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PAPERS OF THE DESIRES OF THE Souldiers of the Army, dated June 9. at the generall Randezvouzes at New­market.

Alſo ſome paſſages concerning the King, and His Majeſties Reſolution, and of the proceedings of thoſe who attend His Majeſty, by order of both Houſes of Parliament.

[printer's device, consisting of a central crown with a Tudor rose on either side, situated in a rectangular display embellished with a floral motif

June 20th London Printed for B. A. 1647

Some Deſires of the ſouldiers of the Army, un­der his Excellency ſir T. Fairfax.
  • 1. THat the Parl. do ſpeedily ſend down ſome monies for their preſent ſub­ſiſtance, for keeping of the Army in good or­der.
  • 2. That his Majeſties perſon may be ſtil ſecured from danger, and all deſignes and at­tempts prevented for the raiſing of a new war in this Kingdome.
  • 3. That a ſafe and well grounded peace may be ſetled through the whole Kingdome.
  • 4. That the liberties of the people may be cleared, and their perſons & eſtates ſecured by a ſafe and firme peace, ac­cording to the many Ordinances and Decla­rations, by which the Army was invited to engage in the late warre,
  • 5. That all things may concuree to a chearfull and unanimous disbanding of the whole Army together.
  • 6. That no prejudicats opinion may be had of the Army, to have any purpoſe to oppoſe the ſetling of Presbytery.
  • 6. That the army may be believed, that they do not deſire to have the Independant Government ſet up to uphold a licentiouſneſſe in Religion.
  • 8. That none be incouraged in the great affaires of State, to advance any particular party or in­tereſt whatſoever, but that the great matters of the Kingdome, be wholly left to the wiſ­dome of the Parliament.
  • 9. That Juſtice may be done.
  • 10. That all ſuch who have ſerved the parliament faithfully, may be protected for the ſame.


Worthy Sir,

TO give you the prrticulars of the ſtate of the army, ſince my laſt, it is briefly thus; that the King is ſtill at Sir John Cuts his houſe, where is the Lord Mountague, and the reſt of the Commiſſioners for the Parla­ment, who diſpoſe of things there, as they did at Holdenby about his Majeſty, Mr. Max­well is Chamberlain to the King, and the reſt of the attendants appointed by the Houſes, are with his Majeſty in their ſeverall places as they all acted at Holmby.

The Generals Excellency hath been view­ing the ground for a generall Randezvouze, and the Regiments came up laſt night all near this place, and are drawn to their gene­rall Randezvouze according to the order of the houſes.

I find the Souldiers to have many things to preſent this day, thoſe which are moſt ge­nerall amongſt the Regiments, are theſe which I have ſent you here incloſed.

The Kings Majeſty hath no deſire to goe back to Holmby, but either (ſo far as I can learn) to go to London, or be hereabouts: His Majeſty hath had ſome diſcourſe about In­dependants (as ſome call them) & ſome que­ries were made what they would have, or whether they would have any government, which his Majeſty thought they would not have admitted of: the King is very pleaſant and merry, and ſometimes walks, other times his Majeſty rides forth with the Commiſſi­oners, but the Guard are very vigilant about him.

The Commiſſioners are come from the Parliament, two Lords, and four Commoners who are going to communicate their Meſ­ſage to the army at a generall Randezvouze, for their receivin whereof, the ſouldiers are in great expectation.

But before their meeting, the Generall called a Councell of warre, and the Officers received Inſtructions, for the more orderly carriage of the buſineſſe.

The Commiſſioners are received with much reſpect and honour, and I perceive a great reſpect had towards them. God grant, that ſuch a compoſure may be made, as may ſettle this poore diſtracted Kingdome in peace.

There was a flying report hare, that ſome of the Scots ſhould offer to ſend aſſiſtance into England, and that ſome of the City of London ſhould move for raiſing of new For­ces. But anſwer was made, that the Common Councell refuſed to meddle in any ſuch thing, and that they only took care for ſafe­ty of the City of London, againſt Malignants and diſ-affected perſons, and that there was no feare of any forces from Scotland to en­gage with us, and that theſr things was only raiſed to diſtract us the more, not that it is really ſo. I hope this day will produce a right underſtanding both between the Par­liament and the Army; and alſo betweene the King and both. The ſouldiers, as I here, have ſome papers this day, which the Offi­cers have not ſeen, which ſome ſay they will preſent, or not as they ſhall ſee cauſe. We are all now very buſie upon this great work of the day, God grant a good iſſue. Sir, I pray excuſe the haſt of your ſervant,


About this transcription

TextPapers of the desires of the souldiers of the army, dated June 9. at the generall randezvouzes at New-market. Also some passages concerning the King, and His Majesties resolution, and of the proceedings of those who attend His Majesty, by order of both Houses of Parliament.
AuthorCorbet, Roger..
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80561)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160272)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 62:E392[5])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationPapers of the desires of the souldiers of the army, dated June 9. at the generall randezvouzes at New-market. Also some passages concerning the King, and His Majesties resolution, and of the proceedings of those who attend His Majesty, by order of both Houses of Parliament. Corbet, Roger.. [8] p. Printed by B.A.,London :May 21. 164[7]. (Signed and dated at end: Newmarket June 9. 1647. R. Corbet.) (Signatures: [A]⁴.) (The final digit of the imprint date has failed to print.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 10th"; the imprint date is completed as 164"7".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A80561
  • STC Wing C6275
  • STC Thomason E392_5
  • STC ESTC R201559
  • EEBO-CITATION 99862058
  • PROQUEST 99862058
  • VID 160272

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