A Further Account of EAST-NEW-JARSEY By a LETTER Write to One of the PROPRIETORS Thereof, by a Countrey-man, who has a great Plantation there.
TOGETHER With the Diſcription of the ſaid Province, as it is in OGILBIES Atlas, Printed in the year, 1671.
EDINBURGH, Printed by John Reid, Anno DOM. 1683.
BEing credibly informed, that your ſelf, with ſome other Gentlemen of Scotland, have purchaſed an Intereſt in Eaſt-New-Jerſey, (my being a Scots-man, and Wellwiſher to that Nation) puts me upon giving you this ſhort Narrative, or account of it in general, (having lived there many years, which gave me full knowledge and experience of the ſame) leſt you may be diſcouraged from the proſecution of your Intention of Settlement, as many others of your Countrey-men in like nature have been; (after a ſeeming Reſolution to effect their Deſignes) to our great diſhonour and detriment, and to enthraldom, and perpetual Slavery of ſome thouſands of our poor Labourers; who, if they could be made ſenſible of the difference between their preſent State or Condition, and the hight of good Living, which in a few years (by GODS Bleſſing and their own Induſtrie) they may accompliſh with half the Labour, many of them uſe in their own Country, (the Soil being ſo Rich and Fertile, and rendring Increaſe beyond Imagination, and ſurpaſſing ours) would uſe all means poſſible, for their ſpeedy Tranſportation thither.
The Country is in general as followeth,
Impr. As to the Climate, it is Moderate and Healthy, having Winter and Summer as Britain, the Summers there being a little ſhorter, and in the Winters their dayes longer.
Item. As to the Soyl, it is Rich and Fertile, endued with much good Timber, and great quantities of Freſh and Salt Meadows; as alſo, much Meadow-ground, which is Arrable, and ſo Rich and Deep of Black-mould, that it is never to be worn out; well accommodated with Salt and Freſh Rivers, good Fiſhing, great plenty of Deers, and wild Fowl; Produces all ſort of Engliſh-grain, with great Increaſs, beſides Indian-corn, upon which is unexpreſſible Increaſe.
Item. There is great ſtocks of Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, good Oxen, and plenty of Horſes, all ſort of Dunghil-fowl, and all to be purchaſed at very reaſonable rates.
Item. There is ſettled upon the ſame very good Towns, and many out-Plantations, and good Buildings, good Orchards; and affords much Syder.
Item. The Countrey is vaſt and large, and wanteth nothing, ſo much as People which would certainly be ſupplied in a little time were this Diſcription publiſhed, and the truth of it ſo well known to many, as to my ſelf, who am not capable at preſent (in reſpect of time, and this being only general) to deſcribe half of what may be for your and their encouragement. Onely this, that the difference is unſpeakable (as I appeal to every Mans reaſon) between ſettling a Countrey remote from your Plantations (where cannot be expected any ſpeedy Supplies of Proviſions, Milk, Cattle, and many other things; and that wherein is plenty of every thing already) I ſhall deſiſt from giving you further trouble at preſent, and take leave to ſubſcribe,
WEſtward of After-skull-River before mentioned, about 18. or 20. miles, runs in Rariton-River Northward, into the Countrey ſome ſcores of miles, both ſides of which River are adorned with ſpacious Meadows, enough to feed thouſands of Cattle. The Wood-land is very good for Corn, and ſtored with wild Beaſts, as Deer, Elks, and an innumerable multitude of Fowl, as in other parts of the Countrey. This River is thought very capable for the erecting of ſeveral Towns, and Villages on each ſide of it; no place in the North of America having better convenience for the maintaining of all ſorts of Cattle for Winter and Summer food.
Upon this River is no Town ſettled, onely one at the mouth of it; but next to it, Weſtward, is a place called Hewaſons, where are 2. or 3. Towns and Villages ſettled upon the Sea-ſide, but none betwixt that and Delawar-Bay, which is about 60. miles, all which is a Rich Champain Countrey, free from Stones, and indifferent levell, having ſtore of excellent good Timber, and very well Watered, having Brooks, or Rivers, ordinarily, one or more in every miles travel. This Countrey is Peopled onely with wild Beaſts, as Deers, Elks, Bears, and other Creatures; ſo that in a whole dayes journey, you ſhall meet with no Inhabitants, except a few Indians. It is alſo full of ſtately Oaks, whoſe broad-branch-tops ſerve for no other uſe, but to keep off the Suns heat from the wild Beaſts of the Wilderneſs, where is〈1 page duplicate〉〈1 page duplicate〉6graſs as high as a Mans middle, which ſerves for no other end, except to maintain the Elks and Deers, who never devour a hundred part of it, than to be burnt every Spring to make way for new. How many poor People in the World would think themſelves happy, had they 1. Acre or 2. of Land? whilſt there is hundred, nay thouſands of Acres that would invite Inhabitants, &c.
We ſhall conclude our Diſcourſe of this Countrey, with a notable Character given hereof by a late Writer, as to the great Advantage of Happy living in all reſpects, for whoſoever ſhall be pleaſed to betake himſelf thither to live.
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