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A LIST Of all the PRISONERS In the Upper Bench Priſon, remai­ning in Cuſtody the third of May, 1653.

Delivered in by Sir John Lenthall to the Committee appointed by the Coun­cell of STATE, for examining of the ſtate of the ſaid Priſon, with the times of their firſt Commitment, and the cauſes of their Detention.

And alſo the ſubſtance of the Propoſitions made by the Committee to the Priſoners, with their an­ſwer thereunto.

Publiſhed for Information of all ſuch as are concerned herein.

By the appointment of the Committee,

  • Coll: Thomas Pride.
  • Coll: Tomlinſon.
  • Coll: Cooper.
  • Mr. John Fountaine.
  • Mr. Richard Woliaſton.
  • Mr. Margets Judg Advocate.

LONDON, Printed for Livewell Chapman, and are to be ſold at his ſhop at the Crown in Popeſ head Alley, 163.


A Kalender of all ſuch Priſoners, with the Cauſes of their ſeverall detenti­ons, that ſtand Committed to the Cuſtody of Sir John Lenthall, Knight, Marſhall of the Upper Bench, and where they now are.

  • WIlliam Riccarbye, committed the 8. of Febr: 1640. upon an appeale of Murther. Common Priſon.
  • John Finch, committed the 13 of May, 1640. In Execution for 88. l. 10. s. C. P.
  • Thomas Brockas, committed July 1. 1640. Actions and Executions, 18000. l. In the Rules.
  • George Duke, committed Jan. 24. 1640. Actions and Executions 5120. l. Rules.
  • Ralph Jerrard, committed May 18. 1640. his Actions and Executions 1000. l. Priſon Houſe. C. P.
  • Robert Cratcherwood, committed Nov. 16. 1631. his Actions and Executions 460. l. C. P.
  • Anne Oakeman, committed Jan. 26. 1646. for Fello­ny and Murther. C. P.
  • Robert Holland, committed April 27. 1616. his Acti­ons and Executions 2594. l. Rules.
  • John Pym, committed Octob. 6. 1641. his Actions 970. l. C. P.
  • Alexander Popham, committed March 13. 1633 his Actions and Executions 5456. l. R.
  • John Hargill, committed, Feb. 6. 1641. his Actions and Executions 400. l. Rules.
  • James Waad committed, Feb. 9. 1641. his Actions and Executions, 3500. l. R.
  • Thomas Needham, committed, May 18. 1642. his Acti­ons and Executions 4500. l. Rules.
  • James Pickering, committed, Octob. 25. 1642. his A­ctions and Executions, 5200. l. R.
  • Edward Parker, committed, May 9. 1643. his Actions and Executions, 1500. l. P. H.
  • Henry Aldrich, committed, May 26. 1643. his Actions and Executions, 172. l. C. P.
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  • Mawrice Abbot, committed June 10. 1643. his Acti­ons and Executions, 9800. l. R.
  • Sir Thomas Dawes, committed, April 23. 1644. his A­ctions and Executions, 26000. l. R.
  • Charles Beſtocke, committed, Octob. 14. 1644. his Acti­ons and Executions, 3400. l. R.
  • Sir Edward Brumfield, committed Octob. 23. 1644. his Actions and Executions, 3800. l. Rules.
  • Abraham Woodroffe, committed, Nov. 11. 1644. his A­ctions and Executions, 1300. l. R.
  • John Hill, committed, Octob. 25. 1649. his Actions and Executions, 2000. l. R.
  • Sir Thomas Nott, committed, Octob. 30. 1649. his Acti­ons and Executions, 8000. l. R.
  • John, Earle Rivers, committed Octob. 30. 1649. his Actions and Executions, 60000. l. R.
  • Henry, Lord Morley, and Mounteagle, committed, Nov. 3. 1649. Actions and Executions. 7000. l. R.
  • John Brewer, committed, Nov. 5. 1649. his Actions and Executions, 2811. C. Pr.
  • Richard Manſwer, committed, Nov. 16. 1649. his Acti­ons and Executions, 340. l. Pr. H.
  • Francis Kibblewaite, committed Novemb. 17. 1649. his Actions, 40. l. R.
  • Sir Edward Loftus, committed, Nov. 22. 1649. his Acti­ons, 3850. l. R.
  • Benjamine Poole, committed, Nov. 21. 1649. his Exe­cutions and Actions, 50. l. Rules.
  • Sir Alexander Radcliffe, committed, Nov. 23. 1649. his Actions and Executions, 4700. l. R.
  • Sir John Wake, committed, Nov. 30. 1649. his Acti­ons and Executions, 2600. l. Pr. H.
  • John Allanſon, committed, Decemb. 4. 1649. his Acti­ons and Executions, 700. l. P. H.
  • Anne Ravenſcroft, committed, Decemb 8. 1649. her Actions and Executions, 2612. l. Rules.
  • John Doggerell, committed, Decemb. 15. 1649. his A­ctions and Executions, 640. l. C. P.
  • William Poulton, committed, July 3. 1645. his Acti­ons and Executions, 4113. l. P. H.
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  • Edward Hanchet committed the 12. of Novemb. 1645 his Actions and Execution 2000. l. R
  • Sir George Grimes committed the 26. of January, 1645. his Actions 3000 l. R
  • Thomas Turner committed, Feb. 16. 1645. his Actions and Executions 5000 l. R
  • William King committed, March 19. 1645. his Actions and Executions 1000 l. R
  • Sir Henry Samborn committed, May 29. 1646. his Acti­ons 4300 l. R
  • Samuel Tovery committed, May 29. 1646. his Actions and Executions 1000 l. R
  • John Ayliffe committed, June 1. 1646. his Actions 1000 l. R
  • James Fawcet committed, Iuly 24. 1646. his Actions and Executions 3000 l. Rules.
  • Edward Darcy Eſq committed, Octob. 12. 1646. his Acti­ons and Execution 2000 l. R
  • Sir Iob Harvye committed, Novemb. 7. 1646. his Acti­ons and Executions 50000 l. R
  • William Hooper committed Novemb. 27. 1646. his Acti­on and Execution 233 l. R
  • Ralph Horſey committed Decem. 4. 1646. Action 2000 l. R
  • Aaron Williams committed, Ianury 20. 1646. his Acti­ons and Execution 400 l. R
  • William King committed, April 15. 1647. his Actions and Executions 1200 l. R
  • Algernon Peyton committed, May 21. 1647. his Actions and Execution 2400 l. R
  • William Blake committed, Iuly 3. 1647. Action and Ex­ecution 200 l. R
  • Iohn Crooke committed, Ianuary 4. 1646. Actions and Executions 8000 l. R
  • Thomas Webb committed, Novemb. 13. 1647. Actions and Executions 400 l. R
  • Iohn Morrice, all as Point, committed Novemb. 13. 1647. his Actions and Executions 5000 l. Pr. H.
  • William Wortly committed, Novemb. 18. 1647. Actions and Executions 120 l. C. P.
  • Sir Thomas C••bill committed, Novem. 23. 1647 Actions and Executions 8000 l. Rules.
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  • Peremie Meade committed Decemb. 15. 1647. Actions and Executions 300 l. C. P.
  • Sir David Cunningham committed, April 26. 1648. his Actions and Executions 13200 l. R
  • Sir Arthur Loſtus committed, Iune 25. 1648. Actions 2000 l. R
  • Richard Bringeſt committed, Septemb. 5. 1648. Action 1200 l. Rules.
  • Michael Barkeſtead committed, Octob. 19. 1648. Action and Execution 300 l. R
  • William Byrch committed, Novemb. 17. 1648. Actions and Executions 400 l. P. H.
  • Edward Gouldſmith committed, Novemb. 27. 1648. his Actions 1000 l. R
  • Chriſtopher Ennis committed, Decemb. 1. 1648. Action 500 l. R
  • Sir William Ogle committed, Decemb. 6. 1648. Actions and Executions 4800 l. R
  • Sir Iohn Nulls committed, Ianuary 8. 1648. his actions and Executions 101780 l. R
  • Sir Iohn Iacob committed, Ianuary 17. 1648. his actions and Executions are 96850 l. R
  • Stephen Beckingham committed, March 22. 1648. his actions are 800 l. Rules.
  • Iohn Lucas committed, May 2. 1649. his actions 650 l. R
  • Miles Cod committed, May 4. 1649. his actions 300 l. R
  • Sir Adam Loftus committed, May 5. 1649. his actions and executions 13600 l. R
  • Iohn Smith committed, May 5. 1649. his actions 1100 l. R
  • Henry Atkins committed May 29. 1649. his actions and Executions 1020 l. R
  • Roger Bragg committed, Iune 2. 1649. action 200 l. R
  • Iohn Williams committed, Iune 11. 1649. his actions and Executions are 320 l. C. P.
  • Thomas Steward committed, Iune 13. 1649. his actions and Executions 3500 l. Rules.
  • Francis Sherington committed, Iune 16. 1649. his acti­ons and Executions are 10100 l. Rules.
  • William Godſalve committed, Iune 26. 1649. his actions and executions 220 l. P. H.
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  • Iohn Eaton committed, Iune 26. 1649. his actions are 700. l. Rules.
  • Margaret Bancroft committed, Auguſt 9. 1649. actions and executions 850 l. Rules.
  • George Dunne committed, Septemb. 20. 1649. his acti­ons and executions are 140 l. Rules.
  • George Winder committed, Octob. 4. 1649. his actions and executions are 540 l. Rules.
  • Edward Eldrington committed, Octob. 11. 1649. his acti­ons and executions 1000 l. Pr. H.
  • Samuel Reinger committed Octob. 10. 1649. his actions 940 l. Rules.
  • Henry Hazlefoot committed, Octob. 18. 1649. his acti­ons are 442 l. Rules.
  • William Colvile committed Decemb. 7. 1647. his actions and executions are 2000 l. Rules.
  • Robert Shaw committed, May 10. 1648. his actions are 8200 l. Rules.
  • Francis Bradſhaw committed, June 17. 1648. his actions and executions are 800 l. C. Pr.
  • Sir Henry Ferris committed, May 29. 1649. his actions are 3250 l. Pr. H.
  • Mild•…ay Buggs, widow, committed, June 12. 1649. her Actions, 300. l. R.
  • Francis Williamſon, committed, May 26. 1647. his A­ctions and Executions, 3000 l. Rules.
  • Ferdinando, Earle of Huntington, committed, Januar. 2. 1649. his Actions and Executions about 7000. l. R.
  • Thomas Mator, committed, Jan. 4. 1649. for Actions and Executions, 2000. l. P. H.
  • John Lumly, committed, Feb. 5. 1649. Actions 2000. l. Rules.
  • John James, committed, Feb. 6. 1649. Actions and Ex­ecutions, 2500. l. C. P.
  • Sir Thomas Bludder, committed, Feb. 16. 1649. his A­ctions and Executions are 4000. l. R.
  • John Holloway, committed, Feb. 18. 1649. his Acti­ons and Executions are 4750. l. Rules.
  • Lewis Chadwicke, committed, Feb. 27. 1649. his Ac­tions are 1000. l. R.
  • Georee Rowell, committed, March 4. 1649. his Actions and Executions are 520. l. C. P.
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  • George Earle of Kildare committed, March 4. 1649. his actions and executions are 2000 l. Rules.
  • Vincent Cranfield committed April 8. 1650. his actions and executions 4200 l. Rules.
  • Henry Futter committed April 20. 1650. his actions and executions are 5760 l. Pr. H.
  • Iohn Aſh committed April 22. 1650. his actions and ex­ecutions are 330 l. Pr. H.
  • William Lorkin committed May 2. 1650. his actions are 4000 l. Pr. H.
  • Philip Iacobſon committed May 3. 1650. upon a­ction, no ſum expreſſed. Rules.
  • Iohn Terry committed, May 7. 1650. his executione and actions are 400 l. Pr. H.
  • Philip VVelby committed, May 7. 1650. his actions and executions 9700 l. Rules.
  • Henry Haſtings committed, May 7. 1650. actions and executions 1740 l. Pr. H.
  • George Kirke committed May 20. 1650. his actions and executions are 3782 l Rules.
  • John Corbett, committed, May. 25. 1650. his Actions and Executions are 600. l. Rules.
  • William Chamberlayne, committed, May. 29. 1650. Ac­tions 294. l. R.
  • Peter Philcott, committed Iuly 2. 1650. his Actions and Executions are 440. l. P. H.
  • Charles Savage, committed Iuly 4. 1650. his Actions 300. l. Rules.
  • Chriſtopher Andrewes, committed Iuly 13. 1650. his Ac­tions are 300. l. R.
  • Iohn Motham, committed, Iuly 17. 1650. his Actions and Executions are 672. l. P. H.
  • Edward Watkins, committed, Octob. 19. 1650. his Ac­tions are 800. l. Rules.
  • Thomas Spencer, committed, Octob. 31. 1650. his Ac­tions are 45. l. P. H.
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  • Roger Portington, committed the 9 day of November, 1650. his Actions and Execution are 2897 l. R
  • John Child committed the 23 day of Novemb. 1650. his Actions and Executions are 32000 l. R
  • Richard Blaſhfield, committed the 26 of November 1650. his Actions are 68 l. R
  • Chriſtopher Berrisford, committed the 27 of November 1650. his Actions are 1400 l. R
  • Robert Bucks, committed the 3 day of December 1650. his Actions and Executions are 3065 l. P. H.
  • William Griggs, committed the 9 of October 1650. his Actions and Executions are 150 l. R
  • Joſeph Lloyd, committed the 20 of December 1650. his Actions and Execution are 350 l. R
  • Nicholas Arnold, committed the 20 of May, 1641. his Actions and Execution are 8000 l. R
  • Robert Aſhton, committed the 2 day of December 1651. his Actions are 90 l. R
  • Thomas Adye, committed the 3 day of February 1651. his Actions are 750 l. P. H.
  • Richard Allford, committed the 26 of February 1651. his Actions and Execution are 1000 l. R
  • William Abel, committed the 12 of March 1651. his Action and Execution are 8900 l. R
  • Anthony Anyer committed the 17 day of July 1652. his Actions are 1400 l. P. H.
  • Robert Allden, committed the 27 day of Novem­ber 1652. his Actions and Execution are 600 l. R
  • Ralph Addgoe, committed the 6 of July, 1652. his Actions and Executions are 118 l. R
  • Margaret Arden, committed the 14 day of Febru­ary 1652. her Actions and Execution are 140 l. R
  • Sir John Baker, committed the 9 day of May 1651. his Actions and Execution are 8600 l. R
  • Edward Baſs, committed the 26 day of Novem­ber 1651. his Actions are 500 l. R
  • Edward Baker, committed the 1 day of December 1651. his Action and Execution are 255 l. R
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  • Arthur Bromefield, committed the 12 day of Febru­ary 1651. his Actions are 350 l. P. H.
  • George Beſt, committed the 28 day of February 1651. his Actions are 60 l. P. H.
  • John Brooks, committed the 5 day of March 1651. his Actions are 850 l. R
  • James Blinkinſop, committed the 15 day of April 1652. his Actions are 830 l. P. H.
  • Edward Buſter, committed the 15 day of June 1652. the Actions are 28 l. P. H.
  • Nathanael Brown committed the 21 of June 1652. his Actions and Executions are 12 l. P. H.
  • John Brandon, committed the 25 of June 1652. his Actions are 160 l. P. H.
  • Edmond Brampſton, committed the 7 day of Auguſt 1652. his Actions and Executions are 2100 l. R
  • Thomas David Beavan, committed the 4 of Novem­ber 1652. his Actions are 235 l. P. H.
  • John Banks, committed the 9 of November 1652. his Actions are 206 l. R
  • David Beavan, committed the firſt of January 1652. charged by vertue of a Plea of Treſpaſs. C. P.
  • Robert Bickerton, committed the firſt of Febr. 1652. his Actions are 600 l. P. H.
  • Francis Bird, committed the 12 day of May 1652. his Execution for 300 l. C. P.
  • Edward Bucklee, committed the 22 of Decemb. 1652. his Execution 18 l. 4 s. 2 d. R
  • Norton Barrowe, committed the 17 of May 1651. his Actions and Execution are 930 l. R
  • Thomas Beunet, committed the 9 of Auguſt 1652. his Actions are 5 l. P. H.
  • John Bures, committed the 12 of February 1652. his Actions are 110 l. R
  • Henry Bryan, committed the 2 day of March 1652. his Actions are 90 l. R
  • Robert Blanke, committed the 10 of April 1651. his Actions are 150 l. C. P.
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  • William Beavan, committed the 19 of March 1652. in Execution for 310 l. R
  • Iohn Bowyer, committed the 29 of March 1653. his Actions are 2000 l. P. H.
  • Andrew Bradſhaw committed the 31 of March 1653. his Actions are 520 l. P. H.
  • Hugh Brelsford, committed the 23 of April 1653. his Actions are 500 l. R
  • William Bell, committed the 18 of April 1653. his Actions are 180 l. R
  • Samuel Browning, committed the 27 of April 1653. his Action in Treſpaſs. P. H.
  • Thomas Carpenter, committed the 9 day of February 1638. his Actions and Executions are 3000 l. R
  • Thomas Crew, committed the 16 of Decemb. 1646. his Actions are 2600 l. P. H.
  • Henry Crowly, committed the 27 of Iune 1651. his Actions are 800 l. P. H.
  • Humphrey Clark, committed the 16 of September 1651. his Actions and Executions are 1900 l. R
  • Sir Thomas Cyſcil Knight, committed the 30 of Septem­ber 1642. his Actions and Executions are 3500 l. P. H.
  • Francis Cotham, committed the 3 of Iune 1652. his Actions are 500 l. P. H.
  • Charles Chillingworth, committed the 23 of Iune 1652. his Actions are 234 l. R
  • Richard Curtis, committed the 24 of Iune 1652. his Actions are 10 l. C. P.
  • Iohn Cole, committed the 2 of Iuly 1652. his Actions are 160 l. P. H.
  • William Cumberford Eſq committed the 6 of Iuly 1652. his Actions and Executions are 800 l. R
  • Thomas Cyſcil, committed the 14 of July 1652. Acti­on and Execution 108 l. R
  • Robert Cotton, committed the 10 of Auguſt 1652. his Actions and Executions are 218 l. R
  • Lawrence Cole, committed the 4 of Septemb. 1652. his Actions and Executions are 186 l. P. H.
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  • Thomas Camber, committed the 29 of November, 1652 his Executions and Actions are 352 l. R
  • John Cholmely, committed the 26 of November 1652 his Actions 86 l. R
  • Fitz William Coningsbye committed the 17 day of December 1652 his Actions are 8000 l. R
  • James Campton, committed the 19 day of January 1652 with an Action of treſpaſs. P. H.
  • Thomas Catroe committed the 20 day of January 1652. his Actions are 280 l. P. H.
  • John Coxe, committed the 26 day of January, 1652 his Actions are 160 l. P. H.
  • William Cullowe committed the 15 day of Iuly, 1652 his Actions and Executions are 52 l. C. P.
  • Dorothy Chewne, committed the 2 day of Iuly, 1647. her Execution 27 l. 10 s. P. H.
  • Charles Croſts committed the 23 of Decemb. 1646. his Actions and Executions are 5300 l. R
  • William Carnaby committed the 25 of October 1639. by command of the Court. P. H.
  • Sir Iohn Clark, committed the 27 of May 1643. his Actions and Executions are 3550 l. R
  • Vincent Corbet, committed the 20 day of February 1651. his Actions are 248 l. R
  • Sir Thomas Coghill,
    Named before, and but 8000 l.
    committed the 23 day of Novem. 1647. his Actions and Executions are 13700 l. R
  • Haſtings Cook, committed the 22 of March 1652. his Actions are 40 l. P. H.
  • Henry Devaux, committed the 30 of April 1653. debt 500 l. P. H.
  • Robert Dowdon, committed the firſt of Iuly 1652. his Actions are 20 l. C. P.
  • Iohn Davies, committed the 10 of May 1651. his Actions and Executions are 1500 l. R
  • Henry Daniel, committed the 21 of Ianuary 1647. his Executions and actions are 7013. R.
  • Iohn Deconis, committed the 5 day of March 1652. with an action of Treſpaſs. P. H.
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  • Thomas Elliot Knight, committed the 25 day of April 1629 his Actions and Executions 1150 l. R
  • Sir John Egerton, committed the 13 of January 1648. his Actions are 12200 l. R
  • Edmond Eyre committed the 27 of March 1651. Actions and Executions are 240 l. P. H.
  • Thomas Ellis, committed the 27 day of October 1651. his Executions are 1500 l. P. H.
  • Nicholas Elton, committed the 28 day of October 1652 his Actions 178 l. P. H.
  • William Edwards, committed the 20 of November 1652 his Actions are 290 l. R.
  • William Elborne, committed the 5 day of February 1652. and charged with an Outlary. R.
  • Anthony Frankiſh committed the 23 of June 1640. his Actions and Executions 2740 l. R.
  • Nicholas Faireweather, committed the 15 day of Fe­bruary 1651. his Actions and Executions are 1650 l. P. H.
  • John Frith, committed the 24 day of May 1650. his Actions are 200 l. R
  • Richard Freeman. committed the 23 day of October 1651. his Actions and Executions are 480 l. R
  • Richard Freſhwarter, committed the 23 of June 1652. in diſcharge of his bayle. R
  • Robert Freiſtone, committed the 12 of July 1652 his Actions are 300 l. R
  • Richard Fiſher committed the 20 day of Auguſt 2652 his Actions are 150 l. P. H.
  • Matthew Foſter, committed the 4 day of December 1652 his Actions are 1600 l. R
  • Richard Faulkener committed the 25 day of January 1652. by the command of the Court. P. H.
  • Lancolet Faulkener, committed the 11 day of Febru­ary 1652. in Execution for 30 l. R
  • Oſmond Gibbs, committed the 23 day of November 1650 in Execution for 38 l. C. P.
  • Thomas Grymes, committed the 23 day of April 1651 in Execution for 300 l. P. H.
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  • Edmond Goodere, committed the 28 day of Iune, 1652. his Actions 4000 l. R
  • Francis Goodere Eſq; committed the 17 of Auguſt, 1651. his Actions are 22 l. 15 s. P. H.
  • Robert Gardner, committed the 5 day of December, 1651. his Actions and Executions 1200 l. R
  • Iohn Ierrard, committed the 6 day of October, 1651. his Execution 800 l. P. H.
  • Thomas Greene, committed the 22 day of May, 1652. his Actions and Executions are 80 l. C. P.
  • Nicholas Greathed, committed the 17 day of June, 1652. in diſcharge of his bayle. P. H.
  • William Grace, committed the 13 day of Auguſt, 1652. his Actions are 15 l. P. H.
  • Leonard Guy, committed the 3 day of September, 1652. his Actions and Execution are 84 l. C. P.
  • Samuel Grymes, committed the 12 day of November, 1652. his Actions 955 l. R
  • George Gray, committed the 29 day of January 1652. his Actions are 1000 l. P. H.
  • James Godden, alias Goddwyn committed the 28 day of May 1652. his Actions are 330 l. P. H.
  • Marmaduke Gill, committed the 5 day of July 1652. his Actions are 1200 l. P. H.
  • Thomas Grover, committed the 5 day of December 1649. his Executions and Actions 600 l. P. H.
  • John Gibbon committed the 28 day of April 1649. his Actions and Executions 4000 l. R
  • Robert Gradye, committed in diſcharge of his bayle, the 8 day of February 1652. C. P.
  • Elizabeth Grove, committed the 14 day of February 1652. Actions 2000 l. R
  • Henry Gooch, committed the 1 day of March 1652. Actions and Executions 88 l. R
  • Francis Gay, committed the 28 day of March 1653. his Actions are 100 l. R
  • Robert Gates, committed the 28 day of April 1653. in diſcharge of his bayle. R
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  • Thomas Hawtens committed the 16 day of October 1639. his Actions and Execution are 2300. R
  • Thomas Hanſon, committed the 8 day of April 1651. his Actions are 1200. R
  • Thomas Huckle, committed the 16 day of April 1650 his Actions 260 l. R
  • John Harbone, committed the 16 day of May 1651 his Actions and Executions are 860 l. R
  • Benjamin Harriſon, committed the 26 day of June 1651. his Actions are 500 l. R
  • John Hurd, committed the 13 day of February 1651 his Actions and Executions are 750 l. P. H.
  • Thomas Horſnel, committed the 1 day of July 1651. his Actions are 1100 l. R
  • Thomas Hoarth, committed the 26 of November 1651 his Actions are 600 l. R
  • Thomas Earl of Berks, committed the 5 of March 1651. his Actions and Executions are 14400 l. R
  • Abraham Haulſey committed the 2 day of March, 1651 his Actions are 220 l. R
  • Henry Hebb, committed the 22 day of September, 1652 his Actions are 360 l. R
  • Richard Harding, committed the 12 day of Novem­ber, 1652 his Actions are 100 l. R
  • Robert Hocknel, committed the 16 day of November, 1652 his Actions are 204 l. R
  • Adam Howes, committed the firſt of December, 1652 charged with an order out of the Exchequer. P. H.
  • Iohn Holden, committed the 3 day of Ianuary 1652 in Execution for 58 l. P. H.
  • Hugh Harvey, committed the 31 day of January, 1652. in diſcharge of his bayle P. H.
  • Thomas Hall, committed the 19 day of February, 1652. with an Action of treſpaſs C. P.
  • John Horniold, committed the 6 day of November, 1649. his Actions are 150 l. P. H.
  • Charles Harris, committed the 19 day of June, 1646. his actions are 570 l. R
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  • Anne Hume, committed the 10 day of December 1652 her Executions are 39 l. R
  • James Harrington, committed R
  • Robert Haſe, committed the 15 day of October 1651. his Actions are 130 l. R
  • Robert Jones committed the 14 day of April 1652. his Actions are 300 l. R
  • Iermyn Dame Mary, committed the 18 day of May, 1652. Actions are 2300 l. R
  • Arthur Iones, Lord Reighnelough, committed the 31 day of Iuly 1652. his Actions are 300 l. R
  • Ioſias Iuman, committed the 25 of November 1652. his Actions are 130 l. C. P.
  • Richard Ivorie, committed the 24 day of November, 1652 his Actions and Executions are 140 l. P. H.
  • Richard Iles, committed the 30 day of March, 1653. his Actions are 160 l. P. H.
  • Robert Iegon, committed the 15 day of April, 1653. and charged with an Action of treſpaſs. R
  • Iohn Iones, committed the 15 day of April, 1653. and charged with an Action of treſpaſs. P. H.
  • Sir Andrew Kniveton, committed the 30 of Auguſt, 1651. his Actions are 3800 l. R
  • Iſaack Knype, committed the 25 day of October 1651. his Actions and execution are 6700 l. P. H.
  • Robert Knightley committed the 24 day of September, 1652. his Actions are 200 l. R
  • Robert Keele, committed the 9 of November, 1652. his Actions are 220 l. R
  • George Lee committed the 24 day of Ianuary, 1650. his Actions and Executions are 333 l. R
  • James Langley, committed the 18 day of Iune, 1651. his Actions and Executions are 40 l. R
  • Leonard Leonards committed the 2 day of Iune, 1651 his Actions and Execution are 3000 l. R
  • Anthony Lander committed the 15 day of November, 1651. his Actions are 90 l. C.G.
  • 17
  • Sir Thomas Lonyvill committed December the 22. 1651. his Actions and Executions 900. l. R.
  • James Lidſey committed May the 31. 1652. his Acti­ons and executions are 1200 l. R.
  • John Lord committed July the 8. 1652. charged with a plea of Treſpaſſe. R.
  • Lawrence Liſle committed Auguſt 9. 1652. his Actions are 440. l. P. H.
  • Richard Lyggon committed November the 18 1652. his Actions are 500 l. P. H.
  • Joſeph Lampley committed January the 11. 1652. his Actions are 20 l. C.G.
  • John Laſter committed Januar. the 25. 1652. his Action and Executions are 532 l. P. H.
  • Samuel Luck committed November the 4. 1652. char­ged with ſeverall Actions of Treſpaſſe onely. C. G.
  • John Lloyd App Reez committed March the 5. 1649. his Action and Execution are 64. l. C.G.
  • John Luntley committed November the 6. 1649. his A­ctions and Executions 481 l. R.
  • John Lueas committed March the 7. 1652. his Acti­ons are 1120 l. R.
  • John Long committed February 5. 1651. his Actions and Executions are 150 l. C. G.
  • Abraham Lenerux committed November 25. 1651 his Actions and Executions are 40. l. P. H.
  • Edward Mullenax committed April the 17. 1649. his Actions and Executions are 450 l. R.
  • Sir William Moreton committed June the 7. 1651. his Actions and Executions are 892. l. R.
  • John Mildmay committed June 18. 1651. his Actions and Executions are 1800 l. R.
  • Adam Moore committed September 8. 1651. his Actions and Executions are 400 l. R.
  • Anthony Morgan committed April the 17. 1652. his Actions and Executions are 1600 l. R.
  • Sir Charls Mannors committed May the 28. 1652. his Actions and Executions are 700 l. R.
  • 18
  • Francis Martin committed October the 20. 1652. his A­ctions are 2100 l. P.
  • William Magges committed November 29. 1652. his Actions are 20 l. C. G.
  • Toby Martin committed November the 8. 1647. his Actions and Execution are 20 l. R.
  • Thomas Markland committed Auguſt the 24 1652. his Actions are 50 l. R.
  • Michael Maſon committed February the 9. 1652. his Actions are 120 l. R.
  • Anne Morehead committed April the 6. 1653. her Actions are 4123. P. H.
  • Sir Thomas Not committed October the 30. 1649. his Actions and Execution are 3400 l. R.
  • William Nelſon committed June the 9. 1649. his Action and Execution are 220 l. R.
  • Roger Not committed November the 17 1651. his Action are 660 l. R.
  • Roger Nicholls committed December the 1. 1651. his Actions and Execution are 3300 l. P. H.
  • George Nendike committed November the 17. 1652. his Action 370 l. P. H.
  • Ralph Oldeham committed January the 13 1648. his A­ctions are 290 l. R.
  • Elizabeth Oulton committed January 28. 1651 her A­ction 40 l. P. H.
  • Mary Ouldes committed March the 8. 1651. her Action an Action of Treſpaſſe. P. H.
  • Edward Perrin committed January the 29. 1650. his A­ction 820 l. P. H.
  • Richard Porter committed February the 12. 1650 his Action and Execution are 450 l. R.
  • Richard Prat committed May the 12. 1651. his Action and Execution are 1140 l. R.
  • Thomas Purchas committed January the 26 1651 his Actions are 400 l. R.
  • Henry Penning committed April the 1. 1652. his Acti­on and Execution are 3120 l. R.
  • 19
  • Samuel Porter committed the firſt day of Iune 1652. his Action is 20 l. R.
  • Iames Lord Paſeley committed the 12 day of Novem­ber 1652. his Actions are 407 l. R.
  • Iohn Prat committed the 25 day of November 1652. his Action 100 l. R.
  • Bartholomew Pack committed the fourth of December 1652 his Actions are 210 l. P. H.
  • William Pay committed the 26 of Ianuary 1652. his Actions are 20 l. P. H.
  • Martha Pak committed the 1 of February 1652. her Actions are 807 l. R.
  • William Price committed the 7 day of Iuly 1647. his Actions and Executions are 301 l. P. H.
  • Frances Payler committed the 7 day of February 1652 her Action is 520 l. H. P.
  • Aune Pits, Committed the 27. of November 1651. her Actions and Executions are 107 l. R.
  • Kobert Pitcher, Committed the 18. of February 1652. his Actions are 100 l. R.
  • John Pyme, Committed the ſecond of March 1652. his Actions are 360 l. R.
  • Richard Pyme, Committed the 12. of February, 1652. his Actions are 1234 l. P. H.
  • Sr. Nevill Poole, committed 12. of May 1651. his Actions and Executions are 2320 l. R.
  • Thomas Pain, Committed the 8. of Aprill 1653. his Actions are 170 l. R.
  • Robert Rogers, committed the 12. of February 1651. his Actions are 700 l. C. G.
  • James Roots, committed the 25. of September 1652. his Actions are 30 l. R.
  • Thomas Reddall committed the 15. of October 1652. his Actions 200 l R.
  • Abraham Ruttur, committed the 26. October 1652. his Actions and Execution are 648. R.
  • William Richmond, Committed the 4. of December 1652. his Actions 24 l. C. G.
  • 20
  • David Ramſey committed the 17. of November 1652. in diſcharge of his Baile, P. H.
  • William Roker committed the ſecond of December 1652. his Actions and Executions are 40 l. C. G.
  • Robert Robins committed the 26 of February 1650. his Actions 1414 l. R.
  • John Robinſon committed the 11. of February 1652. his actions and Executions 160 l. P. H.
  • William Ruſſell committed the 18. of February 1652. his actions are 46 l. C. G.
  • William Raven committed the 19. of March 1652. in diſcharge of his Baile C. G.
  • Richard Rea: committed the 6. of Aprill 1653. his actions 200 l. R.
  • Robert Ramſey, committed the laſt day of June 1641 charged with Judgment 400. l. P. H.
  • Anthony Sowden committed the 4 of June 1641. actions and Executions 480 l. C. P.
  • Cornelius Spencer committed the 25 of day of Decem­ber 1647. actions 100 l. C. P.
  • Henry Stevens committed the 22 of January 1650 his Actions and Executions are 7000 l. R.
  • Valentine Saunders committed the 20 of February 1650 his actions are 35 l. P. H.
  • Charls Scimpſhaw committed the 28 day of June 1651. his actions are 740 l. R.
  • Michael Spencer remains in cuſtody committed the 28 of October 1651. his Actions & Executions are 280 l. R.
  • William Stareſmoore committed the 19 of May 1651. his Actions and Executions are 240 l. R.
  • John Spicer committed the 18 of June 1652. his Actions and Executions are 150 l. P. H.
  • Richard Sturzaker committed the 19 of Iune 1652. his Actions and Executions are 420 l. R.
  • Dudley Sands committed the 29 of Iune 1652. his Actions and Executions are 1120 l. R.
  • George Smith committed the fifth of October 1652 his Actions and Executions are 2200 l. R.
  • 21
  • Samuel Skelton committed the 18 day of November 1652. in diſcharge of his Baile R.
  • William Shears committed the 7 of December 1652. his Actions are 1100 l. R.
  • Henry Shefton committed the fifth of Ianuary 1652. his Actions are 80 l. R.
  • Humfrey Shadd committed the 13 day of Ianuary 1652. his Actions are 104 l. R.
  • Thomas Sutton committed the 21 of Ianuary 1652. his Actions and Executions are 31 l. R.
  • Thomas Stevens committed the 12 of February 1646. his Actions and Executions are 260 l. R.
  • Ioſeph Symes committed the 22 day of Ianuary 1640. his Actions and Executions are 360 l. P. H.
  • Iohn Stephenſon committed the 25 of Ianuary 1652. his Actions are 430 l. C. P.
  • William Stebbing committed the 10 of February 1652. his Actions are 244 l. P. H.
  • Anthony St. Leger committed February 11. 1652. his Actions are 7300 l. R.
  • Thomas South committed March the 5. 1652 his Acti­ons are 960 l. R.
  • Rowland Sherrard committed February the 12. 1652 his Actions are 800 l. P. H.
  • Richard Seed committed February the 11. 1652. his A­ctions are 370 l. P. H.
  • Stephen Swinborn committed November the 3. 1652. in diſchage of his Bail. R.
  • Anthony Stubbs committed March the 8. 1652. his A­ctions and executions are 310 l. P. H.
  • Thomas Turner committed February the 16. 1645. his Actions and Executions are 5500 l. R.
  • Hugh Thornely committed November the 22. 1651. his Actions are 510 l. R.
  • William Tovey committed April the 22. 1652. his A­ctions are 40 l. R.
  • Nathaniel Tidderleigh committed July the 9. 1652. his Actions are 200 l. R.
  • 22
  • Thomas Tidder committed September the 7. 1652. his Actions are 40 l. R.
  • John Therry committed December the 11. 1652. his A­ctions and Executions are 400 l. R.
  • John Terry Merchant committed November the 25. 1636. and ſtands charged with a Fine of 500 l. ſet by the com­miſſioners of the Late King, and likewiſe a Warrant from the Court of the upper Bench that he ſhould re­main in Priſon, untill he pay to one Drake and Elliot one hundred pounds, which he promiſed to aſſure, alſo with an Action of Debt of 20 l. R.
  • Oliver Vaughan committed February the 9. 1652. his A­ctions and Executions are 750 l. R.
  • Francis Williamſon Eſquire, committed May the 26. 1647. his Actions and Executions are 23300 l. R.
  • Dame Mary Wandesford committed January the 11. 1650 her Actions are 8100 l. R.
  • Margaret Wandesford widow committed January the 11. 1650. charged with 11000 l. Actions. R.
  • Timothy Wright committed February the 27 1650 his Actions are 700 l. P. H.
  • Edward Whitacre committed January the 29. 1650 his Actions are 600 l. R.
  • Richard VVard committed the 13. of Iune 1651. his Actions and Executions are 4100 l. P. H.
  • Arthur VVooton committed the 21 of October 1651. his Actions are 240 l. R.
  • Stephen Weſſendunk committed the 18 day of February 1651. his Actions are 250 l. C. P.
  • Richard White committed the 16 of December 1651. his Actions are 650 l. C. P.
  • Robert Waſher committed the 30 day of April 1652 his Actions are 800 l. P. H.
  • Ioſeph Walſh committed the 31 day of May 1652. his Actions are 2400 l. P. H.
  • Henry Warner committed the 4 day of Iune 1652. in diſcharge of his Baile. C. P.
  • Francis Weſt committed the 28 day of October 1652.23 his Actions and Executions are 25 l. C. P.
  • Nicholas Warne committed the 3. of November 1652. charged onely with a Plea of Treſpaſſe. R.
  • Hugh Wardle committed the 9. of November 1652. his Actions are 300 l. R.
  • Iohn Warters committed the 17 of December 1653. and charged with a plea of Treſpaſſe. R.
  • John Wright committed November the 8. 1652. his Acti­ons are 4000 l. R.
  • John Weekes committed February the 9. 1652. by the command of the Court. P. H.
  • Rodolph Warcupp committed May the 2. 1646 his Acti­ons and Executions are 7200 l. R.
  • William Whitby committed February the 12. 1652. his Actions are 1300 l. R.
  • Henry Walthew committed January the 17. 1645. Acti­ons and Executions 600 l. R.
  • Edward Willoughby committed March the 1. 1652. Acti­ons 360 l. R.
  • William Worley committed April the 2. 1653. Actions 258 l. C. P.
  • Matthew Walbanck committed April the 8. 1653. Acti­ons 500 l. R.
  • William Lord Powis committed the 20 of Apr. 1653. R.
  • The Totall number of the Priſoners are 393.

And the Totall Summe of their Actions and Exe­cutions are, Nine hun­dred ſeventy ſix thou­ſand, and one hundred twenty two pounds.

Theſe perſons above named are all the Priſoners that ſtand now committed this 3. day of May, 1653. for all whom I am reſponſible, and are in the Houſe or Rules, or gone a­broad this day, by order of Court.



1. THe Priſoners were deſired to ſhew their Rea­ſons why a Law ſhould not be made, to Se­queſter their Eſtates into the Hands of Com­miſſioners nominated by their Creditors, as in the Statute of Bankerupt, to be Let or Sold, that their debts might be paid, and the remainder returned to them.

2. To ſhew their Reaſons, why a Law ſhould not al­ſo be made, That if any of the Priſoners have made o­ver their Eſtates, or any part thereof, in Truſt, or other­wiſe, to any Perſon, ſo as to defraud their Creditors; And if ſuch Perſon or Perſons ſhall not voluntarily make Diſcovery thereof, within a convenient time, to be appointed; That then, they ſhall forfeit of their own Eſtates the Value of what is ſo Concealed, and ſuch fraudulent Acts made void.


3. Why the Creditors of ſuch as are poor, and have not to pay their debts, their Credi­tors having the benefit of Commiſſioners if they will, to examine their Debtors upon oath, and ſuch other Witneſſes as are neceſ­ſary for the diſcovering their Eſtates, paying as farre as it will extend, why ſuch perſons ſhould not be releaſed, ſo as to be ſet to la­bour (if able) for bread for themſelves or families: and if poſſible, to pay their juſt debts: That the Common-wealth, Credi­tor, and Debtor may leſſe ſuffer, and the Lord not provoked by the cruelty of the Creditor or careleſneſſe of the Debtor.

And all ſuch poor Priſoners as are in want and not able to worke, may be releaſed and relieved; That ſo Priſons may neither be places of protection to men of Eſtates, nor of deſtruction to ſuch as have none.

The anſwer by ſome of the Priſners to the firſt Propoſition was; That they thought it reaſonable, ſo as they might have like re­liefe againſt their Debtors.

Others ſaid, that they lay in Priſon for other mens debts, who dyed men of great24 Eſtates, and left them to deſcend to their Children in Tayle, and they prayed their Eſtates might be made lyable to pay their Debts.

Others ſaid, they were impriſoned unjuſt­ly, at the ſuite of Corporations, and thoſe Corporations were indebted to them, and prayed that a Law might be made to make Corporations lyable to pay their debts.

Divers Priſoners complained, that they were kept in Priſon by feigned Actions, and no Declarations upon them, to ſhew for what cauſe; and when they had been ſo im­priſoned three Termes, becauſe then they might free themſelves upon common Baile; their Adverſaries would lay other feigned A­ctions upon them, and ſo they were never like to get out.

Theſe and many other things of moment, for redreſſe in theſe caſes, are under conſide­ration, and to be preſented to the Councell of State for preſent reliefe.

The Printer to the Reader.


THou art deſired to take no­tice, that R. in the margent ſignifies Rules of the houſe, P. H. ſignifies Priſon Houſe, and C. P. Common Priſon, and C.G. Com­mon Gail, vale.


About this transcription

TextA list of all the prisoners in the Upper Bench prison, remaining in custody the third of May, 1653. Delivered in by Sir John Lenthall to the committee appointed by the Councell of State, for examining of the state of the said prison, with the times of their first commitment, and the causes of their detention. And also the substance of the propositions made by the committee to the prisoners, with their answer thereunto. Published for information of all such as are concerned herein. By the appointment of the committee, Coll: Thomas Pride. Coll: Tomlinson. Coll: Cooper. Mr. John Fountaine. Mr. Richard Wollaston. Mr. Margets Judg Advocate
AuthorLenthall, John, Sir, 1625-1681..
Extent Approx. 58 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 15 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A88312)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 112035)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 37:E213[8])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA list of all the prisoners in the Upper Bench prison, remaining in custody the third of May, 1653. Delivered in by Sir John Lenthall to the committee appointed by the Councell of State, for examining of the state of the said prison, with the times of their first commitment, and the causes of their detention. And also the substance of the propositions made by the committee to the prisoners, with their answer thereunto. Published for information of all such as are concerned herein. By the appointment of the committee, Coll: Thomas Pride. Coll: Tomlinson. Coll: Cooper. Mr. John Fountaine. Mr. Richard Wollaston. Mr. Margets Judg Advocate Lenthall, John, Sir, 1625-1681.. [2], 6, 9-24, 23-24, [2] p. Priuted [sic] for Livewell Chapman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Crown in Popes-head Alley,London :1653.. (Text continuous despite pagination.) (The final leaf has "The printer to the reader".) (Thomason copy imperfect: significant show-through.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "May 12th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Prisoners -- England -- Registers -- Early works to 1800.

Editorial statement

About the encoding

Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2012-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A88312
  • STC Wing L2381
  • STC Thomason E213_8
  • STC ESTC R15854
  • EEBO-CITATION 99859931
  • PROQUEST 99859931
  • VID 112035

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