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WITH The manner of their Meetings, Ceremonies and Actions; alſo their Damnable, Blaſphemous and Diabolicall TENENTS; delivered in an EXERCISE neer Piſſing-Conduit.

The third day of the Week, being the 2 of Auguſt. 1654. With their Mock-PSALME. ALSO GOD'S wonderfull JUDGEMENTS Shewed upon Ranters, Quakers and Shakers, and other wicked and Profane Perſons at their Meetings and Exerciſes in London and other Places.

Written by J.M. (a deluded Brother) lately eſcaped out of their Snare.

LONDON, Printed by J. C. in the Year .1654.



ON Monday the ſecond of this inſtant Aug. a Com­pany of People (called Ranters) meeting in a Houſe neer Piſſing-Conduit in Cheap-ſide, taught many Diabolical & Blaſphemous TENENTS; the very recital of which, makes both my Heart & Hand to tremble; Yet for the ſatisfaction of many Godly People, that know not the dſpoſitions of theſe men; and other ſimple Novices that they ſeek to draw in to be of their Atheiſtical Opini­nions (as once I was my ſelf, though by Gods Gracious goodneſs to my ſoul, I am now reclaimed from their Er­rors) I have adventured to lay open to the World their licentious lives, and moſt blaſphemous doctrines of Devils; which you may well perceive, if you caſt but your eye up­on their TENENTS which they hold and Teach.

1 They taught, That they could neither ſce Evill, know Evil, nor Act Evill, and that whatever they did was Cood, and not Evil, there being no ſuch thing as ſin in the World: Whereupon4 Miſtris E. B. ſtriking fire at a Tinder-box lights up a Candle, ſeeks under the Bed, Table, and ſtooles, and at laſt comming to one of the men, ſhee offers to unbutton his Cod-piece; who demanding of her what ſhe ſought for? ſhe anſweth, For ſin: whereupon he blows out her Candle, leads her to the Bed, where in the ſight of all the reſt, they commit Fornication.

2. They taught, That it was quite contrary to the end of the Creation, to Appropriate any thing to any Man or Woman; but that there ought to be a Community of all things.

3. That to Feaſt, Revell, Drinke, Sing, Roare, and to ſweare great Oathes, and to lye with a Whore, though in the Market-place, was as good Actions, as to Pray, Preach, or perform other Du­ties of Chriſtian Religion.

4. That there was neither God, nor Devill, Heaven nor Hell, Angel nor Feind; but that all things were by Providence.

5. That our Ever bleſſed Saviour, was a Baſtard, and an Im­poſtor and deceiver of the Chriſtians, as Moſes was of the Jews, and Mahumet of the Heathens.

6. That the Sacred BIBLE was but a meer Romance, and Contradictory to it ſelf; only invented by the Witts of Former A­ges, to keep People in ſubjection, and (as they term it) in Egyp­tian ſlavery; likewiſe, That there was as much truth in the Hiſto­ry of Tom Thumb, or The Knight of the SUN, as there was in that Book.

Oh deteſtable Blaſphemies!

After they had diſcuſſed upon theſe Diabolicall Er­rors and Atheiſticall Blaſphemies for the ſpace of two5 hours; in the mock and deriſion of ſinging of Pſalmes, one of them read this lacivious, and Bawdy Sonnet follow­ing; all the reſt ſinging after her.

YOu that can Revell Day and Night,
To enjoy the Fruits of Loves Delight
With whomſoere you can acquire,
To quench the flames of Cupid's fire,
You muſt mark this, that when you meet
(In Garden, Orchard, Field or ſtreet)
With Feeble Brethren that ſcarce can
Perform the duty of a man,
Let them not ſaly from your lapp
Til you ſalute them with a Clap;
Dear Siſters, you may freely doo't
As eaſy as to ſtirr a foot,
But if you cannot, tell me now,
And I my ſelf will teach you how.
When you meet luſty men of ſtrength,
That will not bate a jot of length,
Oh hugg them hard, and ſuck them in,
Ʋntill they even do burſt your skin,
Spread forth the crannyes of thoſe Rocks
That lie beneath your Holland ſmocks;
Stretch out your limbs, ſigh, heave and ſtrains,
Till you have opened every veine:
That ſo Loves gentle juice that flowes
Like Dewie Nectar, out of thoſe
That preſs you down may run a tilt,
Into your wombs, and not be ſpilt
Do this (dear Siſters) and hereby
You ſhall increaſe and multiply,
And in ſome 20 years you'l ſpread
Further then Jacob's Children did.
But (like the Saints) I pray be ſure
Your ſpeeches all be fine and pure;
Let Goſpel words, and ſweet Expreſſions,
Divine Narrations, and Confeſſions
Be in your mouthes, though luſty T ſes,
Are ſtowtly knocking at your A ſes.

Oh damnable Impieties! oh Monſterous Wickedneſs! oh curſed Blaſphemies! How can the glorious Eye of heaven behold theſe miſcreants without melting into tears, to cauſe a ſecond Deluge over the face of the whole Earth? Muſt they needs (like flies) burn themſelves in that flame that ſhould light them? A ſad race, to run through all Religions, into al wickedneſs, and conſequently, into eternall deſtruction; Ne­ver, Never, Never, to behold the face of God: Tell mee O Atheist, Who made thoſe gloriouLamps of Heaven, the Sun and Moon, the twinkling Starres, the Windes, the Hale, the Rain, the froſt and ſnow, the Rain-bow, Thunder & Light­ning, the Night & Day, Winter & Summer, the Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is? Certainly, none but the LORD GOD could do this?

All theſe He caſt in the pure mould of LOVE,
That Man might place his ſoul and thoughts above.

But in vain do I ſeek to waſh theſe Blackmores white, or to charm theſe deaf Adders; Therefore I ſhall here inſert ſome few of God's direfull Judgements happening on ſome of theſe Renters, Quakers, Shakers, and the reſt of their athei­ſtical Crew, as it is inſtanced by that famous and Reverend Divine, Mr. Edward Cotton.

A Crew of Ranters meeting at Hammet in Germany, af­ter many dayes ſpent in Riotting and Revelling, Drink­ing,7 Swearing & Blaſpheming; ſaying, There was no God, no Devil, no Heaven, no Hell, but that the Soul was mor­tall, and the Scripturture a Fiction; As they were belſhing out theſe Blaſphemies, the Devil appeared amongſt them in a very High, Terrible and Monſterous ſhape, like unto an in­vincible Gyant, carrying away a Hundred and Thirty of their Children in a great ſmoak, and fiery Flame; that they were never ſeen again to this day.

That at Boulton in Lancaſhire, the Devil apperred to one Mr Smith a Ranter, and bid him go to an Apothecaries to buy an Ounce of Arſnick, whereupon the ſaid Smith pre­ſently went, but could not procure the ſad Arſnick, un­leſſe he brought ſufficient ſecurity. That he ſhould do no injury with the ſame, either to himſelf or any other; ſo he ſaid Smith departing, ſaid He would fetch ſecurrity, and the next day came again accompanyed by the Devil in the ſhape of a man, who ingaged he ſhould do no harm to any one; but ſo ſoon as he had received the ſaid Aſnick, a great flaſh of Fire appeared, as if it had been Lightning from the higheſt Firmament, and carried away both the Ranter and the Apothecary; neither of them being ſeen ever after that time to this very day.

That conſtantly, at their Ranting-Meetings both in this City of London, and in the Countrey, the Devil oftentimes appeares amongſt them, ſometimes in the ſhape of a man, and other times in the ſhape of a Woman, and taking them by the hands very familiarly, he leaves the print of his fowl Paws behinde him; which the Ranters can never after get out, it remaining black and Blue, they being fearfully tormented thereat, that neither Chains nor cords can hold them in their beds. Others are pluck'd out of their beds, and crrried out of their Chambers by the Haire of their heads, and toſſed up & down from one Room to another.


Many other dreadfull Examples of Gods heavy Judge­ments upon ſuch Atheiſts and filthy unclean wretches, and their fleſhly fooliſhneſs, might be ſhewn at large to dehort others from their evil Inſtigations; but this may ſuffice to ſhew that theſe filthy Dreamers are ſuch, that having had ſome knowledge of the wayes of God, and his holy Word, tur­ning his Grace into wantonneſs, wreſt the ſacred Scriptures to their own deſtruction, and like Apoſtate wretches, a­bandon God and all goodneſs, and being given over to all manner of filthineſs and uncleanneſs, become the very ſeed and ſpring of the Serpent, conſecrating a continual Hol­lyday to all licentiouſneſs of Living, committing ſin with gredineſs without the leaſt ſenſe thereof, which is moſt mi­ſerable: But if this be the perfection of new fancied Reli­gions, to run through all into Atheiſme, I praiſe God, that he hath given me grace to come out of Babylon, leave them in the broad way, and ſeek out the good old Way, the right Path, that leads to eternall felicity: And truly, when I was amongſt them, I ſaw no Reverence, but much Impietie, Pre­ſumption Profanation, and ſecret wickedneſſe; which was the cauſe I left them; and ſince renouncing my own car­nall wiſedom, I rather deſire to be rul'd by ſound Reaſon, then carnall ſenſe; look into my felf, and my own deceitful heart, and ſo lay my hand upon my mouth, ſtrike upon my breaſt, and humble my ſelf to the very duſt, and according to Gods holy Word, Worke out my own ſalvation with fear and trembling, love GOD above all; my Neighbour as my ſelf, and do as I would be done by; and in what I come ſhort of this, to rely upon the Al-ſufficient merits of my Lord and Saviour; To whoſe moſt holy NAME be aſcribed al Power, Glory and Thanksgiving by Angels and Men in this World, and that which is to come, AMEN.


About this transcription

TextThe ranters last sermon. With the manner of their meetings, ceremonies, and actions; also their damnable, blasphemous and diabolicall tenents; delivered in an exercise neer Pissing-conduit. The third day of the week, being the 2 of August. 1654. With their mock-Psalme. Also God's wonderfull judgements shewed upon Ranters, Quakers and Shakers, and other wicked and profane persons at their meetings and exercises in London and other places. Written by J.M. (a deluded brother) lately escaped out of their snare.
AuthorJ. M..
Extent Approx. 12 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A89490)

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Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 123:E808[1])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe ranters last sermon. With the manner of their meetings, ceremonies, and actions; also their damnable, blasphemous and diabolicall tenents; delivered in an exercise neer Pissing-conduit. The third day of the week, being the 2 of August. 1654. With their mock-Psalme. Also God's wonderfull judgements shewed upon Ranters, Quakers and Shakers, and other wicked and profane persons at their meetings and exercises in London and other places. Written by J.M. (a deluded brother) lately escaped out of their snare. J. M.. 8 p. Printed by J.C.,London, :in the year. 1654.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Aug: 7".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Sermons, English -- 17th century.
  • Ranters -- Early works to 1800.
  • Quakers -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A89490
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  • STC Thomason E808_1
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  • EEBO-CITATION 99866539
  • PROQUEST 99866539
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