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A DISCOVERY Of 29. Sects here in London. all of which, except the firſt, are moſt Diveliſh and Damnable, being theſe which follow.

  • Proteſtants.
  • Puritans.
  • Papiſts.
  • Browniſts.
  • Calviniſts.
  • Lutherans.
  • Fam. of love.
  • Mahometans.
  • Adamites.
  • Brightaniſts.
  • Armenians.
  • Soſinians.
  • Theſſalonians.
  • Anabaptiſts.
  • Separatiſts.
  • Chaldaeans.
  • Electrians.
  • Donatiſts.
  • Perſians.
  • Antinomeans.
  • Aſſyrians.
  • Macedonians.
  • Heathens.
  • Panonians
  • Saturnians.
  • Junonians.
  • Bacchanalians.
  • Damaſſians.
  • The Brotherhood.

My houſe is called a houſe of Prayer, but yee have made it a den of theeves,

Mat. 21.13.

Printed Anno, 1641.

PRINTED. 1641.

To the Reader.

GEntle Reader,

I have deſcryed within this City of London, no leſſe then 29 Sects, all which thou maiſt read in the Title, of which there is but one, which are not moſt damnable and wic­ked. This have I undertaken, that the good might ſee and hate, and the wicked ſeeing their errors deſpiſe. But I ſhall onely give a touch of each, becauſe my inten­tion is onely for a Pamphlet.

The Proteſtant,

THis Religion which you ſee here placed firſt, is not unknowne unto you in the true badge of a Chriſtian, neither can the placing of it among theſe corrupted Sects, any whit dimi­niſh its luſter: it is like to a Diamond, which, though it bee caſt to the Dung-hill, loſeth not a jot of its ſplendor, or like to a Glow-worme which ſhineth moſt brightly in the night: judge favourably of the Au­thor, for his intentions are good towards the Prote­ſtant Religion, hee hath placed it here to this intent, that the ignorant Profeſſors of the reſt may ſee the light, which ſeemes more glorious to thoſe who have walked ſo long in darkneſſe.

The Puritans.

Here is one which is fluttered from the Cage of Amſterdam, ſtriving to poyſon, as neare as he can, the3 truth with his true-lyes, he holds with Conventicles, and private meetings, hee ſpeakes through the noſe, holding that it was made for the ſame purpoſe.

The Papiſt.

This is an old Recuſant to the truth, dect with his Beads, Croſſes, & Crucifixes, Cheap-ſide-croſſe cannot ſtand in quiet for him, being troubled with his daily adorations: he is aſhamed to pray to God himſelfe his prayers are ſo full of Idolatry, but hee muſt have Saints to interceed from him.

The Browniſt.

This is a fellow which is all wit but the heade, he had rather heare a Cobler, or a Feltmaker preach, ſo hee doth it extempore, then heare a premeditated Sermon, pend, and preach'd by a Scholler who can diſtinguiſh, and unloke the ſecrets of the Scripture.

The Callvianiſt.

Now followeth one which holds his Antiquitie from Calvin whoſe opinion was as far diſtant one way, as the Papiſts is the other way, they will not allow of that which beares but the name of a Cere­mony.

The Lutheran.

This Luther from whom they take their name was at firſt a great Recuſant, till it pleaſed God to enlighten his eyes, and fled hither into England for Religion ſake, now you may immagine that he returned a great main point which were erroneous, and they yet practiſe them.


The Familie of loue.

Her's a loving ſect preſented to you they thinke that a man may gaine ſalvation by ſhewing himſelfe loving, eſpecially to his neighbours wife; For by their Law it is allowed for one man to lye with a­nother mans wife whilſt he ſleepeth.

The Mahometans.

This ſect is led along with a certaine fooliſh be­liefe of Mahomet, which profeſſed himſelfe to be a Prophet, and this was his manner of deceiving: He taught a pigeon to pecke a peaſe from forth his eare, bearing the ignorant in hand that the Holy Ghoſt brought him newes from Heaven.

The Adamites.

Here is a ſhameleſſe ſect, they ground their re­ligion from our Father Adam (and yet they goe na­ked when they heare prayers or propheſying, when he did himſelfe) from the preſence of God becauſe he was naked.

The Britaniſts.

This ſect is not of very long ſtanding, they hold with Conventicles, are enemies to the very name of a Biſhop, holding with civill government, having no Miniſters but Prophets, according as the Spirit ſhall move them.

The Armenians.

Armenius was the firſt of this Sect, they hold many unhallowed things, as liberum arbitrium, Pe­nances, Faſts, and ſuch like, nay J thinke I moſt nee­reſt5 expreſſe them, when J call them Couzin Ger­man to the Papiſt.

The Soſinians.

Soſinus, the wrangling Diſputant was the Father of this Sect; They hold no true point at all with the Proteſtant, but wrangle in every Article.

The Theſſalonians.

Theſe men hold onely the new Teſtament to be Canonicall, they will not allow of any thing of the old Teſtament; They alſo ſet a prefixed time for the day of judgment, ſaying that before hand they know who ſhall be ſaved, and who ſhall be damned.

The Anabaptiſts.

Theſe men ſet themſelves wholly againſt the Doctrine of John the Baptiſt, except onely in this that they will baptize with Water, but they will not doe it whileſt they are children, till they be able to anſwer for themſelves. They write themſelves Members and Children of God, and certaine inhe­ritours of the Kingdome of Heaven.

The Separatiſts.

The Latine word Separo, doth fully denote their fooliſh opinions, they will not keep company with the wicked (as they tearme them) for feare they bee taken, as Aeſops ſpeaking daw was.

The Chaldeans.

Chaldeus a notable Negromancer, was the firſt which brought up this new Religion, they hold it fit to goe to the Divell to know any ſecret.

Iuſt like Medeas charmes who then durſt tell,
If heaven did faile, ſhe would command all hell.

The Electrians.

They ſay themſelves to be Gods choſen, they ga­ther two from a houſe, and one of a family.

The Donatiſts.

Now here comes our charitable Sect, who though they have bin Whore-mongers, Adulterers, Theeves or murtherers, yet if they give of their ſtore to the poore for that good deed, they merit everlaſting life.

The Perſians.

This Sect hath juſt as much Religion as a Beaſt, and no more; for they bow in adoration to the riſing Sun, and I have read as much, that the Elephants adore the Moone.

The Antinomeons.

The derivation of their name is from the Greeke words, anti nomos, which ſignifies as much as Law-breakers, men that will live after their owne Lawes, nay, they will not yeeld that any one of their owne Sect ſhall command another.

The Aſsyrians.

Syrus of Syria in Chalcidea, was the firſt that ever brought up this Sect, for hee being in love with a Maid knew not how to enjoy her company without the invention of this conventicle, where there is no talke, but muſt ſavour of love.

The Macedonians.

Theſe hold themſelves onely ſubjects to the King7 of Macedon, who is their God and King of the whole World.

The Heathens.

Theſe hold that there is a God, and they feare that God, but they hold that he is ſo Majeſtical and proud, that hee will not meddle with men; There­fore they live very Beaſt-like.

The Panonians.

Theſe men doe all goe like Shepheards, and they worſhip the Heathen God Pan, whom they feigne to be the God of Sheepe.

The Saturnians.

The Saturnians worſhip one Saturne, whom they ſay was King of Heaven, but hee was baniſhed from thence by his Sonne Iupiter, who they ſay reignes now in Heaven.

The Iunonians.

Contrary are theſe to the opinions of the Satur­nians, for they ſay that Saturne dyed, and left his Daughter Iuno Queen of heaven, who married with this Jupiter, and made him God, and from their loines have proceeded the reſt of the Gods.

The Bacchanalians.

Theſe men are more mad, ignorant, or impious then the reſt, for they thinke, nay they certainly be­leeve, that they ſhall gaine Heaven by drinking healths, and he which can drink moſt is worſhipped among them, ſaying that hee is choſen a Prieſt to Bacchus.


The Damaſcians.

From Damas they are called Damaſcians, and this Damas is a Mountain in Perſia, where they ſay, that our Saviour preached unto the people of that Countrey; for which cauſe, they will heare no preaching at all, but what ſhall be delivered on that Mount.

The Brotherhood.

Now I am come to a Period, for here is the Bro­therhood, which is our laſt ſect, yet one too many, as are all the reſt which are Sects. It is unlawfull among them to call any one, by any other name then Brother, or Siſter, and they are as Whoring rogues, as ever brea­thed, but it is Religion among them, when it is done in zeale, you muſt pronounce the ſame termes which they doe, or elſe you are prophane, as hee taught well not preacht, &c.

Here Reader, maiſt thou ſee, how I have briefly run o­ver theſe 29. Sects: reade it over, and the Lord give thee grace to make the beſt uſe of it, that is, to apply thy ſelfe to the firſt, and hate and eſchew all the reſt.


About this transcription

TextA discovery of 29, sects here in London, all of which, except the first, are most divelish and damnable, being these which follow. Protestants. Puritans. Papists. Brownists. Calvinists. Lutherans. Fam. of love. Mahometans. Adamites. Brightanists. Armenians. Sosinians. Thessalonians. Anabaptists. Separatists. Chaldæans. Electrians. Donatists. Persians. Antinomeans. Assyrians. Macedonians. Heathens. Panonians. Saturnians. Junonians. Bacchanalians. Damassians. The Brotherhood.
Extent Approx. 11 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA discovery of 29, sects here in London, all of which, except the first, are most divelish and damnable, being these which follow. Protestants. Puritans. Papists. Brownists. Calvinists. Lutherans. Fam. of love. Mahometans. Adamites. Brightanists. Armenians. Sosinians. Thessalonians. Anabaptists. Separatists. Chaldæans. Electrians. Donatists. Persians. Antinomeans. Assyrians. Macedonians. Heathens. Panonians. Saturnians. Junonians. Bacchanalians. Damassians. The Brotherhood. 8 p. s.n.],[London :Printed Anno, 1641.. (Place of publication from Wing.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Christian sects -- England -- Early works to 1800.

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