COOK's SUPPLEMENT to the MARROW of Chyrurgery.
Wherein Is contained Fevers, Simple and Compound, Peſtilential, and not, Rickets, Small Pox and Meaſles, with their Definitions, Cauſes, Signes, Prognoſticks, and Cures, both general, and particular.
As alſo The Military Cheſt, containing all neceſſary Medicaments, fit for Sea, or Land-ſervice, whether Simples, or Compounds, ſuch as purge, and thoſe that do not; with their ſeveral vertues, doſes, note of goodneſs, &c. as alſo Inſtruments.
Amongſt which are many Approved Receipts for ſeveral diſeaſes.
By JAMES COOKE, Practitioner in Phyſick, and Chirurgery.
LONDON, Printed for John Sherley, at the Golden Pelican, in Little-Britain. 1655.
COOK's SUPPLEMENT to the MARROW of Chyrurgery.
ALl rhat I have to acquaint you with, as to this part of the Supplement is, that conſidering, few having writ fully of Chyrurgery, methodically; whether more Prolixely, or Conciſely, but they either intermixed Fevers with Tumors, &c. or put them a part by themſelves; as may appear in Pareus and Calmeteus. I reſolving to ſteere the ſame courſe, rather chooſe to follow the latter, that ſo you might at a ſingle view know the cure, as well of thoſe Fevers eſſential, as accidental. There's added the Small Pox and Rickets; the latter with the reſt had come in publick view before any other printed in this Nation, if it had been admitted; may be the cauſe was its inſufficiency; however it hath received advantage thereby. You have annexed a Military Cheſt. The method as to Names and Order is Hildanus's, the vertues, doſes, &c. of all I picked from various Authors, a Catalogue of which you have in the Marrow only, ſome others ſince have fallen into my hands de novo. I have this onely to ſay further, That there are ſeveral things in all, which have been ſucceſſefully experimented by
In which is contained,
The Life and Reign of Sultan Orchan, Second King of the Turks, tranſlated out of an eminent Tu•kiſh Hiſtorian by W. Seaman, the like not heretofore extant in any language.
Dr. John Ponet, his ſhort Treatiſe of Politick power.
The vanity of the lives and paſſions of men, by D. Papillon Gent.
The Dioceſans trial by Paul Bayne.
A brief Compendium of the vain hopes of the Jewes Meſſias.
Col. Hayes, one of the members for Scotland, his ſpeech to the laſt Parliament, upon the debate concerning Toleration.
King James his Judgement of a King and a Tyrant. Henry Earle of Surrey, his Tranſlation of Virgil into Engliſh Meter.
Briſtolls Military Garden, a Sermon by Tho. Palmer.
The Paſtors Charge and Cure, a Sermon by Nathaniel White.
A plain fault in plain Engliſh.
The Impiety of Impunity.
Hugh Broughtons Epiſtle to the Nobility.
The Kernel or Extract of the Hiſtorical part of S. Auguſtines Confeſſions.
Ephraim Pagitts Chriſtianographie, or a Deſcription of the multitude and ſundry ſorts of Chriſtians in the world.
Dr. Mayes Relation of the Serpent foun•in the heart of Jo. Pennant, in which many curious queſtions concerning occult diſeaſes are diſcuſſed.
Potters Interpretation of the number 666.
Mr. John Milton of Prelatical Epiicopacy.
Baro. Herbert de Veritate, de Cauſis Errorum, Religio Laici, &c.
Diſputationum Academicarum formulae.
Tho. Gatakeri diſſert. de Tetragammato ſua vindicatio.
PAge 27. line 13. read yet for ye. p. 27. l. 16 r, turgid, p. 40. l, 7. dele out. p. 75. l. 14. r. bole p, 114, l. 23. r, ℈ s. p, 122, l, 27, after partem put M j, p. 17 2, l. 10 r, craſs. p, 173 l, 3, after thoſe put in p. 175, l, 5, r, yea, p, 177, l, 13, r, thoſe, p, 182, l, 22, r, ill, p, 194, l, 2, after to put be putting out that after uſed, l, 4, r, Mij. p, 206, l, 10, for and r, A, p, 236, l, 9, put a comma after wal-rue, l, 27, for five r, take, p, 240 l, 1, r, diabalzemer, p. 265, l, 4, f. ſecondly, r, twofold, l, 11, r, whit, p, 174, l, 22, r, ℥ ij. p, 275, l, 10, r, plantain water. p, 286, l, 22, for theſe r, this, l, 23, r, ℥ sp. 334, l, 10, r. ℥ iv. p. 337, l, 21, r, ſcrophula's p, 340, l, 12, r, ℥ ij. p, 344, l, 10, after kills put wormes p, 349, l, 19, r, cleanſcth, p, 400, l, 5, for ℥ s. r. ℥ j. p, 404, l, 2, r, and, p, 406. l, 8, r, if, p, 421, l, 9 r, be, p, 423, l, 18, r, there is after till, p, 424, l, 1, r, Arcei, p, 430, l, 9, r, oſt cocolla.
DIſeaſes of the body are either outward, or inward. The latter are either univerſal, afflicting the whole body; or particular, affecting ſome parts. The first of theſe are Fevers, which may be divided into ſimple putrid, and peſtilential; the ſimple, are diary, intermitting, ſynochus, and hectick. Before particulars premiſe theſe generals. Firſt, it is a hot diſtemper of the whole body ariſing from preternatural heat kindled in the heart, and diffuſed with the ſpirits2 and blood through the veines and arteries into the whole body. Secondly, it's cauſed by any thing that kindleth heate in the body, as motion, putrifaction, touching and vicinity of hot things, conſtriction of the pores, &c. Thirdly it's abſolved; Firſt, by altering, wherein ſo proceed, that the cauſe be not nouriſhed. Secondly, by mitigating the Symptomes which are eſpecially, thirſt his cough, vomiting, flux of the belly, dryneſſe, blackneſſe, and roughneſſe of the tongue, &c. as after.
THis ariſeth from the inflāmation of the vital ſpirits in the heart, continuing the ſpace of a day, therefore call'd Diary. Signes. Signes. Urin concoct like natural, if not, it's changed by obſtructions and crudities. Pulſe quick and oft, yet equal, orderly, great, and ſtrong. Heat is ſudden, without loathing, laſineſſe, ſleeping, or frequent yawning preceding; to the touch being pleaſant, and gentle, there's little or no cold, or ſhaking, unleſſe the body be ill habited, or it be cauſed by the ſun, or cold, Paine and heat of the head oft, abundance of hot and acrid breathings, the pores being obſtructed. The cauſes, are procatartick, of which in the Differences. Progn. Prognoſticks4 The cure is eaſie, unleſſe it paſſe into ſynochus ſinè putredine in a body young and plethorick, or into a putrid the fourth, or fifth day in cacochymicks, or in hecticks, or bodies hot,Cure. dry, or thin. Cure: firſt, alter by coolers, and moiſteners, either inwardly given, as cream of barley, fountain-water, with Syrup of limons, or maiden hair, pleaſant cooling broths, hydroſacchar. &c. or outwardly applied to the region of the heart, pulſe, and forehead, as oxyrrhodon, &c. Secondly, evacuate, either by opening a veine, if there be fulneſſe, or by gentle purging, if there be ill habit. Baths of warme water uſed by the ancients, are ſuſpected. Thirdly, ſtrengthen the ſtomack. Differ. The differences of the Feaver taken from the cauſes. As, I. Cold (eſpecially when the patient goes from violent exerciſe into the cold aire) then it aſſaults ſinè horrore, urin, and pulſe are little chang'd, the heat in ſtatu is moderate: here ſweating is to be provoked at the end of the fit. II. Conſtriction5 of the pores, known by the hardneſſe & compactneſs of the skin, this ariſeth from abundance of blood, cold, binding, or drineſſe. It's cured,Cure. firſt, by bleeding, if blood much offend. Secondly, by purging, inciders premiſed (if there be preſent plenty) of craſſe humors; and after ſweat cum vino oligophor. valde diluto; which is alſo excellent, if from cold, for it helps to open the paſſages and provokes ſweat. Thirdly, by looſing with hot, and moiſt temperate bathes, moderate frictions, quick waſhings, if it proceed from cold. III. Crudities, and that numerous, known by the preſent ſignes of the affected ſtomack. Here, Firſt vomit, if there be loathing, and eaſineſſe to vomit. Secondly, purge, if vomiting be hard. Here gliſters may be uſed, by which part of the crudities may be drawn away Thirdly, corroborate by medicines, oppoſing the quality of the offending humors. IV. Buboes, known by the preſence of the bubo, by the ſwiftneſſe and greatneſſe of the6 pulſe, much heat, and redneſſe of the face. In this, draw blood ſufficently, the bubo moderately appearing; for ſo it vaniſheth, by applying either repellers or relaxers, otherwiſe it's to be ſuppurated. V. Heat, to this uſe cooling diet. VI. Labour, here command reſt, and a more liberal diet. VII. Wearineſs, then uſe frictions. VIII. Anger, here command quietneſſe, rejoycing; bridle choler, and uſe coole meats, and drinkes. IX. Sadneſſe, uſe the ſame recreations of minde, and thin wine. X. Watching, here ſleep XI. Hunger, uſe a cooling and ſtrengthening diet. XII. Obſtructions. If from fulneſſe, bleed; if from ill habit, purge; if theſe remove not the Fever, it degenerates into other Fever, the cures whereof ſhall be ſet down in their proper places.
IT's a Fever without putrifaction, or a Diary of many dayes, ariſing from the inflammation of the ſpirits, and thinner blood, continuing without intermiſſion, 3, 4, or more dayes, and is called Inflativa, becauſe where the blood is heated, the veſſels are diſtended, and there is felt the laſſitude of the body. Signes:Signes. urin is more thick, and redder then uſual; pulſe great, full oft, and quick; laſineſſe without exerciſe; heavineſſe of the head, forehead, and temples; heat gentle, moiſtneſſe of the skin, ſtretching of the members, ſtreightneſſe of the breaſt, and difficulty of breathing. Its progreſſe is various, yet equal; hence it hath three differences. i. e. Epacmaſtica, which increaſeth continually, Paracmaſtica, which ſo decreaſeth; and Homoronos, or Acmaſtica, which keeps the order or form. Progn. Progn. It's not difficult8 to be cured, becauſe it ofteſt aſſaults bodies more ſtrong, temperate, or more hot, or moiſt, of a middle, age, and fleſhy, unleſſe it paſſe to another. Sometimes it vaniſheth, the fourth day, or ſeventh, with plentiful bleeding of the noſe, or ſweat, unleſſe ſome notable error hath been committed by the ſick, phyſician, or attendants, and then it may paſſe to a putrid, or ſome other very grievous diſeaſe. CauſesCauſes. are thoſe ſtirring up a diary, if they fall in a plethorick body indued with a thick habit, or from the thinner blood heated by many hot vapors which are hindered by tranſpiration. Cure:Cure. firſt, open a vain, by which the blood is cooled, and an increaſe of vapours hindered, this is rather to be done oft, and little, by repetition, then once too plentifully, wherein is danger, although in ſome caſes I have knowne it very ſucceſſeful. It may be done at any time, unleſſe the ſtomack be full of meat; for then concoction is firſt to be expected, letting a gliſter precede, if the belly9 be not open, or the inteſtines be filled with crudity; it's to be mollifying, & looſening. Secondly, evacuate the firſt region, leſt ſerous and bilious excrements increaſing, a putrid Feaver be produced. Theſe are good, Tamarinds, Rhubarb, cream of Tartar, and ſyrup of Roſes ſolutive, &c. for they neither heat, nor move too much. Thirdly, alter by appointing cooling potions: plentiful drinking of cold water is now diſliked as dangerous, opening Emulſions, and Julips being more ſafe; the Julips are made of the waters of Succory, Endive, Sorrel, Lettice, &c. with the ſyrupes of Succory, Limons, Pomegranate, &c. adding ſpirit of Vitriol, or Sulphur, or ſpirit of Salt, a few drops. If the waters be thought too crude, boyle them gently with a little Spec. Triaſantal, or Diamargar. frigidū. An emulſion prepare thus; Take of ſweet Almonds pill'd, and ſteept in roſe-water, ℥ j. of the four greater cold-ſeeds, and of white Poppy, of each 2 dragms; beat them all in a marble mortar, by degrees, pouring10 upon them barly-water a pound and a halfe; after ſtrain it, and diſſolve therein ſugar of roſes ℥ iii. & make an emulſion for to be taken thrice, twice a day; this is alſo excellent in watching. To the heart apply this, ℞. of the waters of roſes, bugloſſe, and lettice, of each three ounces; vinegar of roſes one ounce, diamarg: frigid. ʒ js. camphire, vj graines, and make an Epithem, which apply to the region of the heart, ℞ aq. endiv. cichor. acetoſ. ana ℥ iiij. acet. roſ. ℥ js. trium ſantal. ʒijs. f. Epith. admovend. regioni hepatis, alſo to the liver and loynes uſe cooling ointments. Ex oxyrrhod. unguent. refrig. Gal. vel cerat. ſantal. oxycrato abluto; forget not gliſters. Fourthly; ſtrengthen cum manu Chriſti perlat. diamarg. frigid. conſer. roſ. vitriolat. acetoſella, &c. Fifthly, uſe a cool, thin, and moiſtening diet of brothes prepared with cooling herbs, ſtewed Prunes, baked or roſt Apples; cremor hordei & panadoes, let the drink be barly-water, or ſpring-water boyled, with Syr. of Maiden-haire, Limons, &c. adding Sp. Vitrioli.
THis poſſeſſeth the ſolid parts, which conſtitute the habit of the body. SignesSignes. are either ſuch as are general, or particular belonging to its differences; the firſt, heat without pain, becauſe now there's an alteration of the ſolid parts; at the beginning its weak, for the vapors are few; after more biteing, becauſe in the ſolid parts; greater in the arteries, being communicated from the heart; more an houre or two after meat, without horror, or trembling; with the pulſe great, and ſwift, which ceaſeth, the meat being diſtributed: the heat drieth the radical moiſture, waſteth the humors, and conſumeth all the fat in the body: it's double; firſt ſine Tabe,Differ. when the dewy moiſture of the parts is not yet waſted, when it begins, it's difficultly knowne; in the progreſſe there are ſignes of a diary, the heat increaſeth12 the third day, after meat, others, cum Tabe, and that's double; one called Maraſmodes, when the dewy moiſture is waſted, and the fleſhy ſubſtance vaniſheth, then the body waxeth lean, the temples-fall, the palmes of the hands, and ſoales of the feet are hot; the excrements of the belly, and urin fatty. If there be as bran in the urin, the bladder not affected, tumor of the legs, flux of the belly, death is threatened. The other is, when the fibrous and membranous ſubſtance is violated: hence follows Maraſmus, which ſometimes falls out preternaturally in young and old, ſometimes ariſing from defect of aliment, extinction of the heat, either becauſe of age, or a ſchyrrhous tumor: II. Some are ſimple, others are complicate, either cum putrida intermittente, and then the greater part of the heat remaineth in fieri, leſſe, paſſeth in factum, and then in the end of the fit, the place of the arteries are hot, the reſt of the parts temperate, pulſe quick, meat ſtrengthens not, or cum13 putrida continua, and then it's difficultly knowne; there remaines a dry hotneſſe, after the end of the declination, or whole feaver, the body is more extenuated, the urin is fatty; and oily. Of theſe, and their degrees, vide Medul. Chirurg. CauſesCauſes. thereof are either other feavers, as burning, and long feavers, or diſeaſes of the inward bowels, eſpecially the heart, and parts of the breaſt, kidneys, ſtomack, midriffe, or external evident cauſes, which waſte the ſubſtance of the ſolid parts, &c. Progn. Progn. The firſt degree is eaſily cured, the third incurable, the ſecond betwixt both; the hectick moſt oft aſſaults from 28. to 35. yeares; for in that time heat is more intenſe, and more eaſily drawes on waſting: that which breakes out before this age, or a little after, more eaſily invades, and is ſometimes cured, or the life may be continued a long time by palliating means, eſpecially in women. Cure:Cure. If it have its original from another diſeaſe, that's to be removed before it can be cured; if complicated with a14 putrid feaver, the putrid is to be removed by bleeding and purging, as alſo medicaments opening, and hindering putrifaction, in the interim the hectick is not to be neglected. If it be ſimple, then firſt uſe coolers, and moiſtners, inwardly; as Flor. violur. borrug. bugloſſae, ſem. quatuor frig. lac perlarum, corallorum, and others very gentle, leſt the weak heat be overthrown; as ℞. aq. endiv. lactucae, acetoſ. ana ℥ iiij. ſyr. viol. nymph. pomor. ana. ℥ j. Miſc. f. julep. pro tribus doſ. bis in die ſumendis, & per plures dies continuandis; or ℞. hord. integr. p. j. f. endiv. cichor. lactuc. pimpinel ana Mj. flor. borrag. bugloſ. viol. & nymphaeae ana p. j. prunor. Damaſc. par. iiij. coq. ad lb js. in colat. diſſol. ſyr. de cichor. ſimpl. & de nymph. an. ℥ ij. f. Julep. pro quatuor doſibus; of the ſame Simples make broth thus. ℞ rad. Chinae ʒ j s. hord. integr. P. ij. quatuor ſem. frigid. major ℥ s. contunde, iiſque impleatur venter capi aut pulli junioris, fiat juſcul. cui add. ſacch. roſ: ʒ s. cap. per longum tempus, it ſtrengthens and feeds. ℞. Amygdal. excortic. 15& in aq. frigid. infuſ. ℥ j. ſem. quatuor frig. maj. & papav. alb. a. ʒ j. contund. in mortar. marmor. ſenſim affund. aq. hord. lb j. in colat. diſſol. manus Chriſti perlat. ℥ iiij. f. emulſ. pro tribus doſibus; if you would cool more, adde to every doſe of Julep and Emulſion, Sal. prunel. ℈ ij. vel ʒ j. obſerve, it's more profitable to cure by degrees, then too ſuddenly; and moiſteners are alwayes more ſafe then coolers, becauſe they exerciſe their power more gently and ſlowly. Secondly, purging, if neceſſary, are Caſſia, Manna, vel ſyr. roſ. theſe onely caſt out; yet if crudities ſtuffe the firſt region, which may be produced from the weakneſſe of the ſtomack, then uſe an infuſ. ex Rhabarb. cum decoct. Prunor. Tamarind. Myrob. Bugloſs. & Viol. if there be not great weakneſſe: if putrifaction be joyned, thoſe purgers that draw may be uſed. Thirdly, diet, & this in all Chronical diſeaſes is of chiefe uſe, here, and more then medicam. therefore there's ſpecial care to be taken16 that it be cooling, and moiſten, as the milk of women, aſſes, cowes, unleſſe a putrid fever be preſent; alſo broths of chickens, cocks, capons, veal, kid, mutton, yolks of eggs, with barley, lettice, purſlaine, &c. alſo their fleſh, with pheſant, partridge, young hare, panadoes, hordeates, oatmeal-candles, rice-pottage, eſpecially if there be a flux, adde ſugar, and a few almonds, or rather the cold-ſeeds. Boyled meat is better then roaſt; if the latter be deſired, then roaſt it leſſe, and temper it with the juice of limons, oranges, &c. for fiſh, uſe thoſe that are taken in gravelly places. Vide medul. Chirur. For fruit, apples coole the blood, pears, prunes ſtewed, or currants thus prepared ℞. paſſul. mund. lb. j. temperentur in aq. endiv. bugl. & roſar. & abluantur diligentiſſimè, ut vis laxandi amoveatur; poſteà in iiſdem. aq. decoq. leviter, add. paulul. ſacch. ad perfectionem, cum quo ſerventur uſui, iíſqueutatur aeger mane, & poſt. ſingulos paſtus. They nouriſh the body without heating; but becauſe the hectick heat17 is fixed in the ſolid parts, therefore thoſe aliments which are ſolid, and viſcous, are fit to be uſed to diſſipate it, as the legs, and feet of animals, fleſh of ſnailes, crabs, tortoiſes, and frogs: by theſe the parts are eaſily agglutinated, and the drineſſe of the ſolid parts removed, they being not eaſily waſted with the feaveriſh heat: but theſe are onely to be exhibited in the beginning, whil'ſt there remaines ſtrength in the concoctive faculty, but in the confirmation not, but rather thoſe of more eaſie concoction, unleſſe they be fitly prepared, i. e. boyled to conſumption, or prepared by contuſion, eſpecially teſtudines terreſtres; not onely in a ſimple Hectick, but alſo cum Tabe. They are divers wayes prepared, either boyled in water, till they bee diſſolved, and caſt away the ſhells, and after boyled again in aq. cichorii, acetoſ. borag. hordei, & prunor. if a hectick be ſimple; but if cum Tabe, then cum fol. rubi, portulac. & plantag. drinking the broth, and eating the18 fleſh for twenty dayes; they may be made up in paſte; and gently baked; as ℞. carnis teſtudin. in aq. hord. elixat. ℥ iiij. amygdal. infuſ. in aq. roſ. ℥ vj. pinearum eodem modo infuſ. ℥ ij. 4. ſem. frigid. maj. ana. ℥ j. aniſi non pulver. ſed in furno leviter coct. ʒ j s. cinam. ʒ ij. ſacchar. in aq. roſ. diſſolut. ad pondus omnium, fiant morſuli; inſtead of the ſnailes, uſe the pulp of capons, or partridges, as ℞. pulp capon. & perdicaelixatae a. ℥ iij. amygdal. in aq. roſ. macerat. ℥ iiij. pinear. ℥ j s. ſem. papav. alb. ʒ ij. gum. Arabic. & Tragacanth. ʒ j s. manus, chriſt. perlat. ℥ ij. cum pauca aq. roſ. f. paſta regalis auro obducta; to thoſe whoſe ſtomacks are more weak, give gellies, or ſtrong brothes, as ℞ capon. elect. poplit. vituli vel femor. veruec. pedes vituli N. ij. aut veruecin. N. vj. coq. in aq. fontan. ad ſufficient. conſumptionē, juſculum colat. per expreſſionem & pinguedin. remotam in colat. diſſol. ſacchar. alb. lb j. alb. ovor. N. vj. croci, vel cinam parùm; agitentur ſimul, poſteà bulliant leviter, ac tranſmittantur per manicam Hippocrat.19 bis, aut ter, tandemque juſculum accipiatur vaſculis, ubi concreſcit in gelatinam. If the taſte of the Saffron, or Cynamon diſpleaſe, or if you would have it cooler, adde inſtead of them the juice of one Limon, or Citron. For a broth uſe this, Take a good Capon pull'd, gutted, and chopt to pieces, from which take the fat and skin, adding if you pleaſe Mutton or Veal ſo ordered; put them in a glaſſed pot, in the middle of which let there be a grate of wood, or other matter; upon which ſo place the pieces, that the bottom of the pot may be empty, after cover the pot, luting it well with paſte, then boyle it in B. M. for 5 houres, there will be in the bottom a clear broth, of which take with broth, or of it ſelfe 2 or 3 ſpoonfuls, 3 or 4 times a day; theſe diſtillations being made per deſcenſum, ſtrengthen and nouriſh the ſolid parts more. Their drink is to be barly-water alone, or mixt; cum ſyr. acetos, vel granat. or water wherein is boyled bread, adding a little Sugar, yet in caſe the20 ſtomack be very infirme, uſe thin wine much diluted, which helps concoction, and diſtribution. Gal. gave cold water, and by it glories, he preſerved many from maraſmus. Yet in the giving thereof there is to be great caution; for where the body is much waſted, there it's in danger to deſtroy the languiſhing heat. It may help, where a Hectick is threatened, or in beginning in thoſe that are accuſtomed to drink it, or where as yet blood abounds. The Aire is to be temperately cold; if not, it's to be corrected; in Summer-time the ſick is to inhabit under the earth, which is cold, eſpecially windy, and opens to the Weſt. This alone hath cured in a Moneth thoſe extremely macerated: if the aire be hot in the vault, caſt cold water upon the pavement, or poure it from a veſſel (the noiſe of which provokes ſleep) and then ſprinkling the pavement with water will ſerve, and oft ſtrewing cool hearbs. Much company is to be forbidden, unleſſe the Aire be very cold; it's true, cold aire may condenſate21 the skin, and ſo hinder tranſpiration; yet the profit gained by receiving it in by inſpiration, is greater then that diſcommodity which may be helped, if the ſick be well clothed. In caſe, with the Hectick there bee an ulcer of the lungs, then the Aire is to be temperately warm and dry. Motion is not fit, unleſſe gentle, if ſtrength will permit, a little before meat, or in place thereof ſoft frictions, but not much, eſpecially preſently after ſleep, beginning at the lower parts, rubbing onely till a light redneſſe beginnes to appear; this calls out the internal humors, if more, it dries the body; coiture is to be rejected, as greatly reſolving the body: ſleep not too long, for it drawes in the heat, and heats the bowels, not too ſhort, for it dries too much; therefore rather the firſt, being ſleep moiſtens, which is good in this feaver. It's to be in a ſoft wool bed, changing oft the linnen, which is firſt to be beſprinkled with Roſe-water; Bathes are very beneficial, which are to be moderately22 hot, uſing them in the morning after the excrements of the body are caſt out, either by nature, or art; taking two, or three houres after, broth, or milk, or yolk of egges. Let the ſick continue in them ſo long till he wax warm, and after be cold; but if he cannot ſtay ſo long, cold water is to be poured in at pleaſure; yet ſo, as that there may be in the Bath a threefold quality. The ſick is to ſtay in the hot a little, in the warm leſſe, and in the cold leaſt of all; though theſe by the Ancients were only of ſimple water, yet it's more profitable, and humects more, if made of a decoction of mollifying, and humecting hearbs, as Malualthaea, violar. &c. or of Barly, and Almonds, uſed eſpecially in Summer-time, becauſe thoſe made of hearbs ſooner corrupt; after cleanſe him gently with warm linnen; which done, anoint cum ol. viol. amygd. d. vel butyro inſulſo, ung. Zacuti, &c. If the ſick cannot endure bathing, then uſe Epithemes, as ℞. aq. roſ.23 nymph. & portulac. an. ℥ iij. ſucc. granat. ℥ j. diamargar. frigid. ʒ ij. oſs. de cord. cervi ℈ j. camphor. g. iiij. f. epith. cord. admovendum, ℞ aq. endiv. lactuc. cichor. an. ℥ iij. acet. roſ. ℥ j. triſantal. ℈ ij. ſpod. ex ebore. ℈ j. f. epith. hepati admovendum, to which may be uſed ung. roſ. vel cerat. ſantal. but ſparingly, becauſe they may increaſe the feaver, whilſt the former medicaments are uſing, ſtrengthen the bowels with fit opiats, as ℞. conſer. flor. borag. bugl. viol. ana. ℥ j. conſer. flor. de Nymph ℈ iiij. ſpec. diamarg. frigid. ℈ iiij. raſur. ebor. oſs. de cord. cervi a. ʒ s. margar. pp. & coral. pp. a. ℈ j. fol. auri N. iij. cum Syr. de pomis fiat opiat. This is to be obſerved in great extenuations. Nutritive gliſters are oft to be caſt in, made of the broths of Chicken, Sheeps-heads, with ſugar and egges, the quantity is to be but little, otherwiſe they preſſe the bowels, and ſtirre up expulſion. The chiefeſt ſymptome that follows the diſeaſe, is a flux of the belly, which oft brings death, to bridle24 which, for ordinary drink uſe the decoct. of barley toſted, Syr. Cydonior. roſ. ſic. lact. chalybeat. oriz. coct. in lacte, & ſimilia. Frogs are excellent in a hectick.
PƲtrid feavers are divided into ſeverall kindes, as continuall, and intermitting; now the firſt is ſubdivided into thoſe that are either primary eſſential, or ſymptomatical; the eſſential is when putrefaction is inflammed in the common veins without the private parts, the ſymptomatical is when the ſame is in any particular part, from which by the common veſſels, the putrid vapors are continually communicated to the heart,25 ſuch appears in Pluriſies, peripneumonias; and inflammations of other internall parts. Again, the primary continuall are double; for one extends from the beginning: o the end without remiſſion, and is called Synochus or Continens; but others have manifeſt fits and remiſſion, and are of three kinds according co the variety of their fits; as a continuall Tertian, Quotidian, and Quartan. Other differences tre given, which are either accidentall, or ariſing from the ormer: all which ſhall briefly and ſeverally be explained.
AS continual Fevers are variouſly differenced, ſo they might be diſtinctly handled, but it's needleſſe, being the ſame remedies may ſerve; onely a little varying according to the degrees of the diſeaſe, which depends26 rather upon the judgement and art of the Phyſician, then neceſſity of peculiar precepts; therefore they may be fitly put together; & what is neceſſary in reſpect of difference, may be noted. Before entry be made upon particulars, receive theſe generals. Cauſes. Firſt, Putrid Fevers ariſe from hot vapours ſtirred up from putrid humours preternaturally heating the heart. Secondly, they invade cum horrore & rigore, no antecedent cauſe preceding, yea no procatarctick, unleſſe the body be ſo diſpoſed that it's moved upon ſmall occaſion. Heat from the beginning is not ſharp: propter ſuffocationem, in the increaſe biting, propter fuliginoſum excrementum; urin is crude, or obſcurely concocted, pulſe from the beginning ſmall; the ſyſtole more ſwift then the diaſtole, becauſe of the abundance of fuliginous vapours. Thirdly, the immediate cauſe is abundance of ſharp biting putrid vapours that cannot be diſcuſſed. The mediate is putrid humours, either ſo in the ill natures thereof, from ill aliments eaſily putrifying,27 or from external, as obſtruction of the pores. Fourthly,Cure. the cure in general is abſolved; firſt, by opening a veine in continual Fevers on the third day, in intermittings after. Some gentle lenitive premiſed, it's to be repeated the ſame day if for evacuation; after, by intervals, if for revulſion ſake. Secondly, vomit with aqua benedict. &c. Thirdly, purge; where firſt, uſe lenitives, before preparing, eſpecially in continual, and acute Fevers, then ſtronger, after preparing; ye this may be omitted, if the humors in primis viis, are not mixt wth the blood in the veines or it be turned. Fourthly, ſweat by medicament, not too hot, leſt the Fever be increaſed, yet thoſe may be uſed in the beginning. It's to be repeated as oft as neceſſary. V. Diet, in which let meats of good juice and eaſie of concoction be uſed: drink is either to be nutritive in great weakneſſe, or medicinal, as decoct. Hord. &c. In continual, at firſt give little, afterward more copious; in the very fit of intermitting, none, leſt the ſeparation and excluſion of the putrid28 humour be hindered. But to return to particulars. A continual primary Fever is begot of putrid humours conteined in the greater veines and arteries, and differs according to the various nature of the humour. A putrid Synochus ariſeth from putrid blood in vena cava; and although it may be diſtinguiſhed into many fits, yet it ſpends forth it ſelf as in one, laſting from the beginning to the end. Of this there are three ſimple differences; The firſt is, when from the beginning to the end it endures equal: in this through the whole diſeaſe there is the ſame quantity of putrifaction, and this is called acmaſtica. The ſecond is cal•ed epacmaſtica: in this the fit increaſeth a little, becauſe there is more putrified then diſſipated. The third is called paracmaſtica: in this the fit decreaſeth, here being leſſe putrified then diſſipated: theſe have alſo their four times, if they conclude in health, yet various: for acmaſtic. hath a ſhort beginning and increaſe, but a longer ſtate, &c. This is to be obſerved. Time in putrid Fevers29 is doubly to be conſidered, either as to the ſymptomes, or as to concoction, or crudity, which two, although they oft fall out in other Fevers, yet not in Synochus. Now a Synochus is twofold, the one from putrid blood, the other from putrid choler, putrified in the greater veſſels, which is named according to the humour putrified; for although the whole maſs of humours contained in the veines, obtaine the name of blood, yet it's to be conſidered in its four parts, the more temperate thereof being called blood, the hotter bile, the more crude and cold phlegm, and the more thick and faeculent melancholy. Now if the more temperate part call'd blood do abound and putrifie, it cauſeth Synochus ſanguinea, but if the bile, then Synochus bilioſa. The ſignesSignes. of the ſeveral continual Fevers are diſtinctly, as followeth. Synochus putrida ſanguinea hath the ſame ſignes ſet down in a ſimple Synochus; but more vehement, as heat, watching, paine of the head, thirſt, unquietneſſe: urin in the firſt two dayes is30 not much unlike healthful; but afterward it's red, thick, very confuſed, and without ſediment; yet ſometimes there's abundance of red and thick ſediment: the pulſe is great, ſwift, often, unequal and inordinate: the ſyſtole greater then the diaſtole; if there be abundance of humours heaped up in the ſtomach, in the beginning it provokes vomiting. If Synochus Bilioſa, the urin is ſharp, fiery, although in the beginning crude; pulſe ſwift and oft, loathing, cholerick vomiting and ſtooles, thirſt bitterneſſe of the mouth, blackneſſe and dryneſſe of the tongue, delirium; it oft falls out in ſummer, in a dry and hot habit; this is diſtinguiſhed from a continual Tertian thus; for this hath fits, and that none. A continual Tertian ſignes are the ſame with a burning, onely by reaſon of the bile it's more ſharp every third day, the cauſe of the remiſſion is as well the diſtance of the place where the vapours are begot, as alſo the leſſe quantity thereof; for the preſent vapours are diſſipated before others31 come in the place. A continual Qua•tanes ſignes are: the heat is obtuſe, and not ſo ſharp as from choler, yet ſharper then from phlegme; the thirſt is leſſe then in a Tertian, but more then in a Quotidian; the pulſe at beginning ſlow, ſeldome, languid, after ſtrong, quick, and very unequal; the urin in the beginning thin, after various; the body dry and leane, the colour yellow, the temper cold and dry, age declining, and the time Autumne, ſometimes often ſpitting. Quotidiana continua, it's more ſharp towards the evening every day, becauſe of the motion of the phlegme; the heat in the beginning is to the touch gentle, after more ſharp; but unequal, becauſe of the craſſe humours which are difficultly diſſolved. Urin in the beginning is white, wateriſh, and troubled, after ſomewhat red and thick. Pulſe ſlow, ſeldome and leſſe then in other Fevers. Thirſt little, ſweat ſeldome, unleſſe ſalt phlegme be preſent, the face is puft up, looſe and lividiſh; time, winter; temper, cold and moiſt, excrements32 phlegmy, and the fit daily. Burning Fevers ſignes are; burning heat, unſatiable (thirſt unleſſe ough cauſing an afflux of humours from the neighbour-parts mitigate it) a toſſing of the body, urin little, ſometimes crude and filthy, ſometimes thin, very bilious and ſlimy: other ſignes are ſet down before in Synochus Bilioſa; but obſerve; the ſignes of a baſtard burning Fever are more gentle then the former. Febris Colliquans is known by a ſudden Conſumption of the body, and hollowneſs of the eyes, falling of the temples, ſharpneſſe of the noſe, the dejections reddiſh, fat, tough, ſtinking, troubled, bilious and frothy, urin fat and oleous. Febris Horrifica & Aſſodes are known by what is to be ſet down in their deſcription. In Feb. Elodes, the skin is continually wet with humours, the heat to the touch is not very ſharp; if from maligne cauſes, the urin differs little from healthful; if the fat waſte, then its fatty; if the fleſh, then there is like pulſe in the urin; or if the blood and humours waſte, then33 there's a great deale of urin for many dayes; to theſe are added ſtrength much waſted, pulſe is ſmall and ſlow. If from great putrifaction, the urin is thick and confuſed, the pulſe great, ſoft, and frequent. Feb. Syncopalis hath its name from the Symptome, and is known by oft ſwooning and fainting. In Epialas ▪ there is heat and cold felt in the body at one and the ſame time. Cauſes of all are as followeth. A Synochus putrid is wont to be generated of thoſe cauſes that produce a ſimple Synochus, and ſo not only the conſtipation of the skin, but the obſtruction of the veſſel from much blood,Cauſes. and tough craſſe humours, which hindering tranſpiration of the ſmoaky vapours, putrifaction of the blood is generated. Continua. Tertiana drawes it's original from bilious blood putrified in the Cava, this being produced from hot and dry, or thin diet, hunger, hot and dry diſtemper of the liver, &c. Contin. Quotid. is produced from putrid phlegme in the Cava; it oft happens to children and aged, ſometimes34 laſting ſixty dayes, ſeldome diſſolved before twenty; it extreamly weakens the ſtomach, hence Cachexia & Hydrops. This Fever falls out ſeldome, becauſe phlegme doth not ſo eaſily putrifie. Contin. Quartan. is cauſed from melancholick blood putrified in the branches of the Cava, ariſing from its proper cauſes: this happens moſt ſeldome. The accidental differences of Fevers are taken from the complication of perverſe Symptomes with the eſſentials,Diff. and from thence are denominated, Feb. Cauſ. Colliquans, Horrifica, &c. Feb. Cauſ. is divided into true, and baſtard; the firſt is from bile putrified in the greater veines near the heart, in this the Symptomes are vehement; the ſecond is either from bile mixed with phlegme, or ſalt phlegme putrified; and here the ſymptomes are more gentle. Hence it's manifeſt, that there is no other true burning Fever then a continual Tertian, in which the matter is more ſharp and abounding in the veſſels near the heart, whereas35 in a ſimple Continual Tertian the matter is leſſe, and in veſſels more remote from the heart. Again, an exquiſite burning Fever is of two ſorts; one which continues in one onely fit from the beginning to the end, and this is above called Synochus Bilioſa vel Ardens, this is from bile putrified occupying the veſſels moſt near the heart;Cauſes. the other containes many fits, and is called Ardens Parodica. In this the ſame matter is not ſo near the heart. Feb. Colliquans is a kinde of a burning Fever; for the greatneſſe of the heat doth waſte the fat, fleſh, and ſubſtantial ſolid parts, and ſometimes the humours in the veines by inſenſible tranſpiration, ſweat, urin or ſtoole; it's from a thin, ſharp, and bilious matter, which begins to burne vehemently, and this is not ſeldome joyned with a maligne and peſtilential quality Horrific. Feb. in which horrour happens, is cauſed from bile and phlegme, or ſeroſities mixt, which move unequally, and the horrour is ſtirred up, either from bile, and crude humours, burnt, putrified36 and moved, or thin, ſharp, and ſerous matter biting the ſenſible and nervous parts; or laſtly, the crude humour ſhaking nature in vaine; hence the heat being driven back to the centre, the extreme parts are cold, and the ſame preſently iſſuing out heat. Aſſodes, this may be referred to the burning Fever, in which the ſick is caſt down, grieved with much unquietneſſe, bearing the diſeaſe grievouſly, and that oft with loathing and vomiting, being it ariſeth from ſharp bilious humours biting the mouth, or tunicles of the ſtomach. Elodes, in this ſweat is continually poured out, and is cauſed from the great heat of the putrid and maligne matter diſſolving the ſubſtance of the body, Syncopalis is double: the one is from humours thin and ſmall, yet venemous and corrupt, and this is called Minuta; the other is from abundance of crude humours, and is called Humoroſa, which may be referred to pituitous fevers; onely here the quantity of matter is more great, with a weakneſſe of the37 mouth of the ſtomach. Epiala, in this is felt heat and cold at the ſame time through the whole body. They have two cauſes, the one from a certaine glaſſy phlegme mixt with bitter choler diffuſed through the whole body: from the choler is the ſenſe of heat, from the phlegme the ſenſe of cold. The other is from glaſſie phlegme alone, but partly putrified, & part not. That which is not putrified cauſeth cold, the other heat, and both at the ſame time; it may alſo be generated, when two intermitting Fevers fall out in one day, or an intermitting, and continual, the heat of one Fever falling out with the cold of another. There are other accidentall differences of Fevers, which may be referred to ſymptomatical. Thoſe are named Symptomatical, which ariſe from the putrifaction contained in any of the bowels, as theſe following; a Pluriſie, peripneumonia, phrenitis, angina, inflammatio hepatis, and other internal parts, ulcers or abſceſſes. Yet diligently obſerve, that Fevers joyned with inflammation of the38 parts are ſometime eſſential, and not ſymptomatical; the inflammation of thoſe parts following: for the body being full of corrupt blood and ſtuffed with ill humours, a Fever is ſtirred up, and ſo being in motion, by nature is caſt to the weakeſt part, or that which is moſt fit to receive the humour, whence the inflammation is produced after the Fever, as may be obſerved in ſick, who oft have a Fever two or three dayes before a Pluriſie appear, and ſo many in the third or fourth day of a Fever fall into a Phrenſy; ſo for moſt part in Gouts, before inflammation, tumors, and paine of the joynts appear, there commonly precedes a Fever for one, or two dayes before: ſo the like may be ſaid, when an Eryſipelas. The diſpoſition of the urin alſo ſhewes the ſame, diſcovering manifeſt notes of putrifaction contained in the veines; for in the beginning they appeare crude, but after they ſhew ſignes of concoction: then alſo the blood drawne is very corrupt, which is not when Fevers are Symptomatical,39 or depend upon other inflammations; now theſe Fevers, whether Symptomatical, or Primary, if joyn'd with inflammation of the parts, have their accidental differences; for if the Fever be from blood, it's called Phlegmonodes; if bile referring to the nature of an Eryſipelas, it's call'd Typhodes; but a peculiar Eryſip. of the ſtomach and guts cauſeth Febris Lipyria, in which the outward parts are cold, and the inner burne, the hot blood and ſpirits being drawne to the place inflamed, cauſeth intenſe heat with unquenchable thirſt, whileſt the external parts left by the ſame, are cold. Feb. Lenta is uſually referred to the Symptomatical; this ariſeth from matter without the veſſels poured out into the ſubſtance of ſome of the bowels, or in the capillary veſſels diſperſed through the bowels, and ſo putrifying. In theſe is gentle heat afflicting, with which there's apparent notes of putrifaction, in the urin and pulſe no grievous Symptomes moleſting the ſick, there's waſting of ſtrength, the body by degrees40 conſumes, it laſts fourty dayes; purging exaſperates, when portion of the putrifaction is poured out into the veines, it ſtirs up a Fever. So milde, that the ſick is ſcarcely ſenſible of it; others ariſe from ſome corruption & putrifaction out of the bowels, whence by their veines inſerted are communicated putrid vapours to the heart, & heate it; & it's ſometimes more gentle, otherwhile more vehement and acute; theſe happen moſt oft in putrifaction of the lungs, call, meſentery, ſpleen, liver, wombe, or the ſecondine in the wombe; alſo by fiſtulas penetrating to the inward parts, and ſometimes by the corruption of theſe. To theſe may be added, that oft found in thoſe labouring of the Green-ſickneſſe, which ariſe, from ſerous phlegme poured out into the body, lightly putrified. Beſides theſe common differences of continual Fevers, there ariſe ſome from peculiar cauſes which offer themſelves, as is related by Zacutus, of a childe who laboured of a Fever with grievous unquietneſs, convulſive motions, continual41 loathings, and coldneſſe of the extreme parts, &c. by blood falling into the ſtomach after the cutting of the ligament of the tongue, which he cured by giving of ol. Amygdal. till it vomited, and gliſters: There's other in children ariſe, as from corrupt milke, wormes, crudity and teeth, &c. Prognoſticks are ſuch as follow. Synochus Putrida, if acute,Prog. wants not danger, yet if ſignes of concoction appear the fourth day, and no error be committed, it will end ſafely the ſeventh day; but if they appear later, it may extend to the eleventh or fourteenth day; but if no ſignes of concoction appear, and the face of the ſick ariſe like a globe it ſignifies the length of the diſeaſes. The urin how much the more red its from the beginning, other Symptomes anſwering, its ſo much the more ſecure, and the diſpatch of the diſeaſe, if therein ſignes of concoction appear; but with ſignes of crudity it threatens death, eſpecially if there be great weakneſſe; white urin is worſt, and moſt frequently portends death. If42 there be a flux from the beginning, diſſolving ſtrength, and be black and ſtinking, its ill. Fevers from choler, as they are acute; ſo they are dangerous, and that more or leſſe according to the degree of the diſtemper, which is not onely to be judged according to the degree of heat, but alſo from the natural ſtate of the ſick, that which moſt recedes from it, the more danger is threatened. So a burning Fever in aged, and coming in winter, is moſt oft deadly; the vehement Symptomes are to be conſidered in all the faculties, in the excrements, change of the qualities and proper accidents, and laſtly the ſtrength is to be compared with theſe; for if the patient appear to have ſufficient ſtrength to encounter with theſe, there's the more hopes, if not, there's cauſe of fear. Quotidian uſes to be long from the craſſeneſs and contumacy of the humour; yet if there fall out in the courſe thereof many evacuations, it may be ſhorter; if the Symptomes be too hard for the faculties, it's ill; there's oft obſtructions.43 of the liver, and ſpleen, occaſioned by its length, ſo that there followes a Cachexia, or Hydrops. Quartane primary and continual is very ſeldom, yet ſometimes it degenerates to an intermitting, and that's oft deadly; for the reſt being denominated from their Symptomes, there to give prognoſticks is need leſſe; however obſerve, the prognoſticks of Symptomatical Fevers are beſt drawn from the part affected, vehemency of Symptomes and ſtrengths of the faculties. CureCure. is thus performed, 1. Bleed, which repreſſeth the heat of the blood, leſſens its plenitude, whether it be ad vaſa, or ad vires, either in the whole, or in part; it corrects the viciouſneſſe thereof, revels the flux of the humours obſtructing, reſtores breathing, cooles the whole body, hinders putrifaction, and helps to concoct the humours already putrified; therefore it's to be done preſently at the beginning, unleſſe weakneſſe forbid, as in febris Syncopalis, or other cauſes, as in age; and here Cups are to take44 place, a Gliſter or a Suppoſitary is to be premiſed; for the quantity to be drawne, it's to anſwer fulneſſe, ſtrength, age, time of the yeere, &c. the Ancients in Synochus putrida, & cauſus uſed to let blood to fainting; but it's more ſecure and better to do it by repetition. Avicen in theſe forbids bleeding, unleſſe urin be red and thick, but nature hath inſtructed us better, who having foiled its adverſary, diſchargeth it by an haemorrhage, and ſometimes it concludes in a phrenſie and other inflammations. Laſtly, bleeding ſtayes ebullition, in that the bile with it mixed is drawne forth; for in the maſſe of blood conteined in the greater veſſels ther's but a due proportion of bile remaining. Now if the vrin be crude, and the ſtrength of the ſick be lively, and the blood break forth in a heap together, then onely the putrid and that which offends nature, is caſt forth, the more pure remaining in the veines, nature expelling the moſt part, this may oft be obſerved; but if it flow from the veine by drops, it's the moſt pureſt. 45In bilious tempers blood may be taken ſparingly, eſpecially in the middle of Summer, or the Dog-dayes. In pituitous and melancholick Fevers the leſſe quantity of blood is to be taken; yet in the firſt it may be ſecurely done, if the urin be thick and red; in the latter it's to be drawn from the left arme; in theſe there is to be regard had, both to coindications, and contraindications, as when a Quotidian falls out in children, or aged, in cold regions, or winter-time; alſo if it be from too much labour, bleed more ſparingly; if a Fever be from too much venery, to bleed is pernicious. For the time of bleeding, 'tis not to be done preſently upon taking of meat, but when concoction of the ſtomach is perfected, and the belly diſcharged from excrements. It's to be performed rather in time of remiſſion, then in the ſtrength of the fit; for nature cannot well bear the impetus of the diſeaſe and ven. ſect. together; that which reſpects reiteration, if neceſſary, it may be the ſame day, if to evacuate; but if to revell,46 then in divers dayes; for where it's to evacuate (eſpecially in acute diſeaſes) the body is oft ſuddenly transferred to another ſtate, the principio preſently paſſing over; and then bleeding is not ſo profitable although it may be uſed. In revulſion there's reſpect had to the motion of the humour; therefore reiteration by intervals is good; for by this the blood in any part is drawn into the veines, and ſo farther; bleeding is to be repeated, eſpecially if that drawn be very putrid, and there ſeems to be a great quantity in the veines; its moſt fit to be performed on the right arme, yet alſo on the left, when therere's greater tenſion of the left Hypochondria then the right; yet if to revell, and ſtrength be little, the matter aſſault the head, and there be pain of the head, and watching, to open veines in the feet is moſt profitable. Frictions in putrid Fevers are ſeldom uſed, unleſſe in ſyncopalis; Cups may be often uſed if neceſſary, eſpecially with Scarrification, in caſe ſtrength & age wil not permit ven. ſect. II. Pharmaceutica47 is to be uſed, and this is of two ſorts: evacuation, and alteration; the firſt comprehends purging, vomiting, ſweating, and piſſing; in the ſecond is cooling, attenuating, inciding, opening, and ſtrengthening; all which with their compoſition and uſe ſhall be orderly ſet down, beginning firſt with purgers. It's controverted by ſome, whether there's to be purgers uſed in the beginning of a putrid Fever, which is thus reſolved. If the quantity of the matter immediately producing it, be contained in the greater veines, purging in the beginng is not fit, unleſſe it be turgid, i. e. ſo ſtirred up by nature, and provoked by the ill quality thereof, that there's an endeavour to expell it; for hence it's more ready for excretion; and if not removed, it's to be feared may ruſh upon ſome noble part, and do great hurt, yet this ſeldome happens, and therefore concoction is much to be deſired before the matter be evacuated. But if the quantity of the matter contained in the firſt wayes be much, by48 which the Fever is much increaſed; nature burdened, and the matter contained in the veines be kept from concoction, then purging may be exhibited the day after bleeding, but ſo gentle, as onely to evacuate the firſt wayes, i. e. the ſtomach, guts, midriffe or praecordia, which may be known to abound by loathing, bitterneſſe of the mouth, thirſt, paine in the ſtomach and other parts contained in the lower belly, flux, and other ſymptomes, upon which account purging ſometimes may be permitted the very ſame day a veine is opened, with theſe or the like. ℞ caſſiae rec. extract. ℥ j. pulp. Tamarind. ℥ s. cum Sacch. cand. alb. f. bol. or ℞ diacathol. ʒvj. Elec. lenit. vel diapruni ſimp. ℥ s. cremor. Tart. ʒj. f. bol. or ℞ fol. endiv. cichor. acetoſ. an. Mi Tamarind. ℥ s. coq. ad ℥ iij. in colat. diſſol. catholic. ℥ s. Mannae elec. & ſyr. roſ. an. ℥ j. Miſce, f. pot. if you would have it a little ſtronger, adde rhab. ʒj. vel. ℈ iiij. in aq. endiviae, vel cichorii infuſ. cum Santal. citri, yea rather ſometimes if the Fever be not49 too intenſe, adde ʒij, vel iij Senae to the decoction. Some reject rhubarb, becauſe it heats, alſo Manna & Syr. roſ. becauſe they are ſweet and eaſily turned into choler, but being either infuſed or decocted in cooling waters they cannot be ill, eſpecially if in the ſaid decoction be added Pulp. Tamarind. which in this caſe is excellent. Some uſe in bilious Fevers the whey of Goates milke, which tempers the heat of the Fever, evacuates choler, and ſtrengthens the bowels, in Cyatho uno ſeri lactis inſunde per noctem rhab. ʒj. vel ʒ j s. or adde Syr. roſ. ℥ ij. vel iij. exhibit in the morning, and after that drink lb ij. Note that Purgers to be uſed in the beginning of Putrids are called Minoratives, but thoſe uſed when the matter is concocted Eradicatives, which alſo may be fit in the beginning. Firſt, if the matter be turgid, i. e. either moving to a determinate part, or ſo diſpoſed as to ruſh into a part, which may be perceived by light and wandering pains in divers parts ſpeedily moving, as50 alſo oft change of colour in the face. Secondly, if the humours in primis viis. be not mixed with the blood in the veines.
Sometimes in the beginning of theſe Fevers, if the ſick be given to loathing and vomit, nature is to be imitated and helped in her motion, leſt the abundance of excrementitious matter do not onely hinder its concoction, but alſo whither ſoever it's carried, change the humours into the like, and ſo increaſeth the peccant matter. For all uncleanneſſes contained in the ſtomach, ſpleene, pancreas, meſentery, and hollow of the liver, are profitably diſcharged by vomit, which ſometimes cannot be removed by purging medicines, though oft reiterated. And it's not ſeldome obſerved, that the matter caſt out by vomit doth take away the Fever at the beginning, which otherwiſe would continue long, that matter in the more inward parts of the body, and mixed with the blood being tranſmitted. Vomiting medicines are of three ſorts, the more51 gentle are to be uſed; as aq. Hord. tepid. cum ol. Amygd•d. or aq. Commun. cum aceti alb. exigua quantitate, alſo Syr. acetoſ. aut oxymel. Simpl. cum jure pulli, vel decoct. Sem. anethi, raphani, aut atriplicis, to which ad oyle. The quantity to be given is lbj, or more, for les will be retained in the ſtomach. But if theſe be too weak, & not efficacious, it's lawfull to flie to more powerfull, as is ſet down in the Generall cure. Gliſters are not onely to be caſt in from the beginning before bleeding, but alſo every, or every other day through the whole cure, if the belly flow not freely. They are to be made ex decoct. emollient. & refriger. as of barley, prunes, mallow, violet-leaves, mercury, bears-foot, atriplex, lettice, endive, Semperviva, nymphaea, in which diſſolve Catholic. caſſia, diaprun. S. Sacchar. rub. mel viol. mercurialis, ol. Nympheae, viol. &c. Yet in more intenſe Fevers uſe not oiles, becauſe they eaſily inflame. Firſt.Frſt, the quantity of your Semperviva is not above three or four Scales in the decoction of one glyſter, leſt it52 coole too much, and hurt the guts. Secondly, glyſters in all bilious Fevers are not to be caſt in actually hot, but gently warme. In pituitous Fevers the decoctions are to be made of Emollients with the ſeeds of Fennell, Aniſe, Carthamus, and the flowers of Camomile, Melilot, diſſolving therin Hierapic. S. Diaphoenic. Mel. roſ. Mercurialis, ol. Anethi, Chamom. vel communis. And whereas above it's noted, Eradicatives are not to be uſed unleſſe the matter be concocted, the Phyſician from the beginning after the firſt bleeding, and evacuating the firſt wayes, is to uſe ſuch medicines as prepare the humour to concoction and evacuation, which together temper the feveriſh heat, hinder putrifaction, and open obſtructions; ſuch are juleps broths, and Emulſions formed as followeth; Juleps in a bilious matter are made ex Syrup, Limon. Granator. de Agreſta, Acetoſa, Syr. de ſuc. acetoſ. de Cichori. ſimp. oxyſacchari cum aq. Endiviae, acetoſa, graminis, & cichori: or much better, ex decoct. rad. acetoſ. cichorii, capill. 53Veneris, Scariol. Dentis Leonis, Sem. frigid. Tamarind. cum Syrup. praedictis; & ſometime to coole intenſely, adde Sal. prunellae ʒ j. for every Doſe of the Julep, or ſpir. vitriol. vel ſulphur. q. ſ. ad gratam aciditatem. Alſo this is excellent. ℞. Succi pomor. redolent. recent. extract. & per reſidentiam depurati ℥ iiij. Succ. limon. ℥ iij. aq. roſ. ℥ ij. Succ. mal. granator. ℥ j. Sacc. alb. lb s. f. julep pro tribus doſibus. But if choler be very thin, quae orgaſmum faciat, or brings forth Diarrhea, or other grievous flux of the belly, Juleps are then to be made of incraſſers, as ex aquis lactuc. portulac. papav. erratic. nymph. roſar. cum Syr. roſ. Sicc. viol. jujub. papav. erratic. papav. albi, or ex decoct. lactuc. portulac. plantag. flor. Nymph. papav. erratic. & viol. cum Syr. praedictis. Yet note, that Syr. viol. and thoſe more ſweeter are not to be uſed alone, becauſe as they looſe the ſtomach, ſo they increaſe thirſt, being turned by the heat of the ſtomach into hot vapors, before they can penetrate into the veines,☜ therefore mixe them alwayes54 cum Syr, acetoſ. that ſo they may the more eaſily penetrate, and reſiſt the feveriſh heat. In the progreſſe of the Fever concoction appearing, adde to the former decoct. rad. aſparag. liquirit. fol. Agrimon. pimpinellae, hepaticae, & capil. Veneris. In Chronick, and pituitous Fevers, thoſe things are to be preſcribed which incide, attenuate, and open more, beginning with the weaker, as Syr. acetoſ. capil. Veneris, Byzant. cum decoct. Agrimon. capill. Veneris, betonic. liquirit. paſſul. In the progreſſe, to the former is to be added ſyrup. de duobus & 5. radic. acetoſ. compoſ. de Hyſſop. oxymel. ſimp. & compoſ. and to the decoct. adde rad. 5. aperitiu. fol. Hyſſop. card. bened. & (If the matter be much impacted, tough, and viſcid) chamaedryos, & centau. minor. to which if ſal tartari, & ſpir. vitriol. be added, it will work more happily. In melancholick Fevers is to be added that which hath a quality to humect, as ſyrup. violar. bugloſ. borag. de pomis, in principio, but after ſyr. de fumaria, & epithym.55 de 5. rad. oxymel. ſcill. cum. decoct. prun. bugloſſ. borrag. ceterach. capil. Veneris, fumaria, lupulor. afterward ex. cuſcuta, ſcordij, centaur, minor. cortic. capp. fraxini, & tamaiſci. And laſtly, in baſtard fevers ariſing from a mixture of divers humors, the foreſaid remedies are to be mixed, yet ſo as the preſcribed medicaments muſt anſwer the predominant humor. For the more dainty, medicated brorhs may be uſed; inſtead of juleps; and leſt the long uſe of them may weary, the roots and Herbs more grateful are to be choſen; and to them, ſometimes when you would coole more, adde ſal. prunell. vel. ſpirit. vitriol.
In gentle and long fevers produced from contumacious obſtructions, Chamaedris, though bitter, may be boyled in broth with cichory, it's admirable. In pituitous fevers the decoction of camomile-flowers is excellent. Emulſions are very grateful having place here, they are to be uſed, eſpecially, where with the fever is joyned a dry diſtemper of56 the bowels, a thin catarrh, or an inflammation of the lungs, & the parts of the ſpirits; or laſtly, the formes of remedies are to be changed, that the patient may not be wearied with the long uſe of any of the compoſitions which are before preſcribed. The exhibiting of great quantity of water hath been uſed and praiſed both by new and old, but it's uſe may be ſuſpected, yet with ſome addition of ſpir. vitriol. to the quantity of ℥ X. vel. Xij. may help to allay the great heat of fevers, the ſpirits fits the water to open obſtructions, and penetrate the ſooner, ſpreading over the bowels, neither ſtayes it in the Hypochondries, as aquaſimp. doth. Mineral waters are good although taken in great quantities, not troubling the Hypochondries, being ſpeedily caſt forth, theſe open obſtructions, amend ſtrength dejected by the vehemency of the fever. Opiats, and condites to ſtrengthen are to be made of the conſerves of borage-roots, of the leaves of ſorrel, wood-ſorrel, ſtalks57 of lettice, of the flowers of borage, bugloſſe, violets, cichory, roſes, and pulpe of citrons: adding the powders of coral, pearle, ſhavings of jvor, harts horne; Diamargar. frigid. Triſantal. Diarrhod. Abbatis, Confec. Alkermes, & de Hyacinth. as ℞. conſer. flor. borag. bugloſ. & roſar. an. ℥ j. confoc. Alkermes ʒ j s. diamargar. frigid. raſur. eboris, coralli. proep. & Margar proep. an. ℈ s. ſacchar. roſ. ad pondus omnium; fol. Auri. Niij, fiat. conditum auro coopertum, quo utatur frequenter ex cochleari per ſe ſuperbibendo parùm aq. vel potûs ordinarij, vel cum eadem aqua pro potu admiſceatur, vel cum juſculis. ℞. conſer. cichor. acetoſ. lactuc. & acid. citri an. ℥ s. pul. ſantal. citrin. & margar. praep. an ℈ j. ſpir. vitriol. ℈ s, cum ſyr. viol. f. opiat. ℞. conſer. bugloſ. roſar. & viol. an. ℥ j. aq. Endiv. acetoſae & boragin. an ℥ iij. Miſceantur, ſimul, calefiant ſuper cineres, & per colum trajiciantur; deinde add. confec. Alker. ʒ ij, diamarg. frig. ʒs, coral. praep. Margar praep. & raſurae Eboris. an. ℈ j, ſyr. de limon. & granat. 58℥ iij, Miſce, detur ſingulis vicibus cochlear. 1. For the more delicate, & where ſtrength is much ſpent, this is moſt excellent, and grateful; ℞. aq. acetoſ. Nymph. & roſar. an. ℥ j s. ſyr. granat. & limon. an. ℥ j, confect. Alker. ʒ j, Miſce, utatur ex cochleari frequenter. Remedies altering, preparing, and concocting, having for ſeveral dayes been uſed; purging is to follow, the fever declining, and ſignes of concoction appearing, ſhunning the critical dayes, it's to be done with a little ſtronger purgers then uſed in the beginning, as ſen. rhab. agaric. diacathol. duplex, &c. which are to be fitted according to the humour offending, and the nature of the diſeaſe. Alſo ſometimes diagrediated medicines may be uſed, as, Diaprun. ſoluti. diaphoeni. Elect. ſucc. roſ.☞ aut diacartham, which are moſt ſeldome to be uſed in continued putrids, becauſe they greatly inflame the humours, and ſtirre up vehement thirſt, eſpecially in burning fevers, wherein they59 are very hurtful, yea rhubarb, although benigne, and moſt excellent, yet in very bilious fevers it is ſuſpected, becauſe indued with a notable force to heat and dry, but that may be much amended, if it be infuſed in cooling waters, and mixed with the decoction of Tamarinds, and cooling herbs, adding Caſſia, ſyr. roſ. de cichor. cum rheo, & ſimilia. If the fever be long, purgings are oft to be repeated, caſting in preparers, and concocters, till the whole ſeat of the matter be removed; otherwiſe, if purging be left before the fever be wholly ended, it will be in danger to return. Yet take theſe reſtrictions. ☜If after many repetitions of purging the fever perſeveres, & by degrees waſtes the ſick, and ſeems to haſten a Tabes, leave purging, and oppoſe the fever with altering medicins and good diet; for it ſometimes happens where a certain ill affect of the bowels cauſeth long fevers, then as long as medicaments are uſed, ſo long it perſiſts; beſides, by deſiſting, nature, which before was wearied,60 gaining ſtrength, concocts the cauſe of the diſeaſe, and after expels it; yet if gentle fevers ariſe from obſtructions, ſuch as oft fal out in children, oft purging & gently, per Epicraſin, drawing out the humor, is wont to remove the diſeaſe, eſpecially if made of rhubarb, which both openeth obſtructions, & ſtrengthneth the Entrals; and this is to be taken every day, being infuſed in aq. End. recent. lb j. rhab. ʒ j. doſ. ℥ iiij. in the mornings till the fever be removed, or uſe it for ordinary drink, as Rhei. ʒ s. vel ʒ j. according as the child can bear the taſt, beaten, and lapt up in a rag, & infuſed in water 2 or 3 pints cold, for a whole day. This is to be continued for a month, or longer if the contumacy of the diſeaſe require it; ſomtimes, if the fever be very gentle, & the body phlegmatick, ſome wine may be added, which corrects the taſte of the rhubarb. After the purging of the Morbifick matter, nature in the declining of the diſeaſe caſts out the reſt by urin; which although it comes in abundance and thick, its motion is to be helped with61 temperate Diureticks, as are above preſcribed, in Emulſions, opening juleps, and broths; to which if the fever be very remiſſe, may be added ſome roots of fennel, and parſley; or leaves of wormwood; and that eſpecially in pituitous and continual Quotidians. But if nature drive out all the reſt of the matter to the habit of the body, ſweating is to be uſed, but not with thoſe properly called Sudorificks, which are ſtrong, but thoſe temperate which are almoſt the ſame with Diureticks, and do not only by an attenuating quality diſpoſe the humour, but alſo help nature to expell it. By the way, moſt fit to theſe may be added, aq. Card. bened. ſcabioſ. ſpir. vitriol. and others; and to be preſcribed in malign fevers more largely. Beſides inward remedies, outward are to be applied in the ſtate or declination, after the internal feveriſh heat by coolers is repreſſed, & the greater part of the putrifying humour is drawn forth, but not upon critical days: They profit to temperate the heat, relax the pores, and62 ſtrengthen the principal parts, as ℞. aq. bugloſ. acetoſ. Nymph. roſar. aena ℥ iij. aceti roſ. vel ſucc. limon. ℥ j. ſpec. diamarg. frig. & Triſantal. ana ʒ iij. Camphor: & croc. ana gr. v. miſc. f. Epith. applica tepidè cord. cum panno ſcarlatino, to ſtrengthen the more, and mend the ſmell, adde aq. Naph. ℥ ij. confect. Alker. ʒ j. where you deſire to corroborate more, ℞. conſer. bugloſs. & roſ. ana ℥ j confect. Alker. ʒ ij. diamarg. frigid. ʒ j s. cum ſucc. limon. vel aq. roſ. f. Epithema ſolidum, appl c. poſt liquidum. Or this which is better, ℞. confec. Alkerm. de Hyacinth. ana ʒ iij. Spec. Triſant. & diamarg. frig. ana ʒ ij. cum aq roſ. & f. inſtar liniment. quo illinatur regio cordis. Alſo to ſtrengthen, to call out the feveriſh heat, and vapours, apply young pidgeons cut in the middle to the region of the heart, which may be ſprinkled with cordial powders, as diamarg. frig. & Triſantal. or anoint that region cum liniment. Cardi. To the liver apply this. ℞. aq. Endiv. acetoſ. cichor. roſ. ana ℥ iij. aq. lactuc. ℥ ij. aceti63 roſ. ℥ s. Spec. Triſantal. ʒ j s. Spodii ʒ s. Campho. ℈ s. f. Epith. To coole more; ℞. Succ. cichor. Endiv. ana lb. s. ſucc. lact. & acet. roſ. ana. ℥ ij. pul. triſantal. ʒ ij. miſc. f. Epith. anoint the ſame region with this ℞. ung. roſ. ℥ j s. Ceral. ſantal. ℥ j. Succ. Endiv. ℥ j s. ol. roſ. & cer. ana q. ſ. ut f. ung. cui add. aceti roſ. parùm unctionis tempore; It may alſo be uſed to the reines and loines, and becauſe of that great conſent betwixt the ſtones and the principle parts, ſo that theſe cooled, in great part quench the heat of the whole body: it's profitable to apply coolers to them alſo; as ℞. aq. Nymph. plantag. roſar. & cichor. ana ℥ iij. aceti roſ. ℥ j s. vini alb. ℥ ij Miſc. hiſque immergatur linteum quo actu frigido teſtes involvantur; Refrigerating the feet and hands, do much help from that conſent they have with the whole body being the Arteries, Nerves, and Veines, end in thoſe parts. Some may think theſe may hinder the breathing forth of the excrements, but that's not to be feared, being few flow thither,64 therefore they more help then hurt: Balls of Marble, Cryſtal, or Lead, are to be held in the hands, or macerate them in cold water wherewith there is mixed wine-vineger. To the ſoales of the feet apply fol. lactuc. Nymphoeae, aq. & acet. immerſa, or waſh both hands and feet with this, ℞ fol. lactuc. ſemperv. viol. portulac. fol. vitis, ſalicis, ana Mj. cap. pap. N. xii. vel fol. ejuſd. (ſi adſint vigiliae) Mj. acet. ℥ j. vini alb. ℥ ij. aq. font. q. ſ. f. decoct. cui add. ſi lubet, lixivii parùm ad corroborationem articulorum, hoc laventur manus & brachia, pedes & tibiae tepidè, bis in die, aut ſemel horâ ſomni. The Ancients in putrids have uſed a bath of aq. dulc. but it is dangerous, unleſſe the fever be long, the body be hot, dry, and ſqualid, and ſeem to degenerate into a Hectick. This is to be noted, if the fever end by Criſes; the reſt of the diſeaſed matter is to be removed by purging, eſpecially if the Criſis be made by ſweat, or Hemorrage; for by theſe onely, the thinner part of the matter65 is caſt forth, the thicker remaining behinde, which acquiring new heat, procures a relapſe. Therefore that Criſis made by a flux of the belly, is wont to be more ſecure, yet is it not ſo to be confided in, as to forbear purging; for even to the laſt the praecordia are defiled, and the aliments corrupted, whence either is raiſed (as hath been obſerved) a recidivation, or another diſeaſe cauſed; therefore it's much better once and again to repeat gentle Catharticks; ſo to remove all the reſt, that that which is feared, may be prevented. For Diet,Diet. of which ſomething hath been ſaid above, in bilious fevers it is to be cold and moiſt, in pituitous and Mleancholick more heating, and attenuating. The AireAire. is to be cold, and moiſt, for being drawn in, it contemperates, the heat of the heart; yet it is naught to lay naked the body to its encounter; for it may hinder evaporation by keeping in the ſweat and vapours, yet they are onely to be covered with light and ſoft things: here wool-beds or66 quilts are better then fetherbeds, and if the feveriſh heat be much, it is fit they be covered with leather; the bed is to be large, that therein the ſick may change places. The linnen and other cloathes are oft to be changed, ſo that they be not newly waſhed, ſmell of waſhing, or ſhifted at time of Criſis, in which nothing is to be removed, leſt the motion of nature be diſturbed. The Rayes of the Sunne are to be ſhut out, and much company ſhunned. Poure water oft from one veſſel to another, beſprinkle the pavement with water and vineger, or roſe-water, or cold herbs, and flowers, as violets, willow-leaves, water-lilies, and roſes, changing them oft in a day; for being dry, they heat. If there be too much coldneſſe, as in winter, it's to be temperated with a little fire without ſmoak. In fevers from phlegme, the Aire ought to be meanly hot and dry. For Aliments, in acute fevers they ought to be thin; the diligence of the Ancients was much in this, appointing it as the greateſt part of the67 cure, and if the fever of the ſick be moſt acute, they commended the diet moſt thin, nouriſh the ſick only with barley Ptiſans, as the moſt fit, which cooles, humects, and together attenuates, opens, and hinders no evacuation. Theſe Ptiſans are double, one called ſimple, not ſtrained; the other is, and is called, Cremor Hord. the barley is to be boyled in water. But now, what through the obſtinacy of the patient, and the indulgency of the Phyſician in what fever ſoever, though never ſo acute; leave is given to take broths made of chickens, capons, mutton, and that every third or fourth hour, in theſe are boyled cooling herbs, as Lettice, Endive, Purſlain, Sorrel; the broth may be alſo mixed with juice of limons, oranges, or citrons; if the feveriſh heat be great, and the putrifaction be intenſe. In fevers leſſe acute, Panatello's may be given, 2 or three a day, made of bread and broth, alſo Hordeats with broth and ſugar, or without broth, adding ſweet Almonds, but that often troubling68 the ſtomack, it is better to uſe ſimple broths, and Panatella's, yet it is very profitable to boyle fleſh, adding barley, and ſo prepare broths. In long fevers a fuller diet may be admitted, as the fleſh of pullets, veale, hens, capons, partridges, and mutton, or any of them, contuſed and boyled into jelly, is fit; but obſerve, they muſt not be given in the fit, but when the fever is remitted, yet if the fit be long, they may be permitted in the declining thereof; in all continual fevers; a Ptiſan of barley and licoriſh is good, to which if the fever be hot, adde lettice, ſorrel, Tamarinds, &c. and to theſe is wont oft to be added, rad. gram. vel acetoſ. In long fevers, adde rad. foenicul. petroſelini, ſem. Aniſi, coriand. aut cinam. If the ſtomack be weak and offended, ℞. ptiſan. vulg. ex Hord. & liquirit. lb ij. ſpir. ſulph. q. ſ. ad gratam aciditatem C. C. uſti ℥ j. utatur pro potu ordinario, vas usûs tempore agitando; or aq. panata alone, or ſweetened with ſugar, or mixt with a little vineger, or water alone boyled, that the crudities69 thereof may be removed, with which mixe ſometimes ſugar; as alſo, the juice, or Syrup of limons, pomegranates, barberries, cherries, or Spir. vitriol. aut ſulphur. q. ſ. ad gratam aciditatem, or Sal prunellae, a little, if you would cool more powerfully; alſo water wherein are infuſed Tamarinds, barberries, or prunes, the decoction of prunes; or boyl barley with Tamarinds, and towards the end, add Santal. citri. & cinam. which drink doth not only quench thirſt, but looſeth the belly, and ſtrengtheneth, and cooleth the liver. ℞. Sacchar. fin. ℥ viij. Sal. prunel. ℥ j. f. pul permiſcendus ptiſan. pro potu; to which (if thirſt be great) adde ſpir. vitriol. This is to be obſerved,☜ that Spir. vitriol. & ſulphuris is to be much uſed in putrid fevers, both of them having a notable force in cooling, opening, reſiſting putrefaction, prohibits humour from inflaming, and quencheth thirſt; but yet in Pleuritis, peripneumonia, haemoptoe, phthiſis, and the reſt of the affects of the lungs (unleſſe the veſſels thereof obſtructed,70 have riſen from craſſe phlegm) inflammation of the ſtomack, Dyſenteria, ſangu. mict. the ulcers of the reines, and bladder hurt much, and therefore in ſuch caſes to be forborne. In fevers from bile very thin and hot, or joyned with a thin and ſharp diſtillation; ſharp things are not fit, but rather thoſe which gently incraſſate, as Syr. viol. rof. ſicc. cum aq. Hord. vel panata, vel cocta ſimpliciter permixtus, when tough and thick humours abound, Syr. acetoſus, in the place of the foreſaid, will be moſt profitable. Sometimes may be uſed, conſer. viol. bugloſ. &c. boyled in water, and drawne through a bag, adding ſome drops of Spir. vitriol. Or prepare a Tincture of roſes, for in colour and taſte, it is moſt pleaſant, as ℞. roſ. rub. ſicc. ℥ j. aq. tepi. lb. iij. ſpirit. ſulph. ʒ j s. aut vitriol. infund. per 3. vel 4. hor. frigidae colatur: add. ſacch. alb. ℥ iiij. aq. roſ. lb. s. f. julep. clarum pro potu ordinario; in the ſame manner may other tincture of flowers be made. Julep. Alexandr. is not a little profitable,71 and moſt pleaſant; as, ℞. aq. fontan. lb. j. aq. roſ. ſucc. limon. & ſacc. alb. ana ℥ iiij. coq. lento igne dum deſpumaverint. Sleep is very profitable, watching hurtful, yet too much ſleep overwhelmes the native heat, and hinders the evacuation of excrements. Reſt is neceſſary in acute fevers, but in longer light exerciſe is profitable, and oft to be uſed, leſt that which according to nature ought to be expelled, be retained, although all immoderate evacuations, which exhauſt the ſtrength, are to be ſtayed, and all vehement, perturbations of the minde are to be ſhunned.
SYmptomes accompanying fevers, are divers; but they are ordinarily more powerful and vehement in putrids, and therefore they require the next place to be handled. The72 remedies preſcribed accommodating the diſeaſe, may remove ſome, but others muſt come under peculiar conſideration, ſuch as oft more moleſt then the diſeaſe it ſelfe. Pain of the head, watching, and light-headedneſſe, are cured almoſt with one and the ſame remedies, i. e. with revellers, repellers, derivers, reſolvers, and anodyns. For to revell or draw back, uſe gliſters, emollient, and looſing, gentle purging, bleeding, cups, and waſhings of the feet. To beat back, uſe frontals, oxyrrhod. unguents, or liniments. To derive, open the veines of the forehead, and uſe veſicatories. And to reſolve, uſe oiles, and Animals, the which alſo are anodyns; with theſe are to be exhibited proper Juleps and Emulſions, to temperate hot and ſharp humours in great neceſſity, and where the foreſaid remedies prevaile not, (the matter of which medicines are to be found in their proper Chapters, viz. in pain of the head, Delirium, &c.) Narcoticks may be uſed of all, but eſpecially of narcoticks,73 obſerve that they be not uſed in the inſtant of the criſis; for they will powerfully diſturb the motion of nature, and hinder the criſis. Convulſions ſometimes happen, eſpecially in Maligne Fevers, from maligne vapours, gnawing the membranes of the braine. This is to be helped with revelling Gliſters, and Cups, as alſo giving pul. gutteta, or others proper, in juleps, or broths; and laſtly, anoint the ſpine of the back with oile of Chamomel, Violets, Amygd. d. & de Nuc. myriſticâ. Profound ſleep coming upon Fevers, is to be cured with remedies preſcribed in ſleepy diſeaſes, with this proviſo, that thoſe things heating very much, are leaſt to be uſed. Thirſt is to be eaſed with drinks cooling and humecting, but if it be ſo intenſe, that moderate drinking ſufficeth not (for immoderate much hurts, and oft caſteth the ſiok into danger of life) other deceiving helps and qualifyings are to be uſed; as firſt, cold aire is to be drawn in, the ſick is to remain ſilent, ſhutting the mouth, &74 breath by the noſe, and indulge ſleep, after waſh the mouth with aq. Hord. tepidâ, or water in which jujubes, ſobesten, Prunes, Liquiriſh, Lettice, Purſlaine, and the like is boyled. Let him hold in his mouth a piece of Liquiriſh ſhaved and macerated in oxycrate, or waſh the mouth oft with aq. Hord. aut ſimplic, cum modico Aceti, aut cum Succ. Limon. Granat. vel tantillo Spir. Vitriol. or hold in the mouth the ſtones of Pomgranates, prunes, or the peeles of Lemons, Oranges, Citrons, macerated in Roſe-water, with a little Sugar, alſo the ſtalkes of Lettice, Endive, or Purſlaine, or the leaves of Sorrell, ſlices of Melons, Cucumbers, firſt macerated in water, or ſharp Cherrys, Tamarinds, or pieces of Cryſtall. Alſo Sugar moiſtened in Roſe-water with Spir. Vitriol. and again dried. If theſe will not remove; drink is to be permitted though in principio, and increaſe; little, or none, in the ſtate, ſome more, but moſt in the declination, for that drives the heat outwardly, and ſomtimes75 moves ſweat, eſpecially largely in intermitting Fevers towards, and in the end of the fit. The drinks are fit to be of various matter; ſome are preſcribed in the former Chapter. If thirſt draw its original from bilious matter contained in the ſtomach, it's to be purged, either by vomit, or ſtoole. Vomiting is to be provoked, if the ſick be full of loathing, cum Syr. acetoſ. ſimp. ℥ j. s. aq. Hord. vel decocti Raphan. ℥ v. But if not, or there be leſſe loathing, then purge with a bene ex caſſiae ℥ j. pulp. Tamarind. ʒ iij. vel Mannae ℥ ij. in decoct. prunor. & Tamarind. ſoluta. or, ℞. caſſiae rec. extract. ʒ vj. Mucilag. ſem. pſyllii ℥ s. decoct. Hord. prunor. & Tamarindor. ℥ iiij. Syr. roſ. ℥ j. Miſc. f pot. Elec. Zacuti is excellent. The heat, drineſſe, and roughneſſe of the tongue and roufe of the mouth, is helped with the following. ℞. Mucilag. ſem. Cydonior. ℥ j. Mucilag. Sem. Malu. ℥ s. Spec. diamarg. frigid. & ſacc Candi. an. ʒ j. Sacc. alb. q. ſ. f. Eclegma, or ℞. Mucilag. ſem, pſyllii extrac. cum aq. 76Lactuc. vel roſar. ℥ s. Sir. Viol. Limon. vel Granat. an. ℥ j s. Miſce, capiat parùm per intervall. in ore detineat; vel ℞. ſem. Cucumer. ℥ s. ſem. cydonior. ʒ ij. gum. Tragacanth. ʒ j s. contunde ſem. & gum. diſſol. in a•b. ovi, Miſceantur omnia, & f. Trochiſ. ore detinendi. Or, ℞. Sem. pſyllii, Cydonior. an. ℥ j s. gum. Traga. ℥ s. Sacc. Cand. Violat. ʒ iij. cum Mucilag. gum. Trag. f. Troch. vel Linteo raro includantur, ut f. Noduli, qui macerentur in aq. roſar. & ore teneantur. If the roughneſſe be much, and ſtick faſt, make gargariſmes ex decoct. Hord. rad. Althae. fol. lactuc. portulac. flor. Viol. ad. Mel roſ. Syr. Viol. vel Sacchar. candi. vel oxymel. ſimpl. If filth cleave to the tongue, and be much, it's to be cleanſed with a rough cloth wet in oxycrate, to which alſo may be added the juyce of Houſeleeke, & ſal prunellae. If heat be more intenſe with notable blackneſſe of the tongue, mix with them more coolers, and humecters. As, ℞. Succ. Lactuc. Sempervi. Limon. an. ℥ j. Mucilag, Sem. Cydon. 77Sacc. Cand. an. ℥ s. Sacch. alb. q. ſ. f. Looch. vel, ℞. Sempervivi recent. M. i. aceti roſ. ℥ iij. aq. Hord. lb j. Coq ad 3. partis conſumption. in colat. diſſol. Sal. prunel. ℥ j s. alum. ℈ j. Syr. Viol. & diamori, an. ℥. j. f. Gargar. or Sal. prunell. Solùm in aq. Sempervi. diſſolvatur, eoque utiliſſimè lingua, & fauces abluuntur, necnon particula abſorberi poteſt, ut ad aeſophagum ſimili ardore affectum provenire poſſit. outwardly the throat and neck is to be anointed with oile of Violets and Butter waſhed in Roſe-water; this humects the throat. To coole, uſe unguent. roſ. refrig. Gal. &c. but it's beſt to apply the leaves of Lettice, and Purſlaine bruiſed, and infolded betwixt two rags, vel milliped contuſ., and applied in the ſame manner. In great heat, in the breſt anoint it cum ol. viol. Nymph. & amygd. dul. Yea, and if heat urge extremely, the breaſt is to be fomented ex decoct. Hord. Lactuc. Nymph. Borag. Viol. & ſimilium compoſ. After anoint. Theſe are not to be applied cold, but hot. To eaſe the paine of the loines, uſe78 Anodynes. Reſtleſneſſe which is wont to happen in Feb. Aſſod. and in fits of the Tertian, are cured with purging cholerick humours which bite the ſtomach, and other ſenſible parts; and that either by vomit, or ſtoole, as nature beſt affects: alſo it's to be drawn down by Gliſters. Then all things procuring reſt are to be exhibited, and cold drink, and cooling juleps given, with which, ſometimes it's very profitable, to mixe a little Syr. de papaver. vel laudan. Alſo in the vigor of the fit, Syr. de papav. ℥ j. may profitably be permitted. Swoonings in Febris Syncopalis, (the kindes of which, with cauſes, you have heard already) are thus helped. That called Minuta, the aire is to be cold, and moiſt, and a little aſtringent. That faintneſſe may be hindered, the diet is to be thin, cooling, and ſtrengthening, ex juſcul. pullorum cum acetoſa, portulac, &c. to which add. aq. roſ. Succ. granat. & parùm Sacchar. Bread dipt in the juyce of Pomegranates, or Oranges may be given alſo; Cremor. Hord.79 cum Succ. Lim. then to reſtore, uſe broth of fleſh preſſed with the juices added, to the more ſtrong, teſtes gallorum, carnes pullorum gallinae, perdicis, ejuſdem Succi alterati. In the time of diet, drink (if there be not preſent ſome inflammation of the bowels,) thin wine, not old, nor vaporous, Out of meat, or if there be ſome inflammation, aq. Hord. aut aq. panata, cum ſyr. granator. Limon. acido citri, julep. roſ. &c. ſleep out of the fit is good, in the fit hurtfull. Thoſe things which ſtir up anger, ſorrow, and the like, are to be eſpecially ſhunned. In the fit cooling bellows and odoriferous irrorations ſuppreſs the reſolving of the ſpirits; the face is to be ſprinkled with cold water, or of Roſes with Vineger. The ſame may be applied to the teſticles in men, and paps of women; if the ſpirits, with the heat, are not called from the heart to the habit, it's to be done by frictions of the extreme parts, plucking oft both of noſe, and haire, and calling them by their proper names. Give bread ſteeped in80 the juice of pomegranates, or thin odoriferous wine well diluted cum aq. roſ. or in great neceſſitie may be given Cynamon-water with roſe-water. In the interim ſtrengthning broths are not to be omitted, with which mixe confect. Alkerm. &c. or oft a ſpoonful of this; ℞. aq. roſ. ℥ ij. aq. Naphae ℥ j. aq. cinam. ℥ s. confect. Alker. ʒ j. margar. & coral. pp. an. ℈ j. Manus Chriſti perlat. ʒvj. miſc. f. pot. To theſe may be call'd in the opiats, and condita in the former chap. the crumbs of hot bread dipt in vineger and roſe-water, and held to the noſe is good. Apply to the heart cooling and cordial epithems, to ſtop the pores, and hinder diſſolution, lap the ſick in linnen ſtrewed cum pul. roſ. balauſt. & ſantalor. or linnen wet, in aq. roſ. & modico aceto. Anoint the whole body, eſpecially the back, with this; ℞. ol. roſ. omphac. ℥ j s. ol. my rtillor. cydonior. mucilag. ſem. Pſyllian. ʒ. vj gum. Arab. diſſoluti in aq. roſ. ʒ ij, cerae alb. q. s. f. liniment. Have ſpecial care of the ſtomack in which81 the hurtfull humour is heaped up, anointing the Region thereof cum ol. roſ. & Cydon. Alſo apply toaſted bread, moiſtened in juice of Quinces, and Pomegranates, and if great heat neceſſitate, foment it with a warme decoction of Purſlaine, and Roſes, or Succ. Solani, portulac. uvae acerbae, adjecto ol. roſ. & Cydoniorum. Thus ſwooning being removed, and ſtrength refreſhed, the cauſe of the Fever is to be taken away by altering, and evacuating, both ſet down in the former Chapter, in a burning Fever, whither we refer you, and come to the other called Syncopalis Humoroſa, and this being from another cauſe, hath a contrary cure to the former. The aire ought to be enclining to heat, bright, pure, and dry. Meat to be of good juice, and eaſie of concoction, prepared with Hyſop, Fenell, &c. Drink is to be thin wine, & oligophorum, ſleep and watching, moderate. Friction with rough clothes is to be uſed; from the beginning, firſt on the feet, and thighs; after the armes, ſhoulders,82 and back; the cloaths being firſt fumed, Styrac. lign. aloes. Thur. Caryophyl. &c. Theſe alſo abundantly heat the joints, which with the reſt are to be anointed cum ol. Anethi, Chamom. Irino, Coſtin. &c. Theſe frictions are excellent, for by them the heat of the ſpirits, and the hurtfull matter ſuffocating the ſtrength, are called outwards. In the fit the ſick is to be ſtirred up by pulling the noſe and haire, rubbing the eares, alſo the lips with ſalt, and loud calls; to the noſe alſo is to be held aq. Cinam. vel ſtor. aurantior. The infuſion of Cloves in Vineger, and bread ſteeped in Hypocras, which alſo may be exhibited, or Cynamon-water, or elſe ſome of this; ℞. aq. Meliſſae, flor. aurantior. & roriſmar. an. ℥ j. aq. Cynam. ℥ s. confec. Alker. ʒ j. Syr. Condit. cortic. citri, & Caryophyl. an. ℥ j. Miſce, f. pot. detur ex cochleari frequenter; or this opiat, ℞. confec. flor. buglos, anthos, & cortic. citri, cond. an. ℥ s. Nuc. Moſchat. condit. ʒ iij. confec. Alker. ʒ ij. Spec. diambrae, diamoſc. dul. an. ℈ j. cum Syr. Condit.83 citri. f. opiat. Apply to the heart Epithems, and Pidgeons to the ſtomach, and teſticles, in men, and paps in women, alſo fomentations, and others ſet down in virium imbecillitate; whileſt this is doing frictions are to be reiterated, and never omitted in this affect. Strength being a little regained, the morbifick matter is to be drawn forth by Gliſters, and Purgings, in which Hier. cum agaric. much profits; the purging is to be gentle, and oft, with caſting in fit preparatives. Want of appetite is almoſt common to all Fevers, for when the ſtomach is affected with a hot diſtemper, it procures thirſt, and decreaſeth hunger; yea, ſometimes the appetite is ſo dejected, that the ſick can ſcarcely take broth, which is cauſed from vitious humours collected in the ſtomach, or drunk up in the coates thereof, or elſe from corrupt and maligne vapours aſſaulting it. For cure, the Morbifick matter is to be evacuated by vomit, or ſtoole, even from the beginning, with an infuſion of Tamarinds,84 and Rhubarb; but in declinatio. if the Fever be not ſtrong, cum Hier. picr. in decoct. Hord. cicerum, abſinth. and in other cleanſers diſſolved. After theſe uſe purging Gliſters which call back from the ſtomach. Exhibit oft things ſharp and coole, as Syr. Limon. granator. ceraſ. acid. &c. given either of themſelves, or with cooling waters. In declinatio. feb. may be given Syr. de abſinth. pontic. alone, or with ſharp Syrups or juices mixed. Offer to the ſick meats very gratefull, and not much at once, but by intervals; for too much ſpoiles appetite. They are to be ſeaſoned (if a cough be abſent) with Olives, aceto roſ. Succ. Limon. If the ſick abhor meat, and can eat nothing, caſt in nouriſhing Gliſters once or twice a day; firſt, caſting in cleanſing Gliſters. If after the Fever is quite gone, there remaine this affect, the ſick is moderately to exerciſe, uſe Capers, and Olives, and change the place, going to a colder aire. If this ſuffice not, uſe Worm-wood wine, & pil. de Hier.85 or Tinctur. Hier. in vini alb. Cochlear. 3. ſingul. mane. Hiccough and Vomiting following Fevers are oppoſed by various medicaments, the matter of which is ſet down in their cures, to which we referre you;☜ only obſerve that you ſtay not vomiting upon a criticall day. Hiccoughs are oft deadly, though ſometimes thoſe cauſed from the exhibiting of cooling juleps have been cured by wine. An Empl. ex Mithrid. to the ſtomach is excellent. Flux of the belly following a Fever, if Critical, is not to be ſtayed, neither preſently at the beginning, though Symptomaticall, unleſſe ſtrength be very much decayed, leſt the vicious humours run to the principal parts. When it's to be ſtaied, it's to be done with gentle purgers, together with gliſters binding, deterging, & ſtrengthening. Alſo exhibit incraſſers binders, and ſtrengtheners, all which may be taken from the Cure of Diarrhaea, beginning at the more gentle, and make progreſſe, if there be neceſſity, to the more ſtrong, by degrees. 86Sweat (if criticall) is not to be ſtayed, but if Symptomatical, and ſo ſtrength be much decayed, it is, which is performed by cooling the aire, in beſprinkling cold water and herbs upon the floore, and if need be, open the clothes and ventilate a little by moving of them up and downe. Uſe cold, and aſtringent medicines, as Epith. cooling the heart, liver, and whole body; and Ʋnguent. ex ol. myrtin. mucilag. & pul. aſtringent. compoſ. applied to the whole body, eſpecially to the ſpine of the back: powders ex roſ. balauſt. malicor. myrtillis, maſtic. terra Samia, &c. are to be ſtrewed on the neck, breaſt, arm-pits, and groines. Or lap the ſick in linnen, ſprinkled with the foreſaid powders; yet beware leſt there be any inflammation, or tumor beſides nature, hid in the Hypocondries, for then very ſtrong aſtringents are not to be uſed. Sweat is not to be cleanſed, that ſo it may cleave to the pores of the skin, and prohibit others from87 flowing. Exhibit inwardly incraſſers, binders, and ſtrengtheners; as hordeats, ex decoct. lactuc. & ſem. frigid. parata, alſo reſtoring broths, cum Succ. granator. agreſtae with the powders of Corall, Pearle, the ſhavings of Ivory, Sanders, or balauſtia. Juleps ex aq. Hord. roſ. lactuc. portulac. cum Syr. granator. de roſ. ſic. aut cydoniorum, Opiats ex confer. roſ. coral. margarit. terra ſigill. Spec. diamargarit. frigid. Triaſantal. &c. In the cure of moſt acute, and pernicious Fevers,☞ this is diligently to be noted, that they are for moſt part accompanied with certaine peculiar affects of the bowels, and oft inflammations, wherefore in the cure, the Hypochondrie, head, breaſt, womb, reins and bladder is never to be neglected, that theſe parts being diſcharged of what they labour, the reſt may more eaſily be performed.
IT's a Fever ariſing from excrementitious choler putrified in the Meſaraick veines, afflicting every third day, with ſhaking, after which followes hotneſſe. This is either true, or baſtard, the legitimate ends in twelve hours, which the ſpurious exceeds; and this, if it paſſe twenty four hours, is called Tertiana extenſa: to theſe may be added a third called Pernicioſa. Again, ſome are ſimple, ſome double, others treble; the firſt invades every other day, the ſecond every day, and ſo it's like a quotidian (unleſſe that it ſhakes more) ſometimes in this double tertian, two fits appear in one day, the other day remaining free: Some call this two Tertians, and make a diſtinction, though to little purpoſe. A treble Tertian, is when in the ſpace of two dayes three fits appear; this is moſt rare, yet ſometimes ſeen. 89Theſe fits are various according to the divers matter putrifying in ſeverall places; ſo that every one holds a peculiar place. Sig. Gen. Signes are either more generall, as fits every other day, with much ſhaking; that ceaſing followes heat, the Pulſe in the beginning of the fit is ſmall, and ſlow, after quick, urin reddiſh, &c. Particularly, if it be exquiſite,Particular of an Ex ∣ quiſite. the ſhaking is vehement and pricking ariſing from moſt thin and few vapours, and humours without the veines, the heat is much, ſharp, and biting; the Pulſe in the beginning of the fit is ſmall, & ſlow, in the progreſſe, vehement and quick, the urin is reddiſh, yellowiſh, of mean conſiſtence, and ſometimes clouded white, and then the Fever paſſeth not beyond the fourth fit; the fit extends not beyond the twelfth hour, ending in ſweat. Sometimes there is intolerable thirſt, paine of the head, delirium, vomiting, &c. If ſpurious, the heat's more gentle, and all other Symptomes, the Pulſe in the beginning hard, in the progreſſe (with90 concoction of the humour) ſofter, the fit oft laſts eighteen hours; yet from the ſmalneſſe of the matter they may end betwixt eight, ten and twelve hours. Cauſes. Cauſes of an exquiſite, is choler heaped up in primis viis; ſometimes like that which is in folliculo fellis, ſometimes green, and in the ſtomach and veines. The cauſes of a baſtard are choler, mixed with melancholy, or phlegme, generated not onely in the Summer, but in the Spring, Fall, and Winter. Progn. Progn. it's eaſily cured (if exquiſite) for it oft ends the ſeventh fit, either by ſweat, if the humour in the veines be caſt through the habit of the body, or by vomit, and flux of the belly, if caſt to the ſtomach and bowels. If puſtles, or ulcers break forth on the lips, and noſe, it ends. The beſt of all is by a flux of the belly, ſweating, and ulcers, leaving the craſſer part of the matter behind, which, if not purged away, cauſeth recidivation, or other diſeaſes. If the body be of a good habit, the bowels be well affected, it will end the ſooner,91 if contrary, not. If ſpurious, in the Winter, or Fall; if the ſick have uſed much heating meats, and drinks, it will be long before it end. Cure,Cure. firſt by evacuation of the firſt wayes, by lenitive medicaments, or Gliſters, if it be exquiſite, thoſe ſet downe in continual putrid Fevers will ſerve, if baſtard, adde Agaric. Senna, diacatholic. diaphaenic. & alia, the Gliſters in exqui. are to be of mollifying and cooling decoct. cum. caſſia, catholic. diaprun. ſimp. vel ſolut. in ſpurious ex decoct