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AN UNTAUGHT TEACHER Witneſſed againſt.

OR, The old Bottles mouth opened, It's Wine poured forth, drunk of Drunkards, denyed of them who have taſted of the new.

That is to ſay, the unſound, un­ſeaſoned, unſavory Doctrines, and opinions of Matthew Caffyn, Baptiſt-Teacher laid open, who in the County of Suſſex, is cryed up to be as their Battle Axe, and Wea­pon of Warre, who as Jannes and Jambres rides aloft, and beſtirs himſelf with the Magick Rod of his lies, ſlan­ders, aſperſions, and unſound Doctrines, labours to ſtrengthen the hands of carnal profeſſors, and to keep the beloved of God in bondage: for whoſe redemption the Lord is riſen, and is going forth in majeſty, and great glory, and will triumph over all who have triumphed.

Which Doctrines, and unſa­vory ſpeeches were received from his own mouth, part of them at a meeting of the people called Quakers, at Crowley in Suſſex, others thereof at his own houſe neere South-water, before me and John Slee, upon the fifth day of the ſeventh moneth, 1655.

No Weapon that is formed againſt thee ſhall proſper, every tongue that ſhall riſe against thee in judgement, thou ſhalt condemn: this is the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord, and their righteouſneſs is of me, ſaith the Lord, Iſa. 54.17.

Tho: Lawſon. John Slee.

LONDON, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-ſpread-Eagle, at the Weſt end of Pauls, 1655.


AN Vntaught toungleſs Teacher laid open.The unſound Doctrines of M. C. B. T. witneſſed against.

1. HE ſaid ſeverall times to us, that he knew not what the tongue of the learned was, being asked what it was.

I anſwer here out of thy own mouth, thy ſhame and na­kedneſs is laid open, and to every wiſe man whoſe eye is in his head: art thou made manifeſt to be the lying mouth, which Jeremiah, who had the tongue of the learned witneſ­ſed againſt, who bore witneſs from the mouth of the Lord againſt ſuch as run; and were not ſent of the Lord, ſo did not profit the people at all, Jer. 23.32. here thou art, thy own mouth hath declared it, who is gone forth, calles the ſelfe a teacher, yet confeſſes thou knowes not what thy tongue of the learned is. Iſay had the tongue of the learn­ed given him to miniſter a word in ſeaſon to the weary, Iſay 50.4. he did not miniſter till he had received the tongue of the learned; for thereby he knew what to miniſter as he ſaith; but thou takes upon thee to miniſter before thou re­ceive the tongue of the learned or know what it is: never did any of the holy men of God miniſter, till they received2 the tongue of the learned; but thou in thy own will art run unſent, confeſſing thou knowes not what it is, ſtop thy mouth thou lyer, thou evil Beaſt, who runs up and down puſhing at the Miniſters of the everlaſting Goſpel with thy horns, ſuch Paul called evill Beaſts, lyars, and ſlow bellies, Titus 1.10, 11. who run and were not ſent, as thou doſt, who yet knowes not what the tongue of the learned is, who ſubverts whole houſes, all that flock after thee, taking upon thee to teach others, and art untaught thy ſelf, only haſt treaſured up the letter in thy corrupt minde, and miniſters it forth to others, as thou imagines of it, ſo ſteals the word from others, as the falſe Prophets did, which Jeremiah cryed againſt, Jer. 23.30. and the Lord is againſt thee, as he was againſt them, who ſtole words one from another, as thou haſt ſtollen the words of the Prophets, Chriſt and his Apoſtles, and treaſures them up in thy corrupt minde; but knowes not the tongue of the learned, as thy fore-fathers did not, who ſtole the word from their Neighbours: ſo be a­ſhamed of thy Miniſtry.

2. He ſaid, he miniſtted from the word of truth, other­wiſe called the Scripture, through the aſſiſtance of the ſpirit of God.

I anſwer, to ſay that the word of truth is called the Sctip­ture, or that the Scripture is called the word of truth, that is a lie: ſearch the Scripture, and therein ſhew it me, where the Scripture is called the word of truth, thy ignorance of the word of truth, here appeares, as of the tongue of the learned, 2 Tim. 2.15. Tymothy rightly divided the word of truth, but he came not by the will of man, and he was a Miniſter of the ſpirit, and not of the letter; and James he ſaid, Of his own will begat he us, by the word of truth, James 1.18. is this the Scripture? is it the Scripture by which God works, reforms, changes, ſanctifies, and begets again? or is it not the incorruptible ſeed, which is the word of God, the word of truth, which lives and endures for ever, 1 Pet. 1.23, 24, 25. doth the Scripture live, doth it endure3 for ever, is it the incorruptible ſeed? doth the Father work, and beget a new by it, or by his Son, who is the way, the truth and the life; now thou may ſay, we deny the Scrip­ture, becauſe we bow not to thy fancies & opinions; but the Scripture we own to be a true declaration, Luke 1.1. teſti­fying of him, who from the womb of love is given, to bruiſe the Serpents head, in whom, and by whom God changes, reforms, converts, ſanctifies, juſtifies, and begets anew, John 5.39, 40. this is the word of truth, of it the Scripture teſti­fies.

3. And he ſaid he miniſtered from the Scripture, through the aſſiſtance of the ſpirit of God.

I anſwer, the blind may lead the blind, and deceive the blind; but the ſeeing deny all blind guides, ſuch as thou art, who ſaith, thou miniſters from the letter: here thou art ſhut out from all the holy men of God, who were Mi­niſters of the ſpirit, and not of the letter, as Paul was, 2 Cor. 3.6. but thou art a Miniſter of the letter, and not of the ſpi­rit, as thou makes it appear, who confeſſes thou knowes not what the tongue of the learned is, and holy men of God ſpoke as they were moved by the holy Ghoſt. 2 Pet. 1.21.

4. And thou tells of the aſſiſtance of the ſpirit. I anſwer, for ſhame give over, and lay aſide thy covers and pretences, what? tell of the ſpirit, & could not tell me what the Croſs of Chriſt is: what? art thou ſo impudent, and ſhameleſs, as to tell of the aſſiſtance of the ſpirit, and yet acknowledges, thou knows not what is the tongue of the learned? let the wiſe in heart judge, and the leaſt in the knowledge of God conſider, if thou be not in confuſion, one of Babels builders, which God is comming to throw down, and thy pretence of the ſpirit will not hide thee, who miniſters the letter in the dead minde, and keeps in death, ſuch as follow thee and ſearch the Scripture, and own thy example: the falſe Prophets in the dayes of Jeremiah, who had not the tongue of the learned, had nothing from the mouth of the Lord, but got the words of the true Prophets, and did pre­tend39 the ſpirit, and did uſe their tongues, ſaying, the Lord ſaith, when as they had nothing but the letter, when as he had not ſpoken to them, ſuch the Lord was againſt, Jer. 23.30.31, 32. this is thy example, own it; ſhuffle thy ſelf from among theſe dreamers, if thou can, who knowes not the Croſſe of Chriſt, nor the tongue of the learned, and haſt got the words of the holy men of God, into thy vain, wily, ſhifty, peeviſh, ſubtle, crafty, and untoward minde, and there treaſures them up, and miniſters them forth and uſes thy tongue, and tells of the aſſiſtance of the ſpirit.

5. He ſaid, the means that leads to ſalvation, is without man, that is not dwelling in his mortal body.

I anſwer, for all thy profeſſion thou art got no further then the Pope, who talks of a Chriſt without, means of ſalvation without, as thou doſt; but thou, whoſe Religi­on and Kingdom is in words, and in Lip-talk thou knows not, neither what is the means that leads to ſalvation nor where the means is, and thou art wallowing in filth, and in the pollutions of the world, ſo knowes not the word of ſalvation, nor where it is: haſt thou not read in the Scrip­ture, that to them that are ſaved the preaching of the Croſſe is the power of God, 1 Cor. 1.18. if thou knew this Croſſe, what it is, where it is, what its operation is, what it takes hold on, what ground it ſtrikes at, and what it works out, and what it lets in: if this thou knew, thou would not dream, and imagine as thou doſt. Chriſt is the light of the world, and lighteth every man that commeth into the world, and from him light ſhines in darkneſs; but darkneſs comprehends it not, John 1.5.9. and this light is within, and ſhews thee thy evil deeds, and the pollutions thou lives in, which if thou loved it, that would lead thee to him that gave it, even to Chriſt, who hath given to eve­ry man a meaſure according to his ability, which meaſure is in man, and ſhews all wicked thoughts, purpoſes and in­tentions, that ariſe out of the heart of man; and who loves it, it leads to him, who gave it out of evil to him alone,40 who is the head of the Church, the Saviour of the body, in whom alone is ſalvation, and not in any other name un­der Heaven: this is the corner-ſtone, who hath given a light, a meaſure to every man that comes into the world, John 1.9. Acts 4.10, 11, 12. tis ſtone thou ſets at naught, who art a fooliſh builder, ſeeking a way to ſalvation with­out thee, ſo art out of the Doctrine of Chriſt, who ſaid, go not forth, when men cry, lo here, lo there, Mat. 24. and grace in meaſure hath appeared unto all men, which brings ſalvation, Tit. 2.11, 12. this grace in meaſure is in all men, ſhewing evil, as evil is intended in thy minde; and him who loves it, it teaches him to deny ungodlineſs, ſo brings to ſalvation; but thou, and all who live in ungodlineſs, and worldly luſts, turns it into〈…〉, ſo are of old ordained to condemnation, Jude 4. 〈◊〉that which may be known of God is manifeſt in man, Rom. 1.19. it is in man, that ſhews him evil, and who love and obey it, it leads out of evil, and guides ſuch into the knowledge of God, to witneſs the ſalvation of God; and from this thou art gone: ſo in thy corrupt minde art pleading for means without, to lead to ſalvation: The Serpents meat is duſt, and for, his meat he wrangles and pleads; but the way of God is a way of holineſſe, which no unclean perſon, no Lyon, no ravenous Beaſt walks in, Iſay 35.8.9. but all un­clean perſons, and ravenous Beaſts can conform unto, and imitate the practices of them who gave out the Scripture, who were the ranſomed of the Lord, as thou doſt, and plead for that in which thou mayſt live at eaſe: ſo you de­ny Chriſt, who hath given to every one a meaſure to lead to him who gives it; and the Scripture in its place we own, which teſtifies of Chriſt, Jo: 5.39.40. but to ſet it in the room of Chriſt, we muſt not; but are witneſſes againſt you, who deny him, and ſet the Scripture in his place.

6. He ſaid, God is one thing, and his glory another thing, as ſaith he, my hand is one thing, and this book in my hand, is another thing.


I anſwer, ſilence dreamer, who would divide God, and his glory; and from God, and his glory thou art ſeperat­ed, and God, and his glory thy eye muſt not ſee, but deſtruction, who art an enemy to the Croſs of Chriſt, and thy minde is in earthly things; tell of God, and his glo­ry, and live in the pollutions of the world, when as no uncleane thing dwells with him; and it is Virgins that love him, and all thy corrupt reaſonings, compariſons, and arguings of God, and his glory, and for condemna­tion, and that minde which calls God one thing, and his glory another thing, is accurſed, are from God, and his glory thou art accurſed, who would divide God, and his glory aſunder.

7. He ſaid the Scripture hath in it, the minde of God revealed, ſo is a rule to guide men to Chriſt.

I anſwer, holy men of God, to them, and in them, was the minde of God revealed, by the Spirit, before the Scripture was written, and his minde not any one comes unto, but in whom the Spirit of God ariſes, and rules: as thou haſt the Scripture, which declares of the minde of God, but his minde thou haſt not, but mindes earthly things: ſaith Paul, we have the minde of Chriſt, 1 Cor. 2.16. and Phil. 2.5. let this minde be in you which was alſo in Chriſt Jeſus: none have the minde of Chriſt, but them in whom Chriſt dwells, though they may have the Scrip­ture, a declaration of his minde, but, conforming to the practiſes of the holy men of God, in whom the minde of God was, in the will of man, this lets not in the minde of God: but the croſſe, which ſhews the carnall minde, which profeſſes the Scripture, and crucifies the carnall minde, the ſame lets in the nature, and the minde of Chriſt; the Jews had the Scripture, and covered them­ſelves therewith, but had not the minde of God, but per­ſecuted him, whom the Father ſent, of whom the Father beares witneſs.


And thou ſaiſt the Scripture is a rule to guide men to Chriſt, when as Chriſt himſelfe ſaid, that none could come to him, but as the Father drew him, and every man that heard, and learned of the Father, came to him, John 6.44.45. Here thy minde is contrary to the minde of Chriſt, Chriſt ſaid, it is his Father that draws to him, and thou ſaies it is the Scripture: herein thou art Antichriſt, oppoſing Chriſt, and his doctrine, and here thou ſets the Scrip­ture in the ſeate of God, ſaying the Scripture is a rule to guide to Chriſt, when as the Scripture ſaith, none comes to Chriſt except the Father draw him: this, and ſuch like is the miſt, that thou keeps people in darkneſs withall, but now thou art ſeen.

8. Againe Mathew Caffyn ſaid, that the Scripture doth ſo farr reveale God, and Chriſt to a Creature, as that he walking up to its revelation, to his lives end, with a ſin­gle heart, ſhall be eternally ſaved.

I anſwer, let all who know any thing of God judge, if thou do not herein ſhut out thy ſelfe, both from the know­ledge of the Father, and the Son, ſo art a heathen, not knowing God, Math. 11.27. no man knows the Son, but the Father, neither knows any man the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him: herethou art Antichriſt, pulling the Crowne from off his head, and giving it to the Scripture, ſaying the Scripture reveals God, and Chriſt, &c: when as the Scripture ſaith, the Son reveals the Father: here thou wreſts the Scripture, out of its place, which doth but teſtifie of Chriſt, John 5.39.40. and ſets it in the roome of Chriſt, 1 Cor. 2.10. God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit, for the Spirit ſearches all things, yea the deep things of God; and thou ſaiſt, the Scripture reveals: here thou ſets the Scripture, in the room of the Spirit, Gal. 1.15.16. Paul ſaid, God reveal­ed his Son in him, ſo he preached him among the heathen: Paul ſaid, God reveals his Son, and thou ſaies the Scrip­ture reveals him, herein thou haſt ſet the Scripture in the room of God, ſaying the Scripture reveals the Son, when8 as the Scripture ſaith, God reveals his Son, herein haſt thou ſet the Scripture in the roome of God, Chriſt and the Spirit: and that which may be knowne of God is manifeſt in man, for God hath ſhewed it unto him, Rom. 1.19. and the Lord reveals his ſecrets, to his ſervants, Amos, 3.7. and 1 Jo. 5.12. he that hath the Son hath life, he that hath not the Son hath not life, who onely gives an un­derſtanding heart, to know him that is true, 1 Jo. 5.20. here without life thou art, and without the knowledge of him that is true, ſaying the Scripture reveals God, &c. When as the Scripture ſaith, it is the Son alone that gives an underſtanding heart, to know him that is true: O lier, ſee thy folly, and unſound doctrines. The Angel is ſound­ing, and a Star from Heaven is falne, unto the earth, who hath the Key of the bottomleſs pit, the ſame to open, and ſmoke ariſes apace, Rev. 9.1.2. the wiſe ſee and conſider.

9. Mathew Caffyn ſaid, that there is ſo much of God, and Chriſt, revealed in the Scriptures to men, as, through faith therein, is a ſufficient means of ſalvation.

I anſwer, what haſt thou to do, to tell of ſalvation, whoſe mouth is full of lies, and under whoſe lips doth the poy­ſon of aſps appeare, and for condemnation thou art, who denies the Father, Son, and Spirit, and ſets the Scripture in the place thereof, powres forth hereſies, corrupt do­ctrines, and denies him, whom we witneſs to be able to ſave to the utmoſt, ſuch as come to him, Heb. 7.25. this is the ſtone, which ſuch unskillfull builders as thou denies, and ſets the Scripture in his place, in whom alone is ſalva­tion, Acts but him thou knows not, ſo lives in vaine jangling, and the ſufficient meanes which thou ſpeaks on, hath not ſaved thee, and thou that would ſet up any thing in the roome of Chriſt, in whom alone is ſal­vation, or in thy devilliſh reaſon, would ſet up any thing with Chriſt, to adde to his ſufficiency to ſave man, him thou knows not, but art for condemnation, with the light, which ſhews the ſin, and evill, which thou acts contrary to.


10. Matthew Caffyn ſaid, no man hath eternall life now in him as poſſeſſing it, but a promiſe of it, 1 Joh. 2.25.

I anſwer, thou art turned from the light, wherewith Chriſt hath enlightned thee, which guides all that love it, up to life, ſo the earth is ſeated in thee, where the beaſt, and falſe Prophet lodges, and the promiſe, which to thee is promiſed, is the lake of fire, burning with brimſtone, Rev. 19.21. that is the promiſe to the beaſt, and falſe Pro­phet, and he is the beaſt, who is out of the truth, and whether thou be out of the truth, yea, or nay, let thy ly­ing fables witneſſe, and he is the falſe Prophet, who runs, but is not ſent of the Lord, and whether thou be ſent of the Lord, yea, or nay, let thy lies, thy own words witneſs who haſt run ſo long, and yet confeſſes, thou knows not what the tongue of the learned is, and thou that lives contrary to the light, knows not what they come to enjoy, and poſſeſſe, who obey the light, which comes from Chriſt, and leads to him, who is eternall life, 1 Jo. 4.3. every Spirit that confeſſes not, that Jeſus Chriſt is come in the fleſh, is not of God, and this is that Spirit of Anti­chriſt, whereof you have heard, that it ſhould come, and even now already is it in the world, but thou may ſay, thou knows, and confeſſes he came in the fleſh, 1655, yeares ſince: that we know, and the Pope confeſſes Chriſt as neare him as thou, but thou art Antichriſt, who doſt not know him ruling in thy mortall body, this they witneſſed to whom theſe words were ſpoken, they were Children and had overcome them, and were of God, 1 Jo. 4.4. this they knew not by talking of him without them, but by poſſeſſing him in them, who is greater then he that is in the world, even Jeſus, who is eternall life, 1 Io. 4.4. Io. 5.24. ſome had everlaſting life, ſome were paſſed from death to life, 2 Cor. 4.10.11. Paul ſpake of the life of Jeſus being manifeſt in the mortall body, and the life of Jeſus is eternall, and 1 Io. 5.11, 12, 13, 20. ſaith Iohn this is the re­cord, that God hath given to us, eternall life, &c. and10 theſe things have I written, &c. that ye may know you have eternall life, and they were in the true God, and e­ternall life: how ignorant art thou of the letter, and yet dare call thy ſelfe a Miniſter of Chriſt, and 1 Io. 4. he that confeſſes, that Jeſus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God, and he that dwells in God, dwells in eternall life, God is eternall life, Io. 6.54.

11. Mathew Caffyn ſaid, that no man while he is upon earth comes to the end of faith.

I anſwer, thou art exerciſing thy ſelfe in things that be too high for thee, why art thou ſpeaking of the end of faith, who haſt not faith as a graine of muſterdſeed, which removes mountains? The end of faith is the ſalvation of the ſoul, 1 Pet. 1.9. which the Apoſtle ſpoke of What doſt thou preſſe after? thou wilt ſay, after the ſalvation of the ſoul. What, and if any come to enjoy that, which thou preſſes after, wilt thou envy them, or deny the goodneſs of God towards them, Math. 1.21. Chriſt was given to ſave from ſin, Paul and thoſe he ſpeaks of, were already ſaved, 2 Tim. 1.9. Hed. 7.25. he is able to ſave to the utter­moſt: the ingrafted word is able to ſave the ſoul; Iames, 1.21. this is denied of thee, who lives in pollutions, and in the nature of the world: the light who ownes, which comes from Chfiſt, it lets man ſee a neceſſity of a Saviour to ſave him from ſin, and by little, and little begets faith in him, as that from ſin, he ſhall be ſaved: now abiding the end of faith is witneſſed, that is poſſeſſed, which was beleived to be enjoyed, ſo is Chriſt, the author, and fi­niſher of faith: doth this beget careleſſneſſe, or bring forth iniquity, no, who live in iniquity, ſalvation, witneſs not, but the ſame that ſaves from ſin, keeps out of ſin, all who abide in it, 1 Ioh. 3.6. but what is this to thee, who art one of the fooliſh women, that ſewes pillows to all Arme holes, and ſlaies the ſouls, that ſhould not die; and ſaves the ſoules alive, that ſhould not live, by thy lies, Ezek. 13.18.19.


12. He ſaid, that that Chriſt that was crucified at Jeru­ſalem, and role fleſh and bones, &c. is not really in any man upon earth, but his ſpirit is.

I anſwer, no other Chriſt we own but him, who witneſ­ſed a good confeſſion before Pontius Pilate, and thou that knowes not that he is in thee, art a Reprobate, 2 Cor. 13.5: and the ſame Paul who ſaid Chriſt is in you, except you be Reprobates, the ſame ſaid, Chriſt lives in me, Gal. 2.20. Now if thou had been in the dayes of Paul, who ſaid, Chriſt lived in him, would thou have told him, that Chriſt did not, it was his ſpirit; or would thou have told him that Chriſt did not really live in him, or wilt thou ſet Chriſt in one place, & his ſpirit in another, who is Emanuel, God with us, Mat. 1.23. and ſaith Chriſt, I in them, and thou in me, Jo: 17.23.26. Now wit thou oppoſe Chriſt, and ſay, he is not really in them: who is it here that denies Chriſt? who is it that wreſts the Scriptures? and now thou art a lyar, who ſaith, Chriſt is not really in any man upon earth, Chriſt ſaith otherwiſe, whether muſt Chriſt or thou be believed? He ſaith, At that day ye ſhall know, that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you, Jo: 14.20. and he that eats my fleſh, and drinks my blood, dwells in me, and I in him; but a wiſer then thou may ſtumble at this, John 6.56. and Chriſt in you the hope of glory, Col. 1.27. Now this, thou that ſtumbles at, is that the Scripture may be fulfilled, Chriſt is a ſtumbling ſtone.

13. He ſaid the Scripture is the word

I anſwer, that is another lie, and the Scripture is a wit­neſs againſt thee, it ſaith, God is the word, and the word became fleſh, and dwelt amongſt the Saints, John 1.1.14. and Rev. 19.13. his name is called the word of God Rev. 19.13. Now the Scripture is a true Declaration, John 5.39.40. Luke 1.1.

14. He ſaid the Scripture was the word of Faith.

I anſwer, that is another lie, and here thou denies Chriſt, who was before the World was, or the Scripture12 was, or Hereſie, Schiſme, Antichriſt, or falſe Prophet was. Heb. 12.2. who is the Authour and finiſher of faith. Now thou ſayes the Scripture is the word of faith: now then, how came Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Iſaac, Jacob and Jo­ſeph: how came theſe to faith, and the reſt who were be­fore the letter was? here thou makes it manifeſt, thou art faithleſs, not knowing the word of faith, but puts the let­ter in its room, and Rom. 10.8. Paul, who was a Miniſter of the word of faith, he was not a Miniſter of the letter, but of the ſpirit, 2 Cor. 3.6. but that eare that heares the word of Faith, thou knowes not opened; but the dead minde beares rule in thee: ſo thou ſets the Scripture in the room of him, who is the Authour and finiſher of Faith, whoſe comming is as the morning, who opens the blind eye, and unſtops the deaf eare, Iſa. 35.5.

15. He ſaid the Scripture was the truth.

I anſwer, here thou wreſts the Scripture out of its place, and ſets it in the room of Chriſt, who ſaith he is the truth, Iohn 14.6. Now Chriſt ſaith, he is the truth, and thou ſayſt, the Scripture is the truth: whether is the lyar, a lyar thou art: the truth ſets free, Iohn 8.32. the Scripture doth not: truth ſanctifies, Iohn 17.17.19. the Scripture doth not; but thou may be ready to ſlander me, becauſe I ſay not A­men to thy lies, and ſay I deny the Scripture, which I do not; for it I own to be a true Declaration, teſtifying of Chriſt, who is the truth. Iohn 5.39.40. Luke 1.1.

16. He ſaid the Scripture did lead into the truth.

I anſwer, that is another lie, and the Scripture witneſſes againſt thee, which ſaith, the ſpirit of truth leads into all truth. John 16.13. and 1 John 2.20. ye have an unction from the holy one, and ye know all things, and that by the vertue of the unction in them, and not the leading of the letter without them: ſo the Scripture teſtifies of that which leads into all truth, but is not the thing leading into all truth.


17. He ſaid, the Scripture led into the knowledge of God, and did teach man the knowledge of God.

I anſwer, that is another lie, and the key of knowledge thou here denies, ſo thou art brutiſh in thy knowledge, Jer. 10.14. Thou ſayes the Scripture leads into the knowledge of God, and teaches the knowledge of God: here thou de­nies the Son, and ſets the Scripture in his place. Mat. 11.27. No man knowes the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him; and thou ſayſt, the Scripture teaches the knowledge of God. Rom. 1.19. what may be known of God is manifeſt in man: now thou ſayes, it is the Scripture without that teaches the knowledge of God; it is the ſpirit that diſcerns God, who is a ſpirit, and makes known ſpiritual things. 1 Cor. 2.14. Iſay 28.9. it is God that teaches knowledge, John 14.26. The comforter ſhall teach you all things. Luke 1.76.77. the Child Jeſus, Ema­nuel God with us, he gives the knowledge of ſalvation. Now here thou ſets the Scripture in the room of Chriſt, who teaches the knowledge of his Father, and ſayes, the Scrip­ture teaches man the knowledge of God: here another lie is found in thy mouth, and the key of knowledge thou caſts from thee, who diſobeys the light, which ſhews the ſin and evil; and another lie is put into thy hand even by the An­gel of the bottomleſs-pit, whoſe name in the Hebrew Tongue is Abaddon, in the Greek Tongue Apollyon, Rev. 9.11. ſo thou art opening, and ſcrewing; but I ſay by thy ſearching thou ſhalt never finde out God; Job 11.7, 8.

18. He ſaid no mans wiſdom upon earth was per­fect.

I anſwer, Thou art turned from the light, ſo thy wiſdom is from below; and thou and thy Generation, who know not the Croſſe of Chriſt but denies it, knowes not the wiſ­dom which is from above which is perfect in the Saints, Jam: 3.27. 1 Cor. 1.30. who is of God. Chriſt is their wiſ­dom, and he is perfect in the leaſt meaſure: ſo here thou haſt uttered blaſphemy: if thou knew it, the Beaſt that o­pens14 his mouth in blaſphemy againſt God, his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven, into the lake muſt go, Rev. 13.6.

19. Matthew Caffyn ſaid, the Scripture was the Touch­ſtone to try ſpirits withall.

I anſwer, That is another lie, the Scripture is not the tryer of ſpirits, to try the living by the dead, that I deny: the Saints have ſalt in themſelves to ſavour withall, and their own every vvhere they reliſh and know; but the con­trary they deny: the ſpirits of the Prophets are ſubject to the Prophets, 1 Cor. 4.32. and this ſpirit owns it ſelf over all: this diſcerned and knew them, vvho uſed their tongue, ſaying, the Lord ſaith, vvhen as they had nothing but the letter. Jer. 23. diſcerning of ſpirits vvas, and is a gift of the ſpirit: 1 Cor. 12.10. Novv thou ſayes, the Scripture muſt try ſpirits. 1 Cor. 2.10. The ſpirit ſearches all things, 1 John 2.20. ye have an unction from the holy one, and knovve all things; and by this unction they diſcerned Antichriſts, Deceivers, falſe Prophets, Hereticks, and deluders, and not by the letter vvithout; and by this ſpirit did Paul diſcern ſuch as had the form, but not the povver. 2 Tim. 3.5. and I vvill come ſhortly ſaith Paul, and vvill knovv not the ſpeech of them that are puffed up, but the povver. 1 Cor. 4.19. The day declares every mans vvork. 1 Cor. 3.11.12, 13. Mal. 3.16, 17, 18. In the day, vvhen the Jevvels are making up, and in the day is the diſcerning betvveen the vvicked and the righteous, him that ſerves God, and him that ſerves him not; but this is by vertue of the day, and not by the letter vvithout. The ſheep knovv the voice of Chriſt, but deny to follovv a ſtranger. John 10.4, 5, and this the ſheep do, through the vertue of ſalt in them, and not the letter vvithout them; for a ſtranger may have the form, and all the Scripture, and there vvith deceive: yet the ſheep have ſalt to ſavour vvithall, & knovves him that uſes his tongue; and ſaith, the Lord ſaith, vvhen he hath nothing but the let­ter. Jer. 23. and whereas John ſaid, Try the ſpirits, whether15 they be of God or no. 1 John 4.1. this he ſpoke to them that had ſalt in themſelves, where the tryer was born; they were of God and Children, and a greater was in them, then he that was in the world, 1 John 4.4. Thou that ſayes the Scripture is the Touchſtone to try ſpirits withall, tell me this, how may a Miniſter made by the will of God, be known from a Miniſter made by the will of man; ſeeing a Miniſter made by the vvill of man may have all the Scrip­ture the form, as well as he that is by the vvill of God; The Jews had Abrahams words, Moſes & the Prophets words, but they knew not Chriſt, could not thereby diſcern his ſpirit, but ſaid, he was a Samaritan, and had a Devil, John 8, 48. and they knew not what ſpirit the Apoſtles were of, but ſtoned Paul till they thought he had been dead, Acts 14.19. Well may thou ſtumble at that which tries ſpirits, who confeſſes thou knowes not what the tongue of the learned is, Epheſ. 5.13. All things that are reproved, are made manifeſt by the light: what ever makes manifeſt is light, which makes thee manifeſt, and thy ſpirit, which is to be reproved, which light leads to the ſtone with ſeven eyes, Zac. 3.9. and nothing but this diſcerns darkneſs, and that which leads into darkneſs.

20. He ſaid the Law without man, is that which con­vinces man of ſin.

I anſwer, that is another lie; for Chriſt is the true light, which lighteth every man that comes into the world, Iohn 1.9. which ſight is in man, and he that doth evil hates it: yet it reproves him, and convinces him of ſin, and ſhewes him his deeds are evil, who acts evil, Iohn 3.19.20, 21. this is given to the ends of the earth, and leaves them without excuſe, who have not the Law without, in that it ſhewes them evil, and ſin, which is darkneſs, Iſay 49.6. Rom. 2.14.15, 16. Epheſ. 5.13. as many as ſin without the Law, ſhall alſo periſh without Law, Rom. 2.12. and in Rom. 4.15. he ſaith, where there is no Law, there is no tranſgreſſion and Rom. 3.20. by the Law is the knowledge of ſin: now read theſe Scriptures, he tells of ſome that are without the Law:16 and he ſaith moreover, that where there is no Law, there is no tranſgreſſion. So by conſequence, theſe are no ſinners, who are without the Law. yet he ſaith, As many as ſin without the Law: So that I ſay, though they have not a Law without, yet have they ſo much within, as lets them ſee evil, and ſecretly moves to turn from evil, and this leaves them without excuſe, Rom. 1.19. And Paul had the Law without, and as touching it was blameleſs, and was alive in the fleſh, and ſaith he was without the Law: ſo by the outward the letter, he did not ſee him elf; but when his eye was opened, which had been blinded, the ſpiritual Law, then ſin appeared, and he died, Rom. verſes. and Iohn 16.8. it is the ſpirit, which convinces the world of ſin, which in meaſure hath appeared to all men, 1 Cor. 12.7. Tit. 2.11, 12. and Iſay 42.6. He is given a Covenant to Iſrael, but a light to the Gentile.

21. He ſaid, God and Chriſt was two.

I anſwer, that is a lie, and thou gainſayes Chriſt, who ſaid, I and my Father are one, Iohn 10.30. and Iohn 17.11. that they may be one, as we are, and that they may be one, even as we are one, Iohn 17.22. This Doctrine thy fore-fa­thers could not bear, even the Jews, who had the Letter, but ſtumbled at the ſtumbling-ſtone, and ſtoned him, Iohn 10.31. and the rage envy, and bitterneſs that lodges in thy heart, and the ſwelling cruel words that from thee have proceeded, ſufficiently make known where thou art: let that in thy own conſcience witneſs, thou knowes not him, who is one with the Father; but ſets the Father in one place, and the Son in another, and changes the glory of the incorruptible God, into an Image made like unto corrup­tible man, Rom. 1.23. the Virgins birth thou knowes not, which is Emmanuel, God with us. Mat. 1.23.

22. He ſaid, he ſhall ſee God with his eyes, which be carnall, often pointing at them with his fingers, alledging that of Iob, Iob 19.25, 26, 27.

I anſw. let all who know God in the leaſt meaſure judge if thou be one of them, who art changing the glory of the17 incorruptible God into an Image made like unto corrupti­ble man, who is telling of ſeeing God, who is a ſpirit, and inviſible, with carnall naturall eyes: thou Image-maker, what doſt thou imagine God to be like, who art doting, and dreaming of ſeeing God who is a ſpirit, with thy carnall eyes: true it is, the old man dreams Dreams, but Sons and Daughters propheſie; and Iob ſaw God, while he was in the fleſh, but not with fleſhly eyes, Iob 42.5.6. mine eye now ſeeth thee, ſaid Iob; but thy right eye muſt be plucked out, and caſt from thee, elſe not know that eye which ſees him, who is inviſible. Heb. 11.23.24, 25, 26, 27.

23. He ſaid, by the perſon of Chriſt no man comes to the Father.

I anſwer: how long will the Nations be led by ſuch blind guids as this, who ſaith, by the perſon of Chriſt no man comes to the Father, when as Chriſt ſaid, no man comes to the Father, but by me, John 14.6. herein he de­nies the true way, ſo is Antichriſt: let all who are ſimple judge, whether this fellow lead towards God, or from God, who denies Chriſt to be the way, ſo is a Thief, and a Robber, who denies the door, ſo is climbing another way, John 10.1. and Heb. 7.25. he is able to ſave to the ut­termoſt, ſuch as come to God by him: now thou denies him, and ſaith, he is not the way: will any be ſo bewitch­ed, as to run after thee, or ſuch like. O ſhameleſs teacher, and without underſtanding, who art ſo drunk with the Cup of abhomination, as that thou ſtaggers, reeles, ſtumbles, and ſpews out thy own ſhame, and denies the Lord, who hath put a price into thy hand; but it, and him thou denies, and no other Way but him we own, who lighteth every man that comes into the world, which thou denies and walks not in, it is a way of holineſs, the unclean, the Lyon, the Beaſts of the Forreſt walk not in this way; and thou who bears the Image of the earthly, denies him who is the ex­preſſe Image of his Fathers perſon, Heb. 1.3.


24. He ſaid, Chriſt was aſcended into Heaven, and is now ſitting in Heaven, with a body of fleſh and blood, with the very ſame body of fleſh and blood, with the which he did eat broyled fiſh, among his Diſciples.

I anſwer, thou art an Image-maker, and knowes not his body which ſets free from the Law, and from the body of ſin, Rom, 7.4. and thou who lives in lies, in the Cuſtoms and faſhions of the world, and in deceitful wayes, contrary to that in thy conſcience, knowes not the body of Chriſt, ſo art doting, dreaming, framing, forming, and imagining, and ſetting up Images, and likeneſſes in thy ſenſual wiſdom of perſons and places, which who know his body, from theſe things are redeemed, Epheſ. 5.23. He is the Saviour of the body, and his body ſets free from ſin and the Law: if thou have an eare, thou may heare, Epheſ. 4.9.10. Now that he aſcended, what is it, but that he alſo deſcended firſt into the lower parts of the earth, and no man aſcended into Hea­ven, but he that came down from Heaven, even the Son of man, which is in Heaven, John 3.13. And fleſh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 15.50. yet are we members of his body, of his fleſh, and of his bones, E­pheſ. 5.30. Go learn what theſe things mean; and thou that ſayes, he is in Heaven with a body of fleſh and blood, op­poſes the Apoſtle, who was an eye witneſs of his Majeſty, who ſaid fleſh and blood muſt not inherit, &c. and ſaid Chriſt, glorifie thou me, O Father, with thine own ſelfe, with the glory which I had with thee, before the world was, John 17.5. and Chriſts glorious body we own, Phil. 3.21. ſo deny thee, and thy Images, and thy vulturs eye, and the Eggs which thou Cocatrice hatches, and the ſpiders webb, which thou weaves, which thy nakedneſs cannot cover, Iſay 59.5.6. call not this railing; for a name thou muſt have, according to thy nature, whoſe lips ſpeak lies, whoſe tongue mutters perverſeneſſe, who truſts in vanity, and pleads not for the truth, but againſt it, ſaying, thou wilt root the Miniſters of the truth, out of theſe parts, the19 marks of them thou beares, that Iſa, ſpoke of Iſa. 59.1, 2.3, 4, 5, 6.

25. Matthew Caffyn ſaid, God did not dwell in any creature, but his Spirit did.

I anſwer, here thou would make good a lier, who hath ſaid, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, 2 Cor. 6.16. Epheſ. 2.22. they were an habitation of God, through the Spirit: this thou ſtumbles at, diſputes, and cavills againſt who art a ſtranger, and a forrainer, and an enemy to the houſhould of God, 1 Cor. 3.16.17. ye are the temple of God, and the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are, Rev. 21.3. the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them: and, who are of God, this witneſs, and witneſs againſt thee, and know tee to be without God in the world, who imagines God to be one where, and his Spirit, another where, when as God is a Spirit, and the Spirit, Ioh. 4.24. 2. Cor. 3.17. whoſoever confeſſes in truth, that Jeſus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God, 1 Iohn, 4.15.

26. He ſaid, no man while he is upon earth is in the Kingdom, and that the chiefe of Saints, have but by pro­miſe.

I anſwer: thou art a bundle of lies, and what haſt thou to do to meddle with the Saints, or talke of their inheritance, who art prophane Eſau, ſelling thy birth-right for the earth who contrary to the light acts, ſo a child of diſobedience art, thy fruits make thee manifeſt, and with Iacob; thou haſt no inheritance who ſaid, he was a Miniſter of the Spirit, he alſo ſaid, that they were tranſlated into the Kingdom of his deare Son, Col. 1.13. and the Saints were raiſed up, and ſet together in heavenly places, in Chriſt Jeſus, Epheſ. 2.6. and if any come to know the life of the holy men of God, and beare witneſs to their conditions, thou ſpreads thy armes abrode, crying out of blaſphemy, hereſie, damnable doctrines; ſo might thou have ſaid of them, who gave out20 the Scripture, which was given to be fulfilled, not for a heard of ſwine to feed on: what haſt thou to do, to talke of the Saints, who armes thy ſelfe with arguments, againſt ſuch as grow up in the life, which tranſlated them into the Kingdom, ſo be a witneſs againſt thy ſelfe, that thou art out of the Kingdom, which is a Kingdom of light, and by the light art found out among the Cocatrices, Night-birds, Cormorants, Bitterns, Owls, Ravens, Dragons, Wildebeaſts, Satyrs, Vulturs, Scritch-owls: ownthy mates, who art plead­ing againſt poſſeſſing the Kingdom.

27. He ſaid no man upon earth ſees Chriſt, he ſaid, he had not ſeen Chriſt, and when I asked him, if he had ſeen God, he cryed out of blaſphemy.

I anſwer, here thou art a witneſs againſt thy ſelfe, that thou art one of them, who haſt eies, but ſees not, Math. 13.15. Moſes ſaw God, Exo. 33.11.23. and death reigns till Moſes, ſo in thee death reignes: ſo what haſt thou to profeſs? Abraham ſaw the day of the Son of man, and was glad Iohn 8, 56. and God appeared unto him, and talked with him, Gen. 12.7. Gen. 17.1.2, 3, the Lord appeared unto I­ſaac, and talks with him, Gen. 26.2. Iacob ſaw God face to face, Gen. 32.30 Iob ſaw God, Iob. 42.5.6. now thou that ſtumbles at ſeeing of God, and confeſſes thou haſt not ſeene Chriſt, in the ſteps of Abraham thou art not, nor to his condition come, who ſaw the day of the Son of man, and was glad, and death reignes in thee, and thou clothes thy ſelfe with the Letter, which they ſpoke forth, who ſaw God in Chriſt, if any come to witneſs the life of them, whoſe words thou profeſſes, Iſay ſaw God, Iſa. 6.5. the Prodigall came to himſelfe, and ſaid to his Father, I have ſinned in thy ſight, Luke 15. but in the far Country yet thou art, a­mongſt harlots, and riotous livers, and art gon into the field to feed ſwine, and thy ſelfe eates the husks among the ſwine, and that which would let thee ſee thy ſelfe, and thy Countrey, and thy companions, and thy food, and the21 Father of the living, that thou denies, and lives in diſobe­dience to the light, which comes from Chriſt, ſo art for condemnation, he that ſees the Son ſees the Father, Jo. 14.9. but thou art without both, and in fellowſhip with neither, 1 Cor. Paul was an eye witneſſe of his majeſty, Heb. 11.27. John ſaw him on horſe-back, ſit­ting on a white horſe, and a bow and a Crowne was given unto him, and he went forth Conquering, and to Con­quer, Rev. 6.2. and ſuch as thee ſhall his arrows deeply pierce, who ſaies thou art a Miniſter of Chriſt, and yet haſt not ſeen him, nor his Father, nor knows not what the tongue of the learned is, ſo art one that Paul witneſſed againſt, unlearned, and unſtable, wreſting the Scripture to thy owne deſtruction, and the deſtruction of other, 2 Pet. 3.16. he muſt needs be unlearned, who runs to teach o­thers, and himſelfe nor knowing what the tongue of the learned is, Rev. all the Children of the Lord are taught of the Lord, and they ſee their teacher, which is the Lord, ſo here thou haſt ſhut out thy ſelfe from all the Children of the Lord, who confeſſes thou haſt not ſeen God nor Chriſt: all his Children, the Lord teaches, and him they ſee, and none of them thou art, who confeſſes thou haſt not ſeene Chirſt, Iſa. 54.13.

28. He ſaid, Adam did not die the ſame day, he did eate the forbidden fruit, but was in a dying condition, that is growing nearer the time in the which he ſhould be put in­to an hole in the earth.

I anſwer: thou art a liar, for the lake; and would make God a lier, who ſaid, Gen. 2.17. in the day, thou eateſt thereof, thou ſhalt ſurely die: now thou ſaiſt he did not die, ſo would make God a lier, and Gen. when they had eaten thereof; the eies of them both were open­ed, and they knew that they both were naked, and they ſhewed figleaves together, and made them them elves a­prons, as thou haſt been doing this many yeares, both for thy ſelfe, and for others, and art found a witneſs againſt22 God, and thou thy ſelfe ignorant, not knowing the death, which hath paſſed over all men.

29. He ſaid, I denied the reſurrection.

I anſwer: thou art a ſlanderer, and muſt have the Porti­on of the ſlanderer, for a reſurrection I own, both of the juſt, and unjuſt, Acts 24.15. The reſurrection of the dead I owne, both of the juſt, and unjuſt, Jo. 5.28.29. the one to life, the other to damnation: but becauſe I ſaid, thou muſt not ſee God with thy carnall eies, and that fleſh, and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 15.50. therefore thou concludes, I deny the reſurrection: thou might as well ſlander Paul, and ſay he denyed the reſur­rection, as ſlander ſuch, who beare witneſs to his words: but thou ſaies, with what manner of body do the dead ariſe: thou fool, that which thou ſoweſt is not quickned, except it die, and that which thou ſoweſt, thou ſoweſt not that body that ſhall be, &c. but God giveth it a body as it pleaſ­eth him; it is ſown a naturall body, it is raiſed a ſpirituall body, 1 Cor. 15. chapter, and Paul earneſtly laboured to come to the reſurrection of the dead, Phil. 3.11.

30. Matthew Caffyn, ſaid he beleived no man upon earth did live without the tranſgreſſion of the Law, yet man might come to have the righteouſneſs of the law fullfilled in him, as Paul ſaid the righteouſneſs of the law, was ful­filled in himſelfe, and others, Rom. 8.4. and yet at the ſame time, he ſaw a law in his members, warning againſt the law of ſin, which was in his members, and cryed out O wretched man that I am, who ſhall deliver me from the body of this death, Rom. 7.23.24.

I anſwer, thou that ſaies, the righteouſneſſe of the law may be fullfilled in man, and yet man not freed from the tranſgreſſion of the law, I ſay it, it is a lie, and prove thy doctrine if thou can, let all whoſe eye is open judge be­tween thee and mee, whether the righteouſneſs of the law23 be fulfilled in man, while he lives in the tranſgreſſion of the law, yea, or nay: this makes it manifeſt, thou art igno­rant of the law, which is ſpirituall, Rom. 7.14. and it hath power over a man ſo long as he lives, Rom. 7.1. ſo that be­ing alive in the fleſh, out of that which crucifies the fleſh, the ſpirituall law is tranſgreſſed, and here he is not witneſſ­ed, who is the end of the law, for righteouſneſſe, to eve­ry one that believes, Rom. 10.4. And ſaid Paul, who knew the law, Gal. 3.19. wherefore then ſerves the law, it was added becauſe of traſgreſſions, till the ſeed ſhould come, to whom the promiſe was made, ſo if thou had an eare, thou might heare: the law was added becauſe of tranſgreſſi­on, and is alſo added, while tranſgreſſion ſtands: the law hath its work, which miniſtration is glorious in its time: and the end of the law is not come, who was made under the law, to fulfill the law, ſo thorough the law, to redeeme from the law: he is not come, while ſin and tranſgreſſion is lived in, even he, that comes by water, and blood, not by water onely, but by water, and blood, 1 Joh. 5.6. the law is added, becauſe of tranſgreſſions, till the ſeed come, who bruiſes the Serpents head, Gen. 3.15. and takes upon him the ſeed of Abraham, and not the nature of An­gels, Heb. 2.16. this is he, who in taking upon him the ſeed of Abraham, finiſhers tranſgreſſion, becauſe of which the law was added, and makes an end of ſin, and makes reconciliation for iniquity, and brings in everlaſting righteouſneſs, and ſeals up the viſion, and prophecy, here the moſt holy is anointed, Dan. 9. if thou knew the ſeed, to which the promiſe is, the end of viſion, or prophecy, this thou would receive, but thou that tells of the righteouſneſs of the law, beeing fulfilled in man, and yet man live in the tranſgreſſion of the law, thou know not what thou ſpaks, nor whereof thou affirmes: for he himſelfe ſaith, that he was made free, from the law of ſin, and death, before he tell of the righteouſneſs of the law being fulfilled in him, Rom., and ſaith Paul, I thorough the law (which law hath power over a24 man ſo long as he lives) and dead to the Law, that I might live unto God, Gal. 2.19. but neither Law nor Goſpel thou knows, who ſtumbles at ſeeing God, and cryes out blaſ­phemy, when as Moſes, who received the perfect Law from God, which is according to that of God, in every ones conſcience, he ſaw God, and till Moſes, death reigns; there thou art.

And in as much as thou ſaid, that Paul ſaid, the righte­ouſneſs of the Law was fulfilled in him, and yet at the ſame time, he was carnall, ſold under ſin, and found a Law in his Members, warring againſt the Law of his minde, leading him captive into ſin, and was a wretched man, cry­ing out, who ſhould deliver him from the body of death, Rom. 7.

I anſwer, here another lie is found in thy mouth, for he did not ſay, the righteouſneſs of the Law, was fulfilled in him till the Law of the ſpirit of life in Chriſt Jeſus, had made him free from the Law of ſin and death, Rom. 8.1.2, 3, 4, and he could not both be carnal, led captive, and have the body of death ſtanding in him, and yet be free from the body of ſin and death, all at one time: this can in no wiſe be, as thou would perſwade people; but whereas he ſpeaks of himſelf, being carnal, ſold under ſin, and led cap­tive, and the body of death not deſtroyed, Rom. 7. here he declares unto them, how it was with him, in the time of his warfare, Rom. 7.5. when we were in the fleſh, ſaith he, then it was ſo and ſo, then carnal; but the Law ſpiritual, then ſold under ſin, then led captive, then a wretched man, then not delivered from the body of ſin, in the time of the Law, it being weak, through the fleſh: now here he de­clares to them, what he had paſſed through, and how it had been with him; but at that time, he ſaith he was deli­vered from the Law, Rom. 7.6. ſo likewiſe from ſin, the Law being added becauſe of tranſgreſſions; and he at that25 time, vvhen he vvrote unto the Romans an Epiſtle, vvhich afterwards vvas turned into Chapter, and verſe, by Tubal-Cain, the cunning Artificer, and Craft-man, for the bene­fit of the Clergy: vvhen this Epiſtle he vvrote, he vvitneſ­ſed the power of God unto ſalvation, Rom. 1.6. and the in­vvard Jew, and circumciſion inwardly, Rom. 2.28, 29. and that he vvas juſtified, and had peace vvith God, Rom. 5.1. and that the old man vvas crucified, Rom. 6.6. and that they vvere not under the Lavv, but under grace, vvhich Lavv is becauſe of tranſgreſſions, Rom. 6.15. and that they vvere dead to the Lavv, by the body of Chriſt, Rom. 7.4. and none is dead to the Lavv, but vvho is dead to ſin, his body ſets none free from the Lavv, but vvhom it ſets free from ſin, and he ſaith, he and they vvere delivered from the Lavv, Rom. 7.6. ſo from ſin, becauſe of vvhich the Lavv is added, and he ſaith, he vvas ſet free from ſin, and the righteouſneſs of the Lavv vvas fulfilled in him, Rom. 8.1.2, 3, 4. novv that he could vvitneſs theſe glorious conditions, and grovvth in Chriſt Jeſus, and yet be carnal, and fold under ſin, and led captive, and groane under the body of death, that I deny; but it is the Doctrine of Matthew Caffyn, vvho is a Baptiſt-Teacher, ſo I leave it vvith him, or any that ovvn him, the ſame to prove, and in Rom. 7.25. Paul ſaid, ſo then implying a condi­tion, and diſpoſition which he had paſſed through, then it was ſo, and ſo; and in the next verſe he ſaith, But now Rom. 8.1. therein he declares his preſent condition, which was that he was ſet free from the Law of ſin and death, and the righteouſneſs of the Law was fulfilled in him, Rom. 8.1.2, 3, 4.

  • Rom. 7.25. So then Who is not blind may ſee.
  • Rom. 8.1.2. But now Who hath an eare, may heare.

To the 7th Chapter of Pauls Epiſtle to the Romans, do all unſavory Profeſſors, Prieſts, and people fly; and unto it run, as unto a Bulwark, for a cover to continue in ſin and corrption, while they remain upon earth which will ſtand them in no ſtead: ſo two Propoſitions ſhall I lay down; and if the Devil in any profeſſion, or Matthew Caffyn, be offended at what I have ſpoken concerning that Chapter, which all Profeſſions take hold on, for a ſhelter for their iniquity, let them appear in writing, that truth may come to light, and lies be ſearched out, and not back-bite, grum­ble, and grudge, and run up and down ſlandering and rail­ing, and crying out that we hold forth damnable Doctrines, and Hereſies. But do not ſo, that is not honeſt, that is the nature of Night-birds, and Screech-owls, who ſcratch in the dark: ſo Matthew Caffyn, prove thy Do­ctrines, elſe throw down thy Crowns, and own that in thy Conſcience, which ſhews thee thy enmity againſt the truth: the Lord is taking unto himſelf him great power, even the Almighty, who was, is, and is to come, to reign over all, and the Nations are angry, and combine toge­ther againſt the Lord, and againſt his anointed: yet upon the holy hill of Sion, will hee his Sonſet: the hill of God, is as the hill of Baſhan, an high hill: this is the hill in which God delights to dwell; yea, in it, he will dwell for ever, and all hills ſhall tremble before it, even before his hill, who is ſetting the ſolitary in families, and bringing out thoſe which are bound in Chains, he is beating the wicked one, out of all his Bulwarks, and fenced walls, and high Towers; and in Iſrael doth God appoint, for Walls and Bulwarks, even ſalvation; ſo make not lies your re­fuge, and plead not for ſin, which is a wall of ſeparation be­tween God and man.

1. That Paul was not carnall, and ſold under ſin, nor led captive into ſin, nor the body of death undelivered from, (which is made mention of Rom. 7.) when he ſaid, the Law17 of the ſpirit of life in Chriſt Jeſus, had made him free from the Law of ſin and death, Rom. 8.1, 2, 3, 4.

That at that time, when Paul wrote to the Romans, and ſpoke of being carnal, and ſold under ſin, &c. Rom. 7. that he ſpoke not of his preſent condition, but how it had been with him formerly, in the time of his warfare, which was then accompliſhed, and the body of death put off, and he ſet free from ſin, Rom. 8.1.2, 3, 4.

31. Matthew Caffyn ſaid, I ſpoke errour, when I ſaid, no man did further witneſs the Scripture fulfilled in him, than he was grown up in that ſpirit, which gave it forth: the ſame alſo I now ſay, and, prove it to be errour, if thou can; but the wiſe in heart, will not take thy words for a Goſpel-proof, who haſt uttered forth ſo many lies, and did give me theſe words under thy own hand-writing, That the Scripture doth ſo farre reveal God and Chriſt to a Crea­ture, as that he walking up to its Revelation, to his lives end, with a ſingle heart, ſhall be eternally ſaved. I ſay thy Miniſtry teaches not ſingleneſſe in the one ſpirit, but thou would have all ſhroud themſelves in thy Form, to their lives end, and in the deceit of the world, and then tells them of being ſaved: now he to whom the true Miniſtry, was committed, ſaid, 2 Tim. 1.9. they were ſaved, Tit. 3.5. Thou would have people wrapt up in thy Form, all their lives, that thou among them may have preheminence, and tells them of ſalvation afterward, when as no unclean thing, muſt enter into the Kingdom, as the Tree falls, ſo it lies.

This have I written, as touching particulars received from M. Caffyn, part in writing, and part from his mouth, and God who is the Judge of all, is my witneſs herein, that I have not added to what was ſpoken by him: ſo be a­ſhamed thou blind guide, and prove thy Doctrines, elſe be18 ſilent, and give over teaching others, who thy ſelf art un­taught: mind that in thy conſcience, which ſhews the ſin and evil, and let it ſtop thy mouth: ſee thy own confuſion, glory not in Babylon, a building by thy own fingers, in thy own imaginations: the Kingdom thou art departed from, the meaſure which ſhews the evil, thou diſobeys; and from men thou art driven, and thy dwelling is amongſt the Beaſts of the field, and thou art puſhing with thy horn and power againſt the Lambs; and upon the graſſe thou art feeding: there is thy ſtate, not only ſeven times, but ever, except the light which ſhines in thy Conſcience, thou own, that by it thou may be led out of darkneſs, up to Chriſt, who for that end gave thee a meaſure to profit withall: doth not a man whoſe eyes are open, know a beaſt, by one mark? how many marks doth thou here beare, which God gives his Children victory over: therefore ceaſe thy prateing with malitious words, againſt that which thou knows not, and come out of deceit, and the worlds vanities, which thou ſticks in, contrary to that in thy conſcience: there­fore be warned, thou who ſpreads thy ſelf, as the Bramble­buſh, and obey that in thy conſcience which ſhews the ſin and evil; for fire is in the buſh, though thou be not aware of it: reſiſt not that in thy Conſcience, by which God calls thee, and ſecretly checks thee, that out of the evil of the world, thou may come: God who is a conſu­ſuming fire, will awake for his own glory; and his fire, he will kindle, which all thorns, bryars, and brambles ſhall conſume: prize the day of thy viſitation. A Lover of thy ſoul.

Thomas Lawſon.

About this transcription

TextAn untaught teacher witnessed against. Or, The old bottles mouth opened, it's wine poured forth, drunk of drunkards, denyed of them who have tasted of the new. That is to say, the unsound, unseasoned, unsavory doctrines, and opinions of Matthew Caffyn, Baptist-teacher laid open, who in the county of Sussex, is cryed up to be as their battle axe, and weapon of warre, who as Jannes and Jambres rides aloft, and bestirs himself with the magick rod of his lies, slanders, aspersions, and unsound doctrines, labours to strengthen the hands of carnal professors, and to keep the beloved of God in bondage: ... Which doctrines, and unsavory speeches were received from his own mouth, part of them at a meeting of the people called Quakers, at Crowley in Sussex, others thereof at his own house neere South-water, before me and John Slee, upon the fifth day of the seventh moneth, 1655 ... / Tho: Lawson. John Slee.
AuthorLawson, Thomas, 1630-1691..
Extent Approx. 62 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 16 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn untaught teacher witnessed against. Or, The old bottles mouth opened, it's wine poured forth, drunk of drunkards, denyed of them who have tasted of the new. That is to say, the unsound, unseasoned, unsavory doctrines, and opinions of Matthew Caffyn, Baptist-teacher laid open, who in the county of Sussex, is cryed up to be as their battle axe, and weapon of warre, who as Jannes and Jambres rides aloft, and bestirs himself with the magick rod of his lies, slanders, aspersions, and unsound doctrines, labours to strengthen the hands of carnal professors, and to keep the beloved of God in bondage: ... Which doctrines, and unsavory speeches were received from his own mouth, part of them at a meeting of the people called Quakers, at Crowley in Sussex, others thereof at his own house neere South-water, before me and John Slee, upon the fifth day of the seventh moneth, 1655 ... / Tho: Lawson. John Slee. Lawson, Thomas, 1630-1691., Slee, John.. [2], 26, 17-18, [2] p. Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls,London, :1655.. (The last leaf is blank.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Octob: 14".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Caffyn, Matthew, 1628-1714 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Baptists -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Thomason E854_12
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