A COMMISSION FROM The Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor, the Lord High Treaſurer, the Lord Biſhop of London, and the Dean of St. Pauls.
TO all whom theſe preſents ſhall come, The Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon Lord High Chancellor of England, Thomas Earle of Southhampton Lord High Treaſurer of England, The Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and John Barwick Dr. in Divinity, Dean of the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul in London, ſend Greeting. Whereas the Kings moſt Excellent Majeſty that now is by His Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, bearing date at Weſtminſter the third day of December laſt paſt (reciting2 as therein is recited) did give and Grant unto the ſaid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and Dr. John Barwick, all arrears of rents, ſumme and ſummes of money, and profits of all and ſingular the Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments; and alſo of all impropriate Rectories, Vicaridges, Donatives, Portions of Tythes and Gleab Lands, and all other duties and payments which heretofore belonged to any Archbiſhop, Biſhop, Dean, Dean and Chapter, Prebend, Canon, Rector, or other Eccleſiaſticall perſon or perſons whatſoever: And alſo all duties, ſumme and ſummes of money payable in lieu of Tythes, Oblations, Obventions, and other Profits and Duties whatſoever belonging to any of the ſaid Rectories, Vicaridges or Donatives, and which grew due during the late Diſtractions, and before the reſpective Proprietors thereof were reſtored, reinveſted and ſettled in the poſſeſsion of the ſame remaining in the hands of any Treaſurer, Receiver, Farmer or Collector, and not pardoned by the late Act of Free and Generall Pardon, Indempnity and Oblivion: And all other Tythes impropriate, Oblations, Obventions, Penſions, Portions of Tythes, appropriate Offerings, Fee-farme Rents iſſuing out of Tythes, and other things whatſoever; which3 in and by a late pretended Act or Ordinance made in the year of our Lord one thouſand ſix hundred forty nine, were veſted or ſettled in, or mentioned, adjudged or deemed to be in the actuall ſeiſin or poſſeſsion of certain perſons thereby appointed, or mentioned to be appointed Truſtees touching the ſame, which have not been by them or their order disburſed, diſpoſed, or imployed for the maintenance of Miniſters and other uſes, according to the ſaid pretended Act or Ordinance, or any other pretended Act, Order or Ordinance made or pretended to be made in the years of our Lord, one thouſand ſix hundred and fifty, one thouſand ſix hundred fifty four, and one thouſand ſix hundred fifty and ſix, by an Aſſembly aſſuming the power of Parliament, according to the intention of ſuch pretended Act, Acts, or Ordinances, before the firſt day of June in the year of our Lord one thouſand ſix hundred and ſixty, and which are not pardoned by the ſaid Act of Free and Generall Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion, and were any way ſetled and veſted in his ſaid Majeſty; and alſo all bonds, obligations, and other ſecurities entred into for the ſame, or any part thereof, to have, hold and enjoy the ſame unto the ſaid Earl of Clarendon, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and John Barwick, their Executors,4 Adminiſtrators and Aſsignes without accompt or other allowance whatſoever. To the intent nevertheleſs that the ſame ſhould and might wholly goe and be applyed towards the repairing, adorning and beautifying of the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul in London, according to His Majeſties gracious and pious intentions in the ſaid Letters Patents expreſſed, and in ſuch manner as they the ſaid Edward Earle of Clarendon, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and John Barwick their Executors, Adminiſtrators or Aſsignes in their diſcretions ſhould think moſt conducing to the better compaſsing and effecting of that pious work, thereby impowring them to find out, ſeize, ſue for, and recover the ſame by Commiſsion, Inquiſition, or any other lawfull means or wayes whatſoever, either in the name of his Majeſty, or in their own names; and alſo to agree and compound for the ſame, and give Acquittances and Diſcharges upon payment thereof; and to ſend for and require all Papers, Books, Writings and Evidences relating thereunto, as in and by the ſaid Letters Patents (amongst divers other things therein contained) relation being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear. Now know ye, that the ſaid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Gibbert Lord Biſhop of5 London, and John Barwick, for the more ſpeedy and effectuall proſecuting and effecting the intent of his ſaid Majeſties Grant, and for the advancement and carrying on of ſo pious a work, and for other good cauſes thereunto moving, have made; nominated, conſtituted and appointed, and by theſe preſents doe make, nominate, conſtitute and appoint the Right Honourable Sir Orlando Bridgeman Knight and Baronet Chief Juſtice of the Court of Common-pleas, Sir Robert Hyde Knight, one of the Justices of the ſaid Court of Common-pleas, Sir Jeoffry Palmer Knight and Baronet, the Kings Majeſties Attorney Generall, Sir Phillip Warwick Knight, John Keeling one of the Kings Majeſties Serjeants at Law, Sir John Cutler Knight and Baronet, Richard Rainsford, and Job Charleton Serjeants at Law, Thomas Beverly Eſquire, Samuel Clark Eſquire, James Ravenſcroft Eſquire, William Dolben, VVilliam Thursby, John Phillips, John Bathurſt, William Wymondeſall, Thomas Lee Eſquires, Thomas Nevil, John Sharp, Miles Smyth and Richard Topham Gentlemen, or any three or more of them, for them the ſaid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and John Barwick, their Executors and Aſsignes, and as their6 Commisſioners to order and manage the ſaid arrears, ſumme and ſummes of money, and premiſſes in and by the ſaid Letters Patents granted as aforeſaid, Giving and Granting unto them, or any three or more of them full power and authority by virtue of theſe preſents, to ask, demand, ſeize, collect, and receive the ſame arrears, ſum and ſummes of money, and premiſſes aforeſaid, and every or any part or parcell thereof in whoſe hands or cuſtody, or whereſoever the ſame are, ſhall or may be had or found: and to that end to name, conſtitute and appoint ſuch and ſo many Receivers, Deputies, Officers and Agents, for the more ſpeedy and effectuall doing and performing thereof, as they or any three or more of them ſhall think neceſſary or convenient, and to give and allow them ſuch Sallaries and allowances for their care and pains, as the ſaid Commiſsioners, or any three or more of them in their diſcretions ſhall think fit: And alſo to commence and proſecute any Action or Suit in Law or Equity againſt any perſon or perſons whatſoever that ſhall deny, neglect, or refuſe to make payment of ſuch of the ſaid moneys and other the premiſſes granted as aforeſaid, as ſhall appear to be by him or them reſpectively due or payable, according to the intent of the Act of Parliament aforeſaid, either in his ſaid Majeſties name or7 in the name or names of the ſaid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and John Barwick, or the Survivors or Survivor of them their Executors or Aſsignes, and to put in ſuit all Bonds and Securities made or given, or to be made or given for the ſame: And further alſo to agree and compound with any perſon or perſons whatſoever for the ſaid arrears, ſumme and ſummes of money and premiſſes aforeſaid, or any part or parcell thereof: And to make and give Acquittances, and other ſufficient diſcharges to all and every perſon and perſons for or upon payment of all or any part of the ſaid arrears, ſumme and ſummes of money, and premiſſes aforeſaid: And likewiſe to ſend for, require and keep all Papers, Writings, Books and Evidences any wayes concerning the Premiſſes, or any part or parcell thereof, or which may be any wayes uſefull or neceſſary in or about the having or obtaining thereof, in whoſe hands or cuſtody the ſame now are or ſhall be; And generally to doe, performe and execute all and every other lawfull and neceſſary Act and Acts, thing and things whatſoever needfull and requiſite to be done, for the obtaining, compounding, levying, receiving, or getting in of the ſaid Arrears, ſumme and ſummes of money and premiſſes8 aforeſaid, and every part and parcel thereof. And alſo to doe, performe and execute all and every the Grants, Powers, Liberties and Authorities in or by the ſaid recited Letters Patents given or granted, or mentioned to be given or granted, as fully and amply to all intents and purpoſes, as the ſaid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Thomas Earle of Southampton, Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and John Barwick, or any of them may, might or could doe in their own perſons; hereby ratifying, allowing and confirming all whatſoever the ſaid Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Sir Robert Hyde, Sir Jeoffry Palmer, Sir Phillip Warwick, John Keeling, Sir John Cutler, Richard Rainsford, Job Charleton, Thomas Beverley, Samuell Clarke, James Ravenſcroft, William Dolben, VVilliam Thursby, John Phillips, John Bathurſt, VVilliam VVymondeſall, Thomas Lee, Thomas Nevill, John Sharp, Miles Smyth, and Richard Topham, or any three or more of them ſhall doe or cauſe to be done by virtue, or in purſuance of theſe Preſents, or any the Powers and Authorities hereby given or granted in or about the performance and execution of the premiſſes. In witneſſe whereof the ſaid Edward Earle of Clarendon, Thomas Earle of Southampton,9 Gilbert Lord Biſhop of London, and Doctor John Barwick have hereunto put their hands and Seals the Eighth day of January, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reigne of our ſaid Soveraign Lord King CHARLES the Second.