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The Cuckoo's-neſt AT Weſtminster, OR THE PARLEMENT between the two LADY-BIRDS, Quean Fairfax, and Lady Cromwell, concerning Nego­tiations of ESTATE, and their ſeverall Itereſts in the Kingdom; ſadly bemoaning the Fate of their Deer and ab-hor'ed HUSBANDS.

Who buyes a Cuckoes-Neſt, hatch'd in an Ayre
That's not far diſtant from Weſtminſte- Fayre?
The Hedge-ſparrow that fed her 'tother day,
Is (for her kindneſs) now become her Prey;
O 'tis a precious BIRD, wer't in a Cage,
'Twould pleaſe both King, and People; cure this Age
That ſurfeits with Rebellion, and can have
No Helpe to keep her from Deſtructions Grave.
She Cuckoo's Treaſons, Strifes; cauſes great Stir,
But muſt pack hence 'twixt this and Midſommer:
Though Goattam hedge her in with Pikes and Gun
She ſhall not ſcape us, though ſhe flies, or runnes;
For all the Birds with one conſent agree,
To ſpringe her for her baſe Diſloyalty.

June 15th.BY Mercurius Melancholicus:

Printed in Cuckoo-time, in a Hollow-tree. 1648.


The Cuckoo's-neſt AT Weſtminster.

WHo is it amongſt us that hath not heard theſe Cuckoes at Weſtminſter? an Ayrie of ſuch Ominous Ow­ly Birds, that the like was never before ſeen in this Kingdom; that have kept a great cackling, and been long and Cloſe ſitters, but have hatch'd nothing but Cockatrice egges, vile Treaſons, addle Ordinances and the like to enſnare and enſlave a free-born People, making of them no better then Hedge-Sparrows, to nurſe up (with their wealth) the Baſtard Iſſe of their Pernicious Plots againſt King, Church and Kingdom; the Com­mon-People, that willingly fed them, and lent them not onely Hands, but Lives and Eſtates, being now (for their great kindneſs) juſtly become a Prey to the Ravenous and gri­ping Clawes of theſe Canniball Cukoos (the Parliament and Army) that now are devouring them, (after they have Pulled and Pol­led them to the bare skinnes) are now feeding upon their fleſh, and picking their very bones, Killing, Deſtroying, and Rob­bing them: and if this be not enough to provoke the People to Curſe theſe unnaturall Vipers, and to loath all future Parlia­ments to the worlds end, I have loſt my ſcenſes; none will fear them, none will love them, none will obey them, all will hate them, all will deſpiſe them, all fight againſt them.

Let us now conſider what manner of Birds theſe be: and we ſhall find them not Kuckes onely, but other birds of Prey, as Ʋultures, Harpyes, Puttocks, Oſtriches, Owles, Martyns, Dwes and4 ſuch like Ominous and unclean Birds that with their huge Bo­dyes and balefull Wings, have obſcured our King; our Peace; our Happineſs, and hid all joy and comfort from us; theſe are all Birds of a Feather, that ſit in Counſell and conſpire together againſt the Eagle, the Phaenix, the Turkey, the Pea-hin, the Turtle, the Swan, the Canary, and ſweet-ſinging Nighting••ll, who being all too credulous to beleeve the feined bablings of theſe Sate-Decoyes, are now covered and intangled in their Nets caught in their Pit-falls, and all their goods and feathers pulled from them by Lime-twigg-Ordinances.

Thee Birds of Prey flock together at Weſtminſter; and have for almoſt Eight yeers rooſted themſelves there, even till they had deyled their very Neſts, and were forced to flie abroad till they were cleans'd and yet ſit brooding, and hatching their per­nicious Plotts and Treaſons, Cocatrice Ordinances, bald buz­zardly Votes, contradicting Orders, and changling Declarati­ons, both againſt the Laws of Nature, Reaſon, Conſcience and Religion, and have Uſurped all Power and Authority from and over their Lawfull and undoubted Soveraigne, doing their ut­moſt to deprive both him and his Poſterity of their Hereditary Fights and Succeſſions denying to acknowledge him for their Head, forbidding Adreſſes to be made unto Him or Meſſages to be received from Him, by wich they have changed and abando­ned the Nationall and Fundamentall Laws of the Land (the only ligaments and ſinewes of a Kingdom) being an Act not onely of the higheſt Treaſon that can be; but a Crime that di­veſts them of all their Priviledges, un-Parliaments them, and makes them all guilty of the abhorred ſin of Perjury in breaking Proteſtations, Oathes and Covenants, and lyable to a juſt Cen­ſure, and conviction of Theft, Treaſon & Rebellion; for which they can no otherwiſe ſatisfie the King, Lawes or People, but by the tribute of their Roundheads; too ſlight a Recompence for ſuch abhorred and Trayterous Crimes.

Therefore the People may now ſee (without ſpectacles) how groſly they been diſceived, and juggled out of their Lives and Eſtates; 'tis true the Parliament at the firſt (convened by Roy­all authority) was a lawfull and (for ought I know) a conſcien­ſcious Parliament, and the whol Body (being aptly and compleat­ly united together in the Members, without foreable diſlocati­on,5 or falſe Election) was queſtioneſs the higheſt indicature in, this Kingdom; But ſince Edge-hill Fight, this juncto (or Pre­tended Parliament, acting in open Hoſtility, & fighting againſt their King. ) abandoning their Head are no more a Parliament, but the Body of a Parliament (without a head) a monſter, a very Cuckoos-neſt a combined medly oTraytors and Rebels, and far different from the Nature of a Parliament, (by reaſon of their Luciferian Pride, to be flung down to hell) and to be di­ſerted by all Loyall Subjects, as disjoynted, ſevered and mang­led in its members, (as deficient as their then Generall) unca­pable of any juſt Act but wading on in blood (by an uurped, Treaſonous, Tyrannicall and overawing Power, having no di­rivation from the King, but their own luſts,) therefore no Sub­ject whatſoever hath any warrant (neither can they binde the Conſcience of any) to yeēld either Active or Paſſive obedience to any Act or Ordinance, becauſe they illegally Act, contrary to all Preſidents of former Parliaments, and Parliamentary Po­wer, and are no longer the viſible Repreſentatives of the Body Politique, and ſo muſt neceſſarily be guilty of all the innocent blood ſhed theſe 6 yeers in this Kingdom, and ſtill ſhedding in moſt Counties in England, theſe Rebells (being ſo fleſh'd in Blod & Rapine,) thy are reſolv'd to goe through-ſtitch in their abhorred Rebellion (though they ruine 3. Kingdoms) by their in­humane butcheries, being rewarded with a large ſum for ſhed­ding blood in the City, incouraged & rewarded for murdering the Srey-Petitioners, the Kentiſh and Eſſex men, for delivering (in a legall way) Petitions for redreſſe of their ſeveal agrie­vances: what can any rationall man think, but that they defer to murder their King untill ſuch time as they have firſt mur­dered and deſtroyed all his Loyall Subjects.

That when the Army could not have an opportunity to plun­der the City, (as nothing ſo ſure as they intended it) they were hired by Martyn, Mildmay, Veine, and the reſt of that Neſt to pick a Quarrell with the Countrey, that they might Plunder and un­undoe them (when then they had miſſed of their aime in the City) as now they doe in Eſſex, Kent, and all the Kingdome o­ver Killing Plundering, annd triumphing over all they are able to Conquer ſo that between both Partyes (Royaliſts and Roundheads, as between the good and bad thief,) the poor Coun­••ey muſt be crucifyed.

6The chief fomentors that are Regicides, and moſt active in our deſtruction in the upper Houſe, are the Lord Say, Pembroke, Mancheſter, Kent, Warwick, Denbigh, Stamford, Wharton, Grey, theſe alwayes Cuckoo forth one Tune, no Kng, no King; in the lower Houſe are a neſt of as evill birds, as ever hatch'd at Tyburne, and theſe are Lenthall, Mildmay, Scot, Challoner, Martyn, Weaver, Veine, Corbet, Cromwell, that cannot endure to heare the King ſo much as named in the Houſe; in the Synod of time-ſerving Prieſt-byters, there are Martiall, Burgeſſe, Stronge, Sedgwick, Vines, Love, Whittaker, Nye, that draw altogether in one yoak, againſt Monarchy, theſe teach Rebellion in ſtead of Divinity, more Lies then Truth, more Blaſphemy then ſound Doctrine, and will have no King to reigne over them, except he be of the Royall Proginy of Mrs. Parliament, or the Childe of Reformation: in the Army there are another neſt of Birds, but not of the ſame fea­ther, and theſe be the Elect forſooth, the Precious babes that are hayl fellow with God Almighty, ſee ſtrange Viſions, and are poſſeſſed with unerring ſpirits, that whatſoever they doe, (tho never ſo impious and wicked,) is lawfull; and theſe are Peters, Dell, Erbury, Knowles, Goodwin, Symſon, &c. The firſt ranck of theſe are Oxen, and the latter Aſſes, which the Parliament yoak in their Plow together, becauſe they are forbidden it in the old Law, and by that means avoyd Idolatry; but their Drivers are more charitable then theſe Beaſts, for they but kill our bo­dies, and rob us of our goods, but theſe Wolviſh cattell ſlay our ſoules, take away our good Names judge us, and condemn us to Hell; theſe are the charitable Saints, that have the mark of their brother Cain in their foreheads, Vagabonds that have no abiding places, but are hurryed with every winde from one uncertainty to another, and are conſtant in nothing but miſ­chief; theſe are the running Plague-ſores that infect the whole Nation, and cauſe ſwellings and Riſings in the Body of the Common-wealth; theſe are thoſe that ſow diſcord among bre­thren, and though (like Samſons Foxes) they are ty'd tayl to tayl, yet they carry a Fire-brand amongſt them that burnes up both Church and State in the mercyleſs and conſuming flames of an unnaturall and bloody warre; theſe are the diſturbers of our Iſ­rael, and hinderers of our Peace; old Foxes, & wilde Boares that root up our Vineyards, feeding themſelves fat on the Ruines of7 others; theſe, in ſtead of expelling out Papacy (but one Faction) have brought in five hundred damnable Sects, and ſet them al to devour Epiſcopacie, to bring in bleſſed Liberty to pull downe Monarchy, and ſet up Ariſtocracy, by which means they have ad­vanced their Hypocriticall, Diabolical and pernicious Treaſons to this very day: Are not theſe Cuckoes worthy of a Cage? ſurely they be: But I ſhall leave this Neſt of Fowe Birds to the Peoples ordering, having told them where it is, onely deſiring all Loyall People to ſecure their money from them, to provide Armes for their own defence, and rather chuſe to die like men, then live like ſlaves. But I will in ſtead of an Epiogue, give you a Dialogue to cure your Melancholly

The hie Toſſe, black Tom is dead,
come aloſt Iack-a-dandy,
Sir Samuel Luke ſhall be Generall,
and that's as good as can be.


Enter Queen FAIRFAX and Madam CROMWELL.
Qu. Fairfax.

CHeer up Madam, he is not dead, he is reſerved for another end, theſe wicked Malignants repor­ted as much of my Noll, but I hope it is otherwiſe; yet the pro­fane writ an Epitſtaff (as I think they call it) and abuſed him moſt abominably, as they will doe me, or you, or any of the Faithfull Saints, if we but thrive by our Occupations in our Husbands abſcence, if we but deck our bodies with the Jewells gained from the wicked, they point at us, and ſay, Thoſe are Plunder; but tho Righteous muſt undergoe the ſcoffs of the wicked; but let them ſcoff on, I thank my Maker, we liv'd be­fore theſe holy Warres were thought on, in the thriving Pro­feſſion of Brewing, and could of my vailes of Grayns and Yeſt wear my ſilk gown, and gold and ſilver Lace too, as well as the prowdeſt Mynx of them all; I am not aſham'd of my Profeſſion Maddam.

Qu. Fair.

Pray Mrs. Cromwell tell not me of Gowns or lace, nor no ſuch toyes? Tell me of Crownes, Scepters, Kingdomes, Royall Robes; and if my Tom but recovers, and thrives in his8 enterprize, I will not ſay Piſh to be Queen of England; I miſ­doubt nothing, if we can but keep the wicked from fetching Nebuchad-nezzar home from Graſſe in the Iſle of Wight; well, well, my Tom is worth a thouſand of him; and has a more king­ly Countenance; He has ſuch an innocent face, and a harmleſs look, as if he were born to be Emperour over the Saints.

Mrs. Crom.

And is not Noll Cromwells Wife as likely a Wo­man to be Queen of England, as you? Yes I warrant you is ſhe; and that you ſhall know, if my Husband were but once come out of Wales; 'tis he that has done the Work; the Conqueſt be­longs to him; beſides your husband is counted a Fool, & wants Witt to Reigne; every boy ſcoffs at him: my Noll has a Head-piece, a face of braſſe, (full of Majeſty) and a Noſe will light the woole Kingdom to walk after-him; I ſay he will grace a Crown, being naturally adorned with Diamonds and Rubyes already; And for my ſelf (though I ſay it) I have a Perſon as fit for a Queen as another.

Q. Fair.

Thou a Queen; thou a Quean? Udsſutt Minion, hold your clack from prating Treaſon againſt me, or Ile make Mrs. Parliament lay her Ten Commandements upon thee? thou a Queen, a Brewers Wife a Queen; that Kingdom muſt need be full of Drunkards, when the King is a Brewer? My Tom is No­bly diſcended; and no baſe Mechanick.

Mrs. Crom.

Mechanick? Mechanick in thy face; th'art a whore to call me Mechanick: I am no more Mechanick then thy ſelf; Marry come up mother Damnable; Ione Yggly; Muſt you be Queen? yes you ſhall; Queen of Puddle-Dck, or Billingſ­gate, that is fitteſt for thee: My Noll has won the Kingdom, and he ſhall wear it in deſpight of ſuch a Trollup as thou ar Mar­ry come up here, Miſtris Wagg-tayle?

Enter a Servant running.

O Maddam, ceaſe your contention, and provide for your ſafetyes both your Husbands are kill'd and all their Forces puto the Sword; all the People crying like mad,

Long Live King CHARLES.

Wee hope 'tis falſe; O whether ſhall we flie
Leſt Vengeance overtake oury?

About this transcription

TextThe cuckoo's-nest a [sic] Westminster, or the Parlement between two lady-birds, Quean Fairfax, and Lady Cromwell, concerning negotiations of estate, and their severall interests in the Kingdom; sadly bemoaning the fate of their deer and ab-hor'ed husbands. Who buyes a cuckoes-nest, hatch'd in an ayre ... to springe her for her base disloyalty. by Mercurius Melancholicus
AuthorMercurius Melancholicus, fl. 1648..
Extent Approx. 16 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe cuckoo's-nest a [sic] Westminster, or the Parlement between two lady-birds, Quean Fairfax, and Lady Cromwell, concerning negotiations of estate, and their severall interests in the Kingdom; sadly bemoaning the fate of their deer and ab-hor'ed husbands. Who buyes a cuckoes-nest, hatch'd in an ayre ... to springe her for her base disloyalty. by Mercurius Melancholicus Cuckoo's-nest at Westminster. Mercurius Melancholicus, fl. 1648.. 8 p. Printed in Cuckoo-time, in a Hollow-tree,[London] :1648.. (Place of publication from Wing.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 15th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Humor.

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