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A CURB FOR PEGASUS OR OBSERVATIONS ON THE OBSERVATOR, Number 10. Dated Munday July 6th. 1696.In Relation to the People called QUAKERS.

HAD the Authors of this Obſervator wanted Work, as it ſhould ſeem they do, or elſe would hardly have vented ſuch a piece of Im­pertinency: They might have been better employed in anſwering ſome Papers, intitled, The New Athenians, no Noble Bereans, formerly Publiſhed in reply to ſome A­thenian Mercuries reflecting upon the Quakers and their Principles; and which, though the Authors of the ſaid Mercuries have promiſed to anſwer, they have never yet thought fit to perform. And this might be the more juſtly expected from theſe Men, ſince they are reputed to be the ſame who formerly wrote thoſe, or at leaſt Aſſiſtants therein; but whether ſo or no, yet theſe promote the ſame Work ſtill, tho' now under a different diſguiſe.

However, be they who they will that ſcribled this Pamphlet, I find the Quakers Lot no worſe, than the Apoſtles and Primitive Chriſtians Lot was from the Men of their Generation, as it is expreſt, 2 Cor. 6.8. By honour and diſhonour, by evil report and good report, as Deceivers and yet True: But be it known unto all, that, This we confeſs unto them, that after the way which they (and ſuch as they are) call Hereſie, ſo worſhip we the God of our Fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets, and have hope to­wards God, which they themſelves alſo allow (however we be belyed) that there ſhall be a Reſurrection of the Dead, both of the Juſt and the Ʋnjuſt. And herein do we exerciſe our ſelves, to have always a Conſcience void of offence towards God, and towards Men, Acts 24.14. And thus ſtanding here, we can (as to what con­cerns our ſelves) ſlight all envious Blaſts, let them come from what Quarter they will; for having God our Juſtifier, Who are they who condemn? Rom. 8.33, 34. Yet leſt from a profound ſilence, ſome inconſi­derate Perſons might conclude a Guilt on our Part, to ſtop the Mouths of theſe and ſuch like Gainſayers, whoſe endeavour is to reproach the Truth we pro­feſs, thereby to diſcourage others from entertaining any good Opinion either of it or us, it is ſometimes requiſite to wipe off the Dirt we are beſpattered with, which is the deſign of theſe Obſervations, to which I now proceed.

Obſ. 1. Theſe Men are beſides their Province, for Religion and Religious Societies was not the propo­ſed end of their Obſervators, as the Reader may ſee in Pegaſus, Numb. 1. Wherein they propoſe their Deſign, To furniſh Inteligence of News, and their Ob­ſervator, to enable thoſe who are liable to be impoſed up­on, to make a truer Judgment of the State of Affairs, &c. Conſequently ther Flying Horſe has nothing to do with Diſputes about Religion: But they have al­tered their Topicks, and have medled with what (I may in ſome Sence ſay as in relation to ſuch Pam­phlets) are things too high for them; no wonder then, they have over-ſhot themſelves.

Obſ. 2. They repreent the Caſe, as Diſputes be­tween G. K. and the Quakers, whereas it is well known the Perſons ſunmoned by G. K. refuſed to Anſwer his Summons: demurring to his Authority of appointing ſuch a Meeting for a Diſpute without their Conſents, and hoſe Quakers who ſpake any thing there, pretended to nothing of a Diſpute. Therefore, if that Meeting could in any Sence be called by ſuch a Name, it might more properly be termed a Diſpute between George and Keith, then be­tween G. K. and the Quakers.

Obſ. 3. They have quoted an uncertain Author (as I may juſtly call him) Rich. Baxter; who tho' he hath much wronged us, being dead is unable either to prove upon us what he hath alledged againſt us, or retract what he could not prove. For which Reaſon, as one that diſlikes Trampling upon the Graves of the Dead; I ſhall drop this Deceaſed Per­ſon, and direct my Speech to theſe Obſervatorians, who by thus quoting him of eſpouſe the Cauſe, and are in ſome Meaſure accountable therefore.

Obſ. 4. They mix with the Quakers, The Vaniſts, Seckers, Ranters, and Bhmeniſts, which is unfair, and ſeems to be deſigned to amuſe People, as if they were all of a ſtamp; whereas many, nay (I believe) moſt of the Quakers know not what Tenets thoſe others held, conſequently unaccountable there­fore: But upon this here are Miracles inſtanced, to manifeſt that Divine Vengeance fell upon the aforeſaid, and is a ſtroke directly levelled at them; that by join­ing the Quakers to thoſe, they may ſideways ſmite theſe; as much as to ſay, they deſerve the like, but Caveant Authores.

Obſ. 5. They link the Quakers with the Socinians, as Denyers of the Godhead of Chriſt. After this Rate our Adverſaries will leave us no Chriſt at all in a while; for they uſe to accuſe us as Denyers of the Humanity, and now we muſt loſe the Divinity too. What do they think we make of Chriſt, if we will have him neither God nor Man, but both Accuſati­ons are equally falſe, for we do acknowledge him to be both God and Man But however, by thus overdoing it, they do their own Buſineſs, their Charge being too high to be believed by any rational Men.

Obſ. 6. What farther they quote out of Rich. Baxter, hath in all the Branches of it; met with ſo frequent replies, that it would be but Actum Agere to add any thing here. Only thus much I ſhall ob­ſerve, That their Stock is but low, or elſe they would not Rake up ſuch old Stuff.

Obſ. 7. They Rank us with the Beau's, Wits and Debauchees, &c. call us Contemplative Debauchees, and Preciſe Enemies to Jeſus Chriſt under the Name of Chri­ſtians, &c. How the Quakers can be Preciſe and Con­templative, and yet compared with Beau's and Debau­chees is ſuch a Riddle, as is paſt their skill to unrid­dle, and truly by the ſame Method of Speech a Man might call them wiſe Fools. Then as to Chriſtianity, their Works demonſtrate they have no real Title to it, if the Apoſtle John be worthy of Credit, who ſaith. In this the Children of God are manifest, and the Children of the Devil: Whoever doth not Righteouſ­neſs, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his Brother, 1 John 3.10.

Obſ. 8. Their great Partiality is obſervable, in quoting G. K's Narrative as authentick Proof, be­fore they know what anſwer will be given to it, which Evidences they are reſolved to hear of but one Ear, and upon his Aſſerting they will pawn their Credit for the Truth of wht he ſays, becauſe 'tis againſt the Quakers that his Calumnies are levelled. Well! be the Quakers Faith what it will, I am ſure their Faith is wrong, or elſe their Works would be better. Are theſe your Arguments you uſe to Con­vert thoſe deluded Souls, as you call them? If theſe be the beſt you can produce, you will not have much occaſion to boaſt of them.

Obſ. 9. They flatter G. K. for Oppoſing the Qua­kers: But if they ſhould have occaſion to know him as much as the Quakers do, they would be as weary of him as ever the Quakers were before they caſt him out from amongſt them. For let them ſay what they will, it is not G. K's miſtaken Opinion of Perſons as G. W. W. P, &c. (as they would Inſinuate) that oc­caſions this Difference, but his now oppoſing what Do­ctrines he formerly held and defended while amongſt the Quakers, and that thoſe are wicked Principles is Gratis dictum, and they that affirm muſt prove, Firſt That the Doctrines formerly held by G. K. and ſtill by the Quakers in themſelves are wicked, and ſecondly, That the Quakers hold thoſe wicked Principles they charge upon them, in this Obſervator, all which is ſtill to do as in relation to theſe Authors, and as to the Controverſie between G. K. and them, Subjudice lis eſt, therefore not yet prov'd as they ſay. Beſides if thoſe are but little Cavils (as they are pleaſed to call them) which were offered in the Paper Printed by T. Swle, they may the more eaſily be anſwered by ſo Famous a Champion. But by the way let them take notice G. K. hath a great deal more to anſwer then that half ſheet: So that if theſe his Advocates think he hath too much work upon his hands, they may be pleaſed to aſſiſt him if they think fit.

Obſ. 10. Their Inſinuating as if Popiſh Emiſſaries nou­riſhed thoſe by them cited wicked Principles (which they Father upon the Quakers) amongſt us, is Idle. Our Principles and Method of Worſhip being well known by Judicious Men who are not of our Communion, to be more oppoſite to Popiſh Principles, and the Fop­piſh Ceremonial Worſhip of that Superſtitious Church, then thoſe of any Proteſtant Society beſides.

Now upon the whole, the Reader may be pleaſed to take notice, That theſe Authors offering no proof for what they aſſert againſt us, but what Sufficient exceptions lie againſt, as above, I have likewiſe of­fered no quotations out of our Books in vindication of our Principles, which if occaſion were I could produce in great number, ſufficient to wipe off the groſſeſt Calumnies that they are able to deviſe: But I love to be ſhort, eſpecially ſince brevity marrs not the cauſe I now undertake. I ſhall further add, a name­leſs Pamphlet deſerves a nameleſs Reply, and ſince they have taken a courſe thus to vent their Spleen in ſuch a Paper as is not uſual to be Publiſhed with any Authors name to it, they muſt excuſe me if I put not mine to this; In the mean time promiſing, that when they think fit to own theirs, I will not be aſhamed to own mine.


London, Printed, and Sold by T. Sowle in White Hart Court in Gracious-Street, 1696.

About this transcription

TextA curb for Pegasus, or, Observations on The observator. Number 10. Dated Munday July 6th. 1696. : In relation to the people called Quakers.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA curb for Pegasus, or, Observations on The observator. Number 10. Dated Munday July 6th. 1696. : In relation to the people called Quakers. 1 sheet ([2] p.) Printed and sold by T. Sowle ...,London :1696.. (Caption title.) (Imprint from colophon.) (Reproduction of original in: Friends' Library (London, England).)
  • Observator (London, England : 1682)
  • Pegasus (London, England : 1696)
  • Society of Friends -- England -- Apologetic works.
  • Broadsides -- England -- 17th century.

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