A Letter of a ſad Tragedy by Prince GRIFFIN at Sayton, neere Cheſter: And his ſeverall attempts againſt the Lady Cauſely.
And the bloody murther for which he is fled into Scotland: AND A Copy of a Letter from his Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX.
WITH A Petition from divers Collonels and other Officers under Major Generall Laughorne, to the Houſe of Commons.
London, Printed for A. C. and A. W. 1648.
THough your London Ladies have been ſo abuſed by Prince Griffin, who was wont to out-face his wretched acts at London, yet his late proceedings here hath made him to flye his Country.
He being lately at the City of Cheſter, took to himſelfe thoughts of ſurprizing the chaſtity of the Lady Caufley, Sir Hugh Caufleys wif, (a very vertuous, & godly woman) the prime beauty of theſe parts, by repute.
Upon his addreſſe, to her, this noble Lady abhorring him, ſhewed as much ſlighting of his immoderate offers as could be, and had him exceedingly in diſdain, being troubled at his applications to her.
Prince Griffin, ſeeing that hee could not finde any entertainment, or incouragement by further perſonall ſolicitation to her, fell upon another way to attempt her chaſtity by alluring ſnares.
And hee ſent unto her, to her husbands houſe at2 Sayton on the Hill, ſome three miles from Cheſter City, a meſſenger, with a Letter and a Token, of Silk Stockings, Ribbands, Gloves, and other fine Knacks, to which women, are uſually allured, with many inticing complements, to ſurprize her chaſtity. Subſcribing himſelfe her humble Servant.
But when ſhee ſaw his name at the ſubſcription of the Letter, ſhe (before the meſſengers face) threw the Letter and the Tokens all into the fire with diſdain, And ſent backe the bearer with as much diſtaſte as could be expected.
After he received newes of this repulſe, he againe attempted another onſet, to make ſome ſport, And ſent againe a ſecond Meſſenger with other preſents of fine Knacks to the Lady. And becauſe ſhe threw the other into the fire, therefore now hee ſent Crackers Squibs and wild-fire in the Paper with them, (as if becauſe he could not take this Lady by ſtorm, he would try to blow her up.)
Theſe preſents being delivered to her, with a letter ſhe opened it in her husbands Sir Hughes preſence, and ſeeing Griffins name, ſhe again, as before, threw them all into the fire.
But the wild fire and crackers flew about the room and put them to a little fright for the preſent.
Had hee left off here it had been better, then after fell out more ſad, for Prince Griffin, with three or foure more of his Comrades came to the houſe and asked for her, and being denied acceſſe to her, he began to be ſomething raſh, and uncivill, inſomuch that he provoked the ſervants.
And one of Sir Hugh Caufleys men, making ſome3 oppoſition againſt him, Prince Griffin drew his ſword and run him into the body therewith: And another of his company (with a Piſtoll) ſhot him: And the man is ſince dead. Since which Prince Griffin is fled into Scotland, to take ſanctuary in Edenburgh, but it is hoped that juſtice will meete with him one way or other; which will be indeavoured by divers Gentlemen in theſe parts, And by
THat as they have from the beginning of the late unhappy wars, with conſtant reſolution in their ſeverall capacities, ſerved the Parliament, to the great impairing, if not utter ruine of their private eſtates, frequently expoſed to extraordinary hazards, being ſo farre remote from relief, and receiving leſſe fatisfaction, by way of pay, then any Army4 in the kingdome, ſo hath it been their continuall care, to prevent the leaſt jealouſie of diſloyalty to their truſt, to the full ſatisfaction (we hope) of all honeſt and well-affected people. And that now likewiſe they are called upon to disband, they offer in all humility, to lay down Armes, upon the conditions propoſed by the Parliament, waving diſputes of your Petitioners merits, ſeeing it hath pleaſed the Lord ſo farre to aſſert the Religion, Laws, and Liberties they firſt engaged for; yet are your Petitioners juſtly aggreeved at malitious aſperſions lately publiſhed, unjuſtly tainting the honour of their Major Generall, and all his Forces, as ready to affiſt and joyne with Poyer to maintain the caſtle of Pembrook againſt the Parliament, whereas a more falſe imputation could not be deviſed, their Major Generall having ſent them expreſſe Order, and the Petitioners reſolutions being likewiſe ſetled, for preſent ſubmiſſion to the Orders of disbanding. Your Petitioners humbly deſire your Honours will not permit them to be ſo contumeliouſly traduced, and remain unvindicated, but that M. Joh. Elliot, the profeſſed Author of accuſation5 may be enjoyned to juſtifie the ſame, or make your Petitioners reparations, and in the Interim, and untill he make anſwer to what charges of Delinquency, your Petitioners have ready to exhibit, againſt him, for executing the commiſſion of Array in Pembrookſhire, defrauding this Army of the proviſions ſent them by the Parliament, and by endevouring to defame all thoſe who have ever truely and faithfully ſerved the Parliament, and other notorious diſ-ſervices to the Parliament. Mr. Elliot may be uncapable to have the cuſtody, or diſpoſe of your petitioners Armes, or further proceed in his uſurped Agency, for the Country, and that your Petitioners may be further looked upon, as becommeth the Parliament in honour and iuſtice to reflect upon ſuch as have done them ſo faithfull ſervice,
HAving received the incloſed Petition of the Officers of the Forces in South-Wales under Major Generall Laughorne. I could doe no leſſe at their requeſt then preſent the ſame unto you, deſiring that you will tender the ſame to the conſideration of the Houſe and that they will take ſome ſpeedy courſe for the granting the Petitioners ſatisfaction in their juſt deſires, I remain,
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