Together with the whole KINGDOME:
BEING The true Copie of a Letter found about a Prieſt lately apprehended at Clarkenwell in the County of Middleſex.
WHEREIN Many of their trecherous and helliſh Plots againſt the Kings Majeſty and this whole State are fully diſcovered, with their practiſes againſt the Parliament, and the Proteſtant Religion.
LONDON, Octob. 29. Printed by R.A. and A.C. for G. Smith. 1642.
Let not the damp of aſtoniſhment ſeize on your moſt deare and zealous ſoule concerning the proceedings of this Parliament, for you muſt know the Counſell is ingaged to aſsiſt the King by way of Prerogative in caſe the Parliament will reſemble the Pelican, which takes pleaſure to dig out with her owne beak her own bowels.
You may remember how the late famous and mortall Stateſman, the Conde Gundamore, ſaid, King JAMES rockt him aſleepe with a fancy and ſweet ſound of peace to keep np the Spaniſh treaty. Likewiſe we were bound to ſome eminent Stateſment of our own countrey, to gaine time in procuring the advantagious ceſſation of armes in the Palatinate, and in the North of the Spaniſh2 Nation in vilifyihg the Hollanders, demonſtrating to the King, that the States were moſt ungratefull to his Predeceſſors, that the States were more obnoxious then the Turks, and perpetually hindred his loyall Subjects, and had uſurped the regality of the narrow ſeas, in fiſhing upon the Engliſh coaſts. This great man had but one principall meanes to further his great deſignes, which was, that none but the Puritan faction, which plotted nothing but an anarchy, and his confuſion, were averſe to the moſt happy union. We ſteere on the ſame courſe, and make great uſe of an anarchicall election, and have prejudicated the Great One, that none but the Kings enemies and his are choſen of the Parliament: and that the Parliament avowes, that they will begin with the leaſt, and will not give over till they have extirpated him and his poſterity. On the other ſide, the ſincere parties that are to be admired for their indefatigable induſtry, inceſſantly forment revenge and jealouſie in moſt of the Parliament-men, eſpecially they work upon the3 pride and vain-glory of ſuch as have beene impriſoned, poſſeſsing them, that they are the only martyrs & Worthies of the countreys. London is a much diſtempered as Florence; for the Companies are at odds, and the Common Councell have oppoſed their Magiſtrates againſt the old cuſtome, which hath bred a great deal of heart-burning in the city, ſo that twice a day we can divulge what we liſt in Pauls, and upon the Exchange, you ſhall ſee the ſame ſword that hath wounded us, being drawne upon the ſame wound with an oyl that we have, ſhal make us whole. And this ſhalbe done in Parliament, in charming the wiſeſt and temperateſt: with the violent ſort we take a ſtrange courſe, by working upon their paſsions, and inebriating their fancies with probabilities and preſidents, that favourites may wreſtle with Parliaments for a time, but at laſt a Parliament will overthrow their backs: we incourage them with all the wits we have, to fall upon ſome great perſons heere Ais Majeſty, and perſwade them that now is the time or never, the4 King being in ſuch neceſsity, inſomuch that we aſſure our ſelves, God hath forſaken and infatuated them, that they ſhall not only ſtrike againſt the ſame rock but ſink and rake in the bottome of the ſea of deſtruction.
We have now many ſtrings to our bow, and have ſtrongly fortified our faction, and we have added two bulwarks more. For when K. JAMES was very violent againſt Arminianiſme, and interrupted with his peſtilent wit and deep learning our ſtrong deſignes in Holland, and was a great friend•o that old rebellious heretick the Prince of Orange; now we have planted the ſoveraigne drug of Arminianiſme, which we hope will purge the Proteſtants from their hereſie, and will flouriſh and bear fruit in due ſeaſon.
The foundation to build up the bulwark muſt be mutation; our mutation will cauſe reluctation, which will ſerve for as many violent diſeaſes as the Stone, the Gowt, Tooth-ache, ſpeedy deſtruction, or perpet•all inſufferable anguiſh of the body,5 which is worſe then death it ſelf.
There are other matters in hand of conſequence which we take to conſideration & tender care, which is the ſtate of the Puritans, for they are impudent ſubtill people.
I cannot but laugh to ſee how ſome of our coat have counterfeited themſelves, you would ſcarce know them if you ſaw them. It is admirable, how is ſpeech, apparell and geſture they act the Puritans. They abuſed our ſacred Patron Ignatius in jeſt, but we will make them ſmart for it in earneſt.
I hope you will excuſe my merry digreſſion: for I confeſſe to you, I am at this time tranſported with joy to fee how happily all inſtruments and meanes, aſwell great as ſmall, do co-operate to our purpoſes.
But to return again to our main fabrick: In the firſt place we take into conſideration the King honour & preſent neceſsity, and we ſhew how the King may free himſelfe from his wardſhip as Lewis the 11. did, and for his great ſplendor and luſtre, he may raiſe vaſt ſummes, and not be beholden to his ſubjects, which is by way of impoſition6 and Exciſe: we inſtance the Low-Countreyes, and ſhew what a maſſe of money they raiſe to pay their armies both by ſea and land meerly out of Exciſe.
Then our Church Catholikes proceed to ſhew the means how to ſettle this Exciſe which muſt be by an Army of horſe and foot; for we have made it ſure: they ſhall be Forraigners, and Germans, vvho vvill eat up the Kings revenues, and ſpoile the countreys vvhereſoever they come, though they be vvell paid; vvhat havock vvill they make then vvhen they have no pay. If the countrey be too hard for the ſouldiers, they muſt conſequently outrage, vvhich is equally advantagious to us.
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