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THE Copy of two Letters ſent FROM ROME, The one to Conny mac Guire, Lord of Jniskillin, now preſent in the Tower, or to his Brother Roury mac Guire in Ireland; The other to Phelim Roe O Neal, priſoner with the Lord Conny mac Guire.

The one written by Francis mac Guire, Coſin to my Lord Jniskillin: The other from Bonoventura O Conny, to Phelim Roe O Neal.

Brought from Rome by Colonell Crely, who was apprehended at Dublin, and after­ward executed, the 26. of Iune.

Sent from Dublin within an incloſed Letter by Maſter William Scot, to his beloved Sonne William Scot now Reſident in London.

London, Printed for Marmaduke Boat. 1642. July 2.


DELIVER THIS TO CONNOR MAC GVIRE, Lord of Iniskellen; or to his Brother Roury mac Guire in IRELAND.

My honoured Lord,

A Thouſand Commendations unto you, to Bryan, Roury, and the reſt. I have heard of your and Hugh Oges impriſonment, and truly I never heard worſe News in my life, had not ſome men much wiſer then my ſelf, comforted me; in regard you eſteem that great good, and no hurt will redound unto you and your whole Nation, from theſe your troubles. Truly my Lord, if you were dead (which God forbid) through that attempt, you purcha­ſed unto your former honours a glorious and everlaſting name. The Pope, and the Cardinals his Nephews heard of your caſe, and how valorouſly Phelim, Roury, and other Gentlemen their aſſiſtants have behaved themſelves, and rejoyced greatly thereat; ſo that I doubt not but he will ſend help unto you, if it be demanded, as becometh you. Therefore Father Bonaventure O Conny, brother unto Encas O Conny who is Lecturer here, thought fit to write to your Gene­rall Phelim touching this matter; and I adviſe you to ſee wiſely un­to your reaſons which he writ, and unto the good which will ariſe from them in time, and that you and Phelim do all things accor­ding to his directions, and the rather, that the Father Bonaventure is a wiſe, prudent, and learned man, and as faithfull and naturall to you as I am: If you be not preſent your ſelf, Roury will ſupply your place before all things, I beſeech you for the love of Jeſus Chriſt, that true love be eſtabliſhed amongſt you, and let not the temptati­on of the Devill or man divert your mind from cheriſhing all poſſi­ble love and kindneſſe betwixt your ſelf and Brian Mac-Connaght4 his children, as I doubt not you willndeavour to draw unto you, not only your own kindred, but alſo all the ancient Roots of the Iriſh where ever diſperſed or diſtant; and all to the glory of God, and the defence of our Religion; and I will be bound that God will be your help, if you beare out but one yeere, beleeve me the Pope and all the Catholipue Kings will be glad that you crave their aſſiſtance, the merciful God grant it, and defend you from the outrage of your Enemies; ſo will he pray night and day, which is

Your own poor Coſen, FRANCIS MAC GUIRE

HAd I finiſhed my intended ſtudiet, there is no thing in the world I had rather, then to live with you, and ſerve you untill death; and ſeeing I am not preſent with you, I beſeech you let your coun­ſell be wiſe and conſcienable men, and ſuch as be acquainted with the Cuſtomes of other Nations. I commit you to Gods protection; behave your ſelf nobly for your Religion.

Commend me to Hugh Mac-Mahoune and his children.



MY Honoured Lord, the Great God help you; I would have written often unto you ſince I received Saint Francis his habite, and eſpecially during the ſeven yeeres I lived in Rome, were it not that the Lord lately ſlain, and Hugh Roe my Brother charged me to keep no correſpon­dence with you or any other freind there, to avoid ſuſpition or dam­age to happen unto you thereby, now if that which is written unto us, and which we heare from all parts be true, (to wit,) that the thing which we long deſired, and whereof we hoped in God, and in you untill now, be come to paſſe, the time of writing and keep­ing correſpondence with you, touching ſuch matters as are beſt and moſt needfull unto you in the preſent opportunity is now at hand; wherefore I could not chooſe above all things but write theſe few lines unto you in my Mother tongue as being moſt ſafe. The holy Father and his two Nephews, Cardonall Anthony Barbarimus Protector of Ireland, and Cardinall Francis Barbarimus, who hath the power here in all ſuch matters as concerne the Pope, have heard of the war and confederation which you make for your Religion and Libertie; and truely I cannot expreſſe unto you the greatneſſe of their joy thereat, in ſo much that if they had received Letters, or if you did ſend an Agent with your will and deſignes, you ſhould want no helpe, therefore I would have you to ſend ſome able man hither weth a Declaration of the grievances in forme of Law. My Brother Owin Roe the Prieſt is in Spaine, except he be gone into Ireland by this, he hath finiſhed very well his ſtudy of Philoſophy, Theologie, and Law, and is well ſpoken in the Latin, Spaniſh, and Dutch, he is I know well, ſober, diſcret, learned, and bred accor­ding to the manner of ſeverall Nations, to treat with any Prince of what matter ſoever; further more he is as you know faithfull and na­turall6 to the other Lords your Confederats; which qualities are moſt requiſite in a man to be imployed here, or in any place elſe upon the like occaſion. I proteſt unto you before God, that I commend him not in that he is my Brother, but that I am not acquainted with any man of more ability to be imployed in that ſervice here then he, ſince Hugh Roe my Brother dyed, through the great miſery and pains he hath taken in his laſt travels. I am teaching here theſe ſix yeer of the Colledge of the Iriſh, and all that time imployed about the affairs of the late ſlain Lord. I might do you ſome ſervice, if I had received any intelligence from you; and ſome help to••m whom you intend to ſend hither; there is nothing I hd••t then come where you are, although I am ſetled here toywe contentment, do you uſe me and the reſt of my function after ſuch manner as ſhall ſeeme beſt unto you for your own ſervice: Father Arthur Mac-Geny is in Madrid, and many more who would glad­ly performe any ſervice, wherein you would be pleaſed to imploy them, Father Francis Mac Genis is in Germany, ſo likewiſe is Fa­ther Francis ô Farrall, who is very naturall towards you, and very intimate with the Emperor who now may give you good help, ſince you have eaſed him of the trouble of the Palatinate whom only he feared; there is in Germany alſo a Prieſt from the Countie of Ty­rone, Edmond Mac Gray a learned man, having of late comenced Doctor in France; there is a Divinity Profeſſor Patrick O Connor, deſcended from the O Connors in Leinster, who hath done great ſervice to the late deceaſed Lord; he is of nature loving and conſtant and bold as is his Coſin Brandon ô Connor, who I doubt not will favour you. Michael ô Gormly is in the Low-Countries, Gaurdian of Lovaine, and many other of the like ſort; See your ſelf what is beſt to be done with Owin ô Neal, who is in Flanders, and with Con mac Cormock, who is Serjeant Major in Spain but more is the pitty a man of no great policy or wiſedome. I would that all the old trained Souldiers were there, I will write to my Brother Murtaugh ô Conney, who was Enſigne to the late deceaſed Lord, and is now Captain; and to the reſt of the Nobility of Ʋlſter, that they repair to you without delay: You may write to the King of Spain amongſt other things, that he give them leave to come unto you; I doe not know well, what will the Earl of Terconell do up­on this occaſion, his Regiment is disbanded, and he himſelf is gone7 to the Court to Madrid. I fear much, That if he ſhould goe into Ireland, he would breed more then trouble good. Noble Sir, fear God above all things, in following wiſely the fortune which God offers you; let love and unanimity be among your ſelves, and ſhew great kindneſſe to the old Iriſh of Leinſter. Obliege all men unto your ſelf as neer as you can; beware of the trick of the Munſter men, who at this hour ſhew no candid dealings towards you in Rome, and will do worſe as you ſhall ſee hereafter, unleſſe you prevent it ſpeedily by your Agent; for they aſcribe unto themſelves without any ground, the praiſe and glory of all your Heroicall deeds, as you may underſtand by Enis who is now with you, be ſure to have a great heart, and make ſome head among you; but be ſure to reſerve the Crown for Conus ſide, viz. Vlſter; Remember the old ſlavery wherein you lived long, and the generall deſtruction to come upon you, except you prevail; you ſhall prevail if you joyn your forces as you ought, God ſend it; I would adviſe every chief Officer a­mong you, to have a Secretary a long with him, to take a Diurnall of every paſſage, and of the overthrows which your enemies re­ceive, which ſhall redound much to your glory; Waſte not the Country for fear of famine, I will write according as I hear from you; we would ſend unto you a Bull after the forme of the Bull, which Hugh mac Baron got, if we had received your Letters; The Church will do wiſely if they commit the election of the Prelates there to the Nobility, and give them authority in this point.

Your faithfull ſervant Bonoventura ô Conny.

About this transcription

TextThe copy of two letters sent from Rome, the one to Conny mac Guire, Lord of Iniskillin, now present in the tower, or to his brother Roury mac Guire in Ireland; the other to Phelim Roe O Neal, prisoner with the Lord Conny mac Guire. The one written by Francis mac Guire, cosin to my Lord Iniskillin: the other from Bonaventura O Conny, to Phelim Roe O Neal. Brought from Rome by Colonell Crely, who was apprehended at Dublin, and afterward executed, the 26. of Iune. Sent from Dublin within an inclosed letter by Master William Scot, to his beloved sonne William Scot now resident in London.
AuthorMaguire, Francis..
Extent Approx. 11 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A88942)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156795)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 27:E153[6])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe copy of two letters sent from Rome, the one to Conny mac Guire, Lord of Iniskillin, now present in the tower, or to his brother Roury mac Guire in Ireland; the other to Phelim Roe O Neal, prisoner with the Lord Conny mac Guire. The one written by Francis mac Guire, cosin to my Lord Iniskillin: the other from Bonaventura O Conny, to Phelim Roe O Neal. Brought from Rome by Colonell Crely, who was apprehended at Dublin, and afterward executed, the 26. of Iune. Sent from Dublin within an inclosed letter by Master William Scot, to his beloved sonne William Scot now resident in London. Maguire, Francis., O'Connor, Bonaventura.. 7, [1] p. Printed for Marmaduke Boat,London :1642. July 2.. (Letter by Scot not included.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Crely, -- Colonel, d. 1642.
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.

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