A SPEECH Made in the Houſe of PEERES.
By the right Honorable the Earle of Monmouth, on Thurſday the Thirteenth of Ianuary 1641.
Vpon the occaſion of the preſent deſtractions, and of his Majeſties removall from White-hall.
With the Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Buckingham, In the behalfe of Mr. Hampden, Knight for the ſaid County, and of the reſt of the ſaid members of Parliament, accuſed by his Majeſtie of Treaſon.
With his Majeſties gratious anſwer thereunto.
As alſo the Humble Petition of divers of the Knights, Gentlemen, Clergy and and other Inhabitants of the County of SOMMERSET.
With the laſt true newes from Ireland.
Printed in the yeare, 1641.
I Shall deſire to be heard ſpeake a few wordes, which I would much rather have heard ſpoken by any of your Lordſhips, that ſo they might have a happier and a more handſome expreſſion; though with a better heart, and clearer intentions they could not have beene ſpoken.
The ſad condition wee are now in (my Lords) is ſuch as is too apparent to any man, who hath but halfe an eye: the City of London is full of jealouſies & apprehenſions, wee fit not here free from feares; the King hath with-drawne himſelfe from hence, together with his Queene and children, out of a beleife, (as I conceive) that his Majeſties Perſon was not fafe here. While things continue in this poſture (ſay Lords) wee may well feare an impairing, wee can••rdly hope for the bettering of affaires ▪ God h••plac••s (my Lords) 3in the Medium betwixt the King and his people, let us play our parts (my Lords) let us doe our duties, and diſcharge our conſciences; let us really prove, what wee are by Name, Noblemen; let us endeavour to work a perfect and a true underſtanding, betweene the King and his people: let us freely unboſome out ſelves to his Majeſty; and deſire that his Majeſty will be pleaſed to doe ſo to us; and to this end, (my Lords) which is the end of my motion, if it ſhall be approved of by your Lordſhips, I do humbly move, that by way of conference, or any other way, wee may deſire the Houſe of Commons to joyne with us; firſt in an humble petition to his Majeſty, that he would be graciouſly pleaſed to returne to his good City of London, as the ſafeſt place we conceive for his ſacred Perſon in theſe diſtemperd times; and then that they will likewiſe joyne with us in a Profeſſion or Proteſtation, that we will doe what in us lies to free his Majeſty from his feares; to take from the Citizens of London, and his Majeſties other ſubjects their jealouſies and apprehenſions; and that we will live and dye his Maieſties faithfull adviſors, counſellors and Loyall Subiects.
THat your petioners having by vertue of your highnes writ choſen Iohn Hampden Eſquire Knight for our Shire in whoſe loyalty and wiſedome, we his Countreymen, and Neighbours have ever had good cauſe to coufide: how ever of late, to our no leſſe amazement then greife, wee finde him with other members of Parliament accuſed of Treaſon, and having taken to our ſerious conſideration, the manner of their impeachments we cannot but (under your Maieſties favour) conceive, that it doth ſo oppugne the rights of Parliaments, to the miaintenance whereof our Proteſtation bind us: That we beleive it is the malice (which their zeale to your Maieſties ſervice, and the State, hath contracted) in the enewies to your Maieſty, the Church, and common wealth hath occaſioned this fowle accuſation rather then any defert of theirs; who doe likewiſe through their ſides wound the iudgement and care of us your Petitioners, and others by whoſe choice they were preſented to the Houſe.
Your petitioners moſt humbly pray that Maſter Hampden, and the reſt that lye under the burden of that accuſation may enjoy the Iuſt priviledges of Parliament.
And your Petitioners will ever pray &c.
HIs Maieſty being graciouſly pleaſed to let all his Subiects underſtand his care not (knowingly) to violate in the leaſt degree, any of the Priviledges of Parliament, hath therefore lately by a Meſſage ſent by the Lord Keeper ſignified; That he is pleaſed (becauſe of the doubt that hath beene raiſed of the manner) to waive his former proceedings againſt the ſaid Maſter Hampden and the reſt mentioned in this Petition, concerning whom his Maieſty intends to proceed in an unqueſtionable way. And then his Maieſty ſaith it will appeare that hee had ſo ſufficient grounds to queſtion them, as hee might not in Iuſtice to the Kingdome, and honour to himſelfe have forborne; and yet his Maieſty had much rather that the ſaid perſons ſhould prove innocent, then be found guilty, how ever, hee cannot conceive that their crimes can in any ſort reflect upon thoſe his good Subiects, who elected them to ſerve in Parliament.
THat having with great ioy of mind often heard of the pious inclination of this Honourable Aſſembly unto the Reformation of Church Government, and having of late (not without ſome regret) ſeene a Petition in the name of the Knights,6 Gentlemen and others of this County, tending moſt to the Confirmation of Epiſcopall power: We have thought it our duty likewiſe to rouſe up our affection unto Gods cauſe, and in all humility to lay theſe expreſſions thereof at the feet of this great Councell, as being (under God) the chiefe Arbitrator betweene our ioy and ſorrow.
FOr the preſent Church Government, of what right it is wee may not diſpute, preſuming it to be ſubiect to the power of this Honourable aſſembly; Neither doth it much import how ancient it is, or how neere the Apoſtles dayes, ſeeing we know that in the dayes of the Apoſtles themſelves, the myſtery of iniquity began to worke, and that by the efficatious operation of the ſame, the man of ſinne hath advanced himſelfe from the Epiſcopall chaire to the top of Antichriſtian Tyranny. But that this Government is the wifeſt and moſt pious that any people hath been bleſt withall ſince the Apoſtles days (what ever others may beleeve) we preſume is no part of the Creed of this great councell; whoſe godly zeale in purging the corruptions, and puniſhing the enemie of the true Church, being already in part made manifeſt, doth give us rather a inſt cauſe to hope that God hath yet ſome further bleſſing of Reformation for us, to be wrought by the ſame hands, In proſecution whereof, if it ſhall enter into your hearts at this time to give a deadly wound unto that power, againſt which you have received ſo many complaints, we are ſure you ſhall not walke in an unknowne path, but ſuch as hath beene troden before you by almoſt all the Churches of God which have exchanged the ſuperſtition and bondage of Rome, for the glorious light and liberty of the Goſpell. Neither7 may it be conceived as the leaſt degree of indignity offered to the bleſſed memory of thoſe ancient or later Biſhops who have ſo well deſerved of the Church of God both in life and death, if that Government which they have adorned by their ſingular piety and vertues being through the corruption and wickedneſſe of thoſe which have ſucceeded them made intolerable, ſhall by your iuſt authority be aboliſhed. Or if the number and merit of learned and godly Biſhops famous in their generations be preſumed to be a reaſonable inducement for the continuation of that Government, we leave it to conſideration of this wiſe Councell, whether the great and far ſurpaſſing multitude of ambitious; ungodly, and infamous Prelates, in moſt Countries and Ages by-paſt, be not a more effectuall motive for the extirpation of the ſame. Hereunto if we adde the preſent experience even in theſe our dayes of their many inſolencies and ontrages againſt the truth and power of Godlineſſe, ſuppreſſing and corrupting Gods Ordinances, Vnhollowing his day, perſecuting his Miniſters; Their late miſchevous attempt to impoſe on us and our poſterity an in ſupportable Yoake of ſervitude and that which deſerveth the higheſt pitch of Zeale and all the bowels of this Honourable Senate, the notorious multitude of profane and ſcandalous Miniſters the moſt active and malitious enemies unto Reformation, and the authoritie from which it is deſired. Wee truſt that all this to gether, with much more well knowne to this Honorable Aſſembly, will be ſufficient to juſtify the feares wee have conceiued of ſo dangerous a power.
WHERE FORE being perſwaded in our mindes, that it will be a worke acceptable unto God, of great advantage and comfort to the Churches of Chriſt, and no leſſe conducing to the ſaftie, peace and ſtrength of8 all His Majeſtis eKingdomes? wee moſt humbly implore the Authority and zeale of this honuradle Aſſembly to proceed unto the full accompliſhment of the ſame; And having laid the Axe to the root of this Tree, to do unto it as to a plant which the Heauenly Father hath not planted, that neither the ſpreading boughes of the ſame may over-ſhadow the Vineyeard of the Lord, nor the bitter fruit thereof make ſad the heart of the people of God any more for ever.
THESE are the deſires of your most humble Petitioners, and wee are perſwaded, would have beene the expresſions of Multitudes more of true-hearted Chriſtians and Subiects, had there not beene ſome indirect practices uſed in ſoliciting the former Petion; whereby many wonne to ſubſcribe thereunto, who have ſit hence declared themſelves in the point of Epiſcopacie, to have beene at the doing thereof otherwiſe affected. Howbeit unto us it is ſufficient, that relying wholly on the good Providence of God, the pietie and wiſedome of this Honourable aſſembly, and the ſincerity of our owne intentions, wee cannot want the comforts of a good hope, while we have the liberty to powre out our ſoules unto Almighty God to continne and encreaſed his favours and gracious aſpect towards this honourable & religious aſſembly.
SIr Simon Harcot and the Governer of Dublin Caſtle have diſarmed all Papiſts in Dublin, and have overthrowne the Rebells and killed many, ſo that no Rebell is to be ſeene within 7. miles of Dublin. The 9. of this moneth the Proteſtant Soldiers beate down the Maſſe houſe in Dublin, & threatned to hang the Maſſe Prieſt, & broke down all the Images & ſpoyled their Trinkets. Tredath was ready to be relieved by ſea. That day we came away we ſaw the Iriſh make fires to raiſe more helpe, ſo their hopes will be fruſtrate. Corne is reaſonable at Dublin, conſidering our occaſions; the Ieſuites and roring Iriſh captaines would willingly be gone with the Proteſtants mony & goods, but we hope they ſhall leave their heads firſt, if wee can but be ſupplyed gaine from England.
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