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A blaſt from the Lord, OR A VVARNING TO ENGLAND, By way of Exhortation to take heed, and not run upon their own deſtruction; which will be ſpeedily, without true repentance.

By a Lover of the Truth, and a Priſoner for declaring Truth abroad BEN: NICHOLSON.

Thus ſaith the Lord, behold I make all things new: Take no­tice, All things new

2 Cor. 5.17. Rev. 21.5.

For Sions ſake will I not hold my peace, and for Jeruſalems ſake I will not reſt, untill the righteouſneſs thereof goe forth as brightneſs, and the ſalvation thereof as a lamp that bur­neth. Iſa. 62.1.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be ſold at the Black-ſpread-Eagle, near the Weſt end of Pauls. 1653.


To the Reader.


IF for telling thee the truth I become thine enemy,Gal. 4.16. Pro. 12.17. I am willing to ſuf­fer for the truths ſake; If for ha­ting iniquity I become a prey to the teeth of all ungodly ones, let them make a prey upon me: for ſuch as I have from the Lord, ſuch will I declare for the children of the Lord's ſakes, that they, if the Lord ſo pleaſe, may look into the ſecrets of their hearts, and ſee how the Lord acts in them for the eſta­bliſhing of his Throne and Kingdom in righteouſteſs in the midſt of every one his ſons and daughters, the Sion, or City of the living God: and if the Lord ſo pleaſe to bring it home to thoſe who ſit in darkneſs, that light may ſpring forth, and the glory of the Lord may appear among the ſons of2 men, that the dark places of the earth may be enlightned, and the barren wilderneſs may become a fruitfull land, to bring forth fruits of righteouſnes to adorn the Temple of God; that whereas there hath been ſtinking ſa­vours in the land of Canaan, the ſtinch there­of may be taken away; and whereas thieves and murderers lodged in the City, now truth and peace may take place only; and whereas the walls of Sion hath been pulled down, they may now be built again; and whereas Jeruſalem hath been without In­habitants, it may now be inhabited with much joy; and that Joſeph which hath been long in priſon may come forth and be ſet up to rule next the King (let him that hath wiſdom underſtand;) and that Daniel may ſit in the Kings gates, and bear rule over all the great men of Babylon, and Joſeph over all Egypt: which ſhall be at the time of Gods deliverance (though now in priſon) bear rule over all them which were their ac­cuſers and perſecuters.


A Blaſt from the Lord. Ariſe O God and ſcatter all thy Enemies,Jer. 4.12. Num. 10.35. Pſalm 3.7. ſmite them upon the Cheek bone, let none remain: Goe on to Judgment, and deſtroy every wicked Worker and Evil doer.

O ENGLAND, take warning,Pſalm 68.1. to the end. Nah. 3.3, 4. the Lord is riſen, he hath drawn out his ſharp and glittering Sword, he hath furbuſhed it, and made it fit for the ſlaughter, to cut down all things that ſtand up in oppoſition againſt the pure being of his everlaſting Love and eter­nal Happineſs. Deut. 32.41.Rev: 2.16.Now is the time of the breaking forth of Gods love upon the children of men;Job 22.28, 29, 30. of the Son of Righteouſneſs ſhining in the clear Firmament of Truth in the hearts of his Sonns and Daughters, which will diſpel all the dark clouds and thick Miſts of boiſterous ſtorms and darkneſs,1 Jo. 2.8, 9, 10.Iſa, 25.6. to end. even the veile of Ignorance and groſs Hypo­criſie; the veile of the covering ſpread over all Nations, which thou O England liveſt under, even all of you from the Ancient and honorable, to the falſe Preachers that deceiveth the People with their lyes; both Head and taile, Branch and Root: Therefore take warning,Zep. 3.3. to end. O yee Cruell and Blood-thirſty Judges, which have changed the Law of God into your own corrupt wils, and turned the Truth into a Lye, you4 ſhould have judged for God,Lam. 4.3. 1 Cor. 19.6, 7. but you judge to pleaſe men; and for Rewards you ſtand up, taking Hire for your judge­ment, putting many to death for Money, and without Money you will doe nothing;2 Cor. 4.4, 5. the God of this world, Money, hath blinded your eyes, and by taking gifts your eyes are quite put out, you have no light of God in you, to diſcern how to doe Juſtice in any thing; you are all turned aſide out of the way of God, every one to his own way, following the imagi­nations of your own devilliſh hearts,Jer. 18.12, 13. and you hate to bee Reformed, behold the Lord is fierce in his anger towards you, and he will pour down the Vials of his wrath upon your Beaſtly power,Iſa. 40.23. to the end. Dan. 7. and cauſe your own Rod to conſume you, and will judge you out of your own mouths; you are the Beaſt which the Whore rideth upon, that painted Whore who hath beguiled this Nation with her inchantments; which hath painted her ſelf with the Prophets,Jezebell-like, 2 Kings 9.30. Chriſt, and the Apoſtles words, but never knew that power and ſpirit of Life which they lived in, yet is upheld by you; you defend her by your Beaſtly wils, in her Lyes, and you uphold her in her falſe, vi­cious, and divinations of her own Brain, and in the filthy ſmoke of the imaginations of her Helliſh heart;Jer. 14.14. Ezek. 13.23. you pro­tect her; the Horſe-Leech hath two daughters which cry Give,Hoſ. 4.18. give: You Judges that judge for Reward are one, and the Prieſts that preach for Hire are another; Behold, the Lord is coming with Thouſands, and ten thouſands of his Saints to render vengeance upon all the ungodly,Dan. 7.10. and to re­prove the wicked, and recompence wickedneſs upon the head of evil doers, and to convince the World of all their wicked deeds which they have moſt maliciouſly done againſt him;1 Sam. 2.9, 10. all you wicked ones, your downfall is at hand, your ſorrow is coming on apace, now is great Babilon come in remembrance before the Lord,Iſa. 10.2. to end and hee will recompence her double upon her Head, for all the evill that ſhe hath committed, and for the wickedneſs that ſhe hath done againſt the Lord, ſhall ſhe receive a full reward;Rev. 18.2: to end. all Nations have been made drunk with the Wine of her fornications, and ſhe is drunk with the blood of Saints; therefore ſhall a Cup of the fierce wrath and fury of the Lord be given her to drink, and the dreggs5 thereof ſhall ſhe drink; ſhee ſhall ſpue and fall, and never riſe again: Take heed all ye upholders of her,Hoſ. 7.16. come from under her, ſeprrate your ſelves from her, leſt you periſh with her.

Hear of ye Judges and Nobles of this Nation, take heed you be not found partakers with this great whore, give over committing adultery with her, ſhe is a ſtrange women, her feet abideth not in the houſe, ſhe gaddeth abroad to change her ways, ſhe is barren, her womb cannot be ſatisfied, ſhe is a grave where dead men lieth, and ſhe like the witch of En­dor conjureth them up to ſtand before a many Sauls whom the ſpirit of God reigneth not in,1 Sam. 28.11, 12, 13, 14. making a trade of raiſing up of the Apoſtles, Prophets, and Chriſt's words, feeding the poor people (which they have led blind) with apperitions and falcities of their own corrupted wiſdom, not knowing at all the wiſdom of God, nor being made partaker of the power and life which the Apoſtles, Prophets, and Jeſus Chriſt lived in, yet they preach forth lies in hypocricy, telling the people that God, and the Kingdom of God is without them, or in a place in heaven a great many miles above their heads, making the ignorant people think that God is as ſome great man ſitting in a Throne in the natural heavens:1 Kings 8.27. and thus they either know not, or elſe are willingly ignorant of, that God fills heaven and earth, and all things, and that the hea - of heavens cannot contain him, and that he is Omni preſent in all places, and that he lives in himſelf, and of him all things conſiſts, and in him have their life and being, to whom be­longeth all honour and glory and everlaſting praiſes, and to none elſ. O ye whoſe ſtrength upholds this deceitful, lying, and bloud-thirſty whore, take warning; and all you who have loved her, and helpt to bear her up, and that have given your power unto her, now beſtirr your ſelves and diſcover her wickedneſs, hate her and burn her with fire, for this is the decree of God upon her,Rev. 19.20. and he hath put it into the hearts of thoſe who once loved her, to do ſo unto her:Rev. 14.10, 11. I cannot but take notice how ſhe is already burning, and how the fire of Gods wrath deſcendeth continually down upon her and ſcorcheth her;Rev. 17.12. to end. that I am ſure it is the breath of6 Gods mouth, and the brightneſs of his appearance in his Saints that ſhall wholly deſtroy, her, this whore the Anti­chriſt, who make a profeſſion of God and Chriſt in words; but in power and practice deny them. Every one who makes a profeſſion of Chriſt in words, & denies him in their practices, and keeps not his Commandments, is an Antichriſt (ſaying lye down and let us go over you) a deceiver which the Lord will cut off ſuddenly from amongſt his people without ſpee­dy repentance:1 Joh. 4.2, 3. He is not a Iew who is one outwardly only, but he is a Iew who is one inwardly; neither is he an Anti­chriſt which is one outwardly only, but he is an Antichriſt which is one inwardly. This is the true Iew and the falſe Chriſt, or Antichriſt, which Iew God will call and ſave; and which Antichriſt God will judge and deſtroy: A warning to all Antichriſts and diſſemblers, who profeſs much, but pra­ctice little; who ſpeak forth the word of God and hear it, but do it not, and ſo deceives their own ſouls; and theſe are children of the whore of Babylon,Mat. 21.44. which the Lovd Ieſus will daſh in pieces: he is that ſtone that being fallen upon will bruiſe, but on whomſoever it ſhall fall it will grind them to powder; and by it ſhall the whore of Babylon which is made rich by the great company of her ſhips, Merchants, and Marriners (that truſted in Egipt) in one day become deſſolate, all her ſhips ſhall fail for want of water, her Mer­chants ſhall become poor,Rev. 14.9, 10. and her Marriners wall be terribly afraid, and ſhall bewail her, and ſtand afarr off when they ſee the ſmoke of her burning aſcend up towards heaven, ſay­ing,Rev. 18.18. alas, alas, the great City Babylon, how is thy deſtructi­on come upon thee in one day, (but ſhall not com near to help her,Ezek. 27.29. to end. thou Babylon art confuſion, thou whore which ru­leſt therein is the wiſdom of the fleſh, and the brats or chil­dren which thou bringeſt forth are pride, covetouſneſs, lying, ſwearing, ſtealing, whoring, anger and revenge, hating one-another, evil communication, idle talking, and fooliſh jeſting, &c. all the Prieſts in England are full of confuſion, both in themſelves, and one againſt another, by the wiſdom of the fleſh they are ſet up,Rev. 18.23. and bear rule: their Merchants are the great men of the earth, and the wiſe men thereof their Mar­riners:7 the water wherein they have their great traffick, is the light of the firſt nature; and their ſhips their human lear­ning, & many Books, in which they heap up all their wares to traffick with, and make ſale on; the walls which defend them, are the people living in ſin, even all her children;Read Ezek. 8.27. the Beaſt which they ride on, are all their followers. Then ſee what follows, The Prieſts of England are part of Babylon, mem­bers of the Whore thereof,Ez k. 27.27. which are maintained by the great men of England, and by the wiſe men thereof are hel­ped to ſteer on their deſign in the old ſea of frothy inventi­on (the Schools of learning their Ship-Carpenters) their lear­ning and books their rotten ſhips: and their preaching out of their human learning and heatheniſh Authors books, ma­ny lies and fooliſh hiſtories are their wares which they coun­ſell people to buy; the wall which defendeth them, and the Beaſt which they ride on, are almoſt all the men in Eng­land, but that of late much of their wall is fallen off from them.

Then look to it thou Babylon, thou whore in Babylon, you Merchants and Mariners, the waters and ſhips with the wares, thy walls, and the Beaſt which thou rideſt upon, ſhall all be ſhortly burnt, dried up, and broken to pieces, and the glorious Lord God will be unto his people a place of broad Rivers and ſtreams, wherein ſhall go no gally with Oars,Pſa. 46.4. Iſa. 33.21. to the end. nor gallant ſhips paſs there, but the Lord will be their King and ſave them, and their Law-giver, and he wil plead for them, the Saints of God ſhall need no ſtearing by the powers of the world in the light of Nature, or in the waters of the old frothy ſea of the filthy inventions of the naturall man, nor need they any to fight to defend their cauſ, or plead for them, for the Lord will ſave, protect,Dan. 7.27. defend and deliver them from all their enemies, & wil give the rule, the power and dominion of the world to the Saints of the moſt High, and they ſhall rule in peace and govern in righteouſneſs, and their King­dom ſhall be an everlaſting Kingdom, and Chriſts Domini­on ſhall endure for ever in them, and of the rule and govern­ment there ſhall be no end: for when they die, or leave the viſible body, they ſhall be wholly ſwallowed up into him8 who reigned in them, and ſo from the time of Chriſts firſt reigning in them,1 Theſſ. 4.17 they ſhall not depart out of his preſence, but be ever with the Lord ſinging praiſes & Hallelujahs to the moſt High, which reigneth in his Saints over all the earth, who is the onely King of Saints, the Lord bleſſed for ever, at whoſe preſence when he appeareth,Iſa. 45.23, 24, 25. Ier. 30. 5 to 10. Joel 2.6. Nahum 2.10. Pſal. 114.7. all the nations of the earth ſhall tremble, and every knee bow before him, and all hands ſhall be weak, the great men of the earth ſhall tremble, and the ſtrong men ſhall bow down to him, and all faces ſhall gather paleneſs, fear, and be exceedingly amazed when the Lord comes to reign in mount Sion and before his Ancients gloriouſly ſing and rejoyce. O ye daughters of Si­on, and ye ſons of the Ancients, be exceeding glad, for he-hold your King is coming, and he will ſpeedily be in his Temple to viſit and to inquire how it hath been deck't with pretious things, and in them will delight; but all the vile and abominable things he wil caſt out. The whole crea­tion of man is his Temple, whereof Chriſt is the head every member that is corrupt and rotten he will cut off; Chriſt is the vine,John 15.1. to the 8. we are the branches every branch that bringeth not forth fruit in him, the Lord will hew down and caſt into the fire:M. 13.3. to 10. Heb. 6.7, 8. but every branch that bringeth forth fruit in him, he wil purge it that it may bring forth more fruit: We are the ground, he is the good ſeed; and all the ground or earth which bringeth forth fruit meet for the Lord our Tiller, and Dreſſer, ſhal receive a bleſſing from God; but that earth which bringeth forth thorns, or evil fruit, is rejected, is nigh unto curſing, whoſe end is to be burned. God made man on­ly to ſerve and obey him, and every nation, and kingdom, and people, and particular perſon that will not ſerve and o­bey him, ſhal be conſumed by the breath of his mouth, and the brightneſs of his coming which is neer at hand; add wo, wo, wo, to the inhabitants of the earth, for the Divel is come down to you, and is in great rage in you, becauſe he knows he hath but a ſhort time to reign. All you whoſe mindes are following after the things of this world, return to the Lord ſpeedily, leſt he come upon you at una­wares, and deſtroy you, and caſt you into utter darkneſs,9 there ſhal be weeping & gnaſhing of teeth. Take heed that you kick not againſt all warnings, for ſuddenly ſhall theſe days come upon all that dwel upon the earth; for as it was in the days of Noah, ſo ſhal it be at the coming of the Son of man, they ate, they drank, they married wives,Matth. 24.37 and were gi­ving in marriage until the day that Noah entred into the Ark, and the Flood came and took them all away;Luke 19.27. Iſa. 11.15 even ſo ſhal it be with this wicked generation at the coming of the Son of man, who ſhall utterly deſtroy all thoſe that would not that he ſhould reign over them, and burn up all thoſe murderous Cities, even every thing that they lived in,Rev. 16.12. all pride, covetouſneſs, lying, ſwearing, and drunkenneſs, and what ſin ſoever was by the world loved and lived in, ſhal the Son of man take away and burn up in his people who obey his voyce, and keep his ſayings,Iſal. 51.10, 11 when the Floods of wicked and ungodly men (even all the waters of their Egyptian ſea) ſhall be dried up, and they not able to ſteer a ſhip therein, all their falſe faith, or light (which is the waters) the holy Scriptures ſpeaketh on, ſhal become dry,Iſa. 35.12. that there ſhal be a way for the Kings of the Eaſt (who hath by theſe fierce wa­ters been kept back) and for the ranſomed to paſs through, to enter into their glorious good Land, that they may till it to make it bring forth good fruit, and abide therein for ever. Then ſhal the Arm of the Lord awake and put on ſtrength, he ſhal wound the Dragon, and dry up the deep ſeas, that the ranſomed of the Lord may paſs over. Thus ſhal the Redee­med of the Lord return with joy and ſongs unto Sion; but the wicked ſhal mourn for ſorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of ſpirit. O all ye powers of the earth, God is com­ing to overturn, overturn, overturn your power, and give it to him whoſe right it is: Jeſus Chriſt ſhal have the rule and do­minion over all Nations, and he alone ſhal rule in his Saints, and not by might nor power of man ſhal we be redeemed, or ſhal a reformation be eſtabliſhed, ſaith the Lord, but by the Spirit of the Lord ſhal we be redeemed and reformation e­ſtabliſhed, and by his Spirit ſhal we be redeemed from all our vain converſation and evil practices, which is the onely true Reformation which God delighteth in: the high & lofty ones10 Come down and ſit in the duſt, humble your ſelves in the ſight of God, that he may lift you up be afflicted and mourn,Jam. 4.6 to 11 cleanſe your hands ye ſinners, and purifie your hearts ye double minded men, ſeek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forſake his evil ways, and the ungodly the immaginations of their own hearts, and turn every one to the Lord, and he will have mer­cy upon you; but to every one who is contentious, and will not obey the truth,2 Theſ 2.11, 12. nor return ſpeedily to the Lord, but takes pleaſure in unrighteouſneſs, the indignation and fierce wrath of the Lord ſhal conſume you at unawars. You Magiſtrates of England take warning every one of you, turn from your evil ways; God hath a great controverſie with you for your living in pride and covetouſneſs; you put truſt in the arm of fleſh, you therein go down to Egypt for help, and for that woe is coming upon you, without you repent ſpeedily: you live in pleaſures and wantonneſs, you nouriſh up your ſelves as in a day of ſlaughter, whereby the juſt one Jeſus Chriſt is killed in you; you ſpend the creature (which was given by God to cloath the naked, to feed the hungry) upon your luſts,Iam. 1.27. in gorgious apparels, and gold rings, and needleſs adornings, and inſtead of covering the naked, and feeding the hungry, you ſet out Laws to puniſh them: my heart bleeds to think of the hard uſage of my poor fellow creatures who have no abiding; whereas you ought to take thoſe in who want harbour, and to ſee that none want maintenance. You wallow your ſelves in the earths treaſure like ſwine in the mire, and never conſider that the earth is the Lords and the fulneſs thereof, and that he hath given it to the ſons of men in general,Pſal. 115.15.16. and not to a few lofty ones which Lord it o­ver their brethren: and if a poor creature ſteal a horſe, ox, or ſheep, he is either put to death, or burned in the hand; but you never conſider how many horſes, oxen, and ſheep you ſteal from the Lord, and uſe them to ſatisfie your wills and luſts. O you great men of the earth, it is long of you that there is ſo many thieves, for you hold the creation in your hands,Mat. 16.26. and by all means go about to defraud the poor, more every day then other: it is but a ſmall advantage for11 you to gain (and make your ſelves poſſeſſors of great livings, and loſe your ſouls, as you put them upon the venture; re­pent ſpeedily, or elſe you ſhall all utterly be conſumed; for the great day of the Lord is coming to call you all to aac­count how you have ſpent that Talent which he hath given you: have you made your ſelves rich with the mammon of unrighteouſneſs, then are you happy; but to the contrary, you have ſpent it to the ſatisfying of the devils luſt in you, and ſhal thereby become miſerably unhappy, and the Prince of darkneſs which hath blinded your eyes by the God of this world (gold and ſilver) ſhall now after the blinding of your eyes, and the darkning of your hearts, torment and ſcorch both body and ſoul for ever, without unfeigned repentance. you wiſe in this world, your wiſdom is turned to folly, God hath looked down from heaven upon you,Pſa. 4. and behold you are all turned aſide out of the ways of God, every one to his own ways, following the works of your own hands, and walking in the imaginations of your own hearts, (I bewail your condition) you keep alive that which ſhould die; and that which you kill ſhould be kept alive:1 Io. 3.15. He that hates his brother is a murderer; but you kill, priſon,Iſa. 29.31. and baniſh the juſt ones; you make a man an offender for a word, and lay ſnares for them that reprove ſin in the gates, you condemn Jeſus Chriſt the juſt one in you, and keep alive your own wills and luſts, and by the power thereof rule over your bre­thren. Bluſh for ſhame you Rulers, that you ſhould know, or profeſs to know much, and practice ſo little; you profeſs to have the Scriptures for a rule; but you act contrary to them; you profeſs to be Judges in the ſteed of Moſes,Iſa. 5 22, 23. but you like the corrupt Judges of Iſrael, have turned the Law of God into Cuſtomes, and the truth of God into a lie, ſet­ting up your own wills inſtead of Gods will; and whereas you ought to judge for the Lord in truth and righteouſneſs, you judge for men, and for mens rewards, you execute what their wils is, with your own wils upon all offenders; and yet profeſs your ſelves to be Judges under the Goſpel, whereas you cannot find one Text in all the new Teſtament, wil war­rant you to do or practice any thing you do, in proſecuting12 of your Law, but contrary: therefore becauſe you turn your backs off Chriſts Councel, he wil make you aſhamed of your evil ways,Mat. 5.37. to the end. and laugh when your fear cometh, and you ſhal be had in deriſion with thoſe whom you hated, yea your lovers ſhal turn their backs on you and laugh at your folly:Iſa. 24.59.8. thus ſhal you be caſt down, and the Lord ſhal place in your rooms upright men,Exod. 18.21. fearing God, hating covetouſneſs, which ſhal neither take gifts nor rewards, nor judge for hire at all; but ſhal defend the cauſe of the poor, the widow and the fa­therleſs, without taking money, they ſhal judge for the Lord, and of the Lord ſhal they receive a reward,Iſa. 26. and no reward of man ſhal at all be given or taken;Pſal. 85.11, 12, 13. for the Lord ſhal ſurely give wiſdom to judge aright (that they need not go to Schools of lea ning (ſo called) to learn wiſdom of men,Luk. 1.33. and they ſhal freely communicate righteous judgement to every one who come before them:Dan. 7.13, 14. Thus ſhal the Lord be King in his Saints,Dan. 2.44. and rule all Nations in righteouſneſs, he ſhal be judge in his Saints,Dan. 7.9 10. and ſhal judge all Nations in truth; he ſhal be their Law-giver,Rev. 5.20, 21 to end. and ſave them from all their ene­mies, and make all Nations ſubject to them: the Kingdoms of the world ſhal be given to the Saints of the moſt high;Dan. 7.18, 22, 26, 27. it ſhal be an everlaſting Kingdom; and of the dominion, rule, and government there ſhal be no end until Jeſus Chriſt have by ruling in them,Mic. 4 2, 3.Iſa. 2.3, 3, 4, &c. made all his foes his footſtool, and ſubdu­ed all things to himſelf, then death ſhal be ſwallowed up in victory,1 Cor. 15.24. & 51. and Chriſt ſhal appear a ſecond time without ſin unto ſalvation unto all that wait for him, and love his appearing: for unto you that fear the Lord, ſhal the Son of righteouſneſs ariſe with healing in his wings, and ſhal bind up every bro­ken ſoul,H ſ. 9.28. and poure in oyle, which oyle or anointing ſhal teach thoſe who receive it all things, and they ſhal not need that any man teach them,Mal. 4.2, 3. but as that anointing directeth them,Iſa. 10.22. to 28 ſo ſhal they walk in all things: this is the ſpirit of the Lord which directeth aright how to walk in all things,Ioh. 2.20, 27. and they need not the light of the Sun,Rev. 21.1, 2, 3. read all chap. Moon, or ſtars to guide them; that is, no help of the natural man to direct them, for the Lord ſhal be the light thereof, and the lamb the glory of the ſame: and this is new Jeruſalem, which comes down13 from heaven, and the new heavens, and new earth, wherein dwelleth righteouſneſs, to the which ere long, all that fear the Lord in truth, ſhall be brought, and like a bride made ready for the bridegroom; but the wicked ſhal be ſhut out, for the uncircumciſed and the unclean ſhal not enter in thi­ther. In the midſt of this new Jeruſalem runs pure ſtreams, as clear as Chriſtal, theſe are the ſtreams of righteouſneſs which ſhall run down our ſtreets like mighty rivers, which ſhal ſweep away as with the beſome of Gods wrath: (the love of God to the Saints, is fury to the wicked,) All the ungodly powers of the earth, and deſtroy every evil doer: repent,Mar. 13.36. for at unawares ſhal this day come upon you,Read Iſa. 29. and happy ſhal all they be who are found working in the Lords vinyard, for ſuddenly ſhal that day come,Iſa. 30.31 & ch. yea like a thief in the night to all that put the Lord afar off: Take warning,47.10, 11. for the Lord wil finiſh his work upon Mount Sion, and finiſh his work, his ſtrangwork upon the earth, and cut it short in righteouſ­neſs He that hath ears to hear let him hear,Ier. 51.6. to 14 and he that readeth let him conſider, for the words hereof are true,Mal. 3.1. and the time short: Repent, repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand, and ye that fear the Lord, rejoyce, for he is riſen, and wil come ſpeedily to his Temple.

All you Town Clarks in England,Ier, 50.28. or parish (ing) pro­phets, your downfall is at hand,Iſa. 5.20. read all the chap. and God hath bid me fore­warn you, and cry out againſt your ungodly and wicked practices, blaſphemous and beaſtly worship, you put bitter for ſweet, and ſweet for bitter; you call evil good, and good evil, which God abhors; you put light for darkneſs, dark­neſs is by you called light; and thus you deceive and delude poor ſouls into error, by your vain immaginary minds; and by the fanſie and brats of your brain, you draw away three parts of England after you (the ſtars to the earth) you have nothing of God in you; but what you preach,Io 4.5. to 28. you like the woman of Samaria, have a rope, and water-pots, to draw out water of wels which others digged: your rope is the lear­ning you get at Oxford and Cambridg; and your water-pots is your wiſdom, with which you draw water out of wels which others digged: (is not this ſo?) do you not tel all who14 have received the teſtimony of Jeſus Chriſt in the ſpirit of truth, that they have nothing to draw with? and the well is deep? that is, you want Learning, and the Scriptures are deep myſteries: but let one tel you the waters that they drink is a well-ſpring of life living in them,Io. 4.7. to 27. and to all that daink thereof, then you ſay, What art thou greater then our fore-fathers who gave us the Scriptures? and they were made partakers of the bleſſings ſpoken in them: Whence haſt thou this new light and thoughts? O ye falſe worſhip­ers, ſtand conending againſt Ieſus Chriſt by telling him of outward worſhips; but never conſiders the words of Ieſus Chriſt, which ſaith, the true worſhippers ſhal worſhip the Father in ſpirit and truth, for he ſeeketh ſuch to worſhip him: and no outward worſhip was accepted by him, nor the Temple at Jeruſalem, which was far better then the Idol Temples of our days. Thus you cover your ſelves with fair words as with fig-leaves,Mic. 7.2, 3, 4. glorious outſides, but within full of filthineſs; no fruit nor performances is found in or among you; you commit evil with both hands; but how to do wel you know not: O you blind guides, how dare you profeſs your ſelves to be the Miniſters of Ieſus Chriſt, and never yet knew him? neither dare you truſt him for your wages; is he ſo little credited by you that you dare not believe him? he ſaith, caſt your care upon me, and I will care for you. Do you take him to be your Maſter, and will you not truſt him for your Wages; for ſhame give over pretending ſerv­ing of him,1 Pet. 5.7. Mat. 20.10. Iſa. 56 9 to end for he hath Servants, whole thouſands, which dare truſt him, and will labour in his vineyard, and ask him nothing, but freely be content with his Penny. O you greedy Dogs, idle Dogs, and dumb Dogs, which will not bark without one put into your mouths, and lies down to bark in your Pariſhes, where every one looks for gain from your Quarters; how doe you conjure up your dead Doc­trines, dead Reaſons, and dead Uſes; nay, and more then that,1 Sam. 28.15. you like the Witch of Endor, conjure up the dead bo­dies of the Prophets and Apoſtles out of the Letter, which is Death, making the Letter to ſtand before a many deceitfull Sauls, whom the Spirit of the Lord ruleth not in, not know­ing15 the living power of them who gave them forth; nor have you the Spirit to adminiſter by, but death in you raiſeth up death to ſpeak to death; all is Death, and to death you ſhall ſpeedily be brought by the Spirit of the Lord, who ſhall by the Breath of his mouth,2 Thef. 2.3, 10 11 and the brightneſs of his comming deſtroy all which oppoſeth the true light of God, as you Pariſh (ing) Miniſters doe, by your ſeeking to put to ſilence all who have not the mark of the Beaſt in their Right hands, or in their Foreheads; none but themſelves muſt buy or ſell (Trade in) Spirituall things: But take warning, God is coming to burn, that great Whore whereof you Prieſts of England are members; and ſhall one member be burnt, and not the other ſuffer.

Howle and weep you proud ones of the Earth,Rev. 16.19. ch. 17.16, 17, 18. ch. 18. for your Mother Babylon is falling, is falling, and all her Children ſhall taſte of her plagues, and great is the fall thereof, for God hath put it into the hearts of the Powers of the Earth, to hate the Whore, and to burn her with Fire; the Battell of the Lord of Hoſts goeth on apace,Rev. 19.11. to end. and he will cut down eve­ry ſon of Babylon, and daſh all her Brats againſt the ſtones, (every Truth of God is a ſtone, which daſhes in pieces all Babylons children) both Bond and free, Male and female, Yong and old, that ſtands up in oppoſition againſt the great God, ſhall be cut off. Rev. 12.12. Chap. 18.5, 6. & 20. ver.Rejoyce O ye holy Apoſtles and Pro­phets, for the Lord is comming to avenge the blood of his Saints upon that great Whore, which hath made her ſelf drunk with the blood of Saints: not by might nor power of men, but by my Spirit ſaith the Lord God ſhall ye be redee­med from out of the hands of them that hate you. O you Juſt and upright Ones, lift up your Heads, your Redemp­tion is at hand, even at the Dore.

All people in England take warning,Rev. 17.18. & 19. ch. the Lord is comming to pour out the Vials of his wrath upon the Whore that proſtrates her ſelf to all that paſs by (as the Miniſters of England doe, and to plague the Beaſt, the Majeſty which ſhe rideth upon, and which ſhe is upheld by: Yea, and all the people which are at one with her, (without a ſpeedy depar­ting out of her) ſhall taſte of her plagues; Come out of16〈…〉for my people, ſaith the Lord God, ſe­parate youſeves from among them; touch no one〈◊〉thing, and I will receive you: It is nothing to be ſparate from the inwarWorſhip of Babylon, and yet inwardly be full of uncleanneſs; Therefore all you which live in ſinne, High and low, Rich and poor, Bond and free, Male and fe­male, take warning, and repent ſpeedily, and turn every one of you from your evill wayes, leſt the Lord come upon you at unawares, and caſt you into utter darkneſs; f••…behold the Lord is riſen, he is good foth Conquering and to Con­quer all his Enemies, and happy are all thoſe who truſt in him; for how his wrath is kindled in his breaſt, and it ſhall burn as a Fire,Pſal. 2.12. and devoure all the wicked on the world; yea, all the ungodly ſhall be as ſtubble, and the fire of the Lord ſhall burn them all up, and leave them neither Root nor Branch:

Now the Sinners in Sion ſhall be afraid, and all the hy­pocrites hope ſhall periſh,Iſa. 13.9. to end. James 5.1, 2, 3 becauſe of the fierce wrath of the Lord againſt the wicked in heart. Howle all Rich men in the Earth; for the ruſt of your Gold and Silver ſhall beare witneſs againſt you, becauſe you have not honored the Lord God with the increaſe of your Flocks, the Fruits of your Corn, and the Overplus of your Moneys, but have ſpent them upon your Luſts, and conſumed them by pride, ban­quetting, rioting and drunkenneſs. Now the Lord is, com­ming to require an account how you have ſpent all his trea­ſure, for the Earth is the Lords, and the fulneſs thereof, and not yours, O ye wicked ones; and he is comming to require his Corn,Hoſ. 2.9. his Wine, his Oyle, his Wooll, and his F•••…, and to know how you have ſpent them; whether you have be­ſtowed them on thoſe the Lord commanded you;Zec. 7.9, 10. Iſa. 58.6. to end. to ſee if you have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, relieved the oppreſſed; have you let the Priſoners goe free then have you made yourſelves rich with the Mammon of unrighte­ouſneſs,Ezek. 18.7, 8. and ye ſhall be received into everlaſting habitation, and rule as Kings among the Saints of the moſt high God,Mat. 25.24, 25, 26. whoſe Kingdom ſhall be an everlaſting Kingdom, and whoſe truth ſhall endure throughout all generations. Hear O yee17 juſt and upright ones, the Lord is going to deſtroy all un­godly ones, and to cut off from the earth all wicked workers, and to place in their rooms juſt men, and to ſet up in the earth the Kingdom of Ieſus Chriſt, which ſhall reign in his Saints, which is the ſtone cut out of the mountain,Dan. 2.44. that ſhall ſmite the great Image from off his ſeat, and break all the powers of the earth to pieces, (and though that power of legs and thighs be the ſtrongeſt power (which now reigneth in England) that breaketh in pieces, and bruiſeth all things therein; yet this ſtone cut out of the mountain without hands, (as it hath broken in pieces all the reſt of the Image in England) ſhall break in pieces this breaker, this ſtrong part of the Image, and ſhall reigne over it;Read Dan. 2. and the other part or power of this Image which is to reign, the Feet, it ſhall be ſo weak and devided in it ſelf, that its time ſhall be very ſhort; and that by reaſon of its being devided in it ſelf it ſhall ſtand but a little: And I am ſure it ſhall ſpeedily be­gin. Call it what Government you will, in his days ſhall the great God of heaven and earth ſet up a Kingdom which ſhall never be deſtroyed. And this is the ſtone cut out of the moun ain without hands (Ieſus Chriſt in his Saints) which ſhall bruiſe and break in pieces all powers of the world:Ier. 23.6. to end. In his days ſhall Iſrael be ſaved, and Judah ſhall dwell ſafely. This is the name wherewith he ſhall be called, The Lord our righteouſneſs: and in this Mount ſhall the Lord make unto all people a feaſt of fat things, of marrow and of much fat­neſs, of good wine, of wine on the lees well refined; and in this Mount will the Lord God deſtroy all things that ſhall offend, and he will rent and take away the vail of the cove­ring ſpread over all Nations, and he will ſhine through all clouds and darkneſs, and will rent the vail of the Temple, and ſhake the Foundations of the earth, the groſs darkneſs which the world liveth in, and by their dark lanthornes (the Prieſts of England) are lead blind by, and are bewitched from the truth, and truſt in lying words. Ier. 7.3. to 9.The Temple of the Lord, or the Church of the Lord, calling a houſe of ſtone, the Church or Temple of God; but the Temple of God are theſe, if you throughly amend your ways: (Take no­tice)18 Amend your ways, and do that which is juſtice and right betwixt man and man: If you relieve the oppreſſed, fatherleſs, poor and widows, and deal your bread to the hungry, cover the naked with a garment, and take off every yoke and burthen, relieve the captives, and let your priſo­ners go free, then ſhall your light ſhine clear, and break forth as at noon-day;Iſa. 61.4. to end. you ſhall be called the habitation of the Lord, the repairer of the breaches, and the builder of the old waſts, for men to dwell in; then ſhall the Lord take de­light in you, and dwell with you for ever.

The vaile of the Temple is the dark miniſtry which liveth, and leadeth others to live in groſs hypocricie, which clothes Ieſus Chriſt with the filthy, unclean, rotten rags of their own righteouſneſs. Their fair gloſſes and falſe interpreta­tions of Ieſus Chriſt,Ezek. 32.2: the Prophets and Apoſtles words, which darkens the pure light by which they were guided, and thus they muddy the clear waters,Ez 34.18, 19. and drink up the ſweet waters, and trouble the reſt with their feet, their unjuſt pathes treading down the good paſtures which they do not eat up, which all the Saints of God have ever eaten on, and drunken of, and ſhall do unto the end of the world, yea and for ever lie down ſafely,Pſal. 11.4, 7. againſt all the powers of hell and death: and the rule and Kingdom of the Lord Ieſus in his Saints,Pſal. 82.5. to end. ſhall overturn and overcome, and rule over all Nati­ons in peace, and in righteouſneſs ſhall the Kingdom be eſta­bliſhed in their hands, and they ſhall have peace for ever; and all powers of the earth,Pſal. 18.15. or the foundations whereon the whole world ſtandeth, all the Magiſtrates of the world ſhall be ſhaken; the pillers whereon the earthly worſhippers wor­ſhips,Exe. 13.14, 15. Iſa. 24.17. to end. and carnal Ordinances ſtandeth on, which muſt not only ſhake, but be made empty, and turned up-ſide-down, and left without a man, and without an Inhabitant, and none ſhall dwell therein for ever, This is Babylons fall, and Ie­ſus Chriſt his riſe, for it is only Ieſus Chriſt that ſhall by the breath of this mouh, and the brightneſs of his coming de­ſtroy him, even Antichriſt, who with all powers and lying wonders, have deceived the Nations of the whole earth, &c. now is the time near at hand, wherein all the ſpears of the19 world ſhalbe beat into pruning hooks, and their Swords into plowſhares; Nation ſhall not riſe up againſt Nation,Iſa. 2.4. neither ſhall they learn War any more, there ſhall bee nothing but peace within our borders, and plenty within our palaces; there ſhall be no ſorrow nor ſighing at all,Ier. 31.12. Iſa. 25.8. Rev. 21.4. for all tears ſhall be wiped away from all eyes, and joy and gladneſs, and fulneſs of rejoycing ſhalbe the reign of Sions King in the midſt of all his people. Thus ſhall great Babilon which is com into remembrance before the Lord, be caſt down, and never riſe again, and Sion, which hath lain waſte ſhalbe inhabited, and never deſtroyed any more for ever; neither ſhall come up thither the ravenous Beaſts and Birds of prey, nor any Wolferous eye ſhall ever ſee the beauty of Sion, the perfect City of the living God, whoſe praiſe ſhall ſpread throughout the whole Earth; neither ſhall any thing that is polluted or unclean come in thither,Rev. 21.27. yet the Gates thereof ſhall not bee ſhut at all.

They that have ears to hear let them hear; But Babylon ſhall be the place of darkneſs, for nightbirds and Scriech­ow's, for the wild beaſts to lye down in,Iſa. 13.9. to end. & 34.8. to end and for the birds of prey to make their neſts in, and for the Satyrs to dance in. Thus ſhal that great Whore, the woman lapt in an Ephod, the Talent of lead,Zac. 5 5 to end. be caſt into the midſt of the Sea with great force, for ſtrong is the Lord of Hoſts which hath determined her utter deſtruction, and ſhe ſhall never riſe again, ſhe ſhall be carried into her own land (Forge fulneſs) and ſet upon her Baſſe (miſery) and there ſhall abide for ever and ever. Thus farewell all wickedneſs, and welcome Truth and Righteouſ­neſs, for thou ſhalt live for ever, and rule over all thine ene­mies. So ſhall it be, even ſo be it, Amen.


A Poſtſcript to the Reader.


THat thou mayſt know what is here ſpoken is no more but what the Scriptures beareth wit­neſs to, (I have taken a little care for the edifying of them that deſire to know truth, and that by the mouth of two witneſſes it may be eſtabliſhed) I have ſet down the Scriptures in the margent of this little volumn, which bear witneſs to what is in it declared: therefore ſearch the Scriptures, and ſee whether thoſe things be not ſo or no, and take warning, leſt thou periſh with the diſobedi­ent.

Benjamin Nicholſon.

About this transcription

TextA blast from the Lord, or A vvarning to England, by way of exhortation to take heed, and not run upon their own destruction; which will be speedily, without true repentance. By a lover of the truth, and a prisoner for declaring truth abroad Ben: Nicholson.
AuthorNicholson, Benjamin..
Extent Approx. 47 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 12 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 166458)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 106:E689[19])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA blast from the Lord, or A vvarning to England, by way of exhortation to take heed, and not run upon their own destruction; which will be speedily, without true repentance. By a lover of the truth, and a prisoner for declaring truth abroad Ben: Nicholson. Nicholson, Benjamin.. [2], 20, [2] p. Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black-spread-Eagle, near the west end of Pauls.,London, :1653.. (Intended to be issued with "Some returns to a letter which came from a general meeting of officers of the Army of England, Scotland, and Ireland, sitting at Jame's Westminster" (Wing N1106), although most copies lack it.) (The last leaf is blank.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "March. 12".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Detention of persons -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Censorship -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A89677
  • STC Wing N1104
  • STC Thomason E689_19
  • STC ESTC R203018
  • EEBO-CITATION 99863122
  • PROQUEST 99863122
  • VID 166458

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