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ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT,greed upon by the ARMY under com­mand of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, SENT To the Honourable Houſe of Commons, to­gether with their Charge, and Signed John Ruſhworth, Secretary;


  • Sir Iohn Clotworthy.
  • Sir Wil. Waller.
  • Sir Philip Stapleton.
  • Sir Iohn Maynard.
  • Sir William Lewis.
  • Maj. Gen. Maſſie.
  • Col. Hollis Eſq.
  • Mr. Glyn.
  • Mr. Nichols.
  • Mr. VValter Long.
  • Colonell Harlow.

Members of the Houſe of Commons.

Together with the gallant Anſwer of the ſaid Members, to their Impeachment.

LONDON, Printed for George Whiting. June 19. 1647.


Articles of Impeachment propoſed by the Army, under command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, againſt Eleven Members of the Houſe of Commons read in the ſaid Houſe, June 17 With their An­ſwer to the ſaid Charge.


FOR yours which I recived, I thank you; and for the Armie, to ſatisfie you in what you deſire to bee reſol­ved in, in thoſe two great points of Monachie & J­ſtice. I ſhall tell you my opinion of them. They take not Holland, but Gods Word for a Rule to walk by, & to looken Monarchie, ſhall we think our Neighbors the Hollan­ders more kind or leſſe cunning then States are wont to be that thus by way of Empreſſe, they publiſh to the World the well-ſpring of their own proſperitie, and the grand root whereby all other States may both perpetuate and enlarge themſelves. I believe rather, that as Phiſitians make not nice to give a receipt which they thinke ſome others know, and thoſe that do not cannot procure the ingredients ſo the2 Hollander conceiving this Benedictum medicamentum, ſuch as Common-wealths cannot be ignorant of, and Kingdoms hardly make uſe of, have bin willing to boaſt this Motto, as the honour of Demacracies, and the reproach of Monarchies. The firſt of theſe have no being without it, ſince by con­cord, I ſuppoſe is here underſtood, a unanimous conſent of the parts to purſue one and the ſame end, that is the good of the whole; and what conſtitutes a Weal-publike, but this? Whereas in Monarchies (I ſay not what ſhould be, but what is) the two conſtitutive parts thereof, the King and People, have ſtill ſuch oppoſite intereſts, the one of more libertie, the other of more abſoluteneſſe, that it is hard to aſſigne an object proportionate to both their happineſſe wherein to reconcile and concentricate their aimes. I erre to ſay, it is hard to aſſigne ſuch an object, ſince the happineſſe and flou­riſhing of a Kingdome in generall, is confeſt by that where­in both Prince and Peoples felicitie conſiſts; but the diffi­cultie lies in engaging both parties, in ſuch zeale and ar­dence to promove that one and common end, as may over­bear the more ſenſible intreſts of their own individuals that ſhall urge them contrarie wayes.

The difficultie of kindling on both ſides this uniting and evertuating ardour proceeds principally from three cauſes, one peculiar to each, and a third common to both.

Firſt, that Princes ſeldome or never reflect upon the ori­ginals of their authority and preheminence.

Secondly, that the people think as rarely of the reaſons of their ſubjection.

And thirdly, that neither do rightly conſider themſelves in their nobleſt condition of relation to the whole, but in the abſtractedneſſe of their inferiour and perſonall beings.

For did Kings but remember how they became ſuch, by the peoples confidence in their vertue, and why that fee'd,3 as it were by dignity and honour above all, they might make the tranquility and comfort of all their care; and did the people weigh the voluntarineſſe of their own ſubjection how their Votes were given for Monarchie in their prede­ceſſors aſſents, or the motives thereunto, their own greater quiet and ſecurity, by conferring more cares then honours on their ſuperintendent. Or laſtly, did both but ponderate what a ſuperiour thing in nature to either of them, is that reſult from them both which we call a Kingdome; and of what greater dignity even they are, as coſtituive parts of that whole, then as headleſſe or bodileſſe ſubſiſtents of themſelves, it were unpoſſible but both Prince and people muſt flame into as ſtrict an union of affections to advance that excellent end, as we ſee all parts of nature it ſelfe com­bind in for the preſervation and ornament of the univerſe. In God, Unity and Eernity are convertible, in nature, the beſt imitation of his perfection, union, and duration, are un­ſeparable, and in States permanence without uanimity impſſible.

And for Juſtice and Righteouſneſſe, to ſatisfie you in that alſo as concerning the execution thereof, they defire the exendo all perſons, and in all caſes. But to give you accompt to that which you deſire more particularly, in re­lation to charge againſt Members; it is thus.

For the ſetling and ſecuring of the common right, freedome, and peace of the Kingdom, wher­of the Army have a ſhare: they have received ſuch informations as have been brought to them concerning divers perſons, ſome of whom are perſons of eminency: yet they have proceeded to a charge, which they have drawn up, and ſent3 to the houſe of Commons againſt 11 of their own Members.

  • I. The Army hath charged them in a generall way to appear.
    • 1. To have a will, confidence, cre­dit, and power to abuſe the Parliament.
    • 2. To have the like will, confidence, credit, and power to a­buſe the Army.
    • 3. To be unjuſt and high in the proceedings againſt the Army.
  • II. The Army hath ſent up a particular Im­peachment againſt them, conſiſting of ſeverall heads, As acting things tending to the ſubverſion of the Lawes and Rights of the Subject To ſtirre up perſons againſt the Parliament. To hinder the buſineſſe of Ireland, and other generall things Signed by John Ruſhworth Secretary, by their appointment, expreſt in their papers ſent to the houſe of Commons.

If theſe Gentlemen, upon tryal, ſhal appear in­nocent, then it will juſtly appear, that the Armies deſignes are dangerous, and that bee cleare which now is made an obſtruction.

As for the Lords, there are no Members of the houſe of Pieres charged by the Army, as yet, nor any Citizen of London But the Army have ano­ther Propoſition concerning the houſes, and that5 is to have them purged of ſuch Members as they ſhall make appear to be Delinquents, &c. Some­thing alſo they have to bring, Deputy Lieute­nants of Counties, Members of Country Com­mittees (and others who have beene entruſted with the States Money) to accompt: And the proteſt, the uttermoſt of their ends in all this to bchiefly for Gods glory, and for juſtice and Righ­teouſneſſe. God grant a firme peace, and prevent further bloud-ſhed: ſo prayes,

Your moſt humble ſerva••R. CORBET.

We wayt in great expectation of the City Com­miſſioners.

Upon Thurſday laſt being the 17. of this in­ſtant June, the houſe of Commons took into con­ſideration the Impeachment of their Members, and read their charge ſent up from the Army: at reading whereof, the Members charged delivered in their Anſwers, which was to this effect,

That they deſired their Charge might bee ſpeedily put into a way of tryal, declaring their willingneſſe to deny themſelves, and their own priviledges, to give ſatisfaction to the whole Kingdome.

The Names of the Eleven Members of the Houſe of Commons, impeached by the ARMY.
  • Sir Iohn Clotworthy.
  • Sir William Waller.
  • Sir Philip Stapleton.
  • Sir Iohn Maynard.
  • Sir Wil. Lewis.
  • Maj. Gen. Maſsie.
  • Denzil Hollis Eſq.
  • Mr. Glyn.
  • Mr. Nichols.
  • Mr. Walter Long.
  • Col. Harlow.

About this transcription

TextArticles of impeachment, agreed upon by the army under command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, sent to the Honourable House of Commons, together with their charge, and signed John Rushworth, Secretary; against Sir Iohn Clotworthy. Sir Wil. Waller. Sir Philip Stapleton. Sir Iohn Maynard. [brace] Sir William Lewis. Maj. Gen. Massie. Col. Hollis Esq. Mr. Glyn. [brace] Mr. Nichols. Mr. VValter Long. Colonell Harlow. Members of the House of Commons. Together with the gallant answer of the said members, to their impeachment.
AuthorCorbet, Roger..
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationArticles of impeachment, agreed upon by the army under command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, sent to the Honourable House of Commons, together with their charge, and signed John Rushworth, Secretary; against Sir Iohn Clotworthy. Sir Wil. Waller. Sir Philip Stapleton. Sir Iohn Maynard. [brace] Sir William Lewis. Maj. Gen. Massie. Col. Hollis Esq. Mr. Glyn. [brace] Mr. Nichols. Mr. VValter Long. Colonell Harlow. Members of the House of Commons. Together with the gallant answer of the said members, to their impeachment. Corbet, Roger., England and Wales. Army.. [2], 5, [1] p. Printed for George Whiting.,London, :June 19. 1647.. (A letter, dated and signed on page 5: St. Albanes this 18. of Iune 1647. R. Corbet.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Expulsion -- Early works to 1800.
  • Impeachments -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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