A DECLARATION AND ORDER Of his EXCELLENCY the LORD GENERALL CROMVVEL, AND HIS COUNCEL of OFFICERS: For the continuance of the Aſſeſment towards the maintainance of the Armies and Navies of this Common-wealth for ſix moneths, from the 24th. of June 1653. to the 25th. of December following; at the rate of one hundred and twenty thouſand pounds by the moneth
ALthough we are very ſenſible of the great and heavy Taxes, & other publique burthens, which for the preſent are lying upon this Nation, and that nothing is to be more wiſhed & endeavoured, next after the glory of God, and ſecuring of this great Cauſe, than2 the eaſe of the People in this particular: Yet conſidering the great and important occaſions and engagements of this Common-wealth at this time, both at Land and at Sea, requiring greater ſummes of money, than can be anſwered out of other publique receipts, which through the former improvident management of affaires, are either exhauſted, or clogged with vaſte anticipations; and that without a ſupply of money by continuing of the monethly Aſſeſment for ſome time longer, the Armies in England, Scotland & Ireland, would be neceſſitated to burthen the People with free quarter, the Warre with the united Provinces of the Netherlands, of ſo much concernment to the welfaire of this Nation, be put in danger of miſcarrying; and the other affaires of this Common-wealth, fall into diſorder and confuſion.
And becauſe the Perſons to whom the Supream Authority, according to our former Declaration is to be committed, cannot aſſemble time enough to take care therein, the Act of Aſſeſment expiring the 24. of this preſent June.
In this exegency, and upon this extraordinary occaſion, it is thought neceſſary to Declare and Order, and it is hereby Declared and Ordered by the Lord Generall, with the advice of his Councill of Officers; That the laſt Act of Aſſeſment beginning the 25 of December, and ending the 24 of Iune: whereby one hundred & twenty thouſand pounds by the moneth is laid upon the ſeverall Counties, Citties, Townes, and places therein mentioned, and every Clauſe therein contained, the ſeverall Taxes and Payments therein expreſſed,3 and the Powers and Authorities thereby given to all and every the Commiſſioners, Committees, or Perſons, or any of them named or mentioned in the ſaid Act, ſhall endure and have continuance for ſix moneths longer, from the ſaid four and twentieth day of Iune 1653, unto the five and twentieth of DECEMBER next following, to all intents and purpoſes, as if the ſaid Act had been at firſt made to have continuance for twelve moneths from the ſaid five and twentieth day of December 1652.
And all perſons impoured by, or by vertue of the ſaid Act as Commiſſioners or otherwiſe, are hereby required and enjoyned, to rate, aſſeſſe, levy and collect the ſaid ſix moneths Aſſeſment, and to execute and do all matters whatſoever relating thereto as fully and amply to all intents and purpoſes, as they are enabled by the ſaid Act, to levy and Collect the laſt ſix moneths Aſſeſment.
And further, that the ſaid Commiſſioners for the ſeveral and reſpective Counties, Cities and Towns, do meet at the moſt common and uſuall place of meeting in each of the ſaid Counties, Cities and Towns, for which they are Commiſſioners, reſpectively on or before the four and twentyeth day of this inſtant Iune; and the ſaid Commiſſioners, or ſo many of them as ſhall then and there attend, and be preſent, ſhall cauſe this declaration to be put in execution, and ſhall thereupon ſend out their Warrants for the Aſſeſſing, collecting, and paying, the ſaid ſix moneths Tax, ſo as the firſt three of the ſaid ſix moneths Aſſeſment, be paid into the Receivers Generall, upon or before the 30 day of Iuly next enſuing, and the laſt three moneths be paid, as aforeſaid, upon or before the firſt day of November following.
4And for that it is intended that an exact account ſhall be given of all moneys which ſhall be Aſſeſſed, Leavied, & Collected throughout this Nation by vertue hereof, It is hereby required, That the ſeveral Receivers Generall of this Aſſeſment in the reſpective Counties and places, do within fourteene dayes after the end of the ſaid ſix moneths, returne a perfect account of all the moneys they ſhall receive thereupon, to the Committee for the Army.
And ſeeing the ſaid Aſſeſment is continued upon no other grounds then are before expreſſed, It is not doubted, but the good and well-affected people of this Nation, who ſtill retaine ſound and honeſt Principles, will chearfully act in their ſeverall places and ſtations, to promote and further this ſervice.
And if any, upon what pretence ſoever, ſhall refuſe to pay the ſaid Aſſeſments or diſcourage or weaken the hands of others therein: Allthough we doubt not, but all their endeavours in this kind will prove ineffectuall, yet they are to be looked upon, and proceeded againſt as thoſe who from a Spirit of Malignity and oppoſition to the Cauſe of God in this Land (though upon other pretences) have indeavoured, as far as in them lies, to ſubiect the People of England, Ireland, and Scotland, to free quarter, and to bring the Navy into diſcontent for want of pay at this time, when this Nation is engaged in ſo great a Warre at Sea: hoping thereby to plunge theſe Nations againe into troubles, and give new advantages to the Common Enemy.
And in caſe any of thoſe who have formerly been Inſtrumental and Helpers in this great Cauſe, ſhall be found in their number, although it will be5 matter of great trouble & grief to us to ſee men thus by degrees fall ſhort, divide, and withdraw themſelves from publique ends; Yet as the Apoſtacy, & turning away of many amongſt us formerly, who at firſt ſeemd to be zealous promoters of this work, hath not been able to keep it at a ſtand, ſo our truſt and confidence is, that now through the grace and goodneſſe of God; neither the neutrality and indifferency of ſome, nor the defection and oppoſition of others, no, though ſo groſſe and open, as to cloſe with the Enemies of the power and life of godlineſſe, ſhall be any hinderance or prejudice thereunto: But that the ſame Spirit and preſence which hath hitherto helped us in our greateſt difficulties, and moſt eminent dangers; will ſtill owne us and the reſt of his People in this Land, and enable us to perſevere unto the end againſt all diſcouragements whatſoever.
And it is hereby further declared, That all and every the Commiſſioners, Committees, and other perſons whatſoever which ſhall act, do or execute any thing by vertue of, and in purſuance of this Declaration and Order, ſhall be ſaved harmleſſe and indemnified.