AN ORDER AND DECLARATION OF His HIGHNESS the LORD PROTECTOR and His Privy Council, appointing a Committee for the Army, and Receivers General for the third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, commencing the 24th. of June, 1658. part of the three years Aſſeſſment of Thirty Five Thouſand pounds by the Moneth, commencing the 24th. of June, 1657.
WHereas by an Act of Parliament, entituled (An Act for an Aſſeſſment, at the Rate of Five and thirty thouſand Pounds by the Moneth upon England, Six thouſand Pounds by the Moneth upon Scotland, and Nine thouſand Pounds by the Moneth upon Ireland, for three years, from the 24th. of June, 1657. for a temporary Supply towards the Maintenance of the Armies and Navies of this Commonwealth. ) it is amongſt other things enacted,1〈1 page duplicate〉2That the ſeveral Rules, Directions, Clauſes, and Proviſoes, mentioned & contained in an Act of Parliament, entituled, (An Act for an Aſſeſsment upon England, at the Rate of Sixty thouſand Pounds by the moneth for three moneths, from the 25th. day of March, 1657. to the 24th. day of June then next enſuing,) and the Powers & Authorities thereby given to all and every the perſons therein named or mentioned, ſhall endure and have continuance, until the ſaid three years Aſſeſſment ſhall be fully and duly Collected, Levied, and Paid in, according to the true intent and meaning of the ſaid Act; By which laſt mentioned Act, it is Provided and Declared, That in caſe the Ordering and Payment of the Moneys by the ſaid Act appointed, into the immediate Receipt of the Exchequer, ſhall be found inconvenient, ſo as the Moneys raiſed thereby cannot be paid in by the times limited in the ſaid Act, for the ſeaſonable Supply of the Publique Service; That then it ſhall and may be lawfull for His Highneſs the Lord Protector and Council (if they ſhall ſo judge it fit) to Order and Direct the Managing, Levying, and Payment of the ſaid Moneys, in ſuch a way, method, and manner, as the Monethly Aſſeſſments for the Army have been formerly managed, rated, and paid: Any thing in the ſaid Act to the contrary thereof in any wiſe notwithſtanding.
Now foraſmuch as the Moneys payable upon the Third Six Moneths of the ſaid Aſſeſſment for three Years, by the ſaid firſt recited Act, cannot be paid in by the reſpective times limited, into the immediate Receipt of Exchequer, ſo as the ſame may be a ſeaſonable3 Supply for the Publique Service; and that for payment of the Army in their ſeveral Quarters where they lie, there will be a neceſſity of aſſigning ſome part of the ſaid third Six Moneths of the ſaid Three Years Aſſeſſment, in the Counties where the ſaid Aſſeſſments are raiſed: Therefore for the more effectual and orderly managing, levying, paying, diſpoſing, and iſſuing forth of the Moneys payable upon the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, commencing the 24th. of June, 1658. part of the ſaid Three Years Aſſeſſment, and of all and every other Sum and Sums of Money already ſet apart, and appointed for the uſe and payment of the Forces of this Commonwealth, or that hereafter ſhall be ſet apart, and appointed for their uſe, before the 25th. Day of December now next coming: It is Ordered by His Highneſs the Lord Protector, by, and with the Advice and Conſent of His Privy Council, That John Clerk, Richard Lucy, Edward Horſeman, James Phillips, Gervaſe Bennet, and John Hildſeley, Eſquires, or any three of them, ſhall be, and are hereby appointed and authorized to be a Committee for the Army.
And it is further Ordered, That all and every the Powers and Authorities, Rules and Directions, which were by an Ordinance of His Highneſs and Council, Entituled, (An Ordinance appointing a Committee for the Army, and Treaſurers at War,) publiſhed the 28th. of January, 1653. or by any Act or Ordinance therein mentioned, expreſſed to be given to the Committee for the Army, for the bringing in,4 diſpoſing and iſſuing forth of the Aſſeſſments, and Moneys, in that Ordinance mentioned, or to any other Purpoſes whatſoever, ſhall be, and are hereby given and continued to the Committee for the Army herein named and appointed for the managing, bringing in, diſpoſing, and iſſuing forth of the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, commencing the 24th. of June, 1658. part of the ſaid Three Years Aſſeſſment of Thirty five thouſand Pounds by the Moneth, commencing the 24th. of June, 1657. and of all other Moneys that are, or before the ſaid Twenty fifth Day of December next coming, ſhall be ſet apart, or appointed for the uſe of the Armies of this Commonwealth; and to all other uſes, intents, and purpoſes whatſoever.
And it is further Ordered, That the Treaſurers at War, and alſo the ſeveral and reſpective Commiſſioners, Receivers, Collectors, Sub-Collectors, and all other Perſons whatſoever, who are, have been, or ſhall be intruſted or imployed in the Aſſeſſing, Collecting, Levying, and Paying of the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, and other Moneys before mentioned, or any part thereof, ſhall obſerve ſuch Orders and Directions, as ſhall from time to time be made and given forth by the ſaid Committee for the Army, or any three or more of them, in the due execution of the Powers and Truſts hereby given and committed to them.
And it is further Ordered, That John5 Blackwel, and Richard Dean, Eſquires, (the preſent Treaſurers at War) ſhall be, and are hereby appointed Receivers General for the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, commencing the ſaid 24th. of June, 1658. part of the ſaid Three Years Aſſeſſment of Thirty five thouſand Pounds by the Moneth, commencing the ſaid 24th. of June, 1657.
And the Receivers of the reſpective Counties, Cities, Towns and Places in England and Wales, and every of them, are hereby authorized and required from time to time, to make Payment of the ſeveral Sums, which ſhall be by them received of all and every Collector and Sub-Collector, upon the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, unto the ſaid Receivers General for the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, at Guild-Hall, London, (or at ſuch other Place as hereafter ſhall be by His Highneſs and Council appointed and directed) to be Paid by them into, and Accompted for in the Receipt of His Highneſs Exchequer. And all and every the Acquittance and Acquitances of the ſaid Receivers General for the ſaid third Six Moneths Aſſeſſment, ſhall be unto the ſaid Receivers for the ſaid Reſpective Counties, Cities, Towns and Places, and every of them, a ſufficient Diſcharge.
Provided always, That none of the Powers hereby given or continued, ſhall extend, or be conſtrued to extend, to Authorize or Impower the ſaid Committee for the Army, or6 any other Perſons, to Raiſe or Levy any of the Moneys aforeſaid by Free-Quarter, or Quartering of Souldiers.