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The Troubleſome LIFE AND RAIGNE OF King Henry the Third.

Wherein five Diſtempers and Maladies are ſet forth.


  • 1. By the Pope and Church-mens extortions.
  • 2. By the places of beſt truſt beſtowed upon un­worthy Members.
  • 3. By Patents and Monopolies for private Fa­vourites.
  • 4. By needleſſe expences and pawning of jewels.
  • 5. By factious Lords and ambitious Peeres.

Sutable to theſe unhappie times of ours; and continued with them till the King tied his Actions to the rules of his great and good Councell, and not to paſsionate and ſingle advice.

Imprinted at London for George Lindſey. 1642.



WEarie in the lingring calamities of civill armes, and af­frighted at the ſudden downfall of a licentious Sove­raigne, all men ſtood at gaze, expecting the event of their long deſires, peace; and the iſſue of their new hopes, benefit. For in everie ſhift of Princes, there are few either ſo meane, or modeſt, that pleaſure not themſelves with ſome probable object of preferment.

To ſatisfie all, a child aſcendeth the Throne,Hiſt. Maj M. Paris. mild and gracious, but eaſie of nature, whoſe innocencie and naturall goodneſſe led him along the various dangers of his fathers raigne. Ra. de Wendover.Happie was hee in his uncle the Earle of Pembroke, the guide of his infancie; and no leſſe for thirtie yeares, whilſt De Burgo the laſt ſervant of his fathers againſt the French, both in Normandy and England, with Bigot Earle of Norfolk, and others of like gravitie and experience did manage the affaires. Five and no more were the diſtempers then in ſtate, but ſuch as are incident in all, the Commons greedy of libertie, as the Nobilitie of rule; and but one violent, raiſed by ſome old and conſtant followers of his fathers,ulio de Bren,Hiſt. Maj. M. Paris. De Fortbus, and others, men that could only thrive by the wars, miſliking thoſe dayes of ſloth (for ſo they termed that calme of King Henries reigne) and ra­ther2 becauſe the juſtice of quietneſſe urged from them to the lawfull owners, ſuch lands and caſtles as the furie of war had unjuſtly given them: for fin­ding in the uprightneſſe of the King, that protection could not be made a wrong doer,Hiſt. Sancti Albani. they fell out into the rebellion which ended their lives and com­petitions, profeſſing their ſwords that had ſet the Crowne upon the Sove­raigne, ſhould now ſecure thoſe ſmall pittances, when Majeſtie and Law could not.

Dangerous are too great benefits to Subjects of their Princes, when it ma­keth the mind capable only of merit nothing of dutie.

No other diſquiet did the State after this feele, but ſuch as are incident to all: Malice to authoritie, goodneſſe and greatneſſe may ſecure themſelves from guilt, but not from envie: for higheſt in truſt in publike affaires are ſtill ſhot at by the aſpiring of thoſe that ſee themſelves leſſe in employment than they deeme in merit. Thoſe vapours did ever and eaſily vaniſh, ſo long as the helme was guided by wiſe and temperate ſpirits, and the King tyed his acti­ons to the rules of good counſell, and not to young, paſſionate, and ſingle advice.

Thirtie yeares now paſſed, and all the old guides of his youth dead, but De Burgo,Chriſt. de Dunſt. a man in whom nothing of worth was wanting, but moderation, whoſe length of dayes giving him the advantage of ſole power, his owne ambition and age gave him deſire and art to keep out others. This bred to him the fatal envie of moſt, which the proud title of Earle, and offices then be­ſtowed on him much encreaſed. Sin by this had wrought, as in it ſelfe, ſo in the affection of the people, a revolution; the affection of their fathers for­gotten, and the ſurfet of long peace having led them perchance into ſome abuſes. From thence the Commons (to whom everie dayes preſence ſeeme worſt) commend the foregone ages they never remembred, and condemne the preſent, though they knew neither the diſeaſe thereof, nor the remedie. To this idle and uſuall humour fals in ſome noble ſpirits, warme and over­weening, who being as truly ignorant as the reſt,Chriſt: Lich­field. firſt, by fulling the wiſdome of the preſent and greateſt Rulers, making each caſuall hap their errour, ſeeme to decypher everie blemiſh in government, and then by holding certaine ima­ginarie and fantaſticall formes of Common-weale flatter their own beleefes and abilities, that they could mould any ſtate to thoſe generall rules, which in particular applications will prove them groſſe and idle abſurdities, confirmed in their owne worths by Sommery and Spencer,Gual: Co­ven: they take it a fit time to work themſelves, into action and authoritie, now a thing they long deſired and thought unwilling to ſeeme to ſue for.

Doubtleſſe the ſureſt of their aimes was yet to become quiet inſtruments in ſerving the State, if they had been held worthy; but the King, taught by the new Earle, Conſilia ſenum haſt as juvenum eſſe; and that ſuch wits, for ſo they would be ſtiled, Novandis quam gerendis aptiores, fitter in being fietie to3 diſorder, than to ſettle affaires, either delayed or denyed their deſires. For wiſe Princes will ever chuſe their Inſtrument, negotiis & non ſupra, creatures out of free election, that are only otherwiſe without freeneſſe or power.

Among this unequall medley there were of Nobilitie, Pembroke, Glocester. Hiſt. major M. Paris.Hartfield, Darlings of the multitude, ſome for the merits of their fathers, whoſe memories they held ſacred, as pillars of publike libertie, and oppreſiours of encroaching Monarchie. Others of the Gentrie, Fitz-Geffery, Bardolfe, Gruby, Manſell, and Fitz-Iohn, ſpirits of as much acrimony, and arrogant ſpleene, as the places from whence they were elected, Camp, Court, or Countrey could afford any. Theſe by force would effect what by cunning the others did af­fect, but all impatient to ſee their ends thus fruſtrate, and that ſo long as the King followed the directions of the Earle of Kent, they had ſmall hopes of their deſires, they made often meetings, and as one ſaith of them,Hiſt. minor M: Paris. Clam noctur­nis colloquiis, ant flexa in veſperum diem. At laſt, Sommery and Spencer, two that were far in opinion with the reſt, Gentlemen that by forraine education and employment, were better qualified than uſually men of thoſe times, and that ſet upon their owne deſerts, the beſt places when the ſtreame ſhould turne, which ſome of them did unworthily obtaine (for he died in actuall re­bellion Iuſticiarius Angliae againſt his Majeſtie) adviſed that the ſureſt means to remove that great and good obſtacle, the Earle of Kent out of the way of their advancement, was by ſifting into his actions, and ſiding with his ene­mie, Peter Biſhop of Wincheſter, an evill man, but gracious with the King, aiming that the worthieſt driven out by the worſt, they ſhould ever be able to match him with his owne vices, which will be more viſible, as he is more potent, and ſo remove him at pleaſure, or elſe give over the King to ſuch mi­niſters, as loſing him the hearts of the people, might ſmooth him a way to their bad deſires: Honores quos quieta rep. deſpenant pertu bata conſequi ſe poſſe arbitrantur.

This counſell, heard and approved, and put in execution, the corrupt and ambitious Biſhop is eaſily enſnared to their part, by money and opinion of greater power. Articles are in all haſt forged and urged againſt the Earle, as ſale of the Crowne lands, waſte of the Kings treaſure; and laſtly, that which thoſe doubtfull times held capitall, giving allowance to any thing that might breed a rupture between the Subjects and the Soveraigne, as hee had done in making way with the King to annihilate patents granted in his nonage, and enforced his Subjects to pay, as the Record ſaith, Non juxta ſingulorum facul­tatem ſed quic quid juſticiarius eſt imabat; Well he cleared himſelfe of all but the laſt, and did worthily periſh by it: For acts that fill Princes coffers, are commonly the ruine of firſt Inventors, bad times corrupt good counſels, and make the miniſters yeeld to the luſt of Princes, but this King cannot there­fore paſſe blameleſſe, that would ſo eaſily baniſh all former merits of ſo good a ſervant, for that himſelfe was therein chiefe in fault; but Princes natures4 are more voluable, and more ſooner cloyed than others, more tranſitorie their favours, and as their minds are large, ſo they eaſily overlook their firſt electi­ons, having no further neceſſitie in the faſtneſſe of their affections, than their owne ſatisfaction.

The Biſhop now alone manageth the State,Cro. de Leich. chuſeth his chiefe inſtrument, Peter ae Rivallis, a man like himſelfe, diſplaceth the Natives, and draweth Poytovins and Britons into offices of beſt truſt and benefit, and the King into evill opinion of his people: for nothing is more againſt the nature of the Engliſh, than to have ſtrangers rule over them. Of this mans time, Wendover an Author then living ſaith, Iudicia committuntur injuſtis leges ex legibus, pax diſcordanibus justicia injurioſis. Thus the plot of the tumultuous Barons we••cleere, and had not the diſcreet Biſhop calmed all with dutifull perſwaſions, and enforming the King, the ſupport of this bold mans power (whoſe carri­age before loſt his father Normandy, his treaſure, and the love of his people, and in that the Crowne) would as by his teaching the ſon, to reject in paſſi­on the juſt petition of his loyall Subjects, as of late the Earle Marſhall the due of his office, draw all the State into diſcontent, by his bad office and corrupt manners; and doubtleſſe, the rebellious Lords had ended this diſtemper (as their deſignes) in a civill war.

Denials from Princes muſt be ſupplyed with gracious uſage, that though they cure not the ſore, yet they may abate the ſence of it: beſt it is that all favours come directly from themſelves, denials and things of bitterneſſe from their miniſters.

Thus are the ſtrangers all diſplaced and baniſhed,Claus an. 37. H. 3. 〈◊〉. 26. Rivallis extortions ran­ſackt by many ſtrick Commiſſions, and the Biſhop himſelfe ſent diſgraced to his See, finds now, nullam quaeſitam ſcelere potentiam diuturnam, and that in Princes favours there is no diſtance betweene mediocritie and precipitation; ſo dangerous are the wayes of Majeſtie, and men ſtill fooliſh to ſtrive to run. The Faction ſtill fruſtrate of their malitious ends, begin to ſow upon their late grounds of the peoples diſcontent, quaerelas & ambiguos de principe ſermo­nes turbulentia vulgi: and took it up a faſhion, to endeare and glorifie them­ſelves with the ſenſleſſe multitude, by depraving the Kings diſcretion and go­vernment, whoſe nature too gentle for ſuch inſolent ſpirits, was forced (as Trivet ſayes) to ſeek as hee preſently did, advice and love among ſtrangers, ſeeing no deſert could purchaſe it at home, all bore themſelves like Tutours and Controllers, few like Subjects and Counſellours.

God we ſee holdeth the hearts of Princes,10. Taylor Mon. de Berry. and ſends them ſuch Counſel­lours as the qualitie of the ſubjects meriteth; for Mounford a French-man became the next object of the Kings delight, a Gentleman of choyſe bloud, education, and feature. On this mans content the heady affection of the Soveraigne did ſo much dote, that at his firſt entrie of grace, in envie of the Nobilitie, he made him Earle of Leiceſter; and in no leſſe offence of the Cler­gie,5 by violating the rights of holy Church. gave him his vowed vailed ſiſter to wife, more of art than uſefull. Some have deemed this act of the Kings, making the tye of his dependancie the ſtrength of his aſſurance, ſo both at his will.

Mountford made wanton with the dalliance of Majeſtie, forgetteth mo­deration;Aaron Fe de Bul­grave. for ſeldome moderation in youth attendeth great and ſudden for­tunes: he draweth all affaires publike into his hands, all favours muſt paſſe from him, preferments by him, all ſuits addreſſed to him, the King but as a Cipher ſet to add to his figure the more of number.

Great was the Soveraignes errour, when the hope of ſervants muſt recog­nite it ſelfe to the ſervant, which ought immediately to come from the good­neſſe and good election of himſelfe, though Princes may take above others ſome repoſefull friend with whom they may participate their neereſt paſſi­ons; yet ought they ſo to temper the affaires of his favour, that they corrupt not the affaires of their Principalitie.

The great and graveſt men began to grieve, when the unworthy, without honour or merit, dealt thus alone in that which ſhould paſſe their hands, and to over leap their yeares, to the greateſt honours and offices; and therefore ran along with the riſing grace of the Kings halfe brethren (though ſtran­gers) hoping to divide ſo the poſſeſſion of grace, which they ſaw impoſſible to breake.

Leicester confident of his Majeſties love,Cro. de Reading and impatient either to beare Rivall in favour, or partner in rule, oppoſeth them all; but findeth in his ebb of favour, the fortunes of others; for this King could as eaſily transfer over his love, as ſettle his affection: great wee ſee muſt be the art and cunning of that man, that keeps him afloat the ſtreame of Soveraigne favour, ſithence the change of Princes wils (which for the moſt part are full of fancies, and ſo un­ſatiate) are hardly arreſted, who ſo would this, muſt only intend the honour and ſafetie of his Maſter, and diſpoyled of all other reſpects, transforme him­ſelfe to his inward inclination, work neceſſitie of employment, by undergo­ing the offices of moſt ſecrecie, either of publike ſervice, or Princes pleaſures; beat downe he muſt Competitors of worth by the hand of others, conceale his owne greatneſſe in publike, with a fained humilitie, and what in potencie or government he affecteth, to let rather ſeeme the work of others, than any appetite of his owne.

Now were the raines of rule fitly taken by this advantage,H. Knight Mon. Leſt. put alone into the hands of the Kings halfe brethren, Adam, Guide, Gadtrey, and William; himſelfe, as before, ex magna fortuna tantam licentiam uſurpans; for to act his owne part hee was ever ready drawen, when hee had ſuch worthy ſer­vants, as would often for his honour urge it.

Theſe Miniſters (as Walling fora termes them) tanta elati jactantia,Li. de Wal­lingford. quod nec ſupertorem ſibi intelligunt, nec parem melitis, & molitis adulationibus, animum6 regis pro libito voluntatis orationis tramite deliniaentes, doe alone their liſt; they fill up the places of juſtice and truſt with their Countrey-men, put out the Engliſh, exact of whom and who they pleaſe, waſt the treaſure and Crown­lands on themſelves and followers, ſet prices on all offices, and ruine the Law within the rule of their owne breſts; the uſuall reply of their ſer­ſervants to the plaints of the Kings Subjects being:Guil. de••ſhan. Quis tibi rectum faciet quod Dominus meus vult, Dominus Rex vult. Theſe ſtrangers ſeemed in their lawleſſe carriage not to have beene omitted, but to have entred the Land by Conqueſt: the great they enforced, not to obey, but ſerve; and the meane to live ſo, ſo as they might juſtly ſay, They had nothing, yet leſt the King ſhould heare the grones of his people, and greedineſſe of his Miniſters which good and able men would tell him,Li. Monaſt. de Ramſey. they bar all avés, ſuſpition being the beſt preſerver of their owne defects, aimeth at thoſe who have more of vertue than themſelves, as fearing them moſt.

Thus is the capacitie of government in a King, when it falleth to be a prey to ſuch lawleſſe Minions, the ground of infinite corruption in all the mem­bers of the State: all take warrant generally from Princes weakneſſe of li­centious libertie, and greatneſſe makes profit particularly by it: and there­fore gives way to encreaſe ill, to encreaſe their gaines.

A famine accompanyeth theſe corruptions, and that ſo violent, as the King is enforced to direct writs to all Shires, Ad pauperes mortus ſepeliends famis inedia dificientes: Famine proceedeth, & ſecutus eſt gladius tam terribilit,••nemo inermis ſecurè poſſit per provincias per vagace. For all the villages of the Kingdome were left a prey to a lawleſſe multitude, who, per diviſas partes i••­nerantes velut per conſenſum abiorum, as the Record ſaid, did imply that the factious Lords ſuſpected that the King had given ſome heart to this commotion. Ambitious Peeres bring ever fuell to popular fires, nor was the Church without a buſie part in this tragick work;Guil. de Riſhanger. for Walter Biſhop of Win­cheſter, and Robert of Lincolne, to Mountford and his faction, pracordialiter adhaerebant, and were far engaged; in ſuch deſignes Church-men are never wanting, and the diſtaffe of preſent government, as well in Church as in Common-weale, will ever be a knot of ſtrength for ſuch unquiet ſpirits, who alwayes frame to themſelves ſome other forme than the preſent, as well in Religion as in temporall eſtates, being that which with the giddy multitude winneth the beſt opinion, and did at this time fitly ſuit the peoples humours, ſo much diſtaſting the new Courts of the Clergie, their pomp, their greedi­neſſe, and the Popes extortions.

A faire pretext it was to the factious Biſhops, to uſe their bitter pens and ſpeeches ſo far againſt ſome religious Orders, ceremonies, and ſtate of the Church, that one of them incurred the ſentence of excommunication at Rome,M. Paris. and treaſon at home: for he enjoyned the Earle of Leiceſter, in remiſ­ſione peccatorum, ut cauſam illam (meaning the rebellion) uſque ad mentem aſſu­merat7 aſſ rens pacem eccleſiae Anglicanae ſine gladio materiali nunquam firmare poſſe: it was not the beſt doctrine this man could plant by liberty and war, when the firſt Church roſe by patience and prayer: true piety bindeth a ſubiect to deſire a good Soveraigne with a bended knee, rather in time to de­ſire abatement than to reſiſt Authority: Churchmen therefore ought not al­wayes to lead us in the rules of loyalty, but knowledge of our own duty in difficult points of Religion, where an humble ignorance is a ſecure know­ledge we may relie on them. To ſuppreſſe theſe troubles, and ſupply the Kings neceſſities, a Parliament was called, much to the liking of theſe Lords, who as little meant to ſupply the King as he did deſire to acquit the State, their ends at this time being onely to open at home the poverty of their Maſter, to leſſen his reputation abroad, and to brave out their own paſſions freely, which theſe times of liberty permits, here they began to tell him, he had wronged the Publique in taking to his private election the Ju­ſtice Chancellour and Treaſurer, it ſhould be onely by the common counſell of the Realme, commending the Biſhop of Chicheſter for denying the de­livery of the great Seal, but in Parliament, where he received it.

They blame him there to have beſtowed the beſt Places of truſt and bene­fit on Strangers,Io. de Wallinge. and to leave the Engliſh unrewarded to have undone the trade of merchandiſe by bringing in mults and heavie cuſtomes, and to hurt the common liberty by non obstantes in his Patents to make good monopolies for private favourites that he had taken from his ſubjects, Qui quid habue­runt in oſculentis & poculentis rusticorum entm bigas equos viva, victualia ad libitum caepit, that is, Judges were ſent in Circuit under the pretext of Ju­ſtice to fleece the People, Cauſis fictis quaecunque poterant deripuerunt. And that Sir Robert de Purſlan had wrong from the borderers of his Foreſts,Cro. ſis. Albani. un­der pretence of incroachment or Aſſarts great ſummes of money, and therefore they wonder he ſhould demand relief from his ſo pilled and poled Commons that by theſe former extremities,Gual. de Coventry. Et per auxilia prius data ita di­panperentur ut parum aut nihil habeant in bonis: adviſing him withall, that ſince his needleſſe expences postquam rex regnt coepit eſſe, were ſummed up to be by them above 800000. l. it were fitting to pull from his favourites, who had gleaned the treaſure of the Kingdom and ſhared the old Lands of the Crown, ſome one of whom the Lords deſcribed, to be Miles literatus, or Clericus militaris, that had in ſhort ſpace from the inheritance of avarice grown to the poſſeſſion of an Earldom; and Manſel another inferiour Clerke, that roſe to diſpend in annuall revenues 4000. m. whereas more moderate fees would have become a penman no better qualified than with the ordinary fruits of a writing-ſchool, yet told if a moderate ſupply would ſuit with his occaſions, they were content to performe ſo far relief in obe­dience as the deſert of his carriage ſhould merit towards them:Reg. Reff. and ſo as the Record ſaith, Dies data fuit in tres ſeptimanus, ut interius rex excelſus8 ſuos corrigeret, & magnatet ejus obtemperarent voluntati at which day upon new grant of the great Charter admittance to his Counſell (ſome perſons elect­ed by the Commons) and promiſe to relie upon the Natives, and not on ſtrangers, for advice hereafter they ſpare him ſuch a pittance, as muſt force him again to their devotion for a new ſupply.

Thus the Parliaments that were ever before a medicine to heal up any rupture in the Princes fortunes are now grown worſe than the maladie, ſince malignant humours began to rule more than well compoſed tempers. The King by this experience of the intents of his rebellious ſubjects, finding the want of treaſure was the way whereby they enthralled his Majeſty, begins to play the good husband, cloſeth his hand of waſte, and reſolved himſelfe (too late) to ſtand alone.

Experience is pernicious to the private, and dangerous to the good of State when it never learnes to do but with undoing, and never ſeeth order but when diſorder ſhewes it; yet ſtill alas, ſuch was his flexibility, when he came to be preſſed by his French minions, that he could not hold his hands any longer from their vaſt deſires and endleſſe waſtes, ſo that an Authour then living ſaith it became a by-word, Our inheritance is converted to ſtrangers and our houſes to aliens. Gual. de Riſhang.Followers to a King exceſſive in gifts, are exceſſive in demands, and cut them not out by reaſon but by examples, favours paſt are not accounted, we love no bounty but what is meer future, the more that a Prince weakeneth himſelfe in giving the poorer he is in friends, for ſuch prodigality in the Soveraigne ever ends in the ſpoil and ra­pine of the Subject. Yet before the King could again ſubmit himſelfe as he had the laſt Parliament to ſo many brave and ſtrict inquirers of his diſloyall ſubjects, he meaneth to paſſe thorow all the ſhifts that extremity of need which greatneſſe could lay before him.

He beginneth firſt with the ſale of Lands, and then of Jewels, pawneth Glaſcony, and after his Imperiall Crown, and when he had neither credit to borrow (having ſo often failed the truſt he had made) nor morgage of his own, he then layeth to pawn the Jewels of Saint Edwards ſhrine, and in the end not having meanes to defray the debts of Court, was inforced to break up houſe, and as Paris ſayeth,Guil. de Riſhang. with his Queen and Children, cum abatibus & prtoribus humilia ſatis hospitia quaerunt & prandia.

This low ebbe that again the Kings improvidence had brought him unto gave great aſſurance to the rebellious Lords that they ſhould now at laſt have the Soveraigne Power left a prey to their ambitious deſignes; and to bring it faſter on, they deſire nothing more than to ſee the Kings extremity con­ſtrain a Parliament, for at ſuch times Princes are ever leſſe than they ſhould, Subjects more.

To haſten on the time, and apt the meanes, there are ſome certain ſeditious humours that the Kings neceſſity muſt repair it ſelfe upon the fortune, and9 liberty of the People, that having nothing of his own, he might and meant to take of others, for Kings may not want as long as Subjects have meanes to ſupply.

This took effect juſt to their mindes, and wrought a little moving in the State, which doubleſſe had flamed higher if the King had not aſſuaged it by Proclamation wherein he declared, Quod quidem malevoli ſinistra praedi­cantes illi falſo ſuggeſſerunt illum vel eos indebitè gravari, ac jura & libertates regni ſubvertere, ut per ſuggestiones doleſas & omnino falſas eorum corda à ſua dilectione & fidelitate averterent. But deſireth then, that Hujuſmodi animorum ſuorum purturbatoribus ne fidem adhiberent. For that he was ever ready to defend them from the oppreſſions of the great Lords, Et omnia iura & con­ſectudines eorum debitas bonas & conſuetas in omnibus & per omnia plemius ob­ſervare: and that they may reſt off, that Securè de voluntate liberaliteras ſuas fecit patentes.

But ſeeing ſtill that Majeſty and Right ſubſiſt not without meanes and power, and himſelfe had of neither ſo much as would ſtop the preſent breach in his own wants or his Subjects loyalties he flieth to the boſome of his People for relief and counſell at Oxford they met in Parliament, where his neceſſities met with ſo many undutifull demands, that he was forced to render up unto rebellious wils, his regall power; here the Commons know­ing that cum eligere inciperent, they were loco libertatis, ſtood with the King to have the managing of the State, put to the care of 24. whereof 12. by their election, whereto they look ſtrictly, the other by him, who in all things elſe was left a cypher, and in this, either by fear or advice filled up his num­ber with Mountford, Gloster, and Spencer, which beſide the weakning of his own part, won to theſe his late oppoſites and opinion of great intereſt, they had got into his favour. He hath now neither left him election of pub­like Officer nor private attendance, his halfe brethren and their followers he muſt deſpoil of all fortunes and exile by proſcription under his own hand, commanding the proceſſe Pro transfectatione fratrum ſuorum, to be dire••ed to the Earle of Hartford and Surrey, and not to paſſe either money, armes, or ornaments Niſi informa quam dicti comites inquirerent, and after departure injoyned the men of Briſtow that they ſhould not permit any ſtranger Sive popenquos regis applicare in portu, but ſo to behave themſelves therein that as well the King quam magnaies ſui cos merito commendare debeant.

Thus we ſee how eaſily mens eſtates do change in a moment, and how hard it is to make good uſe of things ill gotten; and thus changing ſolid power into the rules of power, and theſe by popular elections, made the State beleeve that by this forme of limited policy they had utterly ſuppreſſed the minde of mankinde, for ever dreaming upon the imaginary humours of licentious ſoveraignty.

But it fell out nothing ſo, for now every man began to eſtimate his own10 worth, and to hammer his head upon all deſignes, that might enlarge his power and command, then began the great men to pull from the body of the countrey and regall ſoveraignty, ſuch royall ſuitors as neighboured any of their own ſeats, whereunto they inforced the ſervice, and as the Record ſaith, Ad ſectas indebitas & ſervitutes intolerabiles ſubditos regis compule­runt. Thus raiſing indeed Mannours to become great Honours, and rending aſunder the Regall Juſtice made themſelves of ſo many ſubjects while they lived in duty,Cro. ſti. Albani. totidem tyrannos, as the book of Saint Albans ſaith, when they had left their loyalty Magnas duxerunt magnates regni ſuper ſubditos regis ſervitutes & oppreſſiones, which they bore patiently, for exceſſe of miſery ha­ving no eaſe but cuſtome, made men willing to lay the foundation of ſervi­tude by the length of ſufferance, which found no other eaſe nor end untill the quiet of this Kings Raigne.

Mountford,Io. de Wollen. Gloster, and Spencer, the heads of this rebellious plot, ha­ving by the late proviſion drawn to the hands of their 24. Tribunes of the People, the entire mannaging of the State, and finding this power too much diſperſed, to worke the end of their deſires forced again the King at London to call a Parliament, where they delivered over the Authority of the 24. unto themſelves, and created a Triumvirat, Non constituendo reip. cauſa: (as they firſt pretended for their own ends) but to make a ſpeedier way to one of them as it fatally did to become dictator perpetuus.

Ambition is never ſo high but ſhe thinkes ſtill to mount, that ſtation that lately ſeemed the top is but a ſtep to her now, and what before was great in deſiring ſeemes little now in power.

Theſe three elect new Counſellors,Ord. in In­ter rec: Civ. Lord. and appoint quod tres ad minus alternatim ſemper in curia ſint, to diſpoſe of the cuſtody of Caſtles, & de alus omnibus regni negotiis. The chief Juſtice Chancellor and Treaſurer with all Officers, maiores & minores, they reſerve themſelves the choyce, and binde the King to this hard bargain, upon ſuch ſtrange ſecurity, that he is contented under the great Seal, and Oath, to looſen to them the knot of legall duty, whenſo­ever he aſſumed to himſelfe his regall Dignity. Liceat omnibus de regus nostro contra nos inſurgere & ad gravamen nostrum opem & operam dare ac ſi nobis in nulla tenerentur.

This progedy of fortune in whom ſhe had ſet a pitifull example of her inconſtancy, finding no part of his Soveraignty left, but the bare title, and that at their leaves beggeth ſuccour of Ʋrban the fourth againſt his diſloyall Subjects: the Pope by Bull cancelleth his Oath and Contract, and armeth him with Excommunications againſt all thoſe that turne not with ſpeed to their due and old obedience; ſithence, promiſes made by men that cannot ſay they are at liberty are light, and force hath no power to make juſt in­tereſt. Theſe Lords on the other ſide that had imped their wings with the Eagles feathers, and like no gain, but what was raiſed out of the aſhes of11 Monarchy made head againſt their Soveraigne, and to mate him the better called in ſome I rench forces.

Thus the Commonwealth turned again her ſword into her own bowels, and invited her ancient enemies to the funerall of her liberty, ſo that it was not a wonder ſhe did not at this time paſſe under a foraigne ſervitude, and though thoſe men were more ſenſible of their diſgrace, than others miſe­ries, yet found they no better pretext for private intereſt than that of the publike, and therefore at the entry into this war, they cried liberty, although when they came nere to an end, they never ſpake once of it. At Lewis the Armies met where the King endeavoured a reconciliation, but in vain, for perſwaſions are ever unprofitable, when Juſtice is inferiour to force, the ſword decided the difference, and gave the two Kings and their eldeſt ſonnes priſoners.

The perſon aſwell as the regall power being thus in the hands of Mount­ford, and Gloster, found neither bond of ſecurity, nor expectation of liberty, but what the emulous competition of greatneſſe, which now began to break out betwixt theſe mighty Rivals gave hope of, for Leifter meaning (by in­croaching by his partner to himſelfe, the perſon of the King and his fol­lowers the beſt portion of the Spoil, and to draw more fruit from this ad­vantage, than it ſhould in fellowſhip yield, diſſolved the knot of their amity.

Equall Authority with the ſame power is overfatall we ſee to great acti­ons, for to fit mindes to ſo equall a temper, that they ſhould not have ſome motions of diſſenting is impoſſible.

Mountford having thus broke all faith with his confederate, and duty to his Soveraigne, leaves the path of moderation and wiſdom to come to the King by that of pride and diſtruſt.

To him he telleth that his aymes and ends had no other object ever, but order of the State and eaſe of the People, that he did not in this carry affection againſt duty, but well knew how to rein his deſires to his juſt power, and ſo no leſſe to his Majeſties content if he would be ruled, which was to command the Caſtles and Forts of his now oppoſites Gloſter and the reſt into his hands, it was hard to this King thus to take a Law from his infe­rior. But neceſſity in ſoveraigne affairs doth often force away al formability, and therefore thoſe poor Princes who now at the victors diſcretion ſeemed to have been onely raiſed to ſhew the inconſtancy of fortune and vanity of man, ſuted himſelfe with incomparable wiſdom to the neceſſity of the time: neither did humility now wrong Majeſty, when there was no other meanes to contain ſpirits ſo inſolent, but diſſembling.

He therefore ſummoneth in his own perſon the Forts of his faſteſt friends to yield to his greateſt enemies,

Theſe he intreateth in ſhew to his lodging, but in effect his priſon, and ſaw12 himſelfe forced to arme againſt his friends, and to receive new Law from him to whom he lately thought to give it. Thus Leiſter is become the dar­ling of the common rout, who eaſily change to every new maſter, but the better durſt not ſail along his fortune, by the light of his glory. Chryſtall that fairly gliſtereth doth eaſily break, and as the aſſent of uſurped Royalty is ſlippery, ſo the top is ſhaking, and the fall fearfull; to hold this man then happy, at the entry of his falſe felicitie, was but to give the name of the image to the metall that was not yet moulten. For by this the impriſoned Prince was eſcaped, and faſt aſſured of Gloster, by the knot of his great minde and diſcontent, and both with the torne remainder of the royall Army, united, and by ſpeedy march arrived (unlookt for) nere Everſham, to the armed troopes of the ſecure Rebels, whom they inſtantly aſſail, for it was no fit ſeaſon to give time, when no time did aſſure ſo much as experience did pro­miſe.

Spencer and other Lords of the faction made towards the Prince with the beſt ſpeed of march, but could not break out, being hurried along the ſtorme of the giddy multitude. Publike affection depends on the conduct of fortune private on our carriage, we muſt beware therefore of running down ſteep hils with weighty bodies: they once in motion, ſubferuntur pondere, ſteps are then voluntary. Leister at that inſtant with the King, and out of the tempeſt might have eſcaped if his carriage and hope had not made him more reſolute by miſfortune, ſo that he could neither forſake his followers nor his ambition. Thus making adverſity the exerciſe of his vertue, ran and fell. Private cogitations make more or leſſe of fortune, but thoughts we ſee once raiſed to the height of rule, are no more in our own power, having no mean to ſtep upon between the higheſt of all and precipitation.

The King by this happy accident freed and obeyed, began to ſearch the ground of his former miſeries, and why that vertue and fortune that had ſettled and maintained ſo long under his anceſtors, the glory of his Empire had caſt him in his time off, and conſpired with her enemies to her almoſt ruine, as if the genius of the State had quite forſaken her.

Here he findes his waſtfull hands had been too quicke both over the per­ſons and eſtates of his People, the griping avarice of his civill Magiſtrates, and lawleſſe liberty of his martiall followers,Ro. Pat. 53. H. 3. the neglect of grace, and breach of his word, to have left the Nobility at home and neceſſity, his re­putation abroad,Croſti. Albani making merchandiſe of peace and war as his laſt refuge; ſo leaving his old allies became enforced to betake himſelfe to perſons doubtfull, or injured, and that by giving over himſelfe to a ſenſuall ſecurity, and referring all to baſe, greedy, and unworthy miniſters, whoſe counſell was ever more ſubtill than ſubſtantiall: he had thrown down thoſe pillars of ſoveraignty and ſafety,Io. de Tax­ter. reputation abroad, and reverence at home.

He therefore now maketh ſweetneſſe and clemency the entrance of re­gained13 rule, for the faults of moſt of the Rebels he forgot A gracious kinde of pardoning, not to take knowledge of offences, others he forgave that they might but live to the glory of his goodneſſe, for the fewer killed the more remain to adorne his trophe. Tyrants ſhed bloud for pleaſure, Kings for neceſſity; yet leaſt his juſtice and power might ſo much ſuffer in his grace and mercy. Some few he puniſhed by ſmall fines, ſome by baniſh­ment as the guiltleſſe, yet unpittied ſonnes of the arch-traitor. Treaſon ſo hatefull is to the head, that it draweth (we ſee) the carriage of the innocent children into a laſting ſuſpect, and what is ſuſpition in others is guilt in them.

Upon the conſtant followers of his broken fortunes he giveth,Clauſ. an. 52. H. 3. m. 29. but with more wary hand than before the forfeitures of his enemies. Immoderate liberality he had found but a weak meanes to win love, for it left more in the gathering than it gained in the getting and his bounty beſtowed without reſpect was taken without grace, diſcredited the receiver, detracted from the judgement of himſelfe, blunted the appetites of ſuch as carried their hopes out of vertue and ſervice.

Thus at laſt he learned that reward and reprehenſion juſtly laid do bal­lance government, and that it much importeth a Prince if the hand be equall that holdeth the ſcale. In himſelfe he reformed the naturall errours of his youth for Princes manners, though a mute Law have more of life and vigor than thoſe of letters, and though he did ſometimes touch upon the verge of vice he forbore to enter the circle. Cro. de Dunſt.The Courts wherein at this time the faults of good men did not onely by approbation but imitation receive true comfort and authority, for their crimes were now become examples and cuſtomes he purged ſeverely, ſince from thence proceeds the regular or irre­gular conditions of the common ſtate. Expence of houſe ſervice he mea­ſured by the juſt rule of his proper revenues, and was heard often to ſay that his errors of waſt had been the iſſue of the Subjects blood. The inſolency of his Souldiers made lawleſſe by the late libertie of civill armes he ſpendeth in forraigne expeditions, having ſeen that the quiet ſpirits underwent all the former calamities, and the others were never ſatiſfied but in the miſeries of innocents, and would if they had no other enemy abroad ſeek out one at home, as they had done before.

The rigor and corruption of theſe judiciall Officers, he examineth and re­dreſſeth by ſtrict commiſſion for the ſeem of their ſecurity became a mur­mur of his own cruelty.

The ſeates of judgement and councell he filleth up with men nobly borne, for ſuch attract with leaſt offence the generous ſpirits to reſpect and reve­rence, the inabilities he meaſureth not by the favour of private information as before but generall, for every man may in particular deceive and be de­ceived, but no one can all, nor all one. And to diſcover his own capacity14 now and ſhew what part he meaneth to leave hereafter in all deliberate ex­peditions, he ſitteth himſelfe in councell dayly, and diſpoſeth the affaires of moſt weight in his own perſon.

Councellors be they never ſo wiſe or worthy, are but as acceſſaries, not principall in ſuſtentation of the State, their Office muſt be ſubjection not fellowſhip in conſultation of moment, ability to adviſe, not authority to re­ſolve: for as to live the Prince muſt have a particular ſoul, ſo to rule his pro­per and interne Councell, without the one he cannot demurre truly, with­out the other he can never ſecurely be a Prince; for it offendeth as well the miniſter of merit as the people, to force obedience to one uncapable of his own greatneſſe and unworthy of his fortune.

This wonderous change to the generall State ſo helpeleſſe lately to reco­ver their former liberty that they ſought now for nothing, but the mildeſt ſervitude brought them home again to his devotion and their duty.

He that will lay (we ſee) the foundation of greatneſſe upon popular love muſt give them eaſe and juſtice, for they meaſure the bond of their true obe­dience by the good alwayes received.

This peace ever after attended his age and houſe, and he happily lived to faſhion his ſucceſſour, and to make him partner of his experience and au­thority, whoſe down hard education trained him from that intemperance which makes man inferiour to beaſts, and framed him to affect glory and vertue which made him ſuperiour to men. So that all the actions of his fu­ture Raigne were exact grounds of diſcipline and policy, who as he was the firſt of his name ſince the Conqueſt, ſo was he the firſt that ſettled Lawes and State, deſerving to wear the ſtile of Englands Iustir, and the proud title to have freed the Crown from the ſubjection and wardſhip of his Peeres, ſhewing himſelfe in all his actions ever after capable to command, not the Realme onely, but the whole world. Thus do the wrong of our enemies more than our own diſcretions, make us ſometimes both wiſe and fortunate.


About this transcription

TextThe troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third. Wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth. Viz. 1. By the Pope and church-mens extortions. 2. By the places of best trust bestowed upon unworthy members. 3. By patents and monopolies for private favourites. 4. By needlesse expences and pawning of jewels. 5. By factious Lords and ambitious peeres. Sutable to these unhappie times of ours; and continued with them till the King tied his actions to the rules of his great and good councell, and not to passionate and single advice.
AuthorCotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third. Wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth. Viz. 1. By the Pope and church-mens extortions. 2. By the places of best trust bestowed upon unworthy members. 3. By patents and monopolies for private favourites. 4. By needlesse expences and pawning of jewels. 5. By factious Lords and ambitious peeres. Sutable to these unhappie times of ours; and continued with them till the King tied his actions to the rules of his great and good councell, and not to passionate and single advice. Short view of the long life and raigne of Henry the Third, King of England. Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631.. [2], 14 p. for George Lindsey,Imprinted at London :1642.. ("A reprint of A short view of the long life and raigne, etc" --Halkett & Laing.) (Attributed to Sir Robert Cotton. --Cf. BLC.) (This item can be found at reel 7:E.38[11]; and at reel 19:E.110[16].) (Annotation on Thomason copy E.110[16]: "Aug: 12".) (Reproductions of the originals in the British Library.)
  • Henry -- III, -- King of England, 1207-1272 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Henry III, 1216-1272 -- Early works to 1800.

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