QUEEN ELIZABETHS CLOSSET OF PHYSICAL SECRETS, With certain approved Medicines taken out of a Manuſcript found at the deſſolution of one of our Engliſh Abbies: and ſupplied with the Child-bearers Cabinet, and Preſervative againſt the Plague and Small Pox.
Collected by the Elaborate paines of four famous Phyſitians, and preſented to Queen ELIZABETHS own hands.
LONDON, Printed for Will. Sheares Junior, at the Blue-Bible in Bedford-ſtreet in Covent-Garden, 1656.
Courteous Reader,
IVſt as the Child-bearers Cabinet, and the other Book of the cure of the Plague and Pox, were the laſt ſheet on the Preſs, a freind of mine, knowing of the impreſsion, communicated to me two other phyſicall peices, one of them collected by a great Navigatour, of his own Experiments, and preſented, with his own hands, to our late Queen Elizabeth; the other being a Phiſitians Collections, drawn with his own hands from an antient Manuſcript found in an Abby at their diſſolution, with ſome of his own Obſervations and Experiments annexed thereto; and being perſwaded by him that gave them me, that it would be great pitty, papers of ſuch uſe and conſequence ſhould periſh in the times preſent, which had been ſo carefully formerly preſerved unto poſterity: I thought good, for the publike benefit of my Country, to publiſh them with the two former Treatiſes, who were delivered me with good approbation from an able hand, hoping what was lovinglie preſented by me, ſhall be as kindlie accepted by you, from your freind
THeſe two Treatiſes being freely beſtowed on me by a worthy Freind, knowing they may prove of very good uſe in theſe crazie times; I thought good to publiſh them for the publick good, being aſſured by my Freind, that the Medicines are good and ſafe, and pen'd by juditious hands.
In the additionall Obſervations.
VVHat is to be adminiſtred to the Child after it is born for the firſt thing it taketh.
Certa probata tibi medicamina profero luci, Si non pauca placent, addito plura bona.
SInce many ſad and incommodious things are wont to happen to women with child, and in bringing them into the world by ignorance and careleſsneſſe: I thought I ſhould undertake a thing not unbeſeeming a Chriſtian Phyſitian, if I ſhould reduce, as it were, into a breif Comment, what things were fit to obſerve, as well in their time of bearing, as alſo in the birth, from which, being ſomewhat more inſtructed, they might better enjoy their health, preſerve their off-ſpring, and after birth better defend their bodies.
SO ſoon as the woman ſhall begin to be with child, which ſhe ſhall eaſily know, by ſtopping of her monethly flux,2 without diſeaſe, or ancientneſſe of yeares; ſhe ſhall abſtain from all vehement motions and excrciſe, whether ſhe walk on foot, or ride on horſeback, or in a Coach, or be carried in a Horſe-litter; For where the body is too much ſtirred, the internall membrane of the Womb is either accuſtomed to be broken, or to be looſly reſolved, and thereupon abortment preſently followeth.
To theſe things the woman with child muſt diligently beware, that ſhe lift not her armes up too high, nor carry great burthens, nor repoſe her ſelf on hard and uneaſie ſeats: But inſtead of exerciſe, which may alwayes in ſome precede before meat, ſhe may walk on foot gently, or ſuffer her body and armes gently to be rubbed and ſtroked, or may ſtretch them forth with ſpinning or carding.
Let her moderately uſe meat of good juyce and eaſie concoction, and Wine not too ſtrong and too ſharp, but a little mingled with water, or if ſhe be abſtemious, ſhe may uſe water wherein Cinnamon is boyled: But ſhe may not feed on ſweet meats, ſharp, and windy; ſhe muſt alſo avoid faſting, thirſt, watching, mourning, ſadneſſe, anger, and all other perturbations of the mind.
Her familiar freinds muſt preſent no unwholſome thing to her, nor ſo much as name it, leaſt ſhe ſhould deſire it, and not be able to get it, and ſo miniſter her an occaſion of abortment, or the Child carry with it ſome foule impreſſions. But if ſhe deſire chalk, clay, or coales, let beanes boyled with ſugar be given unto her: or if ſhe cannot get her longing, let her preſently drink a large draught of pure cold water.
BEfore the fourth moneth be ended, ſhe muſt neither be let bloud, nor have her body evacuated with any purgative medicine.
But if too much bloud abound, or ſome incident diſeaſe3 happen, which may require evacuation, you ſhall uſe cupping-glaſſes with ſcarification, and a little may be drawn from the ſhoulders and arme, eſpecially if ſhe have been formerly accuſtomed to them.
VVHen now the fourth moneth is paſt, bloud-letting and phyſick is permitted, eſpecially if it be gentle, and milde, ſuch as beſt may agree with women with child, and tender or delicate perſons: And by Hyppocrates precept may be conceded even untill the ſeventh moneth.
FRom that time forward none of the before mentioned remedies is wont, or ought from thence to be uſed, becauſe the Babe being now become greater, ſtandeth in need of greater nouriſhment and bloud, and alſo can bear no commotion of phyſick.
Although ſometimes I have met with women, which have ſo much abounded with bloud, that unleſſe they had been let bloud in the ſecond moneth, they would have aborted in the third; others again, unleſſe they ſhould attempt the ſame in the ſeventh or eight moneth, they could not carry their great belly ſo long, or elſe would be delivered of a dead iſſue.
But ſince theſe things happen but to few, they may not be granted to all, but we muſt provide for every one according to their nature and conſtitution.
And this is to be prohibited to all which are with child, that they give not way to take any bloud from the ancle bone of the foot, during the whole time of the womans going, but in ſtead thereof, if the diſeaſe ſo require, an ounce of Manna in the broth of a Cock, or ſo much Caſſiafiſtula,4 or of Sirrups made of Damask-roſes infuſed in May dew, about the quantity of an ounce, with a little water of Cinnamon, may ſafely be taken a little before meat.
But if the belly be bound onely without any apparent diſeaſe, the broth of a Chicken, or of Veal ſodden, with Oil, or with the decoction of Mallowes, or marſh-Mallowes, Mercury, and Linſeed; put up in a gliſter by the lower parts will not be amiſſe, yet in a leſſer meaſure then is wont to be given in other Children, to wit, of the decoction five ounces, of common Oil three ounces, of Sugar two ounces, of Caſſia fiſtula one ounce. But ſharper Purgations, as alſo Suppoſitories made of Honey and Salt, are altogether hurtfull to great bellyed women, or ſuch as lie in childbed. But of fat Pork, which they call Lard, or the yolks of Eggs without ſalt, Purgations and Glyſters are commended. But if ſhe will not take a Glyſter, either for modeſty or otherwiſe, becauſe ſhe was not accuſtomed to take it, one or two yolks of new laid Eggs, or a few Peaſe pottage warm, with a little ſalt and ſugar, ſupped up a little before meat, will be very convenient.
But if the belly ſhall be ſometimes diſtended and ſtretched out with wind, a little Fennelſeed and Anniſeeds reduced into powder, and mingled with Honey or with Sugar, made after the manner of an Electuary will doe very well.
But if the thighs and feet ſwell, let them be annointed with Oxphrodinum (which is a liquid Medicine made with Vinegar and Roſe-water) mingled with a little Salt.
IN the eighth moneth, which is uſually perillous, the better diets, rather than plentieſt, will be moſt commodious. But as they muſt abate their diet, ſo their bodily exerciſe muſt increaſe. And becauſe then women with child, by reaſon of the ſharp humours alter the belly, are accuſtomed to weaken both their ſpirits and ſtrength; they may well take5 before meat an Electuary of Diarrhodon, or Aromaticum Roſatum, or Diamargariton, in the morning before meat, and ſometimes they may lick a little Honey; even as they which loath and nauſeate their meat, may take green Ginger condited with Sugar, or the rindes of Citrons and Oranges condited; as alſo it is uſuall ſometimes to take ſpecificall Sirrups. Moreover, let the woman with child often uſe Honey for the ſtrengthning of the Infant. When ſhe is not farre from her labour, or bringing forth, ſhe ſhall eat daily ſeven toſted Figs before meat, leaſt the ſeconds may be bound up; but if they ſhall be reſtrained and ſtay firme, they may be reſolved: But the woman with child may not eat ſalt and powdered meats, leaſt the child be born without nails.
IN the ninth moneth, being near their time, they muſt not be idle, neither ſit much, nor ſtoop much, nor lie on their ſides, ſo that the child may not well turn it ſelf, but ought to lie with her face upward, neither ſhall ſhe bend her ſelf much, leſt the child be infolded and wrapped up in the umbilical ligaments and bonds, by which meanes it oftentimes periſheth; but ſhe muſt walk, and ſtirre often, and exerciſe her ſelf, rather by going upward than downward: Let her uſe light and eaſie meats of digeſtion, as damask-Prunes with Sugar, or Figs and Raiſins, before meat, and alſo the yolks of Eggs, fleſh and broth of Chicken, Birds, Patridges and Pheaſants, and Fiſh living in ſtony places, with good broth.
And ſuch meats ſhall not onely be convenient for this moneth, but alſo for the two ſucceeding moneths, that the natural parts by them may be dilated.
Alſo aſtringent meats, and roaſted meats, and alſo Riſe, hard Eggs, Millet, and others of that kind will be very profitable. Baths of ſweet water, with emollient hearbs, uſed with intermiſſion is meet: But the hot houſe, which they call a ſtow, is hurtful. After the bath, let the belly be annointed6 with oyle of Roſes and Violets; but the natural parts with the fat of Hens, Geeſe, Ducks, with oyle of Lillies, and the decoction of Linſeed and Faenugreek, boyled with oyl of Linſeed, marſh-Mallows, grains of Quinces, or with this which followeth.
Of Linſeed alſo one ounce. Let them be boiled from twenty ounces of water to ten; let them take three ounces of the boiled broth, of oyle of Flour-deluce, and of Almonds, of each one ounce, three ounces of Deer ſuet; Bath this from the reſt, and annoint her with it warm.
Alſo they may uſe, for fourteen dayes before the birth morning and evening, to bath and moiſten the belly with Muſcadine and Lavender-water, that the child may be the more ſtrengthened thereby.
She may every day eat toaſted bread, that nothing may grow to the childe.
The naturall parts may alſo be gently ſtroaked down with this Fomentation.
Take three ounces of Linſeed.
Of Mallowes, and of marſh-Mallowes ſliced, of each M. i.
Let them be put in a bag and boiled moderately: Let the woman with child, every morning and evening, take the vapour of this decoction in a hollow ſtoole, taking great heed, that no wind or air come to her in any part; and then let her wipe the parts ſo annointed with a linnen cloth, that ſhe may annoint the belly and groins, as at the firſt.
Being near her time to bring forth, ſo that ſhe be within ten dayes thereof, if the woman with child ſhall begin to feel difficulty and pain, let her daily uſe this Bath.
Let theſe be boiled in a ſufficient quantity of water, as may ſuffice to make a Bath therewith.
But let not the woman ſit too hot on the ſeat, nor higher than a little above her Navill, nor let her ſit longer on it than about half an hour, leaſt her ſtrength languiſh and decay; for it is better to uſe it often, than to ſtay too long at once in it.
But if ſhe cannot indure to ſit over the water, let her cheriſh her naturall parts, with a ſpunge or with clothes wet in it.
A Laconick and ſweating Bath is not convenient at that time but hurtful, though we think women may uſe it.
After the Bath ſhe ſhall alwayes annoint her natural parts of her loines, her flankes, navil, ſides, and other parts adjoyning thereto, with the ointment or fat made of the fore-preſcribed thing, or cheriſh them with the fat marrow.
And alſo fats melted ſometimes, and rightly put up into the natural parts, with a ſpunge or gliſter-pipe, if the womb be hot and dry, and the party with child be of a lean and ſlender body.
Fumes alſo uſed, applied to the womb, conduce to facilitate delivery.
Musk, Ambergreace, Gallia Moſcata, Aloes-wood, put upon hot coales, and alſo ſweet Hearbs, Mint, Penniroyal, Calamint, Origanum, Majoram, are of a pleaſant and grateful ſmell, and open womens paſſages, and draw down conception.
But we muſt beware, that ſuch ſweet ſmells of this kind be not uſed to the noſtrils, but rather Balls of Galbanum, Aſſa foetida, Mirrh, or Rue.
Then Pottage of Hens, Capons, and ſuch like are moſt in uſe; and I ſhould adviſe them then to drink thinne generous Wine allayed with water.
It doth not a little avail to the happy delivery, that the Chamber, wherein the Child-bearing woman lyeth, be temperate, and be neither too cold nor too hot, for that ſhutteth up the mouth of the womb, and this diſperſeth and digeſteth the ſtrength. In Summer time therefore if heat ſcorcheth, the Chamber may be ſtrowed with Willow leaves, and Vine leaves, and Roſe-water, with a little Vinegar. In Winter, a high or upper Chamber, moderately kept warm, ſhall be convenient, which ſhall be kept warm with a continued fire, as is accuſtomed to be done in Italy, France, and other hot Countries.
But this is expedient every where, that the natural parts, and thoſe neareſt unto them, be moderately rubbed with hot clothes.
THe birth being at hand, and paines oppreſſing them, it ſhall be fit, if the belly doe fall down of its own accord, but if it be bound, it muſt be provoked with a gentle Glyſter; for the excrements being caſt out, the womb and the paſſages, thorough which the Child iſſueth, are leſſe preſſed, and ſo the birth followeth more eaſie
Theſe things being well prepared, the child-bed woman muſt be put into bed, if tender, weak, groſſe, and fleſhly; but it ought to be made ready after this manner.
A large boulſter made of linnen cloth, muſt be ſtuffed with ſtraw, and be ſpread on the ground, that her upper part may lye higher than her lower; on this the woman may lye, ſo that ſhe may ſeem to lean and bow, rather than to lye drawing up her feet unto her, that ſhe may receive no hurt.
LEt the ſtrong and luſty women be placed in a chair, which alſo muſt have the lower part not upright, but ſtooping a little, that the child-bearing woman may ſit, as it were, bending backward, clothes, or cloſe compaſſing garments, being caſt about their backs.
In this the belly, together with the whole burthen, may ſooner goe down than in a bed; but it often cometh to paſſe, that the whole Babe lyeth at the mouth of the womb, before that it ſhall get forth, more looſly and openly with the adjoyning places, and by that meanes is compelled to ſtick longer there, from whence ariſeth no ſmall danger of life,
VVHen now the pangs of child-bearing women increaſe more and more, let the Midwife inwardly annoint the ſecret or natural parts with oyle of Cammomil, and white Lillies, nor let her ſet the woman in the ſeat, before ſhe perceiveth the womb to be looſed and reſolved, and the humours to flow over more plentifully.
Moreover, ſhe may not bring her to labour and ſtrugling, before the birth ſhew it ſelf to her view; for they doe but labour in vain, and doe violently diſtort and wreſt away the ſtrength of the labouring woman, that afterward,10 when ſhe ſhall have need, it will not be able to work it forth.
But ſhe ſhall ſit fitly over againſt the woman in labour, and ſhall diligently obſerve on what part the birth moveth it ſelf; for if it come the right way, ſhe ſhall annoint and cheriſh the ſecret parts with odoriferous Oils; and if it declineth to the ſides, ſhe ſhall with both hands govern and diſpoſe the belly, that it may fall to the mouth of the womb.
And if the hand or feet ſhew it ſelf firſt, the Midwife, with a ſoft and gentle hand, moiſtened with broth of Fenugreek and Linſeed, ſhall gently reduce it into the place.
Certain women have the mouth of their womb ſo ſtreightned, that without great help, ſcarce or never they can part with the child. And that cometh to paſs by reaſon of divers cauſes; for either ſome ſtrong heat coming from the natural parts, doth two much ſtreighten the inward parts, or the Creature is to big, or the child-bearing woman is to groſſe and fat, or the child is dead, who cannot by motion be furthering and helping to nature, or elſe cold for the moſt part in the winter, eſpecially in young ones, who have a narrow paſſage of the womb, doth more a ſtringe and bind it up; or ſometimes heat in ſome is ſo diſſolved, that their ſtrength faileth them in the birth.
Therefore when there appeareth difficulty in bringing forth the Child, Jeſus Chriſt, the onely preſerver and ſaver in danger, is heartily to be called upon, that with his gratious favour he would be pleaſed to be Aſſiſtant to the wretched party in travell.
VVHen now the Child, or Iſſue, cometh into the world, either with the head or feet, the Mother muſt be incouraged, that as much as in her lyeth, ſhe keep in her breath and reſtrain it, that by that indeavour ſhe may put forth the Child. And the Midwife, in the mean time, muſt with her11 hand gently compreſſe and keep down the region of the womb, which is above the navill; and urge the Infant to the lower parts: And although the aſtriction of the womb cauſeth the bringing forth to be more difficult, the parturient woman is to be ſet in a Bath, in which Mallowes, Faenugreek, Linſeed, and Barly are ſodden, and the ſides, hips, and flank, muſt be annointed, with oyle of Roſes and Violets: let the thighs be well rubbed, with Oxyſacchar. and half a drachm of Mint, and as much of Wormwood, be exhibited in drink to her: The woman bringing forth may gently be led to her bed; and they which aſſiſt her at her labour, muſt not look or gaze in her face, as ſuch who are aſhamed in their bringing forth, that after it, as it falleth out, ſhe ſtrive not to bring forth her young one with ſharper pain.
BUt if the Skin containing the young one, called the Secondine, becauſe it is brought forth after the birth, be leſſe eaſily broken, but ſtifly reſiſteth, the Midwife muſt either break it with her nails, and laying hold on it with her fingers, cut it with a pair of Sizzers, taking care that the Child may be preſerved ſafely in doing it: On the contrary, when the skins are broken or cut in peices, if all the humours preſently ſhall overflow before the child come forth, and the naturall places ſhall be dried up, let Gooſe greace, with oyle of white Lillies melted, be poured in warm, or the white of an Egg with the yolk be put up.
If the Child being born, the Secondines be as yet pertinaciouſly retained, ſneezing muſt be provoked, if it come not voluntarily, putting Ginger or ſome other ſharp thing up into the noſtrils; or a ſcruple of Unicorns horn beaten into powder ought to be drunk hot in white Wine (in want of Unicorns12 horn uſe good Harts horn, or Bezar four graines) or the juyce of Borrage exhibited in drink bringeth them down, becauſe it eaſily moveth vomit, and they thereby are brought forth.
Take of Seſely, Cinnamon, Of Mirrh, and of ſweet Caſſia, of each equall parts. Let theſe be exhibited with Mugwort-water.
Take powder of the Jet ſtone exhibited in Mugwort-water, or elſe about a drachm of the powder of Mallowes ſeeds exhibited in hot water, or the ſuffumigations of Horſe hoofes.
IF the child be dead, an equall quantity of Rue, of Mugwort, Wormwood, and black Pepper, being each of them reduced into fine powder, and boyled in Wine, muſt be exhibited, or Vervain boyled in Wine, or Water, or Vinegar; or Savory bruiſed and tied upon the belly bringeth forth the Child, whether it be yet alive or dead; or Butter with Honey boyled in Wine; or decoction of Hyſop well dryed exhibited in hot water: but if it yeildeth not, nor cometh away with theſe, let Rue, Mugwort, Oppoponax, and Wormwood dryed, with a little Oil and Sugar, be laid to the groin, or the navill; and moreover, the skin of a female Snake put about the woman in the manner of a girdle. Alſo the ſtone Aetites, tied unto the thigh, after the Child is brought forth, ought preſently to be taken away, leaſt the womb, after the Child be brought forth, come forth alſo.
Moreover, ſneezing alone accellerateth delivery, but it ought to be uſed with the mouth and noſtrils cloſe ſtopped, and Ginger, or ſome ſuch thing, put up into them; for from13 hence a great force of the ſpirits is thruſt thence unto the inward part.
IF the belly doe not evacuate the excrements, the firſt dayes of her being brought to bed, bring a Fig, cut in the middle, into the form of a ſharp tent faſhioned like a mans Yeard, and put it up into the Fundament inſtead of a Suppoſitory; or elſe put a grain of Coriander, confected with Sugar, up into that place; or put a peice of Swines fleſh powdered, or Lard, brought into the ſame form, up into the ſame place, or frame a Suppoſitory of white Sope, and apply it thereto.
About four or five dayes after the birth, you may uſe a gentle Gliſter of half a pound of Sallade oyle, with a quartern of Barly boyled in broth, with two ounces of Sugar, with the yolke of an Egg, beaten together.
But if at the eighth day the belly anſwer not their expectation in looſeneſſe, let three drachms of Caſſia newly extracted, well confected with Sugar, be taken morning and at evening before ſupper in the manner of a bole, and preſently let her eat thereupon.
SO ſoon as the Child is born, let this aſtringent Fomentation be applied unto the naturall parts.
Take of red Roſes two pugils; a pugill is the quantity you may take up at once between your firſt three forefingers.
Let them be boyled to a third part, in high red Wine inclining to a blackiſh colour, with a fourth part of water put thereunto, then put into the decoction a whole Egg, and let14 it be mingled together, and applied to the place, with flanen rowlers, and kept on for the ſpace of two dayes.
Let the belly be forthwith annointed with this Ointment, leaſt it become wrinkled or deformed, and that it may be thereby better ſtrengthened, and may return to the old form.
Theſe things ought to be melted, and mingled with the before recited Oyles.
After the Unction, put on a Girdle of Dog-skin, well prepared by a Leather-dreſſer, and annointed with two ounces of oyle of Mirtles, and one ounce of oyle of Maſtick, and half an ounce of oyle of Hypericon mingled together.
But it muſt be ſo large, as it may comprehend or compaſſe the whole belly a little above the navill, even unto the naturall parts, and muſt ſtreightly bind up the ſame, but without pain. And this will be fitly done, if it be ſowed together with thred on the left ſide, and be put hot enough to the belly, and be compaſſed with four or five double linnen clothes, binding them with fit ſtrings together, that the belly may be kept warm.
But let linnen clothes, annointed with an equall proportion of oyle of Mirtles, and oyle of Hypericon, be applied unto the naturall parts, from the ſecond day untill the ſeventh.
SIx dayes being finiſhed or paſt, on the ſeventh day let the naturall parts be fomented and cheriſhed with this Decoction.
Let them be boyled in red Wine thick and aſtringent, with a little water to a third part, and let the naturall parts be fomented therewith morning and at evening before ſleep.
It is convenient to put to the belly, a plaiſter made with the white of an Egg, and a little Pepper, and taken with flaxen rowlers, or boulſters.
If this plaiſter pleaſe not, beſmear a Dogs skin again with oyle of Mirtles and Maſtick, and apply it unto the belly, and it will avail and profit much, to keep it tied with ſwadling clothes unto the end of her child-bed.
That the Milk flowing back to the breaſts, may without offence be diſſipated, you muſt uſe this ointment.
When the Wax is melted, let a Liniment be made wherein linnen clothes muſt be dipped, and according unto their largeneſſe,16 be laid upon the breaſts; but when it ſhall be diſcuſſed, and paineth no more, let other linnen clothes, dipped in diſtilled water of Acorns, be put upon them. But this Lonely adviſe them which cannot nurſe their own children: And if ſwelling in them which give ſuck doe ariſe from abundance of milk in their breaſts, ſeem to threaten an inflammation, uſe the former Ointment, but abſtain from uſing the diſtilled water of Acorns.
From the twentieth day, if it be a male Child, if it be a female, from the five and twentieth day, this Bath may be uſed.
Put the hearbs, ſmall chopt, into a bag, but the beans, and Barly, and Cummin, one upon another ſeverally: Let them be ſod altogether in a great Cauldron, which may contain two parts of Water, and one of Wine, let them be boyled the day before ſhe would uſe the Bath, and be poured forth into a tub, which muſt be well covered: The next day heat the water of the Bath; but they muſt take heed they ſit not on the Bath too hot; but two houres will be ſufficient to ſit before meat in the morning, and at evening.
But let the child-bed woman ſit on the bag, wherein the bran or meale is put, but not lower than the region of the mouth of the Ventricle.
Let a barrell, wherein the dregs of white Wine are yet ſticking, be filled with river water, and let it be ſtirred to and fro, that all may be well mingled together, then let the dregs ſettle, and boyle in this water,
Let the child-bed woman ſit on the bag, in which the meales are, or on another, which may contain the brans of wheat.
THe gripings and gnawings of the belly, eſpecially thoſe which are contracted from the great ſtriving and labour of the belly in bringing forth, and ſometimes from a chollerick matter contained therein, and ſometimes of wind retained.
Exceedingly therefore are uſefull Musk, and Civet outwardly laid to the navill; moreover, oyle of Dill, chafed on the belly as hot as well may be indured.
In ſtead of meat, the broth of an old Cock or Capon is beſt, being well ſodden with a little Dill, and ſo taken.
For the drink, a water made up with Cinnamon and18 Sugar, which they call Hippocras, which is made after this manner.
Mingle them well, and infuſe them for ſix hours, and then ſtrain them in a bag, which the Apothecaries call Hippocrates ſleeve. Let the child-bearing woman uſe this potion warm, but very ſparingly; but if ſhe loath this, let her uſe thin, ſmall, and clear wine, unleſſe a Fever ſhall hinder her.
A Potion alſo is made of Honey and white Wine, of each two ounces, to mittigate paine by reaſon of flatuous humours retained.
Some exhibite the jawes of the Pickerell, with Amber, and Ginger, ana. finely powdered to drink in white Wine.
LEt there be given unto the Infant new born Honey to lick, after let it be nouriſhed with the Mothers Milk, which of all things beſt agreeth with it. But if by reaſon of ſome neceſſity it cannot enjoy it, a ſound healthy Nurſe is to be choſen, neither younger than four and twenty yeares, nor elder than five and thirty, of a white and ruddy complexion, which is not infected with other vices, nor yet hath too lately been brought to bed, nor hath not long given ſuck; let her not have fore Dugs or Breaſts, nor to big, but a large Breaſt, and moderately fat. Let her uſe choiſe meats of eaſie and light concoction, engendring good bloud or juyce; let her abſtain from hot aromaticall Spices, as Pepper, Ginger, Cardamome, and ſuch like; alſo from Leeks, Onions, Garlick, Salt, auſtere and tart things: Let her avoid ſtrong Wines, as alſo cold water: Let her eſchew immoderate eating and drinking, for that corrupteth the Milk, and begetteth in children lepry, or ſcurfe, and other contagious diſeaſes: Let her19 abſtain from cares and vexations, and let her take heed, leaſt ſhe provoke her menſtruous diſeaſe.
She muſt not ſleep much, or be given to ſleep, for that maketh the Milk flegmatick; ſhe likewiſe ought not to watch more than is meet, for from hence the Milk cometh to be more hot, ſharp, and diſtaſtfull to the Infant; ſhe ought moderately to excrciſe her ſelfe, eſpecially her armes, to wit, either in ſowing, ſpinning, or knitting, for by this meanes evill humours are conſumed, as by eaſe and ſloth they are augmented.
Alſo copulation of the Nurſe exceedingly offendeth, and hurteth the Child, as that which cheifly retracteth and diminiſheth the Milk, and maketh it of an unſavory taſte, taſting hot, and rank, or goatiſh, which bringeth no ſmall inconvenience, and hurt to the Child. For which cauſe, in times paſt, Husbands were driven away from their Wives, and reſtrained from their companies.
But if the Milk decreaſe, Pulteſſes of Bean meal, and Riſe, are meet to be uſed; alſo like paps made of Bread, with Milk, and Sugar, to which may be added a little Fennel-ſeed.
And if the Milk be thick, it muſt be made thinne, with ſlender diet, and ſubtill Wine, and Sirrup of Vinegar, as alſo with exerciſes: But if it be too thinne, and wateriſh, groſſe, and ſtrong meats, and longer ſleeps will be convenient and meet. For the corruption of the Milk, a little Mugwort groſly bruiſed, and put into a linnen cloth, and ſo into broth, with a little Honey added thereto, will doe very much good.
And if the Childes belly be looſe, the food ought to be more groſſe and ſtrong, and her ſleeps longer: But children may ſuck ſo long, as till they have brought forth ſharp and great teeth: But if you ſuffer them to drink Wine, or ſtrong drink, or other Potions, before they have toothed them, they will be corrupted; but when they have gotten theſe teeth,20 their armes, and back bones are gently to be rubbed after their ſleep.
THey are, faſting, to be bathed in water before meat, for the ſpace of a quarter of an hour, yet ſo, that the belly may firſt goe down or be emptied, and then they are to be annointed with oyle of Olives made hot.
And it is not of little concernment, in what ſwadling clothes children are wrapped; for when they are not tied up at all, or the clouts are too looſe, they are ſubject to Fluxes, Impoſthumes, apt to be crooked backt, and other diſcommodities; but eſpecially when their knees are too ſtrictly tied and bound up, and their thighs left at liberty, they are lamed.
When they cry, or feel pain, or will ſleep, they are to be pacified, either by ſhewing the breaſt, or by ſinging, or by rocking, either in Cradles, or hanging Beds, or by carrying up and down. But we muſt obſerve, that children may lie ſtrait whenſoever they lie down, and ought not to be covered too much, or hot with coverings, nor yet with too few, leaſt they may catch cold. Moreover, let the linnen cloth, wherein they are wrapped, be neat and clean, for children are offended, and infected by foul and filthy excrements.
From three years of age till the ſeventh, they are to be educated gently and kindly, not to be ſeverely reprehended, chidden, or beaten, for by that meanes they be made throughout their whole life after too timorous, or too much terrified, aſtoniſhed, and ſotted.
Being yet in their firſt years, they are not to be compelled to going, for ſeeing all their bones are ſoft as Wax, and the body fall the heavier, they either become lame, or univerſally reſolved in their feet.
Food muſt be daily given them thrice a day, till they are21 three years old; for if they be much filled, they are ſubject and accuſtomed to be troubled with Convulſions, and other diſeaſes.
In the ſixth or ſeventh year of their age, they are to be ſent to ſchoole, and committed to the breeding and inſtruction of courteous and temperate Schoolmaſters, who may not terrifie them.
Before theſe yeares they are not to be compelled or forced to harder labours; otherwiſe they will not thrive well, but ſtand at a ſtay, and keep little, or become Dwarfes.
VVHen as the Infant beginneth to grow ſick, as for example, from a cold diſeaſe, the Nurſe is to be nouriſhed with hot and dry meat and drink, ſo that thereby forthwith it may grow well again; ſo alſo if it be taken with other diſeaſes, as with an Ague, the Nurſe ſhall uſe plantain water, and ſuch like things, Paps made for children of crums or morſels of bread broken or ſliced, are more wholeſome, than made of meal or flour.
Till two years old give them Honey often, for that keepeth them from Convulſions, and coſtiveneſſe of the belly, and that the milk they eat hurt them not.
When Infants caſt up their milk, a Corrall ſhould be hung about their neck down to their middle; for it is uſefull for them in teething, and Ivory alſo is good for the ſame purpoſe.
Gripings and pangs come often upon women from their birth, for the womb, as a wild beaſt, by reaſon of her ſuddain evacuation and emptineſſe, by wandering up and down hither and thither, diſpoſeth it ſelf.
Therefore the belly muſt be covered all over with Barly22 meal, and the white of an Egg, mixed together, wirh juyce of Elder; alſo drinking of hot Wine wherein Cummin hath been boyled, is very convenient and uſefull
Alſo Suffumigations of Styrax calamita, Frankincenſe, and Smallage ſeed, of each one drachm, will very much availe.
TO help the Rupture of the naturall parts, which ariſeth from hardneſſe in bringing forth, the powder of the great Comfery root dryed, with Cummin and Cinnamon, are very good, put up into the womb.
In ſome the wrinkled skin of the Cods is broken from the birth, ſo that there is but one hole between the womb and the fundament, and the ſame courſe, whereby oftentimes the womb goeth forth and is hardened; therefore the diſeaſed parts muſt be cheriſhed with hot Wine, in which Butter hath been reſolved, untill the Matrix be ſoftned, and then it muſt be gently put up: after the Cod skin is broken in three or four places, it muſt be ſowed up with a ſilken thred; preſently let a linnen cloth be put upon the belly, according to the largeneſſe of it; laſtly, let it be annointed with Tar, for the womb, by reaſon of the evill ſcent, is drawn in again. At laſt we heal the Rupture with powder of both Comferies, and Cummin, ſprinkled upon them. But a child-bed woman is to be put to bed, ſo that ſhe may have her feet lie the higher; let her lie there eight or nine dayes continually, and let her take her meat, eaſe her ſelf, and make water there.
She muſt abſtain from bathing ſo long as poſſibly ſhe may, alſo from all thoſe things which may provoke coughing, and from meats which cannot eaſily be digeſted: And for preventing this danger in bringing forth, let a long ball of linnen cloth be made, and put up into her Fundament, and as often23 as the child-bearing woman ſtriveth to bring forth the Infant, let her ſtrongly compreſſe and keep in her belly, that no diſruption or rupture be made in theſe parts.
IF the ſecret or naturall parts receive wind in, which being kept in brings forth pain, a Fomentation made with the decoction of Muſtard or Onions, is vety good.
Alſo ſometimes in others ſo great plenty and abundance of wind oppreſſeth them, that they ſeem broken, or as thoſe troubled with the Iliack paſſion, for whoſe eaſe, a Bath made of Mallowes, Pellitory of the wall, and the like, muſt be uſed, and the belly often kept ſoluble.
But ſhe ought to ſtay the longer in the Bath, and when ſhe cometh out of it, a plaiſter of the juyce of Mullein, or Turnup, and Barly meal, muſt be laid on hot, and then let her uſe her Bath again,
IF thoſe parts itch, ſo that women by ſcratching take away the skin, whereupon blyſters ariſe, which greatly moleſt and trouble them, they ought to be annointed with the Ointment preſcribed for burnings.
Take an Apple, Bole armoniack, Maſtick, Frankincenſe, Oyle, hot Wine, Wax, and Tallow, and thus you may prepare it. Purge the Apple from the outward rind, and the core, and put it in a pot to the fire, with the Oyle, Wax, and Tallow, and when it ſhall be hot, the Maſtick and Frankincenſe, being reduced into powder, muſt be put in, and then being mingled ſtrained through a cloth.
FOr thoſe unto whom an immoderate Flux of bloud happeneth, it ſhall be convenient to give the juyce of Mugwort, Sage, Pennyroyall, and of other hearbs of that kind, made up into the form of a Sirrup.
Alſo Baths made for the ſame diſeaſe of the ſaid hearbs, are good; or by a plaiſter made up with Clay and Vinegar, which muſt be applied to the right ſide.
If the Flux of bloud come from the noſtrils, it muſt be applied to the forehead and temples, having a reſpect to the contrary ſide: For bloud uſeth not to flow out of the noſtrils, unleſſe a male Child be begotten.
A Bath made of Mugwort, Flea-bane, Juniper, Camphire, and Wormwood, boyled in water; let the child-bed woman ſit in this up to the breaſt, afterwards let her be gently put into her bed, and let her lie with her feet drawn backward, that the Matrix may return into its place.
The Womb being put into its place again, put powder of Penniroyall, of Galingale, Spikenard, Nutmegs, Avence, with oyle of Nutmegs, and Penniroyall into a fine thinne cloth, and in manner of a Ball or Peſſary bind it up, and put it into the Womb, and ſhut up the orifice of the Matrix, that it fall not down again: But have a care, that it may peirce backward toward the reins, and there it is to be bound up, but before that be performed, a plaiſter of Bay berries, of Muſtard, Frankincenſe, and of Cinnamon, of each as much as ſhall be ſufficient, being brought into powder, and being heated at the fire, mingled with Honey, and let it be laid to the back being yet hot, and bound up with a ſwath, wherewith the Peſſary, put up into the Matrix, is tied.
25But let the woman brought to bed lie in her bed upward for the ſpace of nine dayes or more, if need require, ſo that ſhe may not move her ſelf up and down, unleſſe great neceſſity urgeth her; and ſuch meat ſhall be given her, which may not eaſily paſſe through her belly, or may not often provoke her to make water: But now going abroad after her delivery, we muſt put on an intire garment that may keep it in, leaſt it goe out again, unleſſe it be when ſhe maketh water The third day we muſt make ready a Bath, and then, leaſt they ſhould ſwell, powder of Ginger, Pellitory of the wall, and Cinnamon, of every one by equall parts mixed muſt be blown up.
VVEe uſe to cure the Piles, ariſing from the fault of the bringing forth, with a Bath of Wormwood, Southernwood; Cinnamon rind, and the bark of Caſſia fiſtula, boyled well in Wine; when the woman delivered goeth forth of the Bath, put Bombace, or Cotton, with powder of Alloes mixed with oyle of Penniroyall unto her lower parts.
CLay kneaded with Vinegar, after the manner of a plaiſter, is available to aſtringe and keep back the Milk, but the place is firſt to be ſuppled with hot water.
A Plaiſter of marſh-Mallowes, Mallowes, Wormwood, Mugwort, and Swines greace, made up according to art is very profitable; when the ſwelling is come unto the height, lay Nut kernels bruiſed to peices unto it: And if the26 Impoſthume break not, let it be launced with a Launcet or Pen-knife, and ſqueeze it a little, leaſt by the ſuddain evacuation a worſe miſcheevious Impoſthume may come upon it; and when it is broken, put in a linnen cloth, twice or thrice a day, ſmeared with the yolk of an Egg and Turpentine, which ſtrengtheneth exceedingly: And if the Impoſthume chance to paſſe into a Fiſtula, put into it a root of black Hellebor dipped in Oyle or Honey; or ſprinkle powder of the colt-Bur upon it, for with theſe is every Fiſtula purged and deſtroyed, ſo as it be not between the bones; wherefore theſe Medicines are ſo long to be adminiſtred, untill it dye, and be dried up, and afterward the Ulcer be cured.
ARnoldus de villa nova, a moſt learned Phiſitian, writeth, that if you give unto a Child half a ſcruple of Corrall finely powdered, with womans milk, firſt, before it taketh any other thing, after it is born, that it ſhall never be troubled with the falling Sickneſſe.
I know perſons of good quality in this our Country of England (I preſume, inſtructed by ſome able Phiſitians) who give unto all their own children (and adviſe all other women, where they are deſired to be aſſiſtant at the birth) to exhibite unto the children new born, the firſt thing they take, a little Salt well mingled in a ſpoonfull of Saxifrage, or Hyſop water, to prevent the trouble of frets, and other diſeaſes in children following their birth.
Conceiving alſo, as they ſuppoſe, they have ſome ground for their action, from the fourth verſe of the ſixteenth Chapter of Ezekiel, where the Lord, reckoning up the Midwives duties about children, at that time of their nativity, thus ſpeaketh.
28And as for thy nativity, in the day thou waſt born, thy navill was not cut, neither waſt thou waſhed in water to ſupple thee, thou waſt not ſalted at all, nor ſwadled at all.
MAny Midwives adviſe the Nurſes, to give them a little pure Sugar-candie finely bruiſed in Saxifrage water, or Scabious water in a ſpoon, well mingled together.
TAke of pure Capons greace, very well clarified, the quantity of a Nutmeg, and twice as much of pure Honey, mingle and incorporate them well together, and three or four times in a day annoint the Childs gummes when they are teething, and they will break fleſh eaſily, and prevent torments, and Agues, and other greifs, which uſually accompany their coming forth.
TAke a ſpoonfull of good oyle of Populeon, and put thereunto two ſpoonfuls of good oyle of Roſes, mingle and incorporate them well together, and then warm it before the fire, annoint the Childs bowing places, his armes, legs ſoles of his feet, and alſo his forehead, and temples twice a day, chafing the ointment well in.
TAke of Mirrh, and Aloes, very finely powdered, of each a penny-worth, and with a few drops of Chymicall29 oyle of Wormwood, or Savine, with a little Turpentine, make theſe up into a plaiſter, and lay it to the Childes Navill.
HEberſtreit, Skonkius, Hollerius, and other Phiſitians affirme, they have ſeen them in perſons diſſected: One in a Prince, another in a Citizen of Florence; and our London Phiſitians of late yeares have ſeen two in London (as appeares in Doctor Mayes book of Mr Pennant of Saint Giles in the Feilds) who dyed having a Worm like a Serpent in his heart.
The Cure.
Skonkius out of Stocherus affirmeth by certain experiment, that the juyce of Raddiſh, Garlick, and Muſtard, killeth theſe Wormes, which breeding in the cheſt of the heart, cauſe ſwoundings, Epilepſies, and many times death.
CHafe the Childs navill with May Butter before the fire, then take ſome black Wooll, that groweth between a Sheeps legs, and dip it in the May Butter, and then dry it, and lay it unto the navill, and it will procure a ſtoole: This is alſo good for one in yeares, who can take no inward Medicine.
Take a good big green Mallow ſtrig, and ſtrip off the outward skin, and annoint the ſtrig well with freſh Butter, and put it up into the Childes Fundament, and let it ſtay a while there, and in very ſhort ſpace it will procure a ſtoole.
THis Treatiſe might have been inlarged farther out, by addition of other Experiments, but my Freind; being of the ſame opinion concerning Medicines, that Seneca the Philoſopher was of Bookes: Non refert quanta, ſed quam bona medicamina; hath confined them to their own limits, onely with a few neceſſary Obſervations inſerted.
REcipe. A pennyworth of good Aqua vitae, and as much of oyle of Bayes, and mix them well together warm in a Sawcer, and annoint the place grieved, and chafe it well in (but not by the fire) when it is well dryed in, wrap it up well.
℞. Rye, and Roſemary, ana. M. ii. put them into common oyle, and Malmſie, ana. one quart, let theſe things ſeeth half an hour together, then let the ſame Member be bathed therewith, being firſt chafed with a cloth very well, and after bathing34 wrap it up in a Lambs skin the woll ſide inward; doe this to bedward for the ſpace of three weeks together; this helped a man which could neither ſtand nor goe, Pr•batum.
℞. Mallowes, Groundſell, Strawberry leaves, Lavender-cotton, Birch leaves, Chickweed, Comfry, Parſly, Sage leaves, Bay leaves, Rue, Balm, Plantain, Sorrell, wild Briony, Betony, Wound wort, Carduus, Succory, Majoram, Lungwort, Cammomill, Adders tongue, Oxe eye, ana. M. iii. Chop theſe hearbs very ſmall, and beat them in a Morter, then take Roſin four pound, May Butter clarified in the Sun eight and thirty pound, Sallade oyle a gallon, Turpentine four pound, Frankincenſe two pound: Melt the Roſin and Frankincenſe together firſt, then put therein the May Butter, and the reſt aforeſaid, and twelve pound of Hogs greaſe, and half a pound of Verdigreaſe, and when all theſe are melted together, then put in the chopt and pounded hearbs, and let them boyle half a quarter of an hour, then carefully ſtirre it a quarter of an hour after, and when it is cold, put it into pots cloſe covered, and ſet them in a horſe dunghill a yard deep for one and twenty dayes, then take them out, and put all the ingredients into a Kettle, and ſet it over the fire again, and boyle them a walm or two, then ſtrain it, and put thereto oyle of Spike two pound, and ſtir it well; and when you uſe it, warm it a little in a Sawcer, and rub it by the fire.
℞. Common Azure, and beat it very well with Vinegar, and annoint therewith a thinne plate of fine Silver, and put the ſame over a veſſell full of Urine, ſet it over hot aſhes and coales, and let it be ſtirred untill it be like beyond-Sea-Azure: This is the beſt way, Mizaldus ſaith, he had this out of an old written book.
Lay ſome of it upon a hot burning Iron, and if then it will not be burned, nor any little ſtone is found therein, then it is pure and perfect, and not ſophiſticate and adulterate: Mizaldus.
When Jeſus ſaw the Croſſe whereon he ſhould be crucified, the Jewes ſaid unto Jeſus, Art thou afraid, or haſt thou an Ague? Jeſus ſaid, I am neither afraid, nor have an Ague: Whoſoever ſhall wear theſe words, ſhall neither be afraid, nor have an Ague, Amen, ſweet Jeſus, Amen.
℞. A good quantity of Celandine, one ſpoonfull of Salt, and the bigneſſe of an Egg of Leven, and as much Allicant, or Spaniſh Sope; ſtamp them well in a Morter, and make a plaiſter of them, and apply them to the Patients feet, one hour before the acceſſe of the fit, adde thereto four or five yolks of Eggs.
℞. Of Anniſeed water the beſt you can get, half a pound of oyle of Vitriol, ſhake them well together, and drink one or two ſpoonfuls hereof one hour before the acceſſe of the fit: Probatum.
This Medicine is excellent to cure all kinds of Agues that are.
TAke the roots of Hollyhockes lb. i. dry them into fine powder, clarified Honey four pennyworth ſet theſe on the36 fire, and ſtir them well together untill it come into the form of an Electuary, whereof let the Patient take of often.
℞. Of choiſe Manna called Manna Granata two ounces, flower of Caſſia newly drawn half an ounce, Penidios three ounces, oyle of ſweet Almonds newly drawn half an ounce, the Lungs of a Fox finely beaten to powder two ounces: powder what is to be powdered, then mix them all together, and make an Electuary with Sirrup of Hyſop.
Take a pint of the beſt Honey you can get, ſet it on the fire, and ſcum it very clean, then put into it a little Hyſop bound in a bundle bruiſed a little, let it boyle till the Honey taſte well of the Hyſop, then take it out, and wring out all the Honey, and put into it the weight of ſixpence of Angelica root grated, or cut very ſmall, as much of Elacampane root, of Ginger the weight of two pence, as much of groſſe Pepper, of Licorice eight penny weight cut very ſmall, of Anniſeeds eighteen penny weight, put theſe altogether after the Hyſop is taken out, and let it boyle a walm or two on the fire, ſtirring it a little; then take it off, and put it into a glaſſe or pot, and put thereto three ſpoonfuls of Aqua vitae, and ſtir it well together, and take it on a tufted Licorice ſtick, at morning about ten, and at four in the afternoon, and when you goe to bed, letting it melt down out of your mouths.
℞. White Daſie roots, leaves, floures and all, pownd them, and ſtrain the juyce of them into ſtrong March Beer, or Sack, and give the Patient a good draught thereof: Or ſeeth them in Ale, and make a Poſſet thereof, and let the Patient drink thereof as of the former, and let him eat the leaves if he can, and let him ſweat after.
℞. Of Comfry M. i. when it ſprouteth forth the youngeſt leaves, wring them with your hands, and put them into freſh37 Butter out of the Churne unwaſht into a Frying-pan, and hold it a good way off the fire, and ſo let it boyle together till it be green, then ſtrain it, and keep it for your uſe: Probatum.
Take of ſtale Ale two pound, of Germander half a handfull, of unſet Hyſop, and of unſet Thyme, and of Clary, ana. M. i. a branch of Roſemary, and a good quantity of Engliſh Saffron, a diſh of ſweet Butter, and a good peice of Sugar, then boyle all together till half be conſumed, then ſtrain it, and let the Patient drink it morning and evening.
℞. Bores greaſe, and Nerve oyle, ana. p. ae, and as much Turpentine, boyle them a little together, and annoint the greived place downward therewith.
Take a Toad and kill him, and take three Bricks, put them into fire, and then take out one of them, and put the Toad upon it, then take out another, and put him again on that, and when he is almoſt cold, take off the Toad and put the Brick into the fire; then take the third Brick, and doe ſo till the Toad be conſumed to aſhes, then take the aſhes and put them into a Taffata bag, and when any one bleedeth, apply the bag upon the heart, and it will inſtantly ſtay the bleeding, either of the Noſe, or any Wound,
℞. A ſpoonfull of Sallade oyle, and the white of an Egg, beat them well together, and annoint the burnt place with it often, then take a linnen rag, and wet it in the oyle, and lay it over the ſore, and keep it ſtill wet, till you find the fire be38 drawn out of the Wound, then take away the rag, and annoint the place with a feather, and put Harts-tongue leaves to it, and ſo bind it up, and dreſſe it thrice a day for two or three dayes, and after that but once a day, and this will cool it without any ſcarre.
2. ℞. The reddeſt Onyon you can get, and take off the rinde, and beat the Onyon with Bay Salt in a wooden diſh, till it be made very ſmall: then put it very thick upon the burned place, and renew it three or four times, and this will take out the fire, and then you may apply any healing Medicine to it to skin it.
REcipe. Of clear running water three pound, of good Sugar half a pound, with nine Figs ſliced, half a ſpoonfull of Anniſeeds bruiſed, a ſpoonfull of Licorice bruiſed, of great Raiſins, having their ſtones taken out, one handfull, of Maidenhair one penniworth, boyle theſe together till one half be conſumed away, then ſtrain it thorough a fine linnen cloth, and every morning take two ſpoonfuls of it luke-warm, and you ſhall finde preſent remedy: Probatum.
℞. Rubarb two drachms, Sena half an ounce, Anniſeeds one ounce, ſteep them in a pint of white Wine, and put to it one ounce of brown Sugar-candy: ſet it over the fire to be kept ſtewing all night, ſtop the pot very cloſe that no water come out, and in the morning, when it is blood-warm, ſtrain it, and take a pretty quantity of it, and put two drops of oyle of Sulphur into it, and drink it faſting, and faſt two or three houres after, then take a little broth and keep you warm.
℞. A pottle of Spring water, and put into it ten branches of Hyſop, and two of Roſemary, Licorice clean ſcraped and thinne ſliced two ounces, of Anniſeeds bruiſed two ounces, French Barly which hath been cleanſed in one water, boyle theſe till half the water be conſumed, then ſtrain it, and put to it three drops of oyle of Sulphur: take two ſpoonfuls of this when you begin to Cough, this will looſen the flegm, and cauſe you to bring it up eaſily.
Boyle three ſprigs of Roſemary, and as much Maiden Hyſop in two pound of white Wine, of Mace two flakes, of Nut-Neg two or three ſlices, Saffron ſix or eight blades, burn the Wine, and after ſweeten it with brown Sugar-candy, and drink a good draught warm, mane & veſperi, and two or three ſpoonfuls in the afternoon.
Mingle the juyce of Agrimony with raw Honey, and annoint the lips with it, and it will heal it: Probatum.
Richard Jones cured a young man which had the Canker both in his tongue and lips, onely with good Romane Vitrioll diſſolved in ſpring water, and making it as milk warm from the Cow, with a ſtick and a linnen cloth faſtened to the end of it, he waſhed his tongue, mouth, and lips herewith every morning and evening, and cured him in ſhort time.
But if it be in an old man let run too long, that it eat ſtill, and Vitrioll, Salves, nor other waters will cure it, there is no other way to ſave this man, but to waſh carefully his lips, or mouth, with a very little oyle of Vitrioll, to cauterize the veins, and ſtop the malignant humours that comes from the brain and feeds it. But this courſe muſt not be taken unleſſe the40 Patient be in intolerable pain, and in a deſperate caſe, for doe it herewith never ſo little, yet this oyle of Vitrioll will gnaw, and bite, and put the Patient to great pain, that was oppreſt with great pain before, unleſſe you mitigate the pain by often & continual dipping of a linnen cloth kept wet in ſpring water; after a very little time that you have annointed the cankered veines and places, with very little oyle of Vitrioll upon a feather as may be, and ſo let him indure the pain as long as he well can, that this may cauterize and ſear up the veines the better, that ſo he may be cured, which otherwiſe will corrode and eat continually, although he may purge and vomit alſo, and ſo this at laſt will kill him.
℞. Coltsfoot, Betony, Burnet, and red Roſe leaves, ana. M. i. of Comfry roots ſcraped and ſliced; M. ii ▪ boyle all theſe in a gallon of Spring water till it be conſumed to a pottle, then ſtrain it, and ſet it over the fire again, then take a pound of double refined Sugar, and put it into it, and let it boyle over a ſoft fire about a quarter of an hour, then take it off, and put it up, and drink of it ſix ſpoonfuls, morning, and evening, and at four in the afternoon.
2. ℞. Of Saccharum Saturni one ſcruple in a quarter of a pint of Goats milk, and give the Patient mane & veſperi two or three weeks together, and this will help them, but firſt give the Patient ſome gentle diet-drink to purge them, before you give the Saccharum and Milk: Probatum.
℞. The tender tops of a Bucks horn which is Velvet headed, and cut it in peices, and put it into a new pot well covered, and ſet it in an Oven where it may be dryed and made into powder, of which give to the Patient with a little Pepper in good Wine a pretty draught, and this will preſently releaſe the pain and give eaſe: Probatum.
412. ℞. The decoction of Hollyhockes, mix it with Honey and Butter, and drink thereof bloud warm: Probatum.
℞. The leaves or little ſprigs of Roſemary, and put them between every toe, and if you are much troubled with the Cramp, uſe it continually, and this will cure it.
2. Annoint the part cramped with Ʋnguentum Brioniae, and this will help it: Probatum.
℞. Burnt Salt, burnt Eggſhels, burnt Copperas, burnt Bones, burnt Verdigreaſe, Wormwood, and Rue, burnt, ana. p. ae. make powder thereof, and mingle them well together, and ſtrow the powder into the Canker, and let no water come to it.
Take Hog-lice, ſtamp them till they come to an oyle, and annoint the place therewith.
℞. The juyce of Agrimony, and mingle it with raw Honey, and annoint the lips with it, and it will heal them: Probat.
℞. Roſe-water three pound, of Muſcadine three pound, of new Milk a pottle, of groſſe Pepper one ounce, of Cinnamon two ounces, of ſliced bread a penny loafe, the yolks of three new laid Eggs, of Sugar one pound: Diſtill all theſe as long as any water will come; take of this water with a little Pepper a draught faſting; and you will find much good.
℞. Of the beſt Flores Sulphuris, one ounce and half, as much white Sugar Candie finely poudered, mix them together, and take as much hereof as will lye upon ſix pence, mix them well in the yolk of an egg, and ſwallow it down; then walk upon it untill you ſweat, and keep your ſelf warm; and uſe it four or five mornings together, to take it, and walk after it.
℞. Of Aqua vitae or Anniſe-ſeed water four ounces, mix it with white Sugar Candie finely poudered two ounces, boyl it in a peuter diſh, over a chafing-diſh, till it be diſſolved, and indifferent thick like an oyle, and take a ſpoonful of this when you goe to bed for three or four nights together.
℞ Elacampane roots cut into ſmall peeces, of Hyſop, Penniroyal, and Liquorice, ana M. ii. ſeeth them in a gallon of pure ſpring water, till it come to a pottle, then ſtrain it well, and keep it in a clean pot or glaſſe cloſe ſtopt, and uſe this every day thrice; Firſt and laſt, and one hour ofter dinner, for ſeven or eight dayes.
℞. Three ſheeps hearts, ſlit them, and take out the ſtrings and bloud, and lay them in water to ſoke a night and a day, then waſh them clean, and put them into a Pipkin, lay in the bottome of the Pipkin, ſtalks of Roſemary in the manner of a Gridiron; then lay the hearts on them, every heart being ſtuck with three cloves, and half a quarter of Sugar being put into every heart: Then ſtop up the Pipkin very cloſe with paſte, and put it in an Oven with houſhold bread, and when you thinke it is ſufficiently ſtewed, take out the Pipkin again, then every morning and evening take a ſpoonful of this Sirrup.
REcipe, Half an eggſhel full of the juyce of Ireos, of Mellicratum four ounces, with pouder of the beſt Rubarb, half a drachm: Take this hot in a morning once a week. This is held for an excellent help.
℞. A lap-full of green Juniper tops, chop them ſmall, and take a great bathing tub, and put them therein, and ſet the Patient in the tub, ſo that he may not touch the water, wherein theſe tops were ſodden, but put a cricket under his feet, and cover him well up to the throat; let him ſweat ſo long as he is able, and when he cometh forth of the bath, take care he taketh no cold, but carefully put him into a warm bed.
REcipe, brown Fennel, white Roſe-leaves, or other Roſe-leaves, Rue, Vervain, Celandine, and Eyebright, ana p. ae. diſtill it, and keep the water in a Violl.
Pound Houſleek M i. in a morter, and take the juyce ſtrained through a linnen cloth, put it in a new laid eggſhel, and put a quantity of white Sugar-candie to ſweeten it: Set the Egg over ſome Embers, and let it ſtand, and as the ſcum ariſeth take it off with a feather; and being clear take it off the44 fire, and when it is cold, waſh your eyes herewith ever and anon.
Mr. Nepier commendeth Rulandi aqua opthalmica, to bee the beſt for ſore eyes, Pin and Web, of all waters.
℞ Rain water of the cleareſt you can get one gallon, let it ſettle and clear by it ſelf at leaſt one day and night, and after put it into a fair baſon of earth glaſed, or of ſilver, then put thereto of Roch Allom, the bigneſs of a Pigeons Egg, and and a quarter of as much white Coperas, and let them ſtand 24 houres well covered, then ſcum it clean with a feather, and drein it into another baſon; then take away the ſcum, and the grounds, and ſo doe it every 24 hours, till it be clear without ſcum or grounds, and when it is perfectly purified, put it into a full pint of the beſt Roſewater which is white, and put it into a good big glaſſe, then ſet it in the Sun thirty dayes or more. Afterwards take it in, and waſh your eyes with it three or four times in a week, when you are in bed, or oftner till you bee eaſed; when you waſh your eyes, lye upon your back, that it may the better ſoke into them, and if it be too ſharp, then abate it, by mingling ſome ſpring water with it. The beſt time to make it is in Aprill or May; but if need be at any time in the Summer.
If you take the rain-water in glaſſes, or glaſed earthen pans as it falleth from heaven, free from durt, ſand, or other filth, that will be much better.
REcipe, A Baſon, and ſet it forth in the rain, and ſave the rain that falleth therein, then take a few Violet leaves, and boyl them in the water, then boyl ſome Almonds, but blanch them not, and make Almond milk of the ſame water; If the45 Flux be very ſore, boyle the Almond Milk, and put thereto a little Cinnamon, and Sugar, and drink it.
℞. The nether jaw of a Pike, and make it into fine powder, and put it into drink or broth, and it will ſtop the Flux.
℞. An old Cock, and dreſſe him, put into his belly of Sowthiſtles M. i. and put him into a fair earthen pot, and put to it five peices of Gold, four Dates, ten Prunes, and a quart of Malmſey; then cloſe up the mouth of the pot as cloſe as you may; then put it into a braſſe Pot with fair water, let it boyle the ſpace of twelve houres, but take care that none of the water come into the earthen Pot; and when the fleſh is conſumed from the bones take it up, and let it run thorough a clean peice of lochram; then put it up into a clean Gallypot, and when it is cold it will be like jelly; put two ſpoonfuls hereof into broth or other meat which the Patient uſeth to eat.
Seeth a good proportion of Plantain in fair water, till it wax yellow, and all the ſtrength be boyled out of it, then ſtrain the water, and heat a clean peice of Iron red hot, and quench it in the ſaid water, doe ſo nine times, and give it the Patient.
2. Seeth a pint of Milk, and when it is boyled, put into it as much Allum as will make a Poſſet, of which mane & veſperi drink a good draught.
3. ℞. That which is ſhorn from Scarlet, make it to a powder, and give the Patient half a ſpoonfull thereof in a pretty draught of Tent, and uſe this five or ſix times.
4. Dry the powder of an Hare, and give it the Patient, in red Wine, and it will help him.
Cut Hollihock roots in ſmall peices, and boyle them in red Wine, ſtrain it well and give the Patient; and if he have a Fever, or Ague, ſeeth the roots in water with ſome Plantain leaves, and let the Patient drink it.
2. ℞. Yarrow, and Plantain, ana. p. ae. ſtrain them together, and put thereto old red Wine, called Hollock, or Tent, ſtrain it well, and let the Patient drink a good draught of it firſt and laſt, for three or four dayes together.
3. ℞. Plantain, Ribwort, and Sheapherds purſe, ana. M. ſs. ſtamp them ſmall in a Morter, then put thereto Bole armoniack, and Terraſigillata, and ſtamp them again, and lay it plaiſter-wiſe to the forehead cold.
4. Mingle Mint water with ſirrup of Mint, drink it cold faſting; this will ſtop both flux and vomit.
1. ℞. Hay well boyled, and keep it over the fire, and every time the Patient goeth to ſtool, let a wiſpe thereof be put into the ſtoole.
2. ℞. Two quarts of Milk, and boyle in it of Sage four handfuls waſhed; boyle theſe to a quart, then put to it a little beaten Cinnamon, and let the Patient take this bloud warm, inſtead of other drink when he is thirſty.
3. ℞. A Nutmeg, pare a great hole in it, and roſt it in embers full of Sanguis draconis, and eat it all up: This was Colonell Hambletons Secret.
4. ℞, red Bryer leaves, and boyle them well in Milk, and ſweeten it with Sugar.
5. Give Dates ſtones beaten to powder in warm Wine faſting.
℞. Of the beſt Treacle one drachm, in four ounces of Carduus benedictus water, give the Patient hereof three mornings or nights to drink bloud warm, and it will take away the47 fumes of the head in the diſeaſe of the Flux.
If the fumes of the head be not aſſwaged, let the Patient take four ounces of Carduus water, and the yolk of a new laid Egg, and a little Salt, mix theſe, and drink it; this is alſo good for an Ague.
℞, Two pound of May Butter, or a gallon of Cream; if of May Butter, take Lunaria ſanicle, Salomons Seal, Mouſeare, Plantain, Adders-tongue, ana. one handfull, ſtamp theſe ſmall, and put them into the May Butter, and boyle them half an hour with a ſoft fire, ſcumming it with a feather: If you uſe Cream, boyle it till it come to an oyle, which oyle as it riſeth take off with a ſpoon, and put your Hearbs into it, as into the May Butter; when it hath boyled, ſtrain your Hearbs thorough a thinne cloth, and let it ſtand till it be cold, after which, ſet it over the fire again till it begin to boil, then put it up in pots.
This is alſo good for burning, ſcalding, or Aches, but eſpecially for the Flux, for which, when you uſe it, obſerve this direction: Take the quantity of a Nutmeg of this Ointment, and melt it by the fire, and ſtroke down the reines of the back till it be dryed in, uſe this for ſeven dayes and nights together if your Flux continue.
℞. Cinnamon, Caſſia lignea, Opium, ana. two drachms, Mirrh, Pepper, and Galbanum, ana. one drachm, ſtamp them, and mix them with a little clarified Honey, and make it into a lump or maſſe, give thereof at night two round pills about the bigneſſe of a Pea in the pap of a roaſted Apple, and let not the party drink for two houres after; and if his pain and greif be never ſo great it will eaſe him within one hour or two, and perhaps cauſe him to ſleep ſoundly: you may give it two or three nights together, if the Patient be ſtrong, but if they48 be very weak, give it every other night three or four times; but if he be in extream pain give it when you liſt: If the ſtomack be full of meat or flegm, it will work leſſe effectually. Probatum.
℞. Half ripe Blackberries, dry them, and make them into powder, give the Patient a draught thereof in a little Tent, or old red Wine, in the morning and evening for five dayes if the Flux continue.
℞. A quart of new Milk from the Cow, and put three or four gads of Steel into the fire red hot, and quench them in the Milk till half the Milk be conſumed; then take the weight of eight pence of Deeres ſuet, and ſtamp it into the Milk, and mix it well together, and put it in a boulter bag warm; this you may uſe four or five times if need require.
℞. Of Brimſtone beaten into powder two ounces, mix it well with as much black Sope that ſtinketh, and tie the ſame in a linnen cloth, and let the ſame hang in a pint of ſtrong wine Vinegar, or red Roſe Vinegar, for the ſpace of nine dayes; then waſh any kind of Scurfe or Morphew, either in face, or body, dipping a cloth in the ſame Vinegar, and rubbing the face or body therewith, and let it dry by it ſelf: alſo drink the water of Strawberries diſtilled, or tincture of Strawberries, it certainly killeth Morphew or Scurfe: Probat.
℞. The meat of Lemons having taken away the kernels, and a quantity of fine pure Sugar, ſtill theſe, and keep the water to waſh your face with every night.
Mixe Capons greaſe with a quantitie of Sugar, let it ſtand for a few dayes cloſe covered, and it will turn to a cleer oyle, with which annoint your face.
Annoint the face with the bloud of a Hare, or Bull, this will take away Morphew, and Freckles, and ſmooth the skin.
REcipe, Of May Butter four ounces, of Cummin ſeed beaten into fine pouder, half a pound, of black ſope, four ounces, of Rue, M. i ▪ of clarified Mutton, M. ſs. ſtamp theſe in a morter together, and put to it an Oxe gall, and a ſpoonfull of Bay ſalt, and fry them together till it be thick, then lay it on a woollen cloth, and apply it hot to the ach as may be ſuffered, and let it lye a whole week unremoved: Then lay on another as long a time, and ſo lay on a third plaiſter as long, which will be three weeks in the whole time; and this will give eaſe.
Take of the beſt Aqua vitae one penniworth, and another of oyle of Bayes, mix them well together, and annoint the place grieved therewith by the fire, warm the ointment by the fire, and then chafe the place till it be dryed in, then cloth it up warm. Probat.
℞. The juyce of Sage, of Aqua vitae, of oyle of Bayes, of Vinegar and Muſtard, and of Oxe gall, ana p. ae. put altogether into a bladder, and chafe it up and down with your hand for the ſpace of an hour and half; and keep it for your uſe, and annoint the grieved place with it morning and evening.
Stamp well lb iii. of Wallwort, then melt ten pound of May Butter, and put it thereto, and let it ſtand nine dayes together, then boyle them half an hour over a ſoft fire, then ſtrein it, and annoint the grieved place.
Annoint the place grieved with very good Aqua compoſ•••by the fire, and let the ſame drinke in; doe this three or four times, and whilſt it is wet, caſt upon it pouder of Olibanum, and ſow a cloth thereon, and let it lye on for four dayes. Probat.
FIrſt grinde to an Amalgame one ounce of Mercurie, with one ounce of clear Spring-water, then put a round viall glaſſe, half full of Roſe water, or cleer ſpring water; then put therein your aforeſaid Amalgame, then drop therein one drop of the beſt Aqua fortis that can be gotten, and after a quarter of an hour another drop, and ſo every quarter of an hour one drop, till you have dropt therein ten or twelve drops; then with a very gentle heat, on ſand or hot embers, vapour51 the water away ſoftly, and a brave tree of ſilver, ſhall grow in the glaſſe to your admiration.
REcipe, The roots of Hollihocks waſhed clean, and cut in peeces, M. i. ſeeth them in fair water, untill the roots bee tender, then take out the roots, and put into the water, of Fenugreek, and Linſeed, ana M. i. being firſt ſtamped or bruiſed, and ſeeth them together in the water, untill the water rope like birdlime, then ſtamp the Hollihock roots before boyled, and put them to the Fenugreek, and Linſeed, with a handfull of Barlie meal, and fry them together, and if need be, put to ſome Sheeps ſuet, and lay a plaiſter thereof to the ſore, as hot as may be ſuffered; Let it lye twelve hours at leaſt, and then lay another to it, and within nine plaiſters it will work the full effect: It diſſolveth the Plurifie alſo in applying of three Plaiſters.
Whoſoever ſhall dayly take in a draught of Ale or Beer, a ſpoonful of the pouder of Matfelon, or Scabios, it will deſtroy any Impoſthume within him. Probat.
You muſt firſt bathe the place throughly that is out for three or four dayes, with Oyle of Cammomil, then againſt the Patient goeth to bed, you muſt have two Neats feet, or ſo many of them as may cover the diſlocation, with the peelings round about: then lay the inſides of the feet in thick and52 broad flakes to the place, as hot as the party can indure it, and in the morning remove them, and after with it annoint the place and the flakes aforeſaid with Oyle of Cammomil, and then apply freſh peelings. This for certain hath brought in joynt, that which hath been out of joynt ſix years, and giveth ſtrength to the veins and ſinnews, and will keep the joynts in their firſt place; and the effect will appear in three or four dreſſings.
Spread Wheat-ſtraw abroad upon a clean floor in a cloſe houſe, and put in Geeſe, and watch them when they dung: take their dung up with a knife, and ſcrape away the white about the dung, untill you have a good quantity of it, then dry this in an Oven, make pouder thereof, and drinke of it morning and evening warmed in Ale, and it will cure both the black and yellow Jaundies.
2. Dry the gall of a Raven, and grate it into powder, and take a quantity of it in a ſpoon, temper it with Beer or Ale, and drinke this faſting three mornings together: Or take nine or ten ſeeds of Hemp, doe away the husks, and bruiſe them, and put them in Ale, and drinke this faſting, for eight or nine dayes.
℞. Of Hearb Ambroſe, Betony, Mugwort, ana. M. i. three or four Dock roots clean pickt, waſht, and ſcraped, ſtamp all theſe together in a Morter, till they be beaten indifferent ſmall; then take Spicknard, Turmerick, and Gallingal, ana. p. ae. ſtamp them in a Morter likewiſe, then put the Hearbs into a clean cloth by themſelves, and tie them faſt with ſtrings, and hang them in a gallon or two of good Ale newly ready to be tunned up, and after three or four dayes, drink a good draught thereof every morning next to your heart, and faſt after it three houres, and doe ſo the like when you goe to bed.
℞. Two ounces of Hartſhorn being ſmall raſped, and a pint of fair water, one Nutmeg ſliced, one race of Ginger, a branch of Roſemary, boyle all theſe together in an earthen Pipkin over a ſoft fire, till it be very clammy, then ſtrain it into a Baſon, and put to it Roſewater and Sugar.
℞. Celandine, Engliſh Saffron, and powder of Ivory, ſeeth them in white Wine, and drink thereof eight or nine dayes mane & veſperi.
2. ℞. The Urine of the Patient, and drink it with the juyce of Horehound.
3. Seeth the juyce of Cammomill, Morrell, and Mouſeare, in white Wine twice, and drink of it faſting.
℞. The pap of a roaſted Pippin, and put as much powder of Saffron as will lye on a penny, and twice as much Harts-horn finely ſcraped, mingle them well together, and give the Patient three mornings together the quantity of a Nutmeg, and as much at going to bed.
2. ℞. Of the inner rind of Barberry bark, and Gooſe dung that feeds on graſſe, and waſh the white of it, and a little Saffron, ſteep theſe in Ale, and let the Patient drink it in the morning faſting.
3. ℞. Of red Nettle-tops M. i. ſeeth them in a pint of Ale, and drink the ſame four or five mornings together.
4. ℞. Alicant, or hard Spaniſh Sope, and a little ſtale Ale in a Cup; rub the Sope againſt the bottome of the Cup till the Ale be white, then ſhave a little Ivory, and let the Patient drink of this firſt and laſt till he be recovered: Alſo take Celandine leaves, and put them into your Stockings next to your feet.
545. Put a good handfull of Celandine leaves into a quart of white Wine, boyle them to a pint: in the winter uſe the roots, and drink thereof morning and evening.
6. Cut out the core of a good big Apple, put into the place ſome ſweet Butter, a little Turmerick, and Engliſh Saffron, cover it with the top you cut off, roſt it tender, and let the ſick eat of this three or four mornings together.
7. ℞. One pennyworth of Turmerick, of the middle rind of the Barberry bark M. ii. of Celandine M. i. ſeeth the Celandine, and the bark, in Ale-wort, putting to it a gallon of new Ale at the tunning, and when it hath ſtood two nights, draw it at the ſpicket, and warm it with a gad of fine Steel, and put to it the powder of the Turmerick, and drink of it firſt and laſt.
8. ℞. The juyce of Liverwort, and the ſcrapings of Ivory, and of Saffron, as much as you ſhall think fit, of French Sope as much as a Cheſtnut, bind them all in the corner of a linnen cloth, and ſwinge them up and down in fair water, till all the vertue be gone into the water, and give the Patient to drink of it.
REcipe. Aqua compoſita, and oyle of Roſes, ana. p. a. mix them together well, and annoint the greived place with it morning and evening, but let the Patient firſt be well rub'd with a warm cloth. Probatum.
℞. Oyle of Exeter, oyle Olive, and Aqua vitae, and Beaſts gall, ana. p. ae. Mix them all well together, and annoint the lame leg therewith twice every morning and evening, for the55 ſpace of a fortnight; but alwayes uſe to rub the place firſt very well with warm clothes.
Rub them with your ſweat behind your eares, and this will make them ſmooth and well coloured.
℞. Of Earth-wormes two pound, in a May morning, thoſe with black heads are beſt, you may gather enough; put theſe in white Wine for three or four houres, then ſlit and waſh them in the ſame Wine, and in another Wine, and lay them in an earthen pan on ſtraw or ſticks laid a croſſe, and put them into an Oven after the bread is drawn, and ſo uſe them till they be ſo dry, that you may pownd them, then ſearce it, and beat it again till it be as fine as flower: then keep it for your uſe, which you muſt take twice a day, in the morning when you wake, and at four in the afternoon, as much as will lye on ſixpence, or eightpence; take it in a ſpoonfull of warm Broth, or mulled Sack, or Mace Ale, and drink a pretty draught of the Broth to waſh it down: if you take it in mulled Sack, or Mace Ale, take not above four ſpoonfuls, uſe this for a moneth, but be carefull of taking cold.
℞. One pound and a half of clarified Whey, Sena half an ounce, four penny weight of Anniſeſeeds, of Hops half a handfull, of Borrage, and Bugloſſe, ana. half a handfull, Fumitory p. i. ſeeth all theſe in the clarified Whey untill half be conſumed, drink of it two mornings together.
℞. Of Violets three handfuls (if you cannot get them, as56 much of the leaves,) ſeeth them in running water, from a pottle to a quart, then take of Almonds one pound, ſtamp them ſmall, and temper them with the water, and make an Almond Milk of it, and let the child eat and drink of the Milk, and alſo if need require, of the water by it ſelf with a little Sugar.
℞. Coloquintida and mix it with Honey, and Bulls Gall, then apply this plaiſter-wiſe to the belly, and this will doe it: Alſo take Wool, or Silk, and dip it in the juyce of Sowbread roots, and Wine, and uſe it as you uſe a Suppoſitory.
℞. Of Mallowes, Mints, Wormwood, and Violet leaves, ana. half a handfull, ſeeth theſe in the water of the ſick, and when they are well ſodden, preſſe out the water from the Hearbs, and ſtamp the Hearbs in a Morter, and fry them in May Butter, or freſh Greaſe, and make a plaiſter of it, and apply it warm unto the belly, and change it once a day,
℞. A quarter of a pint of good Sack, of Elacampane roots half an ounce, as much Licorice, powder them very finely, of the beſt refined Sugar half a pound, boyle them together, till they rope in nature of a Sirrup, then take hereof the quantity of a big Filbert mane & veſperi, and after as often as the Cough tickles you.
2. Take Virgin Honey, and old Conſerve of red Roſes, ana. p. ae. mingle them well together, and take at morning and night three Pills as big as a Nutmeg, and keep warm after it.
℞. A pottle of ſpring water, put into it of Oak leaves, M. ſs. of Colts foot, of Butter burr, roots and leaves, ana M. i. of S. Johns wort, Mouſear, Maiden hair, ana p. i. 3 or 4 Harts tongue leaves, a little Liverwort, 6 branches of Maiden Hyſop, 3 or 4 branches of Roſemary, pick and waſh all theſe clean, 16 Figs ſlit in two: Set this over the fire, and let it boyl ſoftly, till half be conſumed, then take it off the fire, and ſtrein it, and put into it of loaf Sugar lb ſs. and when it is melted, put unto it ſix or ſeven drops of oyle of Sulphur, and put it into a glaſſe, and ſhake it well, and drinke every morning eight ſpoonfulls, which you muſt drink leaſurably, that it may the better fall on the Lungs; about four of the clock in the afternoon you muſt take as much: this will both cleanſe, and heal the Lungs, and ſtop the coughing.
TAke Lettice, Spinage, Succory, Violets, langde Beefe, Endive, and red Fennel, ana. half a handful, three ſpoonful of Anniſeſeeds, five whole Maces, and one Nutmeg cut into peices, ſeeth all theſe in a pottle of running water to a quart, then blanch your skins, and beat them with the cold ſeeds, and ſo draw it with this decoction, and put into it Sugar, and Manus Chriſti, to ſweeten it.
TAke of good new Milk three pound, of red Wine one pound, the yolkes of four and twenty new laid Eggs,58 having their whites taken out, beat the Eggs well with the Wine and Milk, and put thereto as much fine Manchet as will almoſt ſuck up the liquour, diſtil this with a ſoft fire, take two or three ſpoonfuls of this uſually in your broth two or three times a day: this is rather to be uſed in Hectick Fevers then in other diſeaſes, becauſe they are alwayes hot in the paln•es of their hands, and in the ſoles of their feet, both after ſleep, and after meat, which ſhew the conſumption of the ſolid, and fleſhy parts of the body.
Steep the yolkes of two new laid Eggs in ſix ounces of Vinegar ſix houres, then take them out, and with four Dates, and a pint of Muskadine, or Alicant, make a Cawdle therewith as followeth: Take of Roſewater one pound, a pint of Muskadine, boyle therein a diſhful of the Pithes of an Oxe back clean pickt, a large ſawcer full of good Currans clean waſht, four yolkes of Eggs, ſix Dates, a ſtick of Cinnamon, and a good Nutmeg; make a Cawdle of this with Sugar, and having ſo done, ſtrain it, and drink thereof at morning faſting, and at four in the afternoon: it is ſingular good for a weak back, and decaying of nature.
REcipe, Of Lignum vitae, lb i. of Sarſaparilla, ℥ v. of Sena Alexandrina, ℥ iv. of Saſſafras ℥ iv. of Bole Armon. ℥ i. of Chalk, ℥ i. of Hermodactilis, ℥ ii. of French Barlie ℥ ii. bruiſed, of long Pepper a half penniworth, of Saffron one penniworth, of London Triacle ℥ i. Boil all theſe in four gallons of ſpring water till half be conſumed, when it is to be boyled put in the long Pepper, Saffron, London Triacle, Bole Armoniack, and the Hermodactilis: What is to be pounded, pound; and what to be59 bruiſed, bruiſe; let it boil a good while after thoſe Ingredients are put into the pot, cloſe ſtopped: Then ſtrain it, and with the dregs you may make a ſmaller drinke for the Patient to drinke at meat, or when he is dry; but of the fomer drinke he muſt drinke ℥ iiii. thrice a day: Viz. at eight of the clock in the morning, at noon, and at 10 at night: He muſt eat dryed Bisket, and great Raiſins, and his meat muſt be mutton, dry roaſted without Salt. The party muſt alſo take this enſuing Purge twice, before he drinke the drinke: viz. ſix penniworth of Pulvis Sanctus, with ℥ i. of Sirrup of Roſes ſolutive, well mixed in lb ſs of white Wine, drinke it blood warm, faſting two houres, and then take ſome warm broth.
Two or three doſes of Doctor Vanhocks Roſa vitae, given at ſeverall times is very good in this diſeaſe.
℞. Of Diaphaenicon, ℥ ii. as much è ſucco roſarum, drink this in the morning at ſix or ſeven a clock with ℥ iv. of white wine, bloodwarm, for three four or five dayes: It is an excellent purge, and will give you ſix or eight ſtools within two hours. Probat.
Make a Poſſet with ſmall Beer, with a quart of milk ▪ as clear as you can, then take of Goats rye, M. i. when you have taken off the curd from the Poſſet, put the Goats rye into it, and let it boyl a good while; then put three or four branches of Scordium into it, then take it from the fire, and cover it a while; then ſtrein it, and give the Patient neer a pint of it at a draught warm, an hour before his fit comes; then let him lye ſtill one hour to ſweat, or two, or longer if he can indure it, uſe this for three times; but let the Patient be carefull he take no cold.
℞. Harts horne raſped, ℥ i. one root of Saxifrage, the ſtems and ſeeds of red Sage, Rue, Elder leaves and berries, red Bramble leaves, one root of Angelica, or the leaves thereof, Tormentill the roots and Leaves, ana M. i. two Oranges, Engliſh ſnake-weed the roots and leaves, Virginia ſnake-weed a ſmall quantity, which is much better then ours, of Goats rue, ana, M. i. Butterburr leaves and roots, and Pimpernel, ana M. ſs. Scordium ſix branches, Marigold Flours, and Borage flours, and Roſemary flours, ana M. i. White Ginger ʒ ii. dryed Figs eight, old Ivie Berries black, two ſpoonfuls, Walnuts fortie, ſtamp them all in a morter, and ſteep them twelve hours in White wine, lb ii. and white Wine Vinegar, lb ſs. then ſtrein it through a fine ſtrong linnen cloth, and adde unto it ℥ i. of Bole Armoniack finely poudered, and a little Pomecitrine rinds one penniworth, and diſtil it in a dry Still, and take morning and evening one ſpoonfull. This is good for any Fever, ague, ſmall Poxe, Meaſels, or any Infection: If it purgeth, as it will if there be any infection, you muſt give the Patient two ſpoonfuls of this till it hath done his working.
℞. Three pints of good Muſcadine, of Rue, M. i. of brown Sage as much, bruiſe and boyl the Hearbs in the Muſcadine till a third part be conſumed, then put to of Ginger ℥ ſs. of Nutmegs thirty two, a penniworth of long Pepper groſſely bruiſed into the Wine, and let it boil one walm, then take it off and ſtrein it, then put into it a penniworth of Mithridate, two penniworth of London Triacle, and a quarter of a pint of Angelica water, drinke one ſpoonfull of this every morning faſting one hour after; but if the partie be infected, then let him drinke two ſpoonfuls, and ſweat upon it.
Take of Cloves two or three ounces, as much of Nutmegs, pouder them ſmall, and mixe them with oyle of Lavender, to make them fit for a plaiſter, ſpread it on Leather, and lay it to the nape of the neck, and wriſts of the hands; Or as I have proved, Take three penniworth of London Triacle, a pennie pot of Neat oyle, a pennie pot of Sherrie Sack, mix theſe three things together well, and eat a ſpoonfull or two every morning faſting, and at any time of the day; after this once or twice a day if you pleaſe take a ſpoonfull, or eat it upon new white bread. This will help the ſhaking Palſie, and trembling of the heart, and make a man cheerfull and merrie. Probatum. I had the ſhaking Palſie by working in Mercurie, no man more, and this in fourteen dayes cured me; God be praiſed.
Steep Mugwort in Roſewater, waſh the hands therewith, and it will cure their ſhaking and trembling.
Lay a thin peece of raw Beef to the forehead of them that have loſt their voice, and let it lye one all night.
Beat the Kernels of Peach ſtones together into pouder, and give the Patient a good draught thereof in Renniſh Wine.
Take of great Raiſins cleanſed from their ſtones, lb ii. of Licorice ſcraped, and bruiſed, ℥ i. put theſe in lb ii. ſs. of cleer water, ſeeth them well, and ſtrein them, and put into their62 ſtreining, of Mirabolans, Hebal, Citrine, and Indic, cleered from their ſtones, ana. ℥ ii. of Emblick and Bellerick, ana ʒ ii. boyl them, preſſe and ſtrain them, then put thereto of pure Sugar, lb i. and when they are boyled up to the thickneſs of a Sirrup; adde in the end of choice Cinnamon, ℥ ſs Cloves and Galingal, ana ʒ ii. of Nutmegs, num. ii. of Fennel, and Anniſe-ſeed, ana ʒ i. Make it into an Electuarie, and put it up into a clean Box, agreeable to the complexion of the Patient that ſhall uſe it; as for the ſpleen, in a Tamarisk, or Aſh boxe, or Juniper for flegmatick perſons, and ſo accordingly of others.
In this Electuary are Medicines for principal Members, viz. the Heart, the Head, Stomack, Liver, Spleen, and Generative parts.