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A CURRANT. 12 Julii, Stylo novo, 1642. OR, Some paſſages of great and dangerous Conſequence in FRANCE. Alſo an exact RELATION Of the preſent ſtate and condition of GERMANY, between the Imperialiſts Swedes, and others; And of the happy ſucceſſe and progreſſe of the ſaid Swedes. With other conſiderable matters fitting to be known in theſe times, wherein ſo many heads are employed againſt the Parliament of ENGLAND.

London, Printed for Edward Husbands, and John Frank. 1642.


Paris, 12 Julii, 1542. Stylo novo.

BY an Expreſſe to a great Perſon it's certified, That the Queen mother is dead, and is verily believed. Monſieur is gone, being of the Plot; and ſome ſay a great one that muſt be nameleſſe knew of it If M. Jermyn, M. Percy, and M Mounta­gue had not been gone for Holland, there was order to have ſtayed them here. The Duke of Bulloyn is priſoner at Tu­ryn; ſome ſay his brother is got into Sedan: There were many in this Plot, and it falls out happily it is diſcovered; for France and Spain had joyned, if the Plot had taken, which could not but4 have produced dangerous effects to England in this ſad time of diſtraction. As for the German News, the under­written will fully ſatisfie you, being a moſt exact and impartiall Relation of the preſent ſtate of thoſe parts.

The Prince of Tranſilvania ſeeing the happy ſucceſſe of the Swedes, to­wards the hereditary Countries of the Emperour, and believing he hath now found a fit occaſion to execute his de­ſigne contrived long ſince, which is, To make himſelf King of Hungaria, doth begin to arm very powerfully: that preparation, with the happy progreſſe of the Swedes, puts both the Emperour into great perplexity, and all Auſtria in­to an Alarm; for Generall Tortonſen, after his taking of Necoſſe, having pur­ſued5 the Imperiall Army into Mora­via hath cauſed them to retire, and take their poſt toward the Frontiers of Hun­garia, neer to Malsborgh, and Badiſon, whither Piccolomini is gone with all di­ligence, to put the Imperiall Army in good order; but becauſe the Troops which are come out of high Saxony and Franconia are diſperſed, and for that the Swedes are come between them, they can very hardly joyn; beſides ſome Re­giments of the Emperours which are amongſt them, are mutined, and have pillaged the Baggage of the Arch duke Leopoldus: Likewiſe it is not known whether it were the Swedes or Impe­rialiſts that have pillaged 300 Wag­gons laden with very rich houſhold­ſtuffe, which was intended to have been ſaved out of Moravia, by convey­ing6 of it to Vienna: In the mean time Conningſmarck, a Commander of the Swedes, hath taken the Town of Olmits, the Capitall of all Moravia, at the third Aſſault, and killed all which were found in Arms, from thence gone to Bruin, and it's believed at this time he will take it. Tortonſen threatens Gas and Prague; his Horſe makes courſes within 15 Leagues of Vienna, and doth expect ſpeedily new ſuccours out of Sweden. The Treaty with Luenburg goeth not forward, by reaſon that Hil­deſheim will receive no Garriſon. Touching the Armies about the Rhyne, they remain in this ſtate, each work up­on their Bridges upon Boats, do fortifie their Camps with new ſuccours: Hat­feld hath received a new Supply of four Regiments out of Franconia and Swale,7 and the Marſhall de Guibriane, hath joyned to him his confederates the Heſſens and the Weymerians; the firſt is encamped about Zoiet, and the other neer Ortingſon: Don Franciſco de Melo was not paſſed the River of Meiſe the firſt of this Month, but lodged between Riermond and Hepſemwert, and is in diſ­pute with Hatfeld for the higheſt Com­mand: but the Prince of Orange, and Marſhall de Guebriane agree very well, and their Camps are ſo neer together, that their Armies ſeem to be but one bo­dy: there paſſeth in their quarters no­thing but dayly Skirmiſhes, in which the Imperialiſts loſe many men, beſides thoſe which dayly disband; but the want of Victual and Forrage will in the the end force one Army or the other to a Battell, or to dislodge from their8 quarters. The Sea Fleet of the Dun­kerkes was the third of this inſtant un­der their Fort, which is as well appre­hended in England as in Holland.


About this transcription

TextA currant. 12 Julli, stylo novo, 1642. Or, some passages of great and dangerous consequence in France. Also an exact relation of the present state and condition of Germany, between the imperialists Swedes, and others; and of the happy successe and progresse of the said Swedes. With other considerable matters fitting to be known in these times, wherein so many heads are employed against the Parliament of England.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81190)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA currant. 12 Julli, stylo novo, 1642. Or, some passages of great and dangerous consequence in France. Also an exact relation of the present state and condition of Germany, between the imperialists Swedes, and others; and of the happy successe and progresse of the said Swedes. With other considerable matters fitting to be known in these times, wherein so many heads are employed against the Parliament of England. 8 p. Printed for Edward Husbands, and John Frank,London :1642.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Europe -- History -- 1517-1648 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A81190
  • STC Wing C7680
  • STC Thomason E154_17
  • STC ESTC R22118
  • EEBO-CITATION 99871593
  • PROQUEST 99871593
  • VID 156824

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