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THE COPPY OF A LETTER SENT BY THE REBELLS IN JRE­land to the Lord Dillon, to de­clare to his Maieſtie the cauſe of their taking up of Armes.

Together with the Coppy of the Oath or Covenant which the Rebells have taken and made, which they ſent to the Lord DILLON: whereunto is added a true Relation how ſome of the Rebells by Treachery have got poſſeſſi­on of the City of Dublin. December. 18th. 1641.

London Printed for Io: Thomas. 1641.

A Coppy of the Re­bells Leter ſent to Lord Dillon from Sept of Ferrars.

YOur Lordſhip is in intreated to imparte to his Majeſty the cauſe of our trouble and the re­dreſſe.

The Papiſts in neighbouring Counties are ſeverely puniſht: and there miſery might ſerve as a Beacon to us to look to our ſelves where our neighbours houſes are thus ſet on ſire, and wee and other Papiſts here in Ireland in former troubles have beene as Loyall ſub­jects as any in his Majeſties dominions, for manifeſta­tion wherof we ſend here incloſed an oath ſolemny ta­ken by us which as it received impreſſion in our hearts ſhall bee ſigned with our hand and ſealed with our blood.

2. The Statutes of 2. Eliz. againſt us and others of our Religion doth not a little diſanimate us and the Pale.

3. The avoydance of grants of our Lands and Li­berties by quirkes and quidities of law without re­flecting upon the Kings regall and reall intention for confirming our eſtate, his broade ſeale being the pawne betweene him and his people.


And we conceive and humbly preſent unto your Lordſhips conſideration, that in the beginning of this commotion as it is hereditary you will bee a bridge to purge thoſe diſeaſes in us, & by our examples, doubt­leſſe it will begeet like ſucceſſe in all other parts of this Kingdome, and it will bee recorded that you are well affected to God, King, and Countrey, and a ſalver of all the forementioned ſores.

Your Lordſhip is to be an humble ſuitor on our be­haltes and of the reſt of the Papiſts, that out of the abundance of his Majeſties clemency there may bee an act of oblivion, and a generall pardon without ap­peale of Statutes formerly made to the Countrey, and not by Proclamation, but Parliamentary Charter in ample manner, and this being granted, althings elſe will follow all which wee leave to your honours care, and we will as ever we did, and doe remaine

Your Lordſhips humbe and aſſurd ever to command

The Coppy of the oath of the Rebells in in Jreland ſent to the Lord Dillon.

I A.B. Doe with firme faith beleeve all and ſingu­lar the Articles which the Catholique, and Ap­ſtlique Roman Church, beleeveth and confeſſeth and to my dying day will by Gods grace maintaine, and defend the ſame faith againſt all Sectaries, Iews, Atheiſts, and enemies whatſoever with the loſſe of life, goods, and eſtate.

Secondly, I doe promiſe and in my Conſcience ſinceerly beleeve, and acknowledge King Charles to be my ſoveragine Lord and to be King of England Scotland France and Ireland whoſe previledges preroga­tives and attributes regall dye to his Imperiall Crown and Royall dignity I promiſe and vow unto God to maintaine and defend by Gods grace againſt all evill affected perſons what ſoever be they of what Country or ſect ſoever with the loſſe of life goods and eſtate.

I promiſe and vow to be trve to my poore oppreſſ­ed Country the kingdome of Ireland with loſſe of life goods and eſtate and will endevouer to free it from the bondage and greveious government vnder which it groaneth by the meanes of evill officers and Miniſt­ers contrary to his Majeſties intention.


4. I promiſe and vow to God to wrong no Catholick nor Challenge any eſtate or Lands if ſo they be poſ­eſſed of it before the Plantation begunne 1610 nor any Lands poſſeſſed by aney of them ſince then ſo he or they purchaſed it for money or otherwiſe.

5. I Promiſe and vow to make noe difference of or diſ­parity betwene the meere Iriſh and them of the Pale, or betwene the old Iriſh, and the new, be they of what ſtanding calling or quallity ſoever, ſo they be profeſ­ſours of the holy Church, & maintainers of the coun­tryes liberty.

6. All theſe and every of the Precedent Articles I the ſaid A.B. doe promiſe, vow, and ſweare, to main­taine and cauſe all others, over whom I ſhall have power to maintaine, and defend the ſame by Gods grace: So help me God and all the contents of this holy Goſpell.

About this transcription

TextThe coppy of a letter sent by the rebells in Ireland to the Lord Dillon, to declare to his Maiestie the cause of their taking up of armes. Together with the coppy of the oath or covenant which the rebells have taken and made, which they sent to the Lord Dillon: whereunto is added a true relation how some of the rebells by treachery have got possession on of the city of Dublin. December 18. 1641.
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80471)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 111740)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 32:E181[4])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe coppy of a letter sent by the rebells in Ireland to the Lord Dillon, to declare to his Maiestie the cause of their taking up of armes. Together with the coppy of the oath or covenant which the rebells have taken and made, which they sent to the Lord Dillon: whereunto is added a true relation how some of the rebells by treachery have got possession on of the city of Dublin. December 18. 1641. [2], 6 p. Printed for Io: Thomas,London :1641.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2013-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A80471
  • STC Wing C6137
  • STC Thomason E181_4
  • STC ESTC R1433
  • EEBO-CITATION 99859645
  • PROQUEST 99859645
  • VID 111740

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