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WHEREAS it was witneſſed againſt Shadrach Cooke on Tueſday the 17th. of this preſent Month, at the Old Bailey, That he did forge a Paſport to France in my Lord Nottingham's Name.

I Shadrach Cooke, Prieſt of the Church of ENGLAND, having utterly diſown'd the Fact at the Time and Place aforeſaid, do here Again, upon the Receiving the Bleſſed Sacrament of Chriſt's Body and Blood, and as I hope for any Benefits by my Saviour's Death and Sufferings, ſolemnly declare that I am altogether lgnorant and Innocent of this Matter, and that I know nothing directly or indirectly relating thereunto, either as to my ſelf, or any other; and that I am not con­ſcious of any thing in any ſort or kind, nor ever was concerning the Counterfeiting my Lord Nottingham's Hand or Seal. This I de­clare upon the ſincere Faith of a Chriſtian, without any reſerve, in the full and due Senſe of theſe Words, or any other, that can expreſs or ſignify an undiſguiſed intire Innocence in this Caſe.

I do here alſo declare, That I do from the very bottom of my Heart, as becometh a Chriſtian in this moſt holy Duty, forgive ſuch that raiſed this great Scandal of me, or that occaſioned my Suffering upon it.

SHA. COOKE. Declared in the preſence of us who did Communicate with him.
  • Ralph Taylor, D. D.
  • Simon Lowth, D. D.
  • William Carr.
  • Rich. Hughes.

MAny having been led into a Miſtake by, and ſome ſtill cavelling and diſputing upon, theſe Words, [Mr. Cooke ſaid that what he did was out of a Principle of Conſcience] publiſhed in a Paper entituled, The Proceedings, &c. printed for Ric. Baldwin near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-lane, As if Mr. Cooke had really own'd, and juſtify'd the Fact charg'd upon him by pleading Conſcience for it.

I Ralph Taylor, D. D. out of a due regard to Truth and Peace, and out of a ſincere deſire to ſatisfie all unpreju­dic'd Enquirers after the ſame in this particular, do declare, That being preſent at the Old Bailey on the 17th. of this Month, when Mr. Cooke was call'd to anſwer what was laid to his Charge, I did then obſerve the ſaid Mr. Cooke moſt vehemently to deny,**May all the Judgments and Puniſhments, that God has in Store for Sinners, light upon my head, if I am not altogether Ignorant of what I am charg'd with, in Thought, Word and Deed. even with an Impre­cation,The Imprecation. what was teſtify'd againſt him con­cerning his Counterfeiting my Lord Not­tingham's Hand and Seal; and did hear him very Solemnly and Zealouſly aſſert his Innocence, as near as I can remember, in theſe Words; Ʋpon my Salvation I did not do it: As I hope for Mercy in Heaven I ſeal'd no ſuch Paper: Ʋpon the Word of a Prieſt I did no ſuch thing. And what he ſaid of Conſcience was before he ſpoke to the Fact wherewithal he was charg'd, and had reference not to what was teſtify'd or done concerning that particular Fact, but to what he himſelf had omitted, and not done, during the long time of his being in Cuſtody, as the means of pro­curing his Liberty: Nor was there any thing then ſaid, that I could perceive by Mr. Cooke, that might give the leaſt colour or occaſion, to any there preſent, who heard and obſerv'd him, to apprehend that he own'd the Coun­terfeiting of my Lord Nottingham's Hand and Seal, or that he ſhould ſay, That he did it out of a Principle of Conſcience.

Ralph Taylor.

About this transcription

Text[Newgate,] Octob. 30. 1693. Whereas it was witnessed against Shadrach Cooke on Tuesday the 17th. of this present month, at the Old Bailey, that he did forge a pasport to France in my Lord Nottingham's name ...
AuthorCooke, Shadrach, 1655?-1724?.
Extent Approx. 4 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 2 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80414)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 153140)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2350:8)

About the source text

Bibliographic information[Newgate,] Octob. 30. 1693. Whereas it was witnessed against Shadrach Cooke on Tuesday the 17th. of this present month, at the Old Bailey, that he did forge a pasport to France in my Lord Nottingham's name ... Cooke, Shadrach, 1655?-1724?, Taylor, Ralph, 1648 or 9-1722.. 1 sheet ([2] p.) s.n.,[London :1693]. (Title from caption title and opening words of text.) (Imprint from Wing.) (Page [1] contains a statement of innocence signed "Sha. Cooke"; page [2] has a declaration signed "Ralph Taylor", supporting Cooke and verifying Cooke's statements at his trial. Taylor's text begins "Many having been led into a mistake by, and some still cavelling and disputing upon, these words, ...".) (Reproduction of original in the Henry E. Huntington Library.)
  • Trials (Forgery) -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Broadsides -- England

Editorial statement

About the encoding

Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2012-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A80414
  • STC Wing C6038A
  • STC ESTC R224618
  • EEBO-CITATION 99895627
  • PROQUEST 99895627
  • VID 153140

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