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A LETTER Sent from Col. VVill. Lockhart, Dated at Dunkirk, Decemb. 31. 1659. Superſcribed, For the Right Honourable, William Lenthall, Eſq Speaker of the Parlia­ment of the Common-wealth of Eng­land.

Read in Parliament, January 3. 1659.

LONDON, Printed by John Streater, and John Macock, Printers to the Parliament. 1659.


A LETTER Sent from Colonel William Lockhart.

May it Pleaſe Your Honour,

THis day by Private Let­ters I have received the Joyful, and Accepta­ble News of the Parliaments Re­entering upon the Exerciſe of Their Authority; Which I thought it my Duty to Commu­nicate Immediately to the Officers and Souldiers of Your Garriſon in this Place; and accordingly began with thoſe of my own Re­giment, Proceeding afterwards to the reſt, and Endeavouring to4 ſet it upon all their Hearts, how Extraordinary, and almoſt Mi­raculous the Workings of GOD have been, in bringing to paſs this Your Laſt Return; and how happily Advantageous it is likely to prove to all the Three Nations, and to each Particular Concern­ed therein. I can give Teſtimo­nie of the General Acclamations, and all outward Signs that could be rendered of abſolute Satisfa­ction in every man here; neither do I in the leaſt-wiſe Queſtion the Conſent of their Hearts, with the ſenſible Demonſtrations of their Tongues, and Countenances; eſpecially when I Declared to them the many and ſingular En­couragements they have formerly5 received from the Parliament; and that they cannot expect the like, from any other Authority what­ſoever; beſides the Conſideration of their Reſpective Memberſhip, and Incorporation with the Bo­dies both Civil and Military un­der Your Command.

We have (GOD be praiſed) during the late Interval, continu­ed Faithful Servants to the Ho­nour and Intereſt of our Country, and are at preſent in ſuch a po­ſture, as to fear nothing from a­broad, being ſo well fortified at home.

I was recalled from the Proſe­cution of Your Commands at St Jean de Luz, by the ſame Power that Ordered me thither; but6 finding the face of things changed at my Return; and my ſelf at a loſs what to do, I was at laſt ad­viſed by ſome Perſons, to diſ­charge my ſelf to thoſe who took upon them the Mannagement of Affairs at that time, and did ac­cordingly give them the beſt Lights I could, whereby to diſ­cern the Intereſt of the Com­mon-wealth, in Relation both to France, and Spain; after which I forthwith betook my ſelf to this Place, to Act here according to that Truſt, which You had for­merly Repoſed in me: and I hope my preſence hath not been un­ſerviceable. But if it ſhall be thought Requiſite, That I come over again to render You a more7 full Account of my late Nego­tiations abroad, I ſhall moſt wil­lingly and cheerfully do it: In the mean time, till Your farther Directions, I ſhall Proceed to uſe all care and dilligence here, both for the orderly diſpoſing of the Garriſon, and the vigorous op­poſing of the Enemy, if occaſion require; hoping, That in a ſhort time I ſhall Receive the Honour of Your commands, which ſhall always find a ready and exact Obedience in me, and all that are under my Charge.

I thought the great Importance of this happy day, would have its effect upon the Spirits of our Ene­mies round about us, as well as upon our own, though in a diffe­rent8 manner: And therefore to expreſs our Joy, and to intimate unto them the juſt cauſe of their Sadneſs, I have this night ordered all our Great Guns, both by Sea and Land, to Proclaim our Exal­tation, and their diſappointment.

I ſhall daily Pray, That God would crown Your Counſels and Endeavours with Succeſs, anſwe­rable to the Honeſt and Peaceable Expectation of the Nations under You; and do for my own part give my ſelf up intirely to be diſ­poſed by you, as becomes him who is ſo really and without Re­ſerve,

May it Pleaſe Your Honour,
Your Honours Moſt Humble, Faithful, and Obedient Servant, William Lockhart.

About this transcription

TextA letter sent from Col. VVill. Lockhart, dated at Dunkirk, Decemb. 31. 1659. Superscribed, for the Right Honourable, William Lenthall, Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. Read in Parliament, January 3. 1659.
AuthorLockhart, William, Sir, fl. 1621-1676..
Extent Approx. 5 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A88411)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 115120)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 150:E1013[3])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA letter sent from Col. VVill. Lockhart, dated at Dunkirk, Decemb. 31. 1659. Superscribed, for the Right Honourable, William Lenthall, Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. Read in Parliament, January 3. 1659. Lockhart, William, Sir, fl. 1621-1676.. 8 p. printed by John Streater, and John Macock, printers to the Parliament,London :1659 [i.e. 1660]. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan. 4".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-04 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A88411
  • STC Wing L2779
  • STC Thomason EL2779
  • STC ESTC R202756
  • EEBO-CITATION 99862940
  • PROQUEST 99862940
  • VID 115120

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