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A CONTINUATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS Of the Scots ARMY before Hereford: Together with a Relation of their purſuing the Enemie: Certified in a Letter dated at the Leager before Hereford. Auguſt 11. 1645.

Publiſhed by Authority.

LONDON, Printed by M. B. for Robert Boſtock at the Kings head in Pauls Churchyard. 15. Aug. 1645.


I Will not trouble you with a Re­lation of the manner of our be­ſieging this Town, the advancing of our Works, caſting up running Lines and Redouts, making Brid­ges over the River, the enemies ſallying out of the Towne, where­of ſome few have beene killed, and others taken priſoners. Onely thus farre I thought fit to ac­quaint you, that we had made better progreſſe, but that our proceedings hitherto have beene much retarded by reaſon of the want of Materials, and not comming up of our great Ordnance, and ſcar­cety of our Ammunition; ſome ſupply we have lately had from Glouceſter for ready Money, and we are expecting the returne of our party from North­ampton with the Ammunition ſent from London: the Walls are much ſtronger and the Graffs larger and deeper then at firſt we ſuppoſed; but when we ſhall be provided with ſome neceſſaries that are in preparation, we are hopefull by Gods aſſiſt­ance to give a good account thereof, notwithſtan­ding our Souldiers met with all diſcouragements that can be imagined to be in an Army. The Gene­rall2 hath iſſued forth Warrants (whereof a Copy is incloſed) inviting the Countrey to bring in Pro­viſions for money, and ſtraitly commanding all his Souldiers not to offer them the leaſt injury; but ſuch is the diſ-affection of this Country, that though all poſſible faire meanes have been uſed, they ſtill looke upon us as enemies. The greateſt part of the food of our Infantry is Apples, Peaſe, and greene Wheat that they gather from the ground, which though it be a meanes of their ſubſiſtance for the preſent, yet certainly in the end it will prove deſtructive to the Army, for the Souldiers beginne already to be ſicke, whereby you may judge what their condition ſhall be for the future, eſpecially in the fall of the leafe.

This day having received intelligence that the King had gathered his Forces and marched from Brecknoch by Preſton and Ludlow towards Leichſield and thoſe parts, for preventing their Deſignes and preſervation of thoſe Countries, the Generall hath ſent above foure thouſand Horſe and Dragoons to attend their motions, and with the reſt of our For­ces we are proceeding in our worke for reducing this Towne.

I ſhall conclude with this, That I perceive we are here ſtrangers and farre from our friends, we came hither for aſſiſtance of this Kingdome to ven­ture our lives upon the enemy, not upon unwhol­ſome food, or to be ſtarved in a plentifull Coun­trey: we never expected ſo bad entertaiment, eſpe­cially when the Warre ſhould draw neerer to an end, and the Kingdome better enabled to ſupply3 us: We cannot underſtand the reaſon why wee ſhould be ſo much neglected while others are pro­vided with all neceſſaries, which we envy not, but when maintenance is due, we cannot but regrate that we are made the objects, of charity and com­paſſion; the greateſt enemy we have yet ſeen is hun­ger and want, and I feare ſhall in the end kill to us more then the enemy, unleſſe there bee greater care in our friends to prevent it then heretofore we have met with; howſoever in the midſt of all diſ­couragements I truſt wee ſhall ever make it ap­peare by our actions that we have not been want­ing in the publike ſervice, the advancing whereof ſhall alwayes be the conſtant endeavour of

Your affectionate friend to ſerve you.

I had almoſt forgot to tell you that the Gentle­men of Monmouthſhire, Glamorganſhire, and Mont­gomeriſhire have ſent ſome of their number to the Generall to give aſſurance that they will riſe in Armes for the Parliament.

〈1 page duplicate〉
〈1 page duplicate〉

By his Excellency the Earle of LEVEN, Lord Generall of the Scottiſh Armies.

FOr as much as the Country people, through fear, may poſſibly forbear to bring in proviſions towards the maintenance of the Army in the Leager a­bout the City of Hereford, Theſe are to ſignifie to all perſons Inhabitants in the ſeverall Pariſhes and Conſtabularies adjacent to the foreſaid City, and to aſſure them for their further ſatisfaction and incouragement, That no wrong ſhall be done to the perſon or goods of thoſe who ſhall bring Victuals to be ſold in the Leager for the uſe of the ſaid Army, but that they ſhall be duly paid therefore at the ordinary and accuſtomed Rates as in other free Markets: We doe therefore hereby deſire all and ſundry perſons, In­habitants in the reſpective Pariſhes and Conſtabu­laries aforeſaid, freely to repaire to the Leager with Butter, Bread, Cheeſe, or any other proviſions of Victuals, for the which they ſhall receive ready money, and thereafter returne to their ſeverall hou­ſes with their Horſes, Oxen, and Teames, without receiving any harme whatſoever: Certifying alſo, that we have to this purpoſe iſſued our Edict and5 Proclamation, commanding all our Officers and Souldiers not to preſume upon paine of death to offer the leaſt wrong or violence to any perſons whatſoever in their paſſing and repaſſing to and from the Leager with their Carriages and Proviſi­ons. And thereof we are confident all perſons afore­ſaid will take notice, as they deſire to avoid the evils that otherwayes might enſue upon the neceſ­ſities of the Souldiers, if Victuals and entertain­ment ſhould be denied them for Moneys.


THeſe are to will and require, and ſtrictly to command all Officers and Souldiers in this Army, not to preſume to intermeddle with the Goods of the Inhabitants and Country peo­ple, upon whatſoever pretence; nor offer the leaſt violence or wrong to any of them, in their Perſons, Families, and Eſtates: Certifying all thoſe that ſhall preſume to take any of their Horſes, Oxen, Cotls, Kyne, Sheepe, Cowes, Cattle, Houſholdſtuffe, or any thing els belong­ing to them, they are to ſuffer the puniſhment of death without Pardon, being inexcuſable, if they ſhall commit any ſuch offence after the publiſhing of theſe Orders: Whereof we require them to take notice, as they deſire to avoid the puniſhment aforeſaid, &c.


About this transcription

TextA continuation of the proceedings of the Scots army before Hereford: together with a relation of their pursuing the enemie: certified in a letter dated at the leager before Hereford. August 11. 1645. Published by authority.
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 6 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80388)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 158670)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 49:E296[24])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA continuation of the proceedings of the Scots army before Hereford: together with a relation of their pursuing the enemie: certified in a letter dated at the leager before Hereford. August 11. 1645. Published by authority. [2], 5, [1] p. Printed by M.B. for Robert Bostock at the Kings head in Pauls Churchyard.,London, :15. Aug. 1645.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Hereford (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Scotland -- History -- Charles I,1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A80388
  • STC Wing C5969
  • STC Thomason E296_24
  • STC ESTC R200213
  • EEBO-CITATION 99861018
  • PROQUEST 99861018
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