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The Compleat DOCTORESS: OR, A Choice Treatiſe of all Diſeaſes inſident to Women. WITH Experimentall Remedies againſt the ſame.


  • Safe in the Compoſition.
  • Pleaſant in the Uſe.
  • Effectuall in the Operation.

Faithfully tranſlated out of Latine into Engliſh for a common good.

LONDON, Printed for Edward Farnham and are to ſold at his Shop at the entrance into Popes-head-alley out of Cornhill, 1656.

THE FIRST BOOK OF Womens Diſeaſes.The Proem by the Author.

IT is acknowledged by the moſt able Phyſiti­ans, that it requires great diligeuce, and Judgement to contrive an exact Partition, or Explanation of Womens Diſeaſes, and to oblige the World with a right Method, and Meanes to cure them: becauſe ſometimes a part is diſeaſed by conſent, and ſometimes primari­ly, by it ſelfe, or without any com­munication of diſtemper either with, or without matter, from any other part. The Ancients, whoſe ſtudious endeavours conſpired the ſubduing of theſe Diſeaſes, have left behinde them moſt honourable teſtimonies of their labours, in favour of that Sex. Modern men alſo have been ſtirred up to their defence, as Mercu­rialis, and Mercatus, the former in­deed with ſufficient elegance, but the latter with ſomuch tediouſneſs, and confuſion; that you may ſooner finde your Patient dead, then a re­medy in his writings for her reco­very; to correct this inconvenience, Rodericus a Caſtro engaged his pen in their quarrell, but with no great ſucceſſe, for if my Judgement be any thing conſiderable, his writings are more learned, then uſefull. When I had noted theſe deficien­cies, I thought with my ſelfe, that if I culled out the choiceſt Medicines (omitting the ſuperfluous) and di­geſted them into a little worke by themſelves, it might prove an un­dertaking worthy of a generall ac­ceptation; This was the birth, and growth of my deſigne, warrant­able enough, as I conceive, if not praiſe worthy, and if I flatter not my ſelfe in an opinion of my own paines, I have proceeded with ſo much perſpicuity, and tender cir­cumſpection, as will make the event anſwerable.


  • The firſt Chapter. OF the conſent of the Diſ­eaſes of the Matrix, with the other Parts.
  • The ſecond Chapter. Of the ſuppreſſion, or ſtay­ing of the Courſes.
  • The third Chapter. Of the immoderate running of the Courſes.
  • The fourth Chapter. Of the coming away of the Courſes by Drops, the vehement Symptomes there­of, and of the Whites.
  • The fifth Chapter. Of the Complication of the Courſes, with other Diſeaſes.
  • The ſixth Chapter. Of hard ſwellings in the Breaſts.
The ſecond Book.
  • The firſt Chapter. OF the Mother.
  • The ſecond Chapter. Of the Epilepſy in the Matrix, And the ſeverall kindes thereof.
  • The third Chapter. Of Melancholy proceeding from the Ma­trix.
  • The fourth Chapter. Of a cold Diſtemper, and windy humours in the Matrix.
  • The fifth Chapter. Of a hard ſwelling in the Matrix.
  • The ſixth Chapter. Of the Dropſey in the Matrix.
  • The ſeventh Chapter. Of the falling down of the Matrix.
  • The eighth Chapter. Of an Itch, Chaps, and an Inflammation in the Matrix.
  • The ninth Chapter. Of a Cancer, and an Ʋlcer in the Matrix.
  • The tenth Chapter. Of Wormes, and the Stone in the Matrix, and of the Piles.
The third Book.
  • The firſt Chapter. OF Barrenneſſe, both Abſolute and Reſpective.
  • The ſecond Chapter. Of a Mola, or ſhapeleſs lump of Fleſh.
  • The third Chapter. Of Womens longings.
  • The fourth Chapter. Of a bad ſtomach, proceeding from vo­miting.
  • The fifth Chapter. Of a Pain in the belly, the Paſſion of the Heart, and of ſounding Fits.
  • The ſixth Chapter. Of a Cough in great bellied Women.
  • The ſeventh Chapter. Of the ſwelling of womens legs, when they are with Childe.
  • The eighth Chapter. Of Coſtiveneſs in Women with Childe.
  • The ninth Chapter. Of the bloud which commeth away from the Matrix of a woman with Childe.
  • The tenth Chapter. Of the water which cometh away from the Matrix of a woman with Childe.
  • The eleventh Chapter. Of acute Diſeaſes, which happen to women with Childe.
The fourth Book.
  • The firſt Chapter. OF a Naturallirth, and of Abor­tiveneſſe.
  • The ſecond Chapter. Of a hard Labour.
  • The third Chapter. Of the After-Birth.
  • The fourth Chapter. Of the Dead Childe.
  • The fifth Chapter. Of the Paines, and the ſuppreſſion of the Courſes, after the woman is delivered.
  • The ſixth Chapter. Of the immoderate flowing of the Courſes, after the woman is delivered.
  • The ſeventh Chapter. Of the Diſeaſes which commonly befall a woman, after her delivery.
  • The eighth Chapter. Of an inflammation in the Matrix af­ter her delivery.
  • The ninth Chapter. Of too little, and too much milke.
  • The tenth Chapter. Of ſore Breasts.
  • The eleventh Chapter. Of wrinckles remaining in the Matrix after a womans delivery, and of the meanes to contract the Matrix.


The firſt Chapter. Of the conſent between the Diſeaſes of the Matrix, and thoſe of the other parts.

WOMEN were made to ſtay at home, and to looke after Houſhold employments, and becauſe ſuch buſineſs is ac­companied with much eaſe, without any vehement ſtir­rings of the body, therefore hath provident Nature aſſigned them their monethly Courſes, that by the benefit of thoſe evacuations, the feculent and corrupt bloud might be purified, which otherwiſe,2 as being the pureſt part of the bloud, would turne to ranke poyſon, ſhould it remaine in the body and putrifie; like the ſeed eja­culated out of its proper veſſells. Hippo­crates had a perfect underſtanding of theſe things, as may appeare by thoſe words, in his booke de locis in homine, where he ſaith, that the Matrix is the cauſe of all thoſe diſ­eaſes which happen to women; and it is no ſtrange thing which he ſpeaketh; for the Matrix hath a Sympathie with all the parts of the body; as with the Braine by the Nerves and Membranes of the parts about the ſpine, from whence ſometimes ariſeth the paines, in the fore part, and the hinder part of the head, with Heart alſo, both by the Spermatick, and the Epigaſtrick arteries, or thoſe that lie about the Abdo­men at the bottome of the bellie, from hence cometh the paine of the heart, fainting, and ſwounding fits, the paſſion of the Heart, anxietie of minde, diſſolution of the ſpi­rits, inſomuch as you cannot diſcerne, whither a woman breaths or not, or that ſhe hath any pulſe; it hath likewiſe a conſent with the breaſts; and from hence pro­ceed thoſe ſwellings, that hardneſs, and thoſe terrible Cancers that afflict thoſe tender parts, that a humour doth flow3 upwards, from the Matrix to the Breaſts, and downwards again, from the Breaſts to the Matrix, is the unanimous aſſertion of Galen, Hippocrates, Laurentius, Duretus, and others; moreover it hath a ſympathie with the Liver; and thus the ſanguification is per­verted, and the body inclines to a Dropſie, and with the ſtomach and the Kidneys alſo, as thoſe paines which great bellied women doe feele, and the torments which ſome Virgins undergoe, when they have their Courſes, ſufficiently witneſſe. And laſtly, Hippocrates hath taught us, that this conſent holdeth with the bladder, and the ſtraight〈◊〉; for, ſaith he, when that part is in­flamed, then the urine commeth away by drops, and the Patient hath frequent de­ſires, and ſolicitations to goe to ſtoole, but but without any performance.

Womens diſeaſes are divided into foure Claſſes, whereof the firſt containeth the diſ­eaſes that are common to all women: the ſecond comprehendeth ſuch as are peculiar to Widowes, and Virgins; The third ſpe­cifieth thoſe Affects that concern barren women, and ſuch as are fruitfull; And the fourth treateth of ſuch diſeaſes, as befall Women with Childe, and Nurſes; of all which we ſhall now ſpeak, one after ano­ther, in their order.


Thoſe diſeaſes that are common, both to widowes and wives, both to barren wo­men, and women that are fruitfull, as alſo to young Maids, and Virgins, proceed from the retention, or ſtoppage of their Courſes, as the moſt univerſall, and moſt uſuall cauſe; when theſe come from them, in a duc and regular manner, their bodies are preſerved from moſt terrible diſeaſes; but otherwiſe, they are immediately ſub­ject to the falling Sickneſs, the Palfie, the Conſumption, the Whites, the Mother, Melancholy, Burning Fevers, the Dropſey inward inflammations of all the principall parts, the ſuppreſſion of the urine, ne eating, vomiting, loathing of meat, yex­ing, and a continuall paine in the Head, ariſing from ill vapours, communicated from the Matrix to the Braine.

Wives are more healthfull then Widowes, or Virgins, becauſe they are refreſhed with the mans ſeed, and ejaculate their own, which being excluded, the cauſe of the evill is taken away. This is evident from the words of Hippocrates, who adviſeth young Maids to marrie, when they are thus trou­bled; that women have ſtones and ſeed, no true Anatomiſt will denie; the wo­mans ſeed, I confeſs, in regard of the ſmall5 quantity of heat, is more imperfect then the ſeed of the mans, yet is it moſt abſo­lute in it ſelfe, and ſit for Generation. An­other cauſe alſo may be added, beſides that which is alledged from Hippocrates, namely, that married women by lying with their husbands, doc looſen the paſ­ſages of the ſeed, and ſo the Courſes come down more eaſily thorow them; Now in Virgins it falls out otherwiſe, becauſe the bloud is ſtopped by the conſtipation and obſtruction of the veines, and being ſtopped putrifies, from which putrifaction groſſe vapours doe ariſe, and from thence hevineſſe of minde, and dulneſſe of ſpirit, a benummedneſſe of the parts, tim orouſ­neſſe, and an aptneſs to be frighted, with a ſudden propenſitie to fall into fits of the Mother, by reaſon of much bloud, oppreſ­ſing and burthening the heart, alſo con­tinuall anxiety, ſadneſs, and want of ſleep, with idle talking, and an alienation of the minde, but that which moſt com­monly afflicts them, is a difficulty, and paine to fetch their breath, for the cheſt by a continuall dialatation and compreſſi­on, draweth the bloud from the Matrix to it ſelfe, in a large proportion, and ſome­times produceth aſthmaticall effects. But6 what ſhall we ſay concerning Widowes, who lye fallow, and live ſequeſtred from theſe Venereous Conjunctions? we muſt con­clude, that if they be young, of a black complexion, and hairie, and are likewiſe ſomewhat diſcoloured in their cheeks, that they have a ſpirit of ſalacity, and feele within themſelves a frequent titillation, their ſeed being hot and prurient, doth ir­ritate and inflame them to Venery, neither is this concupiſcence allaid and qualified, but by provoking the ejaculation of the ſeed, as Galen propounds the advice in the example of a widow, who was afflicted with intolerable ſymptomes, till the abun­dance of the ſpermatick humour wasi­miniſhed by the hand of a skilfull Midwife, and a convenient oyntment, which paſ­ſage will alſo furniſh us with this argument that the uſe of Venery is exceeding whol ſome, if the woman will confine her ſelf to the Lawes of moderation, ſo that ſhfeele no weariſomneſſe, nor weakneſſe iher body, after thoſe pleaſing conflicts.

Moſt certaine it is, that barren womeare more tormented with ſickneſſe, thethoſe that are fruitfull, becauſe, they whhave children, live in a more healthfulcondition, by reaſon of the opening of th7veines, and the comming away of the ſuperfluous bloud; which being of an earthy, and feculent ſubſtance, muſt needs introduce prodigious ſymptoms in the bodies of other women, who have no ſeaſo­nable meanes to vent and purge it out, and daily experience doth witneſſe it to the pri­vate conſideration of ſuch women, that very many obſtructions breed in their Li­ver, Meſenteries, and Matrices. That wo­men in Child-bed alſo, and ſuch as nurſe their owne children, are ſubject to moſt bit­ter, and vehement affects, Galen doth dai­ly teach us by an undeniable reaſon; for whereas the childe in the wombe is nou­riſhed by the ſweeteſt, fatteſt, and moſt ela­borate part of the menſtruous Bloud, in its own nature filthy, and dreggiſh, when the woman is delivered, that bloud is forci­bly evacuated by a criticall kinde of moti­on, and violent ebullition, whereupon the ſpi­rits are exhauſted, and the feeble creature is precipitated into mortall infirmities, as fainting fits, incredible torments, and fre­quent ſoundings.

Many times alſo, beſides that perticular fulneſſe of the womb through the ſwelling, and ſtrutting of the veines; ſuch women all the time that they be great with childe,8 are oppreſſed with an abundance of ill hu­mours, contracted, and heaped up toge­ther by a bad diet, after which the upper parts of their bodies are many times moſt wofully inflamed.

After the ſame manner alſo Nurſes are tormented with ſore breaſts, painfull ſwellings, Ulcers, and Cancers, and the like crueii diſeaſes, by reaſon that the Menſtruum floweth in an unmeaſurable quantitie to the breaſts, and there ſettles. But now, by the permiſſion of Heaven, we ſhall ſet down a particular Explanation of theſe Diſeaſes.

CHAP. II. The ſuppreſſion of the Courſes.

THe ſuppreſſion of the Courſes, is an in­terception, or ſtoppage of that uſuall evacuation of bloud, which is wont to flow from the Matrix every month.

There is a twofold cauſe hereof; one inward, the other outward; the in­ward cauſe is alſo manifold; for ſome­times it is one kinde of diſtemper, ſometimes another; and ſometimes againe, a hu­mour is the cauſe thereof, the diſtemper is9 either hot, or cold, and concerning the for­mer, this is controverted among the Do­ctors, how a hot diſtemper can ſtay the Courſes: for if we will credit the bſt Au­thors, or ſubmit our judgements to the ge­nerall Vote of Philoſophy; it is the pro­perty of heat to open, to rarifie, to make thin, and to dilate: as on the contrary, it is the property of cold to obſtruct, to thick­en, to binde, and to condenſate, the an­ſwer is eaſie and obvious; wherefore we ſay that heat properly doth not ſtay the Courſes, but onely by accident, as namely by atte­nuation, diſſipating, and conſuming the thinner parts of the Menſtruum, for any hu­mour is reaſonably conceived to become more drie and thick, when the thinner part thereof is waſted away; and againe, the thicker and dryer it is, it muſt needs be ſo much the more unapt to be expelled: and this is the reaſon that ſturdie women in the Country, who are accuſtomed to labour, and take much paines, and ſuch Virgins, as are of a hot conſtitution, have verlittl, or no evacuation this way, becauſe the Mn­ſtruum is waſted, and vaniſheth by their con­tinuall exerciſe, and paines taking. Second­ly, when the moiſture is conſumed away the veſſels are ſo much the more narrow10 and bound up, ſo that there is almoſt no paſſage left for the excluſion of the Courſes.

A cold Diſtemper ſtayeth the Courſes, becauſe it weakneth and colleth the parts, breeds bad humors and obſtructions, ſtraightens the paſſages, obſtructs the conduits, infirmes, and overcooleth the Matrix, and ſo retaines, ſup­preſſeth, and ſtoppeth the Courſes.

Swellings, Impoſthnmes, ſcars, and the like, are all reducible to the inward cauſes; but the moſt uuall inward cauſe is a ſlow, tough and ſlimy humour, which glewing up, as it were, the veſſells of the Matrix, and thickning the bloud, retaineth the Menſtru­um, according to the opinion of Galen, de­livered in ſeverall places of his works.

The outward Cauſes are all thoſe things, which any way increaſe a cold juice in the body, as a cold and moiſt Ayre, gluttony, crudities, coldaths, and an unſeaſonable uſe of them, meats that yield a groſſe nouriſh­ment, and are hard to digeſt, and ſuch as con­ſtipate the humours, and thicken the bloud; in which number are thick and ſweet wines, pulſe of all ſorts, white meats made with milke, hard fiſh, and ſalt fleſh, pothearbs, Vine­ger, Olives, Rice, and the like; alſo an unſeaſo­nable uſe of Venery, a diſorderly motion of the body, preſently after meates, cold drink,11 ale, and other Pourtents, or liquors which breed ſlow, and thick juices.

You may know when the Menſtruum is, or will ſoon be ſuppreſſed by the relation of the ſick woman, who commonly will make theſe diſcoveries; that ſhe hath no ſtomack to her meat, that for a long time together ſhe hath felt a heavineſſe over all her body, with a paine in her back, her privities, and her Matrix: beſides, you your ſelf may diſcern agreeniſh paleneſs in her face; Sometimes ſhe is troubled with loud belchings, and cruell paines in her belly; but frequently with the head-ach, eſpecially in the forepart of her head, and when the bloud is ſtopped, & putri­fies in her body, preſently there ariſeth a Fe­ver, by reaſon of that Sympathy, Communion, or conſent between the Matrix & the other parts.

Many, and irreparable are the inconve­niences, and evills, which happen by this ſtoppage of the Courſes, if we may beleeve the great Hippocrates, who in one of his Aphoriſmes ſaith, if the Menſtruum comes away without moderation, diſeaſes fol­low; but if it comes not away at all, yet then diſeaſes happen alſo from the Matrix: but if it comes away in a due, and naturall manner, it preſerves the woman from all gowtie torments, from paines in her joints,12 from the Pleuriſie, and all other inflamma­tions in her ſides, from the Apoplexy, from the difficulty to fetch her breath, and from looſing her voyce; Women that have not their Courſes, muſt ſeeke for remedies with ſped and prudence; let them betake them­ſelves to a temperate and movſt Ayre, for if the Ayre be too hot, it waſteh the bloud, and drawes it upwards from the Matrix; it likewiſe exhauſts the Spirits, and is thought to be a weakner of the body: on the con­trary, when the Ayre is too cold, it com­pels the bloud to retire, it weakens the Matrix, breeds groſſe and thick humours, and locks up the paſſages, ſo that the Men­ſtruum cannot deſcend, the moſt conveni­ent drinke in this caſe is ſmall Rheniſh wine, if there be a Fever, or, which will be leſſe dangerous, ſmall beere boiled with a lit­tle Cinamon, Aniſe, Maydenhaire, or Birthwort.

Her diet ſhould be ſuch as will bee ſoon concocted, and eaſily diſtributed to all the parts; boiled meats are more wholeſome for her then roſed, becauſe theſe dry up the bloud, but they ſoften the body, and keep it moiſt: let her alſo chooſe to feed upon tame creatures rather then wilde, becauſe theſe are more hot and dry, but thoſe are more moiſt and temperate; boyle them13 with red fitches, for the broth that is thus made doth moſt powerfully bring down the Courſes. What meats muſt be avoided hath been ſaid above; but above all things, let her refraine the uſe of ſowre things, becauſe, as Hippocrates hath warned us, they bring paine to the Matrix; it will be good to rub the lower parts of her legs very often, and to tie ſtraight ligatures about them, till they make her complaine of much paine.

Having thus preſcribed her Diet, the next deſigne muſt be to evacuate the Cauſe; this may be done ſeverall wayes, but eſpecially by letting bloud, and ſometimes by purg­ing her body; the Phyſitians have long contended, but very fooliſhly, which vein ſhould be cut: but we omitting the frivou­lous alterations on both ſides, conclude with Galen, that when the Courſes are ſtop't, if the ſtrength of the woman will beare it, and the nature of the Diſeaſe require it, the vein in the Ankle muſt alwayes be opened; not in the Arme as Aetius commands; who alſo is backt in that opinion by Gradus, Mercurialis, and Amatus Luſitanus, who was taught by Ruffus to open a vein in a wo­mans arme, to advance the cure; but I can­not approve of that courſe, becauſe recti­tude14 muſt ever be obſerved. Galen in his book de Curandi ratione per ſang. miſſ. chapt. 11. inſtead of opening a vein, uſeth Scari­fication to the domeſticall part, as having the greateſt reſemblance with Phlebotomy, and if theſe things doe not overcome the Diſeaſe, apply Leeches to the Hemorrhoids, to take away the accumulation of melancholy bloud; for they ſuck out the feculent, and dreggiſh humours, impacted in the Matrix, by reaſon that thoſe parts are ſo neere the one to the other.

Zacutus Luſitanus applieth them to the inner part of the Matrix, and boaſteth him­ſelfe the Author of this kinde of remedy; but whether it be conſonant to reaſon, I leave to conſidering perſons to judge.

There is no doubt but the application of Leeches may be uſefull, becauſe the hu­mour is ſlow, thick and earthy: but in regard that no part is evacuated, till the whole body be firſt purged, therefore I ſhall adviſe you to give her this Purge follow­ing, which will worke very gently.

Take three drams of Sena.

Three ſcruples of Agarick.

A dram of Anniſe-ſeeds.

Macerate them together, in a ſuffici­ent quantity of Penniroyall water, for the15 ſpace of a night, to three ounces, in the morning allow them one or two bublings, and to the liquor which you preſſe out, add

Foure drams of Diaphenicon.

Mingle them, and give it her to drinke.

Or of the Electuary make a Bolus.

When the body is purged, and a vein hath been opened, let your Judgement keep company with Galens directions, and prepare the thick humour with this Decocti­on following.

Take Smallage, Fennell, and Sparagus roots, of each halfe an ounce, the leaves of Hy­ſope, Pennyroyall, and Birthwort, of each a handfull.

Two drams of Carrotts ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of Bar­ley water, to a quart; to the ſtrained li­quor add Syr. de 5. radicibus, and Syr. lu­pulorum, of each an ounce, mingle them, and make an Apozem. Or

Take the roots of Acorns, and Elecampane, of each two drams.

The leaves of

  • Pennyroyall,
  • Motherwort,
  • Balme,
  • Betony, of each a handfull.

Two ounces of white Agarick.

An ounce and a halfe of Aniſe ſeeds.


Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of Fu­mitary water to a pint: to the liquor which you preſſe out, add

  • Syrupe of Motherwort,
  • Syrupe of Maydenhaire, of each an ounce.
  • Mingle them, and make an Apozem.

Note that Agarick hath reſpect unto the nervous parts, and that the Syrup of the five roots with vinegar doth hurt the Nerves, becauſe all ſharp things are hurt­full to the Matrix, according to Hippocra­tes, whoſe Judgement winneth reverence with the beſt Phyſitians.

Fomentations muſt be applyed to the ſmall guts, to the privie parts, and you muſt make them of opening ſimples, and ſuch as will cut into, and make thin the groſſe and thick humours.

Baths and halfetubs prepared of the like ſimples will be very uſefull; and the beſt liniments you can chooſe are made of oyle of Lillies, caſtor, dill, and capers, and the moſt profitable oyntments are unguent. Agrippe, and de Althea, with gums.

After you have gone thus far, you muſt evacuate the bloud, and provoke urine: to which purpoſes preſcribe this Decoction following.

Take the roots of Butchers broome

  • 17
  • Sparagus,
  • Smallage,
  • Fennill, of each an ounce.

The roots of Ariſtolochy the round.

Birthwort of each two drams.

The leaves of Penniroyall,

  • Snakeweed,
  • Motherwort, of each a handfull.

Foure drams of Sena.

Two ounces of white agarick.

Foure ounces of Hermodactyls.

An ounce and a halfe of Epithymum.

Aniſe and fennill ſeeds, of each an ounce.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of water, to a pint and a halfe, to the ſtrained liquor being hard preſt, add two ounces of the beſt honey, mingle them, and make an Apozem.

Every other morning let her drink foure ounces of this faſting, and in the meane time ſtrengthen her belly, and her Matrix, with fomentations that are good to expell winde: you may make them of the Sim­ples aforeſaid, with the powders Dianis, Diacumin, Diagalang. and the like.

You muſt provoke the Menſtruum with Peſſaries, made of the juyce of Mercury, Cu­cumbers, Reſtharrow, unſalted butter, Hogs­greaſe, the gall of an Oxe, Sagapenum, Am­moniacum,18 Caſtor, Aſſa-fetida, and the like. Perfumes made with ſpices bring down the Courſes, if the ſteame or vapour of them be conveighed into the Matrix; or you may appoinlittle Trochiſhs to be made with rue, ariſtolochy, Caſtor, aſſa fetida, Sagapenum, and turpentine, which being caſt upon hot burning coles they will ſmoke, and that ſmoke will ſpeedily bring down her Courſes, if it be received up thorow a tunnell.

You muſt make an iſſue in her leg, that the Matrix may exhale, and the thick hu­mours may be purged out.

Such Compoſitions as have ſteele in them will be moſt effectuall, for it is ma­nifeſt by experience, that ſteele is good to cut into, and make thin the thick and ſlow humours, to open obſtructions, to bring down the Courſes, to provoke urine, and to free the veſſels from all matter that ſtop them: and all theſe things it performes by manfeſt qualities inherent in it, and not by the ponderoſity, or heavineſſe thereof as ſome have conjectured.

Severall Authors have deviſed ſeverall preparations of it; but we alwayes uſed to prepare it after this manner following.

Take a pound of Steele filed into a moſfine duſt, waſh it in Pennyroyall water diſtil­led,19 till the water look pure and cleare, then put it into a glaſſe Viol, pouring up­on it a ſufficient quantity of Vinegar, made with Penniroyall: ſet it in the Sun thirty dayes, ſtirring it about every ſeventh day, afterwards dry it, weare it to a moſt ſubtle powder in a Marble morter, ſift it, and keep it for your uſe; the Doſe, or quantity here­of to be taken, is a dram with wormewood wine, or Rheniſh wine, or with Hydro­mel.

Note, that we adviſedly make uſe of the vinegar aforenamed, becauſe the uſe and vertue of Steele is to unlock obſtructions; and Vinegar hath a faculty to penetrate, make thin, and cut aſunder the thickeſt hu­mours, and therefore by the help there­of the Steele is with the more expedition tranſmitted to the remoteſt parts of the body.

Yet if the patient be troubled with a hot diſtemper in her Liver, ſtomack, or ſpleen, or if you diſcerne any weakneſſe in her in­ward parts, then prepare the ſteele with Roſe­water, or whey of Goats milke.

When ſhe hath taken the ſteele, let her walke an houre after it; for exerciſe opens the pores, and thereby the Medicine is the more eaſily diſtributed: when ſhe hath ob­ſerved20 this injunction, let her lie down till ſhe begin to ſweat, or if ſhe finde in her ſelfe a diſpoſedneſſe, let her ſleep: after­wards give her to eat, but her meat ſhould rather be roſted, then boyl'd, and for her drink, allow her ſmall wine, or wine pre­pared with ſteele.

I doe not judge it meet to determine any time for the continuance of theſe Rules, and precepts, onely in generall, I hold it convenient to uſe them, till the Pa­tient be more apt, and diſpoſed for exer­ciſe, till ſhe can walke without any lazy complaint of wearineſſe, till her lips be­gin to look of a more lively colour, till no obſtruction be perceiveable by the touch, and in a word, till the urine, which was thin, pale, and diſcoloured, appeare red­diſhlike unto the urine of a healthfull wo­man.

The Spring time is the moſt convenient to undertake this Cure; for then the hu­mours are moſt apt to flow, which in the Winter are congealed, and impacted in the ſeverall parts; and in the Summer time it will not be altogether ſo proper to begin the Cure, for then thorough the immode­rate heat othe ſeaſon, the humours doe daily threaten to precipitate the ſick woman into a fever.


If the woman be weake in her body, let her refraine from exerciſe, and reſt her ſelfe upon her bed, and after the ſpace of a full houre, let her body be diligently rubbed, till it looke red, that the faculties of the ſteele may be actuated, and aſſiſted in their operation; for Galen in his book de Puero Epileptico and the fourth Chapter ſaith, that the rubbing of the body ſupplies the want of exerciſe, becauſe it attenuateth and cut­eth the humours, unlocks the obſtructions, quickens, and kindles the naturall heat, and diſſolves the peccant matter.

Many mingle ſteele prepared with Con­ſerves, and Syrups; Some make Lozenges thereof, and ſo doe we alſo; eſpecially when the Patient refuſeth Wine, or Con­ſerves, and the like: for in ſome caſes we muſt allow pardon to the queazineſſe of the ſick, and humour the Palate with a ſafe indulgence.

The powders Diarhod. Abbat, Dialacca, and Diacucurma, are very good to open the paſſages which are ſtop't, and therefore you may prudently mingle them among the in­gredients for the Lozenges aforeſaid.

Here perhaps you will ſtart this queſti­on; if heat provokes to ſtoole, and brings down the urine, if it attenuates, cuts in­to22 the humours, and open the obſtructions; why doe Phyſitians unanimouſly com­mand the ſtaying of a looſeneſſe, or an Iſſue of bloud, in what part of the body ſoever it happen, and to that intent pre­ſcribe water, or wine, or beer, wherein ſteele hath been quenched, thereby to make it more binding, and more apt to ſtay any flux? I anſwer, that ſteele is indued with thoſe qualities I readily grant; but the Method which is obſerved in the uſe of ſteele doth cleerely demonſtrate a diverſity of faculties to be in it: wherefore if your aime and intention be to open the obſtru­ctions, drinke the wine when the ſteele hath been once, twice, or thrice quenched in it; but if you deſire it ſhould binde, then preſcribe it to be taken after the ſixth, or ſeventh quenching; for the firſt water or wine openeth, becauſe in that lieth the fiery quality; but the other bindeth, becauſe in that conſiſts the earthy part: neither ſhall you need to wonder, that ſe­verall and contrary qualities ſhould lie concealed in one, and the ſame minerall, mettall, or ſimple, ſeeing that by daily experience we have a demonſtrative certain­ty of the truth thereof; for thus Aloehath an Emplaſtick and an opening quali­ty:23 thus Rubarb both binds and purgeth.

Now you muſt note that theſe Simples are called hot and cold, as they have hot or cold parts predominant in them: thus we conclude endive to be cold, becauſe the parts thereof are more moiſt then bitter, and we ſay Rubarb is hot, becauſe it hath a nitrous, fiery, purging quality predomi­nant in it, above the earthy, binding, and cold parts.

Chriſtopherus a Vega, a man otherwiſe ve­ry learned, ſeemes to my underſtanding to forſake the offers of reaſon, in ſaying that ſteele is unprofitable, becauſe he never ſaw any woman, who had not her Courſes, or who was troubled with obſtructions, cured by the meanes of this Remedy; but truly, if it doth not ſometimes totally 'ſubdue the evill, yet the fault muſt not therefore con­ſequently be charged upon the Medicine, becauſe the Matrix is ſometimes vitiated by an habituall diſtemper, or elſe the ob­ſtructions thereof are ſo many, or ſo ſtub­borne, that ſometimes they dſtroy the ſick woman; and if it doe not fall out ſo, yet is it an undeniable truth which the Poet tells us,

Non eſt in Medico ſemper relevetur ut Aeger, Interdum docta plus valet arte malum.


That is,

The Doctour cannot ſtill ſucceſſefull be, Sometimes the evill gets the victory.

CHAP. III. The immoderate flowing of the Courſes.

THis diſeaſe is contrary to the former; for as in that the Menſtruum is too long retained, ſo in this they run too long.

There is alſo this difference between them: the one proceedeth from a hot diſ­temper, the other from a cold one.

This we now treat on, is produced by twofold cauſe, the one inward, and thother outward.

The inward Cauſe is a hot diſtemper othe Liver, whereby the bloud growes hot thin, boyling in the veſſells, and opening them, ſo that the Menſtruum is purged out, before the uſuall and due time.

The outward Cauſe is that which heateth and inflames the bloud, and withal makes it thin, as vehement and ſturdy exerciſes, penſiveneſſe, and immoderate care of the minde, exceſſive anger, and thought buſied upon revenge: a cuſtome of eatin25meats that are hot in their quality, name­ly, ſuch as are full of pepper, and ſalt, bib­ing of wine, and ſtrong drinks, too much bathing of the body, long watchings, fit­ing in the Sun overmuch, or by the fire ſide, &c.

You may eaſily make your ſelfe acquaint­ed with the ſignes by converſing with, and queſtioning the ſick woman, beſides, you may of your ſelfe obſerve, that the Patient is much weakned, in regard that the parts are deprived of the pureſt portion, and the moſt laudable ſubſtance of the bloud, by which the life of a Creature is pro­longed; women thus affected are very ſad, and melancholy, by reaſon that the bloud faileth, which otherwiſe containes a ſpi­rit in it, that makes them cheerefull and lively, they grow leane and feeble, ſcarceable to ſtand upon their legs, they are apt to Nauſeate, and forſake their meat, they are bound in their bodies, and grow puft, and ſwel'd up; they are troubled with weakneſſe in their ſtomacks, they cannot digeſt their meat, their eye-lids ſink in­wards, the calfes of their legs ſwell, and their outward parts look pale, and diſco­loured: yea, by degrees the whole radicall moiſture, and inborne preſervative de­cayeth26 and the Patient periſheth.

Wherefore make no delay, but immedi­ately oppoſe all your helps of Art to the ſubduing of the Diſeaſe; let her be lodged in an ayre that is cold and dry, and let her not be expoſed to any ayre by night: ſtrew coole hearbs about her chamber, and let her avoid the ayre which is hot, becauſe it rarifies the bloud, makes it thin and wateriſh, and alſo inflames, and over­heats it.

She muſt forbear the uſe of hot meats, as Leeks, Onyons, Watercreſſes, Origanum, and the like; let her likewiſe refraine from feeding upon ſpiced meats, and ſuch as breed a thin juyce; Rice boyled with ſheeps­feet is good for her: and ſo are roſted Quinces, Medlars, and Services.

Three houres after Supper, let her take fine flower, or pure Bisket diſſolved in Plan­tane, or Roſewater, and ſweetned with Sugar.

Give her no wine, unleſſe it be ſowre, and binding red wine; but it will be more profitable to give her water, wherein gun tragacanth hath been boiled, and perfumewith Maſtick, beere in which ſteele hath been infuſed will be profitable for her about the third, or fourth day, for this drin27hath a binding faculty without heating.

But the opening of a vein twice, or thrice in a day, obtaines the preheminence from all other remedies, according to the judg­ment of Galen, becauſe it drawes back the humour more forcibly to the upper parts when it is often repeated, then when it is done all at once; heare him in his own words. Quantò majorem in numerum particu­lares auxeris detractiones, tantò efficaciorem revulſionem efficies, that is, the oftner you open a vein, taking away a ſmall quantity of bloud at a time, ſo much more effectu­all will the Revulſion be; for when the bloud is allured to the contrary part by theſe frequent iterations; Nature is accu­ſtomed to ſummon the bloud to the upper parts: and thus that ordinary ſaying among the Doctors may properly be underſtood, that one flux cureth another.

Hippocrates commendeth a large Cuppin­glaſs applied to the breaſts; and very deſerv­edly, becauſe there is a great conſent and Simpathy between the veins of the Matrix, and thoſe of the Breaſts.

Moreover, you muſt preſcribe ſuch things as are of tried, and known vertue, to thicken the bloud, ſyrup of Poppy, Quinces, dried Roſes, Myrtles, and the like.


We uſually preſcribe this Draught fol­lowing for the ſick, and we muſt add this to its commendation, that it ſeldome fail­eth in its operation.

Two ſcruples of boiled Rubarb.

A ſcruple of Citron myrobalans.

Halfe an ounce of ſyrup of Quinces.

Two ounces, and a halfe of Plant ane water.

Mingle them, and let her drink it.

Divers Authors, as Rondeletius, Hollerius, Amatus Luſitanus, and others condemn thboiling of Rubarb; and the reaſon is this as things ſay they, become more milde and weake in their operations, when they have paſt the fire; ſo thoſe things which argentle, become more vehement, having acquired a new kinde of faculty by the forcof the fire: this I grant moſt willingly, buin the meane time they purge leſſe, anbinde more, which we deſire, and as foany corrupt quality, which the power othe fire may have contributed to it, that ieaſily waſht away by the help of Plantanwater, or the juice of Quinces, if you demand whither this humour ſhould be pre­pared? I anſwer, evacuate it without any delay, for you muſt not expect, or waithe concoction thereof.


Binding Glyſters will be very uſefull; you may make them after this manner.

Take foure drams of the roots of Conſo­lida major.

The leaves of plantane and horſetayle, of each a handfull.

Halfe a handfull of red Roſes.

Two drams of ſhaled Peaſe.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of plan­tane water, to nine ounces; to the ſtrained liquor add a dram of the Trochiſchs de Ca­rabe, two ounces of ſyrup of Roſes made with dried Roſes.

The whites of two Eggs.

Mingle them, and make a glyſter. Or

Take foure drams of the greater Comphrey roots.

The leaves of knotgraſſs, and plantane, of each a handfull.

As many red Roſes as your thumb, and two fingers can take up.

Sumach and Quince ſeeds, of each two drams.

Three drams of barley parched, and beaten to a groſſe powder.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of plantane water to nine ounces.

To the ſtrained liquor add two ounces of ſyrup of Myrtles.


A dram of terra ſigillata.

Mingle them, and make a glyſter.

After theſe glyſters are injected, anoint the Matrix with aſtringent oyntments; Take as many plantane leaves as you can graſp between your thumb and two fingers at twice.

Red Roſes.

Mulberry leaves.

Oake leaves, of each halfe the quantity aforeſaid.

A dram of Sumach ſeeds.

Boile them gently in foure pints of oyle of Quinces.

Straine and preſſe the liquor hard, and then put in

True Bolearmanick,

Trochiſchs de Carabe, of each a dram.

With a ſufficient quantity of white wax, make a ſoft oyntment, according to art, or

Take two ounces of unguentum Comitiſſe.

Oyle of myrtles, and oyle of quinces, of each two drams.

Mingle them, and make a liniment.

You muſt likewiſe bath the Matrix with fomentations made after this manner.

Take the leaves of plantane,


Oake leaves.


Red Roſes, of each a handfull.

The ſeeds of plantane, Sumach.

Quinces, of each three drams.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of red wine, or water wherein ſteele hath been quenched to three pints: uſe the ſtrained liquor as was ſaid above.

That which remaines after the ſtraining may be kept for a Poultis, unto which you may add oyle of quinces, and unguentum Co­mitiſſe, of each two ounces, and mingling them together, you have an excellent Poultis.

But if the diſeaſe yield not to theſe Re­medies, you may exhibit half a dram of new Treacle, or Philonium Perſicum, or a ſcruple of the maſſe of Pils de Cynogloſſa; if the Pa­tient incline to a Conſumption, give her Cowes milk prepared rightly with ſteele, to drink in a morning faſting; if the evill ſtill perſevere, and you ſuſpect the heat of the Liver to be the Cauſe of the diſeaſe, make an iſſue in her leg, that the Liver may ex­hale at that vent, and the other bowells may evaporate, or elſe let her goe into a Bath, the waters whereof run from an iron Mine; for theſe naturally binde and thicken.


CHAP. IV. Of the coming away of the Courſes by Drops, of the vehement Symptomes thereof, and of the Whites.

AS the urine irritates the expulſive fa­culty, ſo many times doth the Men­ſtruum, for as that, when it is too hot, doth prick, burn, and is frequently piſt out, ſo the Menſtruum being vehemently hot, doth cauſe an itch, and an irritation, and pro­duceth a Diſeaſe, which the Doctours call Stillicidium Ʋterinum, which we may en­gliſh, to be a coming away of the Courſes by drops.

The Diſeaſe proceeds from the ſame Cauſes, as doth the immoderate flowing of the Courſes: therefore the ſame Remedies will be alſo proper to overcome them; yet in this preſent cure you need not preſcribe ſo many Remedies, nor ſo often.

When any notable Symptomes accom­panie this Diſeaſe, as a vehement burning, torments in the Matrix, a paine about the ſecret parts, it is called the Stillicide, or Dropping of the Matrix, from a ſharp hu­mour,33 ariſing through the hot diſtemper of the Liver, and the Kidneys; and whereas it takes beginning from a hot diſtemper, from whence ſharpe, hot, and fiery humours are generated, your Method muſt be firſt to root out the Cauſe, and then to cure the diſtemper; wherefore her body muſt be cooled, her bloud muſt be thickned, and the Flux muſt be drawn back to the upper parts; this is done by a coole Ayre, by gi­ving her whey to drinke, wherein ſteele hath been often quenched; and laſtly, you may preſcribe for her the cold thickning Dyet, which we have ſet down above.

You may let her bloud in both armes, and appoint the opening of the veine cal­led Salvatella; Leeches muſt be applied to the Hemorrhoids, that the aduſt and melan­cholly bloud may be drawn out. Purge her often with Rubarb and Caſſia, Syrupe of Vio­lets, Citron Myrobalaus, Manna, Tamarinds, Dia­prun ſumpl. and the like Simples which gently bring away choler. Cooling and thickning Juleps will be very neceſſary, which you may make after this manner.

Take twelve ounces of plantane water.

Foure ounces of Roſe water.

Two ounces of Syrupe of the juice of Quinces.


Mingle them, and make a Julep, or

Take the waters of Plantane,

Purſelane, of each eight ounces,

Syrup of Poppy,

Syrupe of reſtharrow, of each an ounce and a half.

Mingle them, and make a Julep.

If the chiefeſt fault lie in the Kidneys,

Take ten ounces of Bean water diſtilled.

The waters of Plantane.

Mallowes, of each two ounces.

Syrupe of Myrtles.

Syrupe of Poppy, of each an ounce.

A ſcruple and a halfe of Lapis Prunelle.

Mingle them, and make a Julep.

But note, if the Patient have a hot Li­ver, and a cold ſtomack, it will be conve­nient to leſſen the quantity of the diſtilled mallow water, or to preſcribe an equall part of Roſe water, the vertue whereof ſtrengthens the inward parts.

Baths made with binding Simples, are highly profitable in this Diſeaſe; for they doe not onely attemper the ſharpneſſe of the humours, but they drive the humours to the outward parts, and ſo defend and for­tifie the Matrix from that annoyance, which they threatned unto it, and in a while the Flux is ſtayed.


Whey, although it be Diureticall, and provoke urine, yet when ſteele is quenched in it, it is wonderfull wholſome for her: as Hippocrates affimeth concerning the Son of Erotelaus, lying ſick of a bloudy Flux, for when he had drunk whey, in which red hot flints were quenched, his evacuations were more moderate, although they were bloudy, and in a ſhort time they ended; here is to be noted, that whey although upon a ſlight conſideration, it may ſeeme to be Diureti­call, ando to provoke rather then to ſtay the flux, yet if ſteele be frequently quenched in it, till the thin and fiery parts thereof be waſted away, it ſtayeth the Flux.

If theſe Remedies prevaile not to per­fect the Cure, I ſhall counſell you to make an Iſſue upon the knee, for this being kept open, the corrupt humours are evacuated, without any decay of the ſpirits, which otherwiſe doe many times produce grie­vous and vehement Symptomes; we have ſpoken of the coming away of the Menſtru­um by Drops, with the terrible Symptome which accompanies it, namely, a vehement and inſupportable paine, but becauſe this paine proceeds from divers cauſes, the Cure muſt be alſo diverſified.

Women therefore which are of a cold36 Conſtitution, eſpecially if they be young, prone to Venery, Black, and Hairy, muſt be purged, that the Cauſe may be taken away, and therefore their bodies muſt be firſt pre­pared before you can hope to appeaſe the paine.

You may evacuate the humour with Di­aphenicon, Benedicta laxativa, or with Pills of Hiera: and you may prepare the humour with ſmallage, and fennill roots, with agri­mony and Motherwort leaves, boiled in wa­ter wherein ſteele hath been quenched with Rhodomel.

The paine muſt be appeaſed with unguent. Populeum, unto which you may add a few graines of opium; or elſe you may apply fomentations to the head.

A vein alſo muſt be opened, as we have ſhewed you above.

If a woman or Virgin have the whites, which come away of a thick and fattiſh ſubſtance, you muſt proceede as in the for­mer Cure; but you muſt be exceeding cau­tious how you let bloud, for ſuch bodies are full of raw humours, by reaſon where­of the ſpirits are much exhauſted, and her body is weake and infirme, according to the Judgement of Galen, in his book de San­guin. miſſione. chap. 11. wherefore in ſuch37 caſes, I counſell the Patient to goe to the Spaw waters, or ſome other of the like Na­ture; for they purge away the thick hu­mour both by ſiege and by urine, but eſpe­cially the melancholy juice, which is the cauſe of this diſeaſe.

A Decoction of China and Sazapavilla can­not be improper, nor Leeches applied to the Hemorrhoids. Note that the Caul of a Ram or Weather newly killed, muſt be laid to the affected part, being firſt anointed with oyle of Caſtor; for as the skull of a man is good againſt the Falling Sickneſſe, and the Lungs of a Fox againſt the ſtoppage of the pipes, by a ſpecificall vertue, or hid­den ſimilitude, ſo is this good for the ſto­mack, and the Loynes.

The Whites are defined to be a laſting di­ſtillation from the Matrix, however it be affected; for Nature indevoureth to expell that ſuperfluous, moiſt, and excrementi­ious bloud thorough the Matrix, and even at the ſame time disburtheneth the body from this unprofitable and offenſive hu­mour.

This evill is reckoned among the Symp­tomes of thoſe things, which are immode­rately expelled out of the body, the Cauſes whereof are divers; for ſometimes a pre­dominancy38 of choler, ſometimes a phlegma­tick juice; many times melancholy, and ve­ry often bloud is evacuated; this is eaſily known, becauſe a ſnottie kinde of humour drops, and diſtills continually from the Matrix, which if it be red, it proceeds from bloud; if white, from phlegme, if yellow, it takes beginning from choler.

The ſick woman complaines of a general weakneſſe over all the parts of the body, her legs and eyelids are ſwelled, ſhe cannot digeſt her meat, her ſtomack failes her, ſhe is lazie, and loves no exerciſe, and cares not to ſtir up and down; ſo that at length her ſtrength decayeth, and her ſpirits faile, through the abundance of bloud which hath come from her: wherefore this diſeaſe calls for early help, leaſt it degenerate, as not ſeldome it doth, into a Dropſey, or a Conſumption, or the like terrible Diſeaſes.

If the body therefore abound with much bloud, let a veine be opened in the arme, to draw back the courſe of the humour, which is haſtening from all parts of the body to the Matrix. Thus we read that Ga­len cured the wife of Boetius, unto whomother Phyſitians had prepoſterouſly pre­ſcribed Medicines without opening aveine.


Afterwards you muſt prepare the phleg­matick humour with a decoction of worme­wood, unto which add Syr. of Roſes, or Syr. de artemiſia, the cholerick humour muſt be prepared with a decoction of endive, ſorrell, unto which may be added Oxyſaccarum, or Syrup. de ſucco Cichorii; if it be a Melancho­ly humour, prepare it with a decoction of Fumitary, Buglos, unto which add Syr. of Fumitary, and Syr. Lupuli.

Then expell the humour with ſome gen­tle purge; if it be phlegmatick,

Take three ſcruples of white agarick Tro­chiſcht.

Two ſcruples of the root of Mechoacha.

A dram of Anniſe ſeeds.

Macerate them the ſpace of a night, in a ſufficient quantitie of fennill water; in the morning to two ounces and a halfe of the liquor which you preſſe out, add

Three drams of Diacarthamum.

Halfe an ounce of Diacnicum.

Mingle them together for a Potion.

If Cholerick humours abound in the body, Take two drams and a halfe of the beſt Rubarb.

Citron myrobalans.

Cinamon, of each a ſcruple.

Macerate them a whole night in a ſuffici­ent40 quantity of endive water, preſſe them with all your might, and add

An ounce and a halfe of Syrupe of roſes laxative.

Mingle them, and give it her to drinke in the morning.

If Melancholy humours be predominant.

Take two drams and a halfe of Sena.

A dram of Anniſe ſeeds.

Macerate them over night, in a ſufficient quantity of fumitary water, in the morn­ing preſſe out the liquor, and add

To two ounces and a halfe of the liquor ſtrained and preſt,

Two drams of Confectio Hamech.

Halſe an ounce of Syrup of fumitary.

Mingle them for a Potion.

If the Diſeaſe yield not to theſe Medi­cines, expell the humour by an Epicraſis, that is, by ſome Decoction, that by degrees will digeſt, open, and evauate the humour, and alſo mightily provoke urine; this Apozem following hath all theſe vertues.

  • Take the roots of Parſly,
  • Fennell,
  • Buglos,
  • Polypody of the Oake, of each halfe an ounce.
  • The leaves of Maidenhaire.
  • Agrimony,
  • 41
  • Motherwort, of each a handfull.
  • Six drams of Sena.
  • Two drams of rubarb.
  • One dram of agarick.

As much Epithymum as you can graſpe between your thumb and two fingers.

Two drams of Anniſe ſeed.

Macerate them together a whole night, in two pints of barley water, upon hot em­bers, in the morning allow them one or two gentle bublings, and when you have ſtrained them, add

Syrupe of fumitary.

Syrupe of roſes laxative, of each an ounce.

Mingle them for an Apozem.

Every other morning let her have foure ounces of it faſting.

If all theſe things prove ineffectuall, in­fuſe a whole night ſix graines of Antimony in wine, and let her drinke it, if her body be ſtrong enough to abide the conflict of the medicine: for beſides that, it draws back the humours from the Matrix, by provoking to Vomit, it likewiſe purgeth away by ſtool that tenacious, phlegmatick, and thick humour which is the cauſe of the Diſeaſe.

Wormewood beere is not unwholſome for her, or inſtead thereof, preſcribe to her, beer wherein China roots have been infuſed,42 for this diſperſeth the humour to the skin, and dries up the ſuperfluous moiſture; for the ſame purpoſe, we adviſe, with Galen, that a Bath of hot ſand be prepared; that after the uſe thereof the body be well rubbed, and anointed with honey heated by the fire; then, as we preſcribed above, make an Iſ­ſue in her knee.

CHAP. V. Of the Complication of the Menſtrunm, with other Diſeaſes.

THe Complication of the Menſtruum with other Diſeaſes is hard to be known, and not eaſie to be cured; for if any woman be ſick of any Diſeaſe, and if her Courſes be ſuppreſt, or appeare not, the Phyſitians are at a ſtand, what is moſt fit, during this Judication, to be done, for if we fol­low the motions of Nature, who worketh rightly, and open a vein in the ankle, this will not cure the Diſeaſe, which is rooted in the upper parts.

And if you draw bloud from the arme, you pervert the courſe and order of Na­ture, to the great diſadvantage of the ſick43 woman. But you will ſay, in ſuch a caſe as this, what is to be done? I ſhall tell you in few words.

The Diſeaſe is either vehement, or mo­derate, and of long continuance; if the Courſes appeare, or come down, in a diſeaſe of long continuance, you may defer the opening of a vein till a more convenient ſeaſon, be it either a vein in the arme, or in the ankle, which you intended to cut, for you can doe no hurt by omitting, or at leaſt ſuſpending this remedy.

But if the Diſeaſe be acute, and require a ſpeedy evacuation; you muſt obſerve whi­ther the Menſtruum be anſwerable to the plentie of bloud which abounds in the bo­dy; if her Courſes come down, according to the preſcription of Hippocrates, you muſt not be buſie, but leave the whole matter to Nature; of the ſame opinion is Galen alſo, for, ſaith he, if at that time when you are letting bloud, it ſhould ſo fall out, that her Courſes come down, or that ſhe ſhould on a ſudden have the Piles, you muſt deſiſt from phlebotomy, and commit the whole buſineſſe to Nature, if you are ſatisfied that the Menſtruum commeth away in a ſufficient quantity; but otherwiſe take from her ſo much bloud, as may make44 good the deficiency of her Courſes.

But if a burning Fever be upon her, if ſhe have not her Courſes according to cu­ſtome, and to the ſatisfaction of her own deſires, then this defect muſt be ſupplied with medicines, by opening a veine in her ankle, applying Cuppinglaſſes with ſcarifi­cation to the calfes of her legs, or Leeches to the Hemorrhoids, to take away the ſuper­fluity of the bloud.

One thing muſt be conſidered, namely, if a woman after her delivery have a burning Fe­ver upon her, her Courſes actually flowing, whither it be lawfull, in regard of the ve­hemence of the Fever, to open the upper veines? Fernelius, Valeriola, Amatus Luſita­nus, and divers others of good account, aſ­ſent the lawfulneſſe and expediency there­of; for although ſome have imagined, that if the upper veines be opened, the bloud will aſcend to the upper parts; yet if it be true which they imagine, more profit and advantage will accrew thereby to the ſick woman, then hurt or danger; for when a veine in the ankle is cut, although it bring down the Courſes, and ſupply the defective motion of Nature, in reſpect of the part particularly affected; yet is it not equally prevalent againſt a moſt vehement inflm­mation,45 nor altogether ſo profitable in a moſt acute diſeaſe; becauſe the bloud muſt be drawn out from ſome veſſell, that is nearer to the part affected, that the con­junctive cauſe may be taken away, and al­though by cutting a vein in the ankle, we can draw the whole maſſe of bloud out of the body, yet the bloud is not ſo fitly ta­ken from one part, as from another; for in a Quinſey, or a Pleuriſey, 'tis more com­modious to open the Baſilick veine to tem­per the heat, then any other veine in the whole body.

CHAP. VI. Of hard ſwellings in the Breaſts.

THe Breaſts are naturally thin, ſpongy, or fungous, and looſe; for this rea­ſon they are apt to entertaine any crude, and melancholy humours, flowing to them either from the Matrix, or from any other parts; theſe, if they are not rightly, and duly expelled, they breed painefull, yea malignant and cankerd Ʋlcers: wherefore you muſt addreſſe your ſelfe to the Cure, without any truce or delay; and this con­ſiſts46 in three things; in preſcribing a Diet, in the manuall operations of Surgery, and in outward and inward Medicines.

Let her therefore make choiſe of a pure ayre, let her drink be ſmall beer boiled with anniſe and ſnakeweed; let her meat be of good concoction, and eaſie diſtributi­on, as Mutton broth, Cock broth, and roſted Chickens; let her avoid meats that thicken the bloud, as milke, cheeſe, bacon, fiſh, and the like; open a veine, if ſhe have not her Courſes, in her ankle, or cut the Baſilicveine twice or thrice, to eaſe the Liver, the Spleen, and the Kidneys, as the multitude obloud ſhall require it.

Note that the humour muſt be prepared and attempted with this Apozem.

Take the roots of Succhory,

Polipody, of each an ounce.

The barke of the root of the Caper, an

Tamarisk tree, of each halfe an ounce.

The leaves of Buglos,

  • Fumitary,
  • Balme, of each a handfull.

Two drams of Fennill ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantitie obarley water to two pints, and to the ſtrained liquor add

Syrupe of Borage,


Syrupe ofumitary, of each an ounce and a halfe.

Ten graines of Spirit of Vitriol.

Mingle them, and make an Apozem.

Becauſe the humour is thick and dreggiſh, you muſt purge her body ſeverall times, till it be perfectly cleanſed, this may be done with this decoction following.

Take an ounce of Polypody of the oake.

The leaves Fumitary,

  • Hops,
  • Borage,
  • Endive, of each a handfull.
  • Epithymum,
  • Century the leſs, of each halfe a handfull.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of Bar­ley water, to two pints, and in the ſtrained liquor infuſe a whole night,

An ounce of Sena.

Foure drams of Rubarb.

Agarick Troch.

Creame of Tartar, of each two drams.

Epithymum, and

The flowers of borage, buglos, and roſema­ry, of each as many as you can graſp be­tween your thumb and two fingers at twice

Two drams of anniſe ſeeds.

In the morning give it one or two bub­lings,48 ſtraine and preſſe it, and to the liquor, add

  • Syrupe of violets.
  • Syrupe of fumitary, of each an ounce.
  • Make an Apozem, or
  • Take the leaves of buglos,
  • Fumitary, of each a handfull.
  • Balme,

Germander, of each halfe a handfull.

As much Epithymum, as you can containbetween your thumb and two fingers.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantitie owhey, to a pint, and a halfe, infuſe fornight in the ſtrained liquor

Six drams of Sena.

Two drams of white Agarick.

A dram and a half of anniſe ſeeds.

In the morning preſſe out the liquohard, and add

  • Syrupe of Violets,
  • Syrupe of fumitary, of each an ounce ana halfe.
  • Mingle them for an Apozem.

Confectio Hamech and Diacricu will bhighly profitable; ſo alſo are Pils de LapiLazuli.

Sometimes you may preſcribe glyſters, ttemper the melancholy humour; as for example.

  • 49
  • Take the leaves of Mallowes,
  • Mariſhmallowes,
  • Violets, of each a handfull.
  • Halfe a handfull of bran.
  • Two drams of fennill ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantitie of barley water to nine ounces: in the ſtrained liquor put in

  • Confectio Hamech,
  • Diacatholicon, of each an ounce.
  • An ounce and a halfe of oyle of violets.
  • Mingle them, and make a glyſter, or
  • Take half an ounce of Polypody roots.
  • The leaves of buglos,
  • Fumitary,
  • Violets, of each a handfull.
  • Foure ounces of ſena.

As much Epithymum as you can take up, between your thumb and two fingers.

Two drams of fennill ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantitie of Cock broth to nine ounces, to the ſtrained••quor add

  • Diaprun. Laxativum,
  • Confectio Hamech, of each an ounce.
  • Half an ounce of Syrup of Violets.
  • A dram of Sal gemme.
  • Mingle them, and make a glyſter.

Leeches applied to the Fundament may much promote the Cure.


The event may likewiſe gratifie yourriall, if you preſcribe Cordials, Treacle, Mi­hridate, Lozenges of Pearle, Alkermes, and the like: which with their coldneſſe, dryneſſe, and cordiall vertue, retaine the ſpirits, cor­rect the bloud, even when it is putrifying, and preſerve the bowells in their due Sym­metry, and naturall conſtitution; Note, that you may not forget to waſh her legs, with a decoction of Hops, Violets, Fumitary, Roſes, Mallowes, and Vine leaves.

If by the advantage of time it prove acankerd, and a creeping Ʋlcer, you muſt not vex, and diſcompoſe the Patient with many, or ſtrong Medicines, but you muſinſtitute a palliative Cure; for Galeboaſteth that he thus cured a woman who had a Cancer in her breaſt, for whethe thinner part was brought away, ibecame thicker, more full of putrefacti­on, and ſubject to exulcerate; for it iundenyable, as the ſame Author affirmeththat the vehemence of the remedies inflamthe humor, and ſet it on fire, by that acrimonius quality, which is naturally in them.

Almoſt all Authors agree that Iſſues anconvenient, for they ſupply the ſtead oPurges, and Phlebotomy, as Guido a good writewitneſſeth in his book de Cauteriis.

The end of the firſt Book of Womens Diſeaſes.


The firſt Chapter. OF the Mother.

THat Diſeaſe which we com­monly call the Mother, the Phyſitians terme the Strangu­lation, or Suffocation of the Matrix, and ſometimes the Aſcent of the Matrix. Ga­••took it to be a drawing back of the Ma­ix, to the upper parts. Hereupon ſome of52 the Ancients conceived the Matrix, to bſome ſtragling Creature, wandring too and fro thorough ſeverall parts, to which phantaſticall conceit, Fernelius, Eugenius, and Laurentius, contributed a credulouAſſent; for though a woman be dead, yet can you not with an ordinary ſtrength remove the Matrix from the naturall place; neither is that reaſon, which Fernelius al­ledgeth, of any moment, who ſaith, that in theſe diſeaſes he hath toucht it upwards, ſeeing that this is not the true Matrix, but a groſſe, windie ſwelling, of a roundiſh figure, and ſomewhat reſembling the Ma­trix; you will ſay the Matrix doth remove, and ſlip from its proper place; I grant it, for by reaſon of the moiſture, wherewith thoſe parts abound, the Matrix is looſened, and exceedingly ſtretched: and this is the truth of the whole matter.

The Cauſe of this Diſeaſe is twofold: the Retention of the Seed, and the Men­ſtruum, which are the materiall cauſe: and a cold and moiſt diſtemper of the Matrix, breeding phlegmatick and thick juices, which is the efficient cauſe: for when the Seed is retained, and the Menſtruum hath not the cuſtomary, and uſuall vent, they bur­then the Matrix, and choak, and extinguiſh53 the heat thereof: then upon the diminiſh­ing of the naturall heat, windy humours are bred, eſpecially in the Matrix, which by nature is a cold, nervous, and bloud­leſſe part; after the ſame manner, if the ſeed be kept too long, it diſturbeth the Function of the ſpiritous parts, and the Midriffe, it oppreſſeth the heart, cauſeth fainting and ſounding fits, bindeth as it were, and girteth about the parts, and ſeemes in ſuch a manner to ſtop the breath, that the ſick woman is in danger to be ſtrangled: her puls is ſometimes weake, various, and obſcure: ſhe hath inward diſcontents and anxieties, and is moſt com­monly invaded by, at leaſt very ſubject unto Convulſion fits: ſhe lies, as if ſhe were aſtoniſhed and void of ſenſe: and from her belly you may heare rumbling, and mur­muring noiſes; ſhe breatheth ſo weakly, that it is ſcarce diſcernable, and indeed ſhe is ſo ſad an object, that the by-ſtanders may ea­ily miſtake her to be dead. The drowſie and ſleepy diſeaſe called Carus differs from this, becauſe they who are affected with it, have the uſe of their breath free, without any moleſtation: and it differs from a Cata­pſy (another drowſie diſeaſe, caſting the••ck into a profound and dead ſleep) be­cauſe45 they who are taken with that, liwithout any motion, but they who havthe mother, are tormented with Convulſiofits, their legs and their hands are ſtretcheand wrythed into unuſuall figures, anſtrange poſtures; and by this it is diſtinguiſh­ed from an Apoplexy, unto which it is ex­ceeding like.

Galen wondreth how theſe women calive, who areroubled with theſe cruefits of the Mother, without any puls, obreathing, in as much as it is impoſſible foone that liveth not to breath, or for onthat breatheth not, to live; for ſo longwe live, ſo long we breath. To this I anſwethat although theſe women live withoureſpiration, yet doe they not live with­out tranſpiration; for this being perform­ed thorough the pores of the skin, by thmotion of the arteries, conſerves the ſymmetry of the vitall heat; for then thaſmall heat retiring to the heart, as to Caſtle, may bepreſerved by this benefit otranſpiration alone.

Now to procure an aſſurance, whiththe woman be living or dead, hold a fea­ther, or a loking-glaſſe to her mouth, the former ſtir, or the latter be ſpotted it is an undoubted ſigne that ſhe liveth.


This is a moſt acute Diſeaſe, and ſoone diſpatcheth the ſick woman, eſpecially if it took beginning from ſomevery contagious, and poiſonous vapours; lecherous wo­men, and luſty widowes that are prone, and apt to Venery, are moſt ſubject to it: but married women that injoy the com­pany of their husbands, and ſuch as are with childe, are ſeldome invaded by it.

You muſt apply your Remedies in the••t, and after the fit: in the fit, the humouruſt be drawn back with rubbing the parts,ying painfull Ligatures about them, andpplying Cuppinglaſſes, with ſcariffication tohe calfes of her legs: have ſuch Glyſters ineadineſſe, as will take away the paine, diſ­olve, draw back, and purge out the thickumours: you may compound them byheſe formes following.

Take halfe an ounce of Elecampane roots.

The leaves of rue, penniroyall, Motherwort,nd pellitory of the wall, of each a hand­ull.

Three drams of ſena.

Bran, Camomile flowers, and the tops of Dill, of each halfe a handfull.

Baſtard Saffron, and Anniſe ſeeds, of eachwo drams.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantitie of56 birthwort water to nine ounces, to the ſtrained liquor being ſqueezed, and preſvery hard, add

Diaphenicon, and benedicta laxativa, of each an ounce.

Oyle of dill, and oyle of rue, of each ſdrams.

Halfe an ounce of butter.

A dram and a halfe of ſalt.

Mingle them, and make a Glyſter.

Carminative medicines muſt be laid upothe whole inward region, as fomentatiomade of the leaves of Rue, Motherwort, Penniroyall, the flowers of Melilot, and Cammile, or unguent. de Althea, with the oylof Camomile, Dill, and Rue; for this looſeneth the paſſages by opening the pores, an expelling the winde; peſſaries may be p••up, made with Civet, Musk, and Amber but you muſt affront her noſe with ſtinking odours, as the ſteame of brimſtone, thſmoke aſcending from old ſhoes burnPartridge feathers, ſagapenum galbanum, aſfetida, and the like, caſt into the fire; be­cauſe the Matrix doth, as it were abhor, rtreat, and flie from theſe things, whereaſweet things doe allure to them.

But ſome curious braine may here dmand, why ſweet things held to the noſ57doe breed the fits of the Mother, and on the contrary, ſtinking things appeaſe thoſe fits? I anſwer; ſweet things applyed to the Matrix, in regard that they are hot, doe expell the winde, cut into the ſlow and tenacious phlegm, and afterwards purge it out: but ſtinking things applied to the Noſe, conſume the aſcending vapours with their heat; but you may ſtill demand, if hot ſtinking things be good to break the winde, why may they not be laid to the Matrix, as well as ſweet things? I anſwer? the Matrix embraceth, and meeteth ſweet odours and perfumes, but unſavory and ſtinking ſents it abhors, and flies from; for 'tis a moſt certaine truth, that every crea­ture, even by naturall inſtinct, ſhunneth in­conveniences, and affecteth things conve­nient.

If the evill ſtill increaſe, and if the Vir­gin be of a good habit, fleſhie, and for a long time hath not had her Courſes, or for too long a time hath had them: the ſafeſt courſe, although upon the approach of the Fit, will be to open a veine in the ankle, without delay, eſpecially, if any excre­tion of bloud appear, either at the noſe, or at the mouth; for as Hippocrates hath ex­cellently taught us; as the coming down58 of the Courſes, is a preſent Remedie for thoſe who vomit bloud; ſo in a body that is plethorick, by reaſon that the Menſtruum hath been long ſuppreſſed; you may help a woman who vomits bloud, if you cut one of her lower veines; the ſame opinion ifavoured by Galen in his Commentry, ſaying in this caſe we ought to endeavour arevacuation, namely, ſuch an one as is correſpondent to nature, when ſhe is obedient to her own lawes.

After the Phlebotomy, if her body bſtrong, and the Diſeaſe continue, apply Cuppinglaſſes, with ſcarification to her thighes Leeches to the Hemorrboids, and with iterated Glyſters, and medicines given agaiand again into the body, purge out thMelancholy juices.

Many, who are more raſh then learned more bold, then skilfull, becauſe of thcold and the winde, which are the cauſeof this Diſeaſe, at the beginning will unadviſedly be offering wine to the ſick, which being odoriferous, is apt to allure the Matrito the upper parts; therefore I counſel all thoſe that value the health of theifriends, to forbeare this temerity: yet if ſhfaint, and her ſpirits be ſo far ſpent, thaſhe ſwounds, or is ready to ſwound, in ſuch59 an exigence you may allow her wine, yet in a ſmall quantity.

When the Fit is over, let her live ſober­ly, and feed upon hot meats. that yield a thin, and ſubtle nouriſhment, and be very carefull to preſerve her ſelf, leaſt ſhe fall into a Relaps; hearbs, and roots, and ſuch thinge as thicken the bloud, or are hard to digeſt, muſt be no part of her diet, Worme­wood beer may be allowed her, or in her beer mingle Cinamon water, or boile Anniſe ſeeds, or China roots in it.

The humour muſt be prepared with cut­ting Syups, as Rhodomell, Syrupe of Wormewood, Syrupe of Mint, or Syrupe of the five roots.

You may preſcribe the Purge of Mecho­aca, Hiera Picra, pills of agarick, of Hiera, with Confectio Hamech, or Sena.

You muſt open a veine in the ankle again, and becauſe this thick and ſtubborne hu­mour will not obey a ſingle evacution, you muſt alſo purge her body againe with agarick, hellebore, Pills of Maſtick, or of Rubarb.

Steele taken in powder, or mingled among the other medicines, will much ad­vance the Cure; ſo will an Iſſue, and an artificiall Bath made with Sulphur, or a de­coction60 of Salſa parilla, Guaiacum, and China.

Laſtly, if the Diſeaſe take beginning from the ſeed, becauſe in Phyſick, no peculiar, or elective purging medicine is conſecrated to it, you muſt leſſen her diet, enjoyne her an abſtinence from hot wine, and let her continually weare plates of lead upon heback; for it is moſt certaine, that theſe dodiminiſh the ſeed; if the Patient for twelvmornings together upon an empty ſtomack drink three ounces of a decoction of ag­nus caſtus ſeeds, boiled with ſix graines oCamphire.

CHAP. II. Of the Epilepſy in the Matrix, And thſeverall kindes thereof.

PHyſitians reckon up a twofold Epilepſ in the Matrix; one by Conſent, thother by Propriety; the Cauſe of this is thick, viſcous, and ſlow humour, obſtruct­ing the hollow parts of the Nerves: thcauſe of that is a cold diſtemper of the Ma­trix, and a contagious vapour aſſaulting and ſhaking the Braine, and the nervou61parts: for when the animall faculty ſtrives to expell that humour, or vapour from it ſelfe, the hollow parts of the Nerves are cruſht together, and the paſſages are ſtopt, and thus there happens a conſtipation, or an obſtruction, the inſides of the Nerves being, as it were ſtraightned, bound, and cloſed up together.

That there is ſuch a Diſeaſe, as an Epi­lpſy by Conſent, we are warranted by Ga­len to beleeve, who in his book de Locis, propounds the example of a boy, who be­ing lame in his legs, fell afterwards into an Epilepſy, and after the ſame manner Vir­gins, who are troubled with obſtructions, winde, or a malignant vapour in their Matrices, doe frequently fall into the Fal­ling Sickneſſe.

This is eaſily known; for imminent win­die humours, and rumblings in her belly doe preſage it, her ſtomack ſwells, her mind is confuſed, her eyes are dim, and when ſhe is ready to fall into a fit of the Epilepſie, or Falling Sickneſſe, ſhe may perceive a ting­ling noyſe in her eares, a giddineſſe, cir­cumagitation, or turning round in her head: ſhe is ſad in her minde, diſquieted in her body, troubled with the paſſion of the heart, and not ſeldome with ſounding62 fits; 'tis a ſad ſpectacle to behold her in this condition, from which if ſhe be not ſeaſonably delivered, ſhe is very likely to fall into an Apoplexy; this we have learn't from Galen, who in his third book de Locis, and 5. chapt. ſaith, Epilepticks doe often degenerate into a melancholy madneſſe, and ſo on the contrary; for this melancholy mood turnes to the Falling Sickneſſe, when the humour invades either the body, or the minde; or if that darke vapour becloud the minde, inducing a dimneſſe, or gloomi­neſſe in the thoughts, with ſadneſſe, de­ſpaire, and deep melancholy; if the ſpirits, which are bright and cleare in their own nature, be obſcured with the foggy com­merce of black vapours, the very preſence of them diſmayeth, terrifies, and diſcom­poſeth the minde: or if a confluence of thoſe vapours aſſault the body, that is, the braine and the nerves, they produce the Fal­ling Sickneſſe.

This requires a twofold cure: one in the Fit, the other after the Fit. In the Fit you muſt quicken and excite the animall fa­culty, and force back thoſe poiſonous va­pours, that are ſtealing from the Matrix to invade the upper parts: then the winde muſt be expelled, the wayes kept open, and63 the thick humour muſt be got out of the body, by rubbing the parts, by tying ſtraight ligatures about her legs, by fomenta­tions, and baths, made with the leaves of penniroyall, motherwort, thyme, nip, camomile, ſalt, vinegar, and water; ſoftning Glyſters are ſo uſefull, that you muſt not forget to inject them; you may make them thus.

  • Take the leaves of motherwort,
  • Penniroyall,
  • Birthwort, of each a handfull.
  • Roſemary,
  • Mint, of each a handfull.
  • Two drams of fennill ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of wa­ter, to nine ounces, ſtraine and preſſe out the liquor, and then add

  • Hiera picra Galeni,
  • Diaphenicon, of each an ounce.
  • A dram of ſal gemme.
  • Mingle them, and make a glyſter, or
  • Take the roots of Elecampane,
  • Reſtharrow, of each foure drams.
  • The leaves of Marjoram,
  • Motherwort,
  • Birthwort, of each a handfull.
  • The tops of Dill,

Camomile Flowers, of each halfe a hand­full.


Two drams of Anniſe ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity oBarley water, to nine ounces, to the liquowhich you preſſe out, add

An ounce and a halfe of Diaphenicon.

Maſſ. pill. fetidar.

De hiera cum Agarico, of each two ſcru­ples.

  • Oyle of Dill,
  • Camamile,
  • Butter, of each halfe an ounce.
  • Mingle them, and make a glyſter.

If neceſſitie urge you, and the ſtrength othe Patient will beare it, you may preſcriba ſharper glyſter, to draw the humours from the fartheſt diſtant parts, and to imitate thnature and effects of a Purge; be this for aexample to you.

  • Take half an ounce of Polypody roots.
  • Two drams of Mechoaca.
  • The leaves of Sage,
  • Roſemary,
  • Betony, of each a handfull.
  • Halfe an ounce of baſtard Saffron ſeeds.
  • Two drams of Agarick.

As much Epithymum as you can take up between your thumb, and two fingers.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of honied water to ten ounces, ſtraine, and65 preſſe out the liquor, and add

  • An ounce of Hiera Logodii.
  • A dram of the Maſſe of Pills of Cochia.
  • Ten graines of Troch. Alhandal.
  • Half a dram of ſal gemme.
  • Mingle them, and make a glyſter.

For this being a moſt acute Diſeaſe, re­quires the utmoſt tryalls of art, that it may not degenerate (as it is very prone to doe) into a true Apoplexy.

To the Matrix (to make a ſudden di­ſpatch of the Cure) apply Carminitive fo­mentations, andath the privie parts, to break, and expell the winde.

After the uſe of the Fomentation, apply oyle of Caſtor, oyle of wormewood, and in­ject odoriferous Peſſaries of musk, amber, Ci­vet, made up with gallia Moſchat, and a piece of Cotton, according to the ſecret rules of Art; to the noſe you muſt hold ſtinking things, as ſagapenum, galbanum, aſſa fetida, Caſtor, rue, and the like.

When the Fit is approaching, Hippocrates adviſeth to open a veine in the Ankle, and this advice is magnified, and applauded by Galen in his book de Rigore Chapt. 8. nei­ther may you forget to apply Leeches to the Hemorrhoids, or the calfes of her legs; for they will ſuck out the feculent and66 dreggiſh humour, that is impacted in the Matrix.

Cordialls muſt be adminiſtred, as Treacle, Mithridate, Alkermes, Confection de Hyacyn­tha, and the like: or if you pleaſe com­pound them after this manner.

Take the hoofe of an Elk.

The wood of Miſletoe of the Oake, of each two drams.

The skull of a man newly dead of ſome violent death.

  • Hartshorne, of each two drams.
  • Pearle prepared,
  • Burnt Ivory,
  • Maſtick, of each a dram and a half.
  • The powder of Roſemary,
  • Stechas,
  • Sage, of each a ſcruple.
  • The ſpecies Diacaſtor.
  • Diaccumin. of each a ſcruple.

With a ſufficient quantitie of honey, of roſes, and Syrupe of Stechas, make a mix­ture.

If the Diſeaſe become againe indigeſted and crude, preſcribe another Purge, of Aloes, Hiera Picra, Benedicta Laxativa, or Turbith; but that the ignorant may not be raſhly precipitated into ſome erroneous compoſition, we ſhall limit him to this preſcription.


Take two ſcruples of the maſſe of Pills de Hiera cum agarico.

Ten graines of pill. faetidae.

Troch. Alhandal,

Diagrydium, of each five graines.

With a ſufficient quantity of Syrupe of Stechas make nine Pills.

Sometimes the retention of the Seed is the Cauſe of theſe Symptomes, which if they be ſo vehement, that the former reme­dies cannot tame them, proceed as fol­loweth.

  • Take Storax in powder,
  • Aloes in powder,
  • White agarick, of each two drams.
  • The juice of the hearb Mercury,
  • The juice of the wild Cucumber, of each three drams.
  • A ſufficient quantity of Turpentine.

With a piece of Cotton make a peſſary, ac­cording to art, put it up, and move it up and down, till the ſuperfluous ſeed be eja­culated.

If the ſick woman have many Fits in a day, certaine it is, that the diſeaſe is fixt, and rooted in the Head: wherefore in ſuch caſes I have known no better remedy, then an actuall cauterizing in the hinder part of the head, from whence as from an68 Iſſue, that virulent and luxuriant humour which is the cauſe of this moſt dangeroudiſeaſe, may at laſt have a vent.

In the intermiſſion of the Fits, you mu••open a vein in her Ankle; this is not my counſell onely, but Galen enjoynes the ſamremedy; for in his book de Cur. ration. peſang. miſſionem, he ſaith; if you will pre­vent the Falling Sickneſſe,ut the Scyrhenathat is the veine in the Ankle; afterwardhe commands the preparation of that coldand thick humour, which may be effected by this Apozem following.

  • Take the roots of fennill,
  • Small Ariſtolochy,
  • Elecampane, of each foure drams.
  • The roots of Dittany,
  • Piony, of each two drams.
  • The leaves of Nip,
  • Penniroyall,
  • Calamint,
  • Sage, of each a handfull,
  • The flowers of Stechas,

Roſemary, of each as much as you can graſpe between your thumb, and two fin­gers at twice.

A dram of anniſe ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity of water, wherein ſteele hath been infuſed, to two pints.


To the ſtrained liquor add

  • An ounce and a half of Syrupe of St••has.
  • An ounce of oxymell Scilliticum.
  • Mingle them, and make an Apozem.

After you have prepared the humour, purge the body with this compoſition fol­lowing.

Take two drams and a halfe of Sena.

Three ſcrupeof white agarick.

A dram of anniſe ſeeds.

A ſcruple of Ginger,

Macerate them for aight in a ſufficient quantity of parſley water; in the morning give them one or two bublings; and to theiquor which you preſſe ou(I meanehree ounces of it)

Add two ſcruples of Maſil. 〈◊〉.

Mingle them for a Potion or

You may preſcribe ſome other mitureopurge phlg•• and more〈◊〉toreak and expell winde, or make readyhis plaiſter following, to be applied toe••vell, and her ſecret par•••

  • Take three ounces of••ſtort〈◊〉
  • Lign. Aloes.
  • Sautali moſchatel••
  • Nutmegs.
  • Barbaries.
  • Dill, of each two dram
  • 70
  • Cinamon,
  • Cloves,
  • Scevanth,
  • Camamile flowers, of each a dram.
  • Male frankincenſe, or Olibanum,
  • Maſtick,
  • Trochiſchs de Gallia Moſchata,
  • Storax calimata,
  • Red ſtorax, of each a ſcruple.
  • Seven graines and a halfe of musk.
  • Three ounces and a halfe of yellow wa
  • An ounce and an halfe of turpentine.
  • A pound of pure ladanum.
  • Nine ounces of ſhip Pitch.

Mingle them, and according to Art maka Plaiſter.

If the contumacity of the evill be ſuch,not to yield to all theſe remedies, make Iſues in the legs, and if thoſe alſo prove in effectuall, my laſt recourſe is to a decocti­on of Guaiacum wood, wherewith the learn­ed Jachinus, as he averreth in his Commentaries upon Almanſor, hath cured many othis Diſeaſe.


CHAP. III. f Mlancholy proceeding from the Ma­trix.

THis hath one and the ſame Cauſe with the Epilepſy, namely the retention ofe Seed, and the ſuppreſſion of the Men­••m, which being earthy, and not ob­ning a vent, they putrifie, beget vapours,hich doe not onely aſſault the braine, butey oppreſſe the heart alſo, and the Mid­e; for when a gloomy and black vapourends to the braine, the principall parts,d their inſtruments are depraved, ande animall ſpirit, which is the chiefeſt in­ment of the ſoule, and in its own natureare and perſpicuous, is rendred darke,d obſcure.

The true ſignes of this diſeaſe are ſad­ſe, fearfulneſſe, anxiety of minde, and ſeve­l figures or poſtures of unquietneſſe ap­ring in the body.

They deſpaire, they doate, they talkely, eſpecially at that time when theypect their Courſes; in theſe you may ob­ve a depraved motion of the principall72 Members, becauſe the temperament of tbraine is perverted by that cold and dhumour; moreover they are unwilling dye, they cannot ſleep, they have no ſt­mack to their meat, and being taken wia ſtrange loathing of aliment, their bodwaſte and conſume; ſometimes they imgine that they undergoe the torments damned ſoules in Hell; they weep witout any cauſe, they groan, they lameanon againe they laugh, deſire to goe to ſome by corners, and according the inward diſcompoſure of their mind they turne, vary, and alter their geſtuand countenances into ſeverall figurſometimes they have a conceit that they talking with Angels, ſometimes they m••­mur, ſometimes they ſing; certainly this not a more ſtrange and wonderfull deaſe, for in ſeverall perſons it bewraya thouſand, ſeverall, ridiculous, and antbehaviours.

He ſees the difficulty of this Cure, bin regard of the Symptomes, and the ſtuborneſſe of the diſeaſe, who underſtands to be a cold and dry affect (for there isdoubt, but the braine labours under cold, and dry diſtemper) and how mudrieneſſe reſiſteth the beſt medicines, is n73unknown to Philoſophers; for as it is of a dull, and ſluggiſh action, ſo are there many reſiſtances: and from thence comes the dan­ger, becauſe it eaſily degenerates into rave­ng, and raging madneſſe, or into the Fal­ling Sickneſſe, or into an Apoplexy, and it is held incurable, if the braine be primarily affected, becauſe in continuance of time,t takes ſo deep a root, that no Magazine of Remedies, no ſtratagems of Art can re­move it.

Wherefore you muſt be very carefull, when you undertake the Cure; as for her Diet, let it incline to hot and moiſt, aſſigneer a gently breathing ayre; boile her drink with the roots of buglos, angelica, and ſnake­eed; with the leaves of hops, buglos, balme,nd fumitary; allow her white Wine that ismall, and well ſented, let her be indul­gent to her ſleeps, avoiding cares, penſive­neſſe, and troubleſome thoughts; if her body be coſtive, make it, and keep it ſolu­ble. Venery is wholſome for melancholy per­ſons, provided that it be acted ſeaſonably, and with moderation. Hippocrates placed the whole hope of the Cure in the evacua­tion of that excrement, commanding, as we have ſaid above, ſuch Virgins to marry.


To facilitate the Revulſion, and the evacu­ation of the humour, looſen the belly with moiſtning Suppoſitories, and Glyſterobſerve their compoſition.

Take two ſcruples of the ſpecies Hiera picr

Ten graines of Troch. Alhandal.

Halfe a dram of common Salt.

With a ſufficient quantity of honey boi­ed to a due thickneſſe, make a Suppoſitory,

Take a ſcruple and a halfe of Hiera Piin the ſpecies.

Trochiſhs of agarick.

Troch. Alhandall, of each a ſcruple.

Halfe a dram of Sal gemme.

With a ſufficient quantity of honey, ac­cording to art make a Suppoſitory.

  • Take the roots of Elecampane,
  • Polypody, of each foure drams.
  • The leaves of mallowes,
  • Violets,
  • Balme,
  • Pellitory on the wall.
  • Mercury, of each a handfull.
  • Ten good prunes.
  • Five drams of Sena.

As much Epithymum as your thumb, antwo fingers can graſp.

Two drams of anniſe ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity75fumitary water to nine ounces, when you have ſtrained and preſt out the liquor, add,

  • Diaprun. Laxat.
  • Diaphenicon, of each an ounce.
  • An ounce and a halfe of oyle of Violets.
  • A dram of Sal gemme.
  • Mingle them, and make a glyſter. Or,
  • Take the leaves of Buglos.
  • Borage,
  • Balme, of each a handfull.
  • Halfe a handfull of Violets.
  • Foure drams of Sena.

Halfe an ounce of the roots of black Hellebore.

As much Epithymum as you can take up between your thumb and two fingers.

A dram of fennill ſeeds.

Boile them in a ſufficient quantity ofroth, made of a ſheepſhead and guts, ſound­y waſh't before you put them into the pot,nd to ten ounces of the liquor which you preſs out, add

An ounce of Diaprun. Laxat.

Halfe an ounce of Confectio Hamech.

An ounce and a halfe of oyle of Violets.

Two drams of common ſalt.

Mingle them, and make a glyſter.

But if the Diſeaſe ariſe from a ſuppreſſion of the Courſes, thinke upon that Oracle of76 Hippocrates, and obey his words as a ſacred Law, when he ſaith, the true way to pro­voke them, is by drawing bloud from the ankle; provided that there be no reaſon to oppoſe this injunction; having ſo done and laying Leeches to the Hemorrhoids, thuſe whereof is exceeding profitable in thidiſeaſe; if the body be full, and the diſeaſbe found to be common to the whole bo­dy, open the Baſilick veine on the righſide: from whence, if an earthy and blacbloud flow away, Galen adviſeth you ttake out a large quantity.

If the Patient be young, leane, black anhairy, adventure upon deep ſcarification made in her back, and faſten great Cuppiglaſſes to her arteries.

Theſe univerſall adminiſtrations beinpremiſed, and the humour being rightlprepared, it will be convenient to pre­ſcribe a Purge to cleanſe her body fromelancholy: to this purpoſe

Take three drams of Sena.

A dram of the roots of black Hellebore.

Two ſcruples of agarick Trochiſht.

Halfe a dram of fennill ſeeds.

Macerate them in a ſufficient quantitof fumitary water for a night, and when ithe morning you have preſt out the liquor77 take three ounces of it, and add

Three drams of Diacatholicon.

Two drams of Confectio Hameh.

Halfe an ounce of Syrup of Violets,

Mingle them, and make a Potion.

She muſt not take any Pills, for they are too great driers, both in reſpect of their forme, and alſo in regard of the ingredients whereof they are compounded.

But by all meanes, let her have ſomewhat to diſpoſe her to ſleep; as this, or the like emulſion.

  • Take the ſeeds of Gourds,
  • Melons,
  • Citruls,
  • Cucumbers of each an ounce.
  • Six ſweet Almonds blanched.
  • Two drams of white Poppy ſeeds.

With ten ounces of a decoction of Lettuce, and Poppy heads, and an ounce of Syrupe of Poppy, make an Emulſion, to be taken about nine a clock at night, and at two a clock in the morning.

Embrochations alſo may be prepared for the head; you may make them of a decocti­on of poppy heads, barley, roſes, violets, wa­terlilles, nightſhade, lettuce, coriander, and mandrake roots.

Anoynt her noſe and her Temples with this oyntment following.


Take halfe an ounce of unguent. Populeum.

Two drams of unguent. roſarum.

Half a dram of Opium, diſſolved in vine­gar of roſes.

Mingle them for the uſe aforeſaid.

Let her have cooling Lotions, to bath the palmes of her hands, and the ſoles of her feet; if the cruelty of the diſeaſe be ſuch, as to deprive her of all ſleep, preſcribe this draught following; yet ſuſpend the uſe thereof till you have tried other meanes, to procure reſt for the ſick Creature.

Take a ſcruple of Philonium Romanum.

Three ounces of Lettuce water.

Mingle them, and let her drink it when ſhe goeth to bed, or

  • Take Philonium Perſicum,
  • Requies Nicholai, of each a ſcruple.
  • Two ounces of a decoction of poppy.
  • Mingle them for a Draught.

Sometimes we uſe to exhibit two or three graines of laudanum opiatum: yet for­bear this remedy, unleſſe an urgent occa­ſion prompt you to it.

Baths are moſt wholſome, if they be made of the decoction before preſcribed; or elſe you may follow this example.

  • Take two ounces of Barley,
  • The leaves of Violets,
  • 79
  • Vine leaves,
  • Lettuce,
  • Willow leaves.
  • Mallowes, of each two handfulls.

The leaves of red roſe, water lillies, of each a handfull.

Boile them altogether, in a ſufficient quantity of broth made with a ſheeps-head, and let her bath her ſelfe in the ſtrained liquor.

A Bath prepared of oyles, and ſweet wa­ters is very effectuall; ſo alſo is a Bath of Aſſes milke; for theſe things temper the earthy humour, mitigate the acrimony thereof, correct the dryneſſe, and parched­neſſe of the skin, render the bloud more apt to deſcend, provoke ſleep, qualifie the furious motions of the ſpirits, and nou­riſh and fatten ſuch bodies as are dryed up, and conſumed. You muſt alſo comfort the heart with Cordialls, and to the ſame puroſe

  • Take the waters of Borage,
  • Balme, of each ſix ounces.
  • Syrupe of the juice of Borage.
  • Syrupe Regis ſaboris, of each an ounce.
  • Two drams of Cinamon water.
  • Mingle them, and make a Julep, or
  • Take Conſerve of rhe flowers of Violets,
  • 80
  • Borage,
  • Oringes, of each an ounce.
  • Confectio Alkermes,
  • Confectio de Hyacytha, of each a dram and a halfe.
  • Species Diamargarit. frigid.
  • Species Diambrae, of each a dram.

With a ſufficient quantitie of Syrupe de pomis Regis ſaboris, adding two leaves of gold, make a mixture, or

Take the ſpecies Letificant. Galeni,

The ſpecies Diambra, of each halfe a dram.

Pearle prepared.

Bezoar ſtone, of each a ſcruple.

Two ounces of Sugar diſſolved in Roſe­water.

Make them into Lozenges according to Art.

If theſe remedies get not the victory, we counſell you to make deep iſſues upon the knee; and if the diſeaſe be inveterate, pre­ſcribe an extract of black Hellebore, and apply Cauſticks to the region of the ſpleen, by the force and ſtrength whereof, the black and cloudy humour, which ſticks ſo cloſe to the bowell, may by degrees be brought away.


CHAP. IV. Of a cold Diſtemper, or a ſwelling in the Matrix.

THe Matrix is ſometimes ſwelled, either becauſe the Courſes are ſtopped, or elſe in regard of a continuall ſuppeditation of cold aliment, which generates a cold di­ſtemper in thoſe parts: which becauſe it cannot be ſimple, or ſolitary, therefore it preſently conſociates it ſelfe with moiſture, and from thence ariſe thick, ſlow, and clou­dy windes, in the very cavernes, or hollow parts of the Matrix, tormenting the woman with unſpeakable paines.

The ſignes are a ſwelling below the Navell, neare the privie parts, ſlow windes, with rumbling, and murmuring of the guts, for­ſaking of meat, ſadneſſe, ſlothfulneſſe, hea­vineſſe in the head, and about her ſecret parts.

This is a grievous diſeaſe, becauſe many times it turnes to a Dropſey in the Matrix: for, in regard that thoſe windie humours are bread, and increaſed by the diminuti­on of the naturall heat, as Galen hath ob­ſerved82 in his book de Sumpom. Cauſis, it comes to paſſe, that the feeble heat, now ge­nerating winde, proceeding from a cold diſtemper in the Matrix, doth ſo weaken it, that inſtead of winde, water, or a wateriſh humour is produced.

This diſeaſe is cured by an extreame thin, and drying diet: wherefore let the ayre incline to hot and dry: but if the place be ſuch as doth not naturally afford ſuch an ayre, prepare it by art, ſprinkling aromaticall things about her chamber, as ſage, nip, betony, roſemary,••echas, thyme, origanum, and lavender.

Let her choiſe be of thoſe diſhes, which will be of good nouriſhment to the body,aſie to digeſt, and ſoon diſtributed to all the parts, as thruſhes, young ſparrowes, par­tridges, pheaſants, and pigeons: ſhe may not eat the fleſh, of goats, Kids, hares, cowes, ſheep, nor Deer: meats made with milke are unwholſome for her: ſo are roots, ſal­lads, and pothearbs: new laid egs, raiſins, and figs may be allowed her: but command a forbearace of cheſnuts and almonds; for they are thick and windy; let her eat the whiteſt bread baked with anniſe, or fennill ſeeds, or a little honey; courſe barley bread, and the like, is not good for her, but nothing is83 more unwholſome for her then fruit; you may grant her the uſe of ſome few hearbs, as ſparagus, parſley, alexanders, water pepper,orage, and buglos.

For her drinke, give her Fountaine water, wherein anniſe ſeeds, or cinanon, or chinaoots, or the like have been boiled; buthe moſt wholſome drink for her is worme­oodeer.

If ſhe drink wine, let it be ſparkling andleaſant, claret wine mingled with water,ther artificiall drinks, asider, perry, me­eglin, ſteepona, Nectarella, Medea, and theike are hur••full for her.

The humour muſt be prepared with Rho­omel, Syrupe of wormewood, Syrupe of mint, and the like.

Her body muſt be purged by fits, for therude, thick, and windie humour, will note got out with one medicine; this isaught us by our great Maſter Hippocrates, who in his fourth book de Acutis, ſaith, whoſoever indeavours at the beginning of a diſeaſe to diſſolve, or take away an inflam­mation by a purging medicine, he will finde himſelfe much miſtaken; for whileſthe part is intenſively inflamed, and the affect yet crude, and unconcocted, the phy­ick gets no victory, hath no laudable ope­ration84 at all: but rather it brings away ſuch things, as would have made reſiſtan••againſt the diſeaſe, and ſo by this raſhneſſe, the body is weakned, and the diſeaſe gtſtrength: which when it hath once over­come the body, becomes uncurable: there­fore whenſoever you undertake to purgebody, you muſt not onely make the hu­mours fluid, but you muſt alſo ſtay till they are cococted, eſpecially in chronicall, and long laſting diſeaſes; this may be done bthe help of this Apzefollowing.

  • Take the roots of fennill,
  • Elecampane, of each halfe an ounce.
  • The leaves of pe••iroyall,
  • Wormwood,
  • Hops,
  • Motherwort, of each a handfull.

As many Camamile flowers, as you catake up, between your thumb and two fin­gers at twice.

  • Two drams of agarick Trochiſchated.
  • Half an ounce of Mechoca roots.
  • The ſeeds of fennill,
  • Anniſe, of each two drams.

Boile them according to art, in a ſuffi­cient quantitie of barley water, to twpints; when you have preſt out the liquor with all your ſtrength, add


Two ounces of Diacnycum.

Mingle them, and make an Apozem, or

Take the roots of Polipody.

  • Angelica.
  • Hermodactyls.
  • Of each halfe an ounce.
  • The leaves of Hops,
  • Motherwort,
  • Fumitary,
  • Balme,
  • Betony, of each a handfull.
  • Six drams of ſena.
  • Agarick Trochiſchated.

The roots of Mechoaca, of each tworams.

Halfe an ounce of Baſtard Saffron, ſeeds.


Camomile, of each as much as you can••ke up between your thumb and two fin­ers.

Two drams of fennill ſeeds.

Boile them according to art, in a ſuffici­nt quantity of Cock broth, to two pints,reſſe out the liquor with your utmoſtrength, and add

Two ounces of Syrupe of the juice of fu­itary.

An ounce of Diacnycum.

Mingle them, and make an Apozem.


Let her every day drink three ounces of i

For nothing cleanſeth the Matrix frotenacious, and ſlimy humours, ſo effectually as Agarick; or which is a ſurer, anmore infallible remedy againſt the Motherif we may credit Galen, and Meſur. Monadus, Coſta, Cluſius, Lobel, and Weckerus, aſcribthe ſame vertues to Mechoaca, which is hoand dry.

Turpentine, although Galen in his boode ſanitate tuenda, ſaith, that it ſerves onto looſen the belly, yet it purgeth, acleanſeth all the bowells, as the Liver, t••Spleen, the Kidneys, the Lungs, and the Mtrix, from thoſe tough and ſlimy humour which are ſtrongly impacted in them.

There are ſeverall wayes to prepare iſometimes it is moſt eaſily taken with tyelk of an Egg, ſometimes in powder, aſometimes being reduced into an oyle, tadmirable efficacy hereof frequent experence doth more and more diſcover to mſo that I have often adventured to give (and with bleſſed ſucceſs) in many dieaſes, both of the Cheſt, the Kidneys, anthe bladder; for this cleanſeth the ſtomacfrom thick, and tough humours, frowhich part floweth the whole ſtreame••phlegmatick humours, it wonderfully warm­eth87 the Matrix, wipeth away the clammy filth which ſticks about the walls of it, ex­pelleth winde, provokes the Courſes, and brings down urine.

You may make an excellent Fomentation after this manner.

  • Take the leaves of Motherwort,
  • Penniroyall,
  • Birthwort,
  • Rue, of each a handfull and a halfe.
  • Roſemary,
  • Sage,
  • Betony, of each a handfull.
  • The flowers, of Camomile,
  • Stechas, of each halfe a handfull.
  • The tops of Dill,
  • Wormewood,

Of each as much as you can take up be­tween your thumb and two fingers.

Boile them in white wine to foure pints; uſe the ſtrained liquor for a Fomentation, and with ſponges dipt in it, bath all about the bottome of her belly, her groiny and her privie parts.

After the Fomentation, apply this admi­rable oyntment.

  • Take oyle of laurel,
  • Wormewood, of each an ounce, and a half.
  • Oyle of Caſtor,
  • 88
  • Earthwormes, of each an ounce.
  • In theſe oyles boyle gently
  • The powder of aromaticum roſatum,
  • Wormewood,
  • Sage,
  • Lignum aloes, of each a dram and a halfe.
  • A dram of red