The Confeſſion and Execution of the ſeveral Priſoners Burnt and hang'd on April 17. 1678.
DEath in its own nature is very affrighting to Man, the King of Terrours, much more when he comes attended with ſhameful and ignominious Circumſtances; when Perſons conſider that they have haſtened his approach by the Errours of their Lives, and are juſtly cut off for their Crimes. Oh! how ſad is it, when poor Souls are themſelves the occaſion of their being thruſt out of this World by untimely Violence, and yet are not at all fitted or prepared for the next. If they look down to Earth, there is nothing but Juſtice and Vengeance ready to purſue them; and if they look up to Heaven, they cannot but conclude that too pure a place for ſuch unclean Creatures to enter into, whom the Earth it ſelf would no4 longer entertain. Yet ſo lamentably do the Deluſions of Satan, and Witchcrafts of Sin, blinde the eyes of theſe Malefactors, that they rarely reflect on theſe things till it be too late; nor will be warned by the frequent Examples of their wretched Fellow. Criminals, to leave off their wicked Courſes, till they are precipitated into the ſame Gulf of Miſery.
THe firſt that we ſhall give the World an Account of, was one James, otherwiſe calling himſelf Maddum, but as he acknowledged his true name was Joſeph Wright. Under theſe ſeveral Denominations he had committed abundance of villanous Pranks, and thoſe above the ordinary rank: for it was juſtified before him in Court, That he and his Gang had ruined many Families, having ſtolen above Forty Horſes; and hireing Grounds near London, ſtockt the ſame with Fourſcore ſtolen Sheep at a time, and above Twenty Cattel: and in this manner drove a kind of Trade for a long time together; upon all which he was lookt upon as a perſon excluded from Mercy. The particular Crimes of which he was now Convicted, and for which he ſuffer'd, were for ſtealing a brown Mare out of a Country-mans Stable, and breaking open an houſe and taking away four Flitches of Bacon and a Fowling-piece, which was taken with him.
Thomas Davies was Executed for robbing his
5Maſter of a Watch, and Moneys, to the value of Fifty pounds and upwards.
The next we ſhall ſpeak of, was one James Crouch a perſon that had but one hand, yet that doubled to do Miſchief: for he had already been more than once burnt in that ſingle hand, yet would take no warning; being now Condemned for that moſt abominable practice of the Foot pad, Knocking a man down with a piece of Iron (produced in Court) in Bunhill fields. At the Bar he behaved himſelf very inſolently; and took too little regard of all the good Chriſtian Admonition given him afterwards by godly Miniſters and others that came to viſit him.
George Dogget was Executed upon his Condemnation the laſt Seſſions before this. His Crime was picking a Watch out of a Gentlemans pocket, and that even at Church. He had long and notoriouſly been concern'd in Fending, that is, as thoſe Helliſh Linguiſts underſtand the Canting word, receiving and putting off ſtolen Goods.
Thomas Bateman ſuffered the ſame day for breaking an houſe in Perpool-lane; having been burnt in the hand before for a Robbery in the Temple. And William Baker for robbing a Gentleman in Hatton-garden; having likewiſe been burnt in the hand in January laſt.
As for William Dukes, though he were young in yeats, yet had he too much improved his time in ill practices, having been once before burnt in the hand, and ſeveral times in Newgate.
Jane Pratt alſo ſuffer'd the terrible death of Burning at a Stake in Smithfiled, for the too frequent,6 though treaſonable, practice of Clipping and diminiſhing his Majeſties Coin: The Particulars of her Apprehenſion and Tryal we have already given you. Upon her Condemnation ſhe begg'd time of the Court to prepare her ſelf for death; but 'twas feared, the ſame was not ſo much out of a pious penitent conſideration, as a deſigne to gain time for an opportunity of getting her Pardon.
There were great pains taken, as well by Mr. Ordinary as others, to Convince theſe poor Souls of the wickedneſs of their paſt Lives, the dangerous condition they were in, &c. and 'tis charitably hoped thoſe Admonitions had good effect on ſeveral of them; though it muſt be acknowledged as a very great inconvenience, that all Condemned (I mean men) are kept in a Room together, where one debaucht Atheiſtical Villain, if he do not wholly divert his Fellow Convicts from minding the great concerns of their Soul's wellfare, yet he may too much diſturb their Meditation. A ſad miſchief, which would well become the conſideration of Auththority, out of their charitable Compaſſion towards dying men, to take notice of and regulate, by appointing each perſon Condemned a diſtinct and ſeparate Cell, or Lodging.
But this obiter — The carriage of moſt of theſe perſons after Condemnation, was outwardly very penitent; one of the men made a large Confeſſion of the ſeveral notorious Exploits he had acted, and thoſe of almoſt all kinds;7 as Burghlaries, Horſe ſtealings, Robberies on the High way both on Horſeback and on Foot, &c. But could not be brought to detect any of his untaken Confederates. Another pretended to do great things by way of Diſcovery in that kinde; but at laſt, being either unable or nowilling to make it appear, ſuffered with the reſt. 'Tis no unneceſſary or uſeleſs Conſideration, becauſe 'tis but what one of theſe took notice of in diſcourſe to ſome Friends, viz. To obſerve how theſe men. who abroad and at liberty were bold enough to invade any mans Propriety, or ſet upon his Perſon; yet with how much Terrour (I ſay) they appeared at the Bar, their hands tr•mbled whilſt they were lift up, their Lips quaking whilſt they Plead Not Guilty.
Their Countenance condemn'd them before the J•dge, and their fears were ready to execute them before the Hangman: yet theſe Judges are but men that muſt ſoon die themſelves; that Sentence of Death they can pronounce, is already paſs'd by Nature upon the moſt Innocent. The Act of Death is but Momentary; who knows whether himſelf ſhall not die more painfully than any of theſe Malefactors? But with what horror ſhall the guilty Soul ſtand, O God, before thy dreadful Tribunal at the laſt and General Aſſizes, where there is the preſence of an infinite Majeſty to daunt him, a fierce and clamorous Conſcience to give in Evidence againſt them, Legions of terrible Devils waiting to ſeize him, a Gulf of unquenchable Fire ready to receive him! There,8 I ſay, where the Glory of the Judge in no leſs confounding than the Cruelty of the Tormenter; where the Sentence is unavoidable and the Execution everlaſting! Theſe thoughts ſhould move us all to hold privy Seſſions upon our Souls and Actions, that being acquitted by our own hearts, we may not be Condemned by this dreadful Majeſty.
The woman was Executed firſt at a Stake for that purpoſe erected in the Rounds in Smithfield. She acknowledged ſhe had for a long time been a very ill Liver, and concern'd in theſe unlawful practices with others, who were before cut off by Juſtice, and yet ſhe would take no warning. She made ſad moans and lamentations as ſhe paſs'd, and likewiſe at the Stake before the Fire was kindled; but as ſoon as the ſame was lighted, the Block was put away, and ſhe ſtrangled by the Rope; with which and the ſmoak and flame, her breath was taken away, and her body ſoon after burnt to Aſhes according to Sentence. Some report that ſhe declared ſhe died in the Romiſh Faith; but that is uncertain: for a Proteſtant Miniſter went along by her, and prayed with her at the Stake; with which ſhe ſeem'd to joyn very heartily.