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AN APPENDIX, TO A CONFESSION of FAITH, OR A more full Declaration of the Faith and Judgement of Baptized Beleevers.

Occaſioned by the inquiry of ſome w•…- affected and godly perſons in the Country.

Written by BENIAMIN COX, a Preacher of the Goſpel of Jeſus Chriſt.

Publiſhed for the further clearing of Truth, and diſcovery of their miſtake who have imagined a diſſent in fun­damentals where there is none.

MATH. 10.27.28.

What I tel you in darkneſs, that ſpeak ye in light: and what yee hear in the ear, that preach yee upon the houſe-tops.

And fear not &c.

LONDON, Printed in the year 1646.


A more full DECLARATION OF THE FAITH and JuDGEMENT OF Baptized Beleevers:

BE ready alwayes, ſaith the Apoſtle Peter, to give an anſwer to every man that asketh you a reaſon of the hope that is in you, with meekneſſe and fear, 1 Pet. 3.15. It is therefore our duty in meekneſſe and love to give an anſwer to thoſe godly perſons, which deſire to be fully infor­med of our judgement concerning Religion and the wayes of our God: To thoſe therefore that have expreſſed a deſire to be ſo informed, I thus anſwer.

In a book lately reprinted, entituled, A Confeſſion of faith of ſeven Congregations or Churches of Christ in London, &c. is a plain and ſincere expreſſion of our judgement in the things therein ſpoken of, in 52 Articles: And if our judgement tou­ching ſome particulars, wherein we ſeem, or are ſuppoſed, to diſſent from ſome others, do not appear cleerly enough in that confeſſion, I hope the ſame ſhall ſomewhat more eleerly appear in this enſuing Appendix.


1. We beleeve that the puniſhment due to Adam for his firſt re­bellion, and due to all men for their ſin in Adam, and for al their ſins againſt the Law, was not a lying of the whole perſon of man in the duſt, or grave, eternally without life or ſenſe; for then the puniſhment of man that ſinned, ſhould not have differ­ed from the puniſhment of the brute beaſt that ſinned not. But the puniſhment due to man, as aforeſaid, was indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguiſh; and that eternall: And conſe­quently the Redemption which we have by Chriſt from the curſe of the Law, is a Redemption from eternal miſery and torment: this we learn from theſe places of Scripture compared together; Rom. 2.8, 9. Jude 7. Gal. 3.13. Hebr. 9.12.

2. We beleeve that the eternity of the puniſhment of the veſſels of wrath, is an abſolute eternity, knowing no end; as wel as the eternity of the life of the Saints: Mat. 25.46. This we main­tain againſt thoſe that affirm that all men ſhal be ſaved at the laſt.

3. Although all the power of the creature to act be from the Cre­ator, and there is a providence of God always extended to eve­ry creature, and to every action of the creature; yet wee judge that the ſinful corruption of the creature, and the ſinfulneſs of the creature's action, is from the creature, and not from God: and that it is a great ſin to ſay that God is the author of ſin: Eccleſ. 7.29. Habak. 1.13. Iames 1.13, 14, 15. 1 Cor. 14.33. 1 Ioh. 2.16. As touching that place which is here objected againſt us, viz: Amos 3.6. Shal there be evil in a City, &c. We conceive that it is either to be rendred according to the laſt Tranſlation in the5 margin; Shal there be evil in a City, and ſhal not the Lord do ſome­what? or elſe that it is to be underſtood only of the evil of puniſh­ment, and not of the evil of ſin.

4. We teach that they only do, or can beleeve in Jeſus Chriſt, to whom it is given to beleeve in him by a ſpecial, gracious, and powerful work of his Spirit: and that this is (and ſhal be) given to the Elect in the time appointed of God for their effectual cal­ling; and to none but the Elect: Ioh. 6 64, 65. Philip. 1.29. Ierem. 31.33, 34. Ezek. 36.26. Rom. 8.29, 30. Ioh. 10.26. This we hold againſt thoſe that do maintain a freewil and ſuffi­cient ability in all men to beleeve; and do deny Election.

5. We affirm, that as Jeſus Chriſt never intended to give remiſſi­on of ſins and eternal life unto any but his ſheep; (Ioh. 10.15. Ioh. 17.2. Epheſ. 5.25, 26, 27. Revel. 5.9. ) ſo theſe ſheep on­ly have their ſins waſhed away in the blood of Chriſt: The veſ­ſels of wrath, as they are none of Chriſts ſheep, nor ever do be­leeve in him, ſo they have not the blood of Chriſt ſprinkled up­on them, neither are partakers of him: and therefore have all their ſins remaining upon them, and are not ſaved by Chriſt from any of them under any conſideration whatſoever; but muſt lie under the intolerable burthen of them eternally. The truth of this appears unto us by the light of theſe Scriptures compared together, Hebr. 12.24. 1 Pet. 1, 2. Hebr. 3.14. Math. 7.23. Eph. 5.6. 1 Tim. 1.9. Ioh. 8.24.

6. Though ſome of our oppoſers do affirm, that by this doctrine we leave no Goſpel to be preached to ſinners for their converſi­on; yet through the goodneſs of God we know and preach to6 ſinners this precious Goſpel; God ſo loved the world, (that is, hath been ſo loving to mankind) that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoſoever beleeveth in him, ſhould not periſh, but have ever­lasting life; Joh. 3.16. and this faithful ſaying, worthy of all acceptation, That Ieſus Christ came into the world to ſave ſinners, 1 Tim. 1.15. viz. all thoſe ſinners (how vile and grievous ſoe­ver) not only which already do, but alſo which hereafter ſhall beleeve on him to life everlaſting, 1 Tim. 1.16. and that to Chriſt all the Prophets give witneſſe, that through his name, whoſoever beleeveth in him, ſhal receive remiſſion of ſins. Acts 10.43. And this is called The Word of the Goſpel; Acts 15.7. This is the Goſpel which Chriſt and his Apoſtles preached, which we have received, and by which we have been converted unto Chriſt. And we deſire to mind what Paul ſaith in Galat. 1.9. If any man preach any other Goſpel unto you then that ye have received, let him be anathema.

7. Though we confeſſe that no man doth attain unto faith by his own good wil; Ioh. 1.13. yet we judge and know that the Spirit of God doth not compel a man to beleeve againſt his will, but doth powerfully and ſweetly create in a man a new heart, and ſo make him to beleeve and obey willingly, Ezek. 36.26. Pſal. 110.3. God thus working in us both to wil and to do, of his good pleaſure; Philip. 2.13.

8. Though all our workings for life be in vain, irregular, and not accepted of God, (Jeſus Chriſt being our life, who is freely gi­ven to us of God,) yet we beleeve and know that being made partakers of Jeſus Chriſt, we do, and ſhal, and muſt, through him, and walking in him, bring forth the fruit of good works, ſerving God (in true obedience, and love, and thankfulneſs unto him) in holineſs and righteouſneſs, being his workmanſhip, crea­ted7 in Chriſt Ieſus unto good works, which he hath before ordained that we ſhould walk in them; Epheſ. 2.10. Luke 1.74, 75.

9. Though we that beleeve in Chriſt, be not under the law, but under grace; Rom. 6.14. yet we know that we are not lawleſs, or left to live without a rule; not without law to God, but under law to Chriſt, 1 Cor. 9.21. The Goſpel of Jeſus Chriſt is a law, or commanding rule unto us; whereby, and in obedience whereunto, we are taught to live ſoberly, righteouſly, and godly in this preſent world; Titus 2.11, 12. the directions of Chriſt in his Evangelical word guiding us unto, and in this ſober, righ­teous, and godly walking, 1 Tim. 1.10, 11.

10. Though we be not now ſent to the Law as it was in the hand of Moſes, to be commanded thereby, yet Chriſt in his Goſpel teacheth and commandeth us to walk in the ſame way of righte­ouſneſs and holyneſs that God by Moſes did command the Iſra­elites to walk in, all the Commandments of the ſecond Table being ſtil delivered unto us by Chiſt, and all the Commande­ments of the firſt Table alſo (as touching the life and ſpirit of them) in this epitome or brief ſum, Thou ſhal love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, &c. Math. 22.37, 38, 39, 40. Rom. 13.8, 9.10.

11. Though no ſin be imputed to thoſe that beleeve in Chriſt, nor any ſinn do totally or fully reign over them, or in them; yet in them the fleſh luſteth against the spirit; Galat. 5.17. and in many things they all offend; Iames 3.2. where the Apoſtle ſpeaks of offences that one beleever may take notice of in another. Thus there is not a juſt man upon earth, that doth good, and ſinneth not,8 Eccleſ. 7.20. and if we ſay that we have no ſin, we deceive our ſelves, and the truth is not in us, 1 Ioh. 1.8.

12. Though there be no condemnation to them that are in Chriſt Jeſus, yet are they taught, and that effectually, to be aſhamed of their ſins Rom. 6.21. and to be ſorry for them after a godly ſort, 2 Cor. 7.9, 10, 11. yea to loath themſelves for them; Ezek. 36.31. Becauſe that ſin is an evil and a filthy thing, and in its own nature tends to the provoking and diſhonoring of God, being diſ­obedience againſt God, and a thing which the moſt holy GOD declares himſelf to loath and abhor; ſo that nothing but the blood of Chriſt could purge us from our ſins, and reconcile us to God, whom by ſin we had offended. Therefore the Saints both are, and muſt be grieved, and muſt iudge themſelves, becauſe they have ſinned againſt their holy and glorious God, and merci­ful and loving Father, 1 Cor. 11.31.

13. Though nothing be hid from God, and God imputeth not ini­quity to any beleever, yet ought we to confeſs our ſins unto God, and to beſeech him to deal with us according to his own pro­miſe; viz. to be ſtil gracious and merciful unto us though wee have ſinned againſt him, not being wroth with us, nor rebuking us, nor ceaſing to do good unto us becauſe we have ſinned, Iſa. 54.9. Hebr. 8.12. Dan. 9.18, 19, 20. Pſal. 32.5. Pſal. 25.7. Ezek. 36.37. Iames 5.15. Thus according to Chriſts directi­on, we pray unto Godo forgive us our ſins; Luke 11.4. yet ſtil we are to look upon God as our Father; Luke 11.2. and conſe­quently upon our ſelves as his children; and ſo not ſhort of juſti­fication, or under wrath, but waſhed in Chriſts blood from all our ſins. In ſuch confeſſion and petitions we ſhew obedience to God, and do alſo exerciſe faith towards God, and repentance,9 or godly ſorrow for ſin by which we ſee and confeſs that we for our parts have deſerved wrath.

14. Though they which are once really engraffed into Chriſt, ſhal certainly be kept by the power of God through faith unto ſalvati­on; 1 Pet. 1.5. yet ought they to beware, lest being led away with the error of the wicked, they fal from their own ſtedfastneſſe; 2 Pet. 3.17. They ought therefore to ſeek continual ſupport from God. Yea they ought to ſeek at Gods hand (in prayer, and in the right uſe and ſtudy of his Word, and in the right uſe of his Ordi­nances) not only continuance, but alſo growth in grace; 2 Pet. 3.18. Firſt, becauſe this is Gods Command. Secondly, becauſe God who wil eſtabliſh them, wil do it in this way; viz: giving them grace to be obedient to this his Command, and bleſſing them in this obedience.

15. As we mind that our whole ſalvation is given unto us of the Father by Jeſus Chriſt, and for his ſake; ſo we likewiſe mind, that the Fathers giving Jeſus Chriſt for us, and to us, and ſo ſa­ving us in him, and for his ſake, is the acting and manifeſting of that free love of his towards us, which was in himſelf from all eternity, Iohn 17.23. Epheſ. 1.4, 5.

16. Although a true beleever, whether baptized, or unbaptized, be in the ſtate of ſalvation, and ſhal certainly be ſaved: yet in obe­dience to the Command of Chriſt every beleever ought to de­ſire Baptiſm, and to yeeld himſelf to be baptized according to the rule of Chriſt in his Word: And where this obedience is in faith performed, there Chriſt makes this his Ordinance a meane of unſpeakable benefit to the beleeving ſoul, Acts 2.38. Acts10 22.16. Rom. 6.3, 4. 1 Pet. 3.21. And a true beleever that here ſees the command of Christ lying upon him, cannot allow him­ſelf in diſobedience thereunto, Acts 24.16.

17. Beleevers baptized ought to agree and joyn together in a con­ſtant profeſſion of the ſame doctrine of the Goſpel, and in pro­feſſed obedience thereunto, and alſo in fellowſhip, and in brea­king of bread, and in prayers, Acts. 2.42. And a company of baptized beleevers ſo agreeing and joyning together, are a Church or Congregation of Chriſt, Acts 2.47.

18. As the preaching of the Goſpel, both for the converſion of ſinners, and the edifying of thoſe that are converted; ſo alſo the right uſe of Baptiſme, and of the Lords Supper, ought to be till the end of the world, Matt. 28.19.20. 1 Cor. 11.26.

19. A diſciple gifted and enabled by the ſpirit of Chriſt to preach the Goſpel, and ſtirred up to this ſervice by the ſame ſpirit, bring­ing home to his ſoule the command of Chriſt in his word for the doing of this worke, is a man authoriſed and ſent by Chriſt to preach the Goſpel, ſee Luke 19.12. &c. Mark. 16.15. and Matt. 28.19. compared with Acts 8.4. Philip. 1.14.3. Ioh. 7. And thoſe gifted diſciples which thus preach Jeſus Chriſt who came in the fleſh, are to be looked upon as men ſent and given of the Lord, 1 Ioh. 4.2. Rom. 10.15. Epheſ. 4.11, 12, 13. And they which are converted from unbelife and falſe-worſhip, and ſo brought into Church-fellowſhip by ſuch Preachers according to the will of Chriſt, are a feale of their miniſtry, 1 Cor. 9.2. And ſuch preachers of the Goſpel may not only lawfully admi­niſter Baptiſme unto beleevers, and guide the action of a Church11 in the uſe of the Supper, (Matth. 28.19. Acts 8. 5-12. 1 Cor. 10.16. ) but may alſo call upon the Churches, and ad­viſe them to chooſe fit men for officers, and may ſettle ſuch of­ficers ſo choſen by a Church, in the places or offices to which they are choſen, by impoſition of hands and prayer, Act. 6. 3-6. Acts 14.23. Titus 1.5.

20 Though a beleevers right to the uſe of the Lords Supper doe immediatly flow from Jeſus Chriſt apprehended and received by f••th; yet in as much as all things ought to be done not onely decently, but alſo in order; 1 Cor. 4.40. and the word holds forth this order, that diſciples ſhould be baptized, Matth. 28.9, Acts 2.38. and then be taught to obſerve all things (that is to ſay, all other things) that Chriſt commanded the Apoſtles, Matth. 28.20. and accordingly the Apoſtles firſt baptizediſei­ples, and then admited them to the uſe of the Supper; Acts 2.4.42. we therefore doe not admit any to the uſe of the Supper, no communicate with any in the uſe of this ordinance, but diſ­ciples baptized, leſt we ſhould have followſhip with them in their doing contrary to order.

21. Although we know that in ſome things we are yet very dark, and in all things as yet we know but in part, and doe therefore waite upon God for further light; yet we beleeve that we ought in our practiſe to obey, and ſerve, and glorifie God in the uſe of that light which he hath given us; and not neglect the good uſing of that light which God hath already given us, under pre­tence of waiting for more, 1 Cor. 13.9. Acts 18.25.

22. As Chriſt doth not teach, nor allow that we ſhould be with­out12 natural affection, or unſociable; (ſee Rom. 1.31. ) ſo our be­ing made partakers of Chriſt, doth not diſcharge us from the du­ties of our relations. Beleeving ſervants muſt perform the duties of ſervants towards their maſters though unbeleeving; 1 Tim. 6. . So beleeving children muſt perform the duties of children towards their parents; Coloſſ. 3.20. beleeving wives, the du­ties of wives towards their hu bands; 1 Pet. 3.1. and beleeving ſubjects muſt be ſubject to principalities and powers, and obey Magiſtrates, Rom. 13.1, &c. Titus 3.1. 1 Pet. 2.13, 14, 15. But ſtil they muſt remember that their fear toward God muſt not be taught by the precept of men; Iſaiah 29.13. that they ought to obey God rather then men, Acts 5.29. and that the ſubmiſſion that muſt be given to men, muſt be given to them for the Lords ſake, 1 Pet. 2, 14.

Thus I conclude with the Apoſtles words (in 2 Tim. 2.7. ) a little varyed, but not miſapplyed; Conſider what we teach: and the Lord give you underſtanding in all things.


About this transcription

TextAn appendix, to a confession of faith, or A more full declaration of the faith and judgement of baptized beleevers. Occasioned by the inquiry of some wel-affected and godly persons in the country. / Written by Beniamin Cox, a Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Published for the further clearing of truth, and discovery of their mistake who have imagined a dissent in fundamentals where there is none.
AuthorCox, Benjamin, fl. 1646..
Extent Approx. 19 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 7 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn appendix, to a confession of faith, or A more full declaration of the faith and judgement of baptized beleevers. Occasioned by the inquiry of some wel-affected and godly persons in the country. / Written by Beniamin Cox, a Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Published for the further clearing of truth, and discovery of their mistake who have imagined a dissent in fundamentals where there is none. Cox, Benjamin, fl. 1646.. 12 p. [s.n.],London, :Printed in the year 1646.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Nouemb: 30".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Creeds -- Early works to 1800.
  • Protestant churches -- Creeds -- Early works to 1800.

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