THE SPEECH OR CONFESSION OF Sir Alexander Carew BARONET: Who was beheaded on Tower-hill on Munday Decemb. 23. 1644.
Publiſhed by Authority.
LONDON, Printed for Tho. Bates at the Maiden-head on Snow-hill, neere the Conduit. And J.W.J. in the Old-baily. 1644.
ON Munday December 23. in the forenoone about 10. of the Clocke, Sir Alexander Carew was brought from the Tower, guarded by the Lieutenant thereof, and his Officers (aſſiſted by two Companies of the Trained-Bands) unto a Scaffold erected on Tower-Hill for that purpoſe.
After he was come upon the Scaffold he ſpake to the Miniſters that were with him, and one Miniſter deſired him to ſpeak ſomewhat to clear the Juſtice againſt him.
Ca. The greateſt enemy againſt me under4 the Sun can lay but the ſuſpition of the fact againſt me; I deſire not to ſpin out time, I deſire to be at my period, I have beſought God on my knees oftentimes that I might be diſſolved, and God would never grant it me till now, and bleſſed be God for it.
Min. We may not deſire to goe out of the World, but upon a true foundation.
Ca. God knowes his own, &c.
Lieut. When you went downe into Cornewell, theſe were your words, you bid me, God be with me, and hoped you ſhould give a good account of your buſineſſe.
Ca. I'le lay no blame upon any other body, but take all to my ſelfe.
Min. You ſay the onely true way to ſalvation is by Chriſt.
Ca. I confeſſe it, and I confeſſe my wayes, that I am a ſinfull creature to God, with all my heart, I acknowledge it before God and all you.
Min. Thinke not that hee will ſtraine your conſcience.
Ca. No, God forbid, but ile doe that duty vvhich I come here for, I thanke you all for your good admonitions, and it is not now to5 do, for I have ſurvayed my ſelfe over and over againe, and with indignation for my ſinnes, and eſpecially my Pride, and my ſtout heartedneſſe.
Min. It is ſtoutneſſe that ſhould trouble us all.
Ca. All that you can lay to my charge is but intention, and no man knowes my intentions better then my ſelfe, and they ſhall die with my ſelfe, put me to what Tortures you pleaſe; Sir, this is cleare that vvhen I came a ſhore at Plimouth, I asked them whether they would believe me what I ſaid, they told me no. I am in that condition that whatſoever I ſay is not to be believed, and therefore I have leave to hold my peace.
Then being demanded, whom he would have ſtay with him on the Scaffold, he turned to his brethren, and ſaid, Theſe are my kindred, my anceſtors were counted honeſt men.
The people calling, and deſiring to ſee him, room was made for him to come to the front of the Scaffold, where he ſpake thus to the people:
GEntlemen, I hope you'l (in conſideration of my weake body) not expect that I ſhould ſpeake much to6 you, neither is it my part to diſcourſe (nor my deſire) of my owne actions, and to juſtifie my ſelfe, but I ſhall rather confeſſe as the poore Publican did, Lord be mercifull to me a ſinner. I deſire your prayers to God for me, and I pray to God for you, that no one drop of my blood may be required at any mans hands. I forgive all the world, with as full and hearty deſire as mortall man can, and I beſeech God to forgive me mine. The God of Heaven and Earth, that ſeeth, heareth, and beholdeth, knowes that I lie not. I have deſired with unfained deſire and hearty affection to be diſſolved and to be with Chriſt, knowing it ſhall be better for me, being aſſured thereby to be freed from the miſery of ſinne, and enter into a better life. It was the laſt words and writing of my grandfather,7 and here of my father,Holding forth a little Book. the aſſurance of their eternall peace and happineſſe, after the diſſolution of this body of theirs, in which they lived here on earth; it is mine likewiſe. I have no more to ſay, but I take my humble leave of you.
Then he deſired the people to joyne with him in ſinging the 23 Pſalm, which he tuned, and read himſelfe to the people. The laſt words of the Pſalm being ended, he added,
And God aſsiſting me, ſeale my vow with my blood, and rather ſuffer wrong then doe it.
Then the Executioner ſpake to him deſiring him to forgive him.
Ca. I forgive thee and thanke thee too with Heart unfained, and giveing him money ſaid, prethee leave my Clothes take my Head, and doe it handſomely elſe thou canſt not ſpeak Dutch, and ſay wel godon.
8J die J thanke God rich in Gods favour.
Then bidding his friends God be vvith you he ſpake to the Executioner.
Doeſt thou heare, when I ſay, Lord though thou killeſt me yet will J put my truſt in thee, then doe thou cut off my head, For it was the laſt words that ever my Mother ſpoke when ſhee died.
And when hee had ſaid Lord into thy hands J commend my ſpirit, hee layd himſelfe downe, with his Head over the Blocke and ſpeaking theſe words, Lord though, &c. And then the Executioner did his Office.
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