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Wherein is ſet forth, Their further Reſolution and procee­dings about Windſor Caſtle, and their ſending of a Party of Horſe and Dragoones into KENT.

As alſo, their ſeizing of the Magazine in Ox­ford, and bringing of it to the Army; together with above forty Piece of Canon.

Likewiſe, the preſent proceedings of the Army about the Golden Butter-Firkins taken at Graveſ-end, and a further diſcoverie therein.

LONDON, Printed for James Neale, June 21. 1647.


A Declaration of the Army under com­mand of his Excelleney Sir Thomas Fairfax.

Honoured Sir,

ACcording to your deſire, expreſſed in the laſt, I ſhall here give you a juſt account of the Armies procee­dings at this inſtant, (which I believe are contrary many mens expectation) they behave themſelves very gallantly, injuring no man, they preſerve much, but ſpoyleth little, their deportment is ſo fair, to the In­habitants hereabouts, that they embrace them as boſome friends, more liker then ſtrangers.


It hath been rumoured abroad, that the Army intends to advance neerer London within few dayes, and ſome talk there is of a ſurrounding; but I will wave my pen in this, becauſe it ſounds to me with a contra­ry eccho, for I never heard it from any, but only ſome few private Souldiers. The Ar­my is ſaid to bee about twenty thouſand (beſides the additionall Forces which are lately joyned with them) and indeed I can not conceive how they can amount to leſſe, but rather more; for the whole Body of the Army is drawn into 20 Regiments, 8 of horſe, and 12 of Foot, each Regiment of foot conſiſting of 1200 hundred, and each Company belonging to every Collo­nel amounts to eightſcore, a Lieutenant­colonels company ſevenſcore, a Majors company ſixeſcore, and every Captaines company one hundred, containing ſeven in number, throughout every Regiment in the Army.

The horſe are ſuppoſed to be about ſeven thouſand, and (as I ſuppoſe) as brave a Bri­gade as Europe can afford, being indued with many excellent and divine gifts, both for valour, prudence, and pious actions, injuring no man, but planting peace and unity where they diſcern the ſpringing up of diſcord and contention. They have de­clared to the countries adjoyning their candid intentions and reſolutions in this their preſent deſign, ſhewing that all their endeavours and actions are onely for the ſetling of a ſafe and well-grounded peace within this his Majeſties Realme & Dominion.

We hear that there is a party of horſe & Dragoones advanced into Kent, and that divers Regiments of horſe and foote are quartered about Reading, Windſor, and thoſe parts; ſome reports alſo of a Rande­vouz appointed by the whole Army upon Hounſlo-heath, towards the latter end of this inſtant Moneth: the Committee of the Army ſits very cloſe, having (as they ſay) ſome weighty particulars to commu­nicate to the houſe touching the eleven Members impeached.

Colonell Rainsboroughes Regiment, who by order of both houſes of Parlia­ment, were appointed for the Weſtern ſer­vice, are returned from Portsmouth, and come again to the Army, leaving all their Commanders behind them, except ſome few inferiour Officers, what their intenti­ons are, time wil make manifeſt. There are alſo divers other parties which were ap­pointed for Ireland, come back to the Ar­my; ſaying, they will not engage for that ſervice, untill this Kingdome bee ſetled in peace.

We hear of the Trayn of Artillery being drawn out of Oxford to the Generals head­quarters at St. Albanes, together with ſixe­teen Demy Culverans, ten Sakers, fifteene Drakes, fifteen ſmal Field-pieces, with great ſtore of Ammunition, all which (is ſaid) was conducted to St. Albans by a party of horſe appointed for that purpoſe; what the iſſue of this will be, I cannot as yet diſcover; but my prayers ſhall bee, that peace and unity may flouriſh, and ſtrife and diſcord abandoned, and that a happy con­currence may be had betwixt the Parlirment, City and Army, that ſo all things may be compoſed in love, without any more bloud-ſhed.

Here is much talk in the Army of the Golden Butter-firkins, that were lately ſtayed at Graveſ-end, and of the politick deſignes of thoſe famous Chermers, which are ſaid to be men of eminency: the army is very inqui­ſitive to to find out the actors, it will fall heavie upon ſome, it is to be fea­red. But time gives an allarm now to with draw, therefore for further par­ticulars, I referre you to the enſuing Liſt, only in the cloſe, humbly take my leave, and remain

Your moſt affectionate friend and Kinſman, THO. MICHEL.

A Liſt of the Army, containing the juſt number of Horſe and Foote, together with their Ordinance and Trayne of Artillery.

  • 12. Regiments of Foote con­ſiſting of about 13000.
  • 7. Regiments of Horſe and Dragoones, conſiſting of about 7000.
  • Reformadoes, conſiſting of about 200.
  • 16. Braſse Demy-Culverins. 10. Sakers.
  • 15. Drakes. 15. ſmall Field Peeces to play betwixt Files, at a pitcht Field, or otherwiſe as occaſion ſhall require.
  • 4. Morter Peeces, great ſtore of Hand-Granadoes, with plenty of Powder Shot, and other Warlike Proviſion.

About this transcription

TextThe last nevves from the armie: June the twentieth, 1647. Wherein is set forth, their further resolution and proceedings about Windsor Castle, and their sending of a party of horse and dragoones into Kent. As also, their seizing of the magazine in Oxford, and bringing of it to the army; together with above forty piece of canon. Likewise, the present proceedings of the army about the Golden Butter-firkins taken at Graves-end, and a further discoverie therein.
AuthorMichel, Thomas, fl. 1647..
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A89121)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160303)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 62:E393[14])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe last nevves from the armie: June the twentieth, 1647. Wherein is set forth, their further resolution and proceedings about Windsor Castle, and their sending of a party of horse and dragoones into Kent. As also, their seizing of the magazine in Oxford, and bringing of it to the army; together with above forty piece of canon. Likewise, the present proceedings of the army about the Golden Butter-firkins taken at Graves-end, and a further discoverie therein. Michel, Thomas, fl. 1647.. [2], 1, [5] p. Printed for James Neale,London, :June 21. 1647.. (Dated and signed at end: Wallingford, June 20. Tho: Michel.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Confiscations and contributions -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A89121
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  • STC Thomason E393_14
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  • EEBO-CITATION 99862096
  • PROQUEST 99862096
  • VID 160303

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