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The Spirit OF THE PHANATIQVES DISSECTED. AND The ſolemne League and Covenant ſo­lemnly diſcuſſed in 30 Queries.

By William Collinne, Gent.

Printed for F. Wallis. 1660.



WHether the two Millions and odd ſumm of monies borrowed by the late long Parliament will ever be repayed to the right owners thereof.


Whether Lilly the Aſtrologer by all his rules of Aſtrologie can calculate the time when the ſame ſhall be repaied?


Whether Lilly ought to be trſted in this calcu­lation, ſince he varies as much in his calculati­ons of the fucceſſes of the late perfidious King of Sweden, as in his impudent reports of young Rich­ard (our ſmall reigning late Protector?


Whether Lilly ſpoke not truth at unawares, when he in his Almanack ſaid, about this time the King of Sweden ſhould have ſome conſidera­ble loſs, he now having loſt his life?



Whether Lilly will call him any longer the victorious King of Sweden; ſince he hath met with one which hand to hand hath overcome him?


Whether the Kings of Poland and Denmarke have not as much cauſe to rejoyce at the Death of the King of Sweden, as we of the kingdome of En­gland, of the death of that Divel (ſeeming Saint) Oliver.


Whether the ſolemne League and Covenant can be ſaid to be performed in (it's being barely new ſhewn to the world) without Charles Stuart (eldeſt Sonne to the late King) be reſtored to the inheri­tance of the Crown, according to theſe words in the Covenant, (Viz.) The Honor and Happineſſe of the Kings Majeſty and his poſterity?


Whether if this be not performed, it can be ſaid any other, but that the Covenant is a meer colluſion to the people, and a ſworn for-ſworn Covenant?


Whether any of theſe Members of Parliament, (commonly called and known by the name of theUMP) ought to have any Vote in any ſucceſ­•••Paliament, they all (according to the ſolemne5 League and Covenant) being guilty of moſt no­torious perjury?


Whether upon this new change DUN hath not good cauſe to be merry, his work (in all probabili­ty) being like to go forward a pace this next Spring?


Whether it be not Tichbourn and Iretons beſt pollicy to ſpeak to Dun before hand to uſe them as kindly as they have done others, (that is, to ſhew them no more mercy then they ſhewed to the late Kings Majeſty, in (craving) and paſſing the unjuſt ſentence of death againſt him?


Whether that ſaying in the Scripture, he that digs a pit for another, ſhall fall into it himſelf, be not ſufficiently verified.


Whether Tho. Mwcomb his ſpeaking of the great prejudice of the reformed cauſe throughout Chriſtendome (by the death of the King of Swe­den, that perfidious Prince) meane not the Refor­mation of the (pretended) Good old Cauſe, by reaſon he and Oliver were ſo great Machivillians.


Whether T. and I. arſ••s makes nor buttons,6 or whether they may not be reputed to ſtand like quaking puddings?


Whether T. and I. had not better have ſtudi­ed Honeſty then ſo much Divinity, ſince they are become of (any or) no Religion at all?


Whether they that were never true to any truſt (as T. and I.) ought ever to be truſted again?


Whether Alderman Atkins his ſitting in the Parliament Houſe, may not properly be compa­red to a chip in a meſſe of pottage?


Whether the Godfathers and Godmothers of Praiſe God Barebone, are not like moſt godfathers and godmothers, that is, to promiſe much and perform little, or whether they are not ſuffici­ently deſerving to be called neglective, in ſeeing and ſuffering him to be brought up in ſuch Hereti­cal opinions, that in all his actions he rather blaſ­phemes then praiſes God?


Whether it may not be ſuppoſed, and finally concluded, that vain Sir Harry, prodigious Sir Ar­thur, purjured Oliver, (if alive) unchaſt Harry, the cheating Lord Mounſon, and the long winded7 Speaker, (my nameſake in letters W. L.) with the reſt of the RUMP, would non willingly go to the Pope for a diſpenſation of all their villanies?


Whether honeſt men have not good cauſe to wiſh they would all go thither and never return, ſince they never bred any thing but diſturbances in our State, and that the pope being the grand in­cendiary of thoſe perſons, to foment our diſtra­ctions, he ought not to take his own children home to his own Church, and afterwards ſend them to Purgatory, there to repent at leiſure for their vil­lanies?


Whether I. M. his ready and eaſie way to eſta­bliſh a Common-wealth without re-admitting of Kingſhip (which Tho. Newcomb mentions in his advertiſements and paraphraſtical book of Thurſ­day the 8th. inſtant) be not borrowed in copy from the States of Holland, or whether ſuch a fool as the Author deſerve not to be ſent to Bridewell for pretending ſo much good to his Country and dare not ſhew his name to his Libell?


Whether his new frame of a Common-wealth without re-admitting of Kingſhip, together with that fool Harringtons, ought not to be ſent to terra incognita or, Sir Th. Moors Utopia, together with the Authors themſelves to frame a free State there.


Whether any ingenious perſon can chooſe but laugh at theſe fools aſſertions and pretence of maintai­ning8 ſuch a rediculous thing as a free State, ſince in 12 years time we have found by experience, the Nation never was more Quiet, then when go­verned by a ſingle perſon?


Whether Fleetwood and thoſe Members of Par­liament the RUMP, ought not to have blow coats given to each one of them lac't with yellow lace as a Livery due and fit for their ambitious foolery?


Whether Overtons fifth Monarchy be not quite extinct?


Whether the poor Priſoners can ever expect to have an Act for their releaſe ſo long as Wil. Lenthal be Speaker of any Parliament, he making it a point and Article of his Re­ligion and faith, that rather then break his Brother Sir Ioh. by ſuch a diſſection, ten thouſand ſouls ſhould periſh?


Whether Lenthal the Speaker (having let ſo many blood) ought not now to be let blood himſelf, for fear the ſuperfluity of blood cauſe him to be more bloody, or that the 400 and odd thouſand pounds he put in his pocket upon Gentlemens compoſitions for their eſtates at five pound a man, ought not to be borrowed of him, and go towards the payment of the publike debts of the Nation?


Whether the next Parliament (now to be ſummoned) can properly be called a Free Parliament, if tyed to reſtri­ctions or Qualifications?


Whether Lilly ought not to have notice of all theſe Quries, and go a Star-gazing after they are all reſolved, and then compile a new Almanack of truths for the year enſu­ing, leſt if he judge before hand, he be as much erroniouſly miſtaken as heretofore?


About this transcription

TextThe spirit of the phanatiqves dissected. And the solemne league and covenant solemnly discussed in 30 queries. By William Collinne, gent.
AuthorCollinne, William..
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80167)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 119506)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 151:E1017[39])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe spirit of the phanatiqves dissected. And the solemne league and covenant solemnly discussed in 30 queries. By William Collinne, gent. Collinne, William.. 8 p. Printed for F. Wallis,[London] :1660.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Marsh. 24 1659"; also the last two numbers of the imprint date have been marked through.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Lilly, William, 1602-1681 -- Early works to 1800.
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800.
  • Solemn League and Covenant (1643). -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A80167
  • STC Wing C5354
  • STC Thomason E1017_39
  • STC ESTC R208238
  • EEBO-CITATION 99867204
  • PROQUEST 99867204
  • VID 119506

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