BRethren of theſe diſtracted. Dominions, hereof in a word, without which, that tryed Gold in the fire coveted, and whitened Rayment, eyeſalve, of that ſort or anointing, do but bathe an Ethiopian, ſpur Balaams aſs, ſince other Balm or way none beſide, when have tryed all, but by the word to try the Spirits, whether counterfeit or current, Scriptures to ſearch, thoſe Mines, a buſineſs worthy of as ſerious diſpute as whatſoever: namely, whether for blaſpheming againſt the holy4 Ghoſt hath not brought upon us this judgement unexpected, wherein delay no leſs perillous then heretofore pernicious, untimely taſting that paparadice fruit, whoſe precious gates when as come to paſs ſet open, The chryſtal flovving living fountain to all paſſengers free, ſuppoſed to have been dryed up: The reſerved Tree of Life likewiſe given gone, monthly rend••••g its golden Largeſs, attain'd not to its maturity till now: whoſe wholſom leaves diſperſed, daily for aſſwaging the Nations feſtered wounds aſsign'd, ſo requiſite thoſe Supernaturals againſt unnatural waged wars: Theſe not the firſt time preſſed, But Gallio cared for none of theſe matters, (Acts 18.) although deny the holy Ghoſt; by conſequence The Lord5 that bought them. Moreover accompanied with frequent Blaſphemies, by the Trade called Religion ſet abroach, Scriptures not more in thraldom to Romaniſts, their ſtate of Ignorance, then the holy Ghoſt endeavored to be enſlaved (Arrogancy the worſt) by them ſtiled Our Reformers and Deliverancers, diſtraction of no common conſequence, deſtructive to concord among Brethren-Nations, in their Brothers eye n•rrowly obſerv'd, diſcern a mote: Execrable Opinions theirs, nevertheleſs a Beam ſuch a mountain in their own, eſteems it not conſiderable: Foes of our grand Freedoms and Liberties, whatſoever they pray, Thy Kingdom come, ſay in their hearts, Torment us not before our time; not onely intrenched Sion about,6 have ſcaled new Jeruſalems wals, undermined her Bulwarks: But outſtripping Savages of late have ſlain moſt barbarouſly our tvvo Sacred Ambaſſadors, Thoſe VVitneſſes as impreached (Revel. 11.) The laſt days, whoſe Ringleader the foul Beaſt aſcended out of the Abyſs, by undeniable evidence charg'd with the gift of Prophecies Lamp extinguiſht, troden under foot that holy City, &c. exchang'd for their gifts ſent one to another, or Symony, triumphing over their corps, becauſe tormented them with their publiſhed Commiſsion, teſtified that ſolemn Oath taken, (Rev. 10.) of Tyrant times being cut off, and unhappy generation, ſuch to be no more.
And ſo much for theſe precious7 paſſages, all plainly ſpeaking of Prophecies return or reſurrection, like the Eagles renewing her ſtrength, immunities not inferior to former times, withal informing what Mutiniers in Court and City, againſt theſe 2 books in ſpecial of the Prophets, Daniel and John, both which men revived but by a touch, &c. the one continuing until King Cyrus, the other until the Cities deſtruction, Types and Figures before the Churches Deliverance time: How long in captivity under Tyrants, Lawleſs wretches, not unlike thoſe ruines of the Temple, darkſom uninhabited Vauts in the poſſeſsion of Owls and their Mates, whoſe Houſes and Riches become their Heaven and god.
And ſo come to Times Myſtery,8 his golden Hour-glaſs, whereof thus, (Revel. II.) he where bidden to ariſe, &c. his caſting it up to be forty two Moneths, in ſhort as much to ſay, By three yeers and a half, pointing to the number of Seven, extends not onely to the Seventeenth Century, but expreſly to the preſent Jubile, from that moiety or dividing of Time, ſo over and over preſt by thoſe ſealed VVrits of theirs: The Prophet Daniel his multiplyed weeks, as informs, ſaying Seven weeks, and Seventy weeks are determined, &c. And in the midſt of the week, &c. but ſeveral voyces all in one, expreſsing the aforeſaid Jubile or fiftieth yeer, appointed that of pardon, whereof our Lord on this wiſe, It is impoſsible but that offences will come, (Luke 17.) But wo unto him,9 &c. no leſs then Great Britains neck-Verſe, that ſhall offend one of theſe, ſtiled his Little ones, a Mill-ſtone then other Ornament more proper for ſuch a one, as in reference hereto, bears date even his laſt return (an. 49.) ſeven times ſeven. And if he treſpaſs againſt thee ſeven times in a day, and ſeven times in a day turn again, thou ſhalt forgive (or receive) him: bear witnes the Diſciples, Lord increaſe our Faith, to wit, Defenders of the Faith ſtiled, never at ſo low an ebb, as that ſure Oracle replyed, had they Faith as a grain of muſtard, &c. Need not fear the day of Iudgement tydings, or Worſt of Tyrants concluding it, how faring with them when the Son of Man revealed, verſ. 24. one taken the other left, demanded where Lord ſuch Maſſacre, and woful wars10 refers them to the Roman Enſign, the Eagle, where the corps, &c.
And ſo much for this, be it known to all, Touch not mine anointed, do my Prophets no harm, with a touch of Times week its Myſtery, the moſt Supreme, ſet at nought for Onions and Garlick, thoſe anointings in ſted of Canaans Grapes and Olives, by Oxford Naamans, are not the Rivers of Damaſcus better?
So proceeding with Sodoms Map of thoſe two Prophets crucified, expoſed like ſome Malefactors not ſuffered to be interr'd, where three days and half (and years) beſide ſounding the general Reſurrections Alarm, Months forty two, theirs contributing thereto, for a time, times, and dividing of Time, with one conſent crown the Seventeenth11 Century, 500 years fulfiilling a period, ſhadow'd under Hyergly pick figures, how honor'd the Spirit of prophecy then powred out, as by thoſe two in Sackcloth Liveries, their agreeing in one, and them whoſo hurts or diſhonors with untimely death repaid, fire proceeding out of their mouths.
At whoſe word (that wine) VVaters turned into Blood, VVars foreſhewed, reſtrain the Heavens, ſmite the Earth vvith Plagues as often as they pleaſe, ſtiled The two Olive Trees, and Two Candleſticks, expelling darkneſs; the healing nature of Oyl not unknown, requires no farther amplification, ſhewed to be the Books of the greatly beloved Man, and that Diſciple whom the Lord loved: So, Come, ſaith the Spirit, and Come, ſaith the12 Bride, and thoſe will take gratis: and If any man take away, &c. for I teſtifie unto every MAN: Leſt the laſt Error worſe then the firſt, when the bad Spirit tempting, and the woman.
Thus paſsing on, when the Spirit powred out a paſſage when opened in Heaven, the Holy Prophets giving thanks, the time come of their awakening, opened alſo the gates of Hell, ſuch an uprore about Father Times being cut off, thoſe tydings the City ſetting on fire, the Nations ſtung, their time come forth to be judged, (Rev.) the Devil wilde for company, loſes no time by Sea and Land, becauſe his but ſhort greatly wrath.
On all ſides thus, how the Myſtery abounds of Iniquity, witnes our wandring Stars, viſible in this horrible13 Age, ſo many though charg'd with abuſing their Tolleration or Liberty of conſcience: no wonder, when higher Powers expreſs no better uſe made of theirs, then by leaſing and ſcoffing to abuſe the Holy Ghoſts long-ſuffering, of vvhoſe Apoſtacy and Erroneous actings, extending to delay of the day of Iudgment, not ſenſible of ou•entrance thereinto: And detaining the Kingdom of Heaven from the true owners, By reaſon of certain Reſerves or doubtful Speeches, matter of Reality failing, our fluent Tertullus's inform: Becauſe ſaid, Of the day and hour knows no man, and to Thieves approach likened by night; hold forth, need not be beholding, or farther conſolation expected for Sion, that fear cauſleſs, leſt ſet at nought their Trade, no farther14 watch requiſite, teach the good man of the houſe may take his eaſe, (Mat. 24.) as upon that miſtake went abroad of that Diſciples not dying, taken for a ſecond Elias, Job. &c. Becauſe of the conceal'd day and hour, which matters not: Go on in deferring amendment, ſufficient tokens come forth of the laſt Day, though pricking the hearts of very Iews.
Of which ſtore not all expended, Aarons diſtillings, or her renowmed anointing to the end of the world, tendred not by way of oſtentation or ſelfends, ſeaſonable as looking towards Sodom: Shewing extant on Record in ſeveral Courts ſince an. 1633. and aſore to a year, a Month, and the very day, under her hand, foreſhewed matters then of higheſt nature of late executed15 as by ſo many years durance undergone, ſince then when deem'd impoſſibilities or diſtraction.
As farther, by credible perſons to be teſtified, no few about the City, how accompanied with Miracles no inferior ones: Beſide Devils, alſo dumb Spirits caſt out, moſt outrageous of all other, with as ample commiſsion and convincing teſtimony, as ever Moſes and Elias, if not a greater, except the Age become more deaf or unmoveable then that pillar of Salt, Lots metamorphoſed wiſe, her Execution ſign, or then our Wyldſhires ſtonage wonder, as proper for Pharaohs of theſe days.
And as cloſes (diſplaying his pedegree off-ſpring of the Prophet David, ſaying, I come ſhortly) with that Benection,16 Bleſſed are they that do his Commandment, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, whoſe Leaf withers not or changes: And may enter in through thoſe everlaſting gates, twelve of the new City, ſo Monethly Humiliations and other like Superſtitions obſerv'd, no other then (Dan. 3.) when ye hear the ſound, &c. Whoſo falleth not down, &c. and If any man buy or ſell, ſave he that hath the mark of the Beaſt, &c. alike acceptable, leaving the other undone, (to be excommunicated with Dogs, &c.) Be it ordain'd (even) upon pain of Death.
Deo ſit gloria, &c.
From the Queens Bench.September, &c.