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THE PETITION OF THE JEWES For the Repealing of the Act of Parliament for their baniſhment out of ENGLAND.

Preſented to his Excellency and the generall Councell of Officers on Fryday Jan. 5. 1648.

With their favourable acceptance thereof.

Alſo a Petition of divers Comman­manders, priſoners in the Kings Bench, for the releaſing of all pri­ſoners for Debt, according to the Cuſtome of other Countries.

London, Printed for George Roberts, 1649.


To the Right Honourable, THOMAS Lord FAIRFAX, (His Excellency) ENGLANES GENERALL, AND The Honourable Councel of Warre, Conveaned for Gods Glory, Izraells Freedom, Peace, and Safety, The humble Petition of Johanna Cartenright, Widdow, and Ebenezer Cartwright her Son, freeborn of England, and now Inhabitants of the City of Amſterdam.

Humbly Sheweth,

THat your Petitioners being con­verſant in that City, with and amongſt ſome of Izraells race, called2 Jewes, and growing ſenſible of their hea­vy out-cryes and clamours againſt the in­tolerable cruelty of this our Engliſh Nati­on, exerciſed againſt them by that (and o­ther) inhumane exceeding great Maſſacre of them, in the Raign of RICHARD the ſecond, King of this Land, and their ba­niſhment ever ſince, with the penalty of death to be inflicted upon any of their re­turn into this Land, that by diſcourſe with them, and ſerious peruſall of the Prophets, both they and we find, that the time of hercall draweth nigh; whereby they toge­ther with us, ſhall come to know the Ema­nuell, the Lord of life, light, and glory; even as we are now known of him, And that this Nation of ENGLAND, with the Inha­bitants of the Nether-lands, ſhall be the firſt and readieſt to tranſport IZRAELLS Sons & Daughters in their Ships to the Land pro­miſed to their fore-Fathers, ABRAHAM, ISA­AC, and JACOB, for an everlaſting Inheri­tance.

For the glorious manifeſtation whereof, and pyous meanes thereunto, your Petitio­ners3 humbly pray that the inhumane cruel Statute of baniſhment made againſt them, may be repealed, and they under the Chriſtian banner of charity, and brotherly love, may again be received and permitted to trade and dwell amongſt you in this Land, as now they do in the Nether-lands.

By which act of mercy, your Petitioners are aſſured of the wrath of God, will be much appeaſed towards you, for their in­nocent blood ſhed, and they thereby dayly enlightened in the ſaving knowledge of him, for whom they look dayly and expect as their King of eternall glory, and both their and our Lord God of ſalvation (Chriſt Jeſus.) For the glorious accompliſhing whereof, your Petitioners do, and ſhall e­ver addreſſe themſelves to the true Peace, and pray; &c.

This Petition was preſented to the generall Councell of the Officers of the Army, under the Command of his Excelleney, Thomas Lord Fairfax, at White-Hall on Ian. 5. And favourably received with a pro­miſe to take it into ſpeedy conſideration, when the preſent more publike affaires are diſpatched.


To his Excellency, Thomas Lord Fairfax, and his Generall Councel of Officers.The moſt humble Petition of divers Commanders, Priſoners in the Kings Bench, whoſe names are hereunto ſubſcribed in the behalfe of themſelves, and all other their en­ſlaved Brethren, impriſoned for Debt.


THat your Petitioners with all ſe­riouſneſſe revolving the admira­ble mercy of God, vouchſafed to this Nation in preſerving and carrying on your Excellency & Pyous Army through the many dangers and difficulties (and according to the deſires of your Pe­titioners and all good men) in Crowning you with Victory, and putting this long wiſht for opportunity into your hands, of procuring a ſpeedy adminiſtration of Juſ­tice for the impartiall puniſhment of all offenders, to the relief and comfort of the oppreſſed; your Petitioners are hereby5 imbouldned and by your Propoſalls and late Declarations encouraged to make their humble addreſses to your Excellen­cy, and the Generall Councell of the Ar­my.

That your Petitioners with all hum­bleneſse and earneſtneſſe beſeech your Excellency, who is the patern and Pa­tron of Souldiers, firſt to conſider their ſad condition (being impriſoned contrary to the Law of God, the fundamentall Lawes of this Kingdone, and the pract­ice of all States) and peruſe their Petiti­on hereunto annexed, containing their grievances and deſires, and as ſoone as your weighty affaires will permit to take ſuch order (either by preſenting the ſame, or otherwiſe for your Petioners juſt relief and liberty without priſon Fees, as to your Excellency and the Generall Councells grave wiſdome ſhall ſeeme expedient,6 whereby they may be enabled to attend your Excellencies Command in the Ar­my or elſe where.

And further your Petitioners hmubly pray, that you would pleaſe with all con­venience, mature ſome courſe for the re­leaſing of all Priſoners for debt, eſpetially the well affected, and in the meane times according to your practice of other Countries, cauſe their Creditors to main­taine them according to their qualities, that noe more periſh through want, as very many have done already, whoſe in­nocent bloud cryes for vengance to the Almighty, and doubtleſſe is not the leaſt cauſe of our preſent colamities, and of Gods judgments upon us.

And as in duty bound, your Petitioners ſhall pray &c.


About this transcription

TextThe petition of the Jewes for the repealing of the Act of Parliament for their banishment out of England. Presented to his Excellency and the generall Councell of Officers on Fryday Jan. 5. 1648. With their favourable acceptance thereof. Also a petition of divers commanmanders [sic], prisoners in the Kings Bench, for the releasing of all prisoners for debt, according to the custome of other countries.
AuthorCartwright, Johanna..
Extent Approx. 6 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80827)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 164854)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 83:E537[17])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe petition of the Jewes for the repealing of the Act of Parliament for their banishment out of England. Presented to his Excellency and the generall Councell of Officers on Fryday Jan. 5. 1648. With their favourable acceptance thereof. Also a petition of divers commanmanders [sic], prisoners in the Kings Bench, for the releasing of all prisoners for debt, according to the custome of other countries. Cartwright, Johanna., Cartwright, Ebenezer.. [2], 6 p. Printed for George Roberts,London :1649.. (A petition by Johanna Cartwright and her son Ebenezer, whose names appear in the caption title on A2r.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan: 6 1648". The 9 in the date has been crossed out.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Jews -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Debt, Imprisonment for -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A80827
  • STC Wing C695
  • STC Thomason E537_17
  • STC ESTC R205581
  • EEBO-CITATION 99864924
  • PROQUEST 99864924
  • VID 164854

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