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Chriſtian Reader:

Having fore-written about the extent of the death, and ſacrifice of Chriſt; That it might be more uſefully underſtood, I have here preſented to thy view, this fol­lowing Tract, deſiring, that is good, may be received; And, what ſwarveth from Truth, that I may be lovingly informed thereof, which I ſpall heartily accept at the hands of any; or, if evident truth be faulted, ſhall with meekneſſe give anſwer if I may be permitted; And that God may graciouſly diſcover to us, and leade us into all truth; Is the deſire of the leaſt of his mercies, and ſervants.

Tho: Moore.


CHAP. I. The Preface.

COnſidering how our Saviour, when he was about to leave his Diſciples, whom he ſo dearly loved; left with them by his inſtitution, His Supper, in which they might ſpiritually enjoy his preſence; And then ſaid to them: Do this in remem­brance of mee, Luk. 22.19. And that the Apoſtle ſaith, That in ſo doing we ſhew forth the Lords death till he come, 1 Cor. 11.25.26.

And likewiſe; That the Apoſtle affirmeth, that as many as are baptized into Chriſt, were baptized into his death, Rom. 6.3. ſo that to be taught, and ſubdued to the acknowledge­ment, and brought into the faith of Chriſt, and unto confor­mity with him; Is to be taught, and ſubdued to the acknow­ledgement, and brought into the faith of the death of Chriſt,2 and conformed to him in fellowſhip of his death, as that wherein the vertue of his Reſurrection is met with, Rom. 6.4.8. Gal. 2.20. Phil. 2 Cor. 2 Tim. 2.11.

And the Scripture affirmeth of all the Prieſthood, Sacrifices, Atonement, and Purifications under the Law; That they were but figures, types, and ſhadowes of that to be found in Chriſt; He being the body, Col. 2.17. And the truth of all typed in the ſhadowes found in him, Heb. 9.9.23. Chap. 10.1. And ſo that, there was more vertue, Power, and Prevalen­cy with God in Chriſt, his offering himſelfe, and preſenting the vertue of his blood before his Father, than in all the offerings of the other Prieſts, Heb. Chap. 10.14. And that there is more Power, vertue, and prevalency, with, and in men for purge­ing the conſcience, in the ſpirituall ſprinkling of the vertue of the blood, and ſacrifice of Chriſt therein; than was in all thoſe ſhadowing purifications, and ſprinklings to purifie the fleſh, Heb

Yea thoſe who in being taught of God, have experimented the truth hereof, call the blood of Chriſt pretious, 1 Pet. 1.19. And have profeſſed in their Preachings, not to determine to know any thing among their hearers, ſave Jeſus Chriſt, and him crucified, 1 Cor. 2.2. And not to glory, and rejoyce, ſave in the Croſſe of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, Gal. 6.14. It gives me to conceive, that a ſober reader will be perſwaded; that there is ſomthing in the blood, death, and ſacrifice of Chriſt, of infinite vallue, and worthy our hartieſt, and deepeſt conſi­deration, moſt wiſte view, beſt remembrance, and choyſe ac­ceptation: and ſo I am encouraged to preſent the ſame to conſideration, and for more orderly proceeding to conſider.

  • 1. What is comprehended in theſe termes, the ſufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt?
  • 2. The manifold ends of his ſuffering, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice, as the Scripture diſtinctly ſets them forth.
  • 3. The neceſſity of the ſufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacri­fice of Chriſt.
  • 4. The Excellency, Dignity, and worth of this blood, and ſacrifice.
  • 3
  • 5. The vertue, operation, and prevalency thereof, preſented, and applyed.
  • 6. The uſefulneſſe of the ſame, knowne, and believingly remembred.


What is comprehended in theſe tearmes? The Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt.

IN theſe together, and every of theſe tearmes, in Scripture is ment;

Somtime fully, and almoſt onely, and alwayes incluſively. The very ſuffering of Chriſt it ſelfe; The ſhedding of his blood, and his death, Eſa. 53.4.5. Surely he hath borne our griefes, and carryed our ſorrowes, He was wounded for our tranſ­greſſions, the chaſtiſement of our peace was upon him, Rom. 4.25. He was delivered for our offences, 1 Cor. 15.3. Chriſt dyed for our ſins according to the Scripture, Gal. 3.13. Being made a curſe for us, 1 Pet. 3.18. Chriſt hath once ſuffered for our ſins, the juſt for the unjuſt, 2 Cor. 5.14.15. He dyed for All, Heb. 2.9. By the grace of God he taſted death for every man.

2. Somtimes together with this former ſence of the ſuffer­ings, the Blood-ſhed, and Death of Chriſt it ſelfe; is ment, Alſo in the ſame tearmes of ſuffering, Blood, and Death of Chriſt, the vertue, and efficacy of this ſuffering, Blood-ſhed, and death of Chriſt as he is riſen from the Dead, free, and juſt from all our ſins imputed to him, and a victor over all our curſe, and death impoſed on him; As namely:

  • 1. The fulfilling the truth of God in the death of the ſin­ner; for ſo we judge, if one dyed for all; then are all dead, and he dyed for all, that they which live, ſhould live to him, &c. 2 Cor. 5.14.15. Gen. 2.17.
  • 2. The ſatisfying Divine Juſtice, in that all have ſuffered the curſe in one publike man being made a curſe, and having4 overcome it for them, Gal. 3. 10-13. with Eſa. 53.5. and 2 Cor. 5.19.21.
  • 3. The ſatisfying, and fulfilling the Law, accompliſhing a righteouſneſſe for us, that Way may be made for the righte­ouſneſſe of the law to be fulfilled in us, Gal. 1.4. Rom. 8.3.4.
  • 4. The overcoming death, and him that had the power of death, And ſo takeing out of the way, that which was in the way between God, and us; contrary to us, 2 Tim. 1.10. Heb. 2.14. Col. 2.14.

So as in him, mercy and truth are met, righteouſneſſe and peace have kiſſed, Pſal. 85.10. ſuch the vertue of the ſufferings, blood, and death of Jeſus Chriſt, being riſen from the dead.

And thus he is ſaid to be riſen for our Juſtification, Rom. 4.25. And ſo is he juſtified in the roome of all mankind, that they are all in him as in the publike perſon, juſtified, Rom. 3.23.24. All have ſinned, and come ſhort of the glory of God; Being juſtified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Chriſt Jeſus, Rom. 5.18. As by the offence of one unto all men, to Codemnation, even ſo by the righteouſneſſe of one to all men to juſtification of life; And he by himſelfe, purged, (or made purgation for) our ſinns, and then ſate downe, &c. Heb. 1.3. And ſo hath taken away our ſins by the ſacrifice of himſelfe, Heb. 9.26. Iohn 1.29. 1 Iohn 3.5. And through death deſtroyed him that had the power of death, Heb. 2.14. And all this, the vertue and efficacy of the death, and reſur­rection of him that is riſen from the dead, 1 Cor. 15. tot

3. Somtimes; together with both the former ſences; by the ſuffering, blood, death, and ſacrifice of Chriſt, is ment, His offering, and preſenting himſelfe in heaven before his Fa­ther, by and with the vertue of this his ſuffering, blood, and death, as the price, the Ranſome, the propitiatory-ſacrifice for atonement and purchaſe to God for men: So Heb 8.3. It is of neceſſity that he have ſomwhat alſo to offer, Heb. 9 26. now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to take away ſin by the ſacrifice of himſelfe, verſ. 12. By his own blood he entred in once into the holy place, verſe 14. who through the eternall Spirit offered himſelfe without ſpot to God: ſee Heb. 10.1. 12. Tit. 2.14. Who gave himſelfe for us,5 that he might redeem us, 1 Tim. 2.6. who gave himſelfe a ranſome for all.

4. Somtime, together with all theſe former ſences; by the ſuf­fering, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt, is ment; The pre­valency, and effectuallneſſe thereof, as preſented to God with God for mankind, ſo as he hath made peace, ſlaine enmity, obtained e­ternall Redemption, and received fulneſſe of ſpirit to make it knowne, and diſpenſe it, Epheſ. 2.15. Having aboliſhed in his fleſh the enmity, ſo making peace; verſe 16. Having ſlaine the en­mity, Heb. 9.12. having obtained eternall redemption, and Pſal. 68.18. Received gifts in the man, (and for men, Epheſ. 4.8. ) even the rebellious alſo, that the Lord God might dwell amongſt them.

And this prevalency, and effectualneſſe of his pretious Blood, and Sacrifice offered to his Father for men; appeares in many things; eſpecially.

1. In that the Father hath accepted of him, and his Sacrifice, for the ends, for which he offered the ſame to him, and hath re­ceived, and exalted him with, and at his right hand, Mat. 17.5. My beloved Sonne in whom I am well pleaſed, Iohn 16.8.10. The Spirit ſhall convince the world of righteouſneſſe, becauſe I go to my Father, and ye ſee me no more; That is, He is received, and his Sa­crifice accepted, and ſo ſent forth no more to ſuffer, and offer Sacrifice for ſinns, as he ſhould have been, if he had not ſatisfied for all (Heb. 9.7.8.) And wrought a perfect righteouſneſſe, and ſo it is ſaid, Heb. 1.3. After he had by himſelfe purged; (or made purgation of) our ſins, he ſat downe on the right hand of the Majeſty on high Heb. 10.12. After he had offered one ſacrifice for ſinns for ever, he ſat downe on the right hand of God; yea the Lord in Teſtimony of his well-pleaſedneſſe with him, hath ſaid to him, Pſal. 110.1. Sit thou on my right hand till I, &c. Heb. 1.13.

2. In that the Father hath releaſed, and given over all to his Sonne, and given all power, and authority into his hands, and made him Lord of all, ſo as he ſhall judge all men; And he hath filled him with Immeaſurable fulneſſe of the Holy-Ghoſt in the humane nature; to diſpenſe to men, to make known his grace, and that he may according to the Goſpel abſolve all that believe, and condemn all that will not believe, Pſal. 2.8. I ſhall give thee, the Heathen for thine Inheritance, and the utmoſt parts of the earth for5 thy poſſeſſion, Mat. 11.27. All things are delivered to me of my Father, Iohn 16.15. All things that the Father hath are mine, Mat. 28.18. All power is given to me in Heaven, and in Earth, 1 Pet. 3.22. Angels, Authorities, and powers being made ſubject to him, Act. 2.36. God hath made Jeſus both Lord and Chriſt, Act. 10.36. He〈◊〉Lord of all, and this by vertue of his death, reſurrecti­on, and aſcention, Rom. 14.8.9. And he is the Judge, Iohn. 5.27. Act. 17.31. And is filled with ſpirit to ſend forth in the meanes, Act. 2.32.33. Epheſ. 4. 7.-12. That ſo he may abſolve and judge according to the Goſpel, Rom. 2.16. Iohn 12.48.

3. In that the Holy-Ghoſt in the Scripture avoucheth ſuch full ſufficiency, compleatneſſe and vertue in this pretious Blood, Ran­ſome, and ſacrifice, as it is by Chriſt, in preſenting, and offering himſelfe, preſented, and offered to the Father, and by him accept­ed, and received, that Jeſus Chriſt is hereby become, appointed, and accepted of God, even Gods ſalvation to the ends of the earth,Eſa. 49. Ioh. 4.42. Act. 13.47. The Saviour of the world, 1 Iohn 4.14. The Mediatour between God and men, 1 Tim. 2.5. The great High-Prieſt, Prophet, and Advocate for his Church, Heb. 3. 1.-6. and 7. 1 Iohn 2.2.

4. In the appearing and forth-coming of love, and grace through the effectualneſſe, and fruitfulneſſe of his pretious Blood, Ranſome, and Sacrifice, as it hath been, and is preſented to God; from whom it procureth ſuch Kindneſſe, and grace to be extended to manward, that hereby, even by Chriſt, and for his ſake, and through the vertue of his Sacrifice;

1 The earth with the Inhabitants are upheld for men, and mens lives reprived, and ſpace afforded, even to Rebels, that they might repent, Pſalm. 75.3. The Earth and all the Inhabi­tants thereof are diſſolved, I bear up the pillars of is. Heb. 1.3. upholding all things by the Word of his Power, when he had by himſelf purged our ſins, &c. Col. 1.17. By him all things conſist. Joh. 1.4. In him was life, and the life was the light of men, Rev. 2.21. I gave her ſpace to repent, 2 Pet. 3.9. He is long-ſuffering to us­ward, not willing that any ſhould periſh, but that All ſhould come to repentance.

2. Patience, and forbearance is extended to men that are yet found ſinning: and bounty, and many mercies vouchſa­fed,6 which carry forth in them the teſtimony of his goodneſſe, and that to this end, To lead men to repentance, Act. 14.16, 17. He in times paſt ſuffered All Nations to walke in their owne wayes: Nevertheleſſe, he left not himſelf without witneſſe, in that he did good, and gave us rain from Heaven, and fruitfull Seaſons, filling our hearts with food, and gladneſſe, Rom. 2.4. The goodneſſe of God leadeth thee to repentance: And this riches of the goodneſſe of God, and forbearance, long-ſuffering, and fruits of mercy, being extended through the ſacrifice offered, and redemption obtained by Chriſt, and carrying in it the te­ſtimony of his goodneſſe, and leading to repentance, and that to this end, that men might ſeek after the Lord, Act. 17, 26. It is grace, and free grace, and univerſally extended, and that to a gratious end: And as the giving of Chriſt to be the Saviour of the world, 1 Joh. 4.14. was a fruit of Gods rich mercy, pitty, and love to man-kind, John 3.16, 17. So this is a fruit of the preva­lency of the ſacrifice of Chriſt with God, And his kindneſſe to manward for Christ his ſake, Tin. 3.4 And ſo far as it is to all men, it is generall, and univerſall ſure; Matth. 5.44, 45. Pſalm. 17.14.

3 The giving of his Word, and oracles, with his ordinances to many men; wherein the Saviour with his peace, righteouſ­neſſe, and ſalvation is ſet forth, That men might through him be­lieve, and in believing have life. Joh. 1.4, 5, 7. And ſo it is he that hath made peace, That comes in the Word preaching peace, Epheſ. 2.17. This was peculiar to Iſrael from Abrahams time, till Chriſt his Aſcenſion, Pſalm. 147.19, 20. And ſince extended to the Gentiles, Epheſ. 3.5, 6.

4 The affording ſome light, and motion of his Spirit, in, and according to the meanes vouch ſafed, whether in the Book of Creatures onely, or the Book of Scriptures alſo: For calling All men, Prov. 8.4 5. Iſa 45.22. And willing them, and ſtriving with them at one time or other, 1 Pet. 2.12. Gen. 6.3. And ſo Chriſt is the true Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, John 1.9. And ſo in the workes of Creation, It is ſaid, Rom. 1.19. That which may be known of God is manifeſt in them, for God hath ſhewed it to them; And of the preaching of the Go­ſpel it is ſaid, 2 Cor. 2.14. God maketh manifeſt the ſavour of8 his knowledge, &c. And ſuch as reſiſt the light, and motion in either of theſe meanes, reſiſt the holy Spirit, Prov. 1.23, 24. Act. 7.51.

The liberty of giving life to all that believe on him, 17. Iohn 2. And all theſe come through the efficacy and prevalencie of the Blood, and Sacrifice of Chriſt preſented unto God, and ac­cepted of him; In which reſpect, The Goſpel, where it comes, ſets him forth, as indeed he is; The propitiation for our ſins, and the Sinnes of the whole world, Rom. 3.25 1 Iohn 2.2. The upholder of the world made by him, Heb. 1 2, 3. The laver of regeneration, or new birth, Iohn 3.5.15. Tit. 3.4, 5. I he Fountain of leanſing, and purificatioons for defilements, 1 Iob 1.7 Zach. 13.1. The Fountain of life, Pſal. 36.9. He in whom God hath given us eternall life, ſo as he that hath him, hath life, 1 Iohn 5.10, 10, 11, 12. and as page 5. under this figure 3.

5 Sometimes together with all theſe four former ſences, by the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt ſo pre­ſented to, and prevailing with God, is alſo farther meant the ſpirituall Diſcovery and Application of it to, and prevailing efficacy in the hearts and conſciences of ſuch, as through the appearance of grace are brought to believe, Heb. 12.24 To the bloud of ſprinkling, 1 Pet. 1.2. Unto obedience, and ſprinkling of the bloud of Jeſus Chriſt, verſ. 19. The pretious blood of Chriſt, which indeed prevaileth with, and and in thoſe who in ſpirituall Diſcoveries are ſprinkled, and waſhed therewith, in, and with whom it is ſo powerful, and effectuall, That it verily pierceth and melteth the heart for all its ſinfulneſſe, and follies againſt him, and all its hard thoughts, and oppoſitions wherewith it hath pierced him, Zach. 12.10, Acts 2.37. Reconcileth the heart, and powers in their inclination to God, 2 Cor. 5.18, 20. Giveth an eſcape from the intangling pollutions that are in the world, and holding from God through luſts, 2 Peter 1.4. and 2.20, Rev. 5.9. Speaketh peace to the Conſcience, ſo as the Believer re­ceiveth juſtification, and peace with God thereby, Heb. 12.24. Rom. 4 25. and 5.1.2. Purgeth the Conſcience, Heb. 9.13.14. from the accuſations of ſinne, and charges of the Law, putting in feare, Rom. 7.4.6. and 8.2.3, 34. from its former9 corrupt way of dictating to ſeek peace, and righteouſneſſe with God, by frames, and performances of its own accor­ding to Law. "And alſo from ſpeaking peace from ſuch at­tainments, Gal. 2.21. Phil. 3 3 7, 8, 9. Iob. 9.15.32.

Purifieth the heart to a child-like love of God, and Chriſt, and his Government, Heb. 9.14. Gal. 2.20, 21. And ſo renew­eth it with ſpring: of ove ce brethren, 1 Pet. 1.19, 21, 22. And omen, 2 Cor. 5.14. And inclinations to ſerve the living God Tit 3 4.5. Conforming to Chriſt, 2 Cor. 3.3, 18.

Waſheth, and cleanſeth from ſuch pollutions, as befall Be­lievers, 1 John 2.7.

Sealeth to the Day of redemption, Exod. 12.13, with Epheſ. 1.13. and 4 30.

And giveth boldneſſe and courage in acceſſe to God, Rom: 5.2. Epheſ. 2.16 18 Heb. 4 16.

All which are the efficacies of the pretious bloud of Chriſt, ſpiritually applied to, and ſprinkled on the heart; And meant when the Bloud is ſpoken of, as Believers are ſaid to be ſprink­led (redeemed from the world, or vain converſation) and wa­ſhed with it, Heb. 12.24. 1 Pec. 1.19. Acts 20.28. Rev. 5.9. and 1.5.

6 Sometimes, by theſe tearms, the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt, is ſignified, encluded, and meant; The immenſe, rich, and free mercy, love, or grace of God, in finding out a ranſome, and giving his Son, That he might ſhew forth love, Job. 33.24. John 3.15, 16, 17. Epheſ. 2 4 5, 6, 7. And ſo this love made known in the gift of his Sonne, and teſtified in the application of the vertue of his blood, Rev. 1.5. and 5, 9. In forgiveneſſe of ſinnes, Epheſ. 1.6.7. And there-through ſhedding abroad his love in the heart by the holy Ghoſt, begetting love and confidence Rom: 5 5, 10. Vniting to, comforting in, and conforming to Chriſt, writing his mind in the heart 1 Pet. 8.21, 22. 2 Cor. 3.3.18. And herein is love, That he loved us, and ſent his Son to be the propitiation for our ſins, 1 John 4.10. and 3 16 And herein is love communicated, That he hath waſhed us from our ſins in his blood, Rev. 1.5.

And ſo when we ſpeak, or in the Scripture read, of the Suf­ferings, Bloud, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt, and the love of10 God to manward, and the hope, and benefit ſet forth to all men thereby; wee are to underſtand it as of the bloud of Chriſt: 1 That ſhed it, and dyed for our ſins, 2 That overcame Death, and roſe for our Juſtification. 3 That by, and with the vertue of this bloud, did through the eternall Spirit effer up himſelf without ſpot to God, and hath thereby obtained eternall re­demption; And 4 that thereby procureth favour, and meanes for the Sons of men, That they might believe, and in belie­ving be ſaved: And when the Scripture ſpeaketh of ſo much, and no more in any Propoſition for Faith, it ſpeaketh of it, as for the world, John 1.29. Mer, 1 Tim: 2.6. Sinners, 1 Tim. 1.15. And ſuch like generall tearms it uſeth, 2 Cor. 5.19. But when we ſpeake, or in the Scripture reade of the Sufferings, Bloud, Death, and ſacrifice of Chriſt, as the vertue and efficacy thereof is found in any, And the peculiar love, and choice pri­viledges thereof affirmed of; Then wee are to underſtand it farther. 5 Of the vertue of that pretious Bloud applyed to, and working in the heart; And 6 of the rich and free love of God teſtified to, and ſhed abroad in the heart thereby; And then, and ſo we are to underſtand it, not only in the foure former ſences, but both in them, and theſe two latter alſo; And ſo it is never ſpoke of in generall for all men, but for the Church, Act, 20.28. Epheſ. 5.25.26, 27, Believers, 1 John 1.7. His called, and choſen ones, Heb. 9.14 Revel. 1.5. and 5.9.

And ſo the ſame vertue, and grace of Chriſt by Spirit given and made effectuall.

1In reſpect of Chriſt his dying for our ſinnes, and in re­ſpect of his entring into Heaven by his own bloud, And in re­ſpect of his Application of it to the conſcience And in reſpect of the firſt effects of it ſpeaking Peace,and anſwering Law­charges; it is expreſſed by Bloud, or Death, Rom. 8 34.

2 And in reſpect of the free, and rich love of God appear­ing there-through, and entring the heart; with its cleanſing, re­freſhing, and renewing operations; It is expreſſed by water, clean water, living water, or water of life, Iſa: 43.3. Epheſ. 3.23. Heb. 10.23. Iohn 4 10. and 7.38.

And ſo the ſame waſhing is affirmed, as a fruit of his love, by his Bloud, Rev. 1.5. with clean water, Ezek. 36.25. and Chriſt is211 called, The Fountain of living Waters, Jer. 17.13.

And as theſe tearms of Bloud and Water, are uſed to ſet forth the ſame grace diſtinctly, in divers and diſtinct reſpects; ſo one of theſe tearmes, ſometimes comprehends both; As Bloud, in Rev. 1.5. and Waters, in John 3.5. Tit. 3.4, 5.

And ſo as Jeſus Chriſt in reſpect of his ſacrifice with the effi­cacy of it, as offered to God; And by the efficacy of it, as apply­ed to men, was ſhadowed, figured, and typed out by Water, and Bloud, Heb. 9.8, 12, 13, 14, 19. Even ſo his firſt coming, and fi­niſhing the work, his Father gave him to do on Earth:

  • 1 Becauſe of the great, rich, and free love of God, in which he ſent his Son into the World; John 3.16. To be the Saviour of the world, 1 John 14.14. By which he taſted death for every man, Heb. 2 9. And in love laid down his life for us; He is ſaid to have come by water.
  • 2 Becauſe of the ſatisfaction he made for us by ſuffering, and dying for our ſins, 1 Cor: 15.3.4. 2 Cor: 5.21. Gal: 3.13. He is ſaid, to have come by Bloud.
  • 3 Becauſe, by the eternall Spirit he roſe from the dead, aſ­cended, and offered himſelf without ſpot to God, and ſo was ju­ſtified in the Spirit, Ro: 6.4. 1 Pet: 3.18. Ro: 1.4. 1 Tim: 13.16. And by that Spirit teſtifieth of himſelf, Iohn 14.26. and 15.26, 27. It is ſaid, The Spirit beareth witneſſe, 1 Iohn 5.6. This is he that came by water and bloud; not by water only, but by water and bloud, and it is the Spirit that beareth witneſſe, becauſe the Spirit is Truth.

And ſo as there is one God, and three Perſons in one God: The Father who hath loved us, and given his Son for us, 1 Iohn 4.10.

The Son who was made fleſh, and ſo dyed for our ſins, and roſe for our justification, Iohn 1.14 Rom: 5.25.

The Holy Ghoſt, who proceedeth from, and maketh known the Fa­ther and the Son, Matth. 16.16. Ioh. 14.26. and 16.13. So it is ſaid, 1 Iohn 5.7. There are three that bear record in Heaven; the Fa­ther, the Word, and the Holy Ghoſt; And theſe three are one, and ſo the Record is the record of one God. 1 Iohn 5.10.

And anſwerably, there are three that bear record on Earth to men, and in the hearts of Believers.

The Spirit that diſcovers in, and through the Goſpell this12 grace, and enlightens the heart to ſee, and believe, and ſo begets a ſpirituall diſpoſition, bringing out of darkneſſe into his light, Matth. 16.16. Iohn 16. 7-15. 1 Cor. 2.9. 15.

The Water, even that rich, free, and immenſe love of God in the Spirits exaltation of Chriſts appearing, Iſa 55.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The Bloud, even the propitiation made, ſatisfaction given, re­demption obtained, righteouſneſſe wrought, and preſented to God, and accepted of him, and now applyed for ſatisfaction to the Believer, Rom: 3.25, 26. and and 5.1. 11. And all theſe agreeing in one; And ſo it is ſaid, 1 Iohn 5.8. There are three that bear witneſſe in Earth; The Spirit, and the Water, and the Bloud, and theſe three agree in one: All theſe witneſſes agree in one, and bear forth one record, and the Spirit is he that beareth forth the witneſſe, and he doth it with Water & Bloud, in diſcovery and application of the free grace of God, and the vertue of the precious bloud of Chriſt, Tit. 3.4, 5. And ſo the whole record is the record of God, 1 Iohn 5.10, 11, 12. And this is the record that God hath given of his Sonne, Tha God hath given us eternall life, and this life is in his Son; He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son, hath not life: And ſo by this whole Diſcourſe, wee may underſtand: That

1 When the Scripture ſpeakes of grace, or free-love; though for the clearneſſe, purity, refreſhing, and cleanſing effects, it ex­preſſes it by that metaphor of water; yet it means of that grace, & love, in which Chriſt was given to be a ranſome, and which is teſtified through Chriſt; who by his bloud ſhedding, and with the vertue thereof preſenting, and offering himſelf a ſpotleſſe ſacrifice to his Father, hath obtained eternall redemption, and procured favour to be diſpenſed, and the way of diſpenſation, 1 Iohn 4.10. Rom: 5.5, 6.

2 And when the Scripture ſpeakes of the Bloud, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt, or the redemption effected thereby: It means the Bloud of Chriſt, which through love or grace was ſhed, and preſented to God for us, and is diſcovered to us; and ſo the re­demption through grace wrought, and in, and through which, grace, or free-love appeareth, Rom: 5. 8.-11. Gal: 2.20.


3 And ſo when the Scripture ſpeaketh of the teaching, wit­neſſing, and operation of the holy Ghoſt; It meaneth, that teach­ing, witneſſing, & operation of the Spirit of Chriſt, which by ver­tue of his Sacrifice, Chriſt ſendeth forth from the Father, and in which he diſcovereth, and witneſſeth the things of Chriſt; and ſo with water and bloud diſcovering free-grace, through the vertue of that pretious Bloud, Iohn 15.26. and 16.7. 15.

And theſe things are well to be heeded, and digeſted in our hearts, as they are comprehended, and meant; alwayes the moſt of them, and often all of them, in uſing theſe tearms and ex­preſſions: The Sufferings, Bloud, Death, Ranſome, and Sacrifice of Chriſt Jeſus.


The manifold ends of the Sufferings, Bloud, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt, as the Scripture diſtinctly ſets them forth.

FOr the right underſtanding the diſtinct ends of the Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt, according to Scripture ſence, and ex­preſſion: There are ſome things the Scripture mentions to be fore-underſtood, and heeded of us.

  • 1 Of Jeſus Chriſt, according to his double miſſion from the Father into the world; and alſo, according to his double buſi­neſſe in leaving the World, and offering himſelfe to the Fa­ther.
  • 2 Of Mankind: In reſpect of the double miſery, and enmity a­gainſt God, they are through the firſt Adem fallen into.
  • 3 Of the Church: In reſpect of the double need they ſtand in, of the contiouall helpfulneſſe of Chriſt Jeſus.

In the underſtanding, and diſtinct conſideration of all theſe, the divers and diſtinct ends of the Death, and Sacrifice of Jeſus Chriſt will appear clearly.

1 Concerning Jeſus Chriſt, his coming into the world, and leaving the world.

Firſt, in reſpect of his miſſion from the Father into the world, it was two-fold:


1 He came, and was ſent into the world to be the Saviour of the world, 1 Iohn 4.14. To ſave finners, 1 Tim: 1.15. That is, In the nature of man, ſubjected to humane infirmities, Heb. 10.5. To be made under the Law, to redeeme ſuch as were under the Law, Gal. 4.4. And ſo to bear their ſins, Pſaſm: 40.12. And ſuffer their Curſe, Gal: 3.13. And dye the death of, and for All, 2 Cor: 5.14. Heb: 2.9. And ſo dying for their ſins, to riſe for their justifiea­tion, Rom: 5.25. And ſo he ſaid, Iohn 10.14. I have power to lay down my life, and I have power to take it again: This Commande­ment have I received of my Father: And ſo he dyed, and roſe to the ends fore-ſhown, page 2 and 3. And in reſpect of this miſ­ſion, his death and ſacrifice was to take away, and be the propi­ation for, the ſins of the whole world, Heb. 9.26. Iohn 1.29. 1 Iohn 2.2.

He came, and was ſent into the world to bear witneſſe to the truth, Iohn 18 37. And ſo to be a Preacher of the Goſpell, in the Declara­tion of this great Grace, and Salvation, Heb: 1.2. and 2.3. And by his good workes and miracles to winne men to the beliefe and receipt thereof, Iohn 5.36. and 14.11. And to give the promiſes of the New Teſtament, and of eternall life, to thoſe that were prevailed with, to believe on him, Iohn 17.6, 7, 8. and 14.26. and 16.7. And of his miſſion to this Miniſtration, it is ſaid, Rom: 15.8. That Jeſus Chriſt was a Miniſter of the Circumciſion (that is, of the Jewes) for the truth of God, &c. And of this miſſion, (when ſome came to him for ſome fruits of the miniſtration thereof) it is, that he ſaid, Matth. 15.24. I am not ſent, but unto the loſt ſheepe of the houſe of Iſrael. And larger Commiſſion he gave not to his Diſciples, till he had finiſhed his own courſe, Matth. 10.5, 6. But then he enlarged this miſſion for all Nations, All the World, Matth. 28.19. Mark. 16.15. And ſent them into the world, even as the Father had ſent him into the world. Iohn 17.18. which can be underſtood but of this his miſſion for miniſtration (for onely himſelf is the propitiation,) Ioh. 20.21. And of this miniſtration alſo he ſaith, John 12 49, 50. I have not ſpoken of my ſelf, but the Father which ſent me; he gave me a commandement what I ſhould ſay, and what I ſhould ſpeake, And I know that his commandement is life everlaſting; whatſoever I ſpeak therefore, even as the Fa­ther ſaid unto me, ſo I ſpeake, John 14.10. And thus he dyed in15 teſtimony of obedience, love, and faithfulneſſe to his Father, Phil. 2.8. 10. And of love and faithfulneſſe to his ſheep, that had been taught by him, John 10.15. And ſo to confirme the truth of his Doctrine, 1 Tim. 6.13. And to give us an example to follow his ſteps, in teftifying love, and faithfulneſſe to God, and Bre­thren, John 15.12, 13. 1 Pet: 2.21. 1 John 3.16. Not to make propitiation for hem, for be it; but to confirme the truth, & te­ſtifilove, and faithfulneſſe, and give good example, Epheſ. 5.2.

But now, if wee conſider of Jeſus Chriſt, according to both his Miſſions together, as to make Propitiation; And in preach­ing the Goſpell, to give the Promiſes of the New Teſtament to his Diſciples; Then we ſhall find alſo, that he ſo dyed, to confirm, ratifie, and ſeale the New Teſtament of precious Promiſes, and ſo it was for his called and choſen ones, Luke 22.20. Heb. 9.15, 16. Gal. 3.15. And thus of his miſſion into the world.

2 In reſpect of his buſineſſe, in leaving the world, and offe­ring himſelf to the Father; it was alſo two-fold, as Scripture ſheweth.

1 It was to preſent himſelf as the ranſome, and ſacrifice, with the vertue of his bloud to God for Mankind; and thereby to obtain, and receive to himſelf (or into his owne hands to diſ­poſe) as the publike perſon in the roome of Mankind, remiſſion of ſins, juſtification, fulneſſe of ſpirit, and authority, and to bee the Mediator between God & Mn, Heb: 9.12, 14.24 1 Tim: 2.5. And ſo to be our Peace, Epheſ: 2.14, 16. The propitiation for our ſins, and the ſins of the whole world, 1 John 2.2. And Wiſdome, Righ­teonſneſſe, Sanctification, and Reslemption for men, and to all that believe in him, John 1.4. 1 Cor: 1.30.

2 It was to take on him, and execute his office of Lord and Mediator, and high Prieſts, &c. To ſend forth, tender, and diſ­penſe of the grace and Spirit, which he, as the publike perſon hath received in the humane nature glorified, to enlighten, con­vince, and draw even the rebellious, that they might believe, &c. Pſalm. 68.18. John 1.7.9. and 16.8, 9, 10. And to ſprinkle and waſh the conſciences of Believers, with the ſpiritnall applica­tion of his precious bloud, and ſhedding abroad in the heart of Believers, the free, and rich grace appearing there-through, re­newing,16 comforting, and leading them into all truth, Heb. 12.24 and 9.14. Rev. 1.5. Tit. 3.4 5. Himſelf remaining a husband, and Advocate for them, Epheſ. 5.25, 26, 27. 1 Iohn 2.1. In both which appeares a two-fold end of his blood, & ſacrifice offered:

The one, the obtaining redemption, &c. to make known, & ten­der to men, that they might believe, Iohn 3.17. Epheſ. 2.5, 6, 7.

The other, The communication thereof too, and effectuall operation in Believers, Iohn 17.3. Epheſ 5, 26, 27.

2 Concerning Mankind, in reſpect of the double miſery, and enmity againſt God, which by falling into ſinne, they fell into.

1 The firſt is, the miſery and enmity in the very ſtate and condition, into which mankind by ſinne were fallen, which was ſuch as ſtood croſſe to the merciful God, to keep him back from ſhewing any favour, or grace at all to mankind; for the Truth of God requites the Death of man ſinne being entred, Gen. 2.17. And the Iuſtice of God requires the execution of the Curſe on man, that hath fayled of his duty, Gal. 3.10. And ſo, though God did not upon the fall of man, turne enemy to mankind; But in his beart did pitty him, Tit. 3.4. And his bowels of compaſſion moved for mankind: ſo as hee would not for that fall, make him as the Divell and his Angels, (ſomething like that ſaid of Iſrael, Hoſ. 11. 6-9.) Yet Truth, and Iuſtice ſtood againſt the ſhewing forth of this mercy, and extending of peace to man-kind: yea, had not the nature of man-kind been polluted and filled with averſneſſe and eumity againſt God upon the fall (as indeed it was;) yet by reaſon of ſinne committed, though it had been but once, and paſſed, lea­ving only guiltineſſe behind it, even that put ſuch enmity in the ſtate and condition of mankind, and made ſuch a pertition between God and mankind, that Truth and Iuſtice would not (without a ſatisfaction) that any mercy ſhould be ſhewed, or peace given him, who had by that offence ſold himſelf from God to Sathan, and thrown himſelf under guilt of ſinne, and deſert of Curſe, and Death; ſo as it brought a neceſſity of infli­cting curſe and death upon him; which if men ſuffer in their own particular perſons, they can never over-come; and with­out ſuffering, they can have no remiſſion, Heb. 9 22.

Now to remedy this miſery, and take away this enmity in17 the ſtate and condition of mankind, Jeſus Chriſt, by the will of God, even the will of his Father, and his own free-will, it being one, and the ſame, with the will of his Father, hath taken the nature of mankind, ſubjected to infirmities, and the cauſe of mankind upon him; and in their ſtead, being made under the Law, under which they were fallen, hath borne all their ſins, and ſuffered all their curſe and ſo dyed for All, That all were dead, and hath riſen again juſt, and free from all their ſins imputed to him; And a victrer over all their curſe, and death impoſed on him, and ſo aſcended, and offered up himſelf to God a ſpotleſſe ſacrifice, and a ranſome to God for all men, and God hath acce­pted it; ſo that for mankind in him, mercy, and truth are met, righteouſneſſe and peace have kified, Pſul. 85 10. And he is be­come the propitiation for the ſins of the whole world, 1 Iohn 2.2. ha­ving ſlaine the enmity, Epheſ. 2.10. Having taken out of the way All that (was onely between God, and us, and ſo) was contrary to us, Col: 2.14. And ſo hath given himſelf aranſome for All to God, and bought all men of God, 1 Tim6. 2 Pet. 2.1. And here is the infinite wiſedome, and great love of God, in finding out this re­medy for mankind; which from the beginning, was in himſelf hidden in his own Boſome; And this he brought to paſſe, ſo put­ting all to death, in the death of his Son, and ſetting them in heavenly places in him, That he might ſhew forth the riches of his grace, Epheſ. 2.5, 6, 7. And ſo war God in Chriſt, reconciling the World to himſelf, not imputing their treſpaſſes to them, 2 Cor. 5.14, 19. And ſo hath made a way for himſelf, to ſhew mercy to whom hee will, And opened the doore to life, and immortality for mankind, 2 Tim. 1.10.

And thus hath Ieſus Chriſt, by ſhedding his blood, and pre­ſenting it to his Father, redeemed all men of God, and taken the enmity out of their ſtateand condition, and is become their Lord, Having wrought redemption, and ſalvation in his own body for them, even for all men, 1 Tim. 2. 5. Sinners, 1 Tim. 1.15. Vngod­ly, and his enemies, And that while they were ſuch, Roan. 5.6. That he might bring them to God, 1 Pet. 2.24. and 3.18. And yet unleſſe he proceed to do more for men, then all this, none of them will come into God, Iohn 6.44, 45. For,

2 There is a miſery, and enmity in the nature of mankind18 through which he is ſo averſe to God; That though the enmi­ty in the ſtate and condition be ſlain: And all that which was (between God and Mankind) contrary to them taken out of the way, Epheſ. 2.16. Col. 2.14. yet will not mankind come into God, but remain ſinners, and ungodly ſtill, fooliſh, diſobedient, and deceived, living to themſelves, and after their own luſts, and ſo in enmity againſt God. Rom. 3.10. 19. Epheſ. 2.1, 2, 3. Tit. 3, 2, 3. And ſuch (however ranſomed by Chriſt:) neither can, nor ſhall enter his Kingdom, nor have any inheritance with Chriſt, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Gal. 15.19, 20, 21. But if not brought out of this enmity (which is as impoſſible to them to do of themſelves, as to have ranſomed themſelves) their condemnation will bee more fearfull, 2 Theſ. 1.8.

Now to remedy this miſery, and take this enmity out of the nature of man, Jeſus Chriſt aſcended to Heaven, and with the vertue of that bloud he ſhed for mankind, having offered up himſelf a ſpotleſſe Sacrifice to God, and obtained eternall re­demption, and received all fulneſſe of Power, Authority, and Spirit, as the publike perſon in the humane nature glorified. Act. 2.31.32. Pſalm. 68.18. Doth ſend forth of that Spirit (in the meanes he uſeth) at one time or other, to enlighten, and move at the hearts of men, Iohn 1.9. To reprove, and convince them of the ſinfulneſſe in themſelves, & the vanity of all their Idols, and all righteouſneſſe of their own working, and of the fulneſſe of that righteouſneſſe, and life in him, Iohn 16.8, 9, 10. And ſo cal­leth them, Prov. 8.4.5, 6. Iſa 45.22. and 55.1, 2. That in their tur­ning at his reproofe, he may power out his Spirit, and make known his words to them, Prov. 1.23. That ſo through him they might believe, and be ſaved, Iohn 1.5, 7. and 3.7. And though all reſiſt, and go out of the way, Rom. 3.10. 19. And that this is the great condemnation, when light comes, to love, or chuſe darkneſſe rather, Iohn 3.19. And he might juſtly give them all up, and be righteous, Rom: 3.5, 6. yet for a time, he uſeth pati­ence, and ſtriveth with them, Gen. 6.3. That they might repent, Rom: 2.4. And to ſome he giveth more abundance of his grace, and overcomes them, as Bullocks unaccuſtomed to the yoke; Ier. 31.18, 20. Iſa 30.18. And brings them in to believe, Epheſ. 2.7, 8, 9, 10. Phil: 1.29. And theſe he redeemeth with his preci­ous19 blood, by preſenting, and applying it cloſe to their heart, ſprinkling it thereon, and diſcovering ſuch free, and infinite riches of grace therethrough, that all things elſe, though never ſo fore­thought of as gainfull; appeares to them as loſſe in compariſon of this grace, allureing to win Chriſt, and be found in him: And ſoe (as we by of our Children from their vanities to their bookes,Phil. 3.7, 8, 9. &c. with gifts) he buyeth, and purchaſeth us with his blood from our vaine luſts, hopes, and converſations, and from among men unto God, 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Reu. 5.9. And then by the ſpirituall application of the vertue of his blood purgeth the conſcience from dead workes to ſerve the living God, Heb. 9.14. And ſo in his love, waſheth us from our ſins in his own blood, Reu. 1.5. And thoſe whom he hath not onely bought of God, (as he hath done all men, 1 Tim. 2.6. ) but alſo purchaſed them unto God from among men, and waſhed them in his love from their ſinns, 2 Pet. 2.1. Reu. 5.9. and 1.5. Iohn 13.8. Theſe, and theſe onely are his Church, and pecular people, Act. 20.28. Epheſ. 5.27. In whoſe ſoule and body he worketh ſalvation, through the appli­cation of that ſalvation which the hath wrought in his own body.

And in this conſideration of the double enmity to God into which man fell, and the re•••cy in Chriſt appeares three ends of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt: namely two ends of the preſentation, and offering it to God; one to take away the enmity that was in the State, and condition of man­kinde, Epheſ. 2.16. The other, to receive ſpirit to ſend forth in the declaration of this grace, to reconcile men to God, that the enmity in there nature might be removed, Epheſ. 2.7. 2 Cor. 5.20. and one end of the ſpirituall preſentation, and applycation of it to the heart, and conſcience of men, namely, to purge the conſcience, and waſh them from their ſins, and renew them to God, Heb. 9.14. Concerning the Church of God on earth, in reſpect of the double need they ſtand in of the continuall helpfull­neſſe of Chriſt.

1. The believers, though made free in Chriſt, and their conſci­ence purged, their heart renewed, and ſpirit made alive for righ­teouſneſſe ſake, Iohn 8.36. Gal. 5.1. Heb. 9.14. Ezek. 36.25. Rom. 8.10. yet for the time of their warfare, there is a re­maining of the old Diſpoſition, although unthroned from the20 heart, and weakned yet working in all the powers, and facul­ties of the ſoule, and parts and members of the body, luſting a­gainſt the ſpirit, and to ſatisfie the affections, and luſts of the fleſh, and attempting to leade Captive to the law of ſin, and death, Gal. 5.17. Rom. 7.14. 24. Beſides the manifold temptations from the world, by Cuſtoms, Promiſes, Threats, Aſurements, Terrors, 1 Iohn 2 16. And alſo from Satan takeing advantage from the fleſh, and the world, and adding ſtrength to the luſts, and temp­tations thereof, adding his own fiery and he liſh ſuggeſtions, &c. 1 Pet. 5.8. whereby it falleth out, that in many things, we (e­ven Believers) offend all, Iames 3 1. 1 Iohn 1.8 10.

Which remaining evill, and off nees overtaken, which doe de­file and make unmeete to appeare before God; and if they be not pardoned and purged away, they will exclude from his pre­ſence, and bring to death againe, Pſal 5.4, 5, 6.

Now the Blood of Jeſus, and the grace therethrough extend­ed, is the onely thing that can purifie, and cleanſe from theſe de­filements, Heb. 9.14. Reu. 1.5. 1 Iohn 1.9. So that here is ſtill need of coming to Chriſt for his cleanſing herewith, Zach. 13.1. 1 Iohn 1.9.

2 The believers having ſo many, & great enemies fighting againſt them Epheſ. 6.12. ſo many and great ſufferings to undergoe, Act. 14.22. 2 Tim. 3.12. And ſo many, and great ſerviſes of love to goe forth in, till they be wholly conformed to Chriſt, Col. 2.6. and 3. 12.-16. Phil. 2. 1.-6. And they having no good thing dwelling in their fleſh. Rom. 7.18. nor ability in themſelves for a good thought, as of themſelves, 2 Cor. 5.5. ſo as unleſſe he work all for, and in them, there will be no abiding peace, Eſa. 26.12.

Great need have they therefore of his continuall preſence, and ſending forth ſupplyes of ſpirit to overcome their enemyes, Mat. 10.19 20. Rom. 16.20. to ſupport in ſufferings, Eſa. 43.1. 1 Cor. 10.13. to ſanctifie them throughout, 1 Theſ. 5.23.24. And to comfort, teach, and lead into all truth, and to the inheri­tance, Eſa. 54 13.14. Iohn 15.26 and And ſo to perfect all that concerneth them, Pſal 138.8. And for this cauſe is he by vertue of his precious Blood, and Sacrifice, an Ad­vocate, and great High-Prieſt, and Mediatour of the new Teſta­ment,21 at his Fathers right hand for believers that are his called and choſen ones, 1 John 2.2. Heb. 3. 1.-6. & 8. & 9.15.

And in this conſideration of the Churches need of Chriſt, and his way of ſupply, we may ſee one end of his continual preſenting the vertue of his Blood and Sacrifice before his Father, and apply­ing it to the hearts and conſciences of his people both together, to keep them cleane before his Father, and to cleanſe, purifie, and conform them to himſelfe, Rev. 1.5. And ſo in reſpect of both his preſentation of his Sacrifice to his Father, and his gracious and ſpirituall application of the ſame to believers. It is ſaid, Epheſ. 5-25, 26.27. Chriſt alſo loved the Church, and gave himſelfe for it, that he might ſanctifie and cleanſe it with the waſhing of wa­ter. by the word; that (as he preſents it in himſelfe ſpotleſſe be­fore the Father, Coloſſ. 1.22. ſo) he might preſent it to himſelfe a glorious Church, not having ſpot or wrinkle, or any ſuch thing, but that it ſhould be holy and without blemiſh, And in the right un­derſtanding of theſe things, we may underſtand the ends of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt.

Firſt, the ends of the ſheeding his blood, and ſo of his ſuffe­ring and dying, was

  • 1. To ſatisfie for the ſinne of the world, and ſo to fulfill the truth of God, and ſatisfie Diuine Juſtice, and anſwer the Law, and aboliſh death, as is foreſhewn, page 2.
  • 2. To confirm and ratifle the new Teſtament of pretious Pro­miſes, for all that through the heavenly call beleeve on him, as is ſhewn page 14.
  • 3. To teſtifie obedience, love, and faithfulneſſe in his Miniſtra­tion, and ſo to confirme his doctrine, and give all his Diſciples an example, as is ſhewn, p. 13.

Secondly, the ends of the vertue of this his pretious blood and death in offering himeelfe a ſpotleſſe ſacrifice to his Father, Scrip­ture ſheweth to be

  • 1. That he might be the Propitiation for the ſins of the world, as page
  • 2. That he might obtain eternall redemption for mankind, and procure ſome mercy, means, and patience to be uſed towards them, as pages, 5, 6, & 13.
  • 22
  • 3. That he might be the Mediator between God and men, as page 4.12.
  • 4. That he might be the great high Prieſt, Prophet, King, and ſo the Advocate for, and of his Church, p. 15.16.12.
  • 5. That through him by his Spirit there might be a ſhewing, declaration, and tender of the grace of God to men, to call them, leſſe clearly in his workes of creation, and providence, and more fully and clearly in the Goſpel of ſalvation preached to men, as p. 6.12.14.

Thirdly, the ends of his ſpirituall diſcovery, tender, and appli­cation of his pretious blood, and ſacrifice to men, Scripture ſhews to be,

  • 1. To convince men of ſinne, and the vileneſſe of ſin in them­ſelves, and the vanity of all thier own wiſdome, and righteouſneſſe to help them, and of the compleat righteouſneſſe that is in him; thereby to empty them, and pierce their hearts, and ſubmit them to himſelfe, Zach. 12.10. Gal. 2.21. Phil. 3.7, 8. Joh. 16. 8-10. Luke 2.34.
  • 2. To purchaſe and redeem theſe convinced from among men, and from their Idols, and vain converſation, unto God, Rev. 5.9. 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Act. 20.28. & 26.18.
  • 3. To waſh, and cleanſe theſe his ſo purchaſed, in the diſcove­ry of the freeneſſe and abundance of his grace, through his pretious blood, enlightning, enlivening, comforting, ſanctifying and preſer­ving them to the inheritance, Eoh. 5.25, 26.27.

And theſe things conſidered diſtinctly, as the Scripture ſets them forth, lead to the right underſtanding of the ends of Chriſts death and ſacrifice, when it is ſpoke of in reſpect of his dying, and blood-ſhedding. And when it is ſpoke of in reſpect of that, and alſo his preſenting himſelfe with the vertue of that, to his Fa­ther; and when it is ſpoke of in both theſe former reſpects, and alſo together therewith, in reſpect of his ſpirituall diſcovery, ten­der, and application thereof to men; in which is variety of the ex­tent of the ſenſe and ſignification.



A Digreſſion, ſhewing how theſe things were ſhadowed in the Sacri­fices and Ordinances of the firſt Teſtament, or the Law.

A Perfect image made by a curing limmer may clearly preſent the viſage & complexion of him whoſe Image it is, though it have no life, and ſo neither ſee nor breathe, &c. But a ſhadow, or the firſt rude draught will not doe ſo much; onely may diſcover, that it is to be of a man, or a woman, and not of a beaſt: but whe­ther man or woman, or whom it ſheweth not as the Image finiſht (in which the ſhadow paſſeth) doth. Now the law had the ſha­dow of good things to come, but not the very image of the things: they were paterns and figures of heavenly things for the time preſent, but not a full demonſtration of them, Heb. 10.1. & 9.9.23. Now, then, if we call to mind,

1. The offering for ſin, to make Atonement, was firſt ſlain, and after that the blood ſprinkled at the Altar, and on the Atonement-day, before the Mercy-ſeat; and the people afflicted in themſelves, and bleſſed by the Prieſt, Lev. 9. 15.22. & 16. per totum, ſhadow­ed; Jeſus delivered to death for our ſinnes, and preſenting himſelfe with the vertue of his blood to the Father, to make the Atonement, & obtain redemption for us; and his bleſſing us, in ſprinkling his blood on our hearts, melting and purging the con­ſcience, Heb. 1.3. & & 10.1. 19.

The Paſſover, a Lamb without blemiſh, & ſlain, and then the blood wth a bunch of hyſſop dipt therin, ſprinkled on the two ſide-Poſts, and the upper doore Poſts, that the ſtriking Angel might paſſ­over, Exod. 12. And then the fleſh roaſted with fire, eaten; Sha­dowed Jeſus Chriſt the Lamb of God, that taketh away the ſin of the world, John 1.29. Heb. 9.26. His dying for our ſins, 1 Cor. 15.3.4. And by his Spirit ſprinkling the vertue of his blood on the be­leeving heart, without which no ſafety, Heb, 12.24. and our feed­ing on him by faith, without which no eternall life, John 6.35.36. ſo that bloodſhed preſented to the Lord, and applied to ſuch as come to the Sacrifices, are all held forth diſtinctly, as diſtinct and divers works.

3. For the people that came to theſe Sacrifices, for whom22 blood was not onely ſhed, but preſented to God, and who had the atonement, and ſuch reconciliation as was thereby affoorded, there was yet provided a water of Purification to cleanſe them from defilements, when they befell them, and the defiled perſon not cleanſed with it, might not approach to the holy things with­out danger of death: now it was not enough, There was for them a water of purification, and it was right, nor that it was put in a veſſell, and running water put thereto; unleſſe a clean perſon dip with a branch of Hiſſop, and ſprinkle him that is uncleane, hee remains unclean, and muſt die: by Sprinkling, is Cleanſing.

And doth not this ſhadow out Jeſus Chriſt, the fountain of cleanſing, and Laver of regeneration, and purification right with with God, yet cleaſing none in their own hearts, &c. with­out application and ſpirituall ſprinkling, Heb 9.13, 14. & 12, 24. Zach. 13.1. Tit. 3.4, 5. Ezek. 36.25. Conſider and compare the Scriptures, and ſay,

  • 1, Did not the red Hyfer ſlain without the Camp, and her fleſh burnt,
    Numb. 19.2, 3, 5. ſhadow out Jeſus that knew no ſin, made ſin for us, and ſuffering without the gate: and after in the power of the Spirit, and fire of his love, offering up his whole ſelfe a Sa­crifice to God for us? 2 Cor. 5.21, Heb, 9.14. & 10.12. & 13.12.
  • 2.
    Verſ. 9.
    Did not the remainders, or aſhes of the Heyfer, ſhadow forth the remaining Records, Teſtimonies, and vertues of the death and ſacrifice of Jeſus, who died for our ſinnes, and roſe for our juſtification,
    Verſ. 4.
    and preſented his ſacrifice to God, and applieth it to us, (as was ſhadowed by the blood ſprinkled before the Ta­bernacle, 1 Corinth. 15. 1-4. Heb, And is not this the water of Separation, or Purification from uncleanneſſe, Ezek. 36.25. Rev. 1.5
  • 3.
    Verſ 9.
    Did not the clean Place without the Camp, where theſe aſhes were kept for a purification for ſin, ſhadow forth the Goſ­pel of Chriſt, or word of grace, which J. Chriſt by his Spirit hath breathed, and cauſed to be written, and therein declared and teſti­fied, and kept as in record, the truth and vertue of the blood-ſhed, death and ſacrifice of Chriſt, and the offering it to the Father, and its prevalency with him, and for whom; and his tender and appli­cation of it, and the vertue thereof, and in whom; Are not all the ſayings hereabout plain,
    1 Cor. 15.1. 4.
    2 Cor. 3.12.13. & 1.2. Faithfull, 1 Tim. 231.15. True, 2 Pet. 1.16. 19. And in righteouſneſſe nothing fro­ward, perverſe, equivocall, or wreathed in them, Prov. 8.6, 7, 8, 9. & 22.20, 21. Eccleſ. 12.10. That we may rather take thoſe ſay­ings as they expreſſe the matter, then any other ſayings, or gloſ­ſes, they are very righteous and faithfull; his word is very pute, Pſal. 119.138. The inſpiration of the Spirit of truth, 2 Tim. 3.16.
  • 4. Did not the aſhes of the burnt Heyfer of Purification for ſinne, and running water put thereto in a veſſell, ſhadow forth the Word of Grace, ſetting forth the vertue of the death and ſacrifice of Chriſt inſpired, and put in the hearts of the ſervants of God, 2 Cor. 5.18.19. and his free and rich grace, and love appearing therein, ſhed abroad thereby by the holy Ghoſt in the heart of thoſe, whom he hath brought to beleeve in Chriſt, and ſo united them to him, 1 Cor. 1.30. and ſo filled them with his love, that it ſprings up like love in them, that conſtrains them to declare this grace, and beſeech others to accept it, 2 Cor. 5.14, 15.19. 1 Pet. 1.21, 22. for which cauſe they are called Stewards and Miniſters of this grace, 1 Cor. 3.1. 2 Cor. 3.3. and ſaid to have this trea­ſure in earthen veſſels, that the excellency of the power may ap­peare to be of God, and not of them, 2 Cor. 4.7. and ſo are called choſen veſſels unto God, to beare his name, Act. 9.15.
  • 5 Did not the clean perſon, taking Hiſſop, dipping it in the water, & ſprinkling the unclean; ſhadow forth Ieſus Chriſt the juſt, who by his own Spirit ſtirreth this grace in the hearts of his ſervants, and giveth them what to ſpeak, 2 Cor. 4.6. & 5.14. 1 Cor, 2.12.13. and giveth proof of his own ſpeaking in their miniſtration, 2 Cor. 13.3. Making manifeſt the ſavour of his knowledge by them, 2 Cor. 2.14. and himſelfe by his Spirit turning the heart of men to God, Acts 11, 21. and weighing his mind in the heart of theſe ſo turned to beleeve in him, 2 Cor. 3.3. further minding and tea­ching them that they have heard, John 14.26. and taking off the things of Chriſt, and ſhewing to them, John 16.14 and ſo ſprink­ling and waſhing them with this water of purification (the vertue of the pretious blood of Chriſt, and his infinite love ſtreaming there-through) melting, cleanſing, comforting, renewing, &c, Heb. 9.13.14. & 12.24. Rev. 1.5. Ezek. 36.25. without which a man, (notwithſtanding all the former) remains unclean ſtill.

In all this alſo is ſhadowed the ſeverall diſtinct ends of the death and ſacrifice of Chriſt, as preſented to God, and as applied to men.

Fourthly, the Iſraelites needing, and having in their travels the Cloud, as the teſtimony of Gods preſence to guide them, and his mighty arm to lead them, uphold and defend them, and Manna from heaven, and water out of the Rock to ſuſtain and refreſh them, Exod. 13.21, 22. & 15.2.12. & 16.17. ſhadowed forth our need of, and Chriſt his gracious vouchſafing to be our Advocate, (by vertue of his ſacrifice) at his Fathers right hand, from thence ſending forth his holy Spirit to continue his preſence with us, and give in his promiſes, and ſo to teach, guide, comfort and ſtrengthen us againſt temptations, and to goe through all ſufferings in alll ſer­vices of love, &c. 1 Iohn 2.1, 2. Heb. 9.14.15, Iohn 14.14.26. & 15.26. & 16.14.

And ſo in this digreſſiu to ſee how things were ſhadowed, we may view the ends of Chriſts ſacrifice fore-mentioned, as alſo that which followes to be ſaid.


The neceſſity of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt. It is ſhewn in that already ſaid.

FIrſt, for Chriſt his ſhedding of his bloud, and dying for us, it was altogether neceſſary: for (Heb. 9.22. ) without ſhedding of blood is no remiſſion of ſinnes. The truth of God makes a ne­ceſſity for the ſinner to die, and without the death of the ſinner cannot be fulfilled, Gen. 2.17. Ezek. 18.20. The juſtice of God makes a neceſſity for the ſinner to ſuffer the curſe, and without the ſinner doe ſuffer, the curſe cannot be ſatisfied, Deut. 27. 15-26. Gal. 3.10. And as nothing without ſhedding of blood & death, can fulfill truth, and ſatisfie juſtice: ſo no blood and death, but the blood and death of Man, the very nature that ſinned, can ſa­tisfie, Heb. 9.9. & 10.4. And if particular men ſhould ſuffer this curſe and death in their own perſons, they could never overcome, but muſt periſh in that ſuffering for ever, and ſo can neither ſuffer for themſelves nor for another, to procure a way for remiſſion of25 ſinns, Pſal. 49.7 8. neither indeed to make ſatisfaction for o­thers, will the Blood, and Death of any man ſerve, unleſſe the ſame be a juſt, and an innocent man that hath no ſin of his own to ſatisfie for, Heb. 9.26.27. Yea even the blood of a juſt man, unleſſe he be, as the firſt Adam before his fall, a publike man, Rom. 5.12. And made (as all men by the fall became under the law, Gal. 4.4. yea unleſſe this man be alſo the Sonne of God, even God-man,) it will not be ſufficient Heb. 10. 5-10. Mat. 1.21.23.

And this man, God-man, even Ieſus Chriſt being come, and as the publike perſon made under the law, when he had lived thirty-three yeares, and upward an innocent life, ſo as noman could accuſe him of ſinne, Iohn. 46. yea in all righteouſneſſe, and holyneſſe, and fulneſſe of good workes, and ſpent about three yeares in miniſtration of the Goſpel; yet would not all this his righteous working, though accompanied with many miracles, and with frequent faſting, prayers, and teares make ſatisfaction for the ſin of mankind, without his Death, and Blood; to in­ſtruct us wherein (and not in any unwillingneſſe to ſuffer ac­cording to the will of the Father, Phil. 2.8. Heb. 10. 5.-10.) He uttered this prayer, Mat 26.39. If it be poſſible; let this Cupp paſſe from me, &c. And ſo that which the High-Prieſt ſpake not of himſelfe, but by propheſie concerning the nation of the Jewes, Iohn 11.50. It is true; for all mankind; It was altogether, neceſſary for mankind, that Jeſus Chriſt ſhould dye, Gal. 3.10.13.

2 For Jeſus Chriſt once dead to riſe againe, and aſcend to the right hand of God, and to preſent the vertue of this his own blood, in offering himſelfe a ſpotleſſe ſacrifice to his Father for mankind; This alſo was altogether neceſſarie: for, however truth had fulfilling, and juſtice had ſatisfying in his blood-ſhed, and death; 2 Cor. 5.14. Gal. 3.13. Yet if he had not riſen from the Dead, and aſcended with the vertue of his own blood into the Heavens, and there offered himſelfe a ſpotleſſe Sacri­fice to God for mankind; There could have been no Juſtifica­tion, no redemption, no eternall life, and inheritance obtained, and received by Chriſt into his own hands to diſpenſe to men, nor any dore opened to ſhew forth, and diſpenſe this grace to26 men, that by repentance, and faith they might come into Chriſt, and receive the ſame, nor could there have been a­ny reſurrection of their bodyes after Death, nor exerciſe of Chriſts Lordſhip over them, in abſolving, or condemning ac­cording to the Goſpel, Rom. 4.25. He was raiſed againe for our juſtification, 1 Cor. 15.17. If Chriſt be not raiſed; ye are yet in your ſinns, verſe 20. But now Chriſt is riſen from the Dead: Heb. 9.12. By his own blood he entred in once into the moſt hly place: having obtained eternall redemption, verſe 24. He entred into Heaven it ſelfe, Reu. 1.18. I am he that liveth, and was Dead, and beholde I am alive for evermore, 1 Iohn 5.11. God hath given us eternall life, and this life is in his Sonne, 2 Tim. 1.10. who hath aboliſhed Death, and brought life, and mortality to light by the Goſpel, Iohn 16.7. &c. It is expedient for you that I goe away; for if I goe not away the Comforter will not come unto you: But if I depart, I will ſend him to you; he ſhall reprove the world, &c. verſe 18.11. He will guide you into all truth, &c. verſe 13.14.15. Pſal. 68. Thou haſt aſcended on high, thou haſt led Captivity Captive, thou haſt received gifts in the man (for men, Act. 2.33. Epheſ. 4.8. ) yea even for the Rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them, Act. 5.30.31. Him hath God exalted at his right hand, to be a Prince, and a Saviour to give repentance unto Iſrael and forgivneſſe of ſinns, Act. 13.30. God raiſed him from the dead &c. to verſe 39. verſe 47. I have ſet thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that thou ſhouldeſt be for ſalvation to the ends of the Earth, Mat. 12.18. And he ſhall ſhew Judgement to the Gentiles; If there be no reſurrection from the Dead, then Chriſt is not Riſen, and if Chriſt be not Riſen; then our preaching is vaine, and your faith is alſo vaine, 1 Cor. 15. 13.-20. But now Chriſt is riſen from the dead, and become the firſt fruits of them that ſleep. verſe 21. for ſince by man came Death, By man alſo the reſurrection from the dead, and verſe 22. &c. and Rom. 14.9 to this end, Chriſt both dyed, and roſe, and revived that he might be the Lord, both of dead, and living, Act. 10.36. He is Lord of all, 2 Cor. 5.10. For we muſt all appeare before the judgement-Seat of Chriſt, &c. And of this he hath given aſſurance to all men in that he hath27 raiſed him from the Dead. Acts 17.31.

All which ſhewes the neceſſity of Chriſts reſurrection, and aſcenſion, and with the verrue of his own bloud, preſenting and offering himſelfe to God in the Heavens for men: to the ends fore-ſhown.

3 For Jeſus Chriſt that hath dyed, and riſen, and with the vertue of his own bloud entred the Heaven, and by the eternall Spirit offered himſelf a ſpotleſſe ſacrifice to God for men, Alſo by the ſame Spirit to diſcover this grace, thereby to call, and draw in men to him, and then to ſprinkle and waſh them with the preſentation, and application of the vertue of his pretious bloud; And by his grace there-through diſcovered to renew them, unite, and conforme them to Chriſt. This alſo is altoge­ther neceſſary in reſpect of meneceit, and enjoyment of ju­ſtification, eternall life, and inheritance; for however, this ſalva­tion which Jeſus Chriſt hath wrought, the redemption, juſtifi­cation, and eternall life he by himſelf in his own body, as the Publike man obtained for men with God, be ſuch, and ſo recei­ved by him for mankind, That it may be truly ſaid of him, and in reſpect of what he hath, as the Publike perſon done, obtained received, and hath in his own hands to diſpenſe, that he is the Saviout of the world, Ioh. 4.42. And hath by himſelf made pur­gation of our ſins, Heb. 1.3. and 9.26. and obtained eternall re­demption, Heb. 9.12.50. That as Rom. 3.23, 24. All have ſinned, and come ſhort of the glory of God, being juſtified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Chriſt Jeſus, and Rom. 5.18. As by the offence of one, unto all men to condemnation, even ſo by the righteouſneſſe of one, unto all men to juſtificati­on of life; yea, 1 Joh. 5.11. God hath given us eternall life, and this life is in his Son: yet notwithſtanding all this, Unleſſe this grace be ſo diſcovered by the Spirit to men, that they be drawn in to Chriſt, and hee by his Spirit ſprinkle his bloud on their heart, and ſhed abroad his love therein, and ſo waſh, and renew them, they cannot in their own particular perſons be juſtified, and partake of eternall life, and receive the inheritance with him, Rom. 3.25, 26. Tit. 3.4.5. And this neceſſity of his ſprink­ling, and waſhing the Conſcience with his pretious bloud, may be ſeen true, in many reſpects.


1 In reſpect of ſinne, It ſufficeth not for bringing mens par­ticular perſons into the Kingdome of Heaven, That ſinne is ſa­tisfied, for by the ſacrifice of Chriſt, and ſo purged away by him as the publike perſon, that he in the room: of all mankind ap­peartſpotleſſe at the Throne of God; But its requiſite alſo, that it be purged out of the Conſcience, and out of the nature, and converſation of ſuch particular perſons as enter that King­dome; yea, and though this work be not as the former, done at once in the very act of his preſentation, and offering himſelf to God, Heb. 1.3. and 9.12. and 10.10, 12. But by degrees; yet thoſe Degrees are according to the entrance, 2 Cor. 3.18. 2 Pet. 1.11. Rom. 8.23. And ſo its ſaid, Rev. 21.21. There ſhall in no wiſe en­ter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatſoever worketh abomination, or a lye, 1 Cor. 6.9. The unrighteous ſhall not in­herit the Kingdome of God. Be not deceived, neither Fornica­tors, nor Idolater, nor Adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abuſers of themſelves with mankind, nor Theeves, nor covetous, nor Drun­kards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, ſhall inherit the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. The work of the fleſh are manifeſt, which are Adultery, Fornication, uncleanneſſe, laſciviouſneſſe, I­dolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, ſtrife, ſeditions, hereſies, envyings, murthers, drunkenneſſe, revilings, and ſuch like, They which doe ſuch things ſhall not inherit the Kingdom of God, Epheſ. 5.5. no Whoremonger, nor unclean perſon, nor co­vetous man who is an Idolator, hath any inheritance in the King­dome of Chriſt, and of God; ſo that ſuch, unleſſe they be waſhed, juſtified, purged, and ſanctified, they cannot enter; nor can any ſorrowes, tears, ſacrifices, works of righteouſneſſe of their owne waſh of the guilt, and take away the venome of theſe ſinnes, nor make their hearts and natures new, It is only the pretious bloud and ſacrifice of Chriſt, which by the eternall Spirit he offered to God: by the ſame Spirit diſcovered to, and ſprinkled on the heart, enabling to believe, in which Peace is ſpoken to the heart remiſſion of ſins received, and liberty by faith to reckon them­ſelves according to Chriſt, and as they are in him, who by his Spirit worketh his mind in them, and conformeth them to him ſelf, 1 Pet. 1.2. Rev. 1.5. and 5.9. Rom. 3.25, 26. and 5.1. 5.1 C o 6.11. 2 Cor. 3.18. Tit. 3.4.


2 By reaſon of the blindneſſe, darkneſſe, and enmity, that by reaſon of ſinne is the nature of man: For it ſufficeth not for mens perſonall entrance into the Kingdome, that in, and through Chriſt, God is light, and in him is no darkneſſe at all, unleſſe men be brought into this light, and this light be in them that they may walke in it, 1 Iohn 1.5.7. and 2.8.9. 1 Theſ. 5.4.5. nor yet is it enough for mens perſonall entrance into the King­dome, that the enmity in their State, and condition be removed, unleſſe alſo the enmity in their nature be removed, Pſal. 68.21. neither is there any ſtudy, or labour of man in any wiſdome or workes of righteouſneſſe of his own, that can bring him into this light of God, and take this enmity againſt God out of his nature; but onely the ſpirit of Jeſus Chriſt (which when he offered up himſelfe a Sacrifice to God for men, he received in the man, Pſal. 68.18.) Diſcovering and teſtifying of Chriſt, and the vertue of his Blood, and the rich grace appearing therethrough, that brings out of darkeneſſe into his marvelous light, and reconcileth the heart, and powers to God, Iohn 14.26. and 15.26. and 16.14.15. Col. 1 Pet. 2.7.9. 2 Cor. 5.14 18, 19, 20. Tit. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

3 In reſpect of the firſt, and naturall Birth, and that which men are by propagation, and nature from the firſt Adam, whoſe Image they therein, and thereby partake of, and beare, and ſo are by nature dead in ſins, and treſpaſſes, Children of wrath, &c. Rom. 5.19. 1 Cor. Pſal. 51.5. Iob. 14.4. and 15.14. Epheſ. 2.1, 2, 3 So that however Chriſt as the publike perſon hath wrought ſalvation in himſelfe for men with God, and is juſtified, and glorified at Gods right hand; yet unleſſe a man be borne againe, borne from above, even of water, and the Spirit, the free and rich grace of God manifeſt­ed in the Application of the precious Blood of Chriſt to the heart, And that by the holy Spirit of Chriſt in that Knowledge, and Application of the precious Blood, giving him an eſcape from the Pollutions that are in the world through luſt, and makeing him partaker of the Divine nature; That ſo as he per­partooke of miſery by having his being from Adam, and partaking of his nature, he may partake of juſtification and lyfe, by having his being in Chriſt, and partaking of his Divine nature; without29 this new Birth; he cannot enter the Kingdome of God, Iohn 2 Cor. 5.17.20. 2 Pet. 1, 2, 3, 4. Tit. 3.3, 4, 5, 6, 7. And indeed, till ſo borne from above, men are Aliens from God, and Chriſt, and the lyfe of God in Chriſt, Epheſ. 2.12. and 4.18. And however it be true, that in Chriſt, and that he hath done, ob­tained, and received, God hath given us eternall lyfe, and this life is in his Sonne: yet this is alſo true, that whoever of us hath not the Sonne, the ſame hath not lyfe, lyfe is received, and enjoy­ed onely in the receite, and enjoyment of the Sonne, 1 Iohn 5.11.12. And that is, when through his ſpirituall Diſcovery and ſprinkling of his Pretious Blood, and Diſpenſation of his grace there-through to the heart, a man is brought to believe on him; And ſo quickoned, borne, and renewed, Epheſ. 2.5.10. Eſa. 55.1. 9. And ſo ſuch he gives the priviledges of the Sonnes of God; who to receive him, and are ſo borne, Iohn 1.12.13. 2 Theſ. 2.13.14. So that the truth is, the neceſſity in reſpect of mens per­ſonall entrance into the Kingdome, and being eternally ſaved, to be ſpiritually ſprinkled, and waſhed with the Blood of Chriſt; is ſo great, as there can be no greater, there being no other way to the enjoyment of remiſſion of ſins, Humiliation for ſinn, Juſtifica­tion before God, wiſdome, righteouſneſſe, Sanctification, and re­demption, nor any fruitfulneſſe that God will accept; But by this pretious Blood of Chriſt which he ſhed, and with the vertue thereof offered himſelfe to God by his ſpirit ſprinkled on the con­ſcience: And his rich, and abundant grace, manifeſted through the ſame, by the ſame ſpirit ſhed abroad in the heart, and ſo lead­ing to God, in which reſpect Chriſt onely is the way for all ac­ceſſe to the Father, and without whom there is no coming to God, nor doing any thing he will accept: Iohn 14.6. Rom. 3, 25. Epheſ. 1.7. 1 Cor. 1.30. Iohn 15.4. 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Epheſ. 2.17.18. Heb. 10.10. 19.

This neceſſity of Chriſt his ſprinkling his Blood on the Conſci­ence, the whole Goſpel, and all the writings thereof, and Teſtimonies and examples therein do ſhew, and ſo doth the Law alſo rightly underſtand.



A digreſſion, to ſhew how the Law ſhewes the neceſſity of this Blood-ſhedding, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt:

BEfore, in Chapter 4. was ſhewn, how the ends of the ſuffer­ing, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Chriſt was ſhaddowed in the leviticall law, and types of old, and the neceſſity of the acting, preſenting, and applying the ſame, now if we view the morall law, even the law of workes, the holy, and righteous law of God; It alſo will ſhew, and urge the neceſſity of the Death, and Sacri­fice of Chriſt, in all the reſpects aforeſaid, and that every way: If we conſider this holy law, 1. In reſpect of it ſelfe, 2 In reſpect of the ends of giving it, and 3. In reſpect of the power it hath in this lyfe in the conſciences of men till ſet free by Chriſt.

1 The Law it ſelfe is holy, ſpirituall, and righteous:Rom. 7.12. Mat. 22.38.39. 1 Iohn 3.4. Rom. 7.7. Iam. 2.10. Mail. 1.6. It is a holy Law, pointing us all to live to God the holy one, and accor­ding to his Will, and Commands, enjoyning to love God with all our heart, ſoule, and ſtrength, and our neighbour as our ſelves, and to walke in that love of God, and our neighbour, and ſo it forbiddeth every ſinn, and commandeth every Duty: And it is a ſpirituall Law, requiring the Inmoſt heart, and Spirit; And the utmoſt and perfect obedience of the whole man; ſo as the leaſt riſing motion to any evill it forbiddeth and concludeth it ſinn: yea and the leaſt want of the through, ſpirituall, and perfect per­formance of all, or any one point it condemneth for ſinn, and for that ſinn putteth under the guilt of the breach of the whole Law: And it is a righteous law requiring of man noe more then is due from man to God, and which ſhall be the righteouſneſſe of a man before God, if he fulfill it, ſo as the law find no fault in him,Rom. 2.13. and 10.5. Gal. 3.10.12. Rom. 6. Deut. 27. 15-26. and it promiſeth life to the obſervers, and will performe it, that be­ing the righteouſneſſe of the Law, and it ſentenceth to death, and curſe every one that ſinneth againſt any point, or cometh ſhort of the leaſt title it requireth; ſo that this Law is holy, ſpirituall, and righteous in its Commandements of Duty, In its Juſtifying the doers of it, in its convincing the Tranſgreſſors, and in its leav­ing39 Tranſgreſſors to the curſe; And indeed ſo holy, ſpirituall, and righteous is this law, that in their own perſons, and performan­ces, noe one man ſince Adam fell, but onely Jeſus Chriſt our Lord hath fulfilled it to every Jota, or can be Juſtified, and have lyfe by it: For.

1 Though a man had ſuch knowledge of the Law, that he could ſee all his Duty therein required, And had alſo ſuch a heart to keepe this Law that he had reſpect to every Commande­ment in it, and did his utmoſt to avoid every ſinn, and to perform every duty, and that conſtantly in all his converſation: yet if he attaine not to the utmoſt the Law requireth, but fayle of that, if it were but once, and but in one point; the Law puts him un­der the guilt of ſinn, and danger of Curſe, and Death, Rom. 6.23. the wages of ſinn is Death, and James 2.10. whoſoever ſhall keepe the whole Law, and yet offend in one poynt, he is guilty of all, and Gal. 3.10. Curſed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the booke of this Law to do them, and Rom. 5.12. all have ſinned, Iames 3.2. In many things we offend all; ſo that by the deeds of the Law ſhall no fleſh be juſtified, Rom. 3.20.

2 A man having once ſinned, and fallen under the guilt of ſinne, and ſo into the deſert of death, and curſe, as all men have, there is no after-righteouſneſſe of his performance that can take away that ſinne; which unleſſe it be taken away, he cannot be juſtified before God, though in his after righteouſneſſe he could anſwer the whole Law, but onely for that one offence: whence thoſe ſayings, Job. nor can any teares, confeſſions, or waſhing themſelves with ſnow water, take off this ſinne that they may appeare righteous before God, Job. Nor can any gifts or ſacrifices of Bulls and Goats, Heb. 10.4. nor of thou­ſands of Rams, or ten thouſand Rivers of Oyle, or the firſt borne of Beaſts, or of a mans body, ſatisfie for, and take away ſin, Mich. 6.6.7.

3. Neither can there be any mangling, impairing, or abating, much leſſe aboliſhing of this holy and ſpirituall law that the Al­mighty will tolerate, nor did Jeſus Chriſt come to deſtroy this Law, but to fulfill it, Mat. 5.17.18. Think not that I am come to deſtroy the Law or the Prophets, I am not come to deſtroy, but40 to fulfill: For verily I ſay unto you, Till Heaven and Earth paſſe, one jot, or one tittle ſhall in no wiſe paſſe from the Law, till all be fulfilled, neither did Jeſus Chriſt come to be an Arbitrator or Dayes-man, to plead with God, and lay his hand upon him, that he might abate to men ſome part of their duty required in the Law, and to lay his hand upon men to enjoyn and cauſe them to perform ſome part of their due to the Law, to give ſome ſatisfying to God, & ſo make God & men friends that way, 1 Sam. 2.25. Iob. 9.33. No ſuch matter; but Jeſus Chriſt himſelfe in his own per­ſon while he was here on earth, did perfectly fulfill this Law, ſo as no ſin could be found in him; but he was in reſpect of his own particular perſon, righteous and juſt, even by that Law. And had he not been a publick perſon in our ſtead, and ſo had our ſins; that Law could never have charged him, for he kept it fully, Heb. 7.29. Ioh. 8.46. 1 Pet. 2.22. Rom. 3.19 Gal. 4.4. Eſa. 53.2.6. 2 Cor. 5. 19-21. Gal. 3.13. Rom. 4.25 2 Cor. 5.14. Rom. 7.4. and 4.25.But as the publick perſon in the roome of mankind. He was made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law; and ſo being under the Law for us, he had all our ſins that Law could charge us with, imputed to, and laid upon him; and all the curſe and death which Law could and did ſentence us to, impoſed upon him. And ſo he ſuffered the curſe, & died the death for our ſins; yea for us all, ſo as all are dead: And ſo he hath ſatisfied the Law, that we are dead to the Law by the bo­dy of Chriſt. And this Jeſus Chriſt as the publick perſon is riſen again for our juſtification, and hath aſcended to heaven, and with the vertue of his own blood offered himſelfe a ranſome and ſacri­fice to God, having obtained eternall redemption and life for men,Heb 9.12. Eſa. 55.5. Iohn 16. Heb. 9.14. and 12.24. Reu. 1.5. to diſpenſe to ſuch as beleeve on him. And now ſendeth forth of that Spirit he hath received, diſcovering this grace, to draw men to believe on him: and in the hearts of ſuch as through grace be­leeve in Chriſt, he by his Spirit applieth, ſprinkleth and waſheth with that pretious blood, ſo as he enableth them to receive the ſa­tisfaction of the Law, which himſelfe hath made, and to anſwer Law-charges therewith, Rom. 4.24.25. & 5.2. 11. & 8 34. And to receive and own to themſelves as theirs by faith the righteouſ­neſſe that he is become, and to reſt on him, and approach in that to God, 1 Cor. 1.30. Phil. and by the ſame Spirit in, and with the rich grace herethrough ſtreaming, he reneweth them, Tit. 3.4.5. and worketh love in them, 1 Pet. yea, a33 more excellent love then Law diſcovered, in that it is a love of God in and for Chriſt, 1 Iohn 4.10. 19. and love of our brother as Chriſt hath loved us, Ioh. 15.1.2. And this love fulfils all righte­ouſneſſe, yea from a better principle then law could have affoor­ded, Rom. 13.10. the Spirit in working this love, writing the law in the inward parts, 2 Cor. 3.3. and leading to deny all evill, and live godly, &c. Tit. 2.11.12. and yeelding to and walking after the Spirit, a man ſhall neither fullfill the luſts of the fleſh, nor be under Law, Gal. 5.16.18. but have the righteouſneſſe of the Law, (the life it promiſeth, and cannot give yea a better life) fulfilled in him, and have an abundant entrance into the Kingdom, Gal. 6.8. 2. Pet. 11. And thus by Chriſt himſelfe in his body, in all his converſation was the Law fulfilled; and by him in his own body, as the publick perſon, was the Law ſatisfied for all it had a­gainſt us: and by him through his Spirit applpying that ſatisfa­ction to our hearts, he enables to beleeve and receive it; and in that beleeving ſheads abroad his grace in the heart, that leads to all righteouſneſſe the Law requireth, though from a better principle that will in due ſeaſon perfect the ſame, and hee alſo will fill us with eternall life. And without this coming, death, reſurrection and ſacrifice of Chriſt, the Law could never have been fulfilled and ſatisfied: and without his ſpirituall application to the heart, it will never be anſwered by us, or fulfilled in us; whence that thankſgiving, or profeſſion, Rom. 7.25. &

4. The ends of the making known, and giving this holy, ſpiri­tuall, and righteous law, was neither to juſtifie thoſe to whom it was given, nor to give them lyfe, nor to kill, and deſtroy from God for ever; for if it had been given to give lyfe, and juſtifie, and bring to the inheritance; it had been againſt the covenant and promiſes of God, and ſaith therein; which to conceive, God for­bid, far bee it from us, Gal. 3.18, 21. Rom. 4.14. And if it had been given to get righteouſneſſe by it, or to deſtroy from God for ever;t had been againſt the grace of God teſtified in the Death, and reſurrection of Chriſt, and faith therein; which God forbid, and far be it from us to conceive, Gal. 20.21. and Rom. 4.13. 7.24.25. Heb. 2.9. Beſides, the34 giving the law in the hand of Moſes a Mediator of the firſt Te­ſtament; ſheweth, that it was not given to juſtifie; for then no need of a Mediator, nor was it given to deſtroy from God for e­ver; for then he would not have given a Mediatour, Gal. 3.17. And yet the law was given for good, holy, and mercifull ends; For God in his mercy having found a ranſome, and given us life in him, and confirmed a Covenant in him, John 1.4. 1 Iohn. 1.1.2. which grace ſhould have led men to repentance, and faith in God, and living to him; But through blindneſſe,Eſa. 44.20. and 55.2. Gal. 3.19. and hardneſſe of heart; men ſlighted this great Salvation, and put confidence in I­dolls, and ſuperſtitions, and lived in, and to themſelves; And becauſe of Tranſgreſſions, the law was added till the ſeed ſhould come, and this law to diſcover that righteouſneſſe which is due from men to God:

1 To kill men in reſpect of themſelves, of all that lyfe which they have in, and from themſelves by any excellencyes, parts, en­deavours, or workings of theirs, in, and by themſelves; By diſ­covering their ſinfulneſſe, and the Immeaſurableneſſe of it, and the curſe, and wrath due to them, that ſo they may charge them­ſelves with it, which without the law, they would not doe, Rom. 3.19. and 4.15. and 5.13.20. By ſpoyling them of all hope of lyfe by their own workings, that they may ſay Amen to the curſe,1 Cor. 1.6. and yeeld themſelves as dead, and loſt, and ſo receive the ſentence of death in themſelves, Gal. 2.19. Rom. 7.9. Deut. 27.26.

2 To occaſion their ſubmiſſion to Chriſt, and ſo their high prizeing of the grace, and righteouſneſſe, and lyfe in him, that they may fall downe before him, and be quickned, and made alive by him, Rom. 5.20. Gal. 2.19. who by ſprinkling his blood, and giving in his grace by his ſpirit, enliveneth them, Heb. 9.14. Tit. 3.4.5. And ſo Rom. 10.3. Chriſt is the end of the law for righteouſneſſe to every one that believeth, Gal. 2.20. & 3.22.24. which alſo ſheweth the neceſſity of the pretious Blood of Chriſt, which he ſhead, and preſented to his Father for men to be by his ſpirit applyed to men, without which they can have no true peace, and freedome with God, Iohn 13.8. and 8. 32-36.

3 The power this law hath in the conſciences of men in this lyfe, till they know, and believe in Chriſt, and be ſet free by him,43 Iohn 8. 34-36. this holy, ſpirituall, and righteous law, in reſpect of the ſpirituall affections, and ſervices therein required, was once in the heart of mankind; when God made man in his own I­mage; And made him, and all men in him, as in the firſt pub­like perſon, righteous; then was it the naturall bent of man to love God, and his neighbour, and to walke in that love uprightly, Gen. 1.26, 27, 28. and 2.7. Ecleſ. 7.29. And then while theſe righteous affections, and ſervices were naturally ſpringing, and ſtreaming in men; man was not under the power of the Com­mandements thereof; with the promiſes and threats; But when man ſinned, and fell, He loſt theſe righteous affections, and ſer­vices out of his heart, and inward, and naturall bent; And became corrupt, averſe, and full of enmity againſt God, Gen. 3. 10-13. Eccleſ. 7.29. Rom. And then fell under the power of this law with its Commands, Threats, and Promiſes; And the effect of this law as a ſpirit of Bondage entred into him: for ſuch the power of the work of God in his grace, both ſhewn in the creation, and procured for men by the Redemption, and ex­tended to men for the redeemers ſake, that it ſtill proclaimeth to men, and teſtifieth, that it is mans duty and that he is hereby bound to love God with all his heart, ſoule, and ſtrength, and his neighbour as himſelfe, and to walke in that love, And the leaſt ſhort coming hereof is ſinn, Ioh. 35.10.11. and 37.24. Deut. 5.6.7. 1 Iohn 3.4. For though man by ſinn loſt his inte­reſt in God; yet God loſt not his right and Authority over man, But when man by ſinn, loſt the inward and living principle of the law out of his heart; Then through the Authority of God o­ver man, and the power of God in his works; man fell under the power of the law; And the effect of the law as a ſpirit of bon­dage entred into his heart, and that with ſuch force; that accor­ding to the knowledge given him, whether by the works of God in creation, and providence, or the law declared, and written, that it bindeth downe, and embondageth a man, that he can no otherwiſe have hope, or looke to God for acceptance and life, then as he conceives himſelfe to keepe this law, nor avoyd the feares of wrath, and Death, as he diſcernes himſelfe a tranſgreſſor of it, and as their conſcience witneſſe; ſo doe their thoughts ac­cuſe, or excuſe one another, Rom. 2.15. And ſo from the law,44 ſin takes occaſion to become oft more violent in its motions to ſin, Rom. 7.5.8. And from the law ſinn hath its ſtrength to accuſe, and terifie, Rom. 7.11. 1 Cor. 15.56. And in deſires of avoid­ing danger, this ſpirit of bondage ſo laden with ſinn pollutes the conſcience to be dictating to ſeeke peace in workes of the law and to be ſpeaking peace there from, Rom. 9.32. and 10.3. which ſtill genders to bondage, and leaves under the curſe, Gal. 4.21.30. and 5.4. and 3.10. And this power hath law with its effect in the conſciences of men in this lyfe, till they be ſet free by Chriſt; for the law can juſtifie none that have at all ſinned, nor gives any hope for any repentance after ſinning, nor any power or freedome for coming in to God againe, this is the work of Jeſus Chriſt, the Sonne of God, to juſtifie from ſinn, and give repentance, and freedome to come in to God, Iohn 8 34-36. Act. 5.31. So that onely by Chriſt, by his ſpirit applying his preious blood to the heart, and ſtreaming in his rich grace there through, the conſcience is purged from the accuſation of ſinn, and from ſpeaking, or ſeeking peace by dead works; And gives in an inward living prin­ciple to ſerve the living God, Heb. 9.14. And ſo waſheth from ſinn, Reu. 1.5. Reneweth, Tit. 3.4. And ſetteth them at Liber­ty for the things of the Kingdom, Gal. 5.1. enduing them with the Spirit of adoption of love, power and a ſound minde, Rom. 8.15. 2 Tim. 1.7. And thus the law rightly underſtood in it ſelfe, and the ends of giving it; And the power it hath in the naturall conſcience ſhews the neceſſity of the Pretious Blood of Chriſt to be by his ſpirit applyed to, and ſprinkled on the conſcience.


Of the Excellency, and dignity of this Precious Blood of Chriſt that is preſented to the Father, and his Sacrifice being alſo preſented to the heart.

FOR the Excellency, Dignity, and worth of the Blood, Death and Sacrifice of Chriſt, preſented, and offered to God for men, and preſented, tendered, and applyed to men; It is be­yond45 compariſon or expreſſion; yet we may underſtand a little thereof, if we view, and conſider it in fowre reſpects, 1. In reſpect of the Sacrifice it ſelfe, 2. In reſpect of the appearance, and De­claration thereof, 3. In reſpect of the glorious, and abundance of love herethrough appearing, 4. In reſpect of the unvaluable, and inexpreſſible hope it giveth to all that receive it, beſides the ope­ration to be after ſpoke of.

1 In reſpect of the Preſentation, and Sacrifice it ſelfe, it ap­peareth to be of moſt excellent Dignitye, and worth in many no­table reſpects, as to ſay.

1 In reſpect of the Prieſt that offered this Sacrifice, who was immediately called of God, as Aron was, Heb. 5.4.5. And in­finitely above and greater then Aron, and all the Prieſts of his Or­der: for they had ſinns of their own alſo, firſt to offer for, be­fore they offered for the ſins of the people, But this our high Prieſt had no ſinn of his own to ſatisfie for, but his offering was wholly, and altogether for us, Heb. 7.26.27. And their High-Prieſts were men that had infirmities, and ſo dyed; But this High-Prieſt, though the very man that dyed for us, yet riſen from the Dead, and alive for ever-more to interceide for us, Heb. 7. 23-25. and 5.5.6. Yea they were made Prieſts according to the law of a carnall Commandement, But this High-Prieſt after the power of an endleſſe life, Heb. 7.16.17. They without an Oath, this with an Oath, Heb. 7.21. They the Sonnes of men, But this High-Prieſt is the Sonne of God; even God-man, Heb. 7.28. and 1 4-8. They went, and preſented the Blood in an earthly holy place, but this High-Prieſt entred into Heaven it ſelfe, to offer, and appeare before God for us, Heb. They though they offered to God; yet they tooke no plea­ſure in their offerings, but this High-Prieſt offered to God, and he hath accepted him, and ſet all his wellpleaſedneſſe in him, and ſet him at his right hand, and given all Authority to him, Heb. 10. 1-12. and 1.4.8. Oh conſider how great an High-Prieſt we have; And how excellent then the Sacrifice that he hath offered, and by vertue whereof he interceideth, Heb. 1. & 3, & 5, & 7, & 8.

2 In reſpect of the Sacrifice it ſelfe which he offered; for eve­ry High-Prieſt is ordained to offer gifts, and Sacrifices; And it is of neceſſity that he have ſomwhat alſo to offer, and that in the46 Heavens, Heb. 8.3.4. And ſo he hath offered a gift, a Sacrifice for ſatisfaction, for ranſome, for propitiation, and for a memori­all, to intercede with for us; And this was not Gold, or Silver, nor Bullocks, and Lambs, &c. nor the Blood of others, as the o­ther Prieſts offered, but his own moſt Pretious Blood, his own moſt holy Body, even that very Body in which he had borne our ſinns to the Tree, 1 Pet. 2.24. In which he dyed for our ſinns, and roſe for our Juſtification, Rom. 4.25. Yea the Body, which is the Body of the Sonne of God, Iohn 1.14. In whom the ful­neſſe of the God-head dwelleth bodily, Col. 2.9. This is the gift, the ranſome, the Sacrifice; he offered himſelfe, his own Bo­dy without ſpot to God for us, Heb. 9.12.14. and 10. 5-10. Oh how fit, how ſatisfying, and of what infinite value is this Blood, and Sacrifice of his!

3 In reſpect of the Altar on which this Sacrifice was offered, and by which it was borne and carried up to God; The Altar of Gods appointment, whatever it be, is greater then the gift, or Sa­crifice, and Sanctifieth the gift, Mat. 23-19. Now thoſe other Prieſts offered upon an Altar of earth, or earthly ſubſtance, Exod. 20.24 But what is the Altar on which this High-Prieſt offereth this excellent gift, that is greater then it, and ſanctifieth it? ſurely this can be no other, but the Divine nature which is greater then the Humane; In reſpect of which Humane, clad with our Infir­mities he ſaid; The Father is greater then I, Iohn 14.28. And by the power of this Divine nature he was ſupported in, and through his ſufferings Eſa. 50. 1-9. Rayſed from the dead Rom. 4.24. and 6.4. Aſcended to heaven, Act 5.30.31. And offered himſelfe to God: And ſo it is expreſly ſaid, Heb. 9.14. he through the eternall ſpirit offered himſelfe without ſpot to God. And thus alſo was God manifeſted in the fleſh, Juſtified in the Spirit &c. 1 Tim. 3.16. And ſo by ranſome of the union of the humane nature, with the Divine in the perſon of the Sonne of God, one Chriſt, God-man; This Blood, and Sacrifice, if it be rightly underſtood, may be truly called the Blood, and Sacrifice of God, Act. 20.28. found by God, Iob. 33.24. And offered by God unto God, according to the will of God, though it was the Body, or humane nature offere: for men: And this doth ſanctifie,47 and dignifie the offering, that it is of Infinite value and prevalen­cy, Heb. 10. 5-10-19. &c.

2 In reſpect of the Declaration, and appearance of this preti­ous Blood, and Sacrifice; And ſo of Chriſt, that by the eternall Spirit hath offered it to God for men, and received the ſame ſpi­rit to apply to men, and his gratious ends in both the faithfull, and playne declaration of this by ſuch as by ſpirit have received it, and as the Spirit hath taught them, 2 Cor. 4.4.6. 1 Cor. 2.12. Rom. 12.3. Mat. 28.20. Declares this Pretious Blood, and Sa­crifice to be of great excellency, worth, and Dignity: In that in ſuch declaration (as he promiſed.)

1 The holy Spirit cometh along, and ſheweth, and teſtifieth of theſe things of Chriſt, Iohn 15.26. and 16.14. and manifeſted the ſavour of his Knowledge, 2 Cor. 2.14.15. And goeth to the heart of men that they might believe, Iohn 1.7. Rom. 10.7, 8, 9, 10. And writeth the minde of Chriſt in the Believer, 2 Cor. 3.3. and 13.3 5. So that in the hearing of this Doctrine, and Object of Faith, and in no Doctrine, or obſervation of any law of workes, the Spirit of Chriſt cometh, and teſtifieth, and is received, Gal. 3. 1-5.

2 The free grace, and abundant love of God to mankind in the gift of his Sonn. To be a ranſome for all men, 1 Tim. 3, 4, 5, 6. And the Saviour of the world, And the propitiation for their ſins, 1 Iohn 4.10.14. That whoſoever believeth on him might not periſh, but have everlaſting life, Iohn 3.17. And his acceptation of his Sonne for men, and taking his wellpleaſedneſſe in him, Mat. 3.17 2 Cor. 5.14. Heb. 10. 1-12. His filling him for men, Pſal. 68.18. Eſa. 41.1. His readineſſe to receive in, and through his Sonn, and that his Sonn ſhall give eternali life to all that in his Diſcovery, ſee, and believe on him John 6.40. and 1.12. yea, even his peculiar, and delightfull love, and well pleaſedneſſe in his Sonn, and all that by grace are made one in his Sonn, Iohn 15.9. and 16.27. All this appeareth (and as living water ſtream­eth) In the Declaration, and appearance of this Pretious Blood, and Sacrifice, as it was offered to God, And is applyed to the heart, Rom. 3.24 25. 1 Iohn 5. 6-12.13.

3 The great, and compleate ſalvation, redemption, reconcilia­tion, Propitiation, and righteouſneſſe that is in him, and which he48 is become, which by himſelfe,1 Pet. 2.24. 1 Cor. 15.3.4. Rom. 4.25. 1 Iohn 2.2. and in his own Body he hath wrought in dying and ſhedding his Blood for our ſinns, and riſe­ing for our Juſtification; And through the eternall Spirit offering himſelfe a ſpotleſſe and unvaluable Sacrifice to God, in which he hath made Purgation of our ſinns, ſlaine enmity, obtained eternall redemption, and made ſuch ſatisfaction in heaven, that he hath thereupon received life to diſpenſe to men, Heb. 1.3. and 9.12.14. and 10. 1-12. And the power, and fitneſſe of the ſame Pre­tious Blood, and Sacrifice by the Holy Spirit applyed to the heart, to purchaſe, redeeme, and reconcile to God from among men, and to waſh, purge, and renew the heart, &c. Act. 20.28. Ren. 1.5. and 5.9. Heb. 9.14. Tit. 3.4.5. And ſo worke Sal­vation <