A True RELATION OF The totall Routing of the Lord GEORGE DIGBY And Sir MARMADUKE LANGDALE By the Scottiſh Forces under the command of Sir John Browne of Fordell, Knight.
Certified by an Expreſſe from his Excellency Generall LEVEN to the Commiſſioners of the Kingdome of Scotland reſiding at London.
Dated at Allerton October 28. 1645.
Publiſhed by Authority.
LONDON, Printed by M. B. for Robert Boſtock at the Kings Head in Pauls Churchyard. 1645.
THe incloſed from Sir John Browne and Generall-Major Vandruske, will inform your Lordſhips particulary what ſucceſſe the Lord Digby and Sir Marmaduke Langdale had in their voyage to Scotland, and that their intended invaſion of that Kingdome, and conjunction with**The pretended Marqueſſe of Montroſſe. James Grahames Forces, by Gods bleſſing, is now happily prevented, the notice whereof it ſeemes had not come to the knowledge of the Committee before this Meſſenger was diſpatched, though I ſent the copy of Sir John Browns Letter to them with all ſpeed immediately after the receipt thereof: But I remit your Lordſhips to the Papers, and ſhall likewiſe ſhew you, that being certified this night from the commander in chiefe of the Forces about Bolton, that the remainder of the Enemy upon the retreat, being but two hundred, had eſcaped colonell Wrens Horſe, and were enquiring the way thorow the Dales to BoltonCaſtle, and might poſſibly ſurprize ſome Ordinance and Ammunition at Bedall going for Bolton-Caſtle: I did forthwith order three hundred commanded men to goe thither for preſervation thereof, & the ſafe conduct of the〈1 page duplicate〉〈1 page duplicate〉2ſame to Bolton; for my Lord Wharton and the commander at Bolton doe both write to me, that they are but two hundred in all that are come back ſeeking reſuge, either in Bolton or Skipton. I did communicate Vandruske his Letter to the Committee at Yorke, that they might timely cauſe interruption of them at Skipton, and give notice to ſome Foot-Forces, which I underſtood they ſent thither. I ſent away a Poſt likewiſe to the commander about Bolton, that they might be ſtopt there alſo, and did conſtantly give Orders to our Party to purſue them cloſe, and omit no opportunity of advantage againſt them, who will doe it carefully, I hope; but now that the Enemies body is routed and reſolved to ſo ſmall a number, they may make the more ſpeedy motion, and eſcape.
My former Letters, with the incloſed Papers, concerning the Declaration intended to be publiſhed by the Committee at Yorke, will ſhew your Lordſhips my care to keep a right underſtanding betwixt the country people and us. Sir Henry Gibb and the generall Quartermaſter have returned ſince, ſhewing me they have appointed ſome of their number to joyne with ſuch as I ſhould authorize, for hearing and redreſſing what ſhall be found amiſle in the ſeverall Quarters, wherein I ſhall take care that all poſſible ſatisfaction may be given to all parties aggrieved; but the ſooner we remove from hence for the eaſe of the Quarters, it were the better.
Since the writing hereof, two Priſoners of Sir Marmaduke Langdales that were taken as they paſt thorow the Lord Sincklairs Quarters, being brought to me and examined, declared, That the Lord Digby, Sir Marmaduke Langdale, the Lord Carnewath, and another Scottiſh Lord, either Johnſton or Maxwell, have ſhipt in at Ravengloſſe3 for the Iſle of Man or Jreland, they knew not which. They informe likewiſe, that they were above too ſtrong when they went to Scotland, and that Sir Marmaduke at his parting with them gave them their free liberty to diſpoſe upon themſelves as they thought beſt, erther to goe to the Country or to Newarke, ſo that they are all diſperſed now and gone ſeverall waies. I ſhall trouble your Lordſhip no further, but am,
SInce I wrote my laſt unto your Excellency I divided my party, and kept your Excellencies Regiment with me, and joyning with Sir I. Brown marched over the river into Scotland, another way then the enemy did, with intention to come before them and beate them out of Scotland againe; and I tooke the Engliſh Regiment that came with me, and ſome other forces of Horſe and Foote of Cumberland to guard the paſſage of the river, that they might not come back againe without being interrupted, and ſo I marched towards Annan, but the enemy hearing of my approach towards him, and of ſome of my Lord Balcleughs men, retreated backe2〈1 page duplicate〉3〈1 page duplicate〉4againe towards the paſſage of the river where he came over; I thinking my ſelfe very happy to have once the occaſion to meet with him, marched as faſtas I could after him, hoping that the Engliſh according to their promiſe would have kept the paſſe, but they as ſoone as I was marched towards Scotland left their poſts and went away, and ſo by that meanes the enemy got leave to paſſe over againe. I marched after them as faſt as I could and came over the main river by night time, but within three miles of that there was another river which I could not paſſe being then Sea-water, and ſo I was forced to ſtay and give the enemy leave to be a great way before me. They are gone towards Millam Caſtle, and by reaſon that our Horſes are ſo extreame weary with ſo tedious a march, I have ſent a party to follow them for that I am not able to follow withall, being that I have marched ſo long and in ſo evill waies that I beleeve no Horſe before have marched it; I am extream ſorry that I am not ſo happy as to give your Excellency a better accompt of them. I humbly beſeech your Excellency to beleeve, that it is againſt the will and endeavour of
I Intended to have marched to Dumfreis and to joyne with the Country Forces there, for the better oppoſing the intended invaſion, but being deſired by the Committee of Cumberland to advance and joyn with their Troops, having obeyed their deſire, and come to the place appointed, none of their Forces would ſtay with me but ran all to Pireth, (and as I conceive) of purpoſe to let the enemy out of their Country into Scotland; ſo the enemy did enter Scotland, they would give me no aſſiſtance to perſue them, I followed with my owne Regiment, they were 600. that went to Skipton, 150. come out of Skipton, and 200. of the Country did joyne with them, ſo they were in all neere one thouſand Horſe; I ſent away my Standards, and betwixt hope and diſpaire did charge them, they not knowing what way to goe did ſtand to it very well, for it was full Sea, ſo6 that they could not goe back to England; at laſt after a long and ſore skirmiſh they were routed, I not being above 300. ſtrong, for I had two Parties out of my Regiment that were not there, about 100. of them killed in the place, ſeverall drowned in the water, three Standards taken from them, their generall Quarter-maſter taken, one Colonell, two Lievtenant Colonels, three Captaines, and ſundry inferiour Officers; my Lord Digbies Trumpeter and Colours taken, as alſo Sir Marmaduke Langdales, all their Baggage and Ammunition loſt, 200. Horſe taken. I have killed to me above 30. Troopers, and 50. ſore wounded. Captaine Leſley is deadly hurt, I am likewiſe ſhot in the body, but I thanke God able to Ride as yet; many of my Officers hurt: I am going forward with my Regiment to joyne with Generall Major Vandruske; their Horſe are ſo weary that I hope I ſhall meete with them within two daies, and your Excellency may be confident their deſtruction ſhall with great earneſtneſſe be endeavoured, by
All that did joyne with them in Cumberland are run backe and many more alſo, they will daily grow weaker for they are in great confuſion.
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