CONSIDERATIONS ON THE BILL Depending, for Preventing Occaſional Conformity, Humbly Offered by the People called Quakers.
IN the latter part of the Preamble of this Bill, it is declared, that the Act paſſed in the Firſt Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, Entituled, An Act for Exempting their Majeſties Proteſtant Subjects, Diſſenting from the Church of England, from the Penalties of certain Laws, ought Inviolably to be Obſerved. Which Noble Declaration, would give us Ground to hope that nothing is deſigned in this Bill, to Infringe the ſaid Act of Exemption; yet in the Beginning of the Preamble and following Clauſes of it, we have, as we humbly conceive, Reaſon to think the Liberty, given by the ſaid Act, is made liable to a Doubtful Senſe, if not Infringed.
Firſt,The Term [Truly] in the Preamble, not being Limited in its acceptation, may be ſo conſtrued, as to interfer with the Deſign of the Act for Exemption, which is therein declared to be to Unite the Queen's Proteſtant Subjects, in Intereſt and Affection; which good End, that Parliament did hope Effectually to obtain,2 by giving ſome Eaſe to Scrupulous Conſciences in the Exerciſe of Religion, as therein appears, without leaving it to any Subordinate Magiſtrate, to determine what is, or is not Truly Scrupulous.
Secondly,It ſeemed meet to that Parliament, not to diſtinguiſh the Religious Aſſemblies, or Meetings of Proteſtant Diſſenters, with the Term of Conventicles, as in this Bill, under which Term, by ſome former Laws, we have ſeverely ſuffered.
Thirdly,To make any Perſon in Office, an Offender, and to forfeit his Office or Turſt, with a Penalty, only for Reſorting to, or being Preſent at any ſuch Aſſembly as aforeſaid, when the Occaſion may be on the account of a Funeral, &c. we conceive, if Enacted, will not only infringe the Toleration, but render Illegal the Common Offices of Love and Humanity betwixt Friends and Relations, and not only to thoſe, who do Occaſionally Conform, but alſo to Conſtant Conformiſt••
Fourthly,That Act allows ſundry Offices to be ſerved by Deputy; this Bill makes no ſuch Proviſion, except for Offices of Inheritance.
Fifthly,As we are Free-men of Corporations, and Members of Companies, by the Terms of Admiſſion, we are bound to do in our Courſe the ſeveral Duties thereof; which by this Bill, we are not only rendred incapable of, but alſo ſubject to Fines and Penalties for not doing them.
Sixthly,The Words Scandalous and Irreligious Practices, uſed in this Bill, being in the Plural, ſeems to conclude the Reſorting to, or being Preſent at the Religious Meetings of Proteſtant Diſſenters, equally offenſive with an Occaſional receiving of the Sacrament, only for a Place of Profit, or Turſt in the Government, which we hope is not intended; for that would carry3 an unmerited Reflection on Religious Aſſemblies, and is, as we conceive, not agreeable with the Act for Exemption.
Seventhly,we have never ſought after any Place of Profit or Truſt in the Government, and therefore pray that the Conſcientious Liberty, which we thankfully Enjoy, and was granted by that Act, may be kept entire.
Laſtly,As it is our Chriſtian Principle to ſuffer for Conſcience, ſo the ſame makes us plead for the Liberty of it, to all whoſe Morals and Obedience to the Government cannot Juſtly be queſtioned; and we conceive, reſtraining from Proving all things,1 Theſ. 5.21. in order to hold faſt that which may be moſt conducing to future Happineſs (the Chief End of RELIGION) is oppoſite to the Apoſtle's Advice; And where ſuch Reſtraint is, we cannot think the Toleration ſecure.