of our paw: Yet then, even then God performed, unto his ſervants, all his goodneſſe according as he had made them to put their truſt in him.
For although the Enemy had forced our Parliament, and as they thought, accompliſhed their work, and fully obtained their deſired deſigne: Yet now, even now, at this very time, God made the Army inſtrumental and uſeful in our greateſt diſtreſſe, and reſtored the Parliament by their deſpiſed Army, unto their former freedore, ſplendor, beauty and glory; and have cleared up their own faithfulneſſe and godly integrity unto all men, maugre the malice of all their enemies, who rewarded their good with evill. But yet they contiuned good and peaceable unto them: Yea, our Parliament is ſecured, Gods people in all places revived and greatly comforted, the Enemy taken in their own craftineſſe, and fallen into the pit which themſelves had digged, are greatly diſcouraged; and the Kingdom, we hope, in a good way to be delivered, ſecured and ſetled: For God hath ſaid, I am thy God, I will ſtrengthen thee: yea, I will help thee: yea, I wil up old thee with the right hand of my righteouſneſſe. 17Fear not thou worne Jacob, and ye men of Iſrael,Eſai. 41 10, 14 15, 16, I will help thee, ſaith the Lord, and thy Redeemer, the holy one of Iſrael. Behold, I will make thee a new ſharp threſhing inſtrument, having teeth; thou ſhalt threſh the mountains, and beat them ſmall, and ſhalt make the hils as chaffe: thou ſhalt fan them, and the win! ſhall carry them away, and the whirlwind ſhall ſcatter them: and thou ſhalt rejoyce in the Lord, and glory in the boly one of Iſrael.
Now therefore give me leave to ſay, O yee his holy ones, O ye his People, in the Parliament, in the Army, in the City, and the whole Kingdom: Stir up your ſelves in the Lord, and be ye thankfull, yea, be yeſtrong, couragious, and very unanimous; with one ſhoulder to go on, and finiſh the work of your God; for he hath promiſed, that he will be with you, and that he wil never leave you, nor forſake you.
It comes to my mind how I have heard that the Army were divided and diſperſt, at above one hundred in let diſtance, in their quarters, at that time when the Parliament and their Speakers were moſt barbarouſly driven from Westminster, unto them; and that the Junto and the City of London, with all their prepared forces, contrary to the Ordinances of Parliament, being b••ted to make war againſt them: Yet then the Lord wrought marvdlouſty, in returing the Parliament, and their Army together with them, within one week, in peace nad triumph to ſit in their places, in Weſtminſter, without the leaſt appearance of oppoſition, theſe Army marching peaceably thorow London, without doing the leaſt injury or affront to any; ſhilenced the Enemy: their gentleneſle, meekneſſe, and quiet order, was admired of all: And yet now again many do ſpeak againſt, and repine at the Parliament, and their Army; may we not fear that this is one cauſe why Gods hand is out in wrath againſt us, by the preſent diſperſed Peſtilence.
The people murmuring and practſing againſt the Parliament and their Army, whom God hath eminently exalted with his own right hand by many ſignes and wonders, may be one cauſe of wrath upon us, both in the being, and continance alſo, of the ſo much diſperſed Peſtilence, as it was with Iſrael in the Wildemeſſe, firſt they beleeved the evill18 report,Numb. 13.32.33. & Chup. 14. the Spies had brought upon the Land of Canaan, and then they murmured againſt Moſes and Aaron, and they ſaid one to another, Let us make a Captain, and let us returne to Aegypt. They intended to make wat againſt them that ſhould reſiſt their deſign; but Moſes, Aaron, Joſhua, and Calcb ſpake unto them ſaying, only rebel not ye againſt the Lord & although they perſwaded them in much love and meckneſs of ſpirit, yet they bade ſtone them with ſtones. But the Lord ſaid unto Moſes, how long wil this people provoke me, and how long wil it be ere they believe me, for all the ſigns that I have ſhewed among you? I wil ſmite them with the peſtil••••and diſi•••eril them. Even thus it is with thoſe that have received on evill report, and believe it againſt the Lords people; here they rebel againſt the Lord: Their ſormer ſlavery they eſteem their liberty, and in their hearts they are turned back into Aegyp•; they luſt to follow their old manners in life and Religion: ſeeding upon garlick and omons, and do loath thoſe pure and heavenly diſpenſations of ſpiritual truth, where with we are ſed dayly; and call the ſpiritual food light manna; deſiring to live in darkneſs and conſuſion in their own underſtandings; deſpiſing, rejecting, and perſecuting the Lord Ieſus in his members; and therefore they are ſpiritually called Sodom, and Aegypt, where alſo our Lord was crucified; but tho Lord faith unto all ſuch, he wil ſmite them with the peſtilence, and difinherit them; and it may be ſo becauſe of their great wrath and hatred againſt the Lords people, who are very d•••and render unto him;**Exo. 4 22. & 19.5. Zech 2.8. Epheſ. 5.30. 1 Cor. 12.12. & 6.17. & 2.16. ult. 1 John. 2.27. Pſal. 105.14.15. They are his firſt born, his pec••d•••- treaſure, and jewels; and who ſo toucheth them, toucheth the apple of his eye; they are fleſh of his fleſh, and bone of his bone; they are one body, and have one ſpirit, and the mind of Chriſt, having the ſame annoynting; God hath rep•••ed Kings for their ſakes; ſaying. Touch not mine annainted, nor do nay Prophets no har••. And yet ſome who are their ſervants, act moſt againſt them: for about five years fince. December next, a meſſenger of ſpecial truſt in the Parliament ſervice, going in at the head quarters at Winſor, was by a Lievt. of Dr•goons and ſome of his company then with him in the Parliament ſervice, ſurprized and drive•back to Slo•gh, where the ſaid Lein. took the State Letters, from him: brake them open, Communicated19 them to ethers, and kept them together with the meſſenger in ducance all night: Some of the Kings forces then quartering at Maidenhead, and the Leiut. at Horton, near Winſor: Moſt part of the night being ſpent in Carowſing of healths, ribaldry ſongs, and diſcourſes between him and his Souldery. Mean while one of his company told the meſſenger, that he knew no reaſon of the War between the King and the Parliament, except it were to exhauſt the treaſure and ſtrength of a generation of Tub-preachers, who at preſent diſturbed all things in the Parliament, the Army, in London, and in the whole Kingdom: and he ſaid, theſe Tub-Preachers intended to aboliſh the book of Common-prayer, to put down Organs in the Minſters, and did preach in houſe•; perſ••uring Gods faithful Miniſters with impriſonment, and named Doctor Oldſworth, and ſome others. And ſaid, that when theſe Tubmen were brought l•w,) he did not doubt but the King, the Army, and the Parliament would agree in one, for they were all of one Religion, and would ſuppreſs all who were contrary unto them. The ſaid meſſenger procured the ſaid Leiut. to be taken into cuſtody the next morning, until he ſhould be tryed by a Counſel of War for his ſaid fact.
He did alſo faithfully declare the whole buſineſs before a Committee o•Lords and Commons, and the Militia of London, at Haberd ſhers Hall.
And the laſt year, one who had been very laviſh in ſpeaking reproachiully againſt the Parliament, the Kingdom, and this their Army, taxing them with Hereſy and Blaſph•••y, urging it without any diſtinction, in much bietemeſs againſt the godly party in general, being asked what he thought of divers eminent Preachers (together with other Chriſtians) who were then nominated unto him, being perſons unblameable and ſuitable to the Goſpel, both for their Doctrine and Converſation? He anſwered, that thoſe and all ſuch as they were, were the vileſt of all men, the baſeſt and very worſt of all the reſt; and that they would make them appear to be ſo unto all men very ſhortly; but God hath diſappointed them, and ſome of the chieleſt of them, who had brought up an evil report upon our parliament, their Army, and the reſt of Gods people,••rring up the multitude to murmur and practiſe evil againſt them,20 have died of the plague before the Lord,Num. 14 37. & v. 20. even as they did who ſtirred up Iſrael to murmur againſt Gods inſtruments, even Moſes and Aaron: whereas the Parliament and their Army alſo, are likewiſe inſtruments in Gods hand to accompliſh his own work,Hab. 2 3. even his great work in Gods due time, For the viſion is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it ſhall ſpeak, and not lye; though it tarry, waite for it, becauſe it wil ſurely come, it wil not tarry? No, not ſo much as one day beyond the appointed time. Exod. 12.41. Heb. 10.38.Now the juſt ſhal live by faith: but if any man draw back (though unbelief) my ſoul (ſaith the Lord) ſhal have no pleaſure in him. But let us not cauſe to entreat the Lord to forgive the iniquity of this people, that according unto the greatneſs of his mercy: the wrath may be removed, the nation cured.
Seeing we muſt now part. I pray ſhew what goods means ought all, and each of Gods people to uſe, for the removing of Gods Judgments, and the ſetling of a well grounded peace, perſonal and national.
I ſhal conclude this point with ſome ſhort obſervations out of theſe Scriptures; Righteouſneſs exalteth a nation, but ſin is a ſhame to any people:Prov. 14.34. Cap. 10.9. He that walketh uprightly walketh ſurely, but he that perverteth his way ſhal be known: Theſe Scriptures concernes the duty of each particular perſon: Righteouſneſs and uprightneſs go hand in hand and they cannot be ſevered. Righteouſneſs more generally relateth to men of authority, who ſit at the ſtern of Government to guide the publick in a right courſe, by executing juſtice and judgment to every one in an even and juſt ballance: but as righteouſneſs relates to each particular Chriſtian, being the ſubject in whom it is, it floweth from an inward principle of the holy Ghoſt in a ſanctified heart, and is one of the pillars of Gods Kingdom, which conſiſteth in righteouſneſs and peace and joy in the holy Ghoſt:Rom. 14 17, 18 For he that in theſe things ſerveth Chriſt, is acceptable, to God, and approved of men: Here is peace paſſing all underſtanding and acceptation with God: yea this righteouſneſs ſecureth and comforteth us with joy unſpeakable in the holy Ghoſt; ſo powerfully from within, acting that outwardly alſo, which is approved of men; who ſeeing our good21 works, even as a light ſhining before them, do glorifie our Father which is in heaven: the righteous have a promiſe to be kept in the way, even in Gods way; for**Prov. 11.3.5, 6 the integrity of the upright ſhal guid them: yea, the righteouſneſs of the perfect ſhal direct (or rectifie) his way, and ſhal deliver them: ſuch do love God ſincerely, and have not only a promiſe of preſent grace, but of a future ſupply thereof;Eph. 6.24. and ver. 5, 6. Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jeſus Chriſt in ſincerity; ſincerity puts the heart into a righteous frame, and keeps it ſo, ſuch doing all things in ſingleneſs of heart, as unto Chriſt; and not with eye ſervice, as men-pleaſers, but as the ſervants of Chriſt, doing the will of God from the heart: Righteous and juſt men are obedient unto all lawful and juſt commands in their ſeveral relations and places among men; even as all the creatures do readily obey the word of the Lord. It was the Centurions argument unto our Lord Jeſus, to command, and his ſervant ſhould be healed, and he gives an inſtance not only from his own duty, but alſo from his own command and their integrity that were under his authority, ſaying, I am a man under authority,Mat 8 8, 9. having ſoldiers under me; and I ſay to this man, go, and he goeth; and to mother, come, and he cometh; and to my ſervant, do this, and he doth it: And therefore he much more beleeveth that our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, by his ſoveraign authority over all the creatures, having all power in himſelf, might but give the word of command, and he ſhould be obeyed: and therefore he ſaith, do but ſpeak the word only and my ſervant ſhal be healed: and it was ſo accordingly unto him: ſo then thoſe, even all thoſe, who are faithful and upright, wil obey the word of Command in their ſeveral relations wherein God hath placed them, both in reſpect of their duty towards God himſelf, and alſo towards all men. And thus we ſee that he that walketh uprightly walketh ſurely: ſuch decline neither to the right hand nor to the left: but he that perverteth his way ſhal be known; God wil diſcover him ſooner or later, if he walketh in hypocriſie: but if he fall into open prophaneſs, he diſcovereth himſelf, and bearing thorns and briers, is rejected,Heb. 6.8. and is high unto curſing, whoſe end is to be burned: Even as the good tree that bringeth forth good fruit doth inherit the bleſſing; his uprightneſs22 doth bring forth righteouſneſs alſo: thus righteouſneſs exalteth a Nation, that is, that Nation or Kingdom that is governed uprightly, in righteouſneſs, juſtice and judgment it is exalted: and thus the Judges, who judged Iſrael righteouſly, being ſet up immediatly by God, exalted that nation all their days: And ſo did David, and Jehoſhaphat, and all the good Kings of Iſrael: (Jehoſhaphat ſet Judges in the Land; and ſaid to the Judges,2 Chro. 14.5, 6, 7. Take heed what ye do; for ye judg not far man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment: Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take beed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of perſons, nor taking of gifts:) And they exalted Iſrael all their days; yea righteouſnes exalteth each perſon and their family: we ſee it in Noah, Abraham, Iſaac, Jacob, Joſeph, Levi, Rahab, Ruth, Mordecay and Hester: So that as all unders and governors, even ſo every one of Gods people among us are to ſhew forth righteouſneſs in their ſeveral Relations & Calling••this is the way not only to exaltation, but alſo to have the denomination of righteouſneſs: and ſo it is written, He that doth righteouſneſs is righteous:1 Joh. 3.7. This is the way to exale this nation, and to ſettle a wel-grounded peace, and to makeall things go wel with us, in this, and the other Kingdoms•. as it is ſaid unto Shallum the ſon of Joſia, Shall thou reig••〈◊〉thou cloſeſt thy ſelf in Cedar? Jer. 22.15, 16.Did not thy father〈◊〉and drink, and do judgment and juſtice, and them〈◊〉wel with him? He judged the cauſe of the poor and needy, them it was wel with him? was not this to know me, ſaith the Lord: Yea what doth the Lord require of that,Mich. 6.8. but to do juſtly, to love mercy, and to walk hambly with thy God? Again, all thoſe that work righteouſneſs are the Seminaries of peace: the fruit of righteouſneſs is ſown in peace of them that make peace: yea, our bleſſed Savior ſaith, Bleſſed are the peace makers: for they ſhal be called the children of God:Mat. 5.8. That peace that floweth from righteouſneſs is a ſure mark of our adoption, and conſequently of a moſt bleſſed,〈◊〉and laſting peace unto that perſon or nation: O then, let us henger and thirſt after righteouſneſs, and we ſhal not only be bleſſed, but alſo filled with it; then our righteouſnes wil run down as a mighty ſtream, unto all23 perſons, in all places and rehations: withoutneſpect of perſont, And the work of right•••ſne•ſs ſhal he peace, and the effect of righteouſneſs,•p•ietneſs, and aſſur••de for ever•Iſa 32: 17.Thus ſhal righteouſneſs exalt our nation But ſin is a ſhame to any people: this is the beſt fruit of ſin, to be aſhamed of it: O therefore take heed that thou art not one of them that have a whoresforehead, and refuſe ſo to be aſhamed; all ſuch ſhal become a ſhame and a reproach unto themſelves, and unto men and angels, and before Jeſus Chriſt: ſin is a ſhame unto all or to any people perſonal or national; when he or they continued in ſin, it brought them very low: by ſin all nations joyntly have been over thrown and deſtroyed, as in Noahs Flood, Severally, it overthrew Sodom and the Cities about it. Perſonally, not only Haman, Achitophel, Abſalom, Judas and King Herod, but alſo Achan and his whole family. O how often it overthrew and deſtroy'd Gods own people, the nation of the Jews. Sin overthrew that mighty monarchy of Babylon and all its glory: yea it wil deſtroy all the world of wicked men, and ſpiritual Babylon ſhal be quite overthrown by their ſin, and become a perpetual ſhame: Wherefore come out from among them,2 Cor. 6.17, 18 and he y•ſ••••r ate, ſaith the Lord, and touch not the uncle••th••g. 〈◊〉is an unclean thing: it befits not Gods children, who are to be holy, as their Father, which is in heaven, is holy: all unrighteouſneſs is ſin, eſpecially the unrighteouſneſs and cruel ſoulmurthering ſin of that ſcaple•whore, who doth alſo ſhed the blood of the Saints, and is therefore moſt unclean: O let us touch no unclean thing: And I wil receive you, and wil be a Father unto you, and you ſhal be my ſons and daughters, ſaith the Lord Almighty. 2 Cor. 7.1.Having therefore theſe promiſes (dearly beloveil) l•t us cleanſe our ſelves from all fil••••ſs of the fleſh and ſpirit, perfecting holineſs in the f••of God: Yea, let every one of us in particular, ſhew forth our uprightneſs in being examples of righteouſneſs unto each other, in our entire walking with the Lord in all his wayes, in ſoul and body and ſpirit, in our ſeveral places and relations: And then our righteous God,24 according as he hath teſtified unto us, will exalt our nation, and wil ſettle unto us a firm and wel-grounded peace: Thus righteouſneſs ſhal exalt our nation: for he that walketh uprightly, walketh ſurely, Amen.
(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A87568)
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