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A DIARY AND Relation of PASSAGES In, and about DVBLIN: From the Firſt of Auguſt, 1647. to the Tenth of the ſame.

Brought this day, being the eighteenth of Auguſt, 1647. by Lievtenant Colonell Arthur Culme, one in the preſent Expedition in IRELAND.

By Him preſented to the Parliament.

LONDON, Printed for Godfrey Emerſon, at the Swan in Little-Britaine, 1647.


A Diary and Relation of Paſſages in, and about Dublin; From the firſt of Auguſt, 1647. unto the Tenth of the ſame.

FOR relieving of Trim (a conſiderable Gariſon of ours twenty miles diſtant from Dublin) beſieged by Colonel Preſton, the Rebels General of Lemſter, with his whole ſtrength, Colonell Michael Jones Com­mander in chiefe of the Lemſter Forces, marched from Dublin the firſt day of Auguſt, 1647 with about 3800 Foot, and two Regiments of Horſe, two Demi-Culve­rins, one Saker, and four Saker Cuts.

That night the Army quartered at a Village called Swords, ſix miles from Dublin, being ſomething out of the Road to Trim, but leading towards the Rendezvouz apppointed for meeting with the Drogheda and Dundalke Forces, joyned with a Party of Horſe and Foot expected out of the North of Ireland.

Munday the 2. they marched to Ballirothery, 6 miles from Swords.

Tueſday the 3. they marched over the hills of Holliwood, a moun­tainous Countrey, to a place called the Naall, and that night to Gariſton, where Colonell Jones received intelligence of the advan­cing of the expected Supplyes.

Wedneſday the 4. the Army marched to the hill of Skreene, where they met with Sir Henry Tichborne, with the Drogheda Forces, Colo­nel Moore, with thoſe of Dundalke Newry, and Carlingford, and Col. Conway with a party of the Northerne old Britiſh, all making up about 700 Horſe, and 1200 Foot; and two peeces of Ordnance.

Thither came from Trim Major Caduggen, and Capt. Arthur Gra­hem, informing that the enemy had that morning burned his Camp about Trim, retyring to the old lurking-place, called, Port Leiceſter, a great and ſecure faſtneſſe, about five miles Weſtward from Trim.

The ſame day our Army marched to the hill of Tarragh, where they were drawn up, and muſtered 1500 Horſe, and about 5000 Foot.

That night they quartered at the foot of the hill of Tarragh, at2 a place called Dodiſtowne; here Colonell Jones called a Councell of Warre.

Thurſday the 5. the Army marched to a place called Scurloikstown, within one mile of Trim, where that night they Quartered.

Friday the 6. they marched through Trim to a place called Trim­bleſtowne, a ſtrong Caſtle belonging to the Lord of Trimblestowne, wherein the Enemy had a Gariſon.

This place Colonell Jones ſurrounded in view of the Enemy then encamping at Port Leiceſter 2 miles off; thereby to draw him forth, if poſſible it might be, to ingage himſelf to fight.

Saturday the 7. a party of 50 Horſe of ours was commanded out for diſcovering of the Enemy, and obſerving his motion.

About ten of the clock that day, the Enemy was obſerved to move, and riſing from Port Leicester to croſſe the Countrey, and march toward Maynouth, a place within 10 miles of Dublin: This confir­med the intelligence formerly given us of the Rebells intending to come between us and home, and marching to Dublin for ſurpriſing that place, in abſence of our Forces engaged at the ſiege of Trim­bleſtowne.

Whereupon Col. Jones reſolved to riſe with the Army, and to follow the Enemy, and had ſcarcely ſpoken the word for comman­ding Drums to beat, but (by eſpecial Providence) at the ſame inſtant, did the Caſtle beat a Parley, offering to ſurrender it, if permitted to march away with Bag and Baggage, and Colours flying; which, with advice of a Councell of War, was aſſented unto, we receiving the place, and placing therein a Gariſon.

That night our Army marched back through Trim, and quartered at Scurloikeſtowne aforeſaid, therein (in foure houres) marching as far as before they had done in one whole day.

That night a Convoy with ſome proviſions came from Drogheda to the Army.

That night a Commanded party of 500 Horſe was ſent out from our Army, with Orders to follow the Enemy, and beat up his Quarters, if enquartered; otherwiſe to follow him to Dublin, if marching forward; the Body of our Army being to follow after with all poſſible expedition.

This commanded Party found the Enemy quartered behinde a very great Bog, ſo as no approach could be made to him; whereof Col. Jones being certified, he the next morning advanced towards the enemy with the whole Army.

3The Army marched through the ſtrong Faſtneſſe of Deniga, be­longing unto Weſtby, wherein was a Gariſon of the Enemy thathot at our men in their paſſing by, the Village we fired, but the Caſtle held out.

That day about 10 of the clock our Army came to a place called Linchesknocke, within one mile whereof the Enemy was drawne up on Dungan hill, a place to him of all advantages, being a high ground, whereunto adjoyned a wood and a bog, (their uſuall refuge in diſtreſſe.) The enemy alſo ſtood poſſeſt of great ditches, within which he was, as in ſo many ſtrong Works intrenched; hereunto may be added the advantages of Wind and Sun.

The Enemy had lately before muſtered 7300 Foot, and 1047 Horſe; which number of Horſe appeareth by a Muſter-Roll after found, in theſe words; Viz.

Muſtered the 5 of Auguſt, 1647.
  • The Lord Gen. Troop, beſides Officers 52
  • Col. Fitz Gerrald 49
  • The Major Generall 50
  • Lievt. Col. Finglas 45
  • Major Butler 50
  • Cap. Fitz Gerrald 42
  • Colonell Cullen 34
  • Sir James Dyllon 36
  • Captain Davies 47
  • Major Dungan 44
  • Capt. Iohn Fitz Patrick 35
  • Colonell Preſton 35
  • Captaine Aylmer 26
  • Captaine Plunket 28
  • Captaine Harpoole 28
  • Earle of Fingall 41
  • Lord of Trimbleſtowne 36
  • Earle of Weſtmeath 41
  • Cap. James Barnwell 35
  • Capt. John Butler 39
  • Sir Walter Butler 40
  • Cap. Grace 47
  • Cap. Edward Butler 34
  • Cap. Waſh 44
  • Cap. Bagnall 45
  • Cap. Nugent 44

This liſt of 26 Troopes, amounteth to 1047 Horſe, whereunto is to bee added the Lord Viſcount Coſtelaghs party of about 300 Horſe, and two of the Nugents, with two Troopes more, which came to the Enemy the night before the Battail.

Under the hill our Army was drawn up, the Enemies Cannon played hotly at us, but with little loſſe, other then 1 horſe, and two Men.

About 12. of the Clocke the Armies joyned the Battaile, continu­ing about two houres, our two wings of Horſe with ſome foot, ha­ving broken both wings of the Enemy, our maine body advanced & broke their's, whereupon about 3000. of the Rebels betaking them­ſelves to the Bog, they there drew up into a body. But Colonell Jones commanding the Bog to be ſurrounded with Horſe and Foot, our Foot followed into the Bog, where they put to the Sword all not admitted to quarter; ſuch of the Rebels as left the Bog feil into the power of our Horſe.

4Of the ſlaine there were upon the place reckoned 5470. beſides thoſe after gleaned up, which were very many of the enemies Foot, there could not eſcape above 500. being as they were invironed; among thoſe ſlaine were 400. of Collogh Kittaghes men. There was alſo put to the Sword without mercy, all formerly of our party now found amongſt the Rebels, and all Engliſh though never of our party. The number of Priſoners (as appeareth in the annexed Schedule) is of Colonells five, whereof〈◊〉the Lieutenant Generall of Lemſter and the Earle of Weſtmeath: foure Lievtenant Colonells, ſix Serjant Majors, 32. Captaines, 23. Lievtenants, 27. Enſignes, two Cornets, 22. Serjeants, two Quarter-maſters, two Gunners, the Clerke of the ſtore, 13. Troopes, and 228. Common Souldi­ers: Preſton their Generall hardly eſcaped with the Horſe, hee loſt his Carriages, and Cannon, being foure Demy-Culverings, each carrying 12. pound Bullet, and 64. faire Oxen attending the Traine, which are to us of very great uſe, wee being till now in that kind very ſhort provided. There was alſo taken Preſtons Cabbinet of Papers, much valued in the diſcoveries therein made; all their Co­lours wee have, which Colonell Jones could not bee perſwaded to bee brought into Dublin in Triumph, as ſavouring (ſaid hee) of oſtentation, and attributing unto men the glory of this great work, due to the Lord onely.

Of ours were ſome wounded, but not 20. ſlaine; of note we loſt onely two Cornets, and one Captaine Gibbes, who overheated in the ſervice died in drinking ditch water.

Herein to give every hand in this glorious action the honour due, were more then many more lines would ſuffice unto; In the gene­rall never did men carry themſelves with more reſolution and gal­lantry, then did ours, both officers and Souldiers, deſerving much more encouragement then hitherto they have found, moſt of them having ſcarce meate to eate, or cloaths to put on.

All done, Colonell Jones commanded throughout the Army thankeſgiving to bee given to the Lord of Hoſts, who did that day wonderfully for his people, appointing Tueſday the 17. of Aug. for a day of publick thankſgiving, in all the Churches of Dublin.

On the place where the Battaile was fought did the Army that night Quarter.

Munday, Auguſt the 9. Colonell Iones called a Councell of Warre, and Commanded Colonell Fnnick, Governour of Trim, to place Garriſons in Denigan, and Kilbrewe.

5That day the Army marched to Maynouth, a ſtrong Caſtle belong­ing to the Earle of Kildare, which was ſummoned and ſurrendred by the Rebels, and by us Garriſoned.

After this Victory the Enemy quit and burnt divers of their Gar­riſons, viz. the Naas, Siggniſtowne, Harriſtowne, Collanſtowne, Caſtle-Warning and Moyglare, and much more had been gained of them, had there been pay and proviſions for our Army whereby the Victo­ry might have been proſecuted, but in the want of both, they were enforced to take homewards unexpectedly.

Tueſday the 10. Colonell Iones diſmiſſed the Northerne Forces that had joyned with him, engaging himſelfe for their ſatisfaction, as ſoone as Treaſure ſhould come over.

Hee alſo diſmiſſed to their ſeverall Garriſons the Forces of Drog­heda, Dundalke, Newry and Carlingford, commanding Sir Henry Tich­burne in his returne to ſummon the Nobbyr and other places neere Drogheda poſſeſſed by the Rebels, promiſing if occaſion required, and that proviſion could bee made for the Army, to advance with his ſtrength to their aſſiſtance.

That day the reſt of the Army marched to Dublin, where wanting what might content our hungry and wearied Souldiers, by provi­dence of God, as our Army was ready to enter the Citie, they were met with newes of 1500 .l. brought by Captaine Rich into the Harbour, borrowed by Alderman Walley, therein much meriting of the publique; this ſmall ſumme, though otherwiſe very inconſi­derable, was yet ſomething in the preſent diſtreſſe, and is to bee valued as an earneſt of the Lords care of his people, to whom hee will in his good time appeare in a full deliverance.

There was little conſiderable pillage gained from the Enemy in this Victory, that of beſt value was the Artillery and Oxen, which laſt Colonell Iones purchaſed for the publique uſe, from thoſe hands whereinto they fell, unto whom hee ſtandeth ingaged for ſatisfaction: as for pillage of greater value, little was found, how­ſoever ſome have beene pleaſed to ſpeake of it largely, and ridicu­louſly, and if any thing had been in that kind gained more then or­dinary, it could not be imagined it ſhould be of publique advantage comming in, (and that of due) into private hands.

This was the moſt ſignall Victory with greateſt loſſe to the Re­bells, that ever was gained in Ireland ſince the firſt conqueſt thereof by the Engliſh, for which the Lord make us truly thankfull.

A liſt of the Priſoners taken at the Battaile of Dungan-Hill, Auguſt 8. 1647.

  • 5 Colonels.
    • The Earle of Weſtmeth
    • Lievtenant Generall Berne
    • Colonel warren
    • Colonel Browne
    • Colonel Buttler
  • 4 Lievtenant Colonels.
    • Lievtenant Colonel Synnett
    • Lievtenant Col. Fitz Gerrard
    • Lievtenant Col. Cavanagh
    • Lievtenant Col. Cuce
  • 6 Serjant Majors.
    • Major Tafe
    • Major Lawlor
    • Major Guſak
    • Major Gaffegan
    • Major Synnett
    • Major Berne
  • 32 Captaines
    • Michael Berne
    • Arthur Cavanagh
    • Darby Toole
    • Martin Wolverſton
    • Edward Terrel
    • Chriſtopher Nugent
    • Edward Nugent
    • Balthazer Nugent
    • Iames Dempſye
    • William Terrel
    • Roger Darcye
    • Iames Fitz Gerrard
    • Thomas Goghegan
    • Charles Conner
    • Henry Warren
    • Patrick Nettervile
    • Teagh Connor
    • Thomas Plunkett
    • Lawrence Fitz Patrick
    • Thomas Gawlie
    • Richard Naſh
    • Dominick Shortayle
    • Iohn Comerford
    • William Furlong
    • Arthur Dillon
    • Lawrence Tute
    • Robert Preſton Capt. of Horſe
    • Randol M. ••••…der
    • Captaine Goghegan
    • Captaine M. Donnel
    • Captaine Tafe
    • Captaine Rochford
  • 23 Leivtenants.
    • Nicholas Terrel
    • James Caſye
    • Garret Floid
    • Edmund Bermingham
    • Thomas Darcye
    • Chriſtopher Goghegan
    • Walter Mooney
    • Donnough Dempſye
    • Leonard Shortayle
    • Chriſtopher Darcye
    • Michael Gainer
    • Roſſe Goghegan
    • Thomas Quiun
    • Henry Dolton
    • Henry Neale
    • Bryan Cavanah
    • Terlogh Toole
    • Robert Berne
    • Walter Fitz Harris
    • John Roch
    • Theobald Toole
    • Roſſe Dempſye
    • James Barryals Fitz Gerrald
  • 27 Enſignes.
    • James Fitz Simons
    • James Terrel
    • Teah Kelly
    • Francis Fox
    • James M. O. Kyre
    • Chriſtopher Nugens
    • Lawrence Dempſye
    • Philip Cuſack
    • George Warren
    • Andrew Goghegan
    • Oliver Lynack
    • James Warren
    • John Butler
    • James Fitz Harris
    • Victor Whyle
    • Jeffrey Fitz Simons
    • Owen O Heveran
    • Edward Fitz Gerrald
    • Robert Fitz Gerrald
    • Lawrence M. Donnel
    • Phileme Nolan
    • Patrick Kahor
    • Authony O. Bryan
    • Dannel Cowran
    • Terlagh M. O. Nully
    • Evis M. Alexander
    • Nicholas Quaitrel
  • 2 Cornets.
    • Richard Talbott
    • James Fitz Gerrald
  • 2 Quarter Maſters
    • Iames Walſh
    • Richard Iones
  • 2 Gunners.
    • Michael Walſh
    • Philip Stafford
  • Clerk of the Store
    • Iohn Hadger
  • 22 Serjants.
    • Donnah Mynan
    • Iohn O. Meighan
    • Moyle Murry Kavanagh
    • Peirce Synne
    • Teagh Gaffney
    • Iames Purſell
    • Patrick Rowland
    • Chire Kavanagh
    • Morrough Kavanagh
    • Garret Toole
    • Neile O Roirk
    • Neale O Dolan
    • Iohn Darcye
    • Patrick Farily
    • Thomas Corlan
    • Richard Murphey
    • Gerrat Terrel
    • Manus O Ledan
    • William O Moran
    • Owen M. Caffrey
    • Iohn M. Scallin
    • Dudly Berne
  • 13 Troopers.
  • 228 Common Souldiers.

About this transcription

TextA diary and relation of passages in, and about Dublin: from the first of August, 1647. to the tenth of the same Brought this day, being the eighteenth of August, 1647. by Lievtenant Colonell Arthur Culme, one in the present expedition in Ireland. By him presented to the Parliament.
AuthorRowe, Matthew..
Extent Approx. 19 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 6 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 153162)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2352:1)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA diary and relation of passages in, and about Dublin: from the first of August, 1647. to the tenth of the same Brought this day, being the eighteenth of August, 1647. by Lievtenant Colonell Arthur Culme, one in the present expedition in Ireland. By him presented to the Parliament. Rowe, Matthew., Culme, Arthur, attributed name.. [2], 5, [1] p. printed for Godfrey Emerson, at the Swan in Little-Britaine,London :1647. (Wing attributes to Arthur Culme, whose name appears on title page as the deliverer of the newsletter to Parliament. However, this text was also published in the same year as part of "An exact and full relation of the great victory obtained against the rebels at Dungons-Hill in Ireland, August 8. 1647. by the forces under the command of Colonel Michael Jones" (Wing R2068). In that edition, the letter is signed: Matt. Rowe.) (The last leaf bears "A list of the prisoners taken at the Battaile of Dungan-Hill, August 8. 1647" on verso. This list is also printed in Wing R2068.) (Reproduction of original in the Henry E. Huntington Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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