SATANS Deſign diſcovered: VVho under a pretence of worſhipping Chriſts Perſon in Heaven, would exclude God and Chriſt, the Spirit and Light, out of the world: And that he ſhould no more dwell in his people as he hath done, till Doomsday, that ſo he might rule in the hearts of Men and Women, unrevealed, while the World endures, onely under the name of God and Chriſt, talked of at a diſtance, that he may rule in the Creation, exalted above God.
Clearly laid open in an Anſwer to Thomas Moor, who calls his Book an Antidote againſt the ſpreading Infections, &c.
Wherein is diſcovered the crooked ways the winding Serpent takes to ſave his head, and reproach the truth with Lies, That by any means he might make people believe that a lying Spirit is among the Quakers, but is found within him.
With 48. Lies, taken out from three times as many, and ſent back to be proved by the Founder of them, T. M.
Alſo ſome Particulars, what the Quakers holds concerning the preſence of God, Chriſt, Spirit, Light, Scripture, and what alone makes it profitable: True Miniſtery, perfection, who can, and who cannot receive the things of Gods Spirit; with the Ground and cauſe of all Errors and Sects, laid down in plain ſhort words, but received and maintained in the everlaſting truth, who is now manifeſt to withſtand all oppoſers.
By a Servant to Truth, called James Nayler.
London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle near the Weſt end of Pauls. 1655.
THo: Moor, Thou call thy book a diſcovery of a lying Antichriſtian Spirit, in ſome of thoſe called Quakers, which thou haſt ſet forth to blind the world from ſeeing thy own Antichriſtian lying doctrine thou was found in, when we was with thee, and whereof thou was reproved by the Spirit of truth, and thou confounded, which is the cauſe of all this fome, mire and dirt, which like the Sea thy rage caſts up, in which thou haſt more fully laid open to all that are in the Spirit of Chriſt, that thou art that Antichriſt, and lyer, and falſe-accuſer, which thou would accuſe us with; and ſo the more the Serpent ſties in the leaves, the more diſcovered, bleſſed be our light for ever: doſt thou thinke to hide thy ſelfe by accuſing thy damnable doctrine upon us, or to broach thy denialls of Chriſt, the more hiddenly by accuſing us to deny Chriſt, which is the thing for which we declare againſt thee, and haſt made it thy great work in thy booke to deny the Father and the Son in the Saints (and ever amongſt) to blind people that they ſhould not ſee thy ends, thou falſly accuſes us to deny them ſuudry times in thy booke, poſſeſſing people that we deny and Preach down the perſon of Jeſus of Nazareth, of the ſeed of David & the worke of redemption wrought for us in his own perſon, as tipes & ſhadows, or figures of the true Chriſt, which is to befound in ſome other thing, & that we preach this down as the4 Apoſtles preached down circumciſion temple & ſacrifies, & this thou gathers from my letter I wrot to thee (which thou haſt printed) becauſe I ſaid the fleſh of Chriſt is the food of my inward man. To which accuſation, I ſay the Lord be Judge betweene me and that lying murtherous Spirit, whether I own any other righteouſneſſe than that everlaſting righteouſneſſe of God wrought in the perſon of Jeſus Chriſt of Nazereth, his ſuffering, reſurrection, and aſcention according to the Scriptures, and that endures from generation, to generation, and all inherits that ſame righteouſneſſe, as by faith they receive the ſame Jeſus: and further I ſay let all modeſt Chriſtians who reads that letter, Judge what ground thou haſt to conclude any ſuch thing againſt me, and ſo be thou Judged with all honeſt hearts, as thou haſt dealt therein, and all the reſt of thy lies and ſlanders caſt upon us in thy book. And for their ſakes who elſe might have beene led to ſpeake evill of that they know not, I rejoyce that letter is come to light.
And thou thy lies and confuſions art revealing from thy own pen, which many would ſcare have believed from another, ſo that if any who know any thing of Chriſt within, read thy book, they may throughout thy book, ſee thy worke (who having denied the Father and Son in thy ſelfe) what crooked waies thou takes to thruſt him out of the world a ſo, which was ever Satans worke who can never be quiet in his Kingdom, ſo long as Chriſt appeares in any of his Saints on earth to witneſſe againſt him, but could he limit him only into Heaven and perſwade people never to waite ſor his appearance in their hearts, then might he rule the creature without controule, let and ſet at his pleaſure; for he knows none can reveale him (though in the Temple of God he ſit in the hearts of people) but the brightneſſe of Chriſts coming, in his light, into the hearts where he is: ſo he ſets his Miniſters to Preach Chriſt without, in literall5 tradition, that ſo he may keepe his houſe in peace within, and ſo keepe God out of his Temple, and dwelling place which is the bodies of his Saints: but now the Lord is comming and taking people to himſelf whom he is clenſing; and ſome he hath clenſed, and is in his dwelling place, (praiſed for ever) and in whom he beares witneſſe againſt the Devill and his doctrine in the great aſſemblies; and many are inclining to the voice of the Shepheard of their ſouls: and the day is come that the Prince of this world muſt be judged, and all his ſhews and likeneſſes wherein he hath ſhewed himſelfe to be as God, exalted in the Temple of God above all that is called God, and the myſtery of iniquity is revealed and revealing on the Head of all ungodlineſs and deceiveableneſs which he hath wrought in men all this time of the myſtery of iniquity ſince men have denied the Spirit of truth and by it to be guided and have chuſed their imaginations inſtead thereof: And now his Miniſters of all ſorts is hard put to it, and he hath put into their hands all the old armour wherewithall he uſed in former ages to fight againſt the appearance of Chriſt; and all his Kingdom is up in armes with ſuch weapons as they have beſtirring themſelves againſt the Lambe in whomever he appeares, the groſſer ſort with ſtones and clubs, the greater ſort with whips and priſons and cruell bonds, another ſort ſwearing and for ſwearing againſt the innocent that they might roote him out of the earth: and the Head of the Serpent is making refuge of lies and ſlanders thereby to fright the reſt whom he cannot get to joyne with him in this wickedneſſe, ſeeking to perſwade them that to waite for the appearance of Chriſt in them with his light and Spirit to guide them out of all this confuſion is the moſt dangerous errour in the world, and of all other to be avoided; when as indeed all that are from that Spirits guiding are in errour, and can be no other wiſe, untill to that Spirit they turne therewith to be led out of errour, and being6 more ſubtile then all the reſt, brings in Lies and falſe Accuſations againſt others, as though they was out of the truth, but he a friend unto it; when as all the friendſhip he intends (when truly weighed) is to make an eternal ſeparation betwixt the Creature and the Creator, and to keep God out of his dwelling place, yea, and as far diſtant as the Heaven is from the Earth, as thou doſt in thy Book, who denies the poſſeſſion of God in his Saints; as thou doſt in thy 32 page, and in many other places in thy Book: In thy 25 page, confeſſes the Body to be the Temple of the Lord, in which God primely and chiefly dwelleth, and manifeſteth himſelf in through the teſtimony of Jeſus there received; and thus with confuſion, ſaying and unſaying, haſt thou made up thy Book, to the end that thou might keep people from the light of Chriſt, perverting the Scriptures to wrong ends, and making them ſpeak quite contrary to the Spirit; as that of Amos 2. 13. where God ſaith, I am preſſed under you, as a cart is preſſed that is full of ſheaves: This thou would have people to believe that God ſaid, I will proſs you, as the cart is preſſed with ſheaves, which is quite contrary; and where the Spirit ſaith (Chriſt in you) ſpeaking of the Saints in whom Chriſt dwelt, thou turnedſt it to Chriſt among you, as he was among the Phariſees: and where Chriſt ſaith, The kingdom of God is within you, that thou perverteſt alſo to among you, and this thou printeſt to all the world, with many more ſuch like of thy deceitful workings and pervertings, too many to mention, which all that read thy Book may ſee ſcarce one Scripture thou haſt medled with, which thou haſt not ſought to wreſt, and art not aſhamed to accuſe me for abuſing the Scriptures, who have but quoted the plain words, without meanings at all; nay, ſo ſhameleſs is thy work in thy book, that were it not for the ſimplicities ſake, which in many is deceived by ſuch as thee, I ſhould leave it to diſcover it ſelf (as ſufficiently it will do in the fight of the wiſe, who compare but one part7 of it with another) and not have written any thing unto it.
As alſo thy ſhameleſs denying what thou ſpoke before hundreds of Witneſſes, before whom thou denyed God to be manifeſt in the Creature then; and that none had immediate call, but the Apoſtles who was called by Chriſt perſonally before his Aſcention: And when I inſtanced Paul and Ananias, Thou ſaid, Paul was in Heaven, and ſaw him perſonally: Thou ſaid further, that thou had not the ſame Teſtimony as the Apoſtles had, which thou now turnedſt to Timothy: Further thou ſaid alſo, That the Scriptures are the abſolute Rule and Medium of Faith; and when I asked thee, if God could give faith without them, thou ſaidſt, Yea; then I ſaid, They was not the abſolute Rule and Medium: then John Wray ſaid, I catcht at Words; to which I anſwered, If thou didſt confeſs thy miſtake, I did not deſire to make thee an Offender for a word, and upon thy confeſſion; thereupon that thing ceaſed, and I ſpake no more of it at that time, which otherwiſe had not ſo paſſed.
Thou ſaidſt further, That Paul ſaw Chriſt perſonally with his bodily eyes after his Aſcenſion; Thou al ſo ſaid I was a falſe witneſs in ſaying that I had ſeen Chriſt, and ſaid thou had never ſeen him as Paul did; to which I ſaid, I believed thou had not.
Further thou ſaid, The benefit the drunkards have by Chriſt, is, that they enjoy that drink wherewith they are drunken.
Thou ſaid alſo, That there is ſomething which is not of God, which teacheth the Creature to deny ſin, with divers other ſuch like things, which then I reproved thee for, and withſtood thee to thy face before the people, where thou couldeſt not deny it, and writ to thee of it in faithfulneſs, that thou mighteſt have conſidered thereof, and have ſeen thy folly, and not have envyed me for ſpeaking the truth, which thou could not then8 deny before the people, neither then nor the next day. But now the envious one being got up, for theſe things thou art not aſhamed to account me a Lyar, which thou couldſt not do to my face before the people; here ſhewing thy ſelf to be a Backbiter, and falſe Accuſer of the truth, and the lye returned into thy own boſom, where the Lyar dwells, ſeeking to hide himſelf by accuſing others.
In thy Epiſtle thou telleſt of ſome abatement of bloody perſecution in theſe times; but whoſoever ſees the emnity of theſe days, and your combining together againſt the innocent, with your actings, impriſonings, whippings, mockings, ſtockings, reproachings, and falſe accuſings, with all the multitude of your invented Envies, of which thy Book is not the leaſt; they may ſee ſuch a Generation of perſecuters gathered from all Quarters, againſt a poor deſpiſed People, and perſecuting for ſuch things, as never was ſince the World was created, as witneſs all the Goals in the Nation; and this miſchievous lying Book of thine, whereby thou would adde affliction unto thoſe Bonds, accuſing us of denying Chriſt, and preaching another Chriſt, and another Goſpel, and another Spirit, and many ſuch blaſphemous things (from which we are clcar) haſt thou added unto the envy that is againſt us; for all which, thou muſt give an account amongſt the reſt, when thou haſt filled up thy meaſure.
And thou that calleſt it a Spirit of Antichriſt, to witneſs Chriſt bearing ſin now in the body, art one of thoſe who never ſaw him whom thou haſt pierced: But did not he bear ſin in thee (though thou know him not) thou had been in hell ere now, and that thou ſhall know when his ſpirit leaves ſtriving, and his long-ſuffering is turned into Judgement, which ſhould lead thee to repentance. And Chriſt appearing without ſin to ſalvation, is witneſſed with all who have ſeen his appearance, and that is the ſpirit of Antichriſt, which cannot confeſs9 him who goeth on in blindneſs and confuſion, as thou doſt, who faiſt there is not in man any light, knowledge or underſtanding, to make them ſenſible of their Idolatry and wickedneſs: And in the next page, faiſt, Although the word be nigh them in their hearts: What is not the word light and underſtanding where it is if it be minded? it was ſo to the people of God, who knew it in their hearts, and by it was kept out of ſin: But thy teſtimony is contrary, whoſe eyes are abroad, and ſo uttersPſal. 119 11. v. thy confuſion, who faiſt, The grace of God that brings ſalvation, inſtructs not to look for any light or ſpirit in them for direction; when Chriſt ſaith, He will ſend the ſpirit of truth, who ſhall guide them into all truth: which thou denyeſt to be grace, who denieſt that Spirit for teaching.
And whereas thou would make people believe, that directing to the light within, opens a gap to all Popery and corrupt Principles; thou ſheweſt thy ſelf herein to be contrary to the ſpirit of God, which ſpake in the Apoſtles, who makes the cauſe of all wickedneſs to be blindneſs of the heart, as thou maiſt read, Eph. 4. 18. and that ſuch are paſt feeling, whoſe hearts are blinde, and ſo given to all maner of laſciviouſneſs, to commit ſin with greedineſs: and thou that would deny the infallible Spirit of God for giving the ſence of the Scriptures, and ſaith we have the ſame ground for that, as the Papiſts have for the Pope or Councel; thou ſhalt know thy Blaſphemy againſt that Spirit which thou ſpeakeſt againſt, without which no Scripture can be opened, norAct. 13. 27. Luk. 24. 45, the voices of the Prophets and Apoſtles known; as alſo thy calling of Perfection a deviliſh Doctrine, which is the Doctrine of Chriſt, Matth. 5. 48. the Doctrine of his Apoſtles, Col. 1. 28. yea the end of the whole Miniſtry, Eph. 4. 11, 12, 13. and that is the ſpirit of the Devil in thee, that calls it deviliſh Doctrine; which ſpirit, in thy Forefathers the Phariſees, cal ed Chriſt a Devil, and ſo thou doſt his Doctrine, and him in his10 ſervants: and whereas thou telleſt of ſome who in words confeſs Chriſt, but in works deny him; I ſay, thou art he who hath him in thy mouth to talk on, but denies him, and his working any of his works of Righteouſneſs in his Creatures now, as in divers places of thy book thou haſt done. So this word thou haſt ſpoken againſt thy ſelf, and ſo by thy own mouth thou art condemned.
And whereas thou would charge us with ſerving and magnifying our bellies, I ſay, with ſhame may thou ſpeak it, who could not abide from thy dinner, but broke up thy diſpute about it; of which thou wouldſt clear thy ſelf formerly, but in thy book art made to confeſs thy act, and excuſes it becauſe thou had ridden ten miles, and it was about an hour after noon: I know its not uſual with the Pariſh Miniſters to miſs their meal time ſo long; but that being an extra ordinary occaſion, and many ſtrangers come much farther, thou might have broken cuſtome one houre, had that beene all: but was not an other thing in it? thou may remember what thou was then to prove but could not, and it was high time to breake off, this many can witneſſe: and when it was alledged you was faint, I ſaid to John Wray, let them that are faint go to eate, but let not the meeting breake up, to which he anſwered, if we would not go away he muſt uſe his authority of his houſe, whereupon I ſaid we would not ſtay in his houſe againſt his mind, yet notwithſtanding thou art not aſhamed to ſay in thy booke we would gladly have beene gon, and charge us with magnifying our bellies: be aſhamed of thy worke who magnified thy dinner before the worke of God then in hand.
And thus the Devill would ever caſt his works upon the innocent, and have the reproach to lie on another, & this thouwould deny againe, had not thou printed it thy ſelfe, as many other things thou haſt.
As for thy excuſes thou makes for thy errours thou11 then uttered, I ſay; what thou then ſaid if thou now deny, I ſhall not contend, I had rather heare an errour recanted then defended and perſiſted in; As for thy ſaying that Paul ſaw Chriſt with his bodily eies, I ſay they may beleive thee who hath not ſeene him, and who knows no better; for any proofe thou haſt yet made thereof, they may chuſe: but admit he did, was it not a ſecond appearance, which thou affirmes cannot be till the end of the world, and would accu e me herein as a blaſphemer? ſo ſee thy confuſion, but if thou be blinded, others may ſee who owne the light which thou denies.
Thou askes four Queries, First concerning God being in mee and how, I ſay by his in-dwelling, according to his promiſe? 2 Cor. 6. 16.
Second: That no wicked man hath benefit by Chriſt, nor any man till he can witneſſe Chriſt in him.
I ſay Chriſt is that only benefit of all creatures, and onlyPſal, 69. 22. he that hath him hath the benefit, but to all that receive him not, he is the condemnation, and to ſuch all becomes curſes, John 3. 18. 19. John 15. 22.
Third: Whether the writing of the Prophets and Apoſtles be a dead letter? I ſay, without the Spirit it, is; nor can any without that Spirit that gave them forth, underſtand them, or know the voyces of Prophets or Apoſtles, Luke 24. 45. Acts, 13. 27.
Fourth. Whether Chriſt be any thing that beareth our ſins in us, as the propitiation? I ſay Chriſt is he that beares the ſins of all the world, even them who know him not nor his propitiation, and ſo it is that men are not conſumed, and where he ceaſeth bearing, the creature falls, into Hell, Pſa. 75. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 5. Rom. 8. 17. Col, 1. 24. but thou that denies this, art not thou aſhamed to accuſe us for murthering the juſt one in us: if he cannot ſuffer in us, how can we murther him in us, yet he alone is our propitiation, but none know this but where he is revealed.
12And thou ſtill goes about to prove the Scriptures to be the abſolute ground and Medium of faith, though before denied, yet unwilling thou art that Chriſt ſhould be the abſolute ground, and Medium; yet canſt thou;there is not two abſolute Mediums it muſt either be Chriſt or the letter that abſolute and if the letter be the abſolute means ehen faith may be had without Chriſt being the means. find no Scripture to ſhut him out, but thou brings that of 2 Tim. 3, the Scriptures are able to make wiſe through faith, and this thou would make the ground of faith, which cannot make wiſe without faith, and ſuch ſhamefull ſhifts art thou put to, to get Chriſt out of his place and put the letter in his ſtead, wherein the letter is againſt thee, which ſaith, Faith is the gift of God and Chriſt is the ground and medium of it: ſo Antichriſt can get no ground, by the Scriptures, to thruſt out Chriſt unleſſe he turne them quite contrary.
And whereas thou tells, we do not worſhip the ſame God; thou did confeſſe, I ſay, the Saint's God was ever a Spirit, and dwelt in them in ſpirit, but the Heathens had their Gods ever without them, who could not be in them, further than imagination, ſo thou may ſee what God thou then confeſſed: the chiefe Prieſts and hirelings and perſecuters did not worſhip the ſame God, Chriſt and the Saints did, though they ſaid God was their Father, and though they prayed to him, yet not knowing him in them, they worſhiped, they know not what, for ſaith the Spirit, that which may be known of God is manifeſt in men, Rom. 1. 19.
And they that had not God abiding in them they thought to have eternall life in the Scripture, and from the letter they crucified God, This was all the life they found in the Scriptures, who had not the word abiding in them, John 5. 38, 39: John 19. 7.
And ſaith Chriſt, ye have not known him, but I know him, and if I ſhould ſay I know him not, I ſhould be a liar like you, John 8. 55. and ſo ſaith all the Sons of God in their meaſure: but thou ſaies thy God is not knowne as Chriſt did, ſo not his God nor his knowledge: our God is not the God of the lier, ſo who13 reads thy booke may reade thy God, and thy knowledge of the true God.
And whereas thou ſaies that which Richard Farnſworth required, was contrary to what the Lord required: I ſay the Prieſts of Baal who had their God to ſeeke without, knew not the ground of Elias challenge, yet was it not contrary to God; but thy God thou telleſt on, who would not ſuffer thee to hold diſpute an houre paſt dinner-time, it is not like he ſhould lead thee into this triall to ſerve the Lord with denying the belly, which ſhameleſly thou wouldſt caſt upon us to be ſervers of our bellies, when thou denied the worke of God for ſerving thy belly: thou layeſt it down as a great temptation to require thee to truſt thy God and evidence his power without carnall food or carnall books. I ſay the Saints of God had the word of God in them and the man of God lives not by bread alone but by that word: and of their God they have made proofe in faſting, when there to they have beene moved, and this was no temptation;Iſa. 56. 10. 11. but take from the carnall minde, bread and books, and then the dead and dumbe appeares: yea ſome eloquent teachers, we ſhould have as dumbe as thoſe was in Eſay's time, yet in the time of fullneſſe they will boaſt of their God, but in the time of affliction their faith failes: therefore ſuch Miniſters lay the foundation of their call upon a fat benefice; no meanes, no Miniſters with the Pariſh Maſters, no caſh, no call. Thou ſaiſt, God hath ſpoken to you by his Son, and yet denies immediate teaching: I ſay the Son is a Spirit, and if he ſpeake, it is immediately, but it ſeemes thou meaneth by the letter which the Son ſpoke to them that heard him, but what is that to thee more then to all the world, who haſt never heard his voyce, but uſed thy tongue when God never ſpoke to thee, and there with would limit the Lord, ſaying, His laſt diſpenſation is publiſhed, and nothing more is to be added or altered, (who haſt not inſtructed him, neither will he take Counſell at thee;) But why have you ſo added14 to, and altered his worſhip under the Goſpell, ſo that there is not one thing performed in your Idols Temples which is not altered from that manner in which he left the Apoſtles; and how have you added your Titles and Hire, your Maſterſhipt your Idleneſſe your ſtuddied houre glaſſe-Preaching, ſinging Davids Pſalmes in order of your Ballets, ſprinkling Infants with all your whole rabble of inventions there to ſo that nought is left unaded or unaltered, yet would you limit God that he muſt not add nor alter what you have imagined, but if any by the Spirit of God come forth in his Miniſtrie, as he hath ever called them, ſuch you cannot receive but with the ſame meaſure, as ever his Miniſters was received amongſt the literall Prieſt-hood.
And whereas thou tels of a letter that thou expected in anſwer to thy writing, and would accuſe me for not ſending it, I ſay haſt thou not conſealed it, not finding it for thy purpoſe to print, that in thy conſcience will tell thee; but if not by thee, yet by ſome of thy partakers: for to John Rays houſe was it ſent that day and what way elſe it ſhould come to thy hand, I know not.
And for the denying thy falſe doctrines which thou then defended as long as thou couldeſt, which it ſeemes thou art now aſhamed of, having had a little more time to ſearch thy expoſiters (thy wits being come to thee) I ſay there is not one perticular that I in that letter charged upon thee, but were it profitable to the truth, they would be areſted under the hands of a multitude of witneſſes: but for thy fifth perticular thou haſt thruſt in thy ſelfe inſtead of Timothy that thou mighteſt ſeeke occaſion to ſlander: but how art thou brazened to deny theſe things which thou ſo long contended for before 100 of witneſſes? and yet after thou haſt denied them, goes crookedly about to prove them in a cunning ſecret way as is ſeene in thy booke, though thou darſt not own them openly in the ſame words, thou firſt gave them out: yet now thou ſaies (God was) not, God is manifeſted in15 fleſh which is to mend the other with another Lie, as thou may reade, Rom. 1. 19. 21. and 28. Where thou maiſt read thy errour and that God was manifeſt in men and women ſince Chriſts aſcention, even in the wicked who not retaining his knowledge was given up to licentiouſneſſe, and in the Saints alſo as John 14. 19, 20, 21. and 15. the 4. and 5. and 1 Epiſt. John 4. and 4. v. 2 Cor. 6. 16. with too many now Scriptures more to mention, al ſhewing thy Antichriſtian Doctrine, who not knowing God manifeſt in thy ſelfe would perſwade all others not to looke for it, and herein thou denies the effects of Chriſts prayer and promiſe, John 17. 21. 23. John 14. 20. but where he is manifeſt, and the creature reconciled,Iſay. 26. 12. Phil. 1. 13 Heb. 13. 21. Col. 1. 29 Math. 11 27. thou art judged and thy Doctrine, to be from a contrary Spirit who denies God manifeſt in thee, and yet in thy blind envie would accuſe me for murthering him in me. Thou blind ſot, can I murther him in me, if he never was in none ſince the aſcention, and thy ſelfe who denies his working in the Saints now and his Revelations to be now in the ſame manner as to his Saints formerly. I ſay what revelation canſt thou Judge of, who denies any light or underſtanding within men? but they that know him witneſſe him working all their works in them now, and where he doth not, there the Devill works, and they that have not the knowledge of God after the ſame manner have it after another manner: and here the Children of God is knowne and the Children of the Devill and their manner of working: ſo with thy blind eye Judge thy ſelfe, and what thou knoweſt of thy own ignorance, but thou canſt not Judge our knowledge, he is above thy wrath though Babell thou be building: but you that deny Gods being manifeſt or working in you now, whoſe is thoſe works you are performing and that righteouſneſſe you are calling for from others? Is it not plaine that you are with the Jews ſtabliſhing your own works which God works not in you, tho you be hurried headlong, ſo as this you wil not conſider: for that16 which is not Gods work is your owne, and God will be ſerved with his own, but this the world knows not who ſerves their belly. And thou telleſt, the Father hath put all things under his feete, I ſay he that ſpoke thoſe words could witneſſe it, but if thou mind thou maiſt ſee the liar, falſe accuſer and envious blaſphemer yet raigning, as thy booke may make manifeſt and thy confuſion who ſaith page 24 that it cannot be perfectly ſaid that God in an abſolute ſence was or is manifeſted in the fleſh of any Son of Adam: and in thy next page thou faiſt the body is the Temple of the Lord in which God primely and chiefly dwelleth and manifeſteth himſelfe, the thing which thou haſt ſo often before denied, and thou goeſt about to deny the manifeſtation of the Sons of God untill the end of the world. I ſay the world will not have an end with thy generation, while there is ought to be got by favour or force, but the Sons of God was manifeſt with the Saints while they lived in this world, 1 John 3. 1, 2. and therein was their boldneſſe that as he is, ſo was they in this world 1 Iohn 4. 17. and thou heapeſt up a great deale of confuſion to deny the life of Chriſt to be made manifeſt in any, till after death, ſhewing thy ſelfe to be one of thoſe ſpoken on Eph. 4. 18. 19. who is alienated from the life of God becauſe of the blindneſſe of the heart, who hath not learned Chriſt and ſo given over: for he that hath not the Spirit of Chriſt is none of his, and he that hath the Spirit, hath the life which deſtroyes death, and reveales darkneſſe, which thou calls an imagination: and how unwilling is the Devill that the life of Chriſt ſhould be received? it is death to him and his Miniſters, ſo they all oppoſe it: what paines haſt thou taken in thy booke for thy Maſter? and thy greateſt buſineſſe is to darken the appearance of Chriſt in Spirit, that none may looke for it nor beleive it, for the Devill knows, that faith breaks his covenant, and the incomming of Chriſt is his outcaſting, ſo thy worke is to keepe Chriſt out untill people be dead, ſo the Devill may keepe his ſeate while17 they live; yet though they be found in this Work, withſtanding the knowledge of Chriſt, in the Creature, and his appearance; yet thou canſt not bear it to be called a Miniſter of Antichriſt: Alſo, thou pleadeſt hard for Sin and Self, while all men lives accuſing Richard Farnſworth, for witneſſing Moitification, and death of Sin, and would bring Paul againſt him, who once was in the Warfare; and then wretched, but afterward more then a Conquerour, and could do all things through the life of Chriſt, in him which thou denieſt; but that thou mindeſt not toGal. 2. 20. Rom. 8. 37, 38. preach the life of Chriſt, for that is to preach the death of ſinne, which is not thy work, who art preaching it up for term of life not onely in thy ſelf, but in all other, as far as it lies in thy power, calling Perfection a devilliſh Doctrine pleading againſt it, and for ſinne, with all thy power; ſuch a work as never a Miniſter of Chriſt was ever found in, as all that ſearch the Scriptures may witneſs againſt thee: All that ever preached Chriſt, preached perfection, and preſſed after it, and believed it, to which thy Faith is reprobare, with which thou doeſt accuſe us; and the Faith of all that believe you, you have overthrown; ſo that none that believe you, can believe freedome: and yet to blind people withall, faiſt, Let all them that name the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity, when thou haſt preached up no putting off the body of ſinne till after death; and thou goeſt on, as thy main buſineſs, ſtill preaching Chriſt out of his People, ſaying not one in the Heavens, and another dwelling in us; clearly ſhewing, thou knoweſt not him that filleth Heaven and Earth, and knoweſt not him that is over all, and in all; and ſo judges him like thy ſelf, who can but be in one place. And thou ſaiſt that Paul was the laſtAct. 9. 10, 11. Act. 13. 2 that was immediatly called; which is no truer then the reſt; for immediatly was Ananias, Barnabas, and others, called ſince: But it is as hard for thy Spirit to ſpeak truth, as for the Leopard to change his ſpots; yet full of ſlanders, and would judge my Faith concerning Chriſt, by18 thy Doubtings, thereby to caſt a Miſt, and make the truth odious.
What would'ſt thou do, had'ſt thou any ground for thy wickedneſs, who chargeſt ſuch Blaſphemies againſt me, upon no other grounds, but thy doubting it to be ſo? Haſt thou done herein, as thou would'ſt be done by? May not all that reade thee, ſee thy venome caſt upon me, which ſhall return on thy ſelf? and for it thou ſhalt anſwer. And when thou haſt raiſed theſe abominable Lies, as I deny the Perſon of Chriſt, or his being in Heaven, from thy own doubts, then thou would'ſt make a do to prove him in Heaven, and that he hath a Body; when all is but to diſprove thy own Lye, and not my judgment; yet it is thy intent to caſt it upon me: but the righteous Judge ſhall return the wickedneſs of the Wicked upon his own Pate; and, in thy buſie mind, thou art telling of the place where the Majeſty of God dwells, (a place thou never ſaw) and thou ſayſt no meer man, as from Adam, can approach, or ſee the Lords Throne in Heaven. I ſay thou bableſt thou knoweſt not what: Who muſt appear before his Throne, if none as from Adam muſt? He that over comes, ſaith Chriſt, will I giveRe v. 3. to ſit with me upon my Throne, even as I have overcome, and am ſit down with my Father in his Throne. Did not John ſee the Throne, and him that ſate thereon, and Stephen alſo; and was not they from Adam? Do'ſt not thou here deny the Reſurrection of the body? Thy Generation knowes too much of the glory of the World, to know what the Throne of God is. And thou make'ſt an Objection, Can fleſh and bloud enter into the Kingdome of Heaven? and thou anſwereſt, no: Yet, ſaiſt thou, the ſame fleſh and bones ſhall; the bloud being poured out and gone, as it was in the perſon of Chriſt. I ſay, what confuſed ſtuff is this that proceeds from thy Imaginations? Is Chriſt aſcended without bloud? or, is it onely the bloud of People that keepes them from aſcending, which they muſt leave behind them, taking the ſame19 fleſh and bones, but not the ſame bloud: But ſuch confuſed work makes the Serpent, when he would be preaching things which are hid from him. It were bettet for thee, and many ſuch like, to come down out of the Chambers of your Imaginations, and ſit at the ſeet of Chriſt, and own the teaching of his Spirit, and his Light, that ſo thou may know what the bloud of Chriſt is, from him, by its effects, then to ſtand teaching others thou knoweſt not what. Come down into the duſt, and ſtop thy mouth thou vain Babler, and exerciſe not thy ſelf in things too high for thee; and if ever thou come to know any thing of the Kingdome, thou wilt ſee thy ſelf ſhut out among the Phariſees and Sadduces, who was jangling about the Reſurrection, with the Spirit of the Devil in them denying his Teſtimony, Light, and Spirit, who is the Reſurrection and lived out of his Doctrine; as thou may read, Mat. 23. And read thy ſelf therein, with the Light thou oppoſeſt: only this difference; they looked for him to come, and thou ſayſt he is gone, and not come again; but neither of you own him preſent, to judge, rule, and guide you: So thy wayes is as far from his Doctrine and Practice, as theirs was, if not further, though thou have got more words, ſo greater condemnation, And thou telleſt much, what need we have of Chriſt in the Heavens; but didſt thou know thy condition, thou would'ſt ſee as much need of him here alſo, to guide thee out of the World, and theſe Phariſaical wayes: For, who hath him not with them to lead out of the World, and give victory here, will finde little benefit by his being in Heaven: and this thou, and many more, will know when he comes to Judgment, who little mind his fellowſhip here, but joyn with the Enemy, to preach him out of the World, becauſe he beareth Witneſs, that the deeds thereof are evil: ſo by this the Devil gets his work done in Earth, preaching of a Chriſt in Heaven, and the Creature knowes none to redeem from it, no nearer then after death.
Thou ſayſt none yet hath ceaſed from their own20 workes: I ſay none that are in thy workes have, who is pleading for ſinne, and denying the Spirit of GOD to work in thee, thou muſt needes be in thy own workes: but what is that in thee that judgeth all other, and yet denyeſt Chriſt in thee; that is, the Lyar from the beginning; and by the Spirit of God which worketh in me, in which is my Reſt, do I bear Witneſs againſt him ſo to be, and a thouſand in the Nation that can witneſs the ſame, who are brought to Reſt in his everlaſting Work, and will: But this no Hireling knowes, nor can judge of though you may read of that condition in the Letter. Thou accuſeſt me for belying the Apoſtle, in ſaying, he preached the Word & Faith in the heart, Rom. 10. I ſay let read any the 8. & 9. Verſes of that Chapter, who knowes either Word or Faith, or Words of the Letter; and judge if the Apoſtle there did not preach both Word and Faith in the Heart; and ſo let the Lye return into the boſome of the Lyar from whence it came.
Thou ſayſt God did not impute the Treſpaſſes of the World to them, but cauſed them to meet together on him: I ſay, if God impute not ſinne to the World, nothing elſe can condemn them: this opens a large gap to the Workes thou art pleading for: but were thou not blind; thou mayſt ſee the Apoſtle ſpeakes of ſuch as received the Word of Reconciliation; but for the reſt, you ſhall know, that ſinne will be imputed, where it is committed.
And thou makeſt much ado to prove that the Diſciples of Chriſt, nor any other, ſhould ſee him any more after his Aſcention, while they lived: If any know no more, but to believe thee; and thy ground is, becauſe Chriſt ſaid the dayes would come, that they ſhould deſire to ſee one of the dayes of the Son of Man, and ſhall not ſee it.
I ſay, he told them alſo that they ſhould mourn in the while of his abſence, but he would come again, and their mourning ſhould be turned into joy, when the manchild21 ſhould be born into the world, and commanded themAct. 1. 4. 8. John 16. 19. & 20, 21, 22. John 16. 16. they ſhould not depart from Jeruſalem, but wait for that they had heard of him, then ſhould they be witneſſes unto him, to the utmoſt parts of the earth, which was accompliſhed at his ſecond comming in the ſpirit, according to his promiſe, which thou would deny his appearance unto which there was ſuch gathering, and is ſuch gathering, bleſſed be the Father, who hath hid it from the Serpent, who ſpends his time in jangling about it; but never the wiſer: yet to the Babes it is revealed. And thou ſayſt, that our boaſting of ſome inward ight or ſpirit to be liſtened to, and received, muſt needs be another ſpirit, and bring in another Jeſus, a contrary anointing: I ſay, the Apoſtles preached the ſpirit and light within, ſhining in their hearts, to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jeſus; and this Treaſure they had in the earthen veſſels, and2 Cor. 4. 6, 7. did they preach a falſe Chriſt, or a contrary ſpirit or anointing (though thou know not the Chriſt they preached, nor that ſpirit) bluſh for ſhame to utter thy blaſphemy againſt the ſpirit of God and his light, which none knows but within them; and which all hearkens to in ſpirit, and preacheth from; but the Miniſters of Antichriſt, whereof thou haſt proved thy ſelf one ſufficiently, who knowes not the Law written in the heart, nor the teſtimony of Jeſus, which is the ſpirit of Propheſie, becauſe thou owneſt no light in thee.
And thou ſayſt, there is not another manner of preaching to be given then that of the Apostles, to the end of the world. I ſay, then all Hirelings and Pariſhmaſters, ſtop our mouthes, who are out of that manner; yea and matter alſo; for the Apoſtles was not Miniſters of the Letter, but of the ſpirit, which thou haſt ſufficiently denied in thy Book; and if there need no more preaching, then what the Apoſtles preached, you may ſpare your pains, and the people their mony; for that is preached and printed already, and they have ſuffered22 for it, ſo let it alone, and take not mony for making it worſe.
Thou pretendeſt to anſwer ſome Queries, but firſt thou caſts over them thy reproachful lying poyſonous Tongue, as thou haſt done by my Letter, as nothing that comes from the truth, can eſcape thy envy and ſlander, ſaying, that they reproach the acknowledgement of one that died for all; and all the way ſcoffe at the promiſe of his coming, and many ſuch like filthy lies, whcih the leaſt modeſty that reades the Queries, may ſee thy ſhameleſs impudency, calling us unclean ſpirits, when thy venom defiles all thou meddles with, that comes from our hands; and when thou haſt vented thy wickedneſs, would father it upon us, as though we provoke thee, when it comes from the Root of the corrupt Tree, the old Murtherer and Lyar; and thou telleſt of many changes in thy thoughts, and many Reaſons thou layeſt down of anſwering, or not anſwering of them; ſhewing thy ſelfe not to be guided by any ſtable ſpirit, but turning according to thy Imaginations; and before thou begin to anſwer that which thou calleſt the inſcription, thou firſt turneth the ſence of them into a lie, as thou doſt by all our writings, and by the Scriptures (for there is not any thing given out by the ſpirit of truth, that Satan can encounter withall, till he hath moulded it anew in his own Language) and when thou haſt thus done, thou fighteſt with the Lye thou haſt made; and having got the thing into thy own Kingdom, thou caſts out thy mire and dirt, and yet makes a place to hide thy head, as though thou was about the work of God: Is it not ſufficient to print our words as we ſpeak them; and ſo let the wiſe judge of them, whether they be truth or no; but thou muſt pervert them, and then judge them: Is this to do as thou would be done by; but it is, as all the Serpents Generation have done to the words of Chriſt, the true ſeed; whereby the enmity is ſeen: what changing have you Pariſh-maſters? as your fore-Fathers made of23 the Scriptures ſince the Apoſtles time; and yet is there not a verſe of them will ſerve your turn, without wreſting or meanings; but it is your Trade as you uſe it, by which you get your living, and means, by which you bear rule; and having not the word in your hearts, you would ſoon be worn out, had you not the Letter to change and alter, thereby to deviſe novelties, new notions and opinions, by which you divided the Nations into ſo many Sects, as they are one ready to devoure another, and the ſtrongeſt carries it; but now the Lord hath appeared in a few deſpiſed ones, to bring forth the ſame Life Way and Practiſe, that he was formerly in the Saints; and this you cannot wreſt nor imitate, but you muſt lay down your ſtately pride, and worldly pomp, to come into their wanderings anſt reproaches, and this ſtrikes at the Root from which all arrogancy exaltations, and opinions ſprings; and none of you can any more walk in this way, then the Camel go through the eye of a needle, whiles you ſtand in your worldly Glory. So all are gathered from all quarters againſt this, The Head, which is moſt ſubtle deviſing lies, and laying ſlanders, as though we denied God, and Chriſt, and Spirit, Goſpel and Scripture, things that never entered into our hearts, thereby to make way for the taile to come upon us, with his murthering Inſtruments; that if by any means he may deſtroy the Heire now appearing to take his inheritance, And though we be counted the greateſt offenders, that ever was in the world, by the heads of all Sects, yet is there not one of you that is able nor willing to judge us, and our practiſe and judgement, with the practiſe of the Saints in which they walked, and plain Scripture without meanings; for this the Serpent knowes, that which is given out from the Spirit of God, will not condemn thoſe who are guided and acted by that Spirit, till he hath changed the Scripture one way, and our words another way, and ſo to make a jerre, that he may murther under under protence24 of godlineſs by conſent; for under that pretence hath the Lambs of Chriſt ever ſuffered, having wreſted their words, but their practiſe they could never touch, nor can touch, the fault being ever crying out againſt their evils, and ſhewing forth the Life of Chriſt, and his work in them; and here the Murtherer firſt entered, wherefore Cain ſlew his Brother: ſo thou mayſt read thy ſelfe deeply engaged to what power thou haſt: yet as blind as ever perſecution was; thinking thou doſtJohn. 16. 2, 3. God good ſervice, not knowing the Father nor the Son in thee, which is the very cauſe for which thou oppoſeſt, becauſe we witneſs him, and his name in us; but would you come to Chriſts Rules, you might come to ſee your ſelves ſuch a Miniſtry as Chriſt never owned, (and according to your own confeſſion) nor ever called; but have called one another, and run un ent, and do have not turned people from their ſins, but are pleading for it, which Chriſts Miniſters never did: ſo may you judge the Tree by its fruits, which is brought forth amongſt you.
And inſtead of anſwering plainly, thou goeſt about making thy diſtinctions and crooked wayes, as concerning Gods teaching, dividing into numbers. when God is but One, and his way and teaching One; but the World is in the many wayes.
And thou telleſt of Chriſt bearing your ſins in his body to the Tree, not leaving them to be born in your bodies. I ſay, didſt thou minde his light, and faithful witneſſe in thee (which thou preacheſt againſt) thereby thou mighteſt ſee thy ſins not nailed to the Tree; but the lyar, backbiter, and falſe accuſer, and envious one, at liberty yet in thee, (not bound much more uncaſt out, or put to the Croſſe) foaming out his own ſhame, though Chriſt have ſuffered for thee, and his long-ſuffering be yet in thee, bearing up, elſe thou had been in Hell, with the envious one, whom thou art ſerving, though this thou know not; and therefore ſin is no burthen to25 thee, in the ſence of thy ſoul or body (as thou ſayſt) but like the Colt, or the wild Aſſe, upon the Mountains, not ſubject to the yoke, nor ſenſe of ſin in ſoul or body; not knowing him whom thou pierceſt, who is ſlain from the1 Pet. 4. 13. Coloſ. 1. 2. 4. 2 Cor. 1. 5 Phil. 3. 10. Colloſ. 1. 24. 1 Pet. 3. 14, 15. & 4. 16. Rom. 2. 4. Rom. 8. 17. John 15. 5. foundation of the world, a man of ſorrows, and acquainted with grief, with him to partake in his ſufferings, that are yet behinde, with him to have fellowſhip therein: this thou ſcorneſt with thy light minde, who would ſhare in his joy, but not in his ſufferings, which the Saints have done and do. But thou which denies Chriſts ſufferings within, what ſuffering was that the Apoſtles exhotred; if it was not Chriſt that was the ſufferer in them, with whom they was to have fellowſhip, and to be joyned and rejoyce in: It was either the ſuffering of Chriſt, the ſufferings of Satan, or ſelf-ſufferings: if of Satan, what is it for, but when he cannot get his will in his luſts and envy: if of ſelf, what is it worth, or able to prevail with, or pleaſe God, or what can ſelfe ſuffer nay, it is the long-ſuffering of Chriſt that leads to repentance; and we know, that none can be heirs of his glory, but who ſuffer with him, neither can any ſuffer with him, but by the vertue of his ſufferings, which he ſuffered in his own perſon, who is the everlaſting ſacrifice; for of our ſelves, without him in us, we can do nothing; but as he is the doer and ſufferer in us. But this the wantons knowes not, nor the Beaſts of the field, who live in jollity, but deſpiſe the chaſtiſements of the Sonne, who is perfected through ſufferings, in which he leads all his, and ſuffers with them, and beares up the world, who know him not, which ſhall account for his ſufferings, and piercings, woundings and reproaches, though now you regard not, nor are ſenſible of your wickedneſs in your ſouls or bodies, as thou ſayſt you are not.
And you are they that cannot confeſs Chriſt come in your fleſh now, to give you a ſenſe of your ſins, and ſuffer with you in all your paſſage out of the world; and ſo are the Antichriſts John ſpeaks of; but this you would26 ſhuffle off, by ſaying you conſeſs him come at Jeruſalem, and there ſuffered in his own perſon. I ſay, ſo did thoſe John ſpeaks of, and ſo doth the Pope now, and all his Rabble from the higheſt to the loweſt of you; and if that confeſſion in word; he acknowledge of that ſpirit of God (John ſpeaks on) then where is the ſpirit of Antichriſt: the Pope will quit himſelf, by as large confeſſion of words as you; but neither he nor you brings forth his life into the word, and ſo confeſs him in you, in buffettings, whippings, mockings, impriſonments, and all other ſufferings for his righteous name in you, and his righteous nature, acting you contrary to ſelfe: this would deſtroy your Partonages, pride, and ſtatelineſs, from the leaſt of you, who calles your ſelves his Miniſters, to the Pope who weares his treble Crown, and yet calls himſelf a Servant of Servants; and ſo you are of them, who in words confeſs him, but in works deny him; but it is the appearance of Chriſt in his Saints, in all Generations, which hath judged Antichriſt, which ever put his appearance into another age afar off, but now hath put his appearance into another world; ſo far from owning him manifeſted in any meaſure in their mortall bodies, that they hold it blaſphemy for any to witneſs him where he is appeared, and this is the ſpirit of Antichriſt, gone out into the world, and now is in the world, would exclude Chriſt out of the world, that he with his polluted ſpirit under fair pretences, might rule the world, being got into the hearts of worldly men and women, now preacheth up his Kingdom here, for terme of life, and to cheat the more, promiſeth freedom after death; and this faith hath he begotten in the world, and his Miniſters preach it, and uphold it with all their power, both in practice and Doctrine, and the people where the luſt is entered, love to have it ſo; but bleſſed be the Lord, who hath appeared, and is appearing in the hearts of mortal men and women, and there is manifeſt, revealing the man of ſin, and ruling the Creation; and he is known to be Antichriſt, whoſe heart is without27 Chriſt; and cannot confeſſe him manifeſt, come in Spirit into the heart of fleſh; but ſuch who there ſee him judgeth Antichriſt and his Doctrine, and ſo thou art judged and thy worke in thy booke which is to preach Chriſt out of the heart, and not to be manifeſted in the fleſh; and thou art he who would make God a liar, who ſaith he hath given his Son into the world, for a Leader and Ruler to the people, of all generations that will beleive in his light, and own him, who is the ſame yeſterday and to day, and for ever: and this is the Teſtimony of Jeſus; by thee rejected, but by us received, in Spirit and ſpirituall Miniſtation; not in the letter, but within in Spirit.
And thou goes on to tell how the teachings of the Father is held forth, and thou ſaiſt, firſt in all the2 Cor. 3. 6. books of his Creation, Chaſtiſements and Changes, &c. Secondly, more clearely and abundantly in the holy Scriprures. To which I ſay, there is another thing before both theſe; the Fountaine of both theſe, and that is the Spirit of God, and light of Chriſt, without a meaſure whereof, neither of theſe can teach, though the wiſeſt men in the world have both theſe, as is plaine by the Jews, who far exceed all you in the knowledge of the letter, and ſtrictneſſe of life thereto, yet know not the voices of the Prophets, nor Moſes, that gave it forth as is plaine, Acts, 13. 27. and theſe had the Scriptures and the Creation alſo, but not having the Word in them, by which the Creation was made, was led by the DevillIohn 5. 38 39. 40. Iohn 19. 7. to ſpend it upon their luſts, and though they ſearched the Scriptures and thought to have eternall life in them, yet they crucified him that was the eternall life; and brought the Scriptures to do it by; (thy worke in thy booke) nay the Diſciples themſelves; though they had the Scriptures and the book of the Creation and had beene with Chriſt many yeares, yet could not underſtand the Scriptures, till by his Spirit he lightned their underſtandings, as is plaine, Luke, 24. 45. and this was after his reſurrection alſo, and if all theſe came28 ſhort till inſpired with the Spirit, and enlightned; and2 Pet. 3. 16, if all that are unlearned and unſtabliſhed with that Spirit, wreſt all Scriptures to their own deſtruction, then it is plaine that neither Scripture nor Creation can be rightly uſed without the light of Chriſt, and hough the Scriptures be profitable for the man of God furniſhing him for good works, yet when the man of Sin reads it he therewith pleads for Sin, and furniſheth himſelfe againſt all good works, and this is ſeene largely in thy booke: ſo I ſay, the Spirit is before the letter, and is given to lead into all truth; without which the Devill turnes the letter into a lie and would tempt with it, and2 Timr 3. 16. 17. ſo thy literall teaching without the Spirit is little worth and though thy whole drift be all along to deny the Spirit, and ſet up the letter in his ſtead, and to that end haſt reckoned up the Names of many of the Saints of God, which makes little for thy purpoſe, who were all men that were taught in Spirit & need not to run nnto aJohn. 16. 13. booke ſo ſeeke their knowledge; but had the word of the Lord from Gods own mouth, and there was the Oracle whereat they enquired, which thou would it make the letter to be, (who never knew what it was to enquire at his mouth;) whoſe Miniſtry is literall; Andthou telleſt of many things and the deliverance of God from the envy that was againſt his people, and this thou would ſet up for a teacher; but canſt not ſee the envy againſt them now, and their deliverance as great as ever, from all you Woolves that ſeeke to devour with open mouth: thy blind eye cannot ſee this, nor doth thy Oracle leade thee to it, further than graniſhing the Sepulchers of them that was ſo uſed, even whil'ſt thou art found in the ſame worke; and thou tells of Chriſts appearance, being a Rocke of offence to both the houſes of Iſrael, but canſt not ſee thy ſelfe ſtumbling at his light, and appearance, and would'ſt preach him out of the world, ſuch is thy offence at his appearance, and how his Children are for ſignes and wonders now, and his29 appearance now every where ſpoken: againſt and thou telleſt much of the Scriptures being the infallible Oracle of God, I ſay if they be ſo, let them alone, and own them as they are, that they may be fulfilled and not changed: but they are in an wofull caſe who have no better infallibility then the letter, when the Serpent hath given his Crooked ſubtill meanings and interpretations and hath turned it to a contrary end, as is plaine in this generation even the plaineſt words that ever Chriſt ſpoke, are turned quite contrary both in judgment, and practice, even by your pariſh Maſters, as witneſſe, Math. 23. 8. 10. beſides multitudes more which might be inſtanced, but bleſſed be God who hath given us the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, whereby the Orocle is ſeene, and the pervertors, the Hypocrites, and the Phaire ſhyers of this generation, which we had never ſeene, had we had no better teaching then from you or that we could find in the letter without the life and Spirit which you would drive people from: and in thy commendation of the letter thou ſai'ſt, therein is knowne the whole Counſell and Myſtery of God, that is to be or may be revealed unto mortall men, even in thoſe Scriptures that Timothy had beene inſtructed into, and knowne from his youth; whereas if thou was not blind, thou mighteſt ſee how thou haſt excluded and made uſeleſſe all the Apoſtles writings; for no man, who hath ſo much as reaſon can judge that Timothy was inſtructed from his youth in thoſe Epiſtles which was but then written, to him, and was never ſeene, before, and many other which was not then written which he had never ſeene and in theſe which Timothy had knowne from his youth, was the whole Counſell of God (ſai'ſt thou) and nothing to be added to them, ſo thou haſt judged the Apoſtles writings which are added ſince to be ſuperfluous as to the whoſe Counſell of God, and ſuch mangled ſtuffe as this comes out of Babells bottle as I might have ſhewed in many more parts of thy booke, but my life is not to rake in ſuch confuſion.
30As thou telleſt of Chriſt having given gifts for the perfecting of the Saints, till we all come to a perfect man: And in another place thou calleſt perfection a devilliſh Doctrine; and thus vomits thy Blaſphemy, as though Chriſt gave gifts for accompliſhing a devilliſh Doctrine. But Chriſt and his Doctrine was ever counted a Devil, and devilliſh in the eyes of thy Generation: and by thy own mouth thou art judged, thou art not one of thoſe he begifted, who calleſt the End devilliſh, for which he begifted them. And thou ſayſt they deny the ſufficiency of Gods Teaching, who deny the ſufficiency of the Scripture, as to lead to God, without the Spirit to give the meaning, and lead to the uſe of them: I ſay, I deny the ſufficiency of any carnal viſible thing, ScriptureJoh. 16. 13. or other, without the Spirit of God, to lead into the uſe thereof; for that is it, which is appointed of God to lead into all Truth, and out of all Errour: and there is no Teaching further ſufficient than that leades; and therefore nothing more by the Devil envied: and thou that denies this to be ſufficient, even to thoſe who never heard, nor ſaw letter, I ſay thou art he that denies the alone ſufficiency of Gods Teaching: and this I ſhall be ready, while the Lord will, to witneſs againſt thee in word or writing; and all that ſay the letter is ſufficient, without the Spirit, to give the meaning, and lead to the uſe of it.
In thy Anſwer to the 1 Query, thou ſayſt the new Jeruſalem appears not to be come down to Us, becauſe of our grief of heart, and yearning bowels, for the miſeries of others: I ſay, thou ſhewes what thou knowes of it: Did not Chriſt weep over Jeruſalem? and had John no bowels of compaſſion towards others? and wilt thouRev. 21. 23. deny their ſeeing of the new Jeruſalem? Hath not thy Imaginations blinded thee above meaſure? Can any rightly commiſerate others who are out of Reſt, but thoſe that are come into the Reſt? Indeed, the Hypocrite is troubled for the Mote in his brothers eye, before31 the beam be pull'd out of his own. And thou ſayſt further; It is not yet come down out of Heaven to any: I ſay it was come down in John's time: and when went it up again? one y it was taken away, and is taken away from the Popiſh Clergy, and all that have followed them ſince the Myſtery of Iniquity: Yet hath not God been without his City here upon Earth, ſince it came down after Chriſts Aſcenſion: but what is this to the Enemies thereof; thou knoweſt it not who art preaching it out of the Word, as thou art, Chriſt the Light of it, which ſhould lead to cleanſe all thoſe who muſt enter into it's for the Devil muſt keep the hopes of this out of peoples mind as long as he can, leaſt they begin to ſeek the way of Entrance, and caſt off their ſinnes, and ſo his Kingdome be broken and an End of his Miniſtery.
And for the ſecond, thou ſayſt this Anſwer muſt ſerve alſo.
To the third, which askes, where the New Covenant is: this thou ſhuffleſt by with other things which arePſal. 119 11. Jer. 20. 9 Rom. 10. 8. Iſa. 51. 7 Gal. 4. 6 Heb. 8. 10, 13. nothing to the Queſtion, leaſt thou ſhould be forced to confeſs the Prophets and Apoſtles words, and the Covenant to be written in the heart: this thou puts into another World, and not fully to be done here, leaſt any finding the Law and Word God hath written in the heart, the blind guides ſhould be diſcovered therewith, which the Prophets and Apoſtles witneſſed in their hearts, whereby they cryed againſt all the blind Guides and Hirelings in their time: But ſayſt thou, While Peaple are here, they muſt be imperfect in every thing. Truly, I know not how it ſhould be any other with them, who deny the Workes and Sufferings of Chriſt in them; when Satans Work is perfect, then theirs may: but the leaſt Work of Chriſt, in whom oever he workes it, is perfect, who in him are created unto good Workes, that they ſhould walk therein: but this Doctrine is an Enemy to the evil Workes, and therefore cannot be received.
32To the fourth Query where that annointing is ſpoken of, 1 John 2. And this thou would'it thruſt out from the Spirit within, to your literal Teaching, when John ſaith, The annointing that you have received abideth in you: And you need not that any man teach you, but as the ſame annointing teacheth you of all things, and is Truth, and is no Lie; and even as it hath taught you, you ſhall abide in him. And this thou ſhameſt not to wreſt, That they need no man teach them, that teacheth otherwiſe. Oh how fain would'ſt thou keep blind the heart, and keep people without! The Serpent knowes the blindneſs of the heart is the ſole cauſe of the Creatures being alienated from the Life of God, and ſo given up to all laſciviouſneſs and uncleanneſs, with greedineſs, Epheſ. 4. 18, 19. And the Light, in the Heart, is the onely thing that reveales the Goſpel, and gives the Light of the Knowledg, of the Glory of God: therefore he labours to keep people for looking for this Treaſure in their Earthen Veſſels, 2 Cor. 4. to the 8. ver. And in this work thou ſtands ſtoutly to thy Maſter to whom thou art fallen.
To the fifth Query; What, and where the Comforter is? Somewhat, what he is, thou ſpeakeſt: but in the Heart thou dare not confeſs him, leaſt thou ſhould deſtroy thy own Kingdome; though none on Earth ever had him any where elſe ſince he aſcended, and ſo they gave their Teſtimony, Gal. 4. 6. Epheſ. 3. 17. which thine is contrary, who would limit him above the Clouds, whom the Saints had dwelling in their bodies, 1 Cor. 6. 19. But this is not known, where the Man of Sinne, and Son of Perdition ſits in the Temple of God, exalted above God, letting and oppoſing the appearance of Chriſt, which ſhould reveal him.
In thy Anſwer to the ſixth Query; which asketh, whether any of the ſervants of God may expect his word from his own mouth? To this thou an wereſt, No: ſhewing thy ſelf to be one of thoſe, who haſt thy Word from thy Neighbour, and not from the mouth of the Lord: And43 here I know thou ſpeakeſt thy own Experience: but why doſt thou bely others, whom thou canſt not judge, as that Timothy had not the Word from the mouth of the Lord, who had the gift in him which was given by Prophecie; and that was from the mouth of the Lord immediate,1 Tim. 4 14. though firſt declared of by Paul: And whereas thou faiſt that the Apoſtles are ſaid to be the laſt, in reſpect of ſuch immediate furniture and miſſion: I ſay, that is the Liar that ſpeakes, thereby for to limit the Lord: And I witneſs againſt thee, who have received the Word from his own Mouth, and immediate Calling: And whereas thou faiſt, Chriſt prayes for a bleſſing on no other immediate Meſſengers ſince; I ſay that is another, againſt which I witneſs, who have found his Prayer and bleſſing, upon the immediate Call to the ſame word: As for the ſlander thou layſt upon the Query, I leave it, to clear it ſelf, in the ſight of all that read it.
For the ſeventh Query; in ſtead of anſwering, thou makeſt Lyes, thereby the better to eſcape; that ſo inſtead of anſwering, thou may fall a ſlandering; ſaying, That he that ſent the Queries, ſent them onely to them that deny the alone Teachings; and yet makes it one of his Queries, Whether they do ſo, or no? I ſay the Queries were not onely ſent to them that deny the alone ſufficiency of Gods Teaching (as the Inſcription may manifeſt) neither is the Query, Whether they do ſo, or no? but whether that Teaching of God alone be ſufficient: So into the Pit, thou haſt digged, falls thy reproach with thee, who haſt no way to ſlander, nor evade the Truth, but by thy Lies: ſo thy Refuge failes thee, after all thy boaſting.
In thy Anſwer to the eighth Query, which askes, what, and where that word is, that People ſhall hear behind them; and where their Teacher is, &c. And this word thou thruſts out into another World; and would thruſt in, inſtead thy ſelf, with the reſt of thy Brethren, ſuch like, becauſe the word is read Teachers: I ſay, all that know44 this Prophecie of Iſaiah, and the end of it, knows that it fore-tells of this day of the Lord, wherein all the Children of the Lord ſhall be taught of the Lord: Not is it like that Iſaiah was propheſying of ſuch as you, who ſo earneſtlyIſay 59. 13. declared againſt ſuch as ſought for their gain from their quarters, and called them greedy dumb Dogs; and cryed down thoſe, who ſpoke a Divination of their own brain, and not from the mouth of the Lord: It's not like he was propheſying of you, who are found in all theſe things, and much worſe, which he declares againſt; for though you have a way to call your ſelves Miniſters, yet ſhall you never have Teſtimony from any Scripture, as it was given out by Prophet, or Apoſtle, ſo long as you are found in that way of Worſhip, Manner, and Meanes, which now you are in: Not a line in this Scripture will ſerve you, unwreſted: it comming from a contrary Spirit, it no more owns you, then you own it, in Life and Practice.
For what thou ſayſt to the Ninth Query; That the Word is not a Principle in men that believe, or mind it not: I ſay thou ſpeakeſt thy own knowledge: but ſome know better then to believe thee, who knowes, That where there is no Word there is no Life; who knows him that upholds all by the Word of his Power; which they that have no Word, but the Letter, knows little of.
To the Tenth Query; What that voyce of Christ is, which his ſheep knowes And this thou makeſt to be the written Record: ſo by thy Doctrine, all that heares the Scriptures knoweth the voice of Chriſt; but who reads Act. 13. 27. may ſee thy falſe Doctrine: for wiſer than thou had the Record that ſpoke of Chriſt; but knew not the voices of the Prophers that ſpoke it; but from the Record concluded to put him to death, who was theJoh. 19. 7. Word: ſo thou from the Letter, art preaching him out of the World, and ſlandring him in the World; making people believe, that who waits for the voice of Chriſt, in any other way, but in the Letter, waits but for a deluſion:45 So all the Communion thou knowſt with Chriſt, is literal, and thus thou preacheſt; and all believes thee: but who hath fellowſhip in Spirit with Chriſt, ſees thee deluded, and thy deluſion.
And for anſwer to that Clauſe, How the voyce of Chriſt may be known from all ſtrange voices? thou ſayſt, By its own Light, the Word of God. I ſay, that is true; if from Truth from thee it came: but doſt thou not mean thereby the Letter, which all along thou calleſt the Word; which a man may read all his life, and therewith come amongſt you Pariſh Maſters, and never diſcern the voyce of Chriſt, though he may hear, as many voices, amongſt you, and ſeveral Imaginations, as there are dayes in a Year:Rom. 8. 10. but if he mind the Light and Spirit, which brings to underſtand the voice of Chriſt, with that he would be brought to deny you all, who are out of his way, and have not his Word abiding in you.
To the Eleventh Query; which asketh, What that way in the Wilderneſs is, which is called the way of Holineſs; and whether any may expect to finde it in theſe dayes? To this thou ſaiſt, Chriſt Jeſus is the way, the Truth, and theRom. 8. 10. Life, and none can come to the Father, but by him. I ſay that theſe are true words: but thou that makeſt it thy work to preach him out of the World till Doomes-day, and confine him in the Heavens alone, haſt excluded him for being away to thoſe now in the world, to lead them out of the World, which cannot aſcend up into Heaven, there to walk in him as a way: ſo thou haſt ſhut up the Kingdome againſt men, as thy Fathers ever did.
And an Anſwer to the latter part of the Query (which thou haſt left unanſwered) muſt needs follow, that none can expect to find ſuch a way in theſe dayes, nor till after they be dead, where the Serpent perſwades all his Hearers of their Righteouſneſs: And ſo of their Way alſo; and ſo keeps his Way in the World.
In anſwer to the 12 Querie, What that manifeſtation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall;46 and whether there be any profiting but by it; To the firſt part of this Querie, thou ſaiſt, it is that one Spirit which is in that one perſon of the Son of God (and this perſon thou haſt limited from the earth till domes day) and doth not confeſſe to the Spirit manifeſt within the creature, but tells of a diſtinct underſtanding of that Spirit and his teſtimony concerning Chriſt; which is no more from thee but an imagination, as all that knowes the Spirit may judge: for there is no manifeſtation of the Spirit of God upon earth, but what is within, and thoſe that it witneſſed, it manifeſted, witneſſed it dwelling in them, but thy teſtimony is as far different as the Heavens is from the earth: And for the two latter parts of the Querie, whether it be not of it ſelfe an infallible guide, and whether there be any profiting but by it (leaſt they ſhould fal on thy head, having named them) thou telleſt a lie, and therewith makeſt an eſcape, ſaying they are ſufficiently anſwered before. 1 Cor. 6. 19.
To the 13 Querie, what and where that worſhip of God in Spirit is, and whether any can worſhip in Spirit but thoſe that are borne of the Spirit, and whether they ſo borne, need any other guide in his ſpirituall worſhip, but that Spirit of which they are borne, and whether ſuch worſhippers have not been & are now different from all other worſhippers in the world: And to the forepart of this thou addeſt ſome words as touching the Samaritans worſhip and Jews worſhip, not, to the purpoſe; but as concerning whether any can worſhip in Spirit but ſuch as are borne in Spirit, and whether they need any other guide, but that Spirit, and all the reſt of the Querie which is the moſt materiall to ſhew thy deceipts, from theſe thou ſtealeſt away without any anſwer at all, as though the naming them over againe was ſufficient; Art thou not aſhamed to call theſe anſwers, doſt thinke all are as blind as thy ſelfe and thoſe thy companions whom thou haſt blinded?
47This day is the Lord (through the pride of thy heart) covering thee with thy own ſhame and is diſcovering the ſkirts of the whore, and her nakedneſſe appeares, and ſhall more appeare, that the fire may be kindled wherein to burne her, and all her Merchants that have beene made rich through the abundance of her delicacy, begin to bewaile and ſtand aftre of for feare of her torments crying for helpe, yet ſhall the Nations which have beene deceived, ſee her lewdneſſe, and be ſet free from her witchcrafts, then ſhall the Lord be knowne preſent and praiſed.
To the 14 Querie, which is about the light, thou confeſſeſt it to be Jeſus Chriſt which lighteth every man which cometh into the world, but perceiving it againſt thy ſelfe, doctrine and trading, in the concluſion thou would bind it only to the enlightening of them who are beleivers, and would deny the light to be the condemnation of the unbelievers; ſaying it is not the comingJob. 3. 15 of the light to them is the condemnation, when Chriſt ſaith this is the condemnation that light is come into the world, and men loved darkneſſe rather then light, and, If I had not come they had not had ſin: But thy teſtimony is contrary; ſo they that beleive thee,2 Cor. 4. 6. make Chriſt a liar, and they that beleives Chriſt, makes thee a liar: and thou would'ſt limit this light to be perſonall which all the Children of the light have know ne ſhining in their hearts, which is the condemnation of them that know it not, nor can the Children of darkneſſe judge of the light what it is, who puts it afarre off, yet thou that hates it, haſt it againſt thee, though thou have it not with thee, not being guided by it.
To the 15 Querie what the law of the Spirit of life is which made Paul free from the law of ſin and death, &c.
And inſtead of anſwering this, thou falleſt a wrangling with it, and thou would make people believe that Pauls freedom he ſpeaks of, Rom. 8. 2. from the law of48 ſin and death; was not from that law that led him into captivity to ſin which he complaines on, and ſo thy firſt thing is to prove the Apoſtle a lyar, who ſaies the Spirit of life in Chriſt Jeſus hath made me free from the law oi ſin and death; for what the law could not do in that it was weake thorough the fleſh; the Son of God condemning the ſin in the fleſh, that the righteouſneſſe of the law might be fulfilled in the creature by Chriſt: Another thing where thou would prove him a liar, is in that he ſaith, he is made free from the law of ſin and death; and this thou alſo wholly denies, as though thou knew his condition better then he did himſelfe.
And thou calleſt the body of ſin a law, and the law of ſin another law; and ſuch mangled ſtuffe not worth mentioning; and for which thou haſt no proof, but thy blind Imaginations, who would have 3 or 4 Lawes, but not one of them in the Heart, onely the Law of ſinne; and thou concludeſt, that the Propoſer of the Queries, cannot make out what God hath revealed to him; and thy ground is, becauſe he hath propounded theſe Queries, as much as to ſay, He that asked Queſtions of the Scribes and Phariſees, could not make out his Revelations, (and this is thy reaſoning whereby thou wouldſt ſhew another mans folly:) Indeed to the blind guides he could never make out his Revelations, nor can he now, where he is; but who wants abilities to make out any thing of the ſpirit of God, and thinkes to finde it by asking queſtions: he had need of a better reſolver then thee, that had anſwered theſe Queries, or any who deny the infallible ſpirit of God within them. And thou tells of a new birth, and the forming of Chriſt in men; but what birth is that thou intends, and what Chriſt muſt be formed within, ſeeing thou haſt (in thy judgement and Doctrine) confined the Son of God in Heaven, while this World laſts: art not thou preaching another Chriſt and birth, let all who have the Son of God, judge.
49The laſt Query which askes what the grace of God is, that brings ſalvation, and hath appeared to all men: this thou anſwereſt with a ſlander, ſaying, that indeed we believe no ſuch thing, as the grace of God appearing to all men, but put a fancy in the room of it, &c. Shewing, thy heart void of grace, and ſo more ready to ſlander then anſwer, having more experience of the one, then the other; and no wonder, though it be ſo, when thou denieſt the ſpirit of Light within, to be the true Teacher, and thou ſayſt that which is alwayes within, cannot be properly ſaid to be brought to a man: wherein thou ſheweſt thy ſottiſhneſs. Is not the life of man brought to him freely, given of God, and yet alwayes in him while he lives: ſo natural reaſon may judge thee, and he that gives the life, gives the light: thereby to keep the life unſpotted, though ſuch as thou turn it into darkneſſe, and hide it under the Buſhel, elſe would it reprove thy lying ſpirit, who would make people believe that I deny the Scriptures, becauſe I bid blinde guides ſearch the Scriptures, and reprove you, who cannot believe what the Scripture ſaith, conderning the fleſh of Chriſt: and thou ſayſt, the Ranters principles and ours are one; and the greateſt ground thon brings to prove it, is, by Richard Farnſworth writing a Book againſt them. O thou diſſembler, art thou not aſhamed to accuſe us to be one with them, and yet takes offence, that we ſhould write againſt them; Indeed they are true friends to the Kingdom thou art pleading for, in thy Book, to wit, ſin for terme of life, and ſtrong props in that Kingdom: ſo you can ill ſpare them; and their faith, and thine ſuits well for pleaſure here and hereafter: yet be aſhamed of thy acculation, and the ground of it; for of above 40 Books written againſt the truth, within this three or foure years, I never ſee one written againſt the Ranters, by your Pariſh-Teachers: yet will you murmur at others, which ſhews no little of your friendſhip; and thou murmureſt at Rich Earnſworth becauſe he only50 blameth them for turning to a looſe and prophane life and ſaiſt that once the pure law was ſet up in them to have freed them from Sin, and thou ſaiſt if he know any thing that their principle led naturally to it: but is this no blaſphemy to charge the pure law and Judgment, naturally to lead to ſin? for this is the principle that he knowes and ſpeaks of, and thou ſaiſt he ownes their principales, and yet cries out againſt their groſſe prophanes and Atheiſm, ſo that to own the pure law and Judgment, ſeemes to thee an offence and matter of accuſation; But, ſaiſt thou, this he doth becauſe that is groſly; ſcandalous, and hinders others from harkning to their imaginations; O thou devourer, how doſt thou caſt out thy envie, are theſe words becoming Chriſtians; thus wickedly to ſlander? and is the pure law, and judgment and the light within, imaginations with thee? thou art afraid this ſhould be harkened to; and therefore calls it the roote of all Atheiſme and propaneſſe, which the Apoſtles ſaith, want of the light within and becauſe of the blindneſſe of the heart, is people given over unto laſciviouſneſſe to worke all uncleanneſs with greedineſſe; Eph. 4. 18. and 19. So thou art an enemy to the Apoſtles teſtimony, light and Spirit; Law and Judgments, and ſo art Antichriſt, out of thy own mouth; and let the Apoſtles words judge thee without wreſting.
And thy envie hath got an object of one about Norwich that pretended perfection whom thou ſaiſt yet lived ſecretly in uncleaneſſe along time, if not in murther too for hiding it. I ſay the woe is to him who hath given thee cauſe to blaſpheme by departing our of the way of God which is perfect, but let every ſober Chriſtian judge thee with Spirit thou art of, what takeſt that advantage againſt the truth conſidering the wickedneſſe committed in your Pariſhes where you are Maſters, and from whom you have your hire, which might ſtop your mouthes frō this glorying, were it not that the51 Devill muſt rejoyce in his own work; who could never get ſuch an advantage againſt the truth, ſince it begun to ſpread in the Nation; So now he plies it with reproaches from all parts of the Nation, which is no little ſorrow to them that feare God, nor will it be joy to you (one day) who aggravate it as thou doſt, adding murther to it, which if thou know ſuch a thing, and conceale it, the blood be upon thy head, but it thou know not ſuch a thing, then a murderous ſlanderer thou art, and thy own works ſhall judge thee, in every honeſt heart, who reades what thou haſt publiſhed to all the world; And for thy accuſing us at our meeting, for incivilities, as for calling you liars, Serpents; Sots, and ſuch like: I ſay, if any did call you, that you are not, you are more innocent then they; I juſtify no ſuch thing, but this I know, and many other that was there, that one of thy companions had his ſtaffe up to have knock't me down in the yard gnaſhing at me with his teeth, and narrowly I eſcaped, that it was not ſo: had you had any ſuch carriage from us, reaſon might have judged it. uncivill, but a Word from us is counted In offence, when Actions from the world is counted none; And thou would't charge James Parnell with blaſphemy who ſpeaking of corrupt reaſon, ſaith, before that was, I am. I ſay thou here ſheweſt what thou knoweſt of the inward man or being in the life of Chriſt. Is not he that is born again of the immortal ſeed borne of that which before corrupt reaſon is? art thou a teacher, and calls this blaſphemy? Nay it is the blaſphemer in thee, that cannot own the voyce of Chriſt, for if any thing of Chriſt ſpeak in man, it was before corrupt reaſon was; and every one in their meaſures of Chriſt, as they have received.
And for the name of Manifeſterians which thou wouldeſt caſt upon us for a ſlander, and ſaiſt thou know'ſt not any called Manifeſterians, nor what manner of perſons they apply that name to and ſaid it52 thou never heard of any ſuch thing that John Wray called you ſo in ſome letters, I ſay then, thou ſhould have beene ſent and not have Judged that thou heard not, for the letter is yet a witneſſe for us, which came to mee above 60 miles from John Wrays houſe with an invitation to meet thoſe called Manifeſterians; though thou be ſo ſhameleſſe in thy book as to deny, and faiſt, thou doſt not beleive that we was ſent for, and ſo with thy falſe beleife, took occaſion to ſlander us with buglary, and ſo not having the Spirit in thee to bridle thy tongue, nor faith in thy heart, thy tongue runnes without guide after thine envy, and being told of it denies it, and calls others liars, and becauſe thou haſt Titled thy booke, a lying and Antichriſtian Spirit diſcovered in ſome of thoſe called Quakers; I ſhall gather up ſome of thy lies from thy own mouth, and ſend them back into the old veſſell where the liar ſits, till thou make proofe of them.
Theſe and many more ſuch not orious lies, that the leaſt modeſty would be aſhamed to have uttered, were it not that thou arr given up to heap up wrath with greedineſs, and vomit out thy own ſhame; ſure ſuch a peece of work never came from any, where the leaſt principle of God is minded, if it had been all layd open; but I am weary with raking amongſt this uncleanneſſe which from thee proceeds, and ſhall leave the reſt to any, who with the eye of judgement, reads thy book, who may finde three times more thy lying ſlanders, which ſecretly thou haſt ſhot out: ſurely that Fountain is full, which hath ſuch violent ſtreams, but the man-child is ſafe: neither ſhould I have mentioned thus much of thy uncleanneſs, had not I been moved to clear the truth in the ſight of ſimple ones, and lay the lies upon the founder; And let any honeſt heart ſee what thou art, who would accuſe the Quakers for lyars, for ſpeaking and writing truth to thee, which thou canſt not diſprove any way, but with lies and ſlanders, to keep people from believing; and truly you are in this condition, who call your ſelves Miniſters: now that the light is come to diſcover you, that you have but (theſe two reſuges,) lies, & carnal power but moſt of you, who have proved both theſe, hold the latter the better ſhield: yet you tell people our way is nought, but error; but when any who live in this (you ſo call) comes into your high places, your truth will not defend your practice, and confound their error; without a paire of ſtocks, or a priſon; you have no minde that your people ſhould have this error confounded, otherwiſe then with accuſing them falſely behind their backs, when you have got them faſt for reproving you; For it is come to this now, that your Doctrine muſt not be queſtioned, neither in your time nor after, but upon pain of impriſonment: and that56 without any limit of time, yea many for but looking at you, and not ſpeaking a word, ſuch is the ſtrength of your weapons, which in the Miniſters of his ſpirit was mighty through Chriſt, and needed not Clubs, and Priſons to defend it: ſo look upon your work and weigh it with truth, and the Saints practice, and ſee how they agree; for no further are you his Miniſters, then you can own the Saints life: though you can change their words to your wills, yet their lives you cannot, and by that you muſt be tryed.
And ſeeing it is the great work in theſe dayes, to ſeparate Chriſt, and his light, word and ſpirit, as far as the Heavens and the Earth, never to come neerer till the end of the world; and thou ſcofs at infallibility, & calls perfection a Doctrine of Devils, and pleads for ſin, while men lives, and much ſuch like Doctrine againſt Chriſt: I ſhall lay down theſe particulars following, as I have received them from the Lord, which through the ſtrength of God I ſhall ſtand by, againſt thee and all thy Generation, that ſhall oppoſe your ſelves.
1. That the light of Chriſt is the firſt principle, that ſhews a man his condition, and leads to Chriſt the Saviour; and without it, the Goſpel is hid from every Creature living, and without it none can read with profit.
2. That though Chriſt Jeſus in himſelf, hath ſuffered and ſatisfied the whole will of God for all the world, yet none but who by faith in this, comes to receive a meaſure of the ſame Chriſt, in the ſame ſpirit and power, and life in them, can have redemption by him from ſin and death.
3. That the word of God is ſpiritual; and who hath it, hath it in their heart; and that none who hath it not in their hearts, hath eternal life, though they may have the letter, as the Devil hath to pervert to wrong ends, to plead for ſin, and tempt the ſons of God.
4. That none can underſtand the Scriptures, nor know57 the voice of Chriſt in them, but who have that ſpirit and light in them, that gave them forth to open their underſtanding to know the myſtery and life of them.
5. That no man knowes his own heart, but who firſt owns the light of Chriſt to ſearch it, and the ſame light that ſearches the heart, gives light to know God and his glory.
6. That the leaſt meaſure of living faith, (that is not a fancy) but ſtands in Chriſt Jeſus, is preſent power againſt all ſin, and the greateſt power of Satan, if the Creature abide faithful in it, and run to no other helps, but minde obedience in it.
7. That no man can be a Miniſter of Chriſt, nor preach him truly, but who preacheth perfection, and that is the end of his Miniſtry (which thou calls a Doctrine of Devills.)
8. That there is not one particular of the worſhip you perform in your high places, but it is added or altered from what it was, when Chriſt appointed it, and eſtabliſhed it.
9. That God and his word is now manifeſt in the bodies of his Saints in the ſame manner, and as freely as formerly he hath been; and that there he is a ſufficient Teacher and ſhield againſt ſin, without any other help, to all, according to the meaſure of their knowledge of him preſent.
10. That no man can receive the things of Gods ſpirit, but who minde ſomewhat of God in them, to receive it withall.
11. That the leaſt meaſure of Gods ſpirit is an infallible guide, and without it no man knowes Chriſt, nor can judge of any thing of God, or his truth, his Kingdom, or the way to it; or the Devil and his ſubtleties but lies open to be deceived in all things, and to be led: by men of corrupt mindes, in whom the Devil is.
12. That the ground of all Errors, Sects and Opinions, Hereſies and blaſphemies that are in the world, is58 in being led from the guidance of this ſpirit, and all live in error, but who are guided by it, but none ever errs, who was guided by it alone nor ever ſhall.
Theſe being the main things for which thou accuſes us in thy Book, having wreſted them contrary to our judgement and practice, thereby to darken the way of truth, more dear to me then life; to the end, that all may finde it, and reſt to their ſouls, I have laid them down as plain as I can, as they are in Ieſus, in me revealed, without any adding or diminiſhing, as in the fight of God: ſo when thou writes to oppoſe again, let it be plain to the people, whether thou owns of denies: ſo the difference may be judged with the truly wiſe in heart, and the ground of it, and do not caſt a miſt over the truth, as in thy book, and yet dare neither own nor deny, but ſecretly bite and devoure.
Alſo prove theſe lying ſlanders caſt upon us, or blame me not for calling them lies, and diſcovering the father thereof.
Thou haſt plowed wickedneſs, and reaped iniquity, and haſt eaten the fruit of lies.
ERRATA, Page 3. line 13. for ſties, read ſtirs. p. 21. l. 31. for, (our) mouthes, read (your) mouths, p. 26. l. 5. for, he acknowledgeth, read, be a Knowledge, Page 52, line 3, for ſent read ſilence, and line 9, of the ſame Page for buglary, read burglary.
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