The chiefe Events in the Spaniſh Monarchy.
AFflicted Europe weepes (for many ages) from time to time at her ruines, either becauſe God doth moſt chaſtiſe the careleſneſſe of thoſe whom he loveth beſt, and ſo it is good will; or becauſe he moſt puniſheth the faults of them who are moſt bound unto him, and ſo it ſeemes revenge: he either trieth as mercifull or ſcourgeth as wrathfull. Sometimes ſhe ſeeth her Inhabitants bloudy themſelves in civill warres, and oftentimes ſhe ſeeth her land overflowne with barbarous Nations. Our bitterneſſe calls ſimplicitie Barbariſme and him barbarous, who is not tedious of other mens affaires; who is content with his owne, as long as it is able to maintaine him; who to offer violence, will firſt have it offered to himſelfe; who goeth againſt a man through a deſire of preſerving himſelfe,2 and not through greedineſſe of growing great; who ſlayeth another to preſerve his own life, who invadeth Countries to get a dwelling place; valorous without cunning; hardy without deceit ▪ as if Nature were worſe then Art, and he beſt who much knoweth, when much knowledge ſerveth him to doe the greater hurt.
Warre was once more terrible to Nations when it was moved againſt them to dwell in the Country, then when the aime was domination; The one; was againſt all, the other againſt one in loſing, the one obliged to change a maſter, the other to leave being one. Now adayes alſo the worſt would be our leader, if our lamentable times with a moſt evill compariſon did not juſtifie it. The Countries were more fortunate, the men leſſe evill. The neceſſity of living pricked men forward and not the greedineſſe of commanding, nor the hatred of him that commanded. The land changed its Inhabitants, it did not loſe them, men did not deſtroy the houſes where they meant to dwell ▪ they did not make the land barren which was to nouriſh them, they3 peopled it, and did not lay it waſte, and it did renew it, more then ruine it; Then was Europe a prey, but to men, now it is a prey to the Sword, Fire, Famine, and Peſtilence; warre taking the dominion away from one, and not gaining it to the other, if ſo be command is meant over men, and not over buried carkaſſes which are turned to duſt; over fruitfull and abounding plaines, and not a deſert, burnd, unmanured, and barren Countrie.
In theſe turbulent motions ▪ and deplorable, times came in the yeare one thouſand ſix hundred thirty nine, the fire of diſſentions burning more then ever, and like Mount Aetna, ſhewing no ſigne of going out, as if it alſo had its Scillaes and Charibdies, which devouring the wealths of Kings and Nations, did feed upon bloud and treaſure.
Germany was deſtroyed, full of civill warres. The French overcome, but not weakened, nor mortified, thought upon revenge. Great Britaine as laſt in the world, was rather then forgotten, reſerved for the laſt beames which made an influence of warre over Europe, and now feeling the dammages of it, ſought for a4 remedie. The ſtate of the Auſtriacall Monarchy was various; Flanders victorious, but not ſecure; Spaine triumphant and threatned; The affaires in Burgundy dangerous, in Braſill doubtfu•l, in Germany adverſe; Weymar poſſeſſed of Briſack, the Swede of Bohemia, the Turkiſh armies ready to move, the Hans townes wavering, the Switzers irreſolute; The Fleet ſet upon by the Hollanders, and though not overcome, yet hindered and ſtaied. In vain did the Catholick King deſire peace, withſtood by the Rebels obſtinacie, the enemies greedineſs, & agreement of their Officers. Theſe not being able to bee governed but by the violence of motion, and the other not ſatisfying, ſome their rage, ſome their envy, but with conqueſts of new Cities and Kingdoms ▪ did already make eaſie things ſeeme difficult with ſtrange pretences, and difficult things eaſie with new tributes, levies, and Engines.
In the meane time the body of Chriſtendome, infirme, languiſhing, and hurt in its moſt ſolid parts co•ſumed like an Ectick, either finding no Phyſician, or wanting a remedy. It ſeemed5 becauſe of the ſharpneſſe of the ſeaſon to reſt, and accumulate matters to kindle a new paroxiſme. The motion did not ceaſe, paſſing from the body to the head, from the heart to the mind, which partly diſquieted, partly neceſſitated, ſtudied a•l meanes to trouble the bodies, and ſtirre up armes.
In France the Officers diſcourſed of making new conqueſts in Flanders of making ſure the affaires of Germany, of troubling Spaine by Sea and by Land ▪ little reflecting upon the buſineſſe of Italy, where they weighed not the loſſe of ſmall places, and thought time long in conquering great ones. That in the meane time the Spaniſh Army would decreaſe, and theirs increaſe. That they wou•d goe to relieve p•aces, and force their enemies either to give over what they had undertaken with ſhame, or fight with danger. That they ſhould gaine in Flanders, and in Burgundie, and what ſiniſter accident ſoever ſhould happen they eſteemed not the loſſe of a place in Italy conſiderable (beyond which they imagined thoſe powers could not reach) they having ſo many there,6 ſo that they thought it impoſſible to be counterpoiſed, much more to be overcome.
In Spaine were very different thoughts, they looked upon the affaires of Italie, as their chiefe ſcope. That it was good to goe with great ſtrength where the reward was great, the oppoſition ſmall. The dates which they ſet in Piemont would be ſufficient to bring foorth olive trees. That to be the moſt ſenſible part of Europe. Thither to be called by men, and invited by fortune, and if the one did ſhew themſelves favourable, and the other ſhould prove proſperous, the King of France his conqueſts would be counterpoiſed and he would be called into that Province where he moſt feared, and be diverted from that where he had moſt hopes.
They were not careleſſe of the defence of their other States: the proviſions for Flanders were great both of men and money: Foure Millions and a halfe of ſilver; Seaven thouſand Foot at the Groine ready for to go; an Army of Germans under the command of Count Picolomini, all old Souldiers, and new Levies in the7 Country. Holſatia and Burgundia were to be releived with an Army under the Command of Don Franceſco di Melo. In Spaine, Cantabria was made ſure with foureteene thouſand Horſe and Foote who aſiſted it. And for a ſupply of the Forces in the County of R•nciglione there were great Levies appointed to be made in that Province. A Tertia of Walloones which was comming out of Flanders, the Italian Infantrie which the gallies of Spaine, Scicilie, Naples and Genoa were to bring over in the Spring. Now for to keepe the Mediterranean Sea, and the Ocean, there ſhould bee, the Navies which ſhould come from Carthagena and Cadiz, that which was at the Groine, and the Ships of the Fleet which was expected out of the Indies. And to ſecure themſelves totally from the threatnings of mighty Fleets which were preparing in Britanie, the Coaſt of Spaine was all furniſhed, with Men ▪ Ammunition, and Proviſion. Providing for Land affaires as if they wanted defence by Sea; And thinking upon the Fleet at Sea as if they could not defend themſelves by Land ▪
A victorie obtained againſt the Hollander8 at Sea gave a beginning to this years conqueſts, an enemy of a long time, and yet domeſticall; almoſt at home, and therefore continuall.
Some Dunkirk Ships were to goe to the Groine to take in ſome Spaniſh Infanterie, they went to Mardick to joyne with the reſt having fought with the emie, who ſtrong with a Fleet of ſeaventeene ſaile all of ſtrength, came to beſiege them at the mouth of the haven. The Generall Michael d'Orno, though unequall in ſtrength, yet ſuperiour in courage, being not able to endure the rebells inſolence, with a proſperous wind came forth of Mardick and ſet upon them three times. The firſt time though for a little ſpace they fought generouſly, yet the Hollander made ſome ſhew of giving back ▪ the ſecond he gave back the third he fled and getting into their owne harbours left a moſt glorious victory to his Majeſties forces which joyfully, being but eight ſhips ſtrong furrowed the waves to gather the fruites, many promiſing them the dominion of the Ocean yeelded by the Hollander ſhut up and weakened.
9But who is the Maſter of the Ocean? It is not overcome, though in it one overcommeth, yea he often is conquered by the Sea, who hath conquered man. He that was overcome fled and the Sea is overcome by flying it. He that overcommeth fighteth, and who fighteth with the Sea looſeth by it ▪
There aroſe the moſt horrideſt tempeſt that was in the memory of th'eldeſt men, it ſcattered the ſhips & tore them, ſo that with much toile, and almoſt by miracle they came into harbour, ſome at Oſtend, and ſome at Dunkirk, without rudders, ſailes, or maſts, more like reliques of a ſhipwrack then ſhips fled from the injury of the waves.
I could note to make you bend the eyebrowes the ſtrangeneſſe of it; there being but very few houres betwixt the rejoycing with triumph and the bewayling of loſſes ▪ if I would therein follow the tracks of a wiſe man who for an admirable particularitie of the Sea cried out, that in the ſelfe ſame place ſhips were one day playing and ſporting and caſt away the next. As if the Land did not produce ſuch effects, which are not10 thought of nor obſerved, becauſe they are more frequent. Who ſeeth not that in the ſelfe-ſame bed, where man taketh his beſt reſt, and where he enjoyeth ſometime amorous, ſometime Matrimoniall delights, bee a ſo lets forth his laſt and vitall ſpirits and breathings with paine and horrour amidſt tormenting ſorrowes?
The Marqueſſe of Fuentes care did get the ſhips mended, and ſhipping two thouſand Walloons in them for the [Groigne, cauſed them to ſet ſaile.
The Enemy was returned powerfull within ſight of the Harbour, out of which his Majeſties ſhips came, but not with happy ſucceſſe, for ſome run aground, and other for want of wind could not get out; there were but five that fought. Michael d'Orno ſet upon the Holland Admirall with ſuch fierceneſſe, that he had almoſt ſunke her, ſhee ſhunned the boarding, and preſently fled with the reſt of the ſhips, and in the flight met with two of the Kings ſhips. The Sea grew calme, the Captaine and the Admirall runne on ground, ſo that the enemy was left with the two ſhips, playing upon them with11 their Ordnance, but would not adventure to boord them. So here were two great victories, which the Kings Forces, obtained againſt the Rebels, the one was counterpoiſed by too much wind and the other almoſt changed for want of wind.
The Captaine got off, and all the reſt of the ſhips but the Admirall; the enemys battered retired to their owne Ports for reliefe, and the Kings ſhips to Mardick and Dunkirke, and from thence after they were mended they went away with their Walloons, and arrived ſafely into Spaine, where the Cardinall Infanta writ in what diſtreſſe Burgundy was, Weymer being come into it ▪ and having taken Pontaglier ▪ and Joigri, by meanes whereof he cut off that Province from all reliefe of Armes and proviſions from the Switzers.
His Majeſty ſent money, and order to the Marqueſſe of Leganes, that he ſhould aſſiſt them with men.
In the mean time Prince Thomas was extraordinarily importunate at Court, to get leave to goe and aſſiſt the buſineſſe of Italy. That his Country did burne, that the Government was ſwayed by a paſſionate12 woman, an unable Prince, and Officers wonne, bought, hindered, and forced by the French. That the lawes gave him and the Cardinall the tuition. That hee could not juſtifie to the world his ſtay in Flanders to looke upon the flames. Hee promiſed his Majeſty fruitfull actions, and that he likewiſe promiſed to himſelfe from his Majeſty, juſtice and love, if hee ſhould have recourſe to his Clemencie, and great aſſiſtance, if there were need of power. That he had many intelligences, and that he was called thither, by his friends, malecontents, convenience, obligation, and hope.
Every one did not applaud this going into Italy, many believing it could doe no good, did prognoſticate great dammage might enſue thereupon. The malecontents within, ſhewed every thing to be eaſie for them as went out, becauſe they ſhould trouble the State; and theſe made every thing ſeeme eaſie to the King ▪ wherein they might aſſiſt him, promiſing themſelves more then they could performe, and promiſing more then they knew they could performe. Force of Armes, nor intelligence of Princes could13 not gaine ſo many places to his Majeſty, as the Dutcheſſe deſpaire might give unto the King of France. True it is, that her reaſon of State is not that ſhe ſhould deliver them into the hand of the French, and that now in caſe the affection of Siſter ſhould perſwade her to it, the love of a Mother would diſſwade her from it: But if ſhe ſhould imagine that they muſt be loſt, ſhee would ſooner fall into the armes of a Brother, then under the feet of her Kinſmen. Convenience is the reaſon of State, and they are all counterpoiſed while a ſtate remaines, but it being loſt, revenge takes the place of conveniencie, and rage the place of reaſon; The future is not diſcourſed upon, onely the preſent is hated, neither doe they conſider which is the beſt, when all are bad. The ſick man, whileſt he hopes to obtaine health patiently endures thirſt, hunger, iron, and fire, but if he once falls into diſpaire, he abhorres the Phyſician, and hates the remedies worſe then the diſeaſe. The powers of the Spaniard untill that time to have ſeemed to the Dutcheſſe to be againſt the French ▪ her ſtate to ſerve for a field to wrath, and not for14 a reward to victories. If ſhe ſee the Princes of Savoy with thoſe forces ſhe will think them to be againſt her. And whereas before in caſe of loſſe, the King of Spaines more moderate mind, did promiſe her reſtitution; the title of Kinſman might deceive her, and the juſt title of the King of France; and of both theſe things did aſſure her the emulation which was between them, and the agreement betweene the Princes of Europe. And ſhe might now doubt that in this third, the contraries might agree, the emulation might be appeaſed, the Subjects ſatisfied, and the world contented; there being not wanting lawfull, ſpecious, apparent, and hidden titles and pretences. Intelligences do worke better a farre off by their power, then neere by their perſon; thoughts which men have cannot be ſeen; but the eyes doe ſhew where a man meanes to hit. That Prince Thomas in Flanders did thrive and gaine as preſent, in Italic as abſent, changing of countrie he might breed turmoile on the one part and doe hurt in the other, if not in both. Oſtentation to be the greateſt enemy that this enterpriſe could have, enough15 will be done, if they can perſwade that little can be done. The Dutcheſſe will not deſperately caſt her ſelfe into the hands of the French, and they will not go with great powers, where they imagine not to gaine great rewards, or hinder great conqueſts. Scarce ſhall Prince Thomas appeare, but the one, and the other growen jealous and ſuſpicious, will ſtirre up every ſtone, and uſe the uttermoſt endeavour, they will change all governours both in holds and armies, and fill every thing with French; whereby the one ſide aſſured of the treacherie, and the other not forbearing to attempt it, cunning being in vaine employed, the time will be loſt of helping ones ſelfe with force. Nature hath thought craft to be hurtfull to valour, and onely helpfull to cowardlineſſe, granting it to the weakeſt kind of beaſts, and denying it to the moſt valorous. They are both hindered when they are together, diminiſhing when they are mixed, and being good for nothing when they are diminiſhed. That it was not knowne of what degree Prince Thomas his perſon ſhould be in the army; it was not convenient he16 ſhould be ſuperiour to the Marquis of Leganes, and to have him inferiour would be diſſonant. Howſoever he would breed diſturbance, in Warre, in Peace, in overcomming, and (peradventure more) when he had overcome.
But wiſe men, and thoſe who underſtood his Majeſties mind aright, diſcourſed the contrarie. That it had alwayes bin helpfull to the conquering of countries, to have in the armies perſons of their blood who ruled. This meanes which had ſerved many to cover injuſtice and to deceive people, would now ſerve to ſhew the truth, and to undeceive thoſe which went aſtray. That nothing could hinder his Majeſties good intention more, then the not being knowne, and that nothing could make it more knowne then the preſence of thoſe who were intereſted. Should he feare the Dutcheſſe ſhould deſpaire? let her do what ſhe wil, when ſhe hath done what ſhe could doe ſhe will peradventure not be more deſperate (and that queſtionleſſe) when ſhe is aſſaulted. Her mind cannot be gained, it muſt be forced, ſhe will give unto the French, whatſoever the Spaniards doe17 not take. That the King ought to procure that ſhee might be wonne to her ſelfe, taking away her eſtate, that ſhe may not loſe it, with an intent (as a guardian) to reſtore it to her again when her Frenzie is over-paſt, and that ſhee hath recovered her health. In the mean time that it is neceſſarie to hinder her from caſting it into the hands of the French, and binde theſe to leave that by force, which they had through covetouſneſſe uſurped, or to reſtore it through envie. The preſence of thoſe Princes to bee neceſſary, they had not yet gathered ſo many intelligences, as they would gather. Let Potentates and ſtrange Commonwealths Armies once heare them, and they will know that the King of Spaine goeth to protect, and not to gaine. Let the Subjects ſee their faces, and they will believe they come to govern them, and not to fight with them. All will follow them, partly confeſſing themſelves oblieged for received favours, and partly knowing themſelves freed from the oath which was given them, honour and conveniencie not hindering them, and feare and intereſt pricking them on. That thoſe18 people hate the French, and diſtruſt the Spaniards, and ſo being unreſolved between diſtruſt and hatred, they ſhall ſcarce ſee the Princes, but without exact examination of the buſineſſe, they will without any further conſideration caſt themſelves into their armes. He who is in a ſtreight betweene two contraries, feares hurt from each, and as ſoone as he ſeeth a third, without further adviſe, he runnes precipitouſly to him. The hatred will be encreaſed towards a womans government, and contempt of a childes. Diſtaſters will be imputed, ſome to the ignorance, and ſome to the evill will of them that rule. They will deſire to change their Lord, and at laſt they will change him.
They confeſſed that intelligences which are had in States, promiſe more then they can doe, counting of that which others ſhall doe, and that others are deceived in the doing, making accompt of that which hath been promiſed them. Hee that means to undertake an enterpriſe and ſets intelligences foremoſt in an accompt, ſhall find himſelfe deceived. Theſe ought to follow hopes, not to19 frame them, doing ſervice enough, when other things are diſpoſed, as if they ſerved for nothing. Great forces confirme thoſe who are well affected, and gaine thoſe who ſtand doubtfull; Small forces loſe every one, even thoſe whoſe underſtandings were before perſwaded; That his Majeſtie did confide in the greatneſſe of Armies, as in a ſubſtance, in that of intelligences as in an accident. Who comes into a State with theſe two, runnes like a torrent, and the further hee goeth, the more he increaſeth. That Prince Thomas his valour, and experience in his owne Countrie (if no other circumſtances did concurre) promiſed victories. That the Marqueſſe of Leganes gentleneſſe of mind, (who without loſing the Supream power, could yeild the ſupreame honour) would ſecure all diſturbances in the progreſſe; And the good intention of the King and Princes, after they had gone forward. The King not weighing whether it were profitable or hurtfull that Prince Thomas ſhould goe into Italie, onely willing to ſatisfie the deſire he ſeemed to have of it, granted him leave: and he came thither juſt at that time that20 the Marquiſſe of Leganes incited by many Letters of Count Duke, reſolved to take the field.
Hee knew that to overcome the Frenches valour, it would be very advantagious to conquer their nature. Hee already for two yeares time had happily found by experience, what a great helpe celeritie was in Matiall affaires: and that greater ſwiftneſſe was able to counterpoiſe greater force. The nature of the heavens ſheweth it, wherein the weakeſt are made the ſwifteſt, becauſe the inferiour ſhall not be hindered by the mightier. The Moone whoſe influence hath not vertue to equall Saturnes, ſheweth her effects more cleete, and if ſhe doth not produce them greater, ſhee reiterateth them more often, ſupplying the weakneſſe of her beame, with the ſwiftneſſe of her motion. The French is brought into ſtreights by being prevented: either he believes not himſelfe to be come time enough to opperate, and ſo gives himſelfe over, or he moves out of time, and ſo loſeth himſelfe. The Spaniard is not ſo: his nature is ſlow, and when that ſlowneſſe imprints a quality21 which ſeemes to be hurtfull, not failing in what is neceſſary, he brings into conſequence the others which follow it, in ſuch manner equalled with the firſt, that they make it profitable, or at leaſt they doe correct it. Who ſo is overcome in his peculiar quality, ruines with the conſequent; Not by reaſon of the firſt which he hath loſt, but of the reſt which he hath not changed.
The Marqueſſe of Leganes ſent D. Martino d' Arragon, with a part of the Army to the paſſes; And hee with the reſt came to Novara; Thither came Prince Thomas, they diſcourſed of the ſurpriſall of Civaſco, and it was reſolved in Vercelli to attempt it. The Prince with two thou and Horſe did attempt it; and having had good ſucceſſe, hee being ſtrengthened with two thouſand foot which the Marqueſſe ſent him, ſet upon Jurea, aſſaulted it, got within the Walls and wonne it, Veglia yeilded to him, and becomming Lord of both their Territories, hee became Maſter of the vale of Oſta.
Don Martino of Aragon thinking that to gaine Cencio, it was firſt neceſſary for22 him to take Saliceto a ſmall Caſtle, ſent D. Lewes of Lincaſtro, thither, he raiſed a Battery againſt it with two Demi-Cannon. D. Martino went to view the place, and a Musket-ſhot hitting him in the forehead, ſlew him. A Souldier of extraordinarie valour, who had with his hand juſtified what he was; He was loving to his inferiours, affable to his equalls, and reverent to his betters. Great in place, experience, hope and merit. Worthy to live to performe greater matters, or to die upon a greater ſervice. But there was nothing to be found fault with in him, if ſo unhappy a death had not given cauſe to accuſe fortune.
The loſſe of D. Martino, might have occaſioned ſome competition amongſt the chiefe Officers, which uſeth to end in tumults, But D. Lewis Ponze of Leon giving no time to diſcourſes, came to remedie it with his perſwaſions, and chiefly by his example; For calling them altogether, he ſhewed them, that he was one of his Majeſties Councell of warre, the eldeſt field Marſhall, and of the tertia of Lombardie; hee ſaid that by reaſon of theſe qualities, and of ſome circumſtances,23 by right the government belonged to him, which he did voluntarily lay downe, ſacrificing his owne intereſt to the good of the King his Maſter, who when he receives dammage by a competition, every he who is in the right doth deſerve puniſhment: there being no private reſpect that can parallel a publike dammage. That advices came of the enemies approaching; That the command might bee better deſerved by fighting then by competition. If they did not agree, there would be no fighting no commanding, and all would be loſt. That the Governour of Milan ſhewed, which way he inclined when he ſent D. Antonio Sotello to ſeize on the workes; The not yeilding to this would be a thwarting of the Marqueſſe his deſires, and to hinder rather then to accept of the command, which if it were laid downe, ought rather to be refuſed with wiſedome, then be afterwards forcibly left with ſhame.
They all approved of this diſcourſe, content to be commanded by D. Antonio Sotello. The King in his Letter acknowledged himſelfe to be well ſerved by D. Lewis his diſcreet proceeding, not only24 for the preſent act (which occaſioned a Victory, and the like being not obſerved in times paſt had occaſioned great loſſes) but chiefly in reſpect of the document which ſo rare an example would leave unto poſteritie: and admitted of no exception, becauſe that beſides the having right on his fide, hee wanted not great valour, and the like experience, beſides the Nobility of his famous houſe.
This action ſo new, and ſo unuſuall in the Kings Armies deceived the Cardinall of Vallette, and the Marqueſſe of Villa, who went with all their forces to relieve Saliceto, thinking to find the Souldiers without a Commander, or with many confuſed ones. They found them commanded by D. Antonio Sotello, with ſo much union, order, and valour, that comming to battell, they were routed and put to flight, with the death and impriſonment of the boldeſt. A great part of the Victory, ought to bee acknowledged from D. Lewes Ponze di Leon and his Regiment, who after he had modeſtly yeilded to his friends, fought valiantly againſt his enemies ſhewing himſelf more fit to govern then ambitious of governing.
25So was that ſtrong place wonn, which would have troubled any other Army that had not been Spaniſh, for the ſpace of a whole yeare, and was a place of great importance, one part of it ſtanding upon the entrance of Piemont, and the other to ſecure Finall.
This piece of Army was returning to joyne with the Marqueſſe under the conduct of Don John di Garrai, and comming neere to Verrua in an evening, he tooke the out-workes; At the dawning of the day he aſſaulted it five wayes; wonne it, Set upon the Caſtle, and it yeilded to him.
Hee was revenged of the wounds which he had received in that place when he ſerved the Duke of Feria, and if hee did in ſome way diſgrace his Maſters act taking that in foure houres, which his Maſter could not take in three moneths; yet did hee doe much credit to his advice, the Dukes Counſell being them to aſſault it, not to beſiege it: Then hee joyned with the Marqueſſe of Leganes, who laid Siege to Creſcentino, and though it had a dike full of water, deepe, and well fortified, and kept26 by a Garriſon of thirteene hundred French, yet in eight dayes he wonne it.
It will not peradventure be diſtaſtefull if I here ſet downe what reaſon moved the King of Spaine at firſt to invade the Duke of Savoy his Dominions, for the ſting of revenge, reaſon of State, nor rigor of juſtice are not ſufficient motives for his mild piety, to bring him on to endammage other men, if he were not otherwiſe violently moved thereunto.
Marqueſſe Forni Amadeo, Duke of Savoy his Ambaſſadour was in Madrid, who in the name of the Duke his Maſter, promiſed all friendſhip, and forbearance of hoſti•ity, when the Duke at the ſelfe-ſame inſtant joyning with France, entred into the State of Milan; when (for feare of breeding jealouſie) it lay in a manner diſarmed: with an Eccleſiaſticall perſon over the Politick government, and an old man over the Militarie; So that from one skirmiſh to another, it came to that paſſe, that if they would not yeeld without any more ſtirring, they muſt bee forced to adventure it upon a battell at Tornevento, with ſo much diſadvantage, that nothing (neceſſity excepted) could27 have freed it from the judgement of a moſt raſh act.
Being as it were by miracle eſcaped out of theſe ſtreights, Duke Amadeo died. And what rational man then would have ſaid ▪ that it was not then juſt for the King of Spaine to overthrow his Dominions, who had deceived him with publick faith? and joyning with his enemies, had aſſaulted the State of Milan, and brought it in jeopardy of loſing. What Politician would not have judged it neceſſarie, not to leave an example ſo pernicious to all Monarchies, viz. that they might bee ſet upon by inferiour Princes, and thoſe Princes receive no other dammage therby, but the not obtaining of the iſſue-of their deſires? And what humane heart of fleſh would have blamed the King for running upon a revenge neceſſarie in Policie, and lawfull in Juſtice; Yet his Majeſty courteous, not vindicative: magnanimous, not Politick, pious with Juſtice, and not juſt with rigour, propounded Peace to the Dutcheſſe if ſhe would forbeare to aſſiſt the French, taking upon him to make an agreement between her and the Princes her Allies; what28 could he doe more to have this Vine produce Grapes? yet it brought forth nothing but wilde ones. What could he do leſſe, then come in with fire and Sword, to ſhew what gentleneſſe provoked with ingratitude, and mercy ſleighted by obſtinacie can, and is able to doe? Yet hee hath not done it; he burned onely to fatten the ſoile, and deſtroy the weeds; He cut downe to engraft Plants, to cauſe them bring forth fruits in ſtead of thorns; He overcame the Mother, that ſhe might not ruine her Sonne; He moved war to eſtabliſh peace and ſeized on dominions to reſtore them.
The French were already come into low Germany, with two mighty Armies, the one under the command of Migliari, to goe upon the Country of Artois, the other led by Fucchieres to enter upon the land of Luxenburg. The deſignes were to renew the name & recover the Kingdom of the ancient Auſtraſia. Surely a great thought, and befitting a high mind that were not moſt Chriſtian. The provocatives were the remembrance of Charles the great, and the greatneſſe of the houſe of Auſtria, the end to renew the firſt, and ruine the laſt.
29The firſt things wherein Princes are in their younger yeares inſtructed, are〈◊〉great acts of their Predeceſſors; They hear them rehearſed with delight, whileſt they are not able to act them (infirmity of humane nature, which not to remaine without glory, having none of their own, appropriate other mens to themſelves, and takes from the fortune of Birth, that which ſprings onely from the worth of the perſon.) But if their ſpirit growes up with their age, thoſe relations which once ſeemed to pleaſe, do now torment, to praiſe, reprove, and tormenting and reproving enflameth them, firſt to be imitators of their Aunceſtors, and to follow their ſteps; then to emulate and outgoe them, which ever tieth them either to live idle in deſpaire, or troubleſome to diſquiet the world: And if by chance to the memory of thoſe who are paſt, be added an emulation of ſome that are preſent, finding greater in their owne and other families by reading and practiſe experience. And if equalling the firſt conſiſts in overcomming the laſt, What provocations will theſe bee to fight with them? Surely very ſharpe ones. 30And what ſhall be the ends of fighting with them, certainly peace and quietneſſe, not of the world, but their owne, for not being able to attaine unto thoſe ends, but by overcomming the world, they ſet that at variance, and conquer it not, but diſquiet, and ruine it.
Happy is the King of Spaine (and by his meanes the Chriſtian world) who hath no emulators, who being greater then he, doe diſquiet him, and hath no memories of any Anceſtors, but ſuch as tie him rather to keep what he hath, then to gaine more. His quiet is not moved, but he appeaſeth motions, he ſhuns war, and loves peace: never takes up Armes, but to cauſe them to be laid down.
The Cardinall Infanta gave order to Piccolomini to goe ſet upon Fucchieres, and bid him battell. The Marqueſſe of Fuenes to oppoſe Migliare his proceedings, who after the burning of certaine Caſtles and Townes, had laid ſiege to Edino. And the Count of Fera was to watch the Hollander, who was drawing neere to the Iſland of Bommell. Things ſeemed here to be well ordered, but a ſudden accident had like to have diſturbed31 them. Banier had routed, ſix thouſand of th'Imperiall Foot, the Emperour deſired ſo many men of Piccolomini to ſupply that want. It was judged in Flandars, that to ſend thoſe men, would but little helpe the Empire, and occaſion the totall ruine of that Province.
That the French was to be more looked after then the Swede. That Banier would not effect that which the King of Sweden could not doe, the King of France might doe it. Nothing is more eaſie then to know his intent, and there is no Prince or Common-wealth in Germanie, but if he knew it, would take up armes to hinder it. All of them might hinder it, if they would determine ſo, and they would all know it, if they would reflect upon it.
The firſt thing the King of France deſires, is to make himſelfe Emperour, and it will bee the laſt hee will attaine to; His Anceſtors began with the taking of Metz, Tul, and Verdun he hath followed theſe with the taking in of Alſacia and Lorraine. Being Lord of Teonville, hee will now take Luxemburge, Burgundie will totally fall, the Palatinate will not32 bee able to defend it ſelfe, hee will become Maſter of the Land of Trever, and all the old Auſtraſia, hee will ſubdue th'Eccleſiafticall Electors, the Kings of Spaine will loſe Flanders, Caeſar the Empire, and the Common-wealths of Germanie their Liberties, and the Princes their States.
The Father of this Emperour found himſelfe in th'extreameſt ſtreights having nothing left him but Vienna (and that beſieged) whileſt he was not as yet Emperour. The King of Spaine relieved him with reputation, Armies and Treaſures, which he could not have done, had he not been Lord of Flanders; Hee became victorious, ſubdued his enemies, recovered his Dominions, made himſelfe Emperor, & his Son King of the Romans.
It is a great Error for a little evill not to ſhut the doore againſt greater ones, which will ſuddenly happen, and then bee remedileſſe; and a great loſſe of reputation, for a ſmall loſſe to forſake the intereſts of Germanie, Italy, Weſtphalia and Flanders.
The emperour and the King of Spaine their Dominions are ſeparate, to enjoy33 every one his owne, in time of peace, but they are not divided upon occaſion of defence in time of Warre; Where dangers are common, it is not good to make the intereſts particular. A man ought not to take more care of his owne ſtate then of anothers, if his greateſt intereſt lieth in the others.
If the caſe require it th'Infanta would goe in perſon to defend him; And would leave (as hath beene done at other times) the King his Maſters Dominions to aſſiſt him, but th'occaſion doth not now require it.
If Piccolomini his Forces ſhould goe away (which in a manner bridle the bounds of Weſtphalia and the Rhine) the Princes who are friends, and if they faulter not, doe at leaſt feare) loſing courage, would accept the enemies proffers, which they would not doe, let the pretences bee never ſo ſpecious, if they were not put to deſpaire.
It would be fourtie dayes before theſe Forces could come to the place where there was need of them; in the meane time there might either bee no need of34 them, or greater would bee required, which might then bee ſent him, ſeven thouſand Foot being daily looked for out of Spaine, there being new levies in the Countrie, and daily hopes of routing the enemy.
The Forces might be defeated by the way, and the French might ſet upon Piccolominie being weakened; and overcome him, or with a few Horſe ſet upon this reliefe, and rout it, ſo that it would arrive too late and defeated or being overthrowne, would not come thither at all.
Theſe reaſons ſhewne by the Cardinall to Piccolomini, perſwaded him to ſtay till further order, and being likewiſe repreſented to the Emperour, he was contented to deſiſt and preſſe it no further.
The King of France his Fleet conſiſting of forty great men of warre, and more terrible by reaſon of thirty fire ſhipps, which ſailed along with it, ſet ſaile being commanded by th'Archbiſhop of Bourdeaux, who thus encompaſſed with fire and Sword (as Taſſo deſcribes Lucifer withſtanding heaven) carried Vulcan in Neptunes lappe, to fire rather then fight.
35Hee came within ſight of the Groine. There commanded on the ſhore, the Marqueſſe of Valpraiſo, who endowed with Spaniſh valour had alſo ſome French fantaſticalneſſe in him; The ſhipping was under the command of Don Loze di Ozes, a valiant Souldier, and moſt expert Mariner, moſt happy in all his enterpriſes whenſoever he ſtruggled with the Sea, or fought with his enemie, if ſo be the fire was not his enemie, or the Sea became not a Hell. Th'Archbiſhop endeavoured to draw neere the Haven, hee was put back with loſſe. He tried to burn the ſhipping, & he was oppoſed by floating timber which ſhut off the entrance of the Haven.
Theſe things paſſed by Sea, and by Land were greater dangers threatned by the preparation of Armes, and proviſion which was made at Narbona: the report went the Prince of Conde was to invade the Countie of Raciglione with a powerfull Army.
This Monarchy was ordained to have warres, either for him, or by him; And hee alwayes to retire, either into Spaine, being perſecuted by the French, or into36 France, being purſued by the Spaniard, by a retreat receiving curteſies, and with another repaying them.
Wiſe men imagined the Enemies intent to be rather to amaze with reports, then to ſet upon with Armes, to threaten rather then aſſault, to divert rather then conquer. The diverſion poſſible to bee obtained by ſetting up three or foure Colours at home, without diſplaying them in the field, Liſting men, without ſtirring them. Conqueſts to be almoſt impoſſible, diſgraces eaſie, and the dammages certaine. No account to be made of Salſas, and though it ſhould chance to bee loſt. Perpignane not to be feared though it ſhould be aſſaulted, being ſtrong of it ſelfe, back'd by a Province abundant in proviſion, rich in coine, and numerous in hardie and valiant men. That the King of Spaine would bee the hardlier turned. by reaſon he was tied to defend himſelfe being aſſaulted by great Forces, and had ſtrength enough to doe it, and becauſe of th'effect which the love of their King, and the hatred they have to the French, might worke in the hearts of the Catalonians. That his Majeſtie had with the37 Havens, the Dominion of the Sea, his Gallies might hinder any one elſe from becomming maſter of it. This gate being cloſed, it would be impoſſible for the French to maintaine a potent Army, ſeeing hee was to bring Ammunition and proviſion on his backe, ſo farre for it. The fire to bee kindled in Italie. Piemont in eminent danger to bee loſt, and the Kings Siſter with it. That it was good to draw the Spaniards thither, where the reward was great, and whither they could not come but by Sea, where the Climate is different, and where once routed it was hard for them to bee recruited. That Nature had parted theſe two Nations with th'Appenines, the Spaniards Foote to bee more valiant, and the French more numerous in Cavallerie; The one to bee forced to come into the Mountaines to move warre, where they can make no uſe of that wherein they moſt abound, and the others to deſcend into the plaine, where that was needfull, which they moſt wanted. To ſo many motives of reaſon, and naturall cares, was added the ancient experience, and38 eſpecially the moderne of Fonterable, where the laſt yeare they loſt ſo many men, and ſo much reputation.
But now in theſe dayes experience is followed, onely wherein it is favourable; if adverſe, it muſt bee overcome, and though its authority be not denied, yet it muſt be interpreted; The cauſe is attributed to chances, which alwaies accompany every great enterprize, and the croſſe of chances imputed to the Commanders, changing of which in ſtead of taking away th'inconveniences, they alter the Generalls, in ſtead of amending the evill, they multiplied and increaſe it.
One runneth not twice into an error, when in the ſame there is both ſhame and loſſe, for the danger of loſſe will not ſuffer them to adventure the ſhame. Enterpriſes obtaine not their effects, either becauſe they are projected, or badly executed, the error is ſometimes in the one, ſometimes in the other: but the fault is alwayes laid on him who can leaſt helpe it.
It is common to all men to erre, but proper onely to brave men to confeſſe39 their error; He that hath often dealt infallibly, if he receive blame for being once deceived, receives no ſhame by confeſſing that he was deceived, It is no abaſement of ſpirit, nor loſſe of reputation; It is a confidence in ones owne credit, which is not feared to be loſt in one onely action. Hee that confeſſeth an error, bindeth himſelfe to the cancelling of it by ſome great attempt, whereas he that denieth it, ſeemes to be ſubject to commit a greater. And it is ſtrange that an ignorant man will never confeſſe one, when the wiſe man affirmes, that the juſt man commits ſeven in a day.
The French Army (numerous being of twenty thouſand Foot, commanded in chiefe by the Prince of Conde, a Lord of a great bloud, and ſecondarily by the Duke of Luin, a Souldier of great valour) was by the moſt Chriſtian Kings Officers ſent into the Countie of Ronciglione, as though they would overcome the bounds of nature, the valour of the Spaniards, and alter the Generalls fortune; Fortune ſmiled, but did not favour; Valour overcome by multitude, appealed to time: Nature was betrayed, and not overcome.
40The Governour of the Caſtle of Oppoli, a ſmall place, a paſſage of thoſe Mountaines of a craggie ſituation, inacceſſible by Ordinance, and almoſt impenetrable to man, ſuffered himſelfe to be ſurpriſed by a Fanatick terror. The cries of the French threats entred into his eares, the number of the men preſented it ſelfe before his eyes, and in ſtead of viewing them with emiſſive rayes, which he might have done a farre off from the foot of the hill, he received th'impreſſion of them in th'eyes of his imagination, he figured them to himſelfe, as if they were before him, and was diſturbed, and before hee could come to himſelfe againe, he loſt his courage, his diſcourſe and himſelfe: for yeilding up the Caſtle to the French, hee and his Lieutenant were put to death at Perpignane, puniſhing him, and by his puniſhment giving others example.
The Count of Santa Colomba governed the Province of Catalonia in thoſe dayes to the King and peoples great ſatisfaction, a Gentleman of great hopes, though but of ſmall experience. The defect of this quality ſuffered him not then to bee an eminent Souldier, the plenty of other41 promiſed he would be one. Hee was noble, apt, prudent, calme, and valiant. In a peaceable government, you could have deſired no more: And in warre hee ſo behaved himſelfe, that it ſeemed that did him no hurt, which he was defective in; For providing diſcourſing, and doing every thing exceeding well, none could judge he needed that which hee onely wanted.
Hee did not find himſelfe to have ſtrength enough to reſiſt the enemie in the field; The men he looked for to recruit that Armie were not yet come; greater conveniencie, therefore was to be exppected, it being reaſonable to doubt in things not to be queſtioned at that time.
The Marqueſſe of Leganes buſineſſe would not permit to have ſix thouſand Foot taken from the Army which were allotted for that place, ſeeing he had loſt many men in the Conqueſt, and employed many to ſecure the conquered places. The Gallies of Naples and Sicily, thinking their orders for comming into Spaine had a connexion with thoſe ſix thouſand Foots comming, ſtayed for new orders,42 whereby they retarded the arrivall of the Tertia of Modona of the Levies made within the Territories of Lucca, and of the old Gally ſouldiers. The Catalaines, either becauſe they did not imagine the enemy would at that time ſet upon thoſe parts, or becauſe they were too much tied to the Letter (conſtruing their priviledges too ſtraitly and rigorouſly) had not made any fitting preparation. To all theſe accidents there concurred at laſt (to the great wrong of wiſdome, which oppoſed is the ruine of wiſe men) ſome French Officers had intercepted certaine Letters ſent by the Marqueſſe of Leganes, importing that the Prince of Conde with his Forces in Linguadoc was to march towards Italy. It was eaſily believed, for if it was not, it ought to have been ſo; and though it did not perſwade to deſiſt from being carefull, yet it diſſwaded from uſing compulſion.
Spaine was encompaſſed with enemies, a mighty Fleet at the Groine, a great Army in the County of Ronciglione, threatned in the Mediterranean by the Ships and Gallies of Marſeilles, in Cantabria by the Forces which were gathering together43 in Bayona, and yet the people (a thing worthy of note) which laſt yeare were affrighted with one Siege, in a place of no great danger, were no more moved at the rumour of ſo many forces, then if there were none. Whether it were becauſe the French, who have no power to overcome, but at the firſt ſhock could affright them but at the firſt; Or that the people being aſſaulted, where they thought they could not bee endammaged, believed their owne judgement to be deceived, and not the enemies. And not finding what reaſon moved him, becauſe they could not find it, they judged it to be great, and finding it once vaine and weake, giving over unreaſonable feare, they fell into a fooliſh ſecureneſſe.
Novelty deceives the judgement, either becauſe it goeth before the diſcourſe, or becauſe it diſturbeth it. In a moment it ſtrikes to the underſtanding, and forceth it preſently to frame a confuſed and indiſtinct conception: and with deceit increaſeth thoſe paſſions, which ignorance would abate. Every thing in the world is vaine, when it is once knowne. There is no delight can pleaſe the mind44 nor feare can terrifie it; Habit diminiſheth our paſſions, not through any power it hath from cuſtome, but through the want we have of the true objects; Novelty increaſeth them, not becauſe it is unuſuall, but becauſe it is unknowne.
But whether the Spaniards or the French-mens nature cauſed theſe various motions; Sometimes ignorance, ſometimes undeceiving, ſometimes the novelty, ſometimes the habit, Certaine it is that above all other things, that wrought in it (which the eyes of all Spaine ſaw the yeare before) the Kings great wiſedome, wiſe phantaſie, and ſure direction; The certaine judgement, eminent underſtanding, quick execution, and unceſſant labour of the Count Duke, whence aroſe the confidence which encreaſeth the courage, and perſwades obedience; which if it be not deceived in the object, aſſiſts the Victories, and being deceived, it hopeth for them. And if it be not ſufficient to make one overcome, it ſufficeth at leaſt to make him fearleſſe.
The Marqueſſe of Villa Franca, went to command the Spaniſh Gallies which were in Barcellona, Gianattino d'Oria45 arived thither with them of Genoa, Frigets were ſent to haſten away them of Sicily and Naples. It was ordered that the remnant of the Count Dukes regiment ſhould march, and with it ſix thouſand of the choiceſt foot in. Cantabria. That Perpignane ſhould be fully ammunitioned, and that the forces ſhould lie under ſhelter of it; That the Marqueſſe of Torracuſa and Arena ſhould goe thither; That onely five hundred horſe ſhould ſtay for the defence of Cantabria, and the reſt ſhould march to Perpignane; That money, munition and victuals ſhould be provided. That the Levies in Arragon, and Valencia ſhould bee haſtened; that theſe ſhould be perſwaded to defend their Countrey, and all ſhould remember the bond wherein they were tied to their Liege Lord.
The King of France his Fleet lay at the Groine, and vexed the coaſt of Spaine. The Hollanders lay in the Channell, and hindered the ſending of men appointed for Flanders; And becauſe it was neceſſarie to defend the one, and relieve the other, the Count Duke called the Junta of the Councells of State and Warre, without46 which he hath done nothing, and in which hee hath done every thing. If he ſpake firſt, the voting ended in him; Hee left way for nothing but for applauſe; If laſt from him it tooke beginning, mending errors, or by him it got perfection, bettering what was defective.
To deſire to be the onely adviſer of a King, makes not an Officer great, it makes him odious, and expoſeth him to danger, and oftentimes is a ſigne of a raſh mind, which arrogates too much to it ſelfe; ſometimes of a ſuſpicious and miſtruſtfull beart, and many times alſo of a weake breaſt, which ſhunneth the teſt, fearing to divide the Kings favour, and loſe it, if he prove inferiour.
There was ſcarce ever any great Officer, but that deſired to doe every thing himſelfe, and doing it, hath not been ruined. But if the wiſeſt men could not keep themſelves from this itching deſire ſurely there muſt be ſome great conveniencie in it; And if ſo many have beene wracked thereby, there muſt lie hidden in it ſome great danger. Two great qualities which the Count Duke hath, make theſe ſo intricate points even, namely his47 moderation and valour, doing every thing by the advice of counſell, and in counſell prevailing above all; whereby he enjoyeth the conveniencie, of avoyding hatred, and converting it into admiration.
I deſire not to bee alone believed in what I ſay of this great Officer. Let the Originall conſultations of both the great Councells of ſtate and warre together be looked upon, and you ſhall find (which is a thing worthy of wonder) that the vote comming laſt to the Count Duke, upon ſome particular conſiderations of his, many Conſultations have bin altered, all confeſſing that they had erred.
The meanes was canvaſſed in the Junta how to remedy the preſent inconveniences; It was voted by all that the Coaſt ſhould be defended by land, and that the reliefe ſhould be conveyed into Flanders, (if the French Army did not hinder it) by ſayling about Scotland, with a long compaſſe, expoſed to many misfortunes, and by a parcell of Sea, naturally threatning ſhipwracks.
But the Count Duke, in whoſe underſtanding lyeth joyned the whole frame48 of the Monarchie, whoſe breaſt is capable of two worlds, conſidering what veſſells were in Cantabria in foure townes, namely, in the Groine, Lisbon, Cadiz, Alicant, and Cartagena, ſome Merchants Veſſells which were come out of the Indies, together with thoſe as were every day expected with the Fleet, made it appeare that his Majeſty had a Fleet ſufficient to fight with the French, carry reliefe into Flanders, and alſo to paſſe into the Mediterranean Seas, and for a need, fight with the Turke, and relieve the Venetians.
His Majeſty and the whole Iunta agreed with the Count Duke his opinion, who ſent Orders, and provided for neceſſaries, that theſe Fleets might as ſoon as poſſibly they could, be ready to ſet ſaile.
From hence let it bee gathered, how great the forces of the Spaniſh Monarchy are, and which moſt to bee regarded. When theſe did not ſo much as come in ſight nor thought worthy conſideration, though they were greater then ſome, as other great Potentates would make their laſt refuge and ground their higheſt thoughts, and livelieſt hopes upon.
49Piccolomini was marching towards Luxemburg, to fight with Fucchieres, but could not reach him ſo ſoon, but that hee was firſt entrenched and beſieging of Teonvill. He ſet upon him, diſordered two of his quarters, made him breake up, relieved the place, paſſed over the Moſe: fought with him ſquadron after ſquadron, where for a time th'enemy fought valiantly, then gave way, and at the laſt fled.
The French have ſwift and ſubtile ſpirits, eaſie to be moved, and being moved, eaſie to be diſſolved, and becauſe ſwift and moveable, they run preſently where they find occaſion, and united in the ſelfeſame time and place, they make the ſubject at the firſt greater then man and becauſe they are tender and ſubtile, and apt to conſume in the end being weakned, deſtroyed, and diſſolved, they forſake him, and leave him a dead carkaſſe. Such like effects are ſeene every day in a candle before it goeth out, and in a ſick man before he dieth. The candle becauſe it ſhall not ruine at the firſt; by framing a great light, is hindered by the tenacity on groſſneſſe of the matter, which at the latter50 end being ſoftened & rarified, moveable, and light, runs without delay to foment the flame, and increaſe it; it doth it; but for a little time, becauſe there is but little matter left. In a ſick man the ſpirits being ſubtilized by diet, not overburthened, nor hindered by the body already brought low, conſumed & waſted; finding themſelves at liberty and looſ, fiercely ſet upon the diſeaſ; & being more active then ever they were, at firſt they overcome, but being tender, they conſume in overcomming, & being conſumed, not finding where to refreſh themſelves, having none to ſecond them, if they overcome not in an inſtant, they die. The ſlaughter was great, becauſe the foot were all ſlaine or taken. The victory was the more famous by the chiefe Commanders being taken. This Noble man a Politician, and a ſouldier of greater experience in State-buſineſſe then in warres, was adviſed more by politick, then Military art, did rather follow the time, then manage his forces; and loſt, ſeeking to prevent loſſe. Hee knew by th'example of former Captains, that there was no meane; that hee muſt either conquer, or loſe himſelfe, amongſt51 his friends with ſhame, or amongſt his enemies with glory. For in France, where the unwillingneſſe of loſing, was not admitted for a ſufficient reaſon of not having overcome, there remained no proofe of a mans not being able to overcome, but onely by loſing.
Piccolomini ſtayed not to enjoy the victory, he thought to increaſe it by trying Mouzzone, and if hee had attempted it preſently, he had ſurely taken it, but want of proviſions hindered him.
Man propoſeth an end unto himſelfe, and for that end he prepareth his means; if upon a new occaſion he change his end, if he provide not new meanes, he loſeth himſelfe, and while he doth provide them, he loſeth his opportunitie. He that goeth about one enterpriſe, ordinarily cannot performe two, and hee that will undertake two, ſeldome performeth any. Some have not followed victories, becauſe they could not, and ſo have loſt their credit; and ſome, when they ought not, having gone on to follow them have quite loſt them. When one partie is in poſſibility of being overcome, the other is not alwaies fitting to ſet upon him.
52The ſtaying of his Majeſties Officers, gave the Marſhall of Caſtillon time to come and relieve it, cauſing the forces which Piccolomini had ſent thither to retreate, whilſt hee marched on ſpeedily with the Cavalrie (ſent for by the Cardinall Infanta) to relieve Edino, brought to the laſt gaſpe.
The Cardinall of Richelien, the moſt Chriſtian Kings great Officer, had brought his Lord to the Frontiers of Artois, very neere to Edino, were it a purpoſe to give the King the honour of it as Joah did, or upon neceſſitie to encourage the Army, that it might not disband. Confidence of overcomming, or proviſion to overcome, had ſo much the more ingaged him, becauſe that having counterpoiſed the loſſe with the gaine, the following of the enterpriſe, with the deſerting of it; he found it was more reproachfull to retreat halfe flying, then glorious to enter into a ſmall place when it was wonne. Joabs ſucceſſe then had ſome conveniencie in it, now adayes it is become a meere curioſitie. David was a great Commander, it might be thought of him, that by his braine he had taken53 the place, though he was farre off, whereas it would not be thought ſo of other men, though they were neere. But if this were imprudencie, (which I will not affirme) over careleſneſſe transformed it into wiſe dome. For the Garriſon wanting powder, being well aſſaulted, better defended, wanting Ammunition, it was loſt, not being not able to ſubſiſt eight dayes, which had been enough to have made this yeare, the gloriouſeſt yeare that the Monarchy of Spaine had ever ſeene. The Cardinall Infanta could not relieve it for want of Horſe, the Governour for want of Powder, and Piccolomini for want of time.
He came to the Army, and was there received with applauſe; Hee was born of Aunceſtors famous both in Peace and Warre; renowned ſometimes by the Keyes, and ſometimes by the Sword; he ſerved his naturall Lord at Court, in his childhood; Being yet but young, be went to the German warres, and in his firſt beginnings ſhewed himſelfe worthy of the chiefe degrees; He arrived thereunto by the leſſer; for whereas they uſe to ſtay for a time, that yeares may increaſe54 valour, they were faine to ſtay a time, that his age might increaſe, becauſe that which was proportionable to his merit, might not be diſproportionable to his yeares; ſo that leaving it to be queſtioned whether fortune or valour were greater in him, I will onely affirme that he hath been longer valorous then fortunate; Generous, magnanimous, fearleſſe, liberall, and ordained for victories, hee made them ſpring in the middeſt of loſſes, and conquered where he did not overcome. So fortunate, that valour ſeemed to ſuperabound in him, and that hee had no need of it. So valorous, that it ſeemed fortune was ſuperfluous to him, and that he even forced her. This enemy to merit, when ſhe cannot beat it downe by abandoning it, will follow it, to make it ſeeme leſſe: and weakens glories, by dividing that which is not to be divided and requiring ſhare in that wherein ſhe hath not wrought. In his firſt age he was valiant without any defect of wiſedome, in his ſecond wiſe without any diminution of valour. Happy in all occaſion, victorious at all times, ſo that nothing hinders him from being compared with the55 greateſt Commanders of our time, but this onely, that he was never overcome. His Majeſties forces overrunne Piemont without any reſiſtance. Prince Thomas propounded to the Marqueſſe of Leganes, to goe before Turin with the Armie, not to trie the ſtrength of it by force, but onely to ſhew himſelfe, and encourage thoſe friends which he had within it. But all were not of that mind.
Some ſaid that there was no reaſon to goe thither, but onely upon hope of intelligences, which hope was eaſily perceived, when there was no other, and once perceived, was eaſily croſſed. That the Citizen was nothing worth, where the Souldier was armed and forewarned. That darkneſſe and ſuddenneſſe did favour turbulent deſignes, light and time would diſſipate them. That what might be would for that time be made impoſſible, by ſhewing ones ſelfe; And the ſurprizall for ever, by making ones ſelfe knowne. That the courſe of Fortune ought not to be ſtayd, nor reputation endangered, time loſt, and given to the enemy.
Notwithſtanding all theſe reaſons the56 Marqueſſe knowing that it was good to trie any thing which could not bee hurtfull, and dealing with careleſſe men; that might prove eaſie which ſeemed moſt difficult; and to avoid the cenſure of Criticks, which alwayes thinke well of that which hath not been tried, he did not oppoſe Prince Thomas his deſires, and diſpoſed the buſineſſes in that kind, that hee would be ſure to loſe no reputation by beginning any trench; nor any time by ſtaying there but few dayes, and not to give over his conqueſts by ſending Trotti to Ponteſtura.
Being come within ſight of Turin, the Enemy oppoſed him with Horſe and Foot, our men routed them, ſlew many, and tooke ſome priſoners, and ſome few that fled they purſued to the very Purculliſſes of the Citie. The Dutcheſſe ſent the Popes Nuntio, to negotiate an agreement between her and her Kinſmen; Her Propoſitions now when ſhe loſt all were as high, as if ſhe were a Conquerour; Shee ſeemed to give, rather then take lawes. Her demands were great and once granted could not be recalled; And all ſhee promiſed, was as nothing57 and that revocable when ſhe pleaſed.
The Treaty broke off, th'intelligences failed, and the Marqueſſe went away, and becauſe Trotti having taken the town of Ponteſtura, found much refiſtance in the Caſtle, he reſolved to divide his Army into two parts. Prince Thomas with the one part went to Villanova, and tooke it by ſtorme; with the other, the Marqueſſe marched towards Ponteſtura; Hee overthrew the enemies reliefe, tooke the Caſtle, went to Moncaluo, and having taken that place, he lay downe before Aſti with his whole Army. The Piemonteſſes, terrified by the Kings forces, brought the Keys of the Citie to the Princes, and the Spaniards valour overcame the obſtinacie of them that kept the Fort.
The Marqueſſe his deſires aimed at the taking in of Trino, a place of it ſelfe being of importance, and beſides it cut off reliefe from Caſal, and ſafeguarded the State of Milan. Hee had ſent his Cavalrie thither, (whileſt hee lay before Aſti) to hinder th'enemie from ſending in any forces. They tooke much Ammunition which would have gone in, and cut off58 almoſt a whole reliefe of five hundred choſen French, whom the Marqueſſe of Villanova ſought to bring in there. Trino is held to be almoſt impregnable, fortied without and within, a bogge neere it not to be medled with, deep water in the Motes, a ſtrong Garriſon, and well victualled. Notwithſtanding the Marqueſſe beſieged it, made a Trench, and withall his approaches as neere as hee thought fitting for raiſing of Batteries, and reſolved to give a generall aſſault, hoping thereby to gaine ſome of the outworks. He gave the aſſault, tooke all the outworks, the Citie, and the Caſtle, which having no time to receive the Sonldiers that fled thither being unprovided, and amazed, yeilded within few houres; It was impoſſible to hinder the Army (victorious and heated) from pillaging, ſlaying and burning.
Who ſhall deny valour to break forth? it groweth with the heat of victory, and ſnatching the reines out of judgements hands, it guides a man, and more then that it carries him? Whereby being heated, he goeth where he thought not, and being in cold blood, he findeth himſelfe59 where now he could not goe, becauſe hee went not, but was carried thither.
It would be needfull here to ſet forth the Marqueſſe o•Leganes his glories, who hath filled Flanders, Germany, and Italy with his acts and victories; mortified France, and made Spaine glorious. But what greater teſtimony can I give him of it, but to make it knowne that a Letter of the Kings ſpake his deſerts; A Monarchs Pen was requiſite therein, that authoritie might cauſe it to be believed; The whole world unanimouſly with one hand ſetting downe thoſe glories, which conformity cauſeth it to ſpread abroad with one tongue.
The affaires in the County of Ronciglione went on with various fortune, the enemy had taken the Caſtle of Oppoli, and having put a Garriſon into it, had laid ſiege to Salſas.
This place lieth almoſt in a Semicircle at the foot of the Pirenean Mountaines; high hills, ſmall hillocks, and ſtanding waters are the theatre of it. On the South it lookes towards Catalonia, on the North are the Apennines, the Sea is on the Eaſt, and on the Weſt a Poole60 which falls from the Pireneans, almoſt to the Walls; The Country may be called barren, the aire ſubtile, by reaſon of the Mountaines which overtop it, and ſoggie, becauſe of the water which is ſo neere it, which mixture rather hurts it then mends it. The Place if you conſider the ſituation is not very ſufficient to defend the Country; if the Fortifications, not to defend it ſelfe; The Motes are full of water, the Walls maſſie, high, and countermined, by the forme it is altogether expoſed to the enemies injurie, by the matter partly defenſible. The hardneſſe of the ſtone will not ſuffer any breach to be made in it, the ſmallneſſe of the Flanckers will not hinder the approaches. It was ſtrong enough in thoſe dayes, when the art uſed in aſſaulting tied men to no greater defence. The laſt who put it in a poſture of defence, found it ſo ſcituate, that it was neceſſary, either to fortifie or ſleight it; He fortified it, becauſe it was, not becauſe it ſhould be there.
The Governour valorous, but not of experience equall to it, reſolved to loſe himſelfe before he would yeild the place, more faithfull then warie, thinking onely61 upon the not yeilding of it, failed in the means of keeping it; He defended not the counterſcarff, he came not out of the wals, he fortified not himſelfe in the Mores, he did not ſufficiently meet the Mines, nor he did not diſturb them in their Workes. Every time the enemy came with force upon him, he beat him back, but he did not hinder him when he uſed art, wherby after fourty daies reſiſtance Salſas was loſt by careleſneſs, & after ſo many more of ſiege it was won by ſurpriſe. For the enemy having in vain attempted with foure Batteries to beat down the wall, comming to it with the mattock had very good ſucceſs by reaſon of a Mine, which ſpringing, made a hole in ſtead of a breach, by which (though little) there went in a great many French before the beſieged eſpied it, or at leaſt had time to hinder them. Wherefore running too it too late, and to no purpoſe, ſome of the valianteſt died there. The Governour being lame of the Gout, was not preſent at the action, and yeelded upon Compoſition, with thoſe ſouldiers which he had left. Many think they have performed their duties, if they doe not yeild up a Hold, as if yeilding them, or having them taken were not the ſame62 thing. It is better for a Captaine to want valour, then experience, the Souldier ſometimes helpeth the one, and addeth confuſion to the other. There is nothing worſe then ignorance accompanied with valour, the heart goes againſt th'underſtanding, the one will doe, and the other knoweth not what to doe, ſo that one doth, and knowes not what he doth.
Warre requires art and valour, and all enterpriſes, doe not require theſe two qualities in an equall proportion, ſometimes there is moſt need of the one, ſometimes of the other; but becauſe this diſtinction is ſeldome made, and leſſe knowne, though many times one overcome with one alone, it is judged he hath done it with both. So men deceived ſometimes by th'underſtanding, and moſttimes by the heart, doe give the command of all enterpriſes to ſuch as are not good for all.
To few men hath nature given both great valour, and great underſtanding, whether becauſe they require a contrary temperature, which is impoſſible to be given them, or an even counterpoiſe which cannot be joyned to them. Sometimes63 the great heat of the heart, overheateth the braine, and ſometimes the coldneſſe of the braine, does coole the heart too much. And though in Armies there be ſeen more valorous then underſtanding men Commanders, it is not becauſe theſe be leſſe neceſſary, but becauſe they are not ſo eaſily found; It is hard in warres to become famous without valour, and men attaining to command if they be not famed; Vnderſtanding attaines not to it for want of heart, and the heart becauſe it hath no underſtanding loſeth it, after it hath attained unto it.
Th'Archbiſhop of Burdeaux, ſeeing his attempts vaine at the Groine, deſpairing of force, and his art being bound up by our men with chaines of timber, ſet aſhore two thouſand men at Ferol. His Majeſties forces (though not great) cauſed them to retreat rather confuſedly then in order. He returned to the Groine, then putting to Sea, he ſailed out of ſight, leaving every one ſuſpicious and doubtfull.
In the Junta of State and warre th'opinions were different. Some believed the enemies thoughts were deep and impenetrable. 64Some ſaid their ends were to take the Groine, ſome that it was to hinder the reliefe of Flanders, ſome to ranſack the Fleet, ſome to paſſe into Italy, ſome to joyne with the Holland Fleet in the Channell, ſome to burne our ſhips in their harbours, and ſome that it was to ſet upon Cantabria. Amongſt ſo many, and ſo various opinions, there was one who began to ſpeake thus;
SIR, Though man may well be deceived in ſeeking, to divine or imagine what the ends and intents of mighty ones are, and the imagining to have found them may be hurtfull, yet it is neceſſarie to diſcourſe thereof, not to affirme what they will doe, but to hinder them from doing it. And as it is true that great Princes ends cannot be underſtood, ſo it is likewiſe certaine that the ends of great affaires may be found out, for the greatneſſe it ſelfe diſcovers them.
It is the opinion of ſome, that this great Fleet was raiſed for inſcrutable ends. I forſake the opinion, or feare not the ends, eſpecially in Spaine, where we need not doubt of any traitors that will yeild up Holds, or raiſe tumults in Kingdomes,65 and much leſſe in this Junta, full of ſo excellent men, that it cannot be doubted that they ſhould in diſcourſing, omit any thing which may be poſſible. And if the enemies end be any of thoſe that is diſcourſed of, it is not impenetrable, if it be known, it will be avoided, if not knowne, it will not be feared.
But becauſe it is more eaſie to denie then to affirme; in affirmations, for the moſt part, arguments of likelihood being uſed, and in negations, certaine demonſtrations, it will be the eaſieſt way to ſhew the intent of raiſing this Fleet, by making known for what intent it was not raiſed; for often-times where the truth of an opinion cannot make it ſelfe known by it ſelfe, one may attaine to the doing of it by the falſhood of other opinions. And that which cannot come to effect by proving, may be gained by diſproving.
It was not raiſed to th'end to ranſack the Indian Fleet which they ought ſuppoſe to have been already come into Spaine, nor to hinder the reliefe for the Lowe Countries, which they might imagine already arrived into Flanders, nor66 to fire the Navie which they believed was gone. All theſe things being ordered to be done, ſome moneths before it came out of the harbours of France, and all (ſave onely the Fleet) ſtaid upon ſuch accidents, as the French could neither ſee nor imagine. The Forces, which the enemy hath ſent to Luxemburg, and into the County of Artois, have cauſed ſome to thinke, that the intent was to land them in Flanders, an open and rich Countrie, abounding in fodder and victuals. And this opinion might be confirmed by the inſtances the Hollanders made to the King of England, when he came to Cadis, that he ſhould forſake the hopes of the barren ſands of Spaine, and land his men in thoſe fruitfull Provinces. But the King of France hath too many Forces in the Low Countries, and is too neere, and too mighty to have the Hollanders ſuffer him to ſet footing there, much leſſe to invite him to it.
This opinion is controlled (as likewiſe another, viz. that they ſhould imagine to find ſome part of Spaine unprovided, to land their Forces there, and to take it) by an advertiſement or animadverſion,67 which is this; Fleets doe manifeſt which way their enterpriſes tend by their forces. If their greateſt ſtrength conſiſts in ſhipping, their intents are for the Sea, if in the ſtrength of men, traine of Attillerie proviſion of horſes, they intend land ſervice. But this Fleet being powerfull in veſſells of great burden, without any horſes, or carriages for Ordnance; weake in men, which are new raiſed, of a baſe condition, and violently ſhipped, gives no cauſe to feare any conqueſts by Land; And much leſſe can we be perſwaded that it is intended for Italy, by reaſon of the place where they were built, namely the Ocean Sea; the greatneſſe of the ſhips dangerous for the Mediterranean, and the proſperous wind they have had to goe thither, and went not.
The enemies thought may (in mine opinion) be to draw us, with the feare and report of the Army, to furniſh all the ſea coaſts of Spain with men; and they to aſſault with the Navie of Marſeilles the Counti•of Ronciglione, incouraging the Army which is there, and hath already taken Salſas to beſiege Perpignane, and with the Fleet in the Ocean and the68 forces which are raiſing about Bayona, by Sea and Land to invade Cantabria, lay ſiege to St. Sebaſtian, firſt diſperſe our forces into divers parts, and then force them to come ſtrongly into ſeverall places, thinking it impoſſible for us to defend a vaſt Countrie, and with two mighty Armies to relieve two invaded Provinces.
There is an erroneous opinion ſpread amongſt the chiefe Officers of France, that the Spaniard hath no men, and amongſt the common ſort of Spaniards another, that the French have no mony. A Monarch that hath great ſtore of mony, may find men enough. And a King that hath great ſtore of men, if obedience be not wanting, never wanteth mony. I am confirmed in this opinion by ſeeing that this Fleet hath already layen a moneth ſailing to and fro before the Groine without attempting any thing; It workes towards its end, without doing any thing.
I believe it would willingly ſet upon the Fleet, burne our ſhipping and gladly hinder the reliefe of Flanders, and much rather diſcomfit it and that if it found a Port of importance neglected, it would69 ſet upon it, as things caſually and occaſionally laid before them, which fall in their way, and ſometimes come to be eaſilier effected, then thoſe which were at firſt conceived; Like unto the difference there is between a child at firſt conceived, and one that is bringing forth, the one comming forth into the light alive, and the other ſometimes vaniſhing away, waſting in its beginning, or when it is reduced to an embrio.
I promiſe not my ſelfe, that I have penetrated into th'intent of the French, neither doe I care. When the enemy will performe an enterpriſe, and ſet upon that can performe no other, it conduceth much to a defence, if one can penetrate into it; but when he thinketh to doe one thing and may doe many, the beſt defence is ignorance. Notice cauſeth man to ſecure that part which is threatned and ſuffer the reſt to be neglected. And that being ſafeguarded, cauſeth the enemie to alter his mind, and the other neglected, helps him to attaine to that upon which his altered mind is fixed.
Hee that hath not power to defend himſelfe in all parts, doth neceſſarily loſe70 himſelfe for want of ſtrength. He thath hath ſufficient, loſeth himſelf ſometimes through careleſſeneſſe, and ſometimes through too much providence. The knowiedge of the aſſailing enemies intention is an eaſe when it is good to know it, and a difficultie when the notice of it is hurtfull. For where he can doe but onely one thing, it is likely ſecured, and where hee may doe diverſe, the underſtanding knoweth not how to reſolve upon one, and it would make the other eaſie if it were reſolved upon.
The Count Duke hath with admirable wiſdome ſecured the difficulties of proviſionall things. The chief Ports are ſufficiently ſurniſhed. Cantabria is ſet in poſture of defence to hinder the enemy if hee ſhould affaile it. Catalonia ready to thruſt him out when he is come in. Don Anthonio Ochendo, ready in the ſtreights to ſecure the Fleet. The Marquis of Villa Franca with the Gallies to oppoſe the ſhipps of Marſeilles. Every thing provided for and armed.
But our diſcourſes and the enemies deſignes were carried away with the wind, which riſing tempeſtuous, & laſting three71 dayes (a thing unuſuall at that time of the yeare) brought the Fleet in danger of over ſetting or ſinking. The leſſer Ships periſhed in the Ocean, in the furie of the tempeſt. The biggeſt of them in a calme Sea, when they were going into harbour. As if it did preſege danger of ſhipwracke to great ones in tranquillitie of peace, entring into harbour, or in the harbour it ſelfe, by ſome revolution of State, after the little ones were periſhed in the turbulencies of Warre.
The enemy being become Maſter of the field by taking of Salſas tooke all places which lay open and ordinarily follow the fortune of the moſt powerfull, He never skirmiſhed nor fought, with our cavallery, but we carried away the beſt of it, ſhewing that the Spaniſh horſe are no way inferiour to the French, if we had them. The long peace this Province hath enjoyed the warres at Sea where there is no uſe of horſes, forraigne warres, ſometimes in the Indies where we could not convey them, ſometimes in Flanders where foot did the greateſt execution ſometimes in Italie, or Germany where we found Auxiliarie ones,72 made us firſt to neglect the uſe of them, then grow careleſſe in bringing them up.
But it is either the convenience or fate of the greateſt Monarchies, to have their chief ſtrength and prop to conſiſt in the foot; the Romanes in their Legions, the Macedonians in their Phalanges, making up their Cavallerie, alwayes with ſtrangers, friends, or Auxiliaries.
Many yield to opinion, when they have neglected art, and after they have yielded for a time, going to try whether the conceipt be true or no, they are overcome, and yield againe, confeſſing themſelves inferiour in valour, when they are onely inferiour in practiſe. Through this deceit the Spaniards would have tried and yielded a thouſand times, if warres had not happened in Spaine it ſelf, where neceſſitie hath forced, and time undeceived them.
His Majeſties Army had not as yet any convenient number it did enough doing nothing, ſeeing it hindered the enemy from much doing. But the Souldier partly valorous, and partly inexperienced, ſome for ſhame, & ſome through73 intereſt, de••red to come in ſight of the French, and fight with them and he deſired it moſt who had never ſeene the enemy, nor knew not what fighting was.
The Commanders for a while did ſtay their heat, rather then allay it. Being perſwaded, that as in a ſick man, ſo in a Souldier, one ought to hope, where he hopeth, and feare, where he feareth (a rule which is falſe, in that hope, which often deceiving, cauſeth good to be looked for where there is evill, and onely true in the feare which though deceived may bring forth evill, even where it doth not finde it) they went with a ſmall Army. partly of new and partly of not diſciplined men, to ſee the enemy, and ſaw his advantage ſo great, that they retreated without doing any thing. The King and his Councell had preſently a lively feeling of this diſorder: what incouragement the enemies might gaine, and our men loſe. And becauſe the Army confiſted of people of that country, commanded by the Count of Santa Colomba and of hired men, haſte was made to ſend them a valorous and expert Chieftaine, who with generall applauſe was Don Philip74 Spinola Marquis of Balbaſes.
This man was ſonne to Marquis Ambroſe Spinola, the renownedſt Generall of our age, and one of the greateſt that hiſtories mention. He followeth his Fathers ſtepps in martiall affaires to revive the glories of them and he filleth them up ſo, what with valour, what with wiſedome, that it ſhall ſerve to ſay for the praiſe of them both; of the one that he was borne of ſuch a father, and of the other that he begot ſuch a ſonne.
The Count Duke gave him his firſt imboſſement in the beſt way as ſuch a Subject could doe, who being one of the greateſt Generalls is defective in no quality. Which this one thing would make envy it ſelf confeſſe. Namely that his engagement of being preſent in all Armies by direction, hindered not his genius from being perſonally preſent in one. His not fighting in any, may hinder him from being ſtiled a great Souldier, but his commanding there will admit to the title of a great Generall.
He that knoweth (as the Count Duke doth) both his Kings, and the enemies forces; The art of fighting, the place75 where they fight, and hath (like him) had experience or ſo many warres, framed ſo many Armies, withſtood ſo many diſaſters, given advice in ſo many enterpriſes, and with his counſell diſpoſed and obtained ſo many Victories, may wed governe Armies, and ſtay at home; command them, and be abſent. The ſwiftneſſe of Poſts makes that which is farre off to be neere, the ſtrength of the underſtanding ſoreſeeth what is to come and though he cannot affirme what an enemy will do before he doth it, it is ſufficient if hee knoweth what he ſhould doe. The good is onely one, but the evill manifold: The firſt is to be knowne by great wiſedome, and the other is no great matter whether it be knowne or no. To inſtruct a Generall of an Army, it is enough to teach him wayes to defend himſelfe from the enemy and how to offend, when hee doth well for if otherwiſe his own errour will inſtruct him by erring.
The Cardinall of Valletta was already ſtrong in Italie, and did hourely look for the Duke of Longeville to come with thoſe Troopes which were deſtined to the harmes of But gundie. The Dutch effe76 openly profeſſed ſhe would receive them in Monmiglian, Suſa, and Carmagnuola.
The Marquis of Leganes lay under Santia, which being taken, Caſal was quite blocked up; and though it was a very ſtrong Caſtle, it had victuals but for eight dayes: Prince Thomas was of opinion to goe into Piemont with the Army, to win thoſe places before the comming in of the French. Urging that the Countries were willing to receive them, and invited them thither. That they once loſt their oportunity of beſieging Trino, through the deſire of ſtreightning Caſal. That the Frenches ſtay, before they came into Piemont, and the Spaniards quickneſſe in winning of that place, had cauſed the opportunity to be rather deferred then loſt.
That if now they would retard upon the ſame pretence, and ſtay till Santia was taken, the occaſion would be loſt. That remedies ſhould not be ſought for the feet, where the diſeaſe proceeded from the head. That Santia might be held in play with ſmall forces.
That being in ſight of the enemy in Piemont, he could not relieve Monferras;77 the Duke of Longevill might be hindered from joyning with the other forces: thoſe Holds would be taken, and ſo they would remaine maſters of the field, and of the paſſes of Savoy to Burgundy, and Flanders: that the French would be confined in Pinarole, without victuall to maintaine themſelves, or Country to reſiſt, whereby they would bee forced to come into theſe parts with great ſtrength to defend themſelves, and ſo forſake the hopes of flanders and Burgundie give over moleſting of Spaine, and laying downe their vaſt imaginations be brought to a good peace.
That giving them time to get into thoſe Holds, was the dividing of Piemont, and bringing perpetuall warre into it, more dangerous for him that is neereſt with his ſtate, and furtheſt off with his forces. That the enemie might there with ſmall forces defend himſelfe, and put Flanders in danger; or come with much ſtrength and indanger the ſtate of Milan.
If the Dutcheſſe did not admit them into Turin, it would bee impoſſible for them to relieve Caſal; and if ſhee did78 admit them, it would be difficult; they would be oppoſed by evill paſſes, deep rivers, and dangerous places of abode.
That for a ſmall reliefe it would bee ſufficient if any neighbour Garriſon were encreaſed with fifteen hundred Foot; and as for a great one it could no way bee compaſſed: fighting would become neceſſary, and then one might conſider whether it were better to give battell in the entrance of Piemont, with ſo many retiring places at their backs, to goe into upon occaſion of loſſe, and ſo many before them to conquer, in caſe they overcome; or to give it upon the very Frontier of the State of Millan farre from any place to conquer and neere to loſe all.
That his Majeſties Commanders had ſtumbled at Caſal (as at a fatall ſtone) with much danger to the Monarchy; Once thinking to ſurprize it by intelligence; and another to take it by force, and this would be the third in going about to block it up from reliefe.
The Marqueſſe of Leganes being ſcanted of men by diſeaſes which had killed many, by overthrowes which he had given, ſtill with ſome bloud any by places79 which he had taken, and was bound to put garriſons into, thought he could not without danger goe farre from what hee had gotten, and expoſe himſelfe with ſmall tired forces to fight with a multitude of freſh ſouldiers: which either occaſion, or neceſſity might eaſily have enforced him to. That the Kings chiefe intereſt conſiſted in defending the State of Millan that Santia being taken Caſal remained quite cut of•from all re•iefe. That ſtaying in thoſe parts, he could make all hee had gotten ſure unleſſe it were Civaſco the endangering of which could not counterpoiſe ſo many conveniences. That no hopes invited them into Piemont, but onely intelligences: which he had ſo often found vaine, that to confide in them would be a folly, and much more to put themſelves into irrecoverable hazzard if they ſhould faile. That it was no great matter whether the French did get into thoſe holds or no; they could do no more in them, then out of them. They would ingage a number of men in them, would vexe the Inhabitants, and make them their enemies who before were their friends.
80The taking of Santia was made difficult to the Marquis. The hold of it ſelfe being ſtrong, the ground without unfit for batteries, wanting wood to make ſconces, and being without water. He reſolved to beſiege it at large. But the enemies forces recruited came marching towards Aſti to relieve them. The Marquis encamped himſelfe in ſuch ſort that he could hinder their deſignes and yet not goe from the place, inſomuch that the enemy lying on the other ſide of Dora, within ſeaven miles of the place, victuals failing the beſieged, they yielded themſelves. The Cardinall of Valetta, and Marquis Villa, deſpairing of doing any good in thoſe parts, went to beſiege Civaſco. Prince Thomas and the Marquis drew neere it with their Army ▪ but finding the enemy already fortified, and without compariſon ſurpaſſing in number, they did not endeavour to relieve it, and ſo the place was loſt.
In the meane time Conio a ſtrong hold, and of great conſequence for the gaining of Nizza ▪ and Villa, Franca, declared it ſelf to hold with the Princes, The French81 ſet upon it, and were forced with great loſſe to retreate. The Cardinall of Valletta came thither with all his Army to beſiedge it. The Cardinall of Savoy (reſpecting it as his owne creature) with more reſolution then care, threw himſelfe into it to defend it. Prince Thomas nor the Marquis of Leganes had not conſented to his engagement. But ſeeing the danger, they ſought for a remedie.
They marched towards Turin with their Army, not with any certainty, but onely with a kind of hope to divert the enemy from his former enterprize, and call him thither. And to make it ſure, the Prince with the Marquis his advice reſolved to attempt it. Which he did, and advancing forward one night with two thouſand horſe, and a thouſand foote, he hung a pettarre upon the gate, ſet ſcaling ladders to the walls, and (though with reſiſtance and bloud) he wonne the Citie, where (a thing which ſeldome commeth to paſſe) the priſoners were more in number, then they who tooke them. The dutcheſſe recovered the Cittadell, but ſo cloſely purſued, that for want of82 time ſhe was forced to leave even her very jewells behind her.
In this action were moſt taken notice of, the Marquis of Carcena Don Martino of Mexica, and D. Franciſco Tuttavilla, who bravely relieving one another, revived the almoſt extinguiſhed hopes, and perfected the deſigne which was almoſt deſperate.
And this is the effect which the Cardinall of Savoy his phantaſticallneſſe brought forth, who bringing his brother and his friend into a ſtreight, occaſioned the taking of Turin.
As births come not forth of a woman with child without great paine, ſo the underſtanding cannot bring forth without great labour. The expulſive vertue worketh not unleſſe it be provoked and beſt, when moſt; valour increaſeth, and falls, according to wrath and intereſt; and the underſtanding through affliction. There is none naturally carefull or valiant man, but may be careleſſe and fearfull ▪ in reſpect of him who is made carefull by danger, and valorous through diſpaire.
The King of France his Fleet rather83 patched up then repaired covering its nakedneſſe, with the ſpoiles of Engliſh, German, and Holland ſhips which lay in the harbours of Brittanie, ſet ſaile againe, and comming in ſight of the Province of foure Cities, after ſome tacking about, came into Laredo, an open place, without any forts to relieve it, or ſouldiers to defend it, he tooke the towne, ſacked it, waſted the country about, and robbing, ruining, and burning went abord againe. With the news of Laredo there arrived into France the the newes of the ſurpriſe of Turin by Prince Thomas.
Paris and the whole Kingdome murmured ▪ that ſo many millions ſhould be laid out upon ſuch a powerfull Fleet, to no other end or profit but to ſack a poore place, which had been a ſmall matter for a poore ſea rover to have done. Upon a mighty Army to take a Caſtle which brought more loſſe then gaine with it, cauſing a great Army to be kept there, waſting many men, and much money. That with theſe coſtly vanities, the intereſt of Italie was abandoned, friends, and the Royall bloud expoſed84 to dangers, fraudes, accidents and fortune. They accuſed the Officers of vanitie, that they made difficult the ſureſt enterpriſes where ſomething might be gotten, waſting time, and the bloud and ſubſtance of ſubjects, in thoſe things which made but a faire ſhew, and a great deale of noiſe. Perſwaded ſometimes by paſſion, ſometimes by emulation, rather to kindle coales, then conquer ſtates.
To thoſe who defended them by ſaying, that the powerfulleſt way to deſtroy the Monarchie was to ſet upon it in Spaine; for keeping the Warre there, and diverting it from other places, the reſt of the dominions were cut off from reliefe, where there was continuall need of men and money; They anſwered that to defend Italie by invading Spaine, Flanders and Burgundie, was to make one plant grow by ſowing of another; that it was waſting of Gold in Alchimie; and like thinking to make Gold of Mercurie, and braſſe, and give over digging it out of the mines.
That it was not to be thought a ſmall matter to divert the Marquis of Leganes85 fortune in its fierce beginning, and that it was impoſſible to doe it with a Fleet in the Ocean that fired three or foure ſtraw ricks, or with a powerfull Armies taking a ſmall Caſtle in the County of Rouciglione, and that they could much leſſe make Piemont ſecure with onely diverting the enemies forces, and not defending it.
That diverſion required, an opportune time, great forces, and proſperous fortune. That the Romans did not make uſe of it with Aniball in the torrent of his victories, but after his firſt violence was paſt, and when (though his courſe were not ſtaid) his fury was aſſwaged. That they oppoſed him ſtrongly in one place to call him to another; that they forſooke not the defence of Italie, when they invaded Africk. and did not only divert him with Armies, but tyed him to it with victories.
But whoſoever ſhall at this time attentively conſider the ſtate of France, the houſes full of bloud, the neighbouring Iſlands full of exiled men, the Kingdome of tributes, the publick priviledges cancelled private mens goods taken away,86 Subjects diſcontented, Hereticks multiplyed under the name of overcome, the Province deſtroyed under pretence of reforming, every thing by nature turned upſide downe, and by violence kept quiet, may know that the endeavours which are uſed to maintaine the Swede in Germanie with ſtore of money, to aſſault Spaine, Flanders, and Germanie with powerfull Armies, are prudent and neceſſarie, that the evill may not penetrate into the inward parts of a body full of very evill humours. And that the glory of being an invader, loſſes diſſembled, conqueſts multiplied, and increaſed, may ſo fill the ears of the Parents that they may not heare the grievous groanes of their ſacrificed children reſounding in their aire.
Order was given the Count of Santa Columba, that he ſhould not undertake any new enterpriſe before th'arrivall of the Marqueſſe of Balbaſes, who ſtayed ſo long, that before him came the Marqueſſe of Torracuſa, the reſt of the Count Dukes Regiment, the old tertiaes of Cantabria the horſe and foot diſembarqued out of the Neapolitan and Sicilian Gallies,87 ſo that at his comming he found the Army numerous and valiant, deſirous of enterpriſes, and able to performe great ones; But becauſe the enemy prevailed in number of Cavalrie, and many recruits were by him daily expected, it was conſidered of in the Junta of State and warre, whether it were good to goe find him out and fight with him. And there was but one who was of opinion that we ſhould not give battell.
That we ought not to fight with the enemy, when we were too weake, and that if we were too ſtrong we could not. Hee would retreat into France, where the purſuit of him would bee impoſſible through want of victuals, fotherage, and traine of Artillery. And that we were then to fight with them in their owne Country where their reare was ſecured, their proviſions certaine, and their Cavalrie advantagious.
When the enemy is not afraid, if it be a ſhame to feare, yet it is wiſedome to doubt, and this Monarchie ought not to be expoſed to a doubtfull fortune, which adverſe may make us unhappy, and proſperous can adde no felicity to us.
88Princes take Citizen-like adviſe, when they adventure their eſtates upon a point of reputation, which conſiſts not in the loſſe of a Caſtle in the mid'ſt of warres, but in the ending of them with great Conqueſts, or an honourable Peace.
Finally it would doe ſmall good to overthrow the French Army in Autumne, and to regaine Salſas much leſſe, but to loſe a battell, might bee a great prejudice.
And if we ſhould win it, the enemie by vertue of their numerous Cavallerie might retire with little loſſe with the remainder of their Army by th'aſſiſtance of the Sea, it being now October, and having ſo populous a Country might by the Spring be recruited. Ours would diminiſh in the fight, and more afterwards. Thoſe of the Province thinking the enterpriſe to bee at an end, and that they had done enough to maintaine their reputations, being raw in the profeſſion, weary of the field, and troubled by the waters which were naturally neere upon comming would hinder the beſieging of Salſas, or the gaining of it, if it were beſieged.
89To know what his Majeſties victorious Army would doe in Catalonia, let it be conſidered what they did in Cantabria. If any thing had remained to doe after the Battell, there was nothing left to doe it withal '. Armies raiſed in Spain, (as if they were raiſed but for one end) laſt but for one enterpriſe.
The profit attained by the winning of Salſas, would not counterpoiſe the dammage that might follow a diſaſter, which God forbid. This Army being overthrowne, which for want of Horſe (if conquered) would bee quite deſtroyed; How could it be recruited in a Country ſcarce both of horſe and men, at ſuch a time as the proud conquering enemy, emboldened, would prepare to aſſault Cantabria by land, and having a mighty Fleet at Sea, would engage us, either to ſecure this vaſt circumference of Spaine, or oppoſe them with a greater Fleet beſide, that which is needfull to convoy the Plate Fleet, defend Braſil, and guard the Streights.
Where ſhould men be levied, if there were fighting in ſo many places, eſpecially if we imagined we were to fight where90 there is now no fighting, being bound to defend all this Province, beſides Italy, Germanie, Burgundie, Flanders, and the Indies?
That the enemy had an advantage above us, viz. that hee could beare many loſſes. Hee was this yeare overthrowne at Theonville, and routed with great ſlaughter, and at the ſame time he tooke another Hold, and within few dayes came into the field againe with a new Army. The laſt yeare at the Siege of Fountainarabie hee loſt a Battell, and he is now returned more powerfull both by Sea and Land, giving us cauſe of feare one way, and another way beſieging Holds, and winning them.
If the French doe not take Perpignane ▪ they have done nothing ▪ nor we, if wee take not Narbona. They will not take Perpignane with keeping Salſas, nor wee Narbona by routing of them.
The beſt revenge one can take ▪ is to take none. The greateſt conqueſt is to be content with loſſe. If a man cannot alwaies conquer ▪ when he loſeth, a ſmall loſſe, it ſeemeth to be a great victory, and many times it is a preparation to it.
91It is eaſier to goe on in proſperous fortune, then to ſtop in a diſaſter. The one doth not pleaſe the mind with ſo powerfull a charme, as the other with a ſharp goad wounds it. He that ſtops in good ſucceſſe, oftentimes loſes it, he that doth it in a diſaſter, oftentimes changeth it.
Two ſmall things ruine a foole a little: victory, and a ſmall loſſe; in the one hee groweth careleſſe, in the other he is provoked. Being careleſſe, hee loſeth that which he had not gotten, and provoked, hee adventures that which hee had not loſt.
That Battells ought to bee given in France by any other way but this, getting into the heart of it, and driving it to defend it ſelfe. There is a difference between fighting with one who defendeth himſelfe, and with one that offends. The firſt being overcome, hath loſt the means of defending himſelfe, and the other may defend himſelfe with that which he hath not loſt.
The Romans at the ſame time as they avoided fighting with the Carthaginians in Italy, ſent Scipio to fight with them in Africk.
92Hee that overcommeth in France, Italy and Germany, ſhall be the umpire of the world.
That it was not fitting to leave it to a Generalls will, to fight; or not: if they be not much inferiour, they will fight. They ſee thoſe who laſt yeare diſſwaded it, have loſt their credit. They find this counſell inclining to it, and they will adventure to put that reputation in queſtion by fighting, which they would be ſure to loſe by retiring.
The Count of Lauta Columba would have fought before it was time; Marqueſſe Spinola doth judge it to bee time now. One is moved by one reaſon, the other by another, and both (if they be left to their own mind) will fight.
This Army, which is the moſt flouriſhing that hath been ſeen in this Monarchie ſince the memorie of man; either may be loſt in battell, or waſted in a ſiege, and either loſt or waſted, there will not ſuch another bee gotten together in a hundred yeares, for it is a hundred years ſince any ſuch was ſeen.
They ſhould keep it till ſuch time as they might better ſecure themſelves from93 loſſes, and profit themſelves more by victories. They ſhould imagine Perpignane was the Frontire. They ſhould lodge their Army, maintaine it, increaſe it. The Spring would ſhew where it might beſt bee employed: and the Gallies would convey it where need ſhould require.
Contrary to this another began to ſay; SIR, There is amongſt Counſellers a maxime more wylie then honeſt, profitable for themſelves, but moſt pernicious to Princes, viz. not to give any dangerous counſells, but to let Princes take them of themſelves. The intent is to avoid danger, and hatred, which is done by expoſing their Lord to hatred, and abandoning him to danger.
It is a miſtake of a ſhallow braine, rather then deepe wiſedome to diſſwade battells when there is no greater reaſon then the danger of trying it. That which is loſt cannot be recovered nor that defended which is aſſaulted, but by endangering what remaines.
The preſervative power in man ▪ which ſweetly governs the body, when it is in health, if once ſet upon by ſickneſſe goeth not about to ſooth it up, it uſeth violence,94 aſſaults it, and adventures to overcome it, putting it to the fortune of a Duell, either to live or die.
If your Anceſtors had not adventured themſelves in battells, they had not conquered, if your Majeſty doth not adventure, he will loſe. No Monarchie did ever ſubſiſt long, if it did not ſometimes adventure.
Saying, that the